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"vision" - 206 õppematerjali

vision - kuhu tahetakse jõuda

Kasutaja: vision

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New Vision AS powerpoint

New Vision AS Signe Vois Ettevõttest Loodud 1993. aastal Tegutseb: Eestis, Lätis, Leedus 170 töötajat Käive 2011. aastal ­ 8.6mln Eurot Kontorid: Tallinnas, Riias, Vilniuses Lojaalsus, kaupluste süsteemid, iseteenindus. Koostöö partner Prisma Evolve 4G antenn Hoiab kokku hoolduskulusi Klientide mugavus Kaugühendus Majandustarkvara Microsoft Dynamics NAV Peamised funktsioonid: Pearaamat Kassa Müük ja müügivõlad Ladu Ressursid Laoarvestus Mugav klienditeenindus Tootlikkuse suurendamine Kassade arv, ostjate kiire teenindamine Iseteenindus Leida uusi lahendusi klientide ostumugavuse suurendamiseks. Süsteemi hooldus Retail 24 Teenindus mitmes riigis Seadmete remont TÄNAN KUULAMAST!

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
7 allalaadimist


psühholoogiaga. Paljud meetodid modelleerivad kõigepealt kolmemõõtmelise geomeetrilise mudeli abil objekti, loovad siis projektsioone ja võrdlevad neid projektsioone nähtava pildiga, enne kui otsustavad, mida nad näevad. Nii toimivad näiteks mõned inimnäo või satelliidipiltide tuvastusalgoritmid. Antud pratkikumis kasutame madalama taseme masinnägemist piirjoonte tuvastamisel ning lihtsamate mõõtmiste teostamiseks, kasutades selleks programmi National Instruments Vision Builder AI. Praktikumi ülesanded: 1) Tutvumine ülalmainitud programmiga 2) Keha olemasolu kontroll masinnägemise abil 3) Keha mõõtmine masinnägemise abil 1 Keha olemasolu kontroll masinnägemise abil Selle ülesande tarvis oli antud 3 pilti sprai-pudeli kaelast, millest kolmel oli kork peal, kuid ühel ei olnud. Programmi abil tuli kindlaks teha korgi olemasolu hoolimata pudeli asukohast pildil.

Mehaanika → Mehhatroonikasüsteemid
15 allalaadimist

Visions of a Sustainable World

Visions of a sustainable world Creating a shared vision of a sustainable and desirable future is the most critical task facing humanity today. This vision must be of a world that we all want, a world that provides permanent prosperity within the Earth’s biophysical constraints in a fair. At the centre of the idea of sustainability is an ethical imperative to pass on a undiminished future to our children. To bring our world toward sustainability — or any other goal — we need to take different kinds of steps, which require different kinds of knowledge, talent, skill, and work.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Müüdid silmanägemisest - referaat

KOKKUVÕTE Silmad on inimestele antud vaatamiseks (Trofimova). Seega milleks ülemäära muretseda ja oma elutoiminguid vastavalt seada, et hoida silmi millegi eest, mis nendele sugugi ohtu ei kujuta. "Silm näeb unenäos selgemini kui ärkvel olles" (Leonardo da Vinci) ­ kas samuti müüt? See jääb iga ühe enda otsustada. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Trofimova,I. (2006). 4 müüti silmadest. (21.11.2011). Myths about vision loss. (21.11.2011). Salvin, J.H. (2010). Vision facts and myths. (21.11.2011). Eye care facts and myths. (2007). Eye Care America. (21.11.2011). Myths about blindness and visual impairments. (2010) (27.11.2011). Arkani, G. (2009)

Meditsiin → Optomeetria
16 allalaadimist

Eclipse review

much. Bella wants to meet with him but Edward thinks it unacceptable because Bella could be in danger in La Push. Werewolves and vampires are ancient enemies but since Edward's family came into existence, an uneasy truce has taken place. To top it all off, a plague of murders taking place in Seattle points to an impending vampire threat. I think my biggest problem with this book is the way Bella constantly deludes herself. Alice has a vision at lunch while sitting with Bella and Edward. Bella is curious and wants to know what the vision was, but neither Edward or Alice will tell her. Edward then railroads her into going to visit her mom for the weekend in Arizona, and then lies to Bella about the vision, telling her it was something much different than what it really is. Bella thinks that Alice saw vision about Victoria. Bella got 2 tickets to Arizona from Alice for Birthday but since this day Charlie didn't knew it

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
58 allalaadimist

Nokia Report

................................................ 6 REFERENCES.................................................................. 7 3 INTRODUCTION The present report is going to give a compendious review of the most fascinating subjects concerning Nokia in my perspective. This report contains general but essential information about Nokia's history and its strategy, vision, products today and Nokia's quality of products. Firstly I will give brief information about the history of Nokia. The text will not be very detailed, but it will give a basic knowledge about Nokia's way of getting to what it is today. Secondly I will give an overview of Nokia's present-day state. I will talk about Nokia's location today and the range of its business and products. Thirdly I will talk about Nokia's basic business tactics. I will give a brief description of its

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Sheep senses and social cognition

Sheep like other species have adapted thier senses to achieve remarkable discrimination skills. These allow them to identify importnant individuals and objects in their environment and communication of social signals. Popular belief tends to emphasise the absolute importance of smell for sheep in line with many other mammals, however as we shall see this another misconception with all three major senses playing essential roles. Vision Sheep depend heavily on their vision. They have excellent peripheral vision and can see behind themselves without turning their heads. However, they have poor depth perception. They cannot see immediately in front of their noses. Some vertical vision may also have been sacrificed in order to have a wider field of vision. For example, it is doubtful that a sheep would be able to see something in a tree. There was a research about sheep recognising faces and genders. Pictures of sheep and humans were shown

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

How to write a Business Plan

How to write a Business Plan Polina Baranova University of Tartu 2017 • The first thing to do is create an outline for your plan. The outline should cover the main topics or points • that will be • 1. Executive Summary • 2. Business Description and Vision • 3. Definition of the Market • 4. Description of the Products and Services • 5. Organization and Management • 6. Marketing and Sales Strategy • 7. Financial Management • 8. Conclusion 1. Executive Summary A typical executive summary for a startup company includes the following sections: • The business opportunity - describe the need or the opportunity. • Taking advantage of the opportunity - explain how will your business will serve the market.

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist


Värvipimedus ehk daltonism on osaline või täielik võimetus eristada värvuseid. Ilma värvitaju häireta ehk normaalnägemisega inimene on suuteline nägema kolme põhivärvust: punast, rohelist ja sinist ning nende segunemisel tekkivaid värvusi (vt lisa 1 joonis 1). Silmamuna taga paikneb silma võrkkest, kus on kahte liiki rakke, mis osalevad nägemisprotsessis. Need on kolvikesed ja kepikesed. Kolvikesed on tundlikud teated lainepikkustega valguse ehk erinevate värvide suhtes. (Color Vision ... 2013). Kepikesed ehk kepprakud ­ silma võrkkestas asuvad valgustundlikud rakud, mis toimivad nõrga valgustatuse korral (suur valgustundlikkus), nad ei erista hästi värve. (Kepikesed ... 2009) Kolvikesed ehk koonusrakud ­ silma võrkkestas paiknevad valgustundlikud rakud, mis on seotud värvuste nägemisega ja ruumilise lahutusvõimega toimivad hea valgustatuse korral (väike valgustundlikkus). (Kolvikesed ... 2009)

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

POLAROID / (25.10.2012) KASUTATU Rand.R. (2009). Füüsikalise optika D kordamisküsimused. KIRJANDUS (03.11.2012) Juurikas.J. (2012). Filmid läbi 3D prillide. / (03.11.2012) Eagle Vision. Prilliläätsede materjalid. (24.10.2012) Eagle Vision. Polariseerivad prilliläätsed ehk polaroidid. (22.10.2012) Polaroid eyewear. The ultrasightTM lens from Pfolaroid - made with thermofusionTM technology. http:// (03.11.2012) Polaroid eyewear

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliteaduse üldalused
8 allalaadimist

Pharmacy management

Followers! Transactional leadership: can be learned, linked to the position. Transformationa: linked to people wanting to follow you. Natural leader is elected bottom up. Hi paces the group's well-being above their own personal gains. Priveleges: 3S ­ Status, Sex, Salary. Default leaders: parachuted top down. Dark triad: selfishness, aggressiveness, indifference. Management by terror. Characteristics: brain (knowledge, vision, ambitions), heart (communication), intangible. CONCLUSION: 1) Management is a job. 2) It requires various special skills. 3) A leader no = a manager. True leaders are not born, but they are made. Lecture 2: Mission, vision and strategy. Mission ­ why are we here on earth? For whom do we solve which problems and how? How do we wish to interact with our staff, customers?

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


ultraviolettkiirguse (UV) kaitset. Kuna baasmaterjali näol võib olla tegu erinevate variantidega, on erinevad ka võtted kõrgekvaliteedilise UV kaitse saavutamiseks prilliläätsel. Värvitu mineraalklaasi puhul kantakse UV filter toonitud polaroidkilele, mis klaasiga liidetakse. Plastikmaterjalide ja polükarbonaadi puhul on UV filter juba baasmaterjalis olemas, mistõttu polaroid kilele enam midagi ei lisata. (Eagle Vision... ) Joonis nr. 1. Polaroid päikeseprillide tööpõhimõte. (Nave 2001) 2. AJALUGU JA STATISTIKA Esimesi polariseeritud prilliläätsi esitles 1928. aastal nüüdseks juba väga tuntud firma ,,Polaroid" asutaja Edwin H. Land, kes valmistas esimese polaroidkile, mille dikroism ehk valguse lahutus oli tingitud valguse neeldumisest kilesse viidud orienteeritud jodohiniinsulfaadi mikrokristallides.

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
22 allalaadimist

Technology Home reading

large letters of the alphabet, and see where people are, albeit not details about them. Linda Morfoot, 65, of Long Beach, Calif., blind for 12 years, says she can now toss a ball into a basketball hoop, follow her nine grandchildren as they run around her living room and "see where the preacher is" in church. "For someone who's been totally blind, this is really remarkable," said Andrew P. Mariani, a program director at the National Eye Institute. "They're able to get some sort of vision." Scientists involved in the project, the artificial retina, say they have plans to develop the technology to allow people to read, write and recognize faces. Advances in technology, genetics, brain science and biology are making a goal that long seemed out of reach -- restoring sight -- more feasible. "For a long time, scientists and clinicians were very conservative, but you have to at some point

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

The Romantic Age

year of the beginning. Characteristics of Romantic age: The Romantic Age is a term used to describe life and literature in England in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. -Imagination was very important Like William Blake an English poet has said "I know that this world is a World of Imagination and Vision" -Belief and appreciating nature -Independency ­ Writers placed the individual, rather than society, at the center of their vision. The assertion of nationalism became a central theme of Romantic age. Literature Emergence of new ideas and positive voices. Emphasis was women and children, the heroic isolation of the artist or narrator, and respect for nature. Some writings were also based on the supernatural. Belief in the possibility of progress. Writers tended to be optimists and espoused democratic values. Importance of feeling and imagination.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
8 allalaadimist

Awesome ManOS

ManOS Overview Everything below is rooted in my core value of creating self­esteem. My actions  today focus on work, girls, travel & having fun. My career is the ultimate leverage  point as this creates the money, self­esteem and confidence. The money allows  me to travel and the self­esteem & confidence allow me to live the lifestyle that is  congruent with drawing in girls. Long term (5+ years), I want my life to offer value to the world by having a  beneficial impact on those around me. I am obviously not clear how I will do this,  so for now, I am focused on taking the greatest strides possible over the next few years, to better put me in a position to achieve my long term goal. 1. Career  Vision I want to earn the rank of manager in my firm within the next 3 years. I want to  earn the respect and trust of fellow employees. I want to become an integral  member of my team by providing distinct and high quality service to my clie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Laserite kasutamine silmakirurgias

Primaarne ja sekundaarne immuunpuudulikkus Süsteemsed haigused, mis mõjutavad paranemise protsessi Diabeet Silma häigused (Glaukoma, Keratokoonus) FRK. Tüsistused Silmade kuivus Korduv erosioonid une ajal Pikk paranemise periood Valud Vähendatud nägemisteravus hämaras Suurenenud valguse tundlikkus FDA results (LASIK) The FDA report was based in part on information obtained from 1,600 eyes that underwent laser vision correction as part of the clinical trials. These eyes were followed for 3 years after treatment. at 6 months 95% could see 20/40 or better without glasses at 6 months 66% could see 20/20 or better without glasses at 1 year 98.8 % were able to obtain the same or better pre operative vision either with or without glasses at 1 year 1.2% of patients had lost 2 lines of vision (e.g. vision decreased from a preoperative level from 20/20 to

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
6 allalaadimist


To confront the future with a past- orientation is much like driving using only the rearview mirror-the focus is on where one has been and not on where one is going. An occasional rearview focus is essential so that one may know what is coming up from behind. But for the most part the focus must be on what lies ahead. Is the educational system headed into the 21st century with a rearview focus, oriented toward the past? Or is it¹s focus oriented toward the future, toward change? The Need for Vision: This calls for a need of vision, because as a wise man reminded us long ago, "without vision a people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). But what is vision? Vision is the bifocal ability to see what lies ahead (farsightedness), as well as the various impediments in the present (nearsightedness), and how to avoid them in order to arrive at the future. Seldom are both types of vision found in the same individual. Yet that is precisely what organizations need, a leadership and a staff that are bifocal

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Amnesty international.

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Kelly Griffel Who they are? The global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in more than 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights They are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion and are funded mainly by our membership and public donations Amnesty International's vision Their vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards Amnesty International in countries They have more than 2.8 million members, supporters and subscribers in over 150 countries and territories, in every region of the world They have offices in 80 countries around the world They help stop human rights abuses by

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Eclipse second chapter

Eclipse Chapter 2 As Bella attempts come to terms with both the end of her high school career and her chosen future, her friends are all busily excited with preparations for graduation. In the middle of these excited discussions Alice Cullen receives a vision of the future. But as Bella tries to discover the content of that vision, she finds her attempts being artfully dodged by both Alice and Edward. After returning home that afternoon, Bella enjoys time with Edward and emails her mother Renee. During this exchange Edward finds the stereo Bella received as a birthday gift from Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper in the bottom of Bella's closet. After vowing to replace it before anyone discovers its current condition, he suggests celebrating Bella's new found freedom

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

ARENGUKAVAD ja Visioonid

LÄÄNE-VIRU RAKENDUSKÕRGKOOL Ettevõtluse ja majandusarvestuse õppetool Ärikorralduse õppekava ARENGUKAVAD JA VISIOONID Juhendaja: Ain Suurkaev Mõdriku 2015 ARENGUKAVAD : „Väike - Maarja valla arengukava aastateks 2016 – 2019“ – Olen Väike-Maarja valla kodanik. ( id=4353&PHPSESSID=17v9rb8oc78dkh1ip3q0ruqp31) „Väike-Maarja Lasteaia arengukava aastateks 2015–2019“ – Minu poeg käib Väike- Maarja Lasteaias. ( „Väike-Maarja Gümnaasiumi ja Õppekeskuse arengukava 2015-2019“ – Minu tütar õpib Väike - Maarja Gümnaasiumis. ( Maarja_Gumnaasiumi_ja_Oppekeskuse_arengukava.pdf) „Lääne-Viru Rakenduskõrgkooli arengukava aast...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
7 allalaadimist


MUGAVUSVARUS TUS KRISTJAN TEEARU VENTILATSIOON · Sõitjate ruumi kütmine ja jahutamine · Elektri auto? · Lisakütte seadmed (soojusvaheti, el kütteseade, seisukütte seade) · Kliimaseade HVAC (mootorilt käitatud, elektriline) VARGUSVASTASED SEADMED · Käivitustõkis (elektriline, mehaaniline?) · Vargaalarm · Kesklukustus (elektriline, elektropneumaatiline, automaatne) MUGAVUS · Elektriaknad (puldist) · Keyless entry (elektrooniline ukselink) · Elektrilised istmed (peatugi, lisafunktsioonid, airbag, turvavöö) · Klaasipuhasti (vihmasensor) · Elektriliselt sulguvad uksed ja elektriliselt avanevad külgmised ja tagumised luugid. JUHIABID · Kiirushoidik (kohanev) · Valgustus (kohanev) · Eessõitja tuvastus · Stop-n-Go kiirushoidik · Parkimisabi (kaamerad) · Pimenurgaabisti · Lane assist · Mägipidur · ESP, TRC MEELELAHUTUS, MUGAVUS · Navigatsioon (ühendatud tugi) · Multimeedia · Hands free · ABS (Home zone ...

Auto → Autode lisa- ja mugavusseadmed
5 allalaadimist

Riiklik Akadeemiline Meeskoor

RAM Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor on teadaolevalt suurim kutseline meeskoor maailmas. Koori asutas 1944. aastal eesti koorimuusika suurkuju Gustav Ernesaks. Hiljem on RAMi juhatanud mitmed tuntud eesti koorijuhid: Olev Oja (1964­1991), Kuno Areng (1966­1990), Ants Üleoja (1991­1997), Ants Soots (1994-2005, kunstiline juht 2008.a. sügisest) ning Kaspars Putnis (2005-2008).Enam kui kuue aastakümne jooksul on RAM andnud üle 6000 kontserdi kõikjal Eestis, endise NSVLi suuremates keskustes, mitmel pool Lääne-Euroopas, Iisraelis, Kanadas ja USAs. Viimaste välisesinemiste seas on kontsert Peterburi Filharmoonia Suures saalis, kus osaleti Rudolf Tobiase oratooriumi "Joonase lähetamine" ettekandel (2003). Augustis 2005 esitas RAM Stockholmis III Läänemere Festivalil Sibeliuse "Kullervo", partneriteks dirigent Esa-Pekka Salonen ja Rootsi Raadio Sümfooniaorkester. 2005. aasta novembris andis Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor kolm kontserti kultuurifestivalil "Eesti päe...

Muusika → Muusika
6 allalaadimist

Arvutid ja nägemine

Kuvari jälgimise ajal on silmalihased pidevalt pinges, see aga viib aja jooksul nende ülekoormuse tekkimisele. Silmade väsimise põhjuseks on enamasti nende ülepingutus. Käesolev referaat kirjeldab, millised on peamised silmavaevused, mida arvuti põjustab ning õpetab, kuidas neist hoiduda. 1. ARVUTI KASUTAMISEST TINGITUD SILMAVAEVUSED Eristatakse põhiliselt kahte arvuti kasutamisest tingitud nägemisvaevust. Computer vision syndrom(CVS) ehk arvuti vaatamise sündroom on levinud inimeste seas, kes veedavad igapäevaselt arvutis rohkem kui 2 tundi. See avaldub nägemisteravuse vähenemises, ümberfokusseerumisvõime aeglustumises, topeltnägemise esinemises, silmade kiires väsimises, kipitustundes, silmavalgete punetuses, silmade valgustundlikuses ning kaela ja õlavalus. See mõjutab miljoneid kontoritöötajaid, õpilasi ja teisi igapäevaseid arvutikasutajaid.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
18 allalaadimist

David Bowie

David Bowie Tallinna nõmme gümn Born in 1947, England Real name David Robert Jones English musician, actor, record producer and arranger He is known for: distinctive voice, intellectual depth, considerable eclecticism of his work Bowie first got famous with his song "Space Oddity" in July 1969 Re-emerged in 1972 during the glam rock era with the flamboyant alter ego Ziggy Stardust The hit single was "Starman" and the album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars ´´Space oddity´´ Bowie arrived in America in 1974 Pop, Rock, Glam Rock, some blues Two Grammy Awards and two BRIT Awards ``Sound and Vision`` Thank you for listening Töö sisu

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 2

measured by companies working in the textile industry. Pilling measurement is traditionally performed using manual procedures involving visual control of fabric surface by human experts. Since the early nineties, great efforts in developing automatic and non-intrusive methods for pilling measurement have been made all around the world with the final aim of overcoming traditional, visual-based and subjective, procedures. Machine Vision proved to be among the best options to perform such defect assessment since it provided increasingly performing measurement equipment and tools, serving the purpose of automatic control. In particular, a relevant number of interesting works have been proposed so far, sharing the idea of helping (or even replacing) traditional measurement methods using image processing-based ones. The present work provides a rational

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist


them.  Bilberryis a plant. The dried, ripe fruit and leaves are used to make medicine.  Bilberriesare found in very acidic, nutrient-poor soils throughout the temperate and subarctic regions of the world.  Are related to North American wild. It can be picked…  Bilberryhas sharp-edged, green branches and black berries, which are ripe for picking in late summer. How it is used  Bilberryis used for improving eyesight, including night vision.  Some people use bilberry for conditions of the heart.  Bilberryis also used for chronic fatigue syndrome, hemorrhoids, diabetes, gout, skin infections, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections.  In Finland, Estonia, Russia bilberries are collected from forests.  Bilberry also contains vitamin C. Used literature  THANKS FOR WATCHING!!!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Scorpion King

his empire with an iron fist. He sneaks into Memnon's camp and finds his way to the sorcerer's tent, where he discovers that Memnon's sorcerer is actually a beautiful sorceress called Cassandra. Mathayus and Cassandra, now King and Queen of Egypt, bid their farewells to Balthazar, who wishes them well. Cassandra then reveals to Mathayus that her night with him did not strip her of her powers. She subtly warns Mathayus of a vision she has had of his horrific destiny, but Mathayus decides that they will make their own destiny.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Animatsiooni ajalugu

poosides. Selliseid pilte näeb Lascaux koobastes Prantsusmaal. Tapeedil Bayeux lossis on kujutatud stseenid 1066 aastal toimunud Hastings'i lahingust. Tõeliselt liikusid objektid juba sajandeid tagasi Idamaade varjuteatris. 65 ekr avastab Rooma poeet Lucretius nägemistaju omaduse nähtut meelde jätta. 1824 esitas Peter Roget Briti Kuninglikule Ühingule (British Royal Society) oma töö "The Persistence of vision with regard to moving objects". 1825 demonstreeris prantslane Paul Roget nägemistaju omadust "nähtut meeles pidada" (persistence of vision). Selleks konstrueeris ta seadme nimega thaumatrope, mis koosnes kettast, mida sai ümber oma teljeks pandud varda keerutada. Ketta ühele küljele oli joonistatud lind ning teisele poole puur. Ketta pööreldes nägid inimesed lindu puuris. Mõningatel andmetel oli thaumatrope leiutatud juba

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
36 allalaadimist


KONVERENTSI ESITLUSVAHENDID Pärnu 2012 INTERAKTIIVNE DIGITAHVEL Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level PLUSSID Muuda esiltus huvitavamaks Ergonoomiline pliiats DViT (Digital Vision Technology) tehnoloogia Digitaalne tint Salvestamise funktsioon Slaide saad muuta iagl pool ruumis, mitte ainult arvuti taga. MIINUSED Väiksem kuvapind Vähem mobiilne (rohkem osi) Kohati ebatöökindel Hakkab ajale jalgu jääma, kuna ka paremad tavalised projektorid võimaldavad kõike seda PROJEKTOR Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level

Informaatika → Infoedastusseadmed
6 allalaadimist


Some users may become intoxicated at a much lower Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level that I am about to show you. Along with drinking their are different levels to it: 0.02-0.03 BAC: No loss of coorination,slight euphoria and loss of shyness. Depressant effects are not apparent. 0.04-0.06 BAC: Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, sensation of warmth. Some minor impairment of reasoning and memory, lowering of caution. 0.07-0.09 BAC: Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Judgement and self-control are reduced, and caution, reason and memory are impaired. 0.10-1.125 BAC: Signficant impairment of moter coordination and loss of good judgement. Speech may be slurred; balance, vision,reaction time and hearing will be impaired. (It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle at this level of intoxication.) 0.13-0.15 BAC: Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. BLurred vision and major loss of balance

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Computers - indispensable part of our life

Although it is good to talk to people using computers, one should always prefer communicating people in real-life. We use computers daily, but do we accept the fact that long-term using of computers is affecting out health? Working for hours on end with a computer is now a fact of life. Whether it's an aspect of your work or whether you use computers just for fun, there are certain risks involved with prolonged computer use. With the increasing use of computers, computer related vision problems are affecting a growing number of individuals. Visual symptoms include: eyestrain, blurred or double vision, headaches, red or irritated eyes, and color perception changes. But there are even more side-effects on using computers. When sitting on the same position constantly, we may experience neck or shoulder tension, general fatigue, or pain in the back, arms, wrists or shoulders. Using computers daily and more than few hours a day is risky and may affect our health. That is

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Letter of application example

and to the woods. So I think it would be very useful to me to study in your greenest school on earth and I can share my experiences and knowledge with your school and students. I am applying to the Green School for several reasons. I am usually dealing with music, but I have taken part of chemistry workshops for a two years. My wish is to improve my English skills about green thinking and ecology. I also want to learn more about this holistic vision what you are practising on your students. I have never heard about this world view before, but it would be a good opportunity for me. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours Faithfully, (Your Name)

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Lean Startup summary

Eric Ries defines in this book a startup as an organization dedicated to creating something new under conditions of extreme uncertainty. This is just as true for one person in a garage or a group of seasoned professionals in a Fortune 500 boardroom. What they have in common is a mission to penetrate that fog of uncertainty to discover a successful path to a sustainable business. I learned about startup philosophy, which is used by both startups and more mature companies. This Book part´s are Vision, Define, Learn, Experiment, Leap, Test, Measure, Pivot or Preserve, Grow and Innovate. My favorite sentence from this book is “Those who look to adopt lean startup as a defined set of steps or tactics will not succeed. In a startup situation, things constantly go wrong.” I recommend this book for everybody who are interested about startup philosophy and investing. Kristiina Toomik

Keeled → Business english
6 allalaadimist

Estonain Air

History Partners Activities Structure Strategy History On December 1, 1991 Estonian Air was created. In 1996, the Estonian state decided to privatise the airline and 66% of the shares were put on sale. In 2003, Maersk Air sold its 49% share to SAS Group. Partners v Scandinavias Airlaines v Aeroflot, Russian Airlaines v Belavia, Belarusian Airlaines v AeroSvit, Ukrainian Airlaines v Spanair, Spanish Airlaines v KLM, Royal Dutch Airlaines v Brussels Airlaines v Rossiya, Russian Airlaines Activities Ø Estonian Air'sprincipal field of activity is provided scheduled flights to both business and holiday travellers Ø Estonian Air's fields of activity include training of flight attendants, freight transport and the on-board sale of merchandise. Structure to edit Master text styles Click to edit Master text styles econd level Second level Third level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Esitlus krediidipanga struktuurist ja väärtustest

Alexei Sytnikov Member of the Council Nikita Monakhov Member of the Council Jazeps Paplavskis Member of the Council Ain Soidla Member of the Council Andrus Kluge ­ Chairman of the board Valmar Moritz ­ Vice chairman of the board Ruslan Dontsov ­Head of Retail Banking Uku Tammaru ­ Head of Corporate Banking Marju Arras ­ Director of Settlements Marina Laaneväli ­ Chief accountant Janek Uiboupin ­ Head of Risk Managment Vision: Krediidipank aims at being attractive ­ i.e. a noteworthy bank. This means that we are governed by the triple A principle ­ i.e. to be ATTRACTIVE to customers, ATTRACTIVE to employees, and ATTRACTIVE to investors. Mission: To create a good setting for reliable management of everyday financial affairs for private and corporate customers. Transparent Competent Simple Friendly Commited to seek solutions Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

How will technology change our lives in the next 20 years

and more technical items (phones, computers, home appliances etc) · Air pollution (factories) · Most people doesn't know how to use these technical items · Children nowadays POSITIVE THINGS NOWADAYS · Medicine can develope · More opportunities to explore things in our life · Simple learning opportunities (e-school etc) · Sustainable methods to produce energy · Faster service (for example McDonald's in Tallinn's oldtown) · Easy to speak with people in other countries MY VISION · Less teachers in schools · Robots are doing most of our chores · Someone will invent new technical thing, what's going to change entire world · People are more dependent of technology · People will lose their independence CONCLUSION- my opinion · Technology's development is bad for common people (children) · It's good for medicine and ohter branch of science development THANK YOU FOR LISTENING

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

If I were the Minister of Education in Estonia

If I were the Minister of Education in Estonia During my years being a student, I have noticed that there have been some changes in the Estonian educational system. Some of them are useful, some are not. Yet I think there are still many things that could use a change. I think, that one good change has been made related to the national exams, they have been improved a lot. This has assured an ongoing high level of education in Estonia. Our colleges' curriculums have also certified our college students' competitivity worldwide. I would like to bring out the education getting more and more creative as a positive change. I have noticed the use of active teaching methods and personal approach to the students. If I would be the Minister of Education, I would make the first change in turning the educational system to be more student-centered. I find, that not only those students need perso...

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist


A friend can be your family member, your neighbour, classmate or even your dog. It may be weird to consider an animal as a friend, but people who have a dog or a cat should understand what I mean. Whoever tells that animals do not replace human, may be right, because they can not advise you. Moreover, they do not talk at all, but sometimes it is even better. Sometimes animals are better friends than people just because they listen and do not talk out of turn. Which is my vision of a true friend? He or she has to be someone, who I can completely trust. In addition he or she has to be warm-hearted and communicative. A friend should be someone who is really interested in my life and wishes me the best. In friendship there should not be enviousness, tartuffism and lying. Owing to this, I have many friends, but only a couple of them I can call true friends. In conclusion I would like to say that I am sure that almost everybody in this world has at least one friend

Keeled → Inglise keel
63 allalaadimist

Eclipse book presentation

this idea. Bella falls steadily hazards and from there the adventure starts. SUMMARY OF THE PLOT Main characters: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black , Charlie Swan, Victoria, Alice Cullen Plot: Edward and Bella apply to colleges, before that Bella wants to meet her werewolf friend, Jacob Black but Edward thinks it unacceptable because Bella could be in danger. Edward fears for Bella's safety. Alice Cullen, vampire and Edwards sister, has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella for revenge, has returned to their city. Edward makes a marriage proposal and after that Bella may become a vampire. Their city is endangered because of newborn vampires, who are bloodthirsty and will attack the people. Newborn vampires are controlled by Victoria. Werewolves and vampires cooperate in order to protect the city and Bella. Edward kills Victoria and Edward and Bella will start planning the wedding

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Beauty pageants for small girls should be banned

Beauty pageants for small girls should be banned Today's beauty pageants are detrimental to a child's development. These kinds of competitions can lead to low selfconfidence and poor body image. While most beauty pageants cater strictly to girls, there are a growing number that include boys as well. I firmly believe that taking part of beauty pageants is pressured by contestants' parents. It is their vision of how their children should look and act like. Some children do not want to partake in those competitions because it is tiring and chaotic, some children even do not understand what it is all about, because they are too young for that. In my opinion, a child who looks absolutely gorgeous without fake teeth, spraytan and an enormous wig is forced to wear all of it just to measure up to her parent wishes. I am not convinced that beauty pageants help to promote selfesteem in children. It can be ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

London Eye and Madame Tussauds

THE LONDON EYE  AND  MADAME TUSSAUDS Getri Tomson, Marta Tolli Maris Selmet, Patrick Barbo THE LONDON EYE THE LONDON EYE HISTORY  London Eye was opened in March 2000.  Since 2000 The London Eye has become an iconic  landmark and a symbol of modern Britain.  Back in 2000, the London Eye was known as    the Millennium Wheel. INTERESTING FACTS  Passengers in the London Eye's capsules can see up  to 40 kilometeres in all directions.  The London Eye is the vision of David Marks and  Julia Barfield, a husband and wife architect team.  It took 7 years and the skills of hundreds of     people from 5 countries to make The London Eye a  reality.  At 135m high, The London Eye is the world's     tallest cantilevered observation wheel.  Each of the 32 capsules weighs 10 tonnes THE LONDON EYE’S CAPSULES AWARDS  The London Eye has won over 80 awards.  The awards are won for national ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
1 allalaadimist

Tööohutus väljendid

Poleerima ­ Polish Sobitama (prilli) raamidesse ­ Fit into the frames Toonitud läätsed ­ Tinted lens Eluiga ­ Life span Käeshoitav olema ­ Be hand-held Pilusilla prillid ­ Silt-bridge spectacle Ninajuur ­ Nose bridge Meelekoht, sang ­ Temple Topelhingedega prillisang ­ Double-hinged temple Kohandatavad rippläätsed ­ Adjustable drop-down lenses Silmavahe, pupillidevaheline kaugus ­ Interpupillary distance Muutma (parandama), täiustama ­ Modify Kaugnägevus ­ Distance vision Nägemise abivahend ­ Visual aid Spiooniprillid, teaterprillid ­ Spyglasses Monokkel ­ Monocle Käärprillid ­ Scissors glasses Lornjett, ooperibinokkel ­ Lorgnette Näpitsprillid ­ Pince-nez Rõhutama, täiendama ­ Enhance Olema saadaval ­ Be available Titaan ­ Titanium Kergekaaluline ­ Laightweight Olema populaarne kellegi seas ­ To be popular among someone Ristkülikukujulised raamid ­ Rectangular frames Tasakaalustama ümarust ­ To balance round shape

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Värvipimedus - referaat

org/wiki/John_Dalton#Colour_blindness (7.04.2012). Color blindness. (2012). (7.04.2012). Color perception test. (2012). (7.04.2012). Flück, D. (2006). Tritanopia ­ Blue-Yellow Color Blindness. (8.04.2012). What is colorblindness and the different types? (7.04.2012). Living with colour vision deficiency. deficiency/ (9.04.2012). Color perception test. (2012). (9.04.1012). 8 LISA 1 Joonis 1. Vikerkaarevärvid normaalnägemisega. Joonis 3. Vikerkaarevärvid protanoopiaga. Joonis 4. Vikerkaarevärvid deuteranoopiaga. Joonis 5. Vikerkaarevärvid tritanoopiaga. Joonis 6

Meditsiin → Patoloogia
32 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad mantra 1 summary notes MRdd

Bhakti Sastri Online Modul 1, lesson 3 Student: Madhuri Radhika dd (Almviks Gard, Sweden) 18th of January 2014 VIDEO: Bhakti Shastri (003) - Sri Isopanisad Mantra 1 ISOPANISAD BRIEF OVERVIEW Invocation ­ mantra 3: Live in harmony with Ishvara Mantra 4.-8. The Ishvara can be understood by spiritual vision Mantra 9.-11. Right & wrong vidya (knowledge) - for understanding Ishvara Mantra 12.-14. Right & wrong upasana (disposition of the heart) ­ for worshiping Ishvara Mantra 15.-18. Prayers to Ishvara to reveal Himself If I want to obey someone, I should know this person. We can know the Ishvara by the spiritual vision. Developing the spiritual vision has two parts: · cultivating the proper knowledge & then

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist

Lord Byron

pooleli. Teosed  "Jõudeaja tunnid" (Hours of Idleness, 1806)  "Childe Haroldi palverännak" (Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 1812–1818)  "Gjaur" (1813)  "Korsaar" (1814)  "Lara" (1814)  "Heebrea meloodiad" (Hebrew Melodies, 1815)  "Manfred" (1817)  "Don Juan" (1819–1824; lõpetamata poeem)  "Beppo" (1818)  "Mazeppa" (1819)  "Dante ennustus" (The Prophecy of Dante, 1819)  "Kain" (Cain, 1821)  "Kohtunägemus" (The Vision of Judgement, 1821)  "Pronksiaeg" (1822) Viited  don_Byron  on_in_Albanian_dress.jpg  n.jpg  te-always-laugh-when-you-can-it-is-chea p-medicine-lord-byron-29426.jpg  w/UwCge8eX22I/AAAAAAADQtI/wOJnW1bGI8 TÄNAN TÄHELEPANU EEST

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN

laiendama ettevõtteid teistesse liikmesriikidesse, leida koos tekkinud probleemidele lahendused ja lihtsustama üksteise vahelist logistikat. [1] Kagu-Aasia Riikide Assotsiatsioon soovib teadvustada Aasia kultuuri kõikidele, kes on sellest huvitatud. Lisaks tahetakse teha koostööd teiste rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega, kellel on samad motiivid ja eesmärgid siin suures maailmas. [1] ASEAN-i motoks on: „Üks nägemus, üks identiteet, üks kogukond.“ (One Vision, One Identity, One Community) [1] Viidatud allikad: [1] ASEAN, [Võrgumaterjal]. [Kasutatud: 25.09.2016]

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline majandus
1 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism The aim of this work is to obtain some characteristics of the poetry of Philip Larkin, such us the origin of his themes, the way in which he writes his poems and the symbolism he uses (which is a very controversial topic because some assume that he does use it, while some others say that he uses it in an ironic way). In this work we tried to make a revision on the vision of Larkin through the studies that had been made on him, and on the basis of it we can say, that the voice of Larkin still clearly contemporary today. He is, in addition, acid, disagreeable, unpleasant, and we can catalogue these characteristics like the most appreciated by its followers. Larkin gives us through his poetry, a vision of middle-aged conservative, that in a politically incorrect way in our days, does not stand children, detests the life in family,

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist


NÄGEMISMEEL · Silmamuna ehitus · Pupill · Silmamuna liigutused · Silma kaitsvad struktuurid · Silma optiline süsteem · Fotokeemilised protsessid võrkkestas · Värvuste nägemine · Võrkkesta tsentraallohk · Lääts ja ripskeha · Nägemismeele tsentraalsed teed · Silma reflektsiooni anomaaliad ja uuringud · Nägemismeel on inimese tähtsaim meel · Inimese nägemismeeleelund on silm (oculus) · Nägemise abil saab inimene 90% kogu infost SILMAMUNA EHITUS I Silmamuna (bulbus oculi) asub silmakoopa (orbita) eesmises osas SILMAMUNA EHITUS II Silmamuna kestad 1. Fibrooskest: sarvkest (cornea) ja kõvakest (sclera) 2. Võrkkest e reetina pigmentepiteel, horisontaalrakud, bipolaarsed ja ganglionirakud, sensorirakud (kepikesed ja kolvikesed) 3. Soonkest (choroidea) · vikerkest (iris) annab silmadele värvi · ripskehas on ripslihas · pärissoonkestas on...

Meditsiin → Anatoomia
12 allalaadimist

How to become successful?

measured individually by each person based on their values, intrests and achievements. But what could be the gameplan when inching one's way towards success in my point of view? First of all, i believe that figuring out the path one wants to follow in life and being persistent on staying on that path is even more important than a well-rounded education. An excellent example to support that idea is Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Inc., who had a poor education, but a clear vision of what he wants to do. Conclusively, one will be able to foresee even some of the hurdles one will or will not have to overcome, a physicist knows, that his physical condition won't be a barrier on his way to success. Secondly, resilience should be a key word for every success-seeker. Everyone meets setbacks in terms of opposing people, financial troubles, or one might just be lacking in time. However, giving up on one's dreams is definitely not the solution. Depending on the problem

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kodutöö: Research (Internet addiction)

stressed. The results of this study indicate that there are 5 different symptoms of Internet addiction which are losing track of time online, having trouble completing tasks at work or home, isolation from family and friends, feeling quilty or defensive about your Internet use and feeling a sense of euphoria while involved in Internet activities. Further study show that Internet addiction also include physical sympoms such as Carpan Tunner Syndrome, dry eyes or strained vision, back aches and neck aches; severe headaches, Gambling has been a well-documented problem for years. In general, therefore, it seems that the availability of Internet gambling has made gambling far more accessible. It has also made it harder for recovering addicts to aviod relapse. online or virtual casinos are open all day, every day for everyone with Internet access. From the above it can be concluded that the Internet addiction is becoming a very severe

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun