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"-ready" - 382 õppematerjali


Game Ready süsteem

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Kehakultuuriteaduskond Kehaline kasvatus ja sport LIHASHOOLDUS Referaat Game Ready süsteem Tartu 2015 Game Ready Esimene taastusravi vahend, mis ühendab endas tugeva kompressiooni (surve) ja külmateraapia üheaegselt. GameReady külmakompressiooni süsteem võimaldab kiirendada ja parendada keha loomulikku tervenemise võimet. GameReady võimaldab oma innovaatlise ACCEL™ tehnoloogiaga samaaegselt jäise vee ja suruõhu järk-järgulist kompressiooni ning tsirkulatsiooni seadmes. Reguleeritav surve ja ühtlane jahutamine soodustab hapniku transporti vigastatud kohas ja suurendab lümfisüsteemi funktsiooni. Seeläbi väheneb valu ja alaneb paistetus, mis omakorda viib kiirema paranemiseni ilma ravimiteta. Külmaravi on abiks nii sportlastele kui tavainimestele kiireks paranemiseks vigastusteks kui ka taastumis...

Sport → Spordibiokeemia
4 allalaadimist

“The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.”

ESSAY "The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience." -- Emily Dickinson I have chosen this quotation because I think it is more than true. I think that you should always give a chance to every offer you have given. At least you should make a try for it. We have given only one life to live, we should not waste it. First of all, I think that everything happens for a certain reason. And every bad thing that will come to your life will come also because of something. For instance you have done something bad and then it would be like some kind of punishment and also a good lesson. It will show you that what goes around, comes around. It is karma and I believe in karma. As mentioned earlier, you should always be opened for new experiences and opportunities. That is so because they are meant to be come for a better life. But everything begin...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

IP law homework 1

Michael Buffer has presumably profited than any other person on Earth by venturing inside a boxing ring -- and never throwing a left hook. Cradle is no weakling. Be that as it may, his manicured hands, splendidly coiffed hair, and glimmering white teeth authenticate a real existence dependent on an option that is other than his clench hands. He goes to each battle wearing a tuxedo. What's more, when he's inside the ring, he does what radical guardians tell their youngsters when confronting a battle. He utilizes his mouth. So before the clench hands begin flying, he lets out the one cry that procures him his living. It's a cry that he can do like nobody else -- by not just by goodness of his brilliant lungs and throat, however by law. What's more, it goes: "We should Get Ready to Ruuummmmmmbbbbllllle!" With those five words, Buffer and his sibling have built up a domain that is made millions. Discount permitting incomes...

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist

Report, The travelling habits of Estonians

Report The travelling habits of Estonians The aim of the report is to analyse the difference of holiday habits of Estonian people. It is based on a survey carried out by the students of 10a between 10th to 15th February in 2010. The interviews involved students and adults. The majority of young people want to travel by car or by plane and their favourite accommodation is a hotel or camping. They are ready to pay about 6000 EEK for one trip. Adults like to travel by car too and their favourite accommodation is a hotel, while older people like comfort. More than 90% of questioned adults found that a hotel is the best accommodation. Adults are willing to pay about 5000 EEK for one trip. Most of the questioned people would like to go to Spain, China and USA but in Estonia they would go on the islands and to the South-Estonia. To sum up can be said that adults and students...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Loov organisatsioon

TARTU ÜLIKOOLI VILJANDI KULTUURIAKADEEMIA Kultuurhariduse osakond Kultuurikorraldus LOOV ORGANISATSIOON Referaat Õppejõud:.... Viljandi SISUKORD SISUKORD............................................................................................................................. 2 SISSEJUHATUS..................................................................................................................... 3 LOOVUS JA LOOV ORGANISATSIOON............................................................................... 4 Loova organisatsiooni tunnused.......................................................................................... 4 LOOVUSE ARENDAMINE ORGANISATSIOONIS................................................................. 5 LOOVUSE SÄILITAMINE ORGANISATSIOONIS..............................

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
12 allalaadimist

Tyra Banksi elulugu

Tyra Banks, sünninimega Tyra Lynne Banks(sündinud 4.detsembril 1973 Californias Inglewoodis), on USA avaliku elu tegelane, endine supermodell ja näitleja. Tema isa Donald Banks oli arvutikonsultant ning tema ema Karolyn NASA fotograaf ja moetöötaja. Tyra vanemad lahutasid aastal 1980, kui Tyra oli 6-aastane. Sellegipoolest jäid vanemate suhted, samuti Tyra suhted oma 5 aastat vanema venna Deviniga sõbralikeks. Hiljem abiellus Karolyn Clifford Johnsoniga. Tyra käis John Burroughsi põhikoolis ja lõpetas 1991. aastal Los Angeleses Patuta Südame keskkooli (Immaculate Heart High School). Ta õppis Lõuna-California Ülikoolis ja California ülikoolis teleprodutsendiks. Modellitööga alustas ta 11. klassis. Hiljem töötas ta Pariisis mannekeenina. Juba tema esimesel töönädalal olid disainerid temast sedavõrd võlutud, et temaga tehti leping 25 moešõu peale, mis oli uustulnuka jaoks enneolematu. Modellina on ta töötanud lugematu hulga ettevõtete ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kaasaegsed moesuunad
1 allalaadimist

Dadaism, metafüüsiline kunst, sürrealism - spikker

Dadaism- iseloomulik: polnud kunstistiil; ei seadnud Dadaism- iseloomulik: polnud kunstistiil; ei seadnud Dadaism- iseloomulik: polnud kunstistiil; ei seadnud Dadaism- iseloomulik: polnud kunstistiil; ei seadnud eesmärgiks uue kunsti loomist-uudne; eitada senist eesmärgiks uue kunsti loomist-uudne; eitada senist eesmärgiks uue kunsti loomist-uudne; eitada senist eesmärgiks uue kunsti loomist-uudne; eitada senist kunsti, ka kubistide ja futuristide- neid süüdistati kunsti, ka kubistide ja futuristide- neid süüdistati kunsti, ka kubistide ja futuristide- neid süüdistati kunsti, ka kubistide ja futuristide- neid süüdistati estetismis; ideaaliks ,,suur eimiski, tühjus, auk"; bruitism- estetismis; ideaaliks ,,suur eimiski, tühjus, auk"; bruitism- estetismis; ideaaliks ,,suur eimiski, tühjus,...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
108 allalaadimist

Minu perekond - My family


Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Dadaism, popkunst, hüperrealism, minimalism, postminimalism, konseptuaalkunst, häppening, naivism

Dadaism: kõige mässumeelsem sündmus. Euroopa kunstnikud põgenevad Sveitsi. Keskuseks Voltaire kabaree. M.Duchamp maal "Trepist alla tulev akt". Ta tegutseb New Yorgis. Kubism ja futurism on teda mõjutanud. Ta hakkab tegelema ready-made kunstiga. "Purskaev". Merzbild teevad kollaaze rämpsust. Metafüüsiline maal: metafüüsiline- eelmises kunstis pettunud kunstnikud. Kujutavad inimeste varje linnatänavatel ilma inimesteta. Perspektiivi reegleid on nihestatud e on ebareaalne maailm. Marc Chagall kunstnik, kes on mõjutanud surrealisti, on valgevene juut, pärit Vitebskist, Ta armastas maalida kodulinna ja unenägusid, Maal "Madonna reega", "Mina ja küla". G.Chirico "Prohvet", "Tänava melanhoolia ja müsteerium". Popkunst: (1955-64), suhtumine elukeskkonda on irooniline. Kaob piir maali ja skulptuuri vahel. Toimub assamblaazide valmistamine. Kasutatakse palju tehismaterjale (plastmass, kumm, poroloon). Esemete ebatavaline komboneerimine. Armastat...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
5 allalaadimist


Ankruoperatsioonid. Ankruseade Näiteks laeval "Star" on kasutusel 2 ankrut kaaluga 5850 kg . Ankrute valmistaja on Kettenfabrik Master GMBH. Keti seeklite arv on 10 seeklit vasakus pardas ja 11 seeklit paremas pardas. Keti läbimõõt on 68 mm. Ankruseadme ülesanne on võimaldada laeva peatamine ja paigal seismine merel või reidil merepõhja kinnituva ankru ja seda laevaga siduva ankruketi abil. See toimub ühe või mitme ankru abil. Ankruseade koosneb ankrutest, ankrukettidest, ankruketi piduritest, klüüsidest ja ankrumasinast. Ankruseadme juurde kuulub ka spetsiaalse konstruktsiooniga ruum - ketikast. Laevadel on tavaliselt kaks peaankrut ja üks sama suur ankur varuks. Ankrut ühendab laevakerega ankrukett, mis kinnitub kere külge erilise seadme - ketihalsi abil. Ankrukett koosneb lülidest, mis moodustavad umbes 25 meetri pikkused ketilõigud. Need lõigud ühendatakse omavahel lahtivõetavate ühenduslülideg...

Merendus → Laevandus
23 allalaadimist

Christmas time

Christmas time The elves were very busy at the last Christmas. They ran around in the North Pole. In Santa's toy factory were busy times, because all gifts weren't finished. Also there were problems with reindeers, little elf Ville forgot to feed them and no they were ill. Santa was little bit upset. Ville was sad, he thought he ruined the Christmas, Ville wanted to make a gift for Santa. Elf boy Ville went to in to the deep forest, he had heard that in this forest live magical creatures who can fulfill your desires. Ville saw a bonfire behind the trees, he went there and he saw big giants dancing around the fireplace. Giants understood his concern. They told Ville:"You have to believe in themselves". Ville felt he got more strength inside him, he went back to North Pole. Ville fixed all broken toys, take care of reindeers, cleaned the rooms and put the sleigh ready. Santa was ready to ride and all gifts where in...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

A person must suffer from the results of his own unwise actions

A person must suffer from the results of his own unwise actions. We all have responsibility for our actions. And everything we do wrong we are responsible for. And some major mistakes we make we have to be ready to be punished for it. If we make mistakes in our life then we have to be ready to suffer the consequences. Like if we leave the school without finishing it. Then we don't have the needed education and then we can't get so good jobs. Nowadays to get a good and well paid job you need a good education. And when we don't then we have to accept with something not so good. If we fail to do something that we have planned. Like when we fail an exam. Then our school results aren't so good, that all affects our future and our plans to go to colleges and universities. And when we don't achieve our goals, then our life is a little bit more complicated. We can't go to the universities we wish. We can all avoi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
137 allalaadimist


METAFÜÜSILINE MAAL Itaalia 1917-1921 Nime andis: Carlo Carra, teooriaid tutvustasid ajakirj. Valori Plastici's. TUNNUSED: eesmärk: jäädvustada eseme olemus, salapära ja ajatus. Kujutati mannekeene, antiikkujusid, osutiteta kelli, ajatuid abstraktseid ehitusi. linnavaated või siseruumid. maalimislaad tugineb klassikalisele joonistusele, teravale plastilisele modelleeringule ja (lineaar) perspektiivile, terav valguse ja varju kontrast ja müstiline atmosfäär. Vormid ümbritsetud musta joonega, heledalt valgustatud. Ruum matemaatilise rangusega , viirastuslik. Värvid tuhmid. inspiratsiooni unenägudest ja kirjandusest. Rõhutati unenäolist, üleloomulikku ja mehhaanilist maailma. vahel pilt pildis (Chirico).. Suuna kõrgajal ilmus ajakiri ,,Valori plastici". Chirico- kujutab ajatust (skulptuur või mannekeen- puudub seos ajaga), Carlo Carrà, Giorgio de Chirico, Giorgio Morandi,Alberto Savinio. Veristliku sürrealismi eelkäija - Giorgio de Chirico....

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
9 allalaadimist


+ VisiLean Bhargav Dave, Stefan Construction management with Lean and BIM Boddy Presentation to Balfour Beatty Salford University 13/01/2010 + Background Broad research areas within the work-package: Collaborative design and construction Visual management Building information modelling Project management Lean construction Promise based management Web services and Service oriented architecture (SOA) Growing interest in identifying synergies between BIM and lean construction principles + Concept A production management system that: Uses BIM as the visual platform and lean construction principles as the process enabler Integrates project related information using web services. To be used by construction team including ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Popkunsti plakat

Popkunstniku plakat Popkunst oli 1950ndatel Inglismaal ja USAs tekkinud ning Mandri- Euroopasse levinud moodne kunstivool. Nimetus on pärit Inglismaalt (popular art), kus sellega hakati tähistama massikunsti, peagi laienes see kõigile, kes kasutasid kaasaegse suurlinna keskkonnast pärinevaid visuaalseid kujundeid. Popkunsti motiivid ei olnud traditsioonilised, vaid kaasaegset tarbijalikku ühiskonda kujukalt iseloomustavad produktid ja industriaalse kultuuri objektid. Popkunst kasutas kõige argisemaid, banaalsemaid ja iseenesest tühisemaid esemeid ja nähtusi, mille keskel tavainimene argipäevas viibib, tihti kistes need tavapärasest keskkonnast välja ja tõstes mingil kunstilisel viisil eriliselt esile. Popkunsti teosed on sageli ülisuurtes mõõtmetes ja väga erksavärvilised. Tehnika võib olla väga mitmekesine: kollaaz, assamblaaz, ready-made, installatsioon. Kollaaz - Kunstivorm, milles enamasti kleepimise teel kinnitata...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Food(junk food)

Food junk food Junk food is a kind of food that people around the word eat because it`s cheap ja tasty.but they don`t know that it is not good for them, some know and eat it anyway because it tastes so good. Junk food is usually a kind of food that is allready packed and ready to use (eat) and peolpe are glad for it because they are to lazy to make food by themselves.all around the word peole are getting fater and fater everyday. Junk food is available almost in every street corner in the bigger cities around the world. It is a good business because everyone eats it. Because of its good taste it is brought by everyone,major buyers are mostly children.Junk food contains so much chemicals that it is bad for you.Chocolates,burgers,chips,pizzas nd fries are the most spoiled junk foods,they are so full of oil,fat,sugar. But there are some good thin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Distance learning is a challenge

Marge Veskemaa Distance learning is a challenge To begin with, distance learning is very difficult. However, there are some positive things. I can plan my school work mostly. Some teachers gives a time when you need to be ready. This would mean that we can´t just lay down and relax all day. I think they give enough time and student should get ready with their work. When there is no time I can do my work in the morning, in afternoon or in the evening. With that I learn planning and I am more independent. I think one thing you need to have and that is motivation. For example, you sit every day at home and do nothing, motivation is very easy to go away and you do not want to do school work also. As a result, you school work suffers. I think teachers try to keep our motivation and give us a little work as possible. Distance learnin...

Kirjandus → 12. klass
2 allalaadimist

The Zahir Paulo Coelho

Book review The Zahir Paulo Coelho 2005 331 pages Novel The novel is set in Paris and Kazakhstan. A renowed author discovers that his wife, Esther, has suddenly dissapeared leaving no trace. He gets obsessed of meeting his wife again. During the search of his wife, he meets Mikhail. The author learns the meaning of love, the power of destiny and what it means to follow your heart. During his journey, he is a completely different man. Finally he meets his wife, but everything has changed. I really enjoyed reading this book, because it was really instructive. The story was full of lessons and ethical matters to use in life. I am completely in love with the author, because he doesn't just tell the story, but keeps you thinking about it, and speaks with the readers through the words. I usually enjoy more books with action, but this book is one of the best novels I've read. My favourite quote from the book: "All you have to do is to pay ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

John Travolta

Kivi-Vigala Basic School Actor John Travolta Katre Amann form 9 Instructor: Anne-Mai Tammeleht Kivi-Vigala 2009 John Travolta Birth name: John Joseph Travolta Nickname: Bone (as a child) Born in: Englewood, New Jersey Nationality: American Career: Hollywood Actor Height: 6' 2'' (1.88m) John Travolta is one of the highly successful actors in Hollywood, who made an impact even after a string of flops. John Travolta is known for his dancing and singing skills as well. His ''never say die'' spirit pulled him through the toughest times in his life. Credited with some blockbuster hits like Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Pulp Fiction, Look Who's Talking, Face Off, Ladder 49, etc. John Travolta is definitely one of the most respected actors in Hollywood. Childhood and Early Years John Travolta was bor...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


 Maalikunstnikest nt Tristan Tzara, Hans Arp ja Marcel Janco Šveistis Zürichis Samaaegselt algas liikumine New Yorkis, kus oli eestvedajateks Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia ja Man Ray.  TUNNUSED  Suuresti mõjutas I MS. Dadaismi järgijad leidsid, et kogu läänekultuur on suremas. Elu kujutatakse kui midagi hetkelist ja mõistatamatut, seega kaob ambitsioon luua midagi uut tulevastele põlvedele. Dadaiste ühendas ühine viha sõja vastu.  Kubistidelt laenati kollažitehikat, futuristidelt tüpograafilised trikid ning ekspressionistidelt värvikasutus.  HÄÄBUMINE  ESINDAJAD  Marcel Duchamp 28.juuli- 3.oktoober, elas 81 aastaseks. Sündis Prantsusmaal Ülem-Normandias Emaisa oli maalikunstnik ja graveerija, kelle paljud tööd olid ka kodus. Pere seistmest lapsest suri üks noores eas ning neljast said kunstnikud. Õppis lütseumis, kus tema tugevamaks küljeks olid joonistamine ning matemaatika. Temalt pärineb mõiste "...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
2 allalaadimist


HISPAANIA RIIGIHÜMN Marcha Real ('kuninglik marss') on Hispaania riigihümn. See on üks väheseid riigihümne, millel pole sõnu. Hispaania riigihümn on üks vanemaid Euroopas. Selle päritolu pole teada. Esimest korda mainiti seda 1761. aastast pärinevas dokumendis Libro de Ordenanza de los toques militares de la Infantería Española ('Hispaania jalaväe fanfaarisignaalide määrustik'). Seda nimetati "Marcha Granadera" ('Grenaderide marss'), kuid autorit ei mainitud, sest see polnud juba siis teada. Dokumendis oli ära toodud partituur. Ammust ajast läksid kuninga grenaderid selle hümni saatel võitlusse ja defileerisid kuningliku perekonna ees. Kirjanik Hugo Kehrer väidab, et teose komponeeris Preisimaa kuningas Friedrich Suur, kuigi selle väite kasuks puuduvad tõendid. Mõned ajaloolased, sealhulgas isa Otaño, rõhutavad selle marsi ühisjooni mõningate Carlos I või Felipe II aegsete sõjaväekäiguviisidega, lähtudes hüpoteesist, et Alfonso X Targa ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
1 allalaadimist

Eclipse, Chapter Fourteen – Declaration

Chapter Fourteen ­ Declaration Bella, Edward, and Alice are in the school cafeteria discussing their upcoming graduation party. Bella thinks the planned assault on the newborns makes a party inappropriate. Alice counters that they need time to get a few things in order before the battle, and commemorating Bella's first (and only human) high-school graduation is entirely appropriate. Edward informs Bella of Jasper's concern that they get help in their fight against the newborns. Jasper and Carlisle are trying to track down old friends to join the fight including Maria, but nobody wants to involve the southerners. Edward is convinced that someone will help them: no one wants a visit from the Volturi. Bella feels physically ill at the thought of the Cullens putting themselves in harm's way, and can't even consider the possibility that Edward might be hurt, or worse. Edward's confidence does nothing to quell the terror building inside he...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Oscar Wilde “The Nightingale and the Rose”

Oscar Wilde "The Nightingale and the Rose" Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October in 1854, he was a successful Irish playwright, novelist, poet and author of short stories. He graduated the Magdalen College. Wilde was sentenced two years in prison that was unkind to his health, after he was released in 1897 he spent his last three years penniless. I read a Oscar Wilde`s fairy tale, it was a bit different of usual fairy tales because it didn't end happily. There was a Student, who loved one girl. This girl was a daughter of the Professor. She had said that she will dance with the Student if he would bring her a red rose. But the problem was that there weren't any red roses growing in his garden and he wept, his face buried in his hands. He was very sad because he can't dance with his love. Fortunately a small bird named Nightingale saw him crying, the bird really ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Are young people living in Estonia patriots of their homeland?

Are young people living in Estonia patriots of their homeland? To begin with, it would be a good idea to explain who patriots actually are. They are people whose public conducts are regulated by one single motive - the love of their homeland. When speaking of patriotism, already The Constitution of Estonian Rebublic states that the main aim of our country is to assure that our nation, language and culture will be preserved. Many people have argued whether young Estonians are patriots of their homeland or not and there have been many different answers to that question. One the one hand, young Estonians are very supportive and helpful when there is a crisis situation in our country. For example, in case of the disturbances in April 2007, young men where ready to go as voluntaires to protect our country. Also, more an more young people are interested in taking part in the Song and Dance Festivals. Where they can wear our ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Jeanne d'Arc

REPORTED SPEECH 1) Sally asked Joan if she could do the washing up. 2) Susan told Harry not to be late. 3) His mother told him to turn off the television. 4) Mary told John not to go in her room. 5) His father told him to listen to his mother. 6) Mum told Jane to go to her room. 7) Peter asked Sue if she could have the project ready by Monday. 8) Jane told me not to worry.

Ajalugu → 10.klassi ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

Legends of Tallinn

Tallinna Lilleküla Gymnasium Legends of Tallinn Referaat Koostaja: Jennifer Scholz Klass: 10B Juhendaja: Liis Olt Tallinna 2010 Table of contents 1. Introduction....................................................... 3 2. Legends of Tallinn............................................... 4 3. Conclusion......................................................... 8 4. References........................................................ 9 2 Introduction I chose this topic beacuse I tought it would be interesting to write. Beacuse of the fact, that I only know a few legends, I decided to read the book ,,Tallinna legendid", and after reading this book I gain much more information. It was interesting to read stories, how Tallinn got its name beac...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Kaarli kirik

St. Charles Church Basic Information Built in pseudo-Romanesque style Architects: O.P.Hippius and R.von Bernhard Limestone church Built in 1862-1882 Area 1197 m2 Biggest church in Tallinn The Costruction of the Church The Altar Come to me- painted by Johann Köler It was ready in the 23 of juli in 1879 The bottom altarpieces are painted by Sally von Kügelgen in 1889 The Church Bells The North Tower The South Tower The Organ The first one was built in 1884 The second one was built in 1923 The biggest organ in Estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Translation history

Summary • Early history of translation studies – Cicero and St. Jerome (what did they do/how/why are they relevant to translation studies?) St. Jerome – Greek scholar, did some translation work. Lived during the 4th century. Jerome is best known as the translator of the Bible into Latin. A previous version (now called the Old Latin) existed, but Jerome's version far surpassed it in scholarship and in literary quality. Jerome was well versed in classical Latin (as well as Greek and Hebrew), but deliberately translated the Bible into the style of Latin that was actually spoken and written by the majority of persons in his own time. This kind of Latin is known as Vulgate Latin (meaning the Latin of the common people), and accordingly Jerome's translation is called the Vulgate. Cicero – Lived during the 1st century BC. Roman politician, philosopher & translator. Theory ‘‘word-for-word’’ & ‘‘sense-for-sen...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter I have always known that I want to engage oneself with science. I am interested in how different things react with each other, their influence on human and realised that I can find all these in food science and nutrition. Nowadays people try to improve their food excesses, however, they do this incorrectly. People restrict themselves in food, but in such a manner they are depriving themselves of the important components necessary for the efficiency of the body. Personally, I faced with such diseases and it was hard enough to deal with this by myself. In order to return a healthy appetite, I read a lot of literature but was not sure that I would find the correct way to restore health. That`s why, I want to study Nutrition and Food Science course. I desire to help people cope with eating diseases and find out more about healthy eating, explore the foundations of human nutritio...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite 3. labor

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering Report on laboratory work 3 on General Course of Electrical Drive SERVO DRIVE (FESTO) Jüri Lina 666BMW Group M16 Variant 2 Tallinn 2014 1. Functional Diagram Component list: PC with Wmmemoc software SEC-AC-305 controller MTR-AC-55 servo motor with encoder External 24VDC power supply unit Test stand with slide and limit switches 4. Tables of observations Task Operation/Record Observation 1 Measure the slide position at Limit Slide moved to the right, switch 1 Limit 1 reached at 1,46 2 Turn pot...

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
43 allalaadimist


DADAISM DADAISM  Modernistlik kunstivool  1916-1922  Šveitsis Zürichis  Algatajad maalikunstnikud ja kirjanikud  Levik New Yorkis TUNNUSED  Mängulisus, mõnitamine ja pilkamine  Agressiivne suhtlemine publikuga  Viha sõja vastu  Loogilise mõtlemise eitamine MÕJUTAJATEKS  I maailmasõda  Läänekultuuri vaibumine  Ambitsiooni kadumine  Ühine viha LAENAMINE TEISTELT SUUNDADELT  Kollažitehnika  Tüpograafilised trikid  Värvikasutus HÄÄBUMINE  1920. algus  Suubus sürrealismi  Sürrealism- prantsuslik dada DADAISMI ESINDAJAD  Tristan Tzara  Hans Arp  Marchel Janco  Marhel Duchamp  Man Ray MARCEL DUCHAMP  1887-1968  Prantsusmaalt  Kultuurihuviline perekond  Rouneis Corneille’ lütseum  „Ready-made“  Pseudonüüm  Males meistersportlane  Kirimale ning maleajakirjanik  Alates 1955 US...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
3 allalaadimist

Letter of Complaint

CITYTRUMP AS 18 Vanemuise St Tartu 4 February 2004 Tarmeko Sales Department 56 Sõbra St Tartu Dear Sirs In my letter on 15 January I asked about the wooden furniture and requested your newest catalogue. On 24 January we received your newest catalogue, which did not contain the information I asked for. Obviously I cannot place an order if I do not have the right catalogue. We need to have our rooms ready as soon as possible, but without the furniture it is not deal able. We know that everyone makes mistakes, but we were really grateful if you could send us the right catalogue. So we could place the order. Yours sincerely Ardi Harakas Managing Director

Keeled → Inglise keel
176 allalaadimist

Application for the job

Letter Dear Sir or Madam I am writing in reply to your advertisement in the newspaper to apply for the position of a lifeguard assistant. I am a 19 year old student who has a drivers licence, which means I have graduated from the first aid courses. Also I was a lifeguard last year at one children camp. Of course I enjoy working with people because I am a stundent and it would be my dream job to work as a lifeguard. I think I am suitable for this job because I am ready to accept different challenges that lifeguard assistant job can offer me. I enclose my CV and I am available for the interview at any time suitable for you. I look forward to hearing from you Your sincerely MEELIS TAMM

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Formal Letter

15 Kare Street 72720 Paide Estonia International Recruitment Office Box 202 10001 Tallinn Estonia 5 September 2012 Dear Ms Parker I am writing to you because of the job offer in The Baltic Times and I would like to apply to the office manage's post. I have worked as an office manager before but I moved and now I would like to work on a similar job. I have thous personal qualities what you are looking for, such as knowlege of English and Russian, good computer skills and also good communication skills. Like always, I am looking for an interesting job what is full of challenges. Also, I am ready to work in a team. I...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Éclipse chapter 12 - kokkuvõte

Chapter Twelve -Time Walking to the car after school, Alice discloses to Bella that she is planning a graduation party for her and it suddenly dawns on Bella that graduation is only a week away. The deadline agreed for Carlisle to change her into a vampire is almost upon her -- and she realizes in a panic that she isn't ready to leave her human life behind, even though it's what she's wanted more than anything. Without her realizing it, the time for preparing herself has slipped away. Alerted by Bella's stricken silence on the way home, Edward drags an admission out of her that she is isn't really ready, but Bella insists that the combined threat from Victoria, the Volturi, and the recent mysterious intruder in her room makes it too dangerous to postpone her transformation. Edward insists that he won't let her go through with this until she feels safe and can freely decide what she really wants. None of the Cullens had a choice about ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

How To Get Better Grades

HOW TO GET BETTER GRADES To get better grades you have to learn everything and to be careful not to miss anything. In school you have to listen to everything your teacher says and you have to do your homework. Homework has to be done everyday and it has to be checked, because in your home your parents can check your homework for mistakes. When you are at school you have to be prepared and be ready to answer any questions that teachers could ask you. If you have something not done or forgot to do something, then you have to apologise to the teacher and it has to be done for the next day. The main key to success is paying attention in class, listening to every word your teacher says and to do your homework very good.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Is Amelia Earhart a good role model for young people?

Is Amelia Earhart a good role model for young people? Every people have some idols, some of them are good and some of them not. But is Amelia Earhart a good role model for young people? Firstly, she was a very courageous. She was always ready to take a risk. She was active young woman. I think that in nowdays young people should follow her steps and be more valorous. Secondly, in life you have to be very confident. Life is complicated and you never now what it brings to you. Amelia Earhart was many times in complicated situations and she knew all the time what to do. She stick to her speculations. To conclude, I think that Amelia Earhart is a good role model for young women because she was very brave and confident. In nowdays, women should do the same.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Better safe than sorry teemalised sõnad

Better safe than sorry Unit 6 Aware of- consious Price we pay- cost Convenience- comfort Operated- controlled Security- safety Muggings- robberies Keep track of- follow Finger scanning- taking a fingerprint with scanner Fingerprinting- taking a fingerprint Identify- recognize Face recognition- recognizing person by their face Footstep identification- it is recognizing someone by their footsteps Via satellite- use of GPS Located- positions Identification cards- card that has one's personal information Birth certificate- document that proves your birth Automatically-unintentionally Preserved- remained Privacy- secret Willing- ready Vangi mõistma- sentenced to Kiirust ületama- speeding Külglibisema- skidding Kohtuprotsess- trial Tunnistaja- witness Kohtunik- judge Tõend- proof Varastatud- stolen Kohtust väljas- courtyard Süütuks tunnistama- pleade not gulity Kohtumaja- court Tunnistused- statements Kaitse- defenc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Story of Selver

SELVER Kristen Ploom Hugo Treffneri Gümanaasium 2011 History Founded in 1995. Founded by AS Tallinna Kaubamaja. First Selver was opened in Tallinn and it was called Punane Selver. 1998-2001 designed into chain of supermarkets. 2002 ­ Opened first Selver outside of Tallinn. Since 2008 Selver also operated in Latvia, but in the end of 2009 due to the financial crisis Selver was forced to close all its 6 supermarkets in Latvia. Facts 35 Stores around the country. 11 of them are in Tallinn. Two kinds of stores ­ Supermarkets and Hypermarkets. 5 Hypermarkets in Tallinn. Selver is the exclusive retailer of the products of Selveri Köök - over 250 different salads, desserts, ready-made meals, etc. Selvers in Estonia Selvers of Tartu Selver's main aim is to create and maintain trust in clients by creating a friendly e...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

B.I.G profile

B.I.G B.I.G debuted on July 2014 under GH entertainment with ‘Hello’. B.I.G stands for Boys In Groove. Official twitter: @BIG_Ghofficial B.I.G - Boys In Groove ( 비 아이지 ) Members ● H-Joon ● Benji ● Gunmin ● Gookminpyo ● Heedo J-Hoon ● Real name: Im Jung Hoon ● Stage name: J-Hoon ● Birthday: 15 July 1990 ● Position: leader, dancer, vocalist ● Height: 174cm ● Weight: 62kg ● Blood type: O Benji ● Real name: Bae Jae Wook ● Stage name: Benji ● Birthday: 3 May 1992 ● Position: rapper ● Height: 183cm ● Weight: 72kg ● Blood type: B Gunmin ● Real name: Lee Gun Min ● Stage name: Gunmin ● Birthday: 3 October 1994 ● Position: dancer, vocalist ● Height: 177cm ● Weight: 64kg ● Blood type: AB Gookminpyo ●...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Speech about money

Speech about money ! ! Hi, I am … and I am going to talk about the importance of money. In such a costly and competitive society and world, no one of us can live without money. We need money for basic things such as food, clothes and shelter. People in the society who are rich are looked as honourable and respectful people of the society however a poor person is disliked without any good impression. All of us want to be rich by earning more money through good job or business. Everyone wants to get good study with higher education from the popular college and university to get good job in order to earn more money. We want to be on the safe side. Without money we feel helpless and alone in this world where no one is ready to help and assist. In the current materialistic world, money is very important and powerful thing without we cannot live and survive. Money in our world is impor...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Letter of Protest

Dear Mr Roberts I am writing to express my concern about the closing of the art studio and to bring out a couple of reasons why the art studio should be left open. First of all, the teachers of the studio are offering to tutor many possible artists. That way the new skills are guaranteed to be learned. In Addition, the studio is located in an easily accessible area and it is open 24 hours a day, so that students from all over the city can attend the art department anytime they want. Furthermore, young talents can exhibit their creations in the studio. Also, there are many necessary facilities that can be used in various situations, such as having an art exhibition, where all the students can show their greatest masterpieces. To sum up, it is believed that the art studio is extremely important to many young artists. Therefore we are ready to put our foot down and do not hesitate to organize a protest march against closing the studio. I h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Book report

P.S. I love you Cecilia Ahern Kristi Võrk Summary This book tells a story about a woman, who's husband had just died. Holly, the main character, is trying to get on with her life after the death of her husband Gerry. They were happily married for 12 years. A few months before Gerry's death, they found out that he had a brain tumor and he was hospitalized. Holly always stayed beside him, she quit her job so she could spend all her time with Gerry. Before his death Gerry wrote 10 letters, in them he guides Holly and helps her rediscover herself. After his death Holly got the letters from her mother. There was a big envelope, with 10 little letters inside it. All the letters had different months written on them. Every month she had to open one letter. The point of the letters was that he will always be at her side. Her best friends Denise and Sharon were also at her side, supporting her through it. The first month she had to buy h...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
43 allalaadimist


Estonian food Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium 8A Grete Tiigiste, Mirjam Kalamees 2012 Estonian cuisine individualities In Estonia eat: Pork Rye bread Sauerkraut Fish (dried, salted fresh) Blood sausage Ancient habits Food wasn't ample. Peasant ate a lot porridge. Peasant grow provisions themselves. Estonian ate a lot rye bread. Holiday meals In Estonia are lots of holidays. On every holiday eat differently. Christmas Estonian eat a lot at christmas. Examples: Potatoes and sauerkraut Blood sausages Gingerbreads Shrove Tuesday On shrove Tuesday are two main foods: Buns with whipped cream Pea soup Easter On Easter dye eggs and then knocked them broken. After that people eat the eggs. Fish Estonian eat a lot fish. We dry, cure and fry fish. Estonian eat also salted fish. Spice spr...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
4 allalaadimist

Essee Choices after elementary school

Choices after secondary school There are lots of choices after secondary school. The main question is which is better to do - to work or go to university. Both options give many advantages. On the one hand, there are definitely some good sides to going to work. If you could not choose the subject that you would study to learn then it is better to get a job. Working can show if there are any of professions you are good at, as it will arouse your interest in certain occupations. On the other hand, many people know what they want to do with their life after secondary school and therefore going to university is a good idea. After graduating university it is easier to find a job, because you will have a necessary education then. In my opinion, it is better to go to university after high school because 18-year-old students are not ready to start their career. They do not have any profession after graduati...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Choices after secondary school

Choices after secondary school There are lots of choices after secondary school. The main question is, which is better to do - to work or go to university. Both options give many advantages. Firstly, many young people couldn't choose the subject that they are likely to learn. Working can show if there are any of professions you're good at, as it will improve your interest in certain occupations. On the other hand, it is better not to let years between studies. Researches have shown that students, who have worked for few years after secondary school, can't concentrate on their lessons as much as those whose first choice was university. Thirdly, novadays students more often are facing financial problems. Lots of them are thinking that it is useful to work abroad in order to pay fees at university. Also, working in foreign countries is an advantage to improve your language skills. Last but not least, I think eightteen-year-old studen...

Keeled → Inglise keel
153 allalaadimist

Hamlet’s View on Life and Death

Hamlet's View on Life and Death Hamlet has a everlasting dilemma " to be or not to be" he is dissatisfied with life and lists many things that trouble him but he is not sure what death will bring him. He is thinking that the experience of death itself maybe worse than life itself Hamlet is a melancholic, always thinking about the dark things in life (he always dresses in black, he's fascinated when he finds the old clown's skull, etc.) I think that Hamlet does not really value his life so much because he is so consumed with his desire to kill Claudius that he doesn't have time for real life. Hamlet's view of death influences his morality: if all people die, no matter what they do, then one's actual life becomes less significant than its purpose. In Hamlet's case, this means that his death is not of great concern, but his revenge is. Hamlet saw death as a reliable end to ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
12 allalaadimist

Electronic devices in the classroom: For and against

Electronic devices in the classroom: For and against This is a very difficult question if the electronic devices are good or bad things in the classroom. When I made a list of the pluses and minuses I found that the electronic devices are a very bad idea. The advantages are that children can easily find information and lessons are more interesting. Teachers can show different pictures, movies and other such things. If students do not know the answer they can easily search for it from the internet. Most of the programs are in English and I think thanks to that students vocabulary expands considerably. The disadvantages are that electronic devices ruin children eyes and they are 24/7 behind the computer or social media. The electronic devices take a lot of money because the school and children need to buy them. The teachers have to be always ready to do something else because the network can always go down or the electro...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

"The horse whisperer" raamatu kokkuvõte

Tallinna Inglise Kolledz THE HORSE WHISPERER BOOK REPORT Alice Tärk, 9b. Title: The Horse Whisperer Author: Nicholas Evans Publisher: Transworld Publishers Ltd Year: 1991 Number of pages: 97 Genre: fiction The setting: Takes place in Montana The Time Period: 1995 Goal: Some are going to be okay, some are not. The main character is Grace, who is thirteen years old and lives with her mother and father in New York. She is a usual teenager until she loses her leg and her best friend in a serious riding accident. After that she is sad and truly desperate hating the entire world. Her mother Annie is an Englishwoman who had lost his dad and wanted to prove her whole life that she is good in everything: as an important journalist in a fashionable magazine, as a mother and as a husband. But her job is number one and she does not find a lot time for her daughter and husband. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
166 allalaadimist

British Literature Character Sketch, The Cement Garden-Julie

Character Sketch – Julie The Cement Garden by Ian McEvan Julie is the eldest child in her family. She also has a younger sister Sue and two younger brothers-little Tom and the narrator, Jack. Readers get to know Julie’s world through Jack’s eyes only. We get to know Jack’s thoughts of Julie. Jack can be described as an emotionally closed or distant person. As their parents passed away, Julie became the head of the family, which means that she had to take care of her younger siblings to keep the family together. They live in isolation and only have each other. The children were discouraged to bring over friends. The emotional connection between the children becomes stronger as they share a secret about their mother’s death. They put her body into a trunk in the basement, which they fill up with cement. After her father’s death and mother’s illness, Julie becomes remote from her siblings, quiet...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun