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"-deep" - 427 õppematerjali


Writing and Me - An Essay

Writing and Me When I was younger I absolutely loved to read books and desperately yearned to be a writer. The idea of waking up in the morning and not having to go to work appealed to me, I imagined the life of a writer as something relaxed and effortless. If I were a writer I could sleep until noon if I wished to, take my morning coffee to the balcony, light a cigarette, let the sun lightly kiss my face and just write. About anything. And it would come naturally. Except it did not. Do you know the feeling after you wake up from a really good dream? When you are desperately clinging to it, trying to remember everything, but it all just floats away as if you were trying to catch smoke with your bare hands? That is what writing feels like to me. I used to think that I had so much to say, so many ideas to share, so much inside of me that just had to be let out or otherwise I woul...

Keeled → Kirjaliku väljenduse õpetus...
4 allalaadimist

The London eye esitlus

The Merlin Enterntaiments London Eye Table of contents Introduction 3 Information 4 History 5 Making The London Eye 7 Interesting Facts 9 Summary 11 References 12 Introduction I chose The Merlin Entertainments London Eye because it is the largest Ferris Wheel in Europe and it has become the most popular paid tourist attraction in the UK, visited by over three million people in one year. Information · Is known also as The Millennium Wheel. · It lies in the Western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the south Bank of the River Thames, in London. · It was constructed in 1998-1999. · Archidects: David Marks, Julia Barfield, Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk, Steven Chilton, Nic Bailey. History · 1998 Construction started on The London Eye. · 1999 The London Eye was raised over th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Lõuna Aafrika rahvusköök

Cuisine of South Africa has had a variety of sources and stages: · Cookery practised by indigenous people of South Africa such as the Khoisan and Xhosa- and Sotho-speaking people · Settler cookery introduced during the colonial period by people of Indian and Afrikaner and British descent and their slaves and servants - this includes the cuisine of the Cape Malay people, which has many characteristics of Malaysia and Java, and recipes from neighbouring colonial cultures such as Portuguese Mozambique. Indigenous cookery traditional South African cuisine In the precolonial period, indigenous cuisine was characterized by the use of a very wide range of fruits, nuts, bulbs, leaves and other products gathered from wild plants and by the hunting of wild game. The domestication of cattle in the region about two thousand years ago by Khoisan groups enabled the use of milk products and the avail...

Toit → Kokandus
49 allalaadimist

10kl. Muusika kokkuvõte

Hipiliikumine ja rock Need kaks nähtust põimusid 60- ndate lõpus, keskuseks oli San Francisco. Hipiliikumine kutsus üles sõdimise asemel üksteist armastama (käimas oli Vietnami sõda), paraku kaasnes sellega ohjeldamatu narkootikumide tarvitamise kultus. Esile kerkis mitmeid omapäraseid soliste ja ansambleid, mille saatus kujunes sageli traagiliseks.(Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin) Sel perioodil läksid moodi ka suured vabaõhukontserdid majakõrguste võimendussüsteemide ja sadade tuhandete kuulajatega (Woodstock 1969). Janis Joplini tegelik tähendus ei ilmne küllap muusikas. Pigem on asi olnud tema vastuseisus naiselikkuse toonastele stereotüüpidele, tema pöördumises meeste kontrakultuuri (ennast)hävitavate liialduste poole (alkohol + narkootikumid). Sellest omamoodi vabadusihast sugenes tema kehasse nii lopsakat hedonismi kui ka piinavat masohhismi ning see kombinatsioon ta lõpuks ka tappis. Meile nüüd ja praegu pole tema trag...

Muusika → Muusika
124 allalaadimist

Richard M. Nixon

9.klass 12.1.2006 Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994) Richard sündis 9.jaanuar 1913 Yorba Linda, California. Nixonit võinuks pidada küllalt vähetõenäoliseks presidendikandidaadiks, ehkki tema teadmised Vabariikliku Partei masinavärgist peeti üldiselt teiste omadest paremaks. Tema nimetamine 1968. aasta presidendikandidaadiks näis olevat lihtsalt järjekordne hiilgav saavutus senises silmapaistvas karjääris. Tema edasipüüdlik vaim, ambitsioonikus ja intelligentsus olid taganud talle Whittieri kolledzi ja Duke'i ülikooli õigusteaduskonna hariduse. Teise maailmasõja ajal teenis ta mereväes, sõja lõppedes alustas oma poliitilist karjääri ja pärast lühikest perioodi Esindajatekojas valiti 1950. aastal Senati liikmeks. Nixon tegi endale nime punaste vastasena. Ta valiti 1952. aastal Eisenhoweri asepresidendikandidaadiks. Terrorismivastane valitsuskomitee asutati preside...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
52 allalaadimist

Satelliidid ja nende kaaslased

Satelliidid Mis on satelliit • Satelliit ehk tehiskaaslane on mõne planeedi gravitatsiooniväljas tiirlev kosmoseaparaat • Passiivsed tehiskaaslased- Maalt registreeritakse kaugeseire teel neilt peegelduvat päikesekiirgust. • Aktiivsed tehiskaaslased- nende pardal asub uurimisaparatuur või nad lähetavad kaugseiret ja -mõõtmisi võimaldavaid signaale. Aktiivsel tehiskaaslasel on informatsiooni kogumise, salvestamise ja edastamise seadmed, näiteks raadiotelemeetriaseadmed, laser ja mõõteaparatuur. Seadmete energiaallikana kasutatakse nt. päikesepatareisid Millised satelliidid • Sõjalised satelliidid • Vaatlussatelliidid • Sidesatelliidid • Navigatsioonisatelliid id • Ilmasatelliidid GPS-satelliitide orbiidid • Kosmoseteleskoobid keskmisel Maa orbiidil. Millist kasu saame meie satelliitidelt • Põllumehed määravad radari satelliidipiltide abil parima aja oma põldude niisutamiseks ja nisu korista...

Ajalugu → 10.klassi ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Teleskoobid ja Maa tehiskaaslased

Tel es k oo b Tehis i d ja ka a s M aa lased Teleskoop · Teleskoop on optiline instrument, mis kogub ja koondab elektromagnetilist kiirgust. · Teleskoobid suurendavad kaugete objektide näivaid nurkmõõtmeid ja objektide näivat heledust. · Teleskoopide optiline skeem koosneb ühest või rohkemast kumerast optikaelemendist - läätsest või peeglist. Optilisi teleskoope liigitatakse valgust koondavate elementide põhjal kolmeks Refraktori puhul kasutatakse objektiiviks koondavat läätse. Jaguneb Galilei ja Kepleri teleskoobiks. ­ Galilei teleskoop. Objektiiv oli üksik tasakumer lääts, okulaariks tasanõgus lääts. Tekitab näiva kujutise, mida ei ole võimalik nt. fotograafiliselt jäädvustada. ­ Kepleri teleskoobi okulaar on kumerlääts, mille abil saadakse tõeline kujutis. Reflektoril on objektiiviks · nõguspeegel....

Füüsika → Füüsika
48 allalaadimist

Mother Theresa

Mother Teresa Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu /agns gna bjadju/ (Albanian Gonxha for "rosebud") was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, now the capital of the Republic of Macedonia. Although she was born on August 26, 1910, she considered August 27, 1910, the day she was baptized, to be her "true birthday." Although some sources state that she was 10 when her father died, in an interview with her brother, the Vatican documents her age at the time as "about eight". She was the youngest of the children of a family from Shkodër, Albania, born to Kolë and Dranafile Bojaxhiu (Albanian Dranafile for "rose", nicknamed "Drone"). Her father, Kolë Bojaxhiu was involved in Albanian politics. In 1919, after a political meeting, which left Skopje out of Albania, he fell ill and died when Agnes was about eight years old. After her father's death, her mother raised her as a Roman Catholic. According to a biography by Jo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

House muusika

House Carol Paesalu 8B klass House House-muusika on elektrooniline tantsumuusika, mis sai alguse Chicagost 1980ndate alguses. Oma nimetuse on see saanud klubi Warehouse järgi, kus selline muusika esimest korda tekkis. House oli esimene ja tähtsaim disko järeltulija. House'ile on iseloomulik rütmimasina põhirütm koos esiletoodud bassi ja basstrummiga ning elektrooniline süntesaatoritaust. Kõige tüüpilisem kiirus on 4/4 rütm. House muusikasse on lisatud ka jazz'i ja soul'i iseloomulikke omadusi. Stiilid Ambient house - Vastavat stiili on võimalik ära tunda seeläbi, et tüüpilisi acid house omadusi kasutatakse unelevamal, atmosfäärsemal moel. Deep house - House'i aeglasem ja sügavam variant Garage house - Tänapäevastest ele...

Muusika → Muusika
29 allalaadimist

Pinnamaterjalide uurimistöö

Pinnamaterjalid Põrandakatted *Parkett Nt: Tamm Barcelona, HX Hind: 34.45 m2 sobib sellistesse ruumidesse, kuhu ei satu niisket ja märga kriipivat mustust, on esinduslik, looduslik materjal ja soe. Hooldamine: tavalises puhastuses kasutatakse võimalikult vähe vett Piisab neutraalsete puhastusainete kasutamisest Kui vaja, kasutatakse ka nõrgalt aluselisi puhastusaineid. Kuivad, kergelt niisked ja niisked meetodid. Kui juhtub, et põrand jääb peale puhastamist märjaks, tuleb see üle kuivatada. Kaitsmine: lakkimine, vahatamine, õlitamine ja värvimine. *PVC TARKETT SPIRIT260 Canada Hind: 7.36 m2 Omadused: on tehismaterjal, ei talulahusteid ja tugevaid happeid, talub rohket niiskust, ei talu kuumi esemeid, kaitsmata pinnale võivad värvilised plekid jäädavalt kinnituda. Sobib niisketesse ruumidesse aga kööki ei sobi sest seal võib kuuma vett maha minna ja PVC ei tal...

Ehitus → Ehitusviimistlus
17 allalaadimist

Estonia's nature

Estonia is a small country in Northern Europe with an area of about 45 000 sq km. The country's climate is determined by the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The summer temperatures are a little lower than the average of that latitude, but the winters are considerably warmer. As a part of the East-European Plain, the country has a rather flat surface. The highest and most topographically variagated region in Estonia is in the south-eastern part of the country. The Sakala Upland plains offer contrast to the hills of Ottepää, Karula and Haanja. At 318 metres, Suur Munamägi ('Great Egg Hill') is not only the highest point in Estonia, but of all the Baltic countries. The country has 3974 km of coastline, while the land border, in comparison, is only a mere 633 km. The coast varies from limestone cliff in the north to sandy beaches in the west. Most of Estonia's many islands belong to the West Estonian archipelago. The largest islands are Sa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Book report/review "The Snow Child"

The Snow Child English The Snow Child is a book by Eowyn Ivey. The author was inspired by the Russian fairytale Snegurotska while writing her debut novel. story takes place in Alaska 1920's and it talks about a couple, Jack and Mabel, who decide to make a snow girl out of snow. The next day the snow girl has become a real human being. Before Jack and Mable were living in Alaska they were living in Pennsylvania. They moved to Alaska to get away from the family, because they had lost their first child. It was hard for Mabel to recover there, because there were children around all the time. In Alaska they were living a very isolated life - no neighbours, no friends. In addition, at that time there did not exist such things as food shops, so they had to hunt all their food. Life was quite hard in Alaska and I am not so sure that ...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Class and social status in Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Class and social status in Pride and Prejudice Mankind has been acknowledging one another's superiority since the dawn of time. In the novel under the discussion, social status has a great importance in the turn of events. Everyone in the novel is somehow influenced by the topic of fortune or social class. To start with, even though "Pride and Prejudice" touches on many different subjects and characters, its main events are related to or caused by the dogmas of class distinctions. The main characters are influenced by that on numerous occasions. Mr. Darcy, of noble descent, finds it hard at first to cope with the relatives and social status of the woman he falls in love with, Elizabeth. He goes as far as mentioning his superiority to her in his first marriage proposal, as was described ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Head pahad poisid - I.Soopan

Head pahad poisid I.Soopan Raamat räägib poisist, kes läks tuppa ja välja ei saanud, siis ta nägi kiilakat poissi ja lõi teda ninna.Ta oli noortevanglas. Jan oli Silverist mõni aasta vanem ja Jannist sai Kelleri poiste kamba liige. Jan oskas kitarri mängida ja talle meeldis kitarri lood.Silverile meeldis diskomuusika, aga Jani väjavalitud kitarri muusika meeldis talle ka.Silver kuulas oma venna makkil viite linti. Ühe lindi peal oli Deep Putple see oli Janni lemmikbänd. Janni muusikaõpetaja oli vanglas. Rainil oli miilitsaga minig jama autoga sõitmise eest. Ants oli Raini klassivend.Rain oli viljandi koloonias. Silver, Jan, Villu olid ehitanud parve, Villu suri siis ära. Jan elas metsa ääres ja Silver mõnisada m kaugemal. Jani ja silveril olid Kaja. Silver joonistas plaani puumaja jaoks ja Jan mõtles, kust puid saada. Rain pidi panema sinised riided ja läks sööma. Rain leidis laua, kuhu minna ja rääkis KAARLIGA JUTTU, EHK KIVIPEAGA. Kiv...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
80 allalaadimist

Elektrooniline muusika

Elektrooniline muusika. Kuni 1940. aastate lõpuni nimetati elektroonilist muusikat ka elektrimuusikaks, kuna selle loomiseks või esitamiseks olid vajalikud muusikainstrumendid, mille kõla tekkis või edastati tänu elektrile Elektroonilise muusika arengus on ühinenud inimloomingu füüsika ja elektrotehnika külg. Seetõttu võib elektroonilise muusika arengut vaadelda nii ideeajaloolisest kui ka tehnilisest aspektist. Elektroonilise muusika areng mängib otsustavat rolli nendes drastilistes muudatustes, mis leidsid muusikas aset 20. sajandi alguses Kaasaegse elektroonilise muusika tehnilise poole alusepanjaiks olid seitsmekümnendate Ameerika minimalism ja industriaal- ning avangardmuusika. Ära ei tohiks unustada ka klassikalise nüüdismuusika suurkujusid, nagu Steve Reich, John Cage ja Karl Heinz Stockhausen. Juba 1960ndate aastate lõpus, popi ja rocki muusikud, ka The Beach boys ning The Beatles hakkasid kasutam...

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
5 allalaadimist

Soul ja funk - Briti rockmuusika 60ndatel

Soul ja funk 1. Mis on mõjutanud soul muusikat? ● Ameerika afroameeriklaste muusikast ● soul, tähendab inglise keeles hing, võeti kasutusele 1961 ● kiriku gospel muusika Millised stiilid on koondunud funk-muusikas? ● gospel ● blues ● rhythm and blues 2. Keda peetakse souli ja funky rajajateks? ● Ray Charles ● Aretha Franklin 3. Soul muusika oli seotud mitme plaadifirmaga Tamla Motown -suund oli tantsumuusika -sünkopeeritud rütmiga bassikäigud -keerukas orkestratsioon -keel ja vaskpillide kasutamine -kvaliteetsed lindistused The Temptations, The Supremes, The Jackson Five, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross Stax -lihtsamad laulud -vähem meloodilised -rämedavõitu viidates gospelile ja bluesile -gospeli stiilis improvatsioon -seksuaalse alatooniga laulud -harmoonia oli lihtne, põhinedes kolmel põhiakordil (I-IV-V). -Hook-line-võtet esines tunduvalt vähem kui Tamla Motowni lugudes. -saatepillidena olid tavaliselt kitarr,...

Muusika → Jazzmuusika
2 allalaadimist

Poiste ja tüdrukute erinevused

Poiste ja tüdrukute erinevused Aju Tüüpiliselt meeste aju suurus on 11- 12% suurem, kui naistel. Aju suurusel ei ole absoluutset mitte mingisugust tähtsust intelligentsusega aga on seletatud vahet psühhilises suuruses, meestel kui naistel. Mehed vajavad rohkem neuroneid, kontrollimaks nende lihaselist massi ja suuremat keha suurust, sest neil on suurem aju. Inimese aju koosneb mitmest eriosast: 1. Ajutüvi 2. Limbiline süsteem 3. Ajukoor Mille ma pean ära mainima, et mõhnkeha, mis vahendab informatsiooni vasaku ja parema ajupoolkera vahel on naistel 20% suurem, kui meestel. Vasak ajupoolkora: Grammatiline analüüsimine, loogika, teadlik järelemõtlemine, välismaailma tajumine, meetodid, reeglid, kirjakeel, arvutamine, arutlemine, teaduslik lähenemine, agressiivsus, järjestikune lähenemine, sõnaline osavus, intellektuaalsus, analüütikus. See kuulub meeste pärusmaale, sest mõtlemist nõudvad ülesanded poistele meeldiv...

Pedagoogika → Alusharidus
30 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

Module 1. Introduction 1)When did the industrial revolution start? 19th century 2)How did the Americans improve the Western European economy? Marshal aid 3)When did world trade start booming before or after 1950? After 3 top exporting continents in the world: Asia 56%, Europe 19%, North America 10%. Area is considered to be the biggest emerging market: The Indian Sub-continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). Products are exported from … Europe: motor cars, mashinery, chemicals.;Asia: video/audio equipment, clothes, shoes.; Australia: iron ore(рудаmaak), dairy products, meat.;Middle East: oil, gas, chemicals.;Africa: fruits, cacao, coffee.; North America: peanuts, grain, coal.;South America: meat, poultry(linnuliha), iron ore. WTO- the World Trade Organisation is the driver to ensure trade between countries has no barriers world wide. 340 mln container are circling the globe! 500.000 ships ensure that cargo is shipped aroun...

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Tolerance and Diversity essay

Tolerance and Diversity Janne Susi In today's world, the coexistence of different cultures is one of the most vital developments. Furthermore, the principles of tolerance and peaceful coexistence of different nations have often been underlined by the representatives of the European Union. The same ideas have lately been spreading in the Baltic countries. So, what are the main dangers to the tolerance and friendly coexistence in these countries? There are several phenomena which counteract the successful coexistence and integration of people from different cultural backgrounds. First and foremost, both coexistence and integration require a high level of tolerance from all those involved. Here, the major obstacle is often xenophobia which may be caused by a wide range of factors. As a rule, xenophobia occurs in big, mostly mono-cultur...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

The value of things VS the price of things

The value of things VS the price of things A value can be much more than simple numbers, a value can show what memories, connections and contact people have with a thing. But what exactly is a thing? Well a thing is something lifeless, an item for a certain purpose, it’s something for certain use. When we take a look at the word named „price“, what does it mean? A price usually is seen as a number, as how much something costs. Things can be „overpriced“, but never „overvalued“. An item of high value could have no price, but at the same time an high priced item, could have no value. It’s this way because people see differently, people have different memories and emotions to remember. But as in this world today, price matters. People can’t afford anything, price means something as well, it can show how wealthy you are, how much someone can mean to you. Price is just a number, it shows how much something pays...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Muusika 1970-1980

MUUSIKA 1970-1980 KLAID MELNIKOV 1970-1980  1970-1980 tekkisid uued loomevõimalused seoses tehnika arenguga  Kõlapilti rikastavad elektroakustiline muusika ja selle alaliik live-elektroonika  Sellel perioodil töödeldi tavapillidel loodud muusikat palju elektrooniliselt  Multimeedia esiletõus  Tekkis uusi muusikažanre ja lisandus palju soliste ja ansambleid  Muusikamaastik muutus üsna kirjuks REGGAE  Reggae muusika tekkis küll juba 1960. aastatel, kuid populaarsust kogus alles 1970. aastatel.  See stiil sündis Jamaical ja seda seostatakse rastafaride usulispoliitilise liikumisega  Reggaele on iseloomulik rütmikitarri poolt rõhutatud teine ja neljas löök ja basstrummi poolt rõhutatud kolmas löök  Üks esimesi tuntud reggae-muusikuid oli Jackie Mittoo  Maailmale tegi reggae muusika tuntavaks ja populaarseks Bob Marley  DISKOMUUSIKA  Diskomuusika sündis 1960. aastate lõp...

Muusika → Muusika
6 allalaadimist

Idiomatic expressions

Flea Market - An open-air market The birds and the bees - Sex education Ants in one's pants - Unable to sit still Cat nap - A short sleep Clam up - Become quiet suddenly Fishy - Odd, suspicious Holy cow - Wow, I'm surprised! Horse around - Play roughly Rat race - Struggle for power Let sleeping dogs lie - Not to interfere Dog days - Very hot days. Make a beeline - Go straight for smth Nest egg - Money saved for the future Pig out - Eat a lot of smth Smell a rat - Begin to suspect trickery Until the cows come home - For a very long time Kitty corner - Diagonal direction Hold your horses - Wait and be patient Kick the bucket - To die Mum's the word - To keep a secret Back To Square One - To start again Tie the knot - To get married A field day - A very enjoyable time Over the hill - To be past your prime Spinning a yarn - To lie or exaggerate Under the weather - Feeling ill Bushed - Tired, completely exhausted ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eclipse chapter10(Scent)-kokkuvõte

Eclipse, Ch.10.Scent The Chapter starts with Edward leaving, because Jacob is on his way over. When Jacob gets there, Bella finds him wearing only his cut off jeans, and she is slightly put off by the fact that he always seems half naked. Jacob tells her that he has to carry his clothes around with him using a strap that is wrapped around his calf. Jacob decides to get to work and asks Bella where the intruder's scent was the strongest. When she replies her bedroom, his response is similar to what Edward's had been. But Jacob goes up and inspects the area like he was asked to. When Jacob returns he says that he caught the scent. As Bella washes the dishes, Jacob begins to ask her questions about her and Edward's relationship, centering on how she feels about him being a vampire and when she is planning on being changed. The anger and sadness of her answer, and the fact that it will be so soon after graduation, causes Jacob to clench ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Teenage Tommies

Teenage Tommies 1. What does war test in people who pick up the weapon to fight? War tests people’s capacity for courage and the limits of human endurance, both physical and mental. 2. What do young soldiers soon find out about themselves? Some young soldiers find out that killing comes easily to them, even too easily. Others recoil from acts of blood. 3. What feelings do stories about teenage soldiers evoke in people? The stories about teenage soldiers evoke a particular sadness, resonant as they are of the destruction of youth and possibility 4. What were the volunteers’ motives for joining the army (emotional and other)? The volunteers’ motives varied and often overlapped as many were gripped by patriotic fervour, sought escape from grim conditions at home or wanted adventure. 5. Why did the children of immigrants rally to the flag? The children of immigrants rallied to the flag ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Silence And Awe Of Arvo Pärt

The Silence And Awe Of Arvo Pärt Some time ago, when I was randomly browsing the internet, I found an article about Arvo Pärt attending a festival in New York. The article seemed interesting but I didn't exactly read it, because Arvo Pärt has always been a composer I respect and know of, but I haven't directly listened to his music or been to any of his concerts so it didn't strike my interest, but on the bottom of the same page was a review where a journalist described his music very vividly and colorfully. It was also very inspiring and so I started to search for more. The silence and awe of Arvo Pärt is an article written by Tom Huizenga. There he talks about Pärt's childhood and how he found his current style. The most important was what inspires him and they also had an interview: In the article he says that Pärt is a major composer and he was little nervous to meet him. Although the 78-year-old musician us...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Richard Milhous Nixon

Richard Milhous Nixon Kris-Endrik Tambaum 9.klass 06.05.2013 Richard Milhous Nixon (1913-1994) Richard sündis 9.jaanuar 1913 Yorba Linda, California. Nixonit võinuks pidada küllalt vähetõenäoliseks presidendikandidaadiks, ehkki tema teadmised Vabariikliku Partei masinavärgist peeti üldiselt teiste omadest paremaks. Tema nimetamine 1968. aasta presidendikandidaadiks näis olevat lihtsalt järjekordne hiilgav saavutus senises silmapaistvas karjääris. Tema edasipüüdlik vaim, ambitsioonikus ja intelligentsus olid taganud talle Whittieri kolledzi ja Duke'i ülikooli õigusteaduskonna hariduse. Teise maailmasõja ajal teenis ta mereväes, sõja lõppedes alustas oma poliitilist karjääri ja pärast lühikest perioodi Esindajatekojas valiti 1950. aastal Senati liikmeks. Nixon tegi endale nime punaste vastasena. Ta valiti 1952. aastal Eisenhoweri as...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
12 allalaadimist

Boyband – suurejooneline muusikalielamus

Boyband ­ suurejooneline muusikalielamus 22. detsembril 2012 kell 19.00 istusin Pärnu Endla teatri suures saalis ning algas muusikal ,,Boyband". Idee seda muusikali vaatama ja kuulama minna tekkis üsna spontaanselt. Olin varem selle etenduse kohta kuulnud ainult positiivseid kommentaare ning seetõttu tahtsin ära näha, mis teeb ühe muusikali nii populaarseks, et mõned inimesed seda lausa mitmeid kordi vaatamas on käinud ja võiksid iga kell uuesti minna. Muusikali peategelasteks olid fantaseeritud poistebändi Freedom lauljad Sander (Koit Toome), Tom (Tambet Seling), Mark (Sten Karpov), Jan (Priit Loog) ja Pets (Bert Raudsep). Ansambli mänedzeriks oli Vooland (Indrek Taalmaa). Mänezeri abiline oli Sandy (Ireen Kennik) ning meediaspetsialistiks oli Robert (Ahti Puudersell). Kaks suurepärast kõrvalnäitlejat olid Kaili Viidas ja Liis Laigna, kes mõlemad mängisid etenduse jooksul kuni viit erinevat rolli. Muusikali...

Muusika → Muusika
7 allalaadimist

Juukse värve maaletoovate firmade toodete tutvustus ja kasutusjuhendid

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Kergetööstus ja ilu osakond Agnes Peterson Juukse värve maaletoovate firmade toodete tutvustus ja kasutusjuhendid Õpimapp Juhendaja: Merike Rosenthal Tartu 2012 SISUKORD Schwarzkopf________________________________________________________ 3 Goldwell____________________________________________________________7 Wella______________________________________________________________ 11 Sim________________________________________________________________ 20 Ewald______________________________________________________________ 22 Estel_______________________________________________________________ 23 Cutrin______________________________________________________________ 33 Davines____________________________________________________________ 36 Londa_________...

Kosmeetika → Juuksur
56 allalaadimist

Analysis of literature: prose (2 assignment)

Louise Erdrich Love Medicine Assignment 2 (pp. 43­84) 1. Define the following words and expressions (considering the context) and reproduce (in your own words) the situations in which they appear in the book: the marrow of something (44) - The soft stuff inside of a bone is called marrow. ... From this biological kind of marrow comes a figurative meaning of marrow -- the essence of something. S ­ The convent is on top of the high hill and from its window the Sisters can see the marrow of the town. to be privy to something (46) - If you're privy to something, you've been let in on a secret or know about something that most people don't. ... The adjective privy comes from the Latin privatus, meaning "private," and describes someone who has knowledge of secret or confidential information. S- Marie is privy to both worlds of Evil knowledge. a ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kama Sutra

100 Kama sutra positions Bandoleer The woman lies on the back with her knees up towards her chest. The man kneels facing her so she can put her feet on his chest. The Bridge Only try this if your man is super flexible and strong - you don't want to give him a hernia! The Grip The Grip sex position may be more comfortable if a cushion is placed under the woman's bottom to raise her hips slightly. Afternoon Delight This is a good resting position, ideal for getting your breath back during a long sex session. The Rider In the Rider sex position she kneels astride her partner but with her back to him as if in the Reverse Cowgirl, but she leans forward to balance herself on his knees. The Eagle The man kneels at the edge of the bed in front of his partner, who's lying on her back, knees slightly bent up. He holds her legs up and apart by grabbing onto her ankles as he enters her. Penetration is very deep and sa...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Buckhingam Palace

Buckingham Palace About Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace serves as both the office and London residence of Her Majesty The Queen. It is one of the few working royal palaces remaining in the world today. During the summer, visitors can tour the nineteen State Rooms, which form the heart of the Palace. These magnificent rooms are decorated with some of the greatest treasures from the Royal Collection, including paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto and sculpture by Canova. History Buckingham Palace history is going back to the time of Queen Victoria in 1837 . Then, the Palace has been serving as the London Royal residence. In 1703, the Duke of Buckingham had created the Buckingham House. In 1761, George III (1738 1820) buy it. However, in 1825, the House was reconstructed for George IVs order with the help of John Nash. Inside Buckingham Palace are 775 rooms, which include State rooms (19), guest rooms (52), offices ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Digital Signal Processing Vocabulary

Digital Signal Processing Summary and Vocabulary Guide to Digital Signal Processing by Steven W. Smith. Read up to page 10, preface included. Signal_Process.pdf Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a powerful technology that will shape science in the twenty-first century. Changes have already been made in various fields of study: communications, medical imaging, and high fidelity music reproduction, to name just a few. Each of these disciplines has developed a deep DSP technology, with its own algorithms and specialized techniques. This combination of breadth and depth makes it impossible for any one individual to master all of the DSP technology that has been developed. Therefore, DSP education involves two tasks: learning general concepts that apply to the field as a whole, and learning specialized techniques for your particular area of interest. The first ch...

Informaatika → Digisignaalide töötlemine
5 allalaadimist

Robotid. Kes nad siis ometi on?

Kes nad siis ometi on? Robotite sissetung meie argiellu on alanud. Tolmuimejad, muruniidukid, aknapesijad, basseinipuhastajad ja mänguasjad on robotkujul juba saadaval. Robot on ümberprogrammeeritav isetoimiv masin, mida kasutatakse inimese liikumist, tajumist ja mõtlemist asendavais töödes (näiteks esemete teisaldamisel, tööriista käsitsemisel, keskkonna jälgimisel ja uurimisel). Eristatakse tööstus-, sõjandus-, uurimis-, meditsiini-, põllumajandus- ja majapidamisroboteid. Robotil iseloomulikeks tunnusteks on tavaliselt ühe- või mitmekäeline manipulaator ja programmjuhtimisseade. Päriselu Kaks teadlasterühma valmistasid samaaegselt intelligentsed masinad, mis suudavad iseseisvalt andmeid analüüsides mõelda välja teooriaid ja omandada uusi teadmisi. See on oluline edasiminek tehisintelligentsi loomisel. Sellised robo-teadlased saab panna tööle näiteks uute ravimite leidmiseks. Nad suudavad läbi tööta...

Kategooriata → Tööõpetus
17 allalaadimist

Estonia Topic

Estonia lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea on the level northwestern part of the rising east European platform. Estonia is a flat country covering 46 226 square kilometers.Estonian's neighbours are Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Russia. Estonia is rich in islands. The two largest are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa . Saaremaa is famous for its big meteorite crater called Kaali and Hiiumaa is famous for its nature and plants. The countries highest point Big ­Egg hill ( Suur- Munamägi) reaches 318 meters above sea level. Estonia has many uplands too. The uplands are: Pandivere upland, Otepää upland, Vooremaa upland, Karula upland Haanja upland, Sakala upland. Estonia is covered by about 18 000 square kilometers of forest. Estonia is also rich in lakes and rivers The largest lake is Peipsi and the second-largest lake is Võrtsjärv. The largest river is Võhandu whinch is 162 meters long. Estonia has many national parks. A national park is a p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Structural loads

Kristiina Stõkova 105281, EAEI-33 Structural loads As everyone might know that great architecture is the successful marriage of art and technology ­ and a structure is an artifact expressing one of the many aspects of human creativity, however it is an artifact that cannot be created without a deep respect for the laws of nature. And that is the main problem brought out by the author of the book ,,Why buildings stand up", Mario Salvadori. So why should an engineer consider different loads? the answer is simple - if the earth did not pull, the wind did not blow, the earth's surface did not shake or sink and the air temperature did not change, then loads would not exist and structure would be unnecessary. This would be so-called the Alice-in- Wonderland world of architecture. But in the real world the engineer's first job is to determine which loads will act on a structure and how strong t...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Tundra swans

Tundra swans Tundra swans ● Whooper swan, Bewick´s swan and mute swan (laululuik, väikeluik, kühmnokk-luik) Whooper swan ● Large white swan (bigger than bewick) ● Lenght – 140 to 165 cm ● Deep honking call and powerfull fliers ● Require large areas to live in ● Adult birds – feathers entirely white, black feet, mostly black bill ● Pens (females) – slightly smaller than cobs (males) ● Immatures – white mixed with some dull grey feathering; bills – black, large dirty-pink patch ● In Estonia first nesting - 1979 Whooper swan Behaviour of whooper swan ● Pair for life, cygnets stay with them all the winter ● Breffered breeding habitat – wetlands ● Both build the nest ● Male will stand guard over the nest while female incubates ● 4 to 7 eggs Influence of whooper swan ● Much admired in Europe ● National bird ...

Maateadus → Maakasutuse planeerimise...
2 allalaadimist

English test 1: personal staff

English Test 1 Parts of the body 1. JEW-MANDIBLE-alalõug 2. ARMPIT-AXILLA-kaenlaalune 3. CHEST-THORAX-rindkere 4. STOMACH-ABDOMEN-kõht 5. NAVEL-UMBILICIUS-naba 6. KNEE-PATELLA-põlvekeder Hospital staf 1. TO PRESCRIBE MEDICINE- ravimi välja kirjutamine 2. DISPENSE PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION- retseptiravimeid väljastama 3. RELIVE PAIN-valu leevendama 4. BLOOD SAMPLE- vereproov 5. SPUTUM-sülje PERSONAL 6. RECEPTIONIST- vastuvõtu sekretär-a person who welcomes visitors and answers phones. 7. RADIOLOGIST- radioloog- a person who used imaging technology 8. LAB TECHNICIAN- laborant- a person who analyzes samples 9. PHARMACIST- apteeker- a person who prepares drugs //prepares and dispenses medication 10.CARDIOLOGIST- kardioloog- a person who is a heart specialist 11.PEDIATRICIAN- lastearst- 12.ANESTHESIOLOGIST-anestesialoog-a person who prevents patients form f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Parts of the body

English Test 1 Parts of the body 1. JEW-MANDIBLE-alalõug 2. ARMPIT-AXILLA-kaenlaalune 3. CHEST-THORAX-rindkere 4. STOMACH-ABDOMEN-kõht 5. NAVEL-UMBILICIUS-naba 6. KNEE-PATELLA-põlvekeder Hospital staf 1. TO PRESCRIBE MEDICINE- ravimi välja kirjutamine 2. DISPENSE PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION- retseptiravimeid väljastama 3. RELIVE PAIN-valu leevendama 4. BLOOD SAMPLE- vereproov 5. SPUTUM-sülje PERSONAL 6. RECEPTIONIST- vastuvõtu sekretär-a person who welcomes visitors and answers phones. 7. RADIOLOGIST- radioloog- a person who used imaging technology 8. LAB TECHNICIAN- laborant- a person who analyzes samples 9. PHARMACIST- apteeker- a person who prepares drugs //prepares and dispenses medication 10.CARDIOLOGIST- kardioloog- a person who is a heart specialist 11.PEDIATRICIAN- lastearst- 12.ANESTHESIOLOGIST-anestesialoog-a person who prevents patients form f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnade seletused Marie Curie teksti kohta

1. Bereft ­ a simple past tense and past participle of bereave, to deprive 2. Cognition ­ the act or process of knowing, preception 3. Derive ­ to receive or obtain from a source or origin, in Chemistry to produce or obtain from another 4. Pitchblende ­ a major ore of uranium and radium 5. Deplorable ­ causing or being a subject for regret; very bad 6. Fission ­ the act of cleaving or splitting into parts 7. Harnessing ­ the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal 8. Cripple ­ offensive way to say person who is disabled or impaired in ay way 9. Succumb ­ to give way to superior force 10.Hefty ­ heavy, weighty 11.Abode ­ a place in which a person resides; residence 12.Currents ­ a flowing; something that flows; moving in a certain direction 13.Dissymmetry ­ absence or lack of symmetry 14.Estrange ­ to turn away in feeling or affection 15.Cathode ­ the electrode or terminal by which c...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Rooli masin

EESTI MEREAKADEEMIA Laevamehaanika õppetool Kursusetöö Õppeaines Laeva abimehhanismid Rooli masin Kadett: Sergei Dombrovski Õppegrupp: MM42 Õppejõud: Jaan Läheb Kursusetöö: Laeva abimehhanismid 2 Sergei Dombrovski MM42 Tallinn 2013.a. Sisukord SISUKORD............................................................................................................................. 2 KURSUSETÖÖ ÜLESANNE................................................................................................ 3 1.SELGITAV OSA...................................................................................................

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
13 allalaadimist

Inglise keel (10.klass)

Active Simple Continuous Present Walks Is walking Past Walked Was walking Future Will walk Will be walking Present Perfect Have walked Have been walking Past Perfect Had walked Had been walking Future Perfect Will have walked Will have heen walking Passive Simple Continuous Present is sold Was being sold Past was sold was being sold Future Will be sold Present Perfect Have been made Past Perfect Had been made Future Perfect Will have been sold A house on fire ­ heas suhtes olema He...

Keeled → Inglise keel
290 allalaadimist

Computers - indispensable part of our life

Computers - indispensable part of our life Computers have become a major part of our lives today. We use them for tests, entertainment, organization, studying, etc. They are a vital essential in the world we live in. Without them the world would fall apart. It is impossible to imagine how people functioned in the old days when computers did not exist. Computers have become almost as smart as us. We use our computers daily. After a long day in school, we usually turn on our computers and use them for learning and studies. Computers provide a big variety of information which is available for us to search. And all the information is gathered in Internet. Internet is everyone's door to the world and to the vast knowledge of everything. Computers have significant advantages over people in a few select areas. They can store huge amounts of information that they will never forget, they can organize and retrieve that information ver...

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Pride and prejudice

Pride and Prejudice Questionnaire · Task 1: watch the movie to the end on You Tube · and answer the questions: 1. What was the relationship between Mr. Wickham and Mr. Darcy (what kind of common past did they share)? Both had grown up in the same area and under the protection of grand old Mr.Darcy, who had raised two boys equally as his sons. Two childhood friends parted immediately after old Mr.Darcy's death in arguings over money, power and honour (which one ­Wicham- had less in tons). · Mr. Darcy seemed to be an utterly arrogant, cold- and careless-natured man to strangers. Once you got to know his true nature, you got to know one honest, loyal and fair man, who expressed his disgust for "false pearls" by keeping distance. Even though he so tended to escape from those worthy of his sympathy, too....

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Retsensioon Eesti hip-hop festivalist

Juba kolmandat korda aset leidev Eesti Hip-Hopi Festival (EHHF) toimus sellel aastal Elvas. 21.-22. august astusid Tartumaa Tervisespordikeskuses üles ligi kolmkümmend eestimaist artisti ehk terve Eesti hiphop muusikatuumik. Laiemale kuulajaskonnale on kindlasti tuttavad nimed nagu CHALICE, DEF RÄÄDU ja J.O.C., TOE TAG, COOL D, TOMMYBOY, KUULUUD, STUPID F aga ka näiteks mitmed venekeelsed grupid nagu GORÕ LANA ja SEMJA NAPASSOV. Festivalil oli esindatud ka graffitikunstnikud ning breiktantsijad ning mitmed Eesti tuntumad DJ´d. Festivali eesmärgiks on koondada Eestis kord aastas kokku kohalikud maailma suurima subkultuuri järgijad. Samuti annab festival võimaluse näiteks agaramatele noortele. Nimelt toimus festivali teisel päeval spetsiaalne väheste või puuduvate lavakogemustega räpparitele mõeldud vabamikrofoni programm "ROOKIE CHALLENGE", kus esinemisnärvi ja rambivalgust said kogeda kõik need, kes muidu kodus riimimist vaid kodus pro...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
59 allalaadimist

J.F.Cooper,R.L.Stevenson,JRR Tolkien,Robert Burns,Herbert George Wells

J.F.Cooper(1789-1851): he was born in Burlington, New Jersey in 1789. When he expelled from Yale bacause of prank, he joined the navy as a midshipman. In 1810 he took a furlough and never returned to active duty. He married with Susan De Lancy and got 5 children. They lived Europe, but returned to America because he was unpopular in Europe. In 1920 je published his first fiction "Precaution", in 1821 the second one "The Spy". His third book "The Pioneers" was the first of five novels. He died at Cooperstown in 1851. He was immensely popular writer and he considered to be the first major American novelist. R.L.Stevenson(1850-1894): he was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1850. He was a sick little boy who spent much of his time in bed. He was very lonely only child. When he grew older and seemed stronger, his father took him on trips to he wildest coasts of Sotland. Stevenson was no student. He roamed about Edinburgh, learning to know peop...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Heavy Metal - Powerpoint

M etal muusika Rein Jaks 8. klass Üldiselt · Metal muusika on üks rock muusika stiilidest mis leiutatti 60'nendate lõpus Inglismaal. See muusika stiil on jällegi arendatud välja bluus-rocki stiilist, mis on pannud alguse ka paljudele teistele muusikastiilidele. Kitarridele pannakse tavaliselt külge distrotion effekti-blokid. Lauljaks peaks olema tavaliselt vähe madalam või siis kasvõi "röökiv" vokaal. Taktimõõduks on seal tavaliselt 4/4, ja kasutatakse sageli kiiremaid, kas ½ või siis ¼ või isegi veel kiiremaid noote. Igas õiges metal loos peaks kah olema soolo, mida kiirem, seda võimsam ja seda enam läheb see rahvale peale. Metalist · Metallist on üldlevinud arvamuses inimene kes kuulab mingit metalbändi. Tegelikult on see asi hoopis keerulisem. Metallisti teeb inimesest nii ühiskonda suhtumine, mis peaks olema salliv suuremosa inimeste suhtes, välimus,...

Muusika → Muusika
19 allalaadimist

The family who turned back the clock.

The family who turned back the clock. When Malcolm Jones woke up last Monday, he heard the birds singing. Not remarkable, you might think, especially given that he lives near a forest. But birdsong in the Jones household is usually drowned by a tidal wave of electronic music crashing around the house as soon as his four children wake up. This is a family who have chosen to fill their home with every conceivable gadget. They have nine television sets, including one in each bedroom and in the kitchen. All the children have their own personal computers and CD players. Of course, there are all the usual appliances we all take for granted, such as the washing machine, tumble drier, dishwasher, deep freeze, microwave oven, and video recorder, but they also have an electric trouser press, two power showers, an Olympic-sized spa bath and jacuzzi, three cars, and a music system which plays throughout the whole house. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The New Beginning II

The New Beginning II Morning came ­ yet there was no happiness on the surface. The young man had no idea what to do next ­ after all, he was one of the Royal Soldiers, not a babysitter. The child on his arms seemed so innocent... And then he decided something that a few hours ago he`d never do: he will keep the child and raise it to be a worthy worrior who`d once destroy all of the ishues and free this country from the Demons. And so, the baby still asleep, he left the ruins of what was called a city once and moved towards east, where the Royal Palace was situated. By midday he finally reached the White Wall, where was a secret entrance to the Palace`s main hall. The gate keepers waved sleepily when he passed them. The young man decided not to disturb them ­ so he went on in total silence. Soon he reached the main hall, but his leader, captain Jacques, wasn't there as he had expected. "W...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Modern America Wonders

Wonders of the modern world Channel Tunnel Date started: December 1, 1987 Date finished: May 6, 1994 Location: Strait of Dover, between the United Kingdom and France The Channel Tunnel is a 50.5-kilometre undersea rail tunnel .At its lowest point, it is 75 metres deep. At 37.9 kilometres the Channel Tunnel possesses the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world, although the Seikan Tunnel in Japan is both longer overall at 53.85 kilometres and deeper at 240 metres below sea level. The tunnel carries high-speed Eurostar passenger trains, Eurotunne Shuttle roll-on/roll-off vehicle transport--the largest in the world--and international rail freight trains. The tunnel connects end-to-end with the LGV Nord and High Speed 1 high-speed railway lines. In 1996 the American Society of Civil Engineers identified the tunnel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. It...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Arizona Arizona is a state in the southwestern region of the United States. It is also part of the Western United States and of the Mountain West states. It is the sixth largest and the 14th most populous of the 50 states. Its capital and largest city is Phoenix. Arizona is one of the Four Corners states. It borders with New Mexiko, Utah, Nevada, California, and Mexico, and one point in common with the southwestern corner of Colorado. Climate Southern Arizona is known for its desert climate, with very hot summers and mild winters. Northern Arizonafeatures forests of pine, Douglas fir, and spruce trees; the Colorado Plateau; some mountain ranges (such as the San Francisco Mountains); as well as large, deep canyons, with much more moderate summer temperatures and significant winter snowfalls. There are ski resorts in the areas of Flagstaff, Alpine, and Tucson. In addition to the Grand Canyon ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun