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"-rapid" - 227 õppematerjali


Rapid, Eeva, Profit, artikklid

Harjtus 2 Allalaadimine Esmalt kirjutaks lähemalt kahe erineva majandustarkvara installeerimisest ja seadistamisest ning võrdleks vastavate tarkvarade väljaandjate või edasimüüjate veebilehtedest ning nendelt info hankimisest. Rapidi puhul tundus nende koduleht küllalt lihtsasti käsitletav ja suurema vaevata sai vastava raamatupidamise programmi alla laadida. Küll aga arusaamatuks jäi, milleks ma pean MS SQL serveritoe alla laadima, väga lühidalt oli kirjas, et seda on vaja käivitamaks Rapid. Kuid paljudel ehk on see juba vaikimisi arvutisse paigaldatud, ning vastav programm sai ilmasjata alla laaditud. Eeva puhul oli häirivaks liialt palju lahtreid, mis tuli esmasel alla laadimise ankeedil täita. Eeva kodulehe kujundus ja disain on küll lihtne, aga jätab aegunud mulje, kahtlen, et see kasuks tuleb uute kliendisuhete loomisel. Installeerimine Eetasofti majandustarkvara Eeva paigaldamine käis küllaltki lihtsalt ning peale paigaldam...

Informaatika → Arvuti
14 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia ettekanne, uni.

Uni Mis on uni? On ajukoorele ja selle alumisele osale levinud üldine pidurdus Funktsioon on töövõime taastamine Kasvuhormoonide eritamine Vajalik puhkuseks Kaks põhifaasi: NREM (non rapid eye movement) ja REM (rapid eye movement) Rahulik ja kiire uni Eristatakse viit astet 1. aste ­ kerge uni (2 min) 2. aste ­ uinumine (20 min) 3. aste ­ üleminek deltaune staadiumisse (3-8 % uneajast) 4. aste ­ sügav uni ehk deltauni (10-15 % uneajast) 5. Aste ehk REM uni REM - Rapid Eye Movement ehk kiire silmaliikumine Unenägude nägemine 70-90 min pärast uinumist esimese unetsükli lõpus Magava inimese aju ei lülita ennast välja Iseloomustus Lihastoonus on väga madal Kiired silmaliigutused Esineb imetajatel ja lindudel Stimuleeritakse ajupiirkondi, mis seonduvad õppimisega Öö jooksul 4-4 REM - une faasi Unenäod Tänan kuulamast!

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
18 allalaadimist

„Raamatupidamisprogrammide võrdlus“

Uurimustöö! 10 lk tabelitega + tiitelleht jne 5 suuremat programmi ja 5 väiksemat programmi + võrdlus. Ja oma ettevõtte jaoks programmi valimine, analüüsimine, mis sobiks kõige paremini minu ettevõttele. ,,Raamatupidamisprogrammide võrdlus" 1. Tresoor Start 2. Taavi Majandustarkvara 3. HansaRaama 4. Merit 5. Joosep5 6. Profit 7. Balanss+ 8. Eeva 9. Raamatupidamisprogramm VERP 6.3 10. Majandustarkvarapakett RAPID finants/palk Tresoor Start on raamatupidamisarvestuse pakett väikekontoritele, FIE-dele ning alustavatele ja kiiresti arenevatele väikeettevõtetele. Pakett sisaldab: · Pearaamat · Valuutaarvestus · Kassa-Pank, sh Pangaliides · Müügireskontro · Ostureskontro · Palgaprogramm (kuni 5 töötajat) · Unikaalsed MFDD (multifunktsionaalne drill-down) aruanded · 1 kasutaja litsents (sisaldab interneti kaugkasutuse ...

Majandus → Raamatupidamine
192 allalaadimist

MAGAMINE - õenduse alused ja tõenduspõhine õendus

MAGAMINE Kõigil elusolenditel on aktiivuse ja aktiivsuse puudumise perioodid. Magamisel meie organism lõõgastub nii psüühiliselt kui füüsiliselt. Organismi süsteemid jätkavad funktsioneerimist, kuigi aeglasemalt. Uni on korduva inertsuse ja reageerimatuse seinud: inimene ei reageeri nähtavalt tema ümber toimuvale. Teadvus on kadunud vaid ajutiselt, piisavalt tugev ärritaja on võimeline inimest äratada. Selles aspektis erineb magamine koomaseisundist ja anesteesiast. Enamusel inimestel on magamise ajal silmad kinni, osa ajast on magajad liikumatud, teatud ajavahemike järel liigutavad nad ennast unes. Vahel lõdvestuvad näo ja kukla lihased nii palju, et lõug vajub alla ja suu avaneb. Hingamine on magamise ajal aeglasem ja sügavam; arvatakse, et norskamist tekitab ülemiste hingamisteede lõtvumine. Unetsükkel kestab 90-100 minutit, tavaliselt on magamise kestel 4-6 tsüklit. Esimest nelja faasi nime...

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
56 allalaadimist

Water Purification

Water Purification What is water purification? Water purification generally means freeing water from any kind of impurity it contains, such as contaminants or micro organisms. Water purification is not a very one-sided process; the purification process contains many steps. The steps that need to be progressed depend on the kind of impurities that are found in the water. This can differ very much for different types of water. In which ways is polluted water treated? Settling Before the purification process begins some contaminants, such as oil, can be settled in a settling tank. They can then be removed easily, after they have reached the bottom of the tank. Removal of dangerous microorganisms Often polluted water has to be freed from microorganisms. The water is than disinfected, usually by means of chlorination. Removal of dissolved solids Microrganisms are not only a threat to water; they can also be an advantage when it comes to ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Maisi masintehnoloogia

Maisi (tava- ja maheviljelus) kasvatuse ja koristuse masintehnoloogia Morfoloogia Mais (Zea mays) on kõrreliste sugukonda kuuluv üheaastane teravili Kasvab 2-3 m kõrguseks, kõrre läbimõõt 2-7cm, kõrre südamik täitunud pehme säsiga, hästi arenenud juurestik toetab taime Emas- ja isasõisikud asuvad samal taimel, isasõisikud on taime ladvas Viljapea kasvab varrele lehekaenlaasse, tõlvikuid maisitaimel 1-4 Seemned on tavaliselt kollased, kuid eri sortidel võivad olla ka valkjad, punased, sinakad jne Pilt 1. Zea mays Maisi kasvatamine Eestis Teadaolevalt maisi kasvatatud juba 19.sajandil (1835 Vana-Kuuste Põllumajanduse Instituut, 1885 Sangaste, 1895 Rooma mõis) Taasalustati Nõukogude perioodil Saak sageli ikaldus ilmastiku ja umbrohtumise tõttu, puudus sobiv tehnoloogia Tänapäeval suur osa saagist loomasöödaks Saagikus kõigub iga aasta ilmastiku tõttu NSV Liidu...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Kirurgilise haige õenduslugu

XXXXXXXXXXX Õe õppekava XXXXXXXXXX KIRURGILISE HAIGE ÕENDUSLUGU Kirjalik eksamitöö Juhendaja: XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX SISUKORD 1. SISSEJUHATUS.................................................................................................... 3 2. ÕENDUSANAMNEES............................................................................................ 4 3. ÕENDUSPLAAN................................................................................................... 5 3.1 ...

Meditsiin → Õendus
224 allalaadimist


Õendusalase e- kursuse baasmaterjal elamistoimingute kohta Autor: Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Eesti keele õppejõud Kalev Salumets ELAMISTOIMING Magamine Konspekti põhi Moto: Uni on inimese jaoks sama elutähtis tegevus nagu söömine ja joomine. Miks on vajalik üks kolmandik oma elust maha magada?. Uni on inimese üks füsioloogilistest vajadustest. Unevajadus on individuaalne. Ilma magamata ei saa elada ükski imetaja. Kui palju und inimene vajab? Suurtest uneuuringutest on tulnud välja, et tervisele kõige kasulikum on 7­8tunnine magamine. Miks on inimesel vaja nii palju aega oma elust kulutada magamisele? Uneuurijad eristavad magajal nelja nn mitte-REM-une staadiumi ja REM- ehk kiiret und (REM - rapid eye movements, kiired silmade liigutused), mis vahelduvad teatud perioodilisusega. Uni koosneb 4-5 unetsüklist, mis algavad mitte-REM- ja lõpevad enamasti REM-unega. Unetsükkel kestab umbes 90-100 minutit ja tavaliselt on igas unetsükl...

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
136 allalaadimist

English essay

Living in the country has acquired certain reputation, that indicates dirtiness, dullness and uncoiseness with a life in the countryside. True, that a life in the city may seem more entertaining, rapid and fastinating, but it's only an illusion which is brought out due to the commotion in the city. But life in the countryside is more healthy due to the unpolluted air, possibility to evolve agriculture and an elbowroom in which one can dabble sports. One negative side effect accompanies living in the country is absense of infrastructures. Many important institutions locate too far and due to that transportation is an important subject while living in the country. To sum up, living in the city is comfortable but noisy and living in the country is peaceful but time-consuming.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Uni ja unenäod referaat

Võru Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium UNI JA UNENÄOD Referaat Koostaja: Maris Tõnise 10.klass Juhendaja: Ene Laane Võru 2014 Sisukord Sissejuhatus........................................................................................................... 3 1Uni........................................................................................................................ 4 1.1Rahulik ja kiire uni.......................................................................................... 4 1.2Kuna aju elektriline aktiivsus une ajal pidevalt muutub, siis jagatakse une seisundid järgnevatesse astmetesse:..................................................................4 1.3Unepuuduse tõttu ilmnevad inimesel tõsised psüühikahäi...

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
13 allalaadimist

Solar power

Solar power Rasmus Definition Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity The most abundant energy source on Earth Explosive growth in recent years History Charles Fritts ­ first solar cell, 1% efficiency (1883) Bell Labs ­ first modern silicon cell, 6% eff. (1954) First solar powered calculators (1978) 40percentefficient solar cell in 2006 Solar panels were installed on the White house (2013) Rapid growth Solar industry is the fastestgrowing in the US Solar industry is expected to double every year until 2020 Employs over 100 000 people in US alone Solar cooker Produces heat by concentrating sun rays into one spot Takes long to cook, difficult to burn Works roughly like an oven Bread and cakes usually brown on their tops Solar power ­ good investment? The cost of solar power is constantly falling Will be cheaper than nuclear power in 201415, than coal in 2016 17 Strong demand Enterpr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What is a plant

1. What is a plant? Plant is a living organism. It is made up of different parts, each of whitch has specialized function. 2. Name the parts of a shoot system. The shoot system above the ground consists of the stem, the leaves, flowers and fruit. 3. What are the main functions of a shoot system? Main functions of a shoot system are: * Stem- to support the plant, to transport water, minerals and sugar * Leaves- to make food by photosynthesis, to absorb water from air * Flower- to contain reproductive organs, the reproductive function *Fruit- to enclode the seeds, to protect seeds 4. What are the main functions of a root system? Main functions of a root system are to take in, absorb water and minerals, to hold the plant firmly in the soil. 5. What happens in the process of photosynthesis? For the process of the photosynthesis is sunlight necessary. Water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Aeglane ja kiire uni

Vanuse kasvades väheneb Meie unevajadus ööpäevas: Täiskasvanud - ~ 8 tundi Noorukid ­ vähemalt 9 tundi Koolilapsed ­ vähemalt 10 tundi Vastsündinu ­ 16 tundi Vanuse kasvades väheneb Uni algab aeglase unega ­ suureneb aju elektriliste lainete võnkeperiood. Aeglase une neli staadiumi: 1) kerge uni - ~ 2 minutit 2) uinumine - ~20 minutit 3) deltauni e. sügav uni ­ ~30 min 4) üleminekuseisund (sarnaneb teise staadiumiga) Nimetatakse ka: Paradoksaalne uni REM-uni (ingl rapid eye movement ­ kiire silma liikumine) Pimedatel samad staadiumid REM-une ajal puuduvad kiired silmaliigutused Unenäod seotud kuulmisega Aeglane ja kiire uni vahelduvad Koos mood 90-100 minutilise tsükli Öö jooksul 4-5 tsüklit KÕIGE OLULISEMAD: Deltauni Aju talletab deltaune ajal infot, mis enne magamajäämist saadi Puudujäägil inimene tunneb nagu polekski maganud Kiire uni Aitab in...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
21 allalaadimist

Global Warming

Global warming Global Warming effects on the natural balance of environment Climate significant change day by day What causes it? Greenhouse gases Fuel burning Ozone layer Deforestation traffic clogging up the city streets rapid growth of unplanned industries the use of CFCs in packaging and manufacturing products Detergents Overpopulation Killing animals like birds, big cats, lions, tigers What it causes? Temperature raising Melting polar ice sheets Currents change its circulation e.g. The Gulf Stream El nino Pollution sea-water to swell up. Natural system Animals deaths Sea level rise reduce mankind's ability to grow foods, destroy wildlife. Agriculture, forestry and fishery damaged Is it dangerous is very dangerous for our existence and survival. sun's scorching heat comes to earth in a direct way the earth's surface becomes seriously heated. What should we do to prevent the dangerous effects of GW? We should not cut off tree...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Presentation Floods

Presentation „Floods“ Flood ● A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land. ● Flooding usually happens by overflowing rivers and lakes. ● Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses if they are placed in natural flood plains of rivers. Major causes of floods ● Heavy rainfall ● Huge snow melting ● Tidal waves ● Something blocking the flow of rivers Different types of floods ● Slow-Onset Floods – usually lasts the longest, sometimes up to months. ● Rapid-Onset Floods – does not last so long, up to 2 days only. Usually causes more damage than slow-onset flood. ● Flash Floods – lasts up to few hours. Causes the greatest damages to the society. Deadliest floods ● Huang He yellow river, China 1931 Death toll: 1,000,000-3,700,000 ● Huang He yellow river, China 1887 Death toll: 900,000-2,000...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Anaerobic Energy Systems 7

Exercise Physiology Anaerobic Energy Systems Anaerobic Pathways · Anaerobic Glycolysis (lactate system) ­ 10 s to 2 minutes. · ATP-PCr (phosphate system) ­ Less than 10 s · 200 m Sprint (50-100 m Sprint swimming) ­ Men's WR:19.32 s - Michael Johnson (37.3 km/h) ­ Women's WR: 21.34s - Flo Griffith-Joyner (34 km/h · Energy system: The lactate system · Fuel: Carbohydrate only Anaerobic Glycolysis · Breakdown of glucose or glycogen via special glycolytic enzymes. · First glucose or glycogen must be converted to Glucose 6-phosphate. ­ Glucose to glucose 6-phosphate costs 1 ATP · Glycolysis produces pyruvic acid, without oxygen pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid. · Net gain 3 moles of ATP (glucose = 2 ATP) Anaerobic Glycolysis · Reserve fuel activated when a person accelerates during race, during the last 200 m of a mile run, or performs a 400 m run or 100 m s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The effect of chocolate on dogs

The effect of chocolate on dogs Elise Leht • Why is chocolate bad for dogs? • What does it contain? • Symptoms • Treatment Private collection Harmfulness and ingredients • Can lead to illness or death • Theobroma cacao • Theobromine • Baker’s chocolate is worse than white chocolate .93265/ Symptoms • Diarrhea • Extreme thirst • Vomiting • Increased urination • Panting • Muscle twitching • Whining • Hyperactive • Seizures behavior • Rapid heart rate Treatment • Vomiting • Activated charcoal • Lots of water might-sick/ References Bates,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Referaat United Kingdom

UNITED KINGDOM of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The countries which are constituent of the United Kingdom are ENGLAND, NORTHERN IRELAND, SCOTLAND and WALES. NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland is a part of Great Britain. Northern Ireland population in 1998 was 1,688,600. There are five citys in Northern Ireland. The biggest city is Belfast. They are: Armagh Belfast Derry Lisburn Newry ENGLAND TRUDOR ROSE England is the largest and most populous of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England became a unified state during the 10th century. England`s population is is 46,500,000. It`s capital is London. London was the centre of the British Empire and the country was the birthplace of the industrial Revoloution. The national floral emblem is trudor rose. SCOTLAND Scotland consist of the Lowlands, whi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist


Rap What is rap? Rap is a style of popular music, developed by disc jockeys and urban blacks in the late 1970s,in which an insistent, recurring beat pattern provides the background and counterpoint for rapid, slangy, and often boastful ryhming patter glibly intoned by a vocalist or vocalists. Famous rappers in Estonia Lennart Lundve Lennart Lundve (November 10, 1988), also known by his stage name Abraham and we also known him by obscene texts. He is a Estonian rapper and his first album was released in 2007. Rainer Olbri Rainer Olbri, also known by his stage name Metsakutsu, Metsakutsa or Freaky T. He is a Estonian rapper. Metsakutsu first album title was ,,hope dies last'`. In 2010 Rainer Olbri released his first debut album "Testament". Famous rappers in the world Tupac Shakur Tupac Amaru Shakur (June 16, 1971 -- September 13, 1996), also...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


CHOCTAW Ave Tüür 9.a Native American people, from Southeastren United States Population - 160 000 Descendants of the Hopewellian people and Mississippian culture Nanih Waiya mound Culture Combined European-American influences. And interaction with Spain, France, and England shaped it as well. Known for: rapid incorporation of modernity, developing a written language, transitioning to yeoman farming methods, and accepting European-Americans and African-Americans into their society. The Choctaw also practiced Head Flattening, but the practice eventually fell out of favor. Games Choctaw stickball- ,,little Chunkey- consisted of a brother of war" because of stone-shaped disk(1­2 it's roughness and inches in length). The disk substitution for war. 20-300 was thrown down ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Britain forms the greater part of the British Isles, which lie off the north-west coast of mainland Europe.The geographical name for all the islands is the British Isles. They also include Eire, the Republic of Ireland, which has been politically independent of the British government since 1921. The largest of the islands is called Great Britain and it comprises England, Wales, snd Scotland. The full political name for the countries sharing a parliament in London is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Covering an area of some 242, 500 sq km. The longest river, the Severn flows for 354 km and the largest lake is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland. Scotland is the most mountainous part of the country.Britain is a relatively densely populated country.The capital, London, has population of around 8 million. The majority of the population speak English. Britain is a parliamentary democracy, in which people over 18 have a r...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Republic of Estonia

The Republic of Estonia Estonia officially the Republic of Estonia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Finland across the Gulf of Finland, to the west by Sweden across the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by the Russian Federation. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic and is divided into fifteen counties. The capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of only 1.4 million, it is one of the least- populous members of the European Union. Estonia was a member of the League of Nations from 22 September 1921, has been a member of the United Nations since 17 September 1991, of the European Union since 1 May 2004 and of NATO since 29 March 2004. Estonia has also signed the Kyoto protocol. Estonia regained its ind...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Computers are an essential part of our daily lives

Computers are an essential part of our daily lives One of the most important thing nowadays is absolutly computer.This is part of technology which helps you in each area. Computers today are one of the essential things what we are using. They have helped a lot in compiling a lot data which used to be in hard records. One of the uses or benefits of computers is that they are able to provide and retrieve information so quickly so they have increased the pace of our work. The increase in the speed of work has helped us to do many things with less resources like in past a lot of manpower was used for record keeping and files and other things were made to keep the records saved. This is one use of computers in our lives other than that computers has helped us to work with machines which have the ability to produce the best quality of products with maximum speed and efficiency. In today's world it is necessary that to...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Letter of application

Letter of application Dear Miss Cheung I am writing at the recommendation of my supervisor, Dr Denise So, who suggested I contact you concerning job opportunities as an analyst at Thomson Consulting. Please accept this letter and accompanying resume as evidence of my interest in applying for this position with your company. I am a computer major of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, who is about to graduate in June. The degree programme has equipped me with a solid foundation knowledge in computer science. Courses that should be of particular relevance to the present position include computer engineering, operation systems, network administration and database management. I have learnt about the latest technology in these areas, and I have confidence that I can self-learn continuously to keep up with the rapid development in this field. Other than my studies, I have been earnestly seekin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
124 allalaadimist

Fair Trade Tourism

Fair Trade Tourism Local people have often been the last to benefit financially from international tourism. But this is slowly changing. It's happening in Vietnam. The first tourists can see many famous war sites, towns and vibrant green paddy fields. But if they go up into the hills they find a region inhabited by hill tribe people, who live basic, subsistence life. Local people are looking at tourists with fear and disdain. In the villages children are playing and mothers with elaborate headdresses are getting on their daily lives, but if tourists come, they run indoors and villages become silent. In Thailand hill tribe treks have become infamous ,,human zoos". Tourists from all over the world traipse through the villages and this causes cultural and economic disaster. Also the benefits of toursim are often skimmed off by businessmen from outside the community. It ruins and changes the local people...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Rauno Leppik Why I choos it Good climate Beautiful city arapidly developing country Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi is a capital of the UAE Second largest city of the UAE Offical name is Abu Dhabi emirate Largest country of the UAE 67,340 km2 (26,000 sq mi) Independence from 2 December 1971 Flag Location History the city began to develop in 1958 The first road was built was 1961 Independence 1971 Government Constitutional monarchy The current ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Climate Abu Dhabi has a hot aird climate maximum temperatures averaging above 35 °C Low rainfall the sun shines on average 3400 hours per year Architecture In the dense areas, most of the concentration is achieved with medium- and high-rise buildings the tallest building is 382 meter...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

A for-and-against essay

Songwriters aren’t paid fairly for their songs which are streamed Nowadays when mobile devices are our everything, everything can be done with your mobile phone. You can listen to music, watch videos, play games and even do coding with your phone. There are lots of musicians, rappers and songwriters whose lives are a dream to many. However, things aren’t always as they seem. Firstly, in 2006, a website called Spotify was created. In Spotify you could listen to music anywhere you want, very easily and without spending any money. Songwriters started getting a lot of attention and spins for their creation. In addition, by 2021, Spotify had already reached 158 million users. Songs are making history by getting huge amounts of streams, over 1000 million streams. Another advantage is that newcomers who upload their music to the internet may get a huge boost and rapid spins, make some money and get famous more easily. On the other hand, ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
0 allalaadimist


Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool tervisekaitse spetsialisti õppekava Tanel Teder MUTATSIOONID Referaat Juhendaja: Triin Veber Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Tartu 2010 Sisukord: 2 Sissejuhatus Tervis on läbi aegade olnud väga tähtis. Mida aeg edasi, seda olulisemaks on see teema ühiskonnas muutunud. Inimestele loeb, et nad tunneks ennast hästi nii sisemiselt, kui ka välimiselt. Kui need mõlemad kaks faktorit eksisteerivad koos rahuloluna, siis paljude jaoks see tähendabki head tervist. Paraku on selle saavutamisel mitmeid erineva astmega takistusi. Mutatsioonid on ühed olulisemad neist. Olgu siis kas pärilikult saadud või keskkonnast tingitud, mutatsioonid, olenevalt oma raskusastmest, mõjutavad inimese elukvaliteeti ü...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
57 allalaadimist

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Vladislav Härm 10m/s 2014 Official name of Hong Kong Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China Capital of Hong Kong The capital of Hong Kong is Victoria city Hong Kong neighbours Largest neighbours are: China, Taiwan and Vietnam Population Population of Hong Kong are 7,234,800 people Money Currency Facts Name: Hong Kong Dollar Symbol: HK$ Minor Unit: 1/100 = Cent Top HKD Conversion: USD/HKD Top HKD Chart: USD/HKD Chart Major languages Hong Kong people speaks Chinese and English National symbols Flag Emblem Flower Anthem: March of the Volunteers Government SAR government - Chief Executive : Leung Chun-ying - Chief Secretary for Administration :Carri...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Technology in our daily lives

The everincreasing use of technology in our daily lives is not always a good thing Technology plays an increasingly important part in our daily lives. While many technological developments may be beneficial in the field of medicine, for instance there are many others whose effects are less positive. We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the area of information technology and in the home. In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries such as carmanufacturing robots are replacing people. They work faster and more accurately and they do not need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see job opportunities dwindling further and unemployment levels rising. Furthermore, rapid advances in information technology mean that fewer people are needed in fulltime employment....

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

Thiopental - naatriumitiopentaal

Mari-Liis Eha Chemical and Environmental Technology in Tallinn University of Technology 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL 1. Barbiturates 2. Sodium thiopental 3. Uses 4. Dosage in anesthetic use 5. Recovery 6. Side effects 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL VERB DEFINITION TRANSLATION Barbiturate Drugs that act as depressants Sedatiivse toimega uinuti Anesthetic Drug that causes reversible loss of tuimesti sensation Intravenous Within a vein Veenisisene (IV) To redistribute Chemical reaction involving ligand Ümberjaotus exchange To dissolve To pass into solution...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

India 'Demography and Bollywood'

INDIA Demography and Bollywood Demographics With an estimated population of 1.2 billion, India is the world's second most populous country. The last 50 years have seen a rapid increase in population due to medical advances and massive increase in agricultural productivity due to the "green revolution". The percentage of Indian population living in urban areas has consistently grown; from 1991 to 2001, India's urban population increased by 31.2%. In 2001, about 285 million Indians lived in urban areas while more than 70% of India's population resided in rural areas. As per the 2001 census, there are twenty seven million- plus cities, with the largest cities being Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata. English is used extensively in business and administration and has the status of a subsidiary official language; it is also important in education, especially as a me...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Dover Beach

"Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnolds "Dover Beach" describes how the author falls deep into thought when admiring the sea with his lover and comes to a sad conclusion. In the first stanza, he describes the beauty of the sea as he is watching out the window. He says that he can see the light gleam and then disappear upon the French coast, wich suggests that the sun is setting, making the scene all the more spectacular. He emphasises the calm impression the glimmering sea and the mighty cliffs in the distance give and seems to be touched by all this, his heart filled with what might be nostalgia, thoughtfullness or just pure understanding of how simple life really is. Wanting to share the moment with his lover, he asks her to join him by the window and draws attention to the never-ending sound of the waves clashing against the shore and moving pebbles. Alas, this sound seems to bring forward a sudden realization of things in the author and...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist


Egypt (Geography)Egypt officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a country mainly in North Africa. Egypt is a transcontinental country. Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometers, Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Red Sea to the east, Sudan to the south and Libya to the west.Apart from the Nile Valley, the majority of Egypt's landscape is a desert. The winds blowing can create sand dunes more than 100 feet (30 m) high. Egypt includes parts of the Sahara Desert and of the Libyan Desert. Egypt does not receive much rainfall except in the winter months. Temperatures average between 80 °F (27 °C) and 90 °F (32 °C) in summer, and up to 109 °F (43 °C) on the Red Sea coast. Temperatures average between 55 °F (13 °C) and 70 °F (21 °C) in winter. (Population)Egypt is one of the most populous coun...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist


Agriculture About 77 per cent of the land area of Britain is under agricultural use of some sort. However, the sector's role in the economy is much smaller than in most other major industrial countries, in terms of employment and contribution to GDP, reflecting Britain's early industrialization. Agriculture employs less than 2 per cent of the population and contributes 2 per cent of GDP. However, it achieves high levels of efficiency and productivity. Britain is self-sufficient in 58 per cent of all types of food and animal feed. Large parts of Britain, notably in Scotland and Wales, are suitable only for grazing. Overall, in the first half of the 1990s about 39 per cent of agricultural land was under pasture, another 27 per cent under rough grazing, and the remainder under crops or lying fallow. Over half of all full-time farms are devoted to dairy or beef farming, or sheep. Cattle and sheep con...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Kordamine Geograagia kontrolltööks- 8.klass

1. What is a biome? A biome is a large area of distinctive plants and animals, which are adapted to that environment. The climate and geography determines which type of biome can exist there. 2. Using the map describe the distribution of the biome (tropical rainforest/tropical deciduous forest). Tropical rainforest ­ South America, Africa (Madagaskar), Asia. Tropical deciduous forest ­ South America, Asia, Australia 3. Compare the climates (tropical rainforest/tropical deciduous forest). Tropical rainforest is wetter than tropical deciduous forest. Both of these biomes have a warm climate all year long. Tropical deciduous forest has a well defined dry and a wet season. During the dry season, the trees in tropical deciduous forest lose their leaves. 4. Using the climate diagram describe the climate of the region (tropical rainforest/tropical deciduous forest). 5. Why are tropical rainforest soils no...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Environmental problems (Keskkonnaprobleemid)

Environmental problems Nimi Klass Biodiversity The variety of life on Earth, its biological diversity, is commonly referred to as biodiversity. The number of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the enormous diversity of genes in these species, the different ecosystems on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests and coral reefs are all part of a biologically diverse Earth. Appropriate conservation and sustainable development strategies attempt to recognize this as being integral to any approach. In some way or form, almost all cultures have recognized the importance of nature and its biological diversity for their societies and have therefore understood the need to maintain it. Yet, power, greed and politics have affected the precarious balance. Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares? · Why is Biodiversity important? Does it really matter if there aren't so...

Keeled → Inglise keel
67 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia materjal

31.08 W. Wundt rajas esimese eksperimentaalpsühholoogia labori 1879.aastal Leipzigi ülikoolis S. Freud (psühhoanalüüs) Neofreudistid: Adler(individuaalpsühholoogia), Fromm (psüühilise ja sotsiaalse teguri vahekord), Erikson(psühhosotsiaalne areng), Jung(analüütiline psühholoogia) Biheiviorism: Watson (sisend-must kast-väljund), Skinner (radikaalne biheiviorism, operantne tingimine), väikese Alberti eksperiment rotiga Humanistid: Rogers (empaatia ja valikute olulisus), Maslow (theory of human motivatsion, vajaduste hierarhia) Kognitiivne psühholoogia: termin kognitiivne pärineb U. Neisserilt Pavlov kindel tingimine - tingitud ja tingimata stiimul - katse koera ja vilega 07.09 Cage- ajalukku kirjutatud tänu oma äärmiselt ebatõenaolisele surmast pääsemisele raske õnnetuse tagajärjelt. Gall- frenoloogia alusepanija Stroopi efekt Eugen Aserinsky märkas kiirete silmaliigutuste perioode(Rapid Eye Movement-REM) Berger-enne operatsiooni nähti p...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
5 allalaadimist

Test Population

Esimene rühm 1. Name the processes of population that have an economic importance. 2. What is demographic transition and what influences it? 3. Speak about demographic explosion. 4. What is demographic crisis? 5. Speak about the course of demographic transition up to 1950s. 6. Speak about full employment in the NORTH. 7. What is natural increase? 8. Why is the rapid increase of population so acute problem? 9. Name the factors that influence death rate. 10. What are the main reasons for death in the developing world? 11. Analyse a population pyramid (what stage was in 2000?). Vastused 1. 1. Demographic transition, 2. Changes that take place in education and full employment, 3. Migration, 4. Urbanization, 5. Etno-cultural process. 2. This is a theory according to which all societies start with traditional alternation (vaheldus) of generations. It is influenced by indust...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
13 allalaadimist

Police warn of 'lethal' fake beauty products on sale

Police warn of 'lethal' fake beauty products on sale Police have warned that rats' droppings, human urine and arsenic have all been found in potentially lethal fake beauty products on sale to British consumers. Counterfeit make-up, perfume, hair straighteners and sun creams are all affected, warn the City of London Police. At least £90 million is spent every year on fake items as the rapid growth of online shopping has expanded the market. Counterfeit beauty products have become increasingly common and are readily available on auction sites, online forums and social media. Authenticating products has become more challenging as shoppers are unable to physically inspect items before committing to purchase them. Police warned that criminals are using generic stock images to deceive consumers into believing the items they are browsing are authentic. Fake electrical items have been singled-out by authorities as a particular risk. Im...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Human overpopulation

Human overpopulation Liis Lukk MJ15 What is overpopulation? • Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. • Human overpopulation is among the most pressing environmental issues • Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources • Human population has been rising continuously since the end of the Black Death, around the year 1350 • The most significant increase has been since the 1950s, mainly due to medical advancements and increases in agricultural productivity • The recent rapid increase in human population over the past three centuries has raised concerns that the planet may not be able to sustain present or future numbers of inhabitants. Loss of Fresh Water • Most of the freshwater resources are ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

London Stansed Airport

London Stansted Airport JESSICA PENTSOP 8.C London Stansted Airport  London Stansted Airport is an international airport located at Stansted in the local government district of Uttlesford Essex.  Stansted is a base for a number of major European low-cost carriers, being the largest base for low-cost airline Ryanair with over 100 destinations served by the airline. Map Review About the Airport  In 2013 it was the fourth busiest airport in the United Kingdom after Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester.  Stansted’s runway is also used by private companies such as the Harrods Aviation terminal wich is opposite the main terminal building and handles private jets and some state visits. Owners  The airport is owned and operated by the Manchester Airports Group (MAG), wich also owns and operates t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

London Olympics 2012

London Olympics 2012 & Paralympics  World records and number of participants Merlyn Jürgenson 2013 Participants  London Olympics – 10 820 athletes Paraolympics – 4 302 athletes Nations participating  London Olympics – 204  countries Paraolympics – 164 countries World records  Swimming Missy Franklin of United States broke world record of 2:04.06. The American team of Franklin, Soni, Vollmer and Schmitt won Olympic gold in women's 4x100m medley relay with a world record time of 3: 52.05. Rebecca Soni of the United States set a new world record in the women's 200m Breaststroke with a time of 2:19.59 seconds.  Daniel Gyurta of Hungary set a new world record with a time of 2:07.28 in 200 m breaststroke. Sun Yang of China set a world record in the men's 1,500 m freestyle. Vollmer of the United States won gold in the women's 1...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

Introduction to macroeconomics

Introduction to macroeconomics Macroeconomics Macroeconomics (from Greek prefix "macr(o)-" meaning "large" + "economics") is a branch of economics that deals with · the performance, structure, behavior and decision-making of the entire economy, · be that a national, regional, or the global economy The Economist's Dictionary of Economics defines Macroeconomics as - "The study of whole economic systems aggregating over the functioning of individual economic units. It is primarily concerned with variables which follow systematic and predictable paths of behaviour and can be analysed independently of the decisions of the many agents who determine their level. It is a study of national economies and the determination of national income." Macroeconomics examines the economy as a whole and answers questions · 'What causes the economy to gro...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist


Tallinn Tallinn is situated on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, in north-western Estonia. A limestone cliff runs through the city. It is exposed, for instance, at Toompea and Lasnamäe. However, Toompea is not a part of the cliff, but a separate hill. Coastline is 46 kilometres long.The highest point of Tallinn, at 64 meters above the sea level, is situated in the district of Nõmme, in the south-west of the city. The first human steps, that archeologists found, are about 5000 years old. Tallinn`s first fortress was built in Toompea, in 1050. As an important port for trade between Russia and Scandinavia, it became a target for the expansion of the Teutonic Knights and the Kingdom of Denmark during the period of Northern Crusades in the beginning of the 13th century when Christianity was forcibly imposed on the local population. Danish rule of Tallinn and Northern Estonia started in 1219. In 1285...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Topic - London

Topic ­ London Tallinn English College Tallinn 2007 1. Introduction London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and the largest urban area in England. The ancient City of London, to which the name originally belonged, still maintains its medieval boundaries, but the name "London" has long applied more to the whole metropolis that has grown up around it. London has been an important settlement for over two millenniums. It is also one of the world's leading business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment and even fashion contribute to its status as a major global city. London is a major tourist attraction with four world heritage sites, several royal parks and numerous iconic landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament, Towe Bridge, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and the London Eye. 2. History Although there is some evidence of a permanent settle...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Sisejulgeoleku koht Euroopa Liidu julgeolekusüsteemis2

Sisekaitseakadeemia Politsei- ja piirivalvekolledz ,,,,,,, SISEJULGEOLEKU KOHT EUROOPA LIIDU JULGEOLEKUSÜSTEEMIS Referaat Juhendaja: pv- mjr Heiki Suomalainen Muraste 2012 SISSEJUHATUS Euroopa Liit on juba pikkaaega loonud vabadust ja turvalisust. Eesti kuulub Euroopa Liitu ning eurooplastena on meil õigus elada, õppida või töötada kõikjal Euroopa riikides. Euroopa Liidu kodanike jaoks on julgeolek väga oluline teema, võiks öelda, et isegi prioriteet number üks. Sisejulgeoleku koht Euroopa Liidu julgeoleku süsteemis omab väga suurt tähtsust ja vajab olulist tähelepanu. (Euroopa Liidu sisejulgeoleku strateegia 2010:7-9) Meie demokraatia kvaliteet ja üldsuse usaldus liidu suhtes sõltub suurel määral suutlikkusest tagada julgeolek ja stabiilsus. Kuritegevust jätkub igale poole, põhilisemad kuritegevus valdkonnad hetkel ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
8 allalaadimist

Riikide võrdlus

Majanduslik Eesti (Estonia) Argentiina Keenia (Kenya) näitaja (Argentia) Liberaalsuse aste 6 koht 69 koht 86 Koht (Economic freedom) Indeks:3,2 Indeks:2,05 Indeks:1,9 SKP suurus (GDP $22.5 billion (2011) $435.2 billion (2011) $36.1 billion (2011) official exchange rate) SKP per capita $20,200 (2011) $17,400 (2011) $1,700 (2011) (GDP per capita) SKP ostuvõime $26.93 billion (2011) $709.7 billion (2011) $71.5 billion (2011) alusel (GDP purchasing power parity) Gini indeks 31,4 (2009) 45,8 (2009) 42,5 (2008) Eksport inimese $6,988 per capita $1,362.63 per capita $ 113.97 per capita kohta (Export per capita) Kokku eksport: Kokku eksport: Kokku eksport: ...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
18 allalaadimist


Uni Uni ja unenäod on spontaansed seisundid (iseeneslikud). Und on vaja meie seesmiste jõuvarude taastumiseks. Uneaega kasutab organism ka kasvuhormoonide eritamiseks, seetõttu vajavadki noored rohkem und kui vanemad inimesed. Kui inimene ei maga piisavalt, ilmenevad tal tõsised psüühikahäired. Suur hulk sellest, mis me tänapäeval unest teame, on saadud EEG-ga ning silmaliigutuste ja lihasaktiivsuse registreerimisega. Saab eristada kahte erinevat uneseisundit ­ aeglast ja kiiret und. Uni algab tavaliselt aeglase unega. Aeglase une seisund jagatakse veel neljaks staadiumiks. Kerge uni ­ kestab umbes 2 minutit ja selle aja jooksul võidakse näha mitmesuguseid fantastilisi pilte, tajuda kukkumistunnet ja võpatada, tunda end hõljuvat nagu kaaluta olekus. Uinumise aeg ­ kestab umbes 20 minutit. Kahes esimeses astmes hakkavad südamelöökide arv langema ja hingamine aeglustub. See järel liigutakse kiiresti kolmandast neljandasse ast...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun