School Uniform is a bad thing To start with, school uniforms have many good sides for students. However, uniforms also have bad sides which are particulary involved with financial problems. Each and every person in the world is different, and by making people dress the same, they can't express themselves fairly the way that they would like to. Having school uniforms is not necessary, and there are many reasons to prove it. Some people say that wearing a school uniform stop the bullying, because all children wear the same clothes. But it's not true - the bullys and other evil student will always find another reason to make somebody feel bad - like glasses, pimples or overweight. Second reason that schools have school uniforms is because of the gangs. They believe, when all of the children wear the same clothes, they will not have any gangs
Pros and Cons of School Uniform At several schools worldwide, students are required to wear school uniforms. In some schools, uniforms are not required as this is part of the decision of the school or the parents. On the other hand, wearing school uniform does have its pros and cons. First of all, wearing school uniform suppresses students’ way to express themselves. Uniforms prevent them from wearing the clothes they want to wear. Children are often much more artistic than many adults, especially in high school, teenagers experience an increased need to be unique and special. The clothes are one of the most important things of self-expression, and school uniforms do not allow students to demonstrate their individuality. On the other hand, school uniforms make students feel equal. If students are required to wear
School uniforms Uniforms are in many schools nowadays and they are approved by many people. Also, there are people who do not like them. So, are the uniforms good for pupils or not? There are many good sides of wearing uniforms. First, everyone is equal. There would be no fights or teasing about people's clothes because everyone is wearing the same ones. Secondly, school uniforms help to create a strong sense of belonging somewhere. With different clothes no one would notice, that for instance you and your friend go the same school. It would be easier to recognize people with their uniforms. Uniforms also prepare you for your future life, when you often have to dress smart when you go to work. It is a lot easier to dress every morning because you do not have to choose between different sets of clothes. You will have only one to choose the uniform.
School uniform's pros and cons School uniforms are verry popular nowadays, mostly in private schools. But would school uniforms make our lives better? There is no doubt that school uniforms have many advantages. Firstly, they encourage discipline. It would also free children from the pressure to buy trendy clothes. All the childrens would be dressed in the same way and as a result it would cut out a school bullying, which is often used, because some children do not have money to buy expensive and fashionable clothes and they are bullied because of that. Children would not have to think about what to wear in the morning and parents save time taking children shopping and spending extra money. Children will be that much less focused on appearance and more on learning. However school uniforms are good there is some disadvantages too. For example children can
students who gave an opinion about the Estonian educational system. Corporal punishment is illegal in British and Estonian schools. 62% of British childrens think that it would be needful but only 31% Estonian childrens have the same opinion. Actually it could be not banned, because if they used controlled corporal punishment it is not likely to be harmful. I would argue that there were actually fewer discipline problems back in the old days when corporal punishment was more common. Most school in England require children to wear school uniform. Estonian children no longer wear uniforms but few decades ago they wore uniforms. 74% British students and 39% Estonian students believes that school uniforms should be compulsory for all students at all grade levels. I don`t think they should wear school uniforms because it deprises kinds and teens of expressing themselves by what they wear. Kids should have the sight to wear what they want to. Everything
Essay ,,Pros & Cons of a School Uniform" A school uniform is important for every student to become an adult. In different schools the rules for uniforms are different. Some schools have a school uniform and some do not. However, every school uniform has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that school uniform helps to maintain discipline. Also it is a symbol of a school. School uniform makes life cheaper and easier you do not have to waste time in the morning thinking of what to wear. Also you do not have to buy a whole new wardrobe for every school semester and I think that a school uniform prepares you for adulthood because often many important jobs have a dress code, which you have to follow. However, for every plus there is a minus. Although many students might like a school
Comparison of Education in Britain and Estonia When looking into the educational systems of Britain and Estonia, several differences appear. In this essay I am going to point out some of the most distinguish features in the education of both countries. Firstly, there are dissimilarities in the age at which children go to school. In Estonia the age is 7 whereas in Britain children start their educational journey already as young as 5 years old. Primary school lasts 6 years just like in Estonia but the pupils in Britain are 2 years younger when they finish primary school than the pupils in Estonia. However, students in Britain and Estonia finish secondary school at the same age because secondary school lasts 5 years in Britain instead of 3 like it is in Estonia. Altogether, compulsory school in Britain lasts 11 years which is 2 years more than in Estonia. Moreover, there are slight differences as for the compulsory subjects taught in the first three
The Ideal School for my children The ideal school for my children is an independent,nonprofit school that provides a comprehensive educational program for children of all abilities. The program would be designed to address each student's unique academic, social, and emotional needs while reinforcing individual strengths, interests, and abilities. Differentiated, individualized instruction is based on the learning style of each child. Most science classes would take place outdoors. Children would be exposed to great literature, art, and music and encouraged to make their own relationships
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