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VBA 1C - vene keeles - sarnased materjalid

height, shape, left

VBA shapes

Shape-objektide omadused ja meetodid Ülesanne Kirjutage programm, mis asetab lumememme pea ja keha jalgade peale nii, et lumememm oleks originaali sarnane. Keha katab jalgade osa umbes 1/7 võrra, pea nihkub keha peale samuti 1/7. Valmis lumememme pea ja keha koordinaadid peab programm kirjutama tabeli lahtritesse. Kasutage omadusi Left, Top, Width ja Height ning meetodit zOrder Programm ei tohi sõltuda lumememme keha asukohast. klass Range Keha Pea Vasak serv 256,12496948 231,3749542 Ülemine serv 206,67849731 176,5284271 m oleks originaali sarnane. klass Range klass shape pane kokku Shape-objektide omadused ja meetodid Ülesanne 1

34 allalaadimist

VBA (sisse lahendatud algus)

Harjutus Jalgpall. Ülesande püstitus Kasutajaliides VBA projekt. Moodulid Objektid ja klassid. Klassimudelid Omadused ja meetodid Graafikaobjektid. Klass Shape Lahtriplokk. Klass Range Valikud. If-lause Kordused. Do ... Loop-lause Muutujad ja Omistamine Makrode käivitamine ja täitmine Parameetrid For-lause Funktsioonid Sissejuhatus VBAsse J Makrod ja Sub-protseduurid Laused VBA-projekt. Moodulid Objektid ja klassid Omadused ja meetodid Klasside Shape ja Range objektid Juhtimislaused: If-lause ja Do ... Loop Muutujad bjektid Do ... Loop-lause Harjutus Jalka. Ülesande püstitus Koostada programm, mis imiteerib jalgpallimängu mõningaid elemente Juku teeb etteantud arvu lööke. Programm loeb kokku mööda ja sisse löödud löökide arvu ja tabamusprotsendi. loe n Kasutajaliides. Teha lehele Plats_1

109 allalaadimist

Graafika VBAs

Graafika VBAs Kõiki töölehe pinnal asuvaid objekte käsitletakse kujunditena (põhiklassid Shape ja Shapes) Kujundite tüübid Graafikaobjektid - MS Drawing abil tehtud kujundid Diagrammid (ChartObjects) 60 23 56 50 40

Informaatika ll
17 allalaadimist

VBA laused

Visual Basic for Application Protseduur koosneb lausetest: Protseduuri alguslause Laused koosnevad: Kirjelduslaused o võtmesõnad Iga VB lihtlause peaks olema eraldi real. Tegevuslaused o konstandid (arv, tekst jm.) Järjestiktegevused Kaht lauset ühel real peab eraldama : (koolon). o nimed (muutujad, alamprotseduurid) Valikulaused Pikema lause jagamiseks mitmele reale pannakse

16 allalaadimist

Graafika lahendatud lõpp

x Demod toodud näidetele valida ja realiseeridaise omapoolne üles used (Graafika_Näited.xls) ja daise omapoolne ülesanne Graafikaobjektid Shape-objektide põhiomadused Shape-objekti mõned meetodid Objekti liigutamine Veski. Liikumine. Lõpmatu kordus Auto testimine Pall & Must auk Vettehüpped Protseduurid Liigu_1 ja Liigu_2 ning funktsioon P_nrk Jälitamine Auto ringliiklus Lennuk Seosed kasutaja ja ekraani koordinaatide vahel Liikumine trajektori järgi Graafikaobjektid. Klass Shape ja sellega seotud põhiklassid Chart Worksheet Graafikaobjektide klassiks on Shape. Kõik lehel asuvad Shape-objektid kuuluvad kollektsiooni (objekti) Shapes. 0..1 Viitamine Shape-objektile: Shapes [leht.]Shapes("nimi") või [leht

55 allalaadimist

Astmelised laadilehed

Võimalikud väärtused: baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom. Võimalik on määrata ka protsentides. text-transform Võimaldab esitada teksti suurte algustähtedega, suurtähtedena või väiketähtedena. Võimalikud väärtused: capitalize, uppercase, lowercase. text-align Märgib tekstiplokkide joondust. Võimalikud väärtused: center, left, right, justify. text-indent Märgib teksti taandeid. Mõõdetakse tollides (in), sentimeetrites (cm), pikselites (px). line-height Märgib tekstirea kõrgust. Väärtus esitatakse kas numbrites (1.2), pikkusühikutes (1.2em) või protsentides (120%). P { line-height: 1.2; font-size: 10pt } P { line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 10pt } P { line-height: 120%; font-size: 10pt }

19 allalaadimist

Txt - Html Tabeli loomine

Näide 2. Teeme HTML - dokumendis järgmise tabeli: Tabelis puuduvad sisemised jooned ja on ainult alumine ja ülemine äärised. Selle tabeli HTML ­ kood on järgmine:

Lahter 1 Lahter 2
Lahter 3 Lahter 4
Elementi kasutatakse veel atribuutidega: align = left, (right, center) ­ tabeli joondus; width = ... - määrab tabeli laiuse; bgcolor = ... - määrab tabeli tausta värvi; background = ,,fail" ­ kasutatakse kui tabeli taustaks on pilt. Näide 3. Teeme HTML - dokumendis järgmise tabeli: Tabelis on kõik äärised ja jooned, kuid on muutunud tabeli laius ja taust. Kirjutame selle tabeli jaoks koodi:

34 allalaadimist

Powerpointi esitlus vanalinna objektidest

Katariina Passage Katariina Passage connects Vene and Müürivahe street. On the northern portion of the passage you can find what's left of St. Catherine's Church (hence the passage name) and various large, ancient tombstones that used to line the inside of the sanctuary. On the southern portion of the passage, you'll find numerous artisan workshops, where you'll even get see them hard at work creating new items. City wall Tallinn's medieval city wall is a sub-facility that was built to protect the lower Tallinn and upper Tallinn (Toompea).

Inglisekeelne geograafia
17 allalaadimist


Kombovalik - combo box - Combo1 - kombinatsioon valikuloendist ja andmeväljast Valikuloend - list box - List1 - väärtuse valik loendist Horisontaalne kerimisriba - horizontal scroll bar - HScroll1 Vertikaalne kerimisriba - vertical scroll bar - Vscroll1 Stopper - timer - Timer1 - aja mõõtmine (nähtamatu objekt) Kettaseade - drive list box - Drive1 - kettaseadme valimine Sisukord - directory list box - Dir1 - sisukorra valimine Faililoend - file list box - File1 - faili valimine Kujund - shape - Shape1 - ristkülikud, ringid Joon - line - Line1 Pilt - image - Image1 - nupuna käituv pilt Andmebaas - data -Data1 OLE ­ OLE ­ OLE1 2. Programmid VB-s vormimoodul (Form Module) koodimoodul (Standard Module) klassimoodul (Class Module) deklaratsioonid alamprogrammid/funktsioonid sündmusprogrammid (seotud objektiga) üldkasutatavad objektide klassi omadusprogrammid (Property) 3. Keelereeglid Üldiselt: rida - lause koolon (:) lausete eraldaja

92 allalaadimist

Javascript objektid,näited

Objekt window meetodid Objekt window meetodid pannakse kirja kujul window.meetod() · alert("teade") - toob ekraanile alert-akna OK nupuga · confirm("teade") - toob ekraanile confirm-akna OK ja Cancel nupuga · prompt("teade", "vaikeväärtus") - toob ekraanile sisestusväljaga promt-akna · open("URL","Akna_nimi",["valikud"]) - avab uue akna o alwaysRaised -aken "kõrgem" o directories - kataloogi nuppe näidatakse või mitte o height - kõrgus pikselites o left - uue akna kaugus vasakult o location - asupaiga aadressi kuvamine o menubar - menüüriba näitamine o outerWidth - välimise akna laius o outerHeight - välimise akna kõrgus o resizable - kas akna suurust saab hiirega muuta o status - olekuriba kuvamine o scrollbars - kerimisriba kuvamine o toolbar - tööriistariba kuvamine

55 allalaadimist


RETURNS LONG VARCHAR BEGIN CALL sa_set_http_header('Content-type', 'text/html'); RETURN ' Andmebaasid

' || sisu || '
232 allalaadimist

Txt - Html Pildi lisamine

Pildi lisamine Pilte saab tekstile lisada elemendi abil ja kasutades atribuuti src, mis näitab pildi asukohta. Näiteks, või . Näide 1. Pildi lisamine Kirjutame HTML ­ koodis: Pildi lisamine Siis me saame: Oletame, et nüüd on meil vaja muuta pildi suurust. Siis kasutame elemendi jaoks atribuuti: width= suurus pikselites (pildi laius) height= suurus pikselites (pildi kõrgus) Näide 2. Pildi suuruse muutmine HTML ­ koodis: < img src= width=100 height=100> Nüüd pilt näeb välja niimoodi: Veel atribuute, mida kasutatakse elemendi jaoks: border=... saab määra

33 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö/uurimustöö "Digitahvel õpetaja abivahendina", Promethean digitahvel, Paide Gümnaasium

Pen Options Pliiatsi valikud Previous Page Eelmine leht Next Page Järgmine leht Select Valimine Pen Pliiats Highlighter Esiletõstja Eraser Kustukumm Fill Täide Shape Kujund Text Tekst Undo Tagasi võtma Redo Uuesti tegema Connector Ühendaja Equation Võrrand Rubber Stamp Kummist tempel Page Zoom Lehe suurendamine

8 allalaadimist

Golden Gate Bridge inglise keele esitlus

Golden Gate Bridge • General facts • History • Construction Golden Gate Bridge connects the city of San Francisco on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula to Marin County as part of US Highway 101 and California State Highway 1 Measures • Total length of Bridge (including approaches): 1.7 miles = 8,981 ft = 2,737 m • Width of Bridge: 90 ft = 27 m • Clearance above water: 220 ft = 67 m • Height of tower above water: 746 ft = 227 m • Height of tower above roadway: 500 ft = 152 m Main reasons of building this bridge • Population centers were growing • Traffic congestion at the ferry docks was becoming intolerable Beginning • The main idea of bridge construction was proposed by Charles Crocker in 1872. • August 27, 1930 Strauss submitted his final plans. • On November 4, 1930, voters within the District went to the polls. 145,697 people supported the bridge construction and

Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Pinnakareduse standardid

ISO4288: '96 1. View the surface and decide whether profile is periodic or non- periodic. Upper limit - the 16% rule (Default) 2. When the tolerance limit is specified, use the table shown on the left Measure on the most critical surface. If not more than 16% of all value for condition. based on sampling length are exceed the limit, surface is acceptable. 3. When the tolerance limit is not specified. - The first value does not exceed 70% of the limit.

50 allalaadimist

Golden gate bridge - esitluse tekst

And for introduction i will give you some clues for my following presentation. I would like you to think guess the object im describing. Golden Gate Bridge connects the city of San Francisco on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula to Marin County as part of US Highway 101 and California State Highway 1 • Total length of Bridge (including approaches): 1.7 miles = 8,981 ft = 2,737 m • Width of Bridge: 90 ft = 27 m • Clearance above water: 220 ft = 67 m • Height of tower above water: 746 ft = 227 m • Height of tower above roadway: 500 ft = 152 m Main reason of building this bridge • Population centers were growing • Traffic congestion at the ferry docks was becoming intolerable • The thought of bridge started to develop in 1872 • The main idea of bridge construction was proposed by Charles Crocker, who was a railroad entrepreneur. the idea of a bridge was revived by James Wilkins in 1916

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

Learn about water gardening in your part of the country. Visit retail stores, shop out of a catalog click on the website links above. Determine the answer to such questions as, will I use a flexible liner or pre-formed shell...The location of my pond should take into account such things as availability of electricity...will I have a waterfall...etc. We will describe how to install a flexible vinyl liner pond in this article. Flexible liners give you complete variety in the shape of your pond, and are extremely durable. Step 2. Locate the area in your yard for the pond. Determine how deep you want your pond to be. The depth of a back yard pond will usually be between 18-24", but you determine that after study and deciding the particulars about your pond. Mark the outline of the pond shape with string or garden hose on the lawn. Remove sod and start diggin ! The outside wall of the pond will have a step in it to hold potted plants just under the water.

3 allalaadimist

The 4 oldest Churches in Tallinn

Michael the advowson over the St. Olaf's Church. But major reconstruction followed in the 14 th -15th centuries. The tower standing separate from the church was completed in 1364. The fire of 1433 claimed the St.Olaf's Church besides other buildings. It was consecrated for service again in a few years later, as well as decided to be reconstructed larger. The new church, whose construction required the demolition of the old nave and chapels, was completed as a three-nave basilica. The height of the central nave was 31 metres, the height of the stone tower 57 metres, while the spire, completed in 1450, reached the height of 159 metres. The St. Olaf's Church was the tallest building of the world at that time. The present late Gothic St. Mary's Chapel was built at the beginning of the 16 th century immediately before the Reformation, which also broke off its completion. The cenotaph of the warden of the church and a supporter of the chapel building, Hans

22 allalaadimist

VBA juhtimine

Y= juhuarv J ei On_puude (pall; auk) Klõpsa , auk.värv = juhuarv klõpsa , klõpsa plats.värv = juhuarv mind! Stopp paus pp ✘ Näita proget Sub Lenda_P() Dim P As Shape, plats As Shape, auk As Shape Set P = Shapes("pall"): Set plats = Shapes("plats") sed esitused VBAs, Set auk =Shapes("auk") evusdiagrammidel Range("tabas") = 0 Do P.Left = plats.Left + Rnd() * plats.Width P.Top = plats.Top + Rnd() * plats.Height

Informaatika ll
21 allalaadimist

VBA Juhtimine

14 Miks pall läheb mõni pall.X = juhuarv pall.Y= juhuarv J ei On_puude (pall; auk) Klõpsa, klõpsa, auk.värv = juhuarv klõpsa mind! plats.värv = juhuarv paus pp Sub Lenda_P() Dim P As Shape, plats As Shape, auk As Shape Set P = Shapes("pall"): Set plats = Shapes("plats") sed esitused VBAs, Set auk =Shapes("auk") Range("tabas") = 0 evusdiagrammidel Do P.Left = plats.Left + Rnd() * plats.Width P.Top = plats.Top + Rnd() * plats.Height If On_Puude(P, Shapes("auk")) Then

37 allalaadimist

VBA juhtimine informaatika 2

Y= juhuarv J ei On_puude (pall; auk) Klõpsa , auk.värv = juhuarv klõpsa , klõpsa plats.värv = juhuarv mind! Stopp paus pp Näita proget Sub Lenda_P() Dim P As Shape, plats As Shape, auk As Shape Set P = Shapes("pall"): Set plats = sed esitused VBAs, Shapes("plats") Set auk =Shapes("auk") evusdiagrammidel Range("tabas") = 0 Do P.Left = plats.Left + Rnd() * plats.Width P.Top = plats.Top + Rnd() * plats.Height

2 allalaadimist


HTML-KEELE LEVAADE WWW (World Wide Web) ehk veebi poolt teenindatavad tekstid on spetsiaalses HTML -keeles (HyperText Markup Language) kirjutatud dokumendid - lhtetekstid (Source), mis sisaldavad HTML-keele koode. HTML-keele pealesandeks on kirjeldada teksti struktuuri nii, et spetsiaalne vaatlusprogramm e. brauser (Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer) sellest aru saaks ja soovitud kujul ekraanile tooks. HTML-dokumente vib koostada: Kirjutada tekstiredaktori abil lhtetekst (koos HTML-koodidega). Soovitatav on kasutada Notepad-i. Tekstiredaktoritel (MS Word) on olemas HTML-konverterid, mis vimaldavad dokumente HTML-kujul salvestada (Save As HTML ...). Veebiredaktorid (niteks Netscape Composer, Microsoft Frontpage) vimaldavad HTML-tekstide tegemist ilma HTML-keele koode tundmata. HTML-koodide tundmine on ka redaktorite ja konverterite kasutamisel siiski vajalik, kuna see teeb vimalike vigade parandamise tunduvalt lihtsamaks. HTML-keele elementideks on koodid (tag), mille alusel toim

72 allalaadimist

Exc Joonestamine

ta kujundi vajalikku asendisse. mine bjektimenüüst dialoogiboks Size and mat valida Rotate... ndla pöördenurga kraadides (Rotation). pöörde 90o paremale või vasakule ontaalne ja vertikaalne peegeldus. : ip Vertical Täiendavad tegevused kujunditega Valitud (märgitud) kujundeid saab joondada vertikaal ja horisontaalsuunas (servad või keskkohad). Joondamine - Alignment Menüüst Format/Align valida Align Top, Align Left jne Võimaldab jaotada kujundid võrdsete vahed Jaotamine (hajutamine) - Distribute kujundi vahel. Format / Alignmenüüst valida Distribute Horizontally või Distribute Ve joondada vertikaal ja kkohad). gn Top, Align Left jne kujundid võrdsete vahedega kahe äärmise nüüst valida

12 allalaadimist

Pine trees

Pine Tree Types Pines are among the most well-known coniferous trees in the world. They thrive in temperate mountainous regions, but can also survive in tropical spots in the northern hemisphere. Among the most popular types of Pine trees are: ·Scotch Pine: Commonly found in North America where it is commercially grown as a Christmas tree, the Scotch Pine is known for its beautiful bluish-green needles and full shape. ·Ponderosa Pine: Popular among landscapers, the large Ponderosa can grow up to 80 feet tall. Its pyramidal shape and long needles make it an excellent choice for a windbreaker on large properties. ·Bristlecone Pine: Known for its long life, the Bristlecone is among the shortest types of Pine trees. On average it grows to about 20 feet. Its short stature makes it an outstanding addition to a rock garden.

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Eiffel Tower

steps to the first level, 340 steps to the second level and 18 steps to the lift platform on the second level. When exiting the lift at the third level there are 15 more steps to ascend to the upper observation platform. Overview Shape of the tower Eiffel and his engineers, as renowned bridge builders however, understood the importance of wind forces and knew that if they were going to build the tallest structure in the world they had to be certain it would withstand the wind. The shape of the tower was therefore determined by mathematical calculation involving wind resistance. Installations Since the beginning of the 20th century, the tower has been used for radio transmission. Until the 1950s, an occasionally modified set of antenna wires ran from the summit to anchors on the Avenue de Suffren and Champ de Mars Eiffel Tower at night Restaurants The tower has two restaurants: Altitude 95, on the first floor the Jules Verne, an expensive

Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


• Tower has net area of 6,904 m² • Also has 3-story parkinghouse with net area of 3 922 m². About 3 • The building has a floorplan structure that resembles a seashell´s spiral About 4 • Built from March 2006 – March 2008 • In mid july 2007 wreath was installed on the top of the building to mark the achievement of the full height of 89,92m Construction 5 6 • In connection with the construction of the building began discussion how the tall buildings fit in Tartu, which compete in the height of St John's church. Some of the opinions expressed in the discussion: "Tartu´s tall buildings should be made extremely delicately and with good projects" "Pläsku is normal but Tigutorn does not seem to fit Tartu"

Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Development of Reese Hoffa

IAAF Rank ---- ---- 41 28 32 9 5 3 1 1 US Rank ---- ---- 5 6 7 5 3 3 1 1 Hoffa Training Chart for 2004 Hoffa Throwing Technique: 21.84m Stay on balls of feet to avoid sitting back during wind- wind-up Keep left arm straight out away from chest to serve as guide for level shoulders 2 Hoffa Throwing Technique: 21.84m Shift weight to right foot Continue to keep weight on balls of feet during wind up Maintain level shoulders Hoffa Throwing Technique: 21.84m Shift weight back to left leg while staying on the balls of the feet Try to minimize the

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


add(event.getX()); poly.getPoints().add(event.getY()); if (event.getEventType() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) {poly.getPoints().addAll(event.getX(), event.getY()); main.getChildren().remove(poly); main.getChildren().add(poly);}}}; main.setOnMousePressed(mouseHandler); main.setOnMouseDragged(mouseHandler);} 3. Light the nearest shape public class PodsvetkaBliznego extends Application { class MyHandler implements EventHandler { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent arg0) { } } public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { BorderPane root = new BorderPane();

Java programmeerimine
35 allalaadimist

The City on London

Designed by Wolfe Barry and Horace Jones, and completed in 1894, the middle of the bridge can be raised to permit large vessels to pass the Tower Bridge. It used to be raised about 50 times a day, but nowadays it is only raised 4 to 5 times a week. It is famous for its high-level walkways, which were closed in 1910 due to the lack of use. In 1982 the walkways were glazed and opened as a permanent exhibition. The bridge is 60 meter (197 ft) long and its towers rise to a height of 43 meter. From the top of the towers, you have a great view on the center of London. The Monument The Monument was built to commemorate the Great Fire of London. It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren and erected in 1677. The column of white stone is 62 metres high. Its height is said to be the exact distance from the place where the fire started. At the top of the monument there is a viewing platform. There are 311 stairs inside the monument which the visitors can climb up to the top.

Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Sun Bear

Sun Bear The Sun Bear is 120-150 cm long, making it the smallest member in the bear family. Males tend to be 10-45% larger than females the former normally weigh between 30 and 70 kg , and the latter between 20 and 40 kg. The shoulder height is about 60-72cm .The Sun Bear possesses sickle-shaped claws that are relatively light in weight. It has large paws with naked soles, probably to assist in climbing. Its inward-turned feet make the bear's walk pigeon toed, but it is an excellent climber. It has small, round ears and a stout snout. The tail is 1.2-2.8 inches (3-7 cm) long. Despite its small size, the Sun Bear possesses a very long, slender tongue, ranging from 8 to 10 inches (20-25 cm) in length

Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Topic - Great Britain

The Iberians brought their metal working skills and the first real civilization to Britain in the 3rd millennium B.C. And were then overrun by the various Celtic tribes that begun in the 8th century B.C. The Celts introduced the tribal organization and an early form of agriculture before they were forced westwards to Cornwall, where the Celtic language still exists in different forms, by the Roman invasion begun in 43. AD. The Romans ruled Britain for over two hundred years and left behind three things of importance: their roads, the sights of important cities notably London, and the seeds of Christianity. The Latin way of life ­ villas, arts, language and political organization ­ all vanished, however after the invasions from Northern Europe by the Anglo-Saxons and Jutes from the 5th century onwards. These pagan peoples' were easily converted to Christianity and the preachers from Rome brought with them learning and civilization.

Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Informaatika Harjutus 2 2

1. UML Skeemid_Sugu VBA, ( "mees" "naine" "vale esimene sümbol" "Vale pikkus")) 2. Skeemid_Kuupaev VBA, : Date "Vale kuupäev" "Vale pikkus" "Vale esimene s 3. , . 4. , , , . 5. Sugu(kood) Kuupaev(kood) Personal . : SAAKKPPXXXX, S - , S - , = "naine", S - , = "mees"; 3<=S<=6 AA - , S=3 4, 19, S=5 6, 20. KK - ; PP - : MOD, LEN, LEFT, MID, DATESERIAL, VAL VBA, "Vale pikkus")) VBA, Vale pikkus" "Vale esimene sümbol" ) . , mees"; 3<=S<=6 Function sugu(kood) pikkus = Len(kood) esimene = Left(kood, 1) teade = test(pikkus, esimene) [teade<>"korras"] sugu = teade

Informaatika 2
32 allalaadimist


ning DTEXT alustatakse uut rida, TEXT puhul väljutakse käsust. Käsklust TEXT saab valida: 1) Valides ülevalt menüült: Annotate­Text­Single line text 2)Kirjutades käsuribale TEXT Kui valida käsk TEXT: - I) Specify start point of text or [Justify / Style] (määrata kindlaks teksti alguspunkt või ­ joonda/stiil). Esimesel juhul tuleks hiire vasaku klahviga klõpsata teksti alguspunktil. 19 - Specify height (määra kindlaks teksti kõrgus) ­ arv - Specify rotation angle of text (sisestada teksti kaldenurk). Kui soovitakse otsest teksti, jääb väärtuseks 0, pööratud teksti korral tuleks sisestada soovitav pöördenurk kraadides. Tekst paigutatakse alguspunktist paremale suunudvale kiirele, mille kaldenurk rõhtsuuna suhtes (vastu kellaosuti liikumise suunda) ongi vaja sisestada. - Enter text (sisestada soovitav tekst)

266 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun
Lahter 1