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"-command" - 175 õppematerjali


OS põhiteenused, Androidi struktuur, Androidi käsurea kasutamine

ÕPIVÄLJUND Teoreetiline töö Juhendaja: 2015 Õpiväljund 1 OS põhiteenused  Programmide salvestamine operatiivmällu. Programm laetakse mällu ning seejärel käivitatakse.  I/O operatsioonid – Programmid ei saa iseseisvalt suhelda välisseadmetega (füüsiliste esemetega ehk riistvaraga). I/O operatsioon aitab programmidel suhelda välisseadmetega.  Failisüsteemi manipuleerimine – Aitab luua faile, kustutada neid, lugeda ning kirjutada. Aitab kaasa kataloogioperatsioonidele.  Side – Vahetab andmeid erinevate protsesside vahel, nii sama arvutiga kui ka teiste arvutitega. Andmete vahetamine realiseeritakse teadete saatmisega või jagatud mäluga  Vigade avastamine – protsessori, mälu, I/O seadmete ja kasutajaprogrammide vigade avastamine ja neile r...

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

Nobody can win a war

Olari Simson Nobody can win a war Historically people have always been at war. By hook or by crook they fight no matter what is the reason. This is in human natures people need to fight with ohter people. They cannot sit in one place and deal with their own business. Human just need to know everything and be part of it. Is war worth fighthing? Why people just cannot get along with everyone? Human is naturally warrior and human have to be part of everything and when people have not enough of something he need get more of it. Human has always been greedy, always want to be a wealthy and command everyone, but others do not let him do that. People do not let command and force themselves and this is the reason why wars begin. Peoples misunderstanding goes so far, when they tap more powerful and deadful methods. Human nat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

NXT Mindstorms

NXT Mindstorm Marek Viirok Jalmar Tõnsau Mindstormide suguvõsa RCX (Robotic Command eXplorer)Esimese generatsiooni Lego Mindstorms. RDS (Robotics Discovery Set) Teise generatsiooni Lego Mindstorms Droid Developer Kit & Dark Side Developer Kit NXT Lego Mindstorms 1.0 ja 2.0 EV3 RCX (Robotic Command eXplorer) RDS (Robotics Discovery Set) EV3 NXT Ajalugu ja päritolu 2006 aasta Juulis esitleti NXT Mindstorms 1.0 2009 aasta August esitleti NXT Mindstorms 2.0 Brick ehk NXT juhtplokk NXT juhtplokk (Intelligent Brick) on RCX juhtploki järglane, sellest tuleneb ka nimi NXT ehk NEXT (järgmine) Atmel32bitine ARM7 protsessor Atmel 8bitine AVR protsessor ATmega48 256 kB välkmälu ja 64kB muutmälu USB 2.0 Bluetooth 2.0 4 Sisendporti 3 Väljundporti ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
5 allalaadimist

Windows Server 2008

Kuressaare Ametikool Tarkvara ja andmebaaside haldus WINDOWS SERVER 2008 Referaat Autor: Jalmar Tõnsau Juhendaja: Diana Lõhmus 2014 Ajalugu Algselt tunti Windows serverit koodnime all ,,Longhorn" , Microsofti eesistuja Bill Gates teatas selle ametlikust nimest aga 16. Mail 2007, kui toimus iga Microsofti iga-aastane tarkvara ja riistvara konverents. Beta versioon lasti välja 27. Juulil 2005. Beta 2 lasti välja 23. Mail 2006 WinHEC(Windows Hardware Engineering Conference) ajal. Beta 3 estileti 25 Aprillil 2007. Hilisem versioon Windows Server 2008 hakati tootma 4. Veebruaril 2008. Funktsioonid Windows server 2008 on ehitatud samale koodile kui Windows Vista, seega nad on arhitektuurselt ja funktsioonide poolest sarnased. Kuna arhitektuuri kood on sarnane, siis WS2008 tuleb koos tehnilise, turva, juhtimise...

Informaatika → Informaatika
7 allalaadimist

FTP serveri loomise juhend

Karl Hendrik Bachmann FTP serveri (ehk pilve) valmistamine Juhend Tallinn, 2015 Sisukord 1. Mis asi on FTP server? 2. Vajalik ud ligipääsud ja programmid. 3. Seadistamine. 4. Serverisse ühendumine. Mis asi on FTP server? FTP server on server, kuhu saad laadida üles oma faile, jagada neid teistega ja uuesti allalaadida. Näiteks on tuntuimad FTP serverid Dropbox, Google Drive. Vahepeal kutsutakse neid ka pilve serveriteks, või pilve teenusteks. Kasulik on FTP server selleks, kui sa soovid ligipääseda oma failidele väljaspool kodu, kui sa soovid oma faile kellegagi jagada, või neid hoiustada kusagil mujal, mitte sinu arvutis. Vajalikud ligipääsud ja programmid Vajalikud on: • FileZilla client, • Ligipääs ruuterile, • Ligipääs isp (ehk internetipakkuja) poolt pakutavatele teen...

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

Cover letter ja Europass CV

Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Katherin Mayfair Address Manni tee 8 EE-11213 Tallinn (Estonia) Telephone(s) +3726667882 Mobile +37255573210 E-mail(s) [email protected] Nationality Estonian Date of birth 23 July 1972 Gender Female Desired employment / Computer systems designer Occupational field Work experience Dates 01/06/2005 - 25/04/2009 Occupation or position held Computer systems designer and analyst Main activities and Designing computer systems and engineering. responsibilities Name and address of employer ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist

Useful Vocabulary for Letters of Application

Useful Vocabulary for Letters of Application In the introduction  I am writing to apply for the post/ position of advertised / which was advertised ( in the Times on 13 May 2010 / in the local newspaper/ on the noticeboard in my school)  I am writing in response to the job which I saw advertised in (the Daily Herald)  With reference to your advertisement in the Guardian (of 25 January 2003), I would like to apply for the post of ......  I saw your advertisement in...... and I would like to be considered for the job  I heard about this position through my careers officer at school  I believe that I have all the necessary skills and qualifications for this post  I believe that I would be suitable for this post In the main body  I am an 18-year-old student.../ I am 18 years old....  I am currently in the final year of .....  I am cu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor attac Kadri Nutt 11D Facts · was a preemptive military strike on the was United States Pacific Fleet base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii · by the Empire of Japan's Imperial Japanese Navy, on the morning of Sunday, 7 December 1941. · Two attack waves · destroyed two U.S. Navy battleships, one minelayer, two destroyers and 188 aircraft. · Personnel losses were 2,333 killed and 1,139 wounded · Very important fuel storage, shipyards, and submarine facilities were not hit · Japanese losses were minimal at 29 aircraft and five midget submarines, with 65 Japanese servicemen killed or wounded. Reasons · intent was to protect Imperial Japan's advance into Malaya and the Dutch East Indies -- for their natural resources such as oil and rubber -- by neutralizing the U.S. Pacific Fleet. · Both the US and Japan had longstanding contingency plans for war in the Pacific · ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Direct and indirect speech revs


Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika homework 1

Mictrocontroller Week 03 Numbering systems 1. Convert the decimal number 123.456 to the following formats, taking whole numbers and fractions into account. Show calculations. a) Binary Fractional part : Reading direction Integral part: Reading direction 0,456 x 2 = 0,912 0 123 / 2 = 61 1 0,912 x 2 = 1,812 1 61 / 2 = 30 1 0,812 x2 = 1,624 1 30 / 2 = 15 0 0,624 x 2 = 1,248 1 15 / 2 = 7 1 0,248 x 2 = 0,496 0 7/2=3 1 0,496 x 2 = 0,992 1 3/2=1 1 0 1 1 0 0 So 123.45610 = 0111 1011.0111 01002 b...

Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
6 allalaadimist

Mictrocontroller Week 03

Mictrocontroller Week 03 Numbering systems 1. Convert the decimal number 123.456 to the following formats, taking whole numbers and fractions into account. Show calculations. a) binary b) hexadecimal c) base-5 d) BCD === 1. a) 0111 1011.0111 01002 b) 7B.7416 c) 443.2125 d) 0001 0010 0011.0100 0101 01102 === 2. Extend the following unsigned 8-bit binary numbers to their 16-bit equivalents and convert the result to hexadecimal. a) 011010112 b) 101101012 === 2. a) 006B b) 00B5 === 3. Extend the following signed two’s complement 8-bit binary numbers to their 16-bit equivalents and convert the result to hexadecimal. a) 011010112 b) 101101012 === 3. a) 006B b) FFB5 === Logic and arithmetic 4. Using two’s complement arithmetic, calculate the following (choose a suitable number of bits for the representation): a) 121 – 185 b) -70 – 88 == 4. Convert back to verify answer == 5. Calculate the following without conve...

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
5 allalaadimist

"Ender's game"

Book Report on "Ender's Game" By Taavo Allik March 23, 2009 Book Report on "Ender's Game".................................................................................................. Orson Scott Card....................................................................................................................... The Setting................................................................................................................................ Main Characters........................................................................................................................ Ender..................................................................................................................................... Valentine............................................................................................................................... Peter...........................

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Why do I need to speak English in English class?

Why do I need to speak English in the English class? I am going to write why I need to use English in English class. Using English in theEnglish class is important, because it is the best practise for English pronunciation and the more I use English the more I will command the language. I must express strong regret that I have not been using English in English classes very often and because of that I have many cacoepies and I am not very good at speaking English and that is why I should speak English during the English classes much more. Using English frequently gives me better understanding of the language, I will become more fluent in it and my general intelligence improves remarkably. Human beings are unique species because of their ability to learn, but in order to use this ability's full capacity, I must study every day. As to languages, constant improving is even more important becaus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

TTK-Taktikalised Tingmärgid

KVÜÕA Refereering Balti Kaitsekolledzi taktikaliste tingmärkide käsiraamatust Kpt Ülo Raudmäe 2001 EESSÕNA NATO on lõpetanud uuele käsiraamatule APP-6(A), STANAG 2019, taktikalised tingmärgid ülemineku ja kasutab neid igapäevases planeerimis- töös. Käesolev käsiraamat on juba kasutusel enamuses NATO riikides. Balti kaitsekolledzis kasutatakse antud taktikali tingmärke alates kolmandast staabikursusest. Käesolev refereering käsiraamatust on mõeldud kasutamiseks Balti Kaitse- kolledzis õppetundides ja väliharjutuste ning sisaldab APP-6(A) tähtsamaid osi ja annab ülevaate tähtsamatest uutest reeglitest ja tingmärkidest. Ta ei asenda dokumenti APP-6(A) , mis on ja jääb alusdokumendiks. KVÜÕA-s on seekordne tõlge esimene ja see pole lõplik. Nagu varsti isegi veendute on siinses refereeringus osa marerjale veel tõlkimata, kuid usun et teie teadmisi lai...

Sõjandus → Sõjandus
86 allalaadimist


CANADA GENERAL STATISTICS Capital - Ottawa Population - 33,390,141 (July 2007 est.) Population density ­ 3.5 inhabitats per km2 Among the lowest in the world Currency ­ Canadian Dollar (CAD) 2 Official Languages ­ English and French Government system ­ constitutional monarchy and federal parliamentary diplomacy POLITICAL SYSTEM Constitutional monarchy Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, head of state Governor General appointed by the monarch Parliamentary democracy Similar parliamentary system to other Commonwealth realms Federation "One Dominion under the name of Canada" with the Constitution Act of 1867 GEOGRAPHY Located in North America, north of USA Territory - 9,984,670 km2 World's second largest country CLIMATE Due to large territory, climate varies in greatly ECONOMY One of world's wealthiest nations 1,406,000 GDP 9th in the world About ¾ of Canadians employed in s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist


J. Gruodzio str. 21 Kaunas 44567 Lithuania 27th september 2010 Mr.G.Dorney Manager ABC Company Eastwood road 134 Los Angeles I79 K0L Dear Mr Dorney, I am writing to apply for the position of sales executive, which was advertised in the September edition of the ABC Company Newsletter. For the last five years I have been a sales executive in Coca-Cola Company in Lithuania. I was responsible for products promotion and my command was to improve products. Also, I had sales meetings for example in Latvia or in the USA....

Keeled → Business english
23 allalaadimist


Majandusõpetus KoTöö 2 Majandussüsteemi Nimi Karina Trebunskaja d Klass 11.b Tõlkige õisted vene ja inglise keelde.Viige vastavuisse mõiste ja määratlus Tähistage vastava tähega. Kokku 3 * 13 = 39 punkti Mõiste Vastu s Määratlus 1 Käsumajandus - D Korraldus, mis võimaldab ostjatel ja müüjatel teha vahetustehinguid. command economy - 2 Turumajandus - E B Ressursid ja tooted, mille omanik on eraisik või ettevõte, mitte riik market economy - 3 Turg - A C Võistlus (rivaliteet) ostjate ja müüjate seas ressursside ja kaupade ostmise ja market - müümise pärast 4 Tööjaotus...

Majandus → Majandus
7 allalaadimist


1. AI-Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Freehand 2. BAK Backup HotDog, Turbo Pascal varundus- ehk varufail 3. BAT Batch DOS, operatsioonisüsteem käske sisaldav pakkfail 4. BMP Bitmap Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, operatsioonisüsteem rastergraafika kasutajaliidese graafika, kujundusprogrammid 5. COM Command file operatsioonisüsteem, programm programm või käsufail endine, kuid siiani kasutatav täitefaili vorming 6. DOC Document Writer, MS Word, WordPad, WordPerfect, FrameMaker dokumendifail 7. DXF AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format Paljud CAD jt. joonestusprogrammid vektorgraafika ainult 2D 8. EXE Executable operatsioonisüsteem, programm programme või käske sisaldav täitefail, näiteks iselahtipakkiv fail. 9. FH5 Freehand 5 FreeHand 5 vektorgraafika levinud peamiselt disainerite ja küljendajate hulgas 10. GIF Graphic Interchange Format Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro rastergraafik...

Informaatika → Informaatika
6 allalaadimist

Andmekaevandamine Amazoni Raamatud SQL-iga

TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Institute of Informatics Department of Informatics Chair of Foundations of Informatics Similarity Nth Assignment for Data Mining Course IDN0100 Student: Matriculation ID: E-mail: Supervisor: Innar Liiv TALLINN 2013 Preparation: This task report describes completion of the assignment of finding customer behavior similarities via creation of database entries and execution of SQL queries. First off a PostgreSQL 9.2.2 has been installed and a table has been created to accommodate the data from data.txt file. -- DROP TABLE person_book; CREATE TABLE person_book ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kontrolltöö

Unit 1. The ways of working. Commute-edasi-tagasi liikuma,pendeldama Employee-töötaja Employer-tööandja Flexible-paindlik Freelance-vabakutseline Intention-kavatsus Mill-vabrik Premises-valduse,territoorium Replace-asendama,välja vahetama Restriction-piirang,kitsendus Shift-vahetus Flexible working hours-paindlik töögraafik Flexitime-paindlik aeg Teleworking-kaugtöö Job share-töökoha jagamine (works in a bank job share) Career break-tööpaus,palgata Long hours culture-ületundide tegemine To keep in contact To go freelance Work shifts Working part-time – osaline tööaeg Have my career –käia tool Cut back-kulusid vähendama Short-term – lühiajaline (almost all on short-term contracts) Come in from school-koju tulema By e-mail,fax,phone Renew her contract for another 3 months Kas sulle meeldiks töötada osalise tööajaga? Would you like to work part-time? Teie lepingut uuendatakse veel 6 kuuks. Your contract will be renewed for another 6 mon...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Royals and their favorite music

Royals and their favourite music ROYAL FAMILY TREE Kate MIddleton: Abba Kate Middleton, the Duchess Of Cambridge, requested Swedish band Abba's classic wedding- reception dance staples such as Dancing Queen at the post-royal wedding dinner dance in 2011. Prince Charles: Leonard Cohen You might suspect that Prince Charles has highbrow musical taste - he adores Bach - but he also once revealed in a TV interview that Leonard Cohen was "wonderful". Cohen appeared at a 1998 Prince's Trust concert.. Prince Harry: Skream Ollie 'Skream' Jones is a 'Dubstep' producer based in Croydon. His debut album Skream! was released in 2006 although he prefers the term ‘UK bass’ to 'Dubstep'. Prince Harry,  who sang a bit of Bob Marley in public on his tour of Jamaica in March 2012, has seen Skream close up - after he performed at a charity event at Buckingham Palace Princess Margaret: The Beatles Princess Margaret was part of the Swinging Sixties scen...

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia kultuurilugu
1 allalaadimist

The Eagle of the Ninth summary

The Eagle of the Ninth The hero of the book is Marcus, he decides to take back the his father's lost legion. Marcus had a family farm in Clusium. Marcus's mother and father are dead, because that, he leaved at Clusium. He went to his uncle, who lives in nearby Calleva. He purchases a gladiator as his personal slave. The slave name is Esca. Their realationship quickly becomes very friendly. Marcus sent the slave to the forest to catch a wolf. Esca got the wolf and carried it to Marcus. Marcus named her Cub. Marcus also met with Cottia. Cottia was pretty young girl who lived with her aunt and his uncle. Marcus wanted to find the Eagle of his father's old legion sign. He sets Esca free and asks him to join his journey. They started the trip, Marcus used his name as Demetris of Alexandria, to get information about the Eagle. They got some information by Guern, but Guern didnt join with them, because Guer...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Soome julgeolekupoliitika ja merejõud

Soome julgeolekupoliitika ja merejõud Soome asub Läänemere põhjarannikul, Rootsi ja Venemaa vahel. Meie, eestlaste jaoks, on nad põhjanaabrid. Ajaloo vältel on Soome olnud erinevate võõrriikide kooseisus. Esmalt mainitakse seda 1150-ndail aastail Edela-Soomes toimunud ristiretkel. Kuni Põhjasõjani oli ta Rootsi kuningriigi koosseisus ja peale sõda kuulus Venemaa keisririigi koosseisu kuni aastani. Sellest ajast alates on Soome olnud iseseisev, kuid on siiski pidanud kaitsma oma vabadust II maailmasõja aastatel ja sellest hoolimata pidanud loovutama osa oma riigi territooriumist. Et tulevikus oma suveräänsust kaitsta, on Soome kaitsejõud võtnud aastaid suure osa riigi eelarvest. Strateegilisel tasemel on välja töötatud erinevaid kaitsestrateegiaid, loodud erinevad julgeolekupoliitika aluseid ja pikema ajakavaga sõjalisi ja poliitilisi suundi. Arvesse on võetud nii oma geograafilist asendit kaard...

Merendus → Laevandus
14 allalaadimist

Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum Aire Albri Imperial War Museum in London. · Imperial War Museum is a British national museum organisation with branches at five locations in England, three of which are in London. · The museum was founded during the First World War in 1917 and intended as a record of the war effort and sacrifice of Britain and her Empire. · Today the museum gives its mission as "to enable people to have an informed understanding of modern war and its impact on individuals and society" · Originally housed in the Crystal Palace at Sydenham Hill, the museum opened to the public in 1920. · In 1924 the museum moved to space in the Imperial Institute in South Kensington, and finally in 1936 the museum acquired a permanent home which was previously the Bethlem Royal Hospital in Southwark. · The outbreak of the Second World War saw the museum expand both its collections and its terms of reference, but th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

"Ender's game" powerpoint presentation

Ender's Game By Orson Scott Card Compiled by Taavo Allik The Author · born on the 24th of August in 1951 · began as a poet · studied theatre · only author to win both science fiction top prizes in consecutive years (Hugo & Nebula Awards) ­ for Ender's Game and it's sequel · Has written in a variety of genres Setting · occasionally on Earth · mostly in Battle School: ­ on orbit near Earth ­ most important there: battlerooms · in Command School ­ very far from Earth ­ on a small planet Eros · on a bugger colony ­ named after Ender ­ Ender's World Main Characters · Ender · Valentine ­ 6 years old ­ Ender's sister ­ 11, when wins the war ­ genius ­ genius ­ gentle-natured ­ a Third (third child in the · Peter family) ­ Ender's brother...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


COOPERATIVE CYBER DEFENCE CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE NATO KÜBERKAITSEKOOSTÖÖ KESKUS NATO COOPERATIVE CYBER DEFENCE CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE The Centre was established on 14 May 2008, it received full accreditation by NATO and attained the status of International Military Organisation on 28 October 2008. The Centre conducts Located Tallinn Filtri tee 12 , Estonia research and training on cyber security and includes a staff of approximately 40 tallinnas HISTORY • In 2003, prior to the country’s official accession to NATO, Estonia proposed the creation of a "cyber excellence center". The 2006 Riga summit listed possible cyber attacks among the asymmetric threats to the common security and acknowledged the need for programs to protect information systems over the long term. The cyber attacks on Estonia in 2007 highlighted fo...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
11 allalaadimist

The Haapsalu Bishop's Castle

The Haapsalu Bishop's Castle The Haapsalu Bishop's Castle and Cathedral, which was established in the 13th century as the centre of the SaareLääne Diocese, is one of the best preserved castles in Estonia. It is located on the western coast of Estonia in Haapsalu. The Haapsalu Castle is one of the most remarkable examples of Estonian MiddleAge fortress architecture. The stronghold construction, widening and reconstruction went on throughout several centuries, with architecture changing according to the development of weapons. The fortress achieved its final dimensions ­ area of more than 3 hectares, thickness of the wall between 1.2 and 1.8 meters, and maximum height over 10 metres­ under the reign of Bishop Johannes IV(fourth). In the 17th century, the castle was no longer used as a defensive building by the Swedes who now ruled the Swedish Estonian Province. In the course of the Grea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Linux konspekt

Kataloogipuu ülevaade: 10. September Terminalis orienteerumine: 11. September Unix käsud: 17/18/24. September Ubuntu 14.04 fresh install Ubuntu server: 1. Oktoober Ubuntu server: 2. Oktoober Olulisemad conf failid: 8. Oktoober Iseseisev tunnitöö: 15. Oktoober Tunnitöö (SSH ilma paroolita): 29. Oktoober Tunnitöö krüpteerimine: 5. November Tunnitöö 12.11 sshfs/sftp kasutamine, Roberti kausta mountimine virtuaalmasinaga. Tunnitöö 19.11.2014 - kõvaketta mountimine Tunnitöö 03.12.2014 - Kordamine Kataloogipuu ülevaade: 10. September / (16-30GB) SWAP 1-1,5x RAM /home Terminalis orienteerumine: 11. September COMMAND KIRJELDUS ls -a Näitab faile ja peidetud faile terminalis ls -l Failide kuvamine terminalis listina ls -l -a/ls...

Informaatika → Informaatika
12 allalaadimist

Film review

Päivi Margna Form 11 FILM REVIEW Film: Desperado Genres: Thriller, crime drama Director: Robert Rodriguez Release date: 25 August 1995 Main actors: Avtonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Joaquim de Almeida Company: Columbia TriStar Desperado is a crime drama written, directed and edited by Robert Rodriguez. It was released on August 25, 1995. Desperado is the sequel to El Mariachi and stars Antonio Banderas as musician El Mariachi. Mariachi is a musician who gets mistaken for a hitman tries to avenge the murder of his girlfriend. The movie also stars Salma Hayek, Quentin Tarantino, Steve Buscemi and Cheech Marin. The film takes place in Mexican border town where Bucho (Joaquim DeAlmeida), a wealthy but casually bloodthirsty drug kingpin rules. When `El M...

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Majandussüsteemid, turumajandus

Majandusõpetus 2.Majandussüsteemid, turumajandus II.Vaba ettevõtlus ehk turumajandus II. 1.Turumajanduse tugisambad, pilars of market economy. 1. 2. Eraomandus, private property, ownership - ressursid ja tooted 2. - (omandiobjektid) , mille omanik on eraisik või ettevõte, mitte riik , . 3. otiiv, motive ­ on millegi tegemise ajend. Turumajanduses on 3. ­ () - . majanduslikud motiivid kasum, intress, palk ja rent (Tasu , %, ( tootmifaktorite kasutamise eest) ). 4. Spetsialiseerumine, spezialisation - on protsess, milles ettevõtted ja 4. ­ , inimesed keskenduvad ühe toote või tooteosa tootmisele 5. Vabatahtlik vahetus, voluntary exchange ­ kaasneb spetsialiseerumi- 5. ­ ...

Keeled → Vene keel
6 allalaadimist

ArcGIS juhendmaterjal EESTI KEELES

ESRI® ArcGIS Desktop Juhendmaterjal ©ALPHAGIS 2007 Sisukord SISSEJUHATUS 3 1.1 A RCGIS KASUTAJALIIDES 3 1.1.1 ArcMap 4 1.1.2 ArcCatalog 4 1.1.3 ArcToolbox 5 1.1.4 Command Line 6 1.1.5 ArcGISi töövahendid 6 2 ANDMETE KUVAMINE JA NAVIGEERIMINE ARCMAP`IS 8 2.1 K AARDIKIHT 10 2.2 A NDMEFREIM 10 2.3 K AARDIKIHTIDE JA ANDMEFREIMIDE HALDAMINE ­ KIHIHALDUR (TOC) 11 2.4 K AARDIDOKUMENDI ...

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
198 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

Table of Contents 1. Background ..............................................................................................................................2 2. Business Plan............................................................................................................................2 2.1. Mission..............................................................................................................................2 2.2. Values ...............................................................................................................................2 2.3. SWOT Analysis of the Organization ................................................................................2 2.4. Opportunities ....................................................................................................................3 2.5. Primary Processes .........................................

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist

Gerunds and infinities

Gerunds (to) and infinitives (-ing) 7.1 Verbs followed by the gerund form ­ing. I considered buying a flat in Monte Carlo, but they were too expensive. Here are some common verbs which are followed by the gerund: Admit, appreciate (hindama), avoid, can´t help, can´t stand, consider, delay (viivitama), deny, detest (jälestama), dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine (ette kujutama), involve (sisaldama), mention (mainima), mind, miss, postpone (edasi lükkama), practise, put off, recall, resent, risk, suggest, understand 7.2 Verbs and phrases followed by the infinitive without ´to´ You must answer all the questions. Here are some common verbs/phrases which are followed by the infinitive without to: Can, could, may, might, must, need, must, need, had better, would rather 7.3 Verbs followed by an object + the infinitive without ´to´ She made me do it. ( sundima ) Here are some ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Unit 3-4 sõnavara

UNIT 3-4 Retailing - Jaemüük ­ the business of selling goods to the general public Retailers - Jaemüüjad ­ sellers Shop ­ store ­ Pood - place, where you can buy things Outlets - Firma esinduspood ­ a retail outlet Retail chains - Jaeketid - one company but many shops Shopping centres - Ostukeskused - malls Hypermarkets or superstores ­ hüpermarketid vs supermarketid Retail Park - Ärikeskus - there is number of large stores Department store - Kaubamaja - large shop which sell a wide variety of products Assuming ­ Eeldamine ­ expecting Consumer ­ Tarbija ­ person who buys goods for their own use Bargain hunter - Otsima allahindlusi - look for cheap goods High fidelity - Suur usaldusväärsus Flexibility - Paindlikkus Suppliers - Varustaja Sales pitch ­ what salespeople say to convince you to buy Quirky or unusual, untypical ­ Veider vs ebatavaline Alternative or not traditional ­ Alternatiivne vs...

Keeled → Inglise keel
121 allalaadimist

Canada's three cities

Cities of Canada Ottawa is the capital of Canada and a municipality within the Province of Ontario. Located in the Ottawa Valley in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario, the city lies on the southern banks of the Ottawa River, a major waterway forming the local boundary between the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Connected by several bridges to its Quebec neighbour, the City of Gatineau on the northern shores of the Ottawa River, the two cities had a combined 2009 population of 1,220,674, making it the country's fourth largest metropolitan area. Although a recent StatsCan estimate in February 2010 surmises that the Ottawa metropolitan area has recently been surpassed by the Calgary metropolitan area as the Canada's fourth largest metropolitan area. There is no federal capital district in Canada. Although it does not constitute a separate administrative district, Ottawa is part of the federally designate...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Haridusfilosoofia Dewey

Lugege Dewey'i raamatu peatükki 7. Esiteks püüdke aru saada, mis on Dewey põhiideed selles peatükis. Teiseks, mõelge kuidas ta esitleb ja mida arvab ajaloolistest autoritest. Kolmandaks, kuidas see seostub sellega, millest esimeses loengus rääkisime haridusest üldiselt. Seitsmendas peatükis Dewey arutleb kogemusliku hariduse üle. Kuidas valitud teema peab langema tavalise elukogemuse ulatusse ja siis peaks eelnev elukogemus aitama sel teemal areneda täiuslikumaks ja rohkem arenumaks. Dewey toob välja selle, et hariduses on tavaline see, et õpe algab selle õpetamisega, mida õppijad juba teavad, kuid raskem ülesanne on see teadmine ja kogemus juba edendada rohkem täiuslikumasse ja organiseeritumasse vormi. Õpetaja väljakutse seisneb nende kogemuste välja valimises millel oleks potentsiaali ja mis lubaksid presenteerida uusi probleeme mis julgustaksid õppijaid teistmoodi jälgima ja otsustama ning lõpuks laiendama uue ja edasise kogemuse ...

Pedagoogika → Haridus
4 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite 3. labor

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering Report on laboratory work 3 on General Course of Electrical Drive SERVO DRIVE (FESTO) Jüri Lina 666BMW Group M16 Variant 2 Tallinn 2014 1. Functional Diagram Component list: PC with Wmmemoc software SEC-AC-305 controller MTR-AC-55 servo motor with encoder External 24VDC power supply unit Test stand with slide and limit switches 4. Tables of observations Task Operation/Record Observation 1 Measure the slide position at Limit Slide moved to the right, switch 1 Limit 1 reached at 1,46 2 Turn pot...

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
43 allalaadimist


Kehra Gümnaasium HIV ja AIDS Miniuurimustöö Kehra 2009 2 SISUKORD Mis on AIDS?......................................................................................................................... 4 Kuidas levib HIV?.................................................................................................................. 4 Kuidas ravida HI-viirust?........................................................................................................4 TULEMUSED............................................................................................................................ 5 3 TEOORIA Mis on AIDS? AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom) on immuunussüsteemi puudulikkus, mis hävitab keha võime tulla toime ja võidelda teiste haiguste ...

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

A... AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS Advanced Access Control System AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanc...

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist


ANDMETURVE I loeng. Oluline info kursuse kohta: • Tasub õppida codecadamy HTML basics, • Essee tähtaeg 25. märts 23:50, 1800-2500 sõna, v.a viited; ieee reference • Iga loengu jaoks 3 uudist • Meili saatmisel lisada pealkirja ITX0040 ([email protected]) • Infoturbe lekskion – • Protokoll, meie ainekontekstis suhtlemisreeglite kogumik 12.02 • CIA – confidentiality, integrity, availability • SKT – salastatus/konfidentsiaalsus, kättesaadavus, terviklikkus • Interneti rünnakute eest võib saada kuni 5 aastat vangistust • Küberturvalisus ehk IT süsteemida kaitse riist-ja tarkvara süsteemi osadel • Häkker – keegi, kes otsib süsteemi nõrkusi • White-box testing – häkkeril on süsteemist kõik teadmised • Black-box testing – süsteemi kohta eelnevat infot pole • Projektijuht vastutab, et turvatestid oleks läbitud • OSI mudel – 7. ...

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
22 allalaadimist

George Orwell "Animal Farm" essay - "Human nature exposed in the novel"

Human nature exposed in G.Orwell's ,,Animal Farm" Humans are the most deceitful animals in the World. Even if we do not want to confess it to ourselves, we have to accept the fact that humans constantly change their ways of thinking and acting to make the World a better place to live in for themselves. Our lives are fulfilled with lies we enter to our or someone else's mind. A lot of it is connected to people's constant need of power and control. "Animal Farm" is a book that reverberates that kind of human nature through politics, dictatorship and power, but in nowadays' World this kind of behaviour occurs also in our everyday life, not only politics. First of all humans are in a constant need of power. The essence of the power does not even matter as long as they have some kind of control. It could be control over some group, over a person and his mind, actions and thoughts or just over a certain situation where we wa...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Estonian War of Independence

Estonian War of Independence During World War I the greatest colonial power in Europe ­ the Russian Empire ­ seized to exist. On its ruins the formerly enchained nations founded their own states. Among them was the Estonian Republic, officially declared on February 24, 1918. When Germany surrendered to the Western Allies on November 11, 1918 a strategic vacuum arose in Eastern Europe. The new rulers of Russia ­ the Bolsheviks ­ decided to use it as a proper moment to re-conquer their lost territories. The ultimate goal was international communist revolution and Germany was the first standing on their way. Thus on November 13, 1918 the Government of Soviet Russia denounced peace with Germany. On November 16 the Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army, Jukums Vacietis, gave orders to start a massive attack on a long front from the Gulf of Finland to the Ukraine. On November 28, two divisions of the Red Army (altogether 12,000 troops) crossed...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Riikide võrdlus

Majanduslik Eesti (Estonia) Argentiina Keenia (Kenya) näitaja (Argentia) Liberaalsuse aste 6 koht 69 koht 86 Koht (Economic freedom) Indeks:3,2 Indeks:2,05 Indeks:1,9 SKP suurus (GDP $22.5 billion (2011) $435.2 billion (2011) $36.1 billion (2011) official exchange rate) SKP per capita $20,200 (2011) $17,400 (2011) $1,700 (2011) (GDP per capita) SKP ostuvõime $26.93 billion (2011) $709.7 billion (2011) $71.5 billion (2011) alusel (GDP purchasing power parity) Gini indeks 31,4 (2009) 45,8 (2009) 42,5 (2008) Eksport inimese $6,988 per capita $1,362.63 per capita $ 113.97 per capita kohta (Export per capita) Kokku eksport: Kokku eksport: Kokku eksport: ...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
18 allalaadimist

Eclipse, Chapter Ninteen – Selfish kokkuvõte

Chapter Ninteen ­ Selfish After staying out all night to watch the Cullens' battle exercises, Bella sleeps late into the following afternoon. When she wakes, Edward reminds her that she could -- and should -- have stayed behind, but she insists that she is now part of the family and should be included. While she's getting breakfast, Edward notices Jake's wolf charm dangling from Bella's wrist. He asks to see it and for a fleeting instant Bella worries he might break it. But he only points out the inequity: Jake is allowed to give her presents and he is not. Bella shrugs and says that Edward has already given her more than she could ever deserve: himself. Each reflects for a moment on the other's ridiculous inability to see themselves clearly. Edward asks if she would accept a charm from him too. Nothing expensive: a hand-me-down. Bella agrees, relieved that his reaction was no worse. When Alice calls Edward, Bella nervously guesses t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Labor 10: Krüpteerimine Krüpeerimine SSH-ga ühenduse loomine o Looge kasutajatele oskar ja lotte võimalus logida SSH teenuse abil kasutaja klaus kontole nii, et: o Nad ei peaks Klausi parooli teadma o Klaus ise saaks oma parooliga normaalselt sisse logida ja töötada L2hen oskari/lottega sisse(ssh lotte@nimi), siis : Ssh-keygen Ssh-copy-id klaus@nimi // **lottega sama moodi** o Lisaks, oskar ei tohi saada võimaluse käskude täitmiseks serveril, vaid ta peab saama ligi ainult failidele SFTP protokolli kaudu. Vihje: konfigureerige käsude täitmise piirangut authorized_keys failis. Nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config All muuta „Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server“ -> „Subsystem sftp internal-sftp“ Ja lisada: Match User oskar ForceCommand internal-sftp o Lahenduse leidmiseks lugege man ssh-keygen et leida võimalus kuidas võtmeid genereerida, man ssh-copy-id et leid...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
16 allalaadimist

Gerunds and infinitives

The gerund form -ing The gerund form -ing is used: After some main verbs. (admit, appreciate, consider, delay, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, involve, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prefer, put off, recommend, resent, risk, suggest, understand) I do not recommend going to that restaurant. After an adjective, verb or noun followed by a preposition. She is really good at swimming. He apologised to arriving late. I quite like the thought of working in a travel agency. In some fixed expressions I can not bear listening to people who complain. I can not help feeling that he is cheating us. That book is not worth reading. The infinitive with to The infinitive with to is used: After some main verbs (afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, bear, begin, care, choose, consen...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Modem referaat

Tallinna Polütehnikum Modem REFERAAT Juhendaja: Õpilane: Tallinna Polütehnikum Sisukord Tallinna Polütehnikum Sissejuhatus Modem on seade, mis moduleerib analoogsignaali, et edastada kodeeritud digitaalset sõnumit üle sidekanali ning demoduleerib sellise analoogsignaali, et dekodeerida saadud sõnum. Seadme eesmärk on tekitada signaal, mida on lihtne edastada ja mida on võimalik dekodeerida, et taastada esialgne info. Sõna "modem" on tuletatud inglise keele sõnadest modulate ja demodulate, mis tähendavad vastavalt "moduleerima" ja "demoduleerima". Modem kuidas toimib Modemite tuntuim näide on kõnesagedusala modem, mis muudab personaalarvuti digitaalsed andmed modelleeritud elektrilisteks signaalideks.Modelleeritud elektrilised signaalid on häälsageduse piires telefoni kanalil. Neid signaale saab edastada telefoni liinide...

Informaatika → Telekommunikatsionni alused
7 allalaadimist

Inseneriinformaatika 3.ülesanne

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Tehnikainstituut Nimi ÜLIÕPILASTÖÖ Kursuseprojekt õppeaines ,,Inseneriinformaatika" TE.0556 Tehnika ja tehnoloogia eriala Üliõpilane: "....." ................. 2009. a .............................. Nimi Juhendaja: "....." ................. 2009. a .............................. lektor Külli Hovi Tartu 2014 SISU...

Informaatika → Inseneriinformaatika
12 allalaadimist

STEP Analysis

STEP Analysis Switzerland Liisi Nigul Turundus II Sociological factors: Religions: Main religion is Roman Catholic 41,8%, then comes Protestants with 35,3% and on the third place are so called non-believers (people with no religion) 11,1%. (Other: muslin, orthodox, other Christian and so on). Birth rates: Switzerland has a birthrate of 9, 51 births to 1000 people, it's in the 199 place in the world's birth rate comparison. Leisure activities: Leisure activities range from taking part in grueling sports to relaxing with family and friends. Many people also devote part of their leisure time to the public service. Life expectancy at birth: total average is 81 years but if you look ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

Viljandi County Gymnasium Prepositions Name Form 11b Supervisor: Name Viljandi 2009 Viljandi County Gymnasium 1. Prepositions of place The ball is in the box The ball is on the box. The ball is under the box. Jane's house Bill's house John's house John's house is next to Jane's Jane's house is between Bill's Bill's house is next to Jane's house. and John's houses. house. The man stood The climbers The man stood The enemies stood The gardners next to the gopher stood on top of between the two opposite each stood behind the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun