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"handbook" - 168 õppematerjali

handbook on Regulating Nanotechnologies.

American Literature

rational philosophy all affected the rise of realism. According to William Harmon and Hugh Holman, "Where romanticists transcend the immediate to find the ideal, and naturalists plumb the actual or superficial to find the scientific laws that control its actions, realists center their attention to a remarkable degree on the immediate, the here and now, the specific action, and the verifiable consequence" (A Handbook to Literature 428). Many critics have suggested that there is no clear distinction between realism and its related late nineteenthcentury movement, naturalism. As Donald Pizer notes in his introduction to The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism: Howells to London, the term "realism" is difficult to define, in part because it is used differently in European contexts than in American literature. Pizer suggests that "whatever was being produced

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

(Thus, "Pegasus took only 30 seconds and was little strain for the author" might 194 Notes be a true sentence about an actual item, not a fictional sentence at all.) One might fairly stipulate that naming events are not referents unless they are themselves the objects of further naming events; or see the reply to objection 4 below. 10 He cites Isaac Taylor's 1898 book, Names and Their History: A Handbook of Historical Geography and Topographical Nomenclature (Detroit, MI: Gale Research Co., 1969). 11 London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1927. 12 It is contested by Searle (1983), Rosenberg (1994), and Segal (2000). 13 The alert reader will have noticed an infelicity in Putnam's example: since a very high proportion of the human body is constituted by water, the Twin-Earthlings can hardly be molecular duplicates of us. Ignore this, or if it really bothers you

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Akadeemilise sõudmise üldised alused

ee) Grabow, V. Grundkurs Rudern. Materjalien für Ruderausbildung. Universität Dortmund, 2003. Hagermann FC. The Physiology of competitive rowing. In: Garrett Jr. W & Kirkendall DT (eds). Exercise and Sport Science, pp. 843-873. Lipincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadephia, 2000 Jürimäe J. Akadeemilise sõudmise bioloogiline iseloomustus. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2001. Jürimäe J, Mäestu J, Jürimäe T. Biological basis of rowing. In: Secher N & Volianitis S (eds) Rowing. IOC Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science. Blackwell Publishing, UK, 2006 (In Press). Klooster, T., Paulus, I. Vetelpääste. Sisekaitseakadeemia, 2005. Nolte V (eds). Rowing Faster. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, 2005 Roth, K. (eds). Techniktraining im Spitzensport - Alltagstheorien erfolgreicher Trainer, 1996. Steinacker JM. Physiological aspects of rowing. International Journal of Sports Medicine 1: S3-S10, 1993. The FISA Coaching Development Programme Course, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002

Sport → Sport
8 allalaadimist

Juhtimise alused

Administration industrielle et Generale (1916). Henry Fayoli suurimaks panuseks loetakse juhtimise põhifunktsioonide ja juhtimispõhimõtte väljatöötamist. Ta esitas juhi tegevused ehk viis põhifunktsiooni: - plaanimine; - organiseerimine; 48 Dessler, G. Managing Organisations. In on Era of Change. The Dryden Press, 1995, lk.431-432. 49 Aino Siimon. Kulno Türk. JUHTIMINE. TÜ Kirjastus, 2003, lk. 33 50 Kempner, T. Penguin Management. Handbook. 4 ed. Penguin Books, 1987, lk. 191 51 Aino Siimon. Kulno Türk. JUHTIMINE. TÜ Kirjastus, 2003, lk. 34 - valitsemine; - koordineerimine; - kontrollimine. Sellisel liigitusel põhinevad paljud tänapäeva juhtimisteooriad. Eelnevast jaotusest on näha, et Fayol on oma klassifikatsioonis eriliselt väärtustanud töötaja kohta juhtimises. Valitsemise all mõistab Faiol alluvate juhtimist ja juhendamist. Koordineerimise raames ühendatakse töötajate tegevused ühise eesmärgi nimel

Majandus → Juhtimine
299 allalaadimist


[http://www. phase-of-innovation/]. 13.02.2011 64 25. Glover, Vince, Dalton, Hayley. Assessment guidance for Edexcel GCE in Travel and Tourism ­ Unit 3: Destination Europe. [ documents/Applied%20GCE/260930_Unit3_Destination_Europe_guidance.pdf]. 03.05.2011 26. Godfrey, Kerry, Clarke, Jackie. The Tourism Development Handbook. A Practical Approach to Planning and Marketing. London. New York: Continuum, 2000, 232 p. 27. Goldberg, Walther A. The Rocky Road from a Command Economy to a Market Economy. ­ Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 1992, 41: pp. 329­331. 28. Guide for Local Authorities on Developing Sustainable Tourism. Madrid: World Tourism Organisation, 2001, 194 p. 29. Gummesson, Evert. Total Relationship Marketing. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann, Second Edition, 2002, 350 p. 30

Majandus → Turundus
54 allalaadimist

Eesti eluasemefondi puitkorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga

Meetodi puuduseks on asjaolu, et magamistoa ukse lahtiolekul arvestatakse ka korteris toimuva siseõhu ringluse ja vastava CO2 kontsentratsioonide hajumisega. Samuti mõjutab CO2 sisaldust toaõhus aknapiirkondades toimuv infiltratsioon ja eksfiltratsioon ning tuulerõhust tingitud korterisisene õhu liikumine. Nende mõjutegurite tulemusena võib ainevahetusliku CO2 meetod näidata tegelikust suuremaid õhuvooluhulkasid. Inimese CO2 eraldused ruumi Kasutades kirjanduses (ASHRAE Handbook 1993) toodud seoseid ainevahetusliku soojuseralduse, kehapindala ja vastava hapnikutarbe vahel, saab avaldada järgneva valemi (8.3): 0,727  M  RQ  m0,425  l 0 ,725 QCO2  (8.3) 4,83  RQ  16,17 kus QCO2 inimese CO2 eraldused ruumiõhku, l/h; M inimese soojuseraldused, W/m2; RQ väljahingatava CO2 ja sissehingatava O2 suhe;

Ehitus → Ehitusfüüsika
66 allalaadimist

Mitmekeelne oskussuhtlus

Translation Journal, 16 (2). Andrew Chesterman 2006. Questions in the sociology of translation. – João Ferreira Duarte, Alexandra Assis Rosa ja Teresa Seruya (toim.), Translation Studies at the Interface of Disciplines. volume 68 of Benjamins Translation Library. John Benjamins B.V. Andrew Chesterman 2009. The name and nature of translator studies. Hermes, (42), 13–22. Andrew Chesterman 2011. Translation universals. – Yves Gambier ja Luc van Doorslaer (toim.), Handbook of Translation Studies, Vol. 2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Andrew Chesterman ja Emma Wagner 2002. Can Theory Help Translators?: A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface. Manchester: St. Jerome. Ellen Contini-Morava ja Barbara S. Goldberg 1995. Meaning as Explanation: Advances in Linguistic Sign Theory. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. D. Alan Cruse 2000. Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
36 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

$ave more money. Modern Steel Construction, 55-59. Chino, M. (2008). BEIJING BIRDSNEST: New pics of Herzog + deMeuron’s stadium. Retrieved August 31, 2010, from birdsnest-new-pics-of-herzog-demeurons-stunning-stadium/ Eastman, C. (2004) Invited Keynote Presentation, New Methods of Architecture and Building Fabrication. ACADIA 2004 Conference, Toronto, Canada. Eastman, C., Teicholz, P., Sacks, R., & Liston, K. (2008). BIM handbook: a guide to building information modeling for owners, managers, designers, engineers and contractors. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Eastman, C. (n.d.). An assessment of technologies in design and construction and university research opportunities. Retrieved June 23, 2010, from .swf Eastman, C. (2006). Creating stellar architecture using BIM. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from http://bim.arch.gatech

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Kaitsealade külastuskoormuse hindamise juhend: seiremeetodite arendamine ja rakendamine

C., pp. 33–49. Wagar, J.A. 1964. The carrying capacity of wildlands for recreation. Forest Science Monography 7. Society of American Foresters, Washington, D.C. Wardell, M., Moore, S. 2004. Collection, Storage and Application of Visitor Use Data in Protected Areas: Guiding Principles and Case Studies. CRC for Sustainable Tourism, Gold Coast. Watson, A. E., Cole, D. N., Turner, D. L., Reynolds, P. S. 2000. Wilderness Recreation Use Estimation: A Handbook of Methods and Systems. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-56. Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, Utah. West, A. D., Caldow, R.W.G. 2006. The development and use of individuals-based models to predict the effects of habitat loss and disturbance on waders and waterfowl, Ibis 148, 158–168. Wirth, V., Kaae, B. C. 2010. Detailed Management Actions and Specific Solutions. In: Pröbstl, U., Wirth, V., Elands, B., Bell, S. (Eds

Loodus → Loodus
7 allalaadimist

Logistika õpik

Aruka liiklussüsteemi rakendamisega sõidetakse kaubaveoliikluses läbi vähem kilo- meetreid, ühtlasi paraneb koormaruumi täiteaste. 534 19 Roheline logistika Kasutatud kirjandus Ackerman, K. B. (2000). Practical Handbook of Warehousing. 2-nd edition. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Baudin, M. (2004). Lean Logistics. Productivity Press. Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu digitaalarhiiv DIGAR Black, W. R. (2010). Sustainable Transportation. Problems and solutions. The Guilford Press. Cokins, G. (2001). Activity Based Cost Management

Logistika → Logistika alused
638 allalaadimist

Amundsoni raamat

Esimene on ,,Ameerika mäed" - kihutamine pimedas läbi teatud arvu käänakute. Teine kujund on ..võimas iögi", mis tõmbab meid kaasa nii Teabe hankimisel tasub külastada veel alljärgnevaid veebisaite. rahuliku vooluga kui ka tormilistes lõikudes (kärestikud). Kolmas kujund on «tohutu ookean", kus me otsime lainetes oma teed, püüdes hoiduda tormidest ja muudest . Occupational Outlook Handbook katsumustest. Ja viimane kujund on «suur täringumäng", kus kõik toimub juhuslikult ja milles me loodame heale õnnele. Kahtlemata võib kasutada ka muid kujundeid - huvitav ( on vaadata, milline ori meie endi ja meie klientide ettekujutus tulevikust. Selle harjutuse eesmärk on aidata inimestel määratleda, kuidas nad tulevikku näevad

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
34 allalaadimist


INPUT/OUTPUT: magnetic tape, unityper, printer MEMORY SIZE: 1,000 12-digit words in delay lines MEMORY TYPE: delay lines, magnetic tape TECHNOLOGY: serial vacuum tubes, delay lines, magnetic tape FLOOR SPACE: 943 cubic feet COST: F.O.B. factory $750,000 plus Early AI programs: checkers, chess (in Britain) Strachey wrote a checkers program for the Ferranti Mark I at Manchester (with Turing's encouragement and utilising the latter's recently completed Programmers' Handbook for the Ferranti computer). By the summer of 1952 this program could, Strachey reported, "play a complete game of Draughts at a reasonable speed". Prinz's chess program, also written for the Ferranti Mark I, first ran in November 1951. It was for solving simple problems of the mate-in-two variety. The program would examine every possible move until a solution was found. On average several thousand moves had to be examined in the

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

drawn from the depth psychology o f Carl G. Jung and the mythic studies o f Joseph Campbell. I tried to relate those ideas to contemporary storytelling, hoping to create a writer's guide to these valuable gifts from our innermost selves and our most distant past. I came l o o k i n g for the design principles of storytelling, but on the road I found something more: a set of principles for living. I came to believe that the Hero's Journey is nothing less than a handbook for life, a complete instruction manual in the art of being human. T h e Hero's Journey is not an invention, but an observation. It is a recogni­ tion of a beautiful design, a set of principles that govern the conduct o f life and the world of storytelling the way physics and chemistry govern the physical world. It's difficult to avoid the sensation that the Hero's Journey exists somewhere, somehow, as an eternal reality, a Platonic ideal form, a divine model

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

(1997). Effects of time on the norm of reciprocity. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 19, 91-100. Burger,]. M., Messian, N., Patel, S., del Prado, A., 8z Anderson, C. (2004). What a coinci- dence! The effects of incidental similarity on compliance. Personality and Social Psy- chology Bulletin, 30, 35-43. Burgoon, M., Alvaro, E., Grandpre,]., 8z Voulodakis, M. (2002). Revisiting the theory of psychological reactance. In]. P. Dillard and M. pfau (Eds.), The persuasion handbook: Theory and practice (pp. 213-232). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Burn, S. W. (1991). Social psychology and the stimulation of recycling behaviors: The block leader approach. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21, 611-629. Bushman, B.]. (1988). The effects of apparel on compliance. Personality and Social Psy- chology Bulletin, 14, 459-467. Buss, D. M., 8z Kenrich, D. T. (1998). Evolutionary social psychology. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, 8z G. Lindzey (Eds

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Käitumine klassiruumis, Bill Rogers

peatükk sutatakse nüüd järjest enam termineid nagu tähelepanu puudulikkuse spektrihäire; samuti autismi spektrihäire. See annab ilmselgelt tunnistust sümptomaatilise käitumise erinevatest määradest diagnoositud käitumishäire raames. Kasulik tekst, mis käsitleb laia hulka antisotsiaalse ja ka trotsliku käitumisega seotud teemasid ning käitumishäireid koolis, on Handbook of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (Clough Viha talitsemine endas ja teistes jt 2005). Essees „Koolikonteksti mõjud ja vägivallaprotsessid Ameerika koolides“ (2005) (Michael Furlong Kes kannab viha nagu räni tuld:

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
100 allalaadimist


A National Broadcasting Company was established in 1924, and Estonian Television in 1955. Unique in their dimensions and popularity, with up to 30,000 singers and audiences over 200,000, are the traditional Song Festivals, which began in Tartu in 1869: they vividly express the feeling of oneness within the nation. For further detailed information, please consult: Statistical Yearbook of Estonia 1997. Statistical Yearbook of Estonia 2000. Life in Estonia. Handbook 2005. Ambassador Collection. Statistical Yearbook of Estonia 2006. FOREWORD This book is first and foremost written by a composer. I am of the opinion that it is a creative individual that must take on this hard task: realising it, presumably, more profoundly as he stands nearer to the Source of all sources from which all the innermost sublime and substantial ideas stream. In this book Estonian symphonic music is discussed from its starting point, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kriminaalmenetluse loengud ja seminarid

Kriminaalmenetlus Sotsioloogilises plaanis võib kriminaalmenetluse põhiolemuseks lugeda teatud napi sotsiaalse ressursi jagamist sel viisil, et jagamise tulem oleks legitiimne, st ühiskonnas siduvana aktsepteeritav. Kriminaalmenetluses jagatavaks ressursiks on: 1) riigipoolne karistusõiguslik reageering toimepandud kuriteole e nn kuriteo järelmid; Riigipoolsed võimalikud karistusõiguslikud reageeringud toimepandud kuriteole järgmised: 1. Kriminaalkaristuse kohaldamine (KarS § 44-46 ja 49-54) 2. Kriminaalkaristuse asendamine üldkasuliku tööga (KarS § 69-70) 3. Kriminaalkaristusest tingimuslik vabastamine (KarS V ptk.) 4. KarS-i VII ptk-s sätestatud nn muude mõjutusvahendite kohaldamine 5. Iseseisvaks riigipoolseks reageeringuks toimepandud kuriteole tuleb lugeda KarS-i §-s 80 sätestatud ja humanismist kantud kohtu võimalu...

Õigus → Kriminaalmenetlus
145 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

mustard will give you a dressing to satisfy any sweet tooth. My preference, and my go-to restaurant salad dressing, is simply balsamic vinegar and olive oil. restaurant salad dressing, is simply balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Butter is fine, as long as the only ingredients are butter and salt. For cooking, you can use olive oil for low heat and either grapeseed oil or macadamia oil for high-temperature cooking. "Comparison of Dietary Fats and Oils," from Agricultural Handbook, no. B-4, U.S. Human Nutritional Information Service, (Courtesy: Deborah Chud MD) Macadamia oil is the new and improved olive oil. Since several high-level bodybuilding coaches introduced me to this new kid on the block, I've been hooked. Consider the following: · It tastes almost like butter. Extra-virgin olive oil is ne alone or on salad, but let's face it--it makes scrambled eggs taste like cat vomit.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun