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"impairment" - 22 õppematerjali

impairment - The result of being impaired; a deterioration or weakening; a disability or handicap; an inefficient part or factor.

Short and long term effects of alcohol

heart disease and that the positive effects may be due to methodological flaws in research studies. Despite the small number of benefits of alcohol they are still greatly overweighed by the large amount of negative effects on health. For example increased risk of liver diseases, cancer and pancreatitis. Nevertheless conversely moderate intake of alcohol may have some benefitial effects on gastritis. For instance chronic excess alcohol intake, can lead to a wide range of neuropsychiatric impairment, coronary heart disease and malignant neoplasms. Furthermore psychiatric disorders which are associated with alcoholism include major depression, schizophrenia, suicide. Contrary to popular belief published studies have shown correlation between moderate alcohol use and health that may instead have been due to the beneficial effects of socialization that is often accompanied by alcohol consumption. In conclusion despite of benefits, chronic alcohol misuse has serious effects on physical and

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
62 allalaadimist


The effects of alcohol intoxication are greatly influenced by individual variations among users. Some users may become intoxicated at a much lower Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level that I am about to show you. Along with drinking their are different levels to it: 0.02-0.03 BAC: No loss of coorination,slight euphoria and loss of shyness. Depressant effects are not apparent. 0.04-0.06 BAC: Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, sensation of warmth. Some minor impairment of reasoning and memory, lowering of caution. 0.07-0.09 BAC: Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Judgement and self-control are reduced, and caution, reason and memory are impaired. 0.10-1.125 BAC: Signficant impairment of moter coordination and loss of good judgement. Speech may be slurred; balance, vision,reaction time and hearing will be impaired. (It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle at this level of intoxication.) 0.13-0

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Dioxins and furans in the atmosphere

Their resistance to degradation and semivolatility means that they may be transported over long distances and give rise to transnational exchanges of pollutants. In addition, dioxins which were released into the environment many years ago are still contributing to current exposure. Even very small dioxin concentrations can cause negative effects on the environment and on human health, in particular on the most vulnerable groups like children. Human health effects include impairment of the immune system, the nervous system, the hormonal system and the reproductive functions. Dioxins are also suspected of causing cancer. How Are We Exposed to Dioxins? Although formation of dioxins is local, environmental distribution is global. Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment. The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Peaajutrauma järgne haige afaasia ja hemipareesiga keha juhtival poolel

Kliendi jälgimine Kannatlikkus Lahenduste otsimine Kasutatud kirjandus Birkenfeldt, R. (2005). Tervise käsiraamat. Tallinn:Medicina. Luria. A.R. (1970). Traumatic Aphasia ­ it`s syndromes, psychology and treatment. The Hague: Mouton & Co. N.V Publishers. Kauba.T. (2009). Neuroloogia termineid optometristidele. Tallinn. Nursi.A. (2011) Magistritöö Afaasia sõeluuring insuldi ägedas faasis. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool. Barca.L. (2009). Modalityspecific naming impairment after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Brain Injury, October 2009; 23(11): 920­929. Brody.J.E. (1992) When Brain Damage Distrupts Speech. New York Times, June 10,Personal Health C13. Windsor.R.L. Common vision problems from stroke or traumatic brain injury. (19.01.2013) Kauba.T. (2011). Seletav sõnastik: Halvatused: hemiparees ja hemipleegia. (19.01.2013) Asser. A

Meditsiin → Anatoomia
12 allalaadimist

Erivajadustega õppija

ERIVAJADUSTEGA ÕPPIJA Lapsel on hariduslikud erivajadused, juhul kui tal on märkimisväärselt suuremad raskused õppimisel, võrreldes eakaaslastega; tal on raskused, mis takistavad sellele eale iseloomulike õpivõimete kasutamist tavakoolis. HEV laps erineb nn tavalapsest (eakohaselt arenenud laps) vaimsete omaduste poolest sensoorsete võimete poolest neuromuskulaarsete või kehaliste võimete poolest sotsiaalse või emotsionaalse käitumise poolest kommunikatsioonivõimete poolest liitpuuete poolest Hariduslikud erivajadused hariduslikud erivajadused (HEV, ingl k SEN, special educational needs). arengulised erivajadused toimetulekupiirangud ­ kui palju abi vajab, kuidas toime tuleb psüühilised ja kehalised erivajadused Kui HEVga isikuid tuleb siiski teataval määral märgistada, siis tuleks eelistada nimetusi, mis osutavad m...

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
61 allalaadimist

Laiendatud kava näidis

10. Pösö, T., Kjørstad, M. 2012. Social care under state socialism (1945­1989). Ambitions, ambiguities, and mismanagement. ­ Nordic Social Work Research. Nr 2. 11. Runno,M. 2012. Rehabilitatsiooniteenuse arendussuunad hoolekandes.- Sotsiaaltöö ajakiri, nr 1 (13), lk 19. 4 12. Southall, K., Wittich, W. 2012. Barriers to Low Vision Rehabilitation: A Qualitative Approach. ­ Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. Nr 106, pp 261. 13. Spruit, M. A., Jannsen, D., Frannsen, F. M. E., Wouters, E. F. M. 2009. Rehabilitation and palliative care in lung fibrosis. ­ Respirology. Nr 14, pp 783. 14. Suddick, K. M., De Souza, L. H. 2007. Therapists' experiences and perceptions of teamwork in neurological rehabilitation: Critical happenings in effective and ineffective teamwork. ­ Journal of Interprofessional Care, nr 21, lk 669-686. 15

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
232 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz Sotsiaaltöökorralduse osakond Keiri Lind I kursus ,,PUUDE" DEFINEERIMISEST JA KÄSITLEMISEST Miniuurimus Juhendaja: lektor Diana Maisla Pärnu 2010 1 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................................3 1. ,,Puude" defineerimine..................................................................................................4 2. Puude liigitamine...........................................................................................................5 2.1. Puude olulisuse põhjal.......................................................................................5 2.2. Toimetuleku põhjal............................................................................................5 ...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
78 allalaadimist

Sise- ja närvihaigused referaat

suur osa eelnevatest oskustest. 7. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Birkenfeldt, R. (2005). Tervise käsiraamat. Tallinn:Medicina. Luria. A.R. (1970). Traumatic Aphasia ­ it`s syndromes, psychology and treatment. The Hague: Mouton & Co. N.V Publishers. Kauba.T. (2009). Neuroloogia termineid optometristidele. Tallinn. Nursi.A. (2011) Magistritöö - Afaasia sõeluuring insuldi ägedas faasis. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool. Barca.L. (2009). Modality-specific naming impairment after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Brain Injury, October 2009; 23(11): 920­929. Brody.J.E. (1992) When Brain Damage Distrupts Speech. New York Times, June 10,Personal Health C13. Windsor.R.L. Common vision problems from stroke or traumatic brain injury. (19.01.2013) Kauba.T. (2011). Seletav sõnastik: Halvatused: hemiparees ja hemipleegia. (19.01.2013) Asser. A

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
27 allalaadimist


SISUKORD 2.RTJ 4 "VARUD" ÜLESEHTUS.................................................................................4 2.1.Eesmärgid ja koostamise alused...........................................................................4 2.2.Rakendusala..........................................................................................................4 2.3.Mõisted.................................................................................................................5 2.4.Varude arvestuspõhimõtted..................................................................................5 2.4.1.Esmane arvele võtmine..................................................................................5 2.4.2.Arvestusmeetodid varude kulusse kandmisel................................................7 2.4.3.Edasine kajastamine......................................................................................7 ...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
23 allalaadimist

Sidusa kõne arendamine SKAP lapsel

with Delayed Language Development. Educational Review, 56, 271-285 Fay, M., E., Cleave, P., L, Long, S., H. (1997). Two models of grammar Facilitation in Children With Language impairments: Phase 2. Journal of speech and hearing research, 40, 141-157. Hallap, M., & Padrik, M. (2008). Lapse kõne arendamine. Praktilisi soovitusi kõnelise suhtlemise kujundamisel. Tartu: TÜ Kirjastus. Kaderavek, J., Sulzby, E. (2000). Narrative Production by Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment: Oral Narratives and Emergent Readings. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 43, 34-49. Karlep, K. (1998). Psühholingvistika ja emakeeleõpetus. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Karlep, K. (2003). Kõnearendus: emakeele abiõpe II. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Karlsson, F. (2002). Üldkeeleteadus. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus. Kikas, E. (2008). Õppimine ja õpetamine koolieelses eas. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Laherand, M- L. (2008). Kvalitatiivne uurimisviis

Pedagoogika → Erivajadustega laste...
70 allalaadimist

Õigusalase inglise keele sõnad/väljendid eesti keelse tõlkega (units 12-18)

209. tender of performance is not accepted ­ täitmist ei võeta vastu 210. foreseeable damage ­ ettenähtav kahju 211. intentional ­ tahtlik 212. grossly negligent ­ raskelt hooletu 213. mitigate ­ leevendama 214. avoid ­ vältima 215. economic loss ­ (varaline) majanduslik kahju 216. non-economic loss ­ mittevaraline kahju 217. reduction of the value of property ­ vara väärtuse vähenemine 218. impairment of the quality of life ­ elukvaliteedi halvenemine 219. clause to pre-estimate any loss ­ eelhindama võimalikke kahjusid 220. penalty payment ­ karistusmakse 221. recover damages ­ sisse nõudma kahjutasu 222. penalty ­ punishment which is imposed if sth is not done 223. reason ­ healthy mind that is not mad; sufficient ground of explanation oe of logical defence 224. to reinstate ­ to put back into a former job or position 225

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


kortikaalsete keskuste ja BG vahel, demonstreerides, et selle taga on motoorne süsteem. Motoorne kõnekeskus B 44/B45 domineeruvas HF-s The KE family: KÕNE GENEETILINE BAAS • paljudel naistel aktiveerub bilateraalselt • pärilik raske specific language impairment (SLI) vorm • meestel mitte kunagi • geneetiline: haaras 30 isikut ühe pere 3 generatsiooni (elasid Londonis), palju uuritud alates 1990-st a., Kõnefunktsiooniga seotud ajupk. • teaduskirjanduses tuntud kui: the KE family (sometimes the K family)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
259 allalaadimist

Õpiraskuste psühholoogia konspekt

 These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction, and may occur across the life span.  Problems in self-regulatory behaviors, social perception, and social interaction may exist with LDs but do not by themselves constitute a learning disability.  Although a learning disability may occur concomitantly with other handicapping conditions (for example, sensory impairment, mental retardation, serious emotional disturbance) or with extrinsic factors (such as cultural differences, insufficient or inappropriate instruction), they are not the result of those conditions or influences." Häired võivad olla päris erinevad, probleem võib väljenduda väga erineval moel. Olulised raskused kuulamisel, rääkimisel, kirjutamisel, arutlemisel või matemaatiliste oskuste omandamisel. Probleemid tulenevad inidiviidist ja on seotud KNS düsfunktsiooniga.

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
54 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

PSYCHOLOGY PART 1: CORE Biological level of analysis Outline principles that define the biological level of analysis. 1) Behavior can be innate, because it is genetically based. Evolution may play a key role in behavior. 2) Animals may be studied as a means of understanding human behavior. 3) There are biological correlates of behavior. Cognitions, emotions and behaviors are products of the anatomy and physiology of our nervous and endocrine system. Explain how principles of the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research. 1) Correlational studies: Study by Buss, who hypothesized that across cultures, men will prefer to marry younger women because of greater reproductive capacity and women will place greater value on a potential mate's earning potential to provide survival advantages. This evolutionary hypothesis was tested in 37 cultures by sending out questione...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Liikumispuuetega inimeste võimalused avalikes randades Stroomi ranna näitel

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Terviseteaduse ja Spordi Instituut Rekreatsiooniteaduste osakond Märt Melsas LIIKUMISPUUDEGA INIMESTE VÕIMALUSED AVALIKES RANDADES STROOMI RANNA NÄITEL Magistritöö Juhendaja: Joe Noormets Tallinn 2014 RESÜMEE Melsas, Märt. Liikumispuudega inimeste võimalused avalikes randades Stroomi ranna näitel. Magistritöö, Tallinna Ülikool 2014. Antud uurimustöö koosneb 63 leheküljest ja sisaldab 26 joonist. Üha rohkem räägitakse võimaluste loomisest erinevate ühiskonnagruppide vahel. Seda nii erinevate teenuste ligipääsetavuse kui ühiskonna elus osalemise kontekstis. Käesolevas magistritöös keskendutakse liikumispuudega ini...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
18 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

TRADERUN MOODUL TRADERUN MODULE BUSINESS PECULIARITIES IN THE EU, RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES ÄRI ERIPÄRAD EUROOPA LIIDUS, VENEMAAL JA IDAPARTNERLUSRIIKIDES Lecturers: Ryhor Nizhnikau (responsible) Giorgi Gaganidze, Sergei Proskura, Andres Assor P2EC.00.202 (UT code), RIE 7044 (TLU code) Reading materials: Business peculiarities in Russia Lugemismatejal: Äri eripärad Venemaal Created by Sergei Proskura Tartu 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1. LEGALIZATION OF A COMPANY WITH A FOREIGN OWNER IN RUSSIA ....................................... 4 1.1. Laws ....

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Delayed Language Development. Educational Review, 56, 271-285 Fay, M., E., Cleave, P., L, Long, S., H. (1997). Two models of grammar Facilitation in Children With Language impairments: Phase 2. Journal of speech and hearing research, 40, 141-157. Hallap, M., Padrik, M. (2008). Lapse kõne arendamine: Praktilisi soovitusi kõnelise suhtlemise kujundamisel. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Kaderavek, J., Sulzby, E. (2000). Narrative Production by Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment: Oral Narratives and Emergent Readings. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 43, 34-49. Karlep, K. (1998). Psühholingvistika ja emakeeleõpetus. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Karlep, K. (2003). Kõnearendus: emakeele abiõpe II. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. McKeuogh, A., Davis, L., Forgeron, N., Marini, A., Fung, T. (2005)Improving storycomplexity and cohesion: A developmentalapproach to teaching story composition. Narrative Inquiry, 15, 241-266. Mäesaar, K. (2010)

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
23 allalaadimist

Õpiraskuste psühholoogia

- These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction, and may occur across the life span. - Problems in self-regulatory behaviors, social perception, and social interaction may exist with LDs but do not by themselves constitute a learning disability. - Although a learning disability may occur concomitantly with other handicapping conditions (for example, sensory impairment, mental retardation, serious emotional disturbance) or with extrinsic factors (such as cultural differences, insufficient or inappropriate instruction), they are not the result of those conditions or influences." Häired võivad olla päris erinevad, probleem võib väljenduda väga erineval moel. Olulised raskused kuulamisel, rääkimisel, kirjutamisel, arutlemisel või matemaatiliste oskuste omandamisel. Probleemid tulenevad inidiviidist

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
243 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

TRADERUN MOODUL TRADERUN MODULE BUSINESS PECULIARITIES IN THE EU, RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES ÄRI ERIPÄRAD EUROOPA LIIDUS, VENEMAAL JA IDAPARTNERLUSRIIKIDES Lecturers: Ryhor Nizhnikau (responsible) Giorgi Gaganidze, Sergei Proskura, Andres Assor P2EC.00.202 (UT code), RIE 7044 (TLU code) Reading materials: Business peculiarities in Ukraine and Belarus Lugemismatejal: Äri eripärad Ukrainas ja Valgenenes Created by Andres Assor Tartu 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 4 1. UKRAINE ...................................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


available. The mother was presumably normal; the father was unknown. The third kitten, a female, had pink eyes (although a small amount of yellow pigment was present in the iris) and a light tan coat. She was a blotched tabby (dominant) with moderate white spotting (dominant) and had a slight kink at the tip of her tail. Her hair was short and dense with a fine texture. In all other respects she conformed to the wild type. It is suspected that she had some visual impairment from the rather clumsy way she would run into things and from her hesitancy to jump from a height which would not disturb most cats. The animal apparently never came into heat spontaneously during the first three years of her life, but this may have been due to her caged existence rather than to any inherited or congenital defect. She was treated with hormones in January, 1961, and subsequently mated to a chocolate point Siamese. This cross was made with the purpose of discovering if any

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

A New Earth

I call that “intelligence n the service of madness.” Splitting the atom requires great intelligence. Using that intelligence for building and stockpiling atom bombs is insane or at best extremely unintelligent. Stupidity is relatively harmless, but intelligent stupidity is highly dangerous. This intelligent stupidity, for which one could find countless obvious examples, is threatening our survival as a species. Without he impairment of egoic dysfunction, our intelligence comes into full alignment with the outgoing cycle of universal intelligence and its impulse to create. We become conscious participants in the creation of form. It is not we who create, but universal intelligence that creates through us. We don't identify with what we create and so don't lose ourselves in what we do. We are learning that the act of creation may involve energy of the highest intensity, but that is not “hard work” or stressful

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

It's just a game! Isn't it? Hardly. The relationship between sport and earnest fan is anything but game- like. It is serious, intense, and highly personal. An apt illustration comes from one of my favorite anecdotes. It concerns a World War II soldier who returned to his home in the Balkans after the war and shortly thereafter stopped speaking. Medical examinations could find no physical cause for the problem. There was no wound, no brain damage, no vocal impairment. He could read, write, understand a con- versation, and follow orders. Yet he would not talk-not for his doctors, not for his friends, not even for his pleading family. Perplexed and exasperated, his doctors moved him to another city and placed him in a veterans' hospital where he remained for 30 years, never breaking his self- imposed silence and sinking into a life of social isolation. Then one day, a radio in

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun