To: The Aru Secondary Scool library From: Johannes Smith Subject: Schoolmates reading interests Date: 6.10.2015 The purpose of this report is to analyse the results of a recent survey into schoolmates reading habits. In this survey students were asked witch genre of books they like to read. This report is based on a diagram showing the percentage witch genres students like to read. This report will describe the reading habits of The Aru Secondary School. The most popular genre for girls was romantic novels and for boys thrillers. This is shown by fact that girls like more romantic and boys like more suspense. In the survey can read that only 17% girls like to read poetry and only 9% of boys like to read poetry. In conclusion I will say that these results are quite logical outcome. It is been always that girls like more romantic novels and boys thrillers. For summing-
To: The Aru Secondary School library's librarian From: Mari Mets Subject: Students reading interests Date: 3th November Introduction As requested, I carried out a survey among my schoolmates about their reading interests. My findings are presented below. Girls' reading interests The majority of the girls said that they like to read romantic novels. 28% said that they prefer historical novels and 21% said that they like to read thrillers. A minority said they like to read poetry. Boys' reading interests By far the largest number of boys said that they prefer to read thrillers. A large proportion said that they like to read historical novels. A small number said that they like to read romantic novels and poetry. Conclusion The majority of the girls like to read romantic novels and the majority of the boys like to read thrillers. I therefore suggest that romantic novels and thrillers should be bought. You may also wish to buy some historical novels, since 28% of the girls and 29%
My schoolmates` reading interests The aim of this report is to describe my schoolmates" reading interests and to give recommendation to the librarian. The report is based on a survey and its charts. It can be clearly seen that boys and girls have different reading interests and thus librarian has to buy different kinds of books. Firstly, poetry is popular among girls. About 17% of them are interested in it, but only 9% of the boys are interested in it. Moreover, girls are bigger romantic novels" readers than boys. 34% of girls and only 11% of boys like romantic novels. However, boys are very interested in reading thrillers.
Report A survey into the reading habits of students of form 10b Introduction This report was carried out to analyse the reading habits of form 10b. In the survey 6 boys and 9 girls were questioned. This survey shows what kind of reading habits have boys and girls, wther they are different or similar. Types of books The survey showed us that both, boys and girls, mainly read cassical novels. To be exact, 80% of questioned students read classic novels, also popular among both sexes are horror and humor books. 20% of boys and girls like sience fiction FREE TIME 1. Is music popular in your family? What music do you like? 2. What musical instruments have you got in your home? 3. Can you play any musical instruments? 4. Do you sing? 5. Have you sung at a song festival? 6. Has your school got a choir? 7. When do you last go to a concert? What concert was it? 8. Have you ever been to an openair concert? What was it like? 9. Do you sing at family parties? Where else Estonians like to sing? 10. Have you got a collection of cassettes, CD´s or LP´s at home? 11. Have you watched a ballet on TV? 12. Which do you prefer ballet, drama or musical? 13. How often do you go to the theatre? 14. Do you prefer going to the theatre or watching TV? Why? 15. Do you prefer buying a cheap ticket and getting a seat at the back or spending more money and sitting in the front? Why? 16. Do you prefer going to the th
Russian philology The meaning of the word "philology" is "love for word". This is love that unites teachers and researchers of modern and Classical languages and literature, interpreters and diplomats, journalists and publishers, writers and poets. Russian philologis are highly demanded in various spheres of scholarly research and education, in the mass media, in civil service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in archives, libraries, museums, in travel agencies, as well as Russian and international companies. Curriculum within in philological faculty includes courses of Russian and European languages and literature, courses of Linguistics and Theory of Literature for students to familiarize themselves with various schools and trends of Russian and foreign philology. The core curriculum also includes a number of Liberal Arts courses (Philosophy, History, Psychology, Pedagogy), as well as courses of basic mathematics and computer studies, and optional courses of science and the
include the battery, and the space in the box for the charger was empty. I am now in Wondercity, and I am not returning to Freetown, so I need to get the missing parts here. I would be grateful if you could arrange for the parts to be sent to me. I attach a copy of the receipt for your information. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Introduction This report looks at the dietary habits of twenty students in their final year at Freedonian Secondary School. The report is based on the students' responses to the questionnaire administered by the school's doctor. Meals The survey have revealed that the students do not have enough meals. Only eight of those questioned eat before school, and half of them have their midday meal at school. Worryingly, as few as four students have both breakfast and school lunch. Still more disturbing is the fact that an alarming proportion--approximately onethird--of the students have neither. Eating brown bread
In my opinion, the solution to this problem is to reduce the amount of tasks. To sum up, there are many sources of stress in young people's lives, which affect theirs ability to be positive. But it is important to bear in mind that there are also solutions to avoid stress. REPORT 2009 To: Mrs. Cook From: Exchange student at Trent College Subject: Trent College students' eating preferences Date: 04/05/12 Purpose The aim of this report is to present Trent College students' eating preferences and make recommendations. A survey was carried out among the students in Trent College. Fast food Fast food is the most popular type of food among the boys. This is demonstrated by the fact that a significant number of boys prefered it. Only 30% of girls prefered fast food. This implies that girls are smarter and think more about their health. Vegetables Vegetables is the most popular type of food among the girls
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