What/who are they inspired by? His poetry is generally divided into three periods the French period ("The romance of the rose"), the Italian period ("Troilus and Criseyde", inspired by his own trip to Italy) and the English period ("The Canterbury Tales") What type of a work is The Canterbury Tales ? Poetry (two tales are in prose: the Tale of Melibee and the Parson's Tale) When did Chaucer die? Where is he buried? He is believed to have died of unknown causes on 25 October, 1400. Geoffrey Chaucer is buried in 'Poets' Corner', Westminster Abbey, London. Why is he called the f ather of English literature? One of the main reasons is because he basically wrote the first novel in history, and it was read by millions of people throughout all ages; what he wrote back then is still applicable today (in terms of human
Travel writing History writing-chronicles Allegory The use of symbols and analogy to convey a certain meaning /message Literary output of medieval English Anglo-saxon or Old English literature(7th century-1066) Middle english literature(12th century-15th century) End of the period:1470s chancery standard(regulating english) and onset of renaissance Middle English literature Written in many dialects in early period 14th century Middle english was used for majority literary works-known poets Chaucer, Langland Standardization-printing from 1470 Geoffrey Chaucer 13401400 London 1357 public servant 1359 fought in the war 1360 diplomatic career 1366 married Philippa Roet 1368 King Edward ssquire 1370-87 diplomatic missions 1391%Gardenerof King´s park Rests in Poets Corner Westminster Abbey Chaucer works Parlement of Foules Troilus and Criseyde The Legend of Good Women A Treatise on the Astrolabe Canterbury tales Canterbury tales The goal 120 stories The reality 24 stories%
Saxon or Old English. In the chronicles of Roman history (composed in Latin) is said that Britain makes its first appearance in written language when Romans invade the England. BEOWULF most important poem, surviving in a 10th-cent manuscript. The historical period of the poem's events can be dated in the 6th to 8th century. Much of the material of the poem is legendary and paralleled in other Germanic historical-mythological literature in Norse, Old English, and German. GEOFFREY CHAUCER (1340-1400) Politician and writer, fought in France during the 100 years war. He visited Genoa and Florence where he became acquainted with Italian literature and in particular with the works of Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio. The French period (up to 1370). early works were based mostly on French models. The Italian period (up to c. 1387). Was influenced by Italian literature, especially Dante and Bocaccio. The English period. Wrote Canterbury tales.
12.What is courtly love? It was a medieval European literary conception of love that emphasized nobility and chivalry. Medieval literature is filled with examples of knights setting out on adventures and performing various services for ladies because of their "courtly love". 13.What is a fableaux? A medieval verse tale characterized by comic, ribald treatment of themes drawn from life. 14.William Langland ,,The Visions of Piers Ploughman" 15.Find some information about Geoffrey Chaucer - his life and times. Chaucer was the first great poet writer in English, whose best-known work is 'The Canterbury Tales'. Geoffrey Chaucer was born between 1340 and 1345, probably in London. His father was a prosperous wine merchant. We do not know any details of his early life and education. Chaucer was captured by the French during the Brittany expedition of 1359, but was ransomed by the king. Edward III later sent him on diplomatic missions to France, Genoa and Florence
the base of the welfare of the people. A passionate protest against social injustice. A time when peasants were slowly rising against their feudal lords. Descriptions of different social classes. Religious mysticism. Two great principles: 1) all men are equal before God; 2) honest labour is dignified. It is a dream allegory. A young maiden named Youth, Greed is an old witch. The greatest writer of this period and the whole of medieval times Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400): · The father of English poetry · The creator of English versification · The first poet to use various metres · Laid the foundation of the new literary English language · Wrote in Middle English · An active man of affairs, who belonged to the middle class · Spoke Latin, French, Italian the important languages of the time · Worked as a diplomat for a time · Translated works into English (from Latin, French, Italian)
which leaded to the War of the Roses. Edward IV encouraged William Caxton to set up a printing press with movable type. 1483 came to reign Edward V who was only 12 years old. Richard(Ed's uncle) had Edward V and his younger brother imprisoned in the Tower of London. When it was rumoured that he had had the two boys murdered in the tower, rebellion broke out, and Richard III was killed in bttle. Henry Tudor was the next one to reign over England. Geoffrey Chaucer He was one of the greatest poets of England, he is also known as the Father of English Poetry.. He was the son of a wealthy London wine merchant. He was a master of manners and of description and the first taleteller. He led an extremely busy life. He was married to Philippa Roet. He worked for some time as Controller of Customs in London, Justice of Peace in Kent and Clerk of the King's works. He produced an astonishing body of prose and poetry.
His best known work is "The Ecclesiastical History of the English People" Starting with the Roman invasion in the 5th century, he recorded the history of the English up to his own day Old English Cædmon ,,The Father of English Hymn" Cædmon's Hymn is the oldest recorded Old English poem, and also one of the oldest surviving samples of Germanic alliterative verse The Hymn itself was composed between 658 and 680, recorded in the earlier part of the 8th century Middle English Geoffrey Chaucer 13431400 Known as the ,,Father of English literature", the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages An author, philosopher, alchemist and astronomer, diplomat Wrote The Book of the Duchess, the House of Fame, the Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde Best known today for "The Canterbury Tales" Crucial figure in developing the legitimacy of the vernacular, Middle English, at a time when the dominant literary languages in England were French Modern English William Shakespeare
English literature is one of the oldest literatures in Europe; dates back to the 6th century AD. Oral literature, i.e. not written down, spread from person to person. In 449 AD Anglo-‐Saxon tribes invaded England – beginning of the Anglo-‐Saxon period in English literature. The first form of literature was folklore, carried by scops and gleemen, who sang in alliterative verse (a kind of simple poetry). Prose developed much later. The first form of recorded English literature was the epic Beowulf, which was produced sometime near the end of the 7th and beginning ?
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