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"access" - 551 õppematerjali

access - complimentary - Concierge services - Babysitting or child care - Air-conditioned public areas - Business center - Sauna - On-site medical assistance available - Porter/bellhop

Kasutaja: Access

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Andmebaasisüstemide võrdlus

Vdino | 39 | Haapsalu Soovides näha taas väljundit terminalil, andke korraldus 'o' zoo=> o Soovides koopeerida andmebaasi sisu ning määrata andmevälja eraldaja, andke käsk zoo=> COPY inimesed TO stdout USING DELIMITERS ','; Kasutajale ei ole ette nähtud teha failioperatsioone ning seega peab anmed faili suuname läbi väljundi (stdout) kasutades käsku 'o'. Postgresi koormuse testimine Toimub käsuga # pgbench -i -s 100 test või # pgbench -c 16 -t 1000 test MS Access Microsoft Access on Microsofti poolt loodud ja Microsoft Office'i kontoritarkvara paketti kuuluv andmebaaside tarkvara. Microsoft Access 2010 märksõna on lihtsus: kasutusvalmis mallid kiirendavad tööd ja võimsad tööriistad püsivad andmete hulga kasvamisel asjakohased. Access 2010 toetab andmete kasutust isegi siis, kui te pole andmebaasispetsialist. Access suurendab uute veebiandmebaaside kaudu teie andmete efektiivsust, samas lihtsustades nende jälitamist, aruandlust ja ühiskasutust

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
63 allalaadimist

Tarkvara ja riistvara

Kuna püsimälu on aeglasem kui muutmälu, laetakse see BIOS käivitamisel operatiivmälusse (RAM). Selline protsess kannab nime ROM shadowing. 19. Andmekandja - ehk teabekandja ehk infokandja on vahend andmete ehk informatsiooni salvestamiseks, säilitamiseks ja taaskasutamiseks. 20. Muutmälu - ehk operatiivmälu ehk primaarmälu ehk põhimälu ehk suvapöördusmälu ehk RAM (lühend ingliskeelsetest sõnadest random access memory) on arvuti keskne mäluseade, kuhu saab andmeid kirjutada ja kust neid saab lugeda 21. Taktsagedus - (inglise keeles Clock rate) all mõistetakse enamasti arvuti protsessori kiirust iseloomustavat suurust, tegelikult leidub emaplaadil veel komponente, mis oma töös erinevaid taktsagedusi kasutavad. Täpsemalt on taktsagedus taktgeneraatori poolt genereeritavate impulside arv sekundis, mida mõõdetakse hertsides (õnnestunud tsüklite vahel)

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

MS Office ja OpenOffice võrdlus

Faililaiendiks on .odg. MS Office paketis seda ei ole. Draw aitab luua kõike alates lihtsatest diagrammidest kuni dünaamiliste 3D illustratsioonide ja eriefektideni. Uue joonise tegemine Operatsioonid objektidega Kõverjoonte joonistamine Rastergraafika muutmine vektorgraafikaks Värvide kasutamine Põhidokument: OpenOffice`il nimega Master Document (faililaiend .odm). MS Office`is puudub. Andmebaas: OpenOffice`il nimega Base (faililaiend .odb), MS Office`il nimega MS Access (faililaiend .mbd). Valem: OpenOffice`il on selle jaoks olemas Math (faililaiend .odf). MS Office`il MS Equation Editor. Valemite kirjutamiseks arvutiga, hoolimata nimest võib kasutada ka nt. keemias ja füüsikas jne. Silver Kukk 9B 16.dets.2008

Informaatika → Informaatika
23 allalaadimist

Should we first discover our homeland before going abroad?

that anywhere else life is better and has more opportunities to success in life. It may be so but the majority sometimes does not even know the chances and advantages of their own homeland. If to talk about in the matter of travelling then I am assured that it is not relevant to drive through all your homeland in order to take a plane to another country. Some of the countries (or some parts of it) are so big or hardly reachable that half of the locals wont access these parts of the country never in their whole lifetime. I am certain that no one should waste their life on acting like someone has said to be right instead of acting by your own desires. Furthermore, if you have lived in your homeland for your entire lifetime, you should be wise enough to know about the culture, nature and geographical aspects even if you have not been in every part of the country. That is an another reason why travelling to other countries

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Natuke informaatikat viiendatele klassidele

Komplektis on · Arvutihiir · Klaviatuur · Monitor · Põhiplokk Emaplaat (Motherboard) Peamine trükkplaat, mis ühendab omavahel erinevaid arvutikomponente ja millele kinnituvad pistikud täiendavate komponentide ja lisaseadmete ühendamiseks. Tootjad: ASUS, ABIT, GIGABYTE jne. Protsessor CPU (central processing unit) Sooritab loogika ja arvutustehteid. Iseloomulikuks kiiruseks on tal Ghz, tuumade arv. Tootjad: AMD, Motorola, Intel. Operatiivmälu RAM (random access memory) Toimub programmi info hoidmine niikaua kuni arvuti töötab. Tootjad: Corsair, OCZ, PQI, Kingston, Apacer. Videokaart ehk graafikakaart VGA (video, graphics accelerator) Seade, mis muudab arvuti mälus oleva kujutise kuvarile arusaadavaks signaaliks. Tootjad: Nvidia, ATI (AMD). Helikaart (soundcard) Seade, mille abil arvuti võtab vastu helisignaal. Tootjad: ASUS, CREATIVE, LABS jne. Võrgukaart NIC (network interface card) Seade, millega saab arvuti ühendada arvutivõrku.

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Natuke informaatikat viiendatele klassidele

Komplektis on · Arvutihiir · Klaviatuur · Monitor · Põhiplokk Emaplaat (Motherboard) Peamine trükkplaat, mis ühendab omavahel erinevaid arvutikomponente ja millele kinnituvad pistikud täiendavate komponentide ja lisaseadmete ühendamiseks. Tootjad: ASUS, ABIT, GIGABYTE jne. Protsessor CPU (central processing unit) Sooritab loogika ja arvutustehteid. Iseloomulikuks kiiruseks on tal Ghz, tuumade arv. Tootjad: AMD, Motorola, Intel. Operatiivmälu RAM (random access memory) Toimub programmi info hoidmine niikaua kuni arvuti töötab. Tootjad: Corsair, OCZ, PQI, Kingston, Apacer. Videokaart ehk graafikakaart VGA (video, graphics accelerator) Seade, mis muudab arvuti mälus oleva kujutise kuvarile arusaadavaks signaaliks. Tootjad: Nvidia, ATI (AMD). Helikaart (soundcard) Seade, mille abil arvuti võtab vastu helisignaal. Tootjad: ASUS, CREATIVE, LABS jne. Võrgukaart NIC (network interface card) Seade, millega saab arvuti ühendada arvutivõrku.

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Unit 6 vocabulary Language leader

Unit 6 vocabulary (from textbook) Fundamental- alus-, põhi-, fundamentaalne General extended life expectancy- keskmine oodatud eluiga In terms of - As measured or indicated by, /with reference to For the better- paremaks Stem from sth - to be caused by sth Fast paced world- kiire maailm Dehumanising effects of technology- ebainimlikustavad tehnoloogia effektid Slaves to machines- orjad mesinatele Mess about with- to interfere with sb/sth Breed laziness- arendab/ suurendab laiskust Contribute to- millegile kaasa aitama/ panust andma Impetus for technological development- tõuge tehnoloogia arengu jaoks Result in- tekitama (mida?) Superseded by- ületama, asendama, välja tõrjuma Double-edged sword- kahe poolega mõõk/ kahe vaatenurgaga Bring about- to cause, to happen Designer babies- parents can "design" their babies before they are even born Ever-greater reliance- veelgi suurem toetumine/ usaldusväärtus Increase in- suurenema millegis As ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Modern electronic games

Essay: Modern electronic games Electronic games have become very popular among people of all ages nowadays due to the easy access to computers, consoles and internet. They are mostly frowned upon by adults, because they do not seem to find any positive aspects about them. But are electronic games really that bad for you? Of course, like anything else, video games can be addictive, which may lead to eye damage. The impact of excessive visual medium is evident as a large number of children these days start wearing spectacles from an early age. Long hours of playing can also result in headaches and dizziness. When played moderately, video games have many benefits. The activities and actions on the screen provide a lot of mental stimulation, improving coordination, concentration and problem-solving skills. Online gaming enables many players to engage in a particular game simultaneously. There is const...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist



Geograafia → Globaliseeruv maailm
1 allalaadimist

Riistvara KT

1. Selleks, et oleks võimalik tagada õige info jõudmine õigesse kohta, on emaplaadil liikluse korraldamiseks võetud kasutusele erinevad süsteemi ressursid, millised(4)? 4p V: Nendeks on: Mäluaadressid, Sisend-väljund aadressid (I/O addresses), Katkestused (IRQ-Interrupt ReQuest), Otsemällupöördumise õigus (DMA - Direct Memory Access) 2. Mida ütleb ,,Moore seadus" ja kas tänapäeval see ka kehtib? 2p V: Moore'i seadus ütleb, et umbes iga kahe aasta järel on transistorite arv protsessoris kahekordistunud. Hetkeliselt see isegi veel kehtib. 3. Mis on AGP pesa ja mis kaart sellesse ühendatakse? 3p V: Kiirendatud graafikaport. Sinna pesasse ühendatakse videokaart mis oleks otse ühenduses protsessoriga. 4. Mis pesadega on tegemist, nimeta ülevalt alla? 3p V: 1.PCI-E(8x) 2.PCI pesa(16x) 3.PCI-E(8x) 4.PCI pesa(16x) 5.AGP 5. Põhjasilla ülesanded arvutis? 3p V: Põhjasilla peamiseks ülesandeks on ühendada ...

Tehnoloogia → Arvuti riistvara
3 allalaadimist

ArcGIS juhendmaterjal EESTI KEELES

või polügoon). ArcGIS võimaldab üheaegselt töötada nii tabelitega, mis on defineeritud kindla geomeetrilise primitiiviga (st. on seotud kaardiandmetega, mida kaardiaknas kuvatakse kaardikihina ja tabeliv aates tabelina) kui ka ruumilist mõõdet mitteomavate tabelitega (st. välised andmebaasid, kus info kuvatakse vaid tabeliv aates), suutes otse lugeda nt. dBASE (.dbf), teksti (.txt), Microsoft Access (.xls) formaate ning tekitada OLE DB ühendusi. Lihtsamad operatsioonid (nt. kirjete sorteerimine tähestiku alusel, statistikud, andmevälja lisamine/kustutamine) on teostatav nii ArcCatalog`i kui ka ArcMap`i keskkonnas, kuiv õrd tabelandmestiku kirjete selekteerimine, tehted andmeväljadega (kalkuleerimine), 15

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
198 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimise kodutöö, mitmekesisus organisatsioonis inglise keeles

productive organization. Because of that, in late 1994, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) asked the National Research Council (NRC) to provide advice on how to ensure diversity in its future science and engineering work force in order to meet the needs of anticipated naval science and engineering specialties. In building a diverse organization, ONR is far from being at a disadvantage. On the contrary, ONR is uniquely positioned to access highly qualified individuals throughout the entire U.S. research and development establishment. Through its broad responsibility of maintaining a window on R&D wherever it occurs, ONR has a potential knowledge base of candidate personnel that far exceeds most organizations both in the public and private sectors. ONR's access to universities and industry through an established network of over 5,000 principal investigators, and its ready access to R&D

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist


office rents rents and and low low 3. Access to markets cost of cost of utilities utilities European Union / EFTA Russia Turkey/Middle East 5. Government incentives 5. Government incentives

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

similar to the Observer pattern. Model Is the domain-specific representation of the information on which the application operates. Domain logic adds meaning to raw data (for example, calculating whether today is the user's birthday, or the totals, taxes, and shipping charges for shopping cart items). Many applications use a persistent storage mechanism (such as a database) to store data. MVC does not specifically mention the data access layer because it is understood to be underneath or encapsulated by the model. View Renders the model into a form suitable for interaction, typically a user interface element. Multiple views can exist for a single model for different purposes. Controller Processes and responds to events (typically user actions) and may indirectly invoke changes on the model. In computer programming, the proxy pattern is a software design pattern.

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

STEP Analysis

The Swiss constitution sets the foundations, namely that primary school is obligatory for every child and is free in public schools. The minimum age for primary school is about six years in all cantons but Obwalden, where it is five years and three months. After primary schools, the pupils split up according their abilities and intentions of career paths. Roughly 20% of all students attend secondary schools leading, normally after 12 school years in total which grants access to all universities. The other students split in two or more school-types (depends on the canton) differing in the balance of theoretical and practical education. It is obligatory for all children to visit school for at least 9 years. Technological factors: Science and technology in Switzerland play an important role in economy as very few natural resources are available in the country. The Swiss National Science Foundation, mandated by

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Interneti teenuste kasutamisvõimalused

the policy makers..... etc Blogi arhiiv è 2007 è september 12) Millal on tehtud viimane postitus? Millest see on? Kust ja kuidas leiate? Viimane postitus 07.04.2014. News on e-books- I didn't imagine last year, when I started a Flipboard 'magazine', News on e-books, that a year later it would have more than 30,000 readers - but that is the state of things today! If you don't have an iPad or an Android reader to access Flipboard, you can get access to the magazine here: Thanks to support from Elena Maceviciute, we now cover most Western and East European languages - something that no doubt helps to gather readers! Blogi arhiiv è 2014 è aprill

Infoteadus → arvutiõpe
3 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud arvestus üldküsimused

km kaugusel) asuvate arvutite ühendamiseks mõeldud arvutivõrk.. Laivõrke kasutatakse kohtvõrkude omavaheliseks ühendamiseks Ethernet – (10 Mb/s) Fast Ethernet - (100 Mb/s) Gigabit Ethernet - (1000 Mb/s) Wireless Ethernet (WiFi) 802.11 g –54 Mb/s; 802.11 a/b 11 Mb/s; 802.11 n - 400 Mb/s Mobiilne internet: GPRS - 64 kb/s EDGE - 256 kb/s 3G – 1 Mb/s 3,5G - 5 Mb/s 4 G - 100 Mb/s 3) Mille poolest erinevad IP-aadress ja MAC-aadress? • Media Access Control (MAC) - aadress on võrgukaardi unikaalne identifikaator. MAC aadress koosneb 48 bitist ja seda väljendatakse tavaliselt kuusteistkümmendsüsteemi arvuna. • IP aadress - on antud võrgus oleva lõppseadme unikaalne identifikaator. IP aadress on määratud selle kohtvõrgu poolt, kuhu lõppseade on ühendatud, MAC aadress ei muutu ega olene sellest, millisesse kohtvõrku on kaart ühendatud.

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
52 allalaadimist

Letter of application + cv

Additional courses: 2008 Office Administration Course Work experience 2008 - Junior Administration Officer X-Global Services 2007 ­ 2008 Personal Assistant Polygraph Ltd Other Information Language Skills: Estonian ­ mother tongue English ­ advanced German ­ upper-intermediate Computer Skills: Windows XP, MS Word, MS Access, email and Internet Interests: reading, cooking, travelling

Keeled → Inglise keel
121 allalaadimist

Poverty in World

A lack of material wealth does not necessarily mean that one is deprived. A strong economy in a developed nation doesn't mean much when a significant percentage (even a majority) of the population is struggling to survive. Politics have led to dire conditions in many poorer nations. In many cases, international political interests have led to a diversion of available resources from domestic needs to western markets. This has resulted in a lack of basic access to food, water, health, education and other important social services. This is a major obstacle to equitable development. Poverty has also been described as the number one health problem for many poor nations as they do not have the resources to meet the growing needs. But poverty is not restricted just to developing countries. Industrialized nations are also seeing a sharp increase in poverty. While the current form of globalization is resulting in additional wealth, the disparities are sharp

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Churches in Tartu

Churches in Tartu There are about 29 churches in Tartu. Some of them look like modern churches, but a large part of them are old ones. Here is Tartu St. John’s or Jaani church. Tartu St. John's Church, which was built in the 14th century in Gothic style, is one of the oldest in Estonia; moreover, it is unique in Europe due to its many original terracotta sculptures. Numbering around a thousand, these 700- year old sculptures were largely hidden till the 1950's. The entrance to the church is free, but if you're looking for more than old sculptures, a view, then it costs. Access to the viewing platform costs 2 euro per adult and 1.50 euro per student. Rivalling St. John's Church as Tartu's most impressive, St. Peter's church, located over the river, is a red- bricked, pseudo-Gothic. It was built in 1884, allowing it to seat up to 3,000 people. The large altar painting was created by Estonia's artist, Johann Köler, in 1897. ...

Keeled → British literature
2 allalaadimist


Iga arvuti riistvara koosneb järgmistest osadest: 1.sisendseadmed (klaviatuur, hiir, skänner, mikrofon); 2.töötlusseadmed (keskseade, välismälud); 3.väljundseadmed (monitor ehk kuvar, printer, valjuhääldid). Arvuti füüsiliste komponentide välimus võib olla üsna erinev. Arvuti suuruse, võimsuse ja kasutamise põhjal eristatakse erinevat tüüpi arvuteid: ·pihuarvutid (handheld PC); ·sülearvutid (laptop, notebook); ·lauaarvutid (desktop, minitower, miditower); ·suurarvutid (mainframe). Tarkvara Üldiselt mõeldakse tarkvara all kõiki arvutis olevaid programme. Programmiks nimetatakse käskude jada , mis kirjeldab samm-sammult, mida on vaja teha. Iga programmi kasutamine algab selle käivitamisega ja lõpeb selle sulgemisega. Arvutiprogrammid jagunevad kaheks: süsteemitarkvara (system software) ja rakendustarkvara (application software). Süsteemitarkvara ülesandeks on arvuti riistvara ja rakendusprogram...

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

For and against owning a mobile telephone.

For and against owning a mobile telephone. A mobile phone is a long-range, electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication over a network of specialized base stations. Mobile phones may support many additional services, and accessories, such as SMS for text messaging, email, packet switching for access to the Internet, games, Bluetooth, camera with video recorder and MMS for sending and receiving photos and video, MP3 player, and radio . There are many for and against situations why mobile telephones are necessary for our life. First of all, I would like to discuss a big minus of mobile phones. Scientists say that mobile telephones have a badly affect for people health. It is the main problem, which is against owning a mobile phone. Talks, which we make by mobile telephone, turned out to be expensive. It is necessary to have a lot of time to understand how use that mobile. On the other side, there are many good side...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Paper-based media will soon be replaced by online media

Paper-based media will soon be replaced by online media The technology is always improving and that is why it is believed that in the future internet will be the alternative to today’s newspapers and magazines. I agree with this statement. First of all because this development would save customer’s money and I think we shouldn’t have to pay for our daily news. People who don’t want to pay for the newspaper are already checking the most important news online which are usually free. Another reason for this progress is that online newspapers have been made so easy to access. There were times when people could only get their newspapers by mail or from store, but now they just have to find Wi-Fi and use their gadget to be able to catch up with the latest news. In addition, even the most frequently published papers are only distributed once per day. This simply means that papers can’t compete with the Internet, because there w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Arvuti riistvara

demoduleerib puhkuste ajaks välja analoogsignaali lülitada. digitaalsignaaliks. Sõna Protsessor - Arvuti põhiosa ehk arvuti "süda" on protsessor. Protsessor juhib kogu arvuti tööd ning protsessori töökiirusest sõltub suures osas ka kogu arvutiga tehtava töö kiirus. Operatiivmälu - töömälu ehk RAM (Random Access Memory) on koht, kus toimub programmide täitmine ja andmete töötlemine. UPS e Uninterruptible Power Supply - säilitab voolu elektri katekestuse korral

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
42 allalaadimist

Essee: Can money buy happiness?

I generally believe it to be true; the most important things in life, such as friends, family and love can't be bought. However, in today's world we must agree that life without money can be really stressful and hard. If one doesn't have any money, one can't afford to pay rent, buy food, clothes, get medical help if needed or basically do anything. For example, people in developing countries are very poor, they don't have access to pure drinking water or food and they are unable to get proper medical help and that's why in Africa there are always all kinds of diseases spreading. Money is something that can cause a lot of trouble, it makes people greedy and it can even ruin relationships, but it is also something we cannot live without. That is why people need to be rational and understand that money is important and makes our lives easier but we still need to appreciate that people whom we love are more important.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

The Retezat Mountains

The Retezat Mountains The Retezat Mountains are among the most noteworthy natural beauties of Romania. Due to its rich biodiversity, most part of this massif has been set up in 1935 as a National Park. The Mountains pertain to a greater mountain belt, the Southern Carpathians and are surrounded by countless hollows and valleys that facilitate road access through the mountains. I went to an adventure camp, I climbed Retezat Mountains and it was amazing. Retezat is a place for weekends and also for long staying. Rausor - Pietrele - carnic are turist attracions were you can find camping places, hotels, villas. The most important sights are the mountain peaks and also the lakes. The entire massif is permeated by accessible pathways for all tourists. By purchasing a map of the Retezat Mountains, you

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

9.klassi arvutiõpetus

* juhtnool * mängupult * rool koos pedaaliga 11.Kirjelda monitori olulisemaid parameetreid. * Ekraani suurus * Kaadrisagedus * Ekraanelementide vahekaugus 12.Nimeta erinevat tüüpi printereid. * Maatriksprinter * Tindiprinter * Laserprinter * Termoprinter 13.Mida tähendab 1MHz ja 1GHz? MHz (1megaherts) GHz (1gigaherts=1miljard lülitusimpulssi sekundis) 14.Nimeta emaplaadil paiknevad komponente. * mikroprotsessor * püsimälu ROM (Read-Only Memory) * muutmälu RAM (Random Access Memory) 15.Mis on arvutiprogramm? * arvutiprogramm on arvutikäskude korrastatud järjend, mille täitmise korral arvuti käitub ettemääratud viisil 16.Mida nim. tarkvaraks? * arvuti programmvarustust nimetatakse tarkvaraks (software) 17.Mida nim. riistvaraks * seadmeid nimetatakse riistvaraks (hardware) 18.Kuidas jaotatakse programme otstarbe järgi. 19.Nimeta operatsioonsüsteeme (üksikkasutajele, mitmele kasutajele) *üksikkasutajale: DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows..., Linux

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
75 allalaadimist

VPN - Virtual Private Network

VPN Referaat VPN - Virtual Private Network VPN (virtual private network) on põhimõtteliselt privaat võrk, mis kasutab interneti, et luua turvakanal kahe üksteisest eemal asetseva osapoole vahel. VPN Turvakanaleid on kolme sorti: Sissepääsu-VPN (ing. Remote-access): turvakanalite abil tagatakse juurdepääs firma sisevõrku väljastpoolt kas sissehelistamise, ADSL-püsiühenduse, raadiovõrgu, GPRSi või juhtmega võrgu kaudu. Enamasti firmadel, kelle on palju mobiilseid töötajaid. Intraneti VPN: see turvakanal on peamiselt suuremate ettevõtete jaoks ja on mõeldud firma osakondade ühendamiseks turvakanali abil ühtsesse võrku peakontoriga. Ekstraneti-VPN: mõeldud klientide ja partnerite turvalise ühenduse tagamiseks firma arvutivõrgu neile mõeldud osadega. Üldiselt on VPN-lahendus väga heaks võimaluseks igale ettevõttele, nii väikesele kui suurele, mille osakonnad või filiaalid asuvad peamajast eemal. VPN lubab ühendada kaugelasuvad töökohad üh...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
27 allalaadimist

London Eye Power Point esitlus

Sir Richard Rogers, winner of the 2007 Pritzker Architecture Prize, wrote of the London Eye in a book about the project: "The Eye has done for London what the Eiffel Tower did for Paris, which is to give it a symbol and to let people climb above the city and look back down on it." "The Eye... exists in a category of its own. It's function is to lift people up from the ground, take them round a giant loop in the sky, then put them back down where they started." Public transport access The nearest London Underground station is Waterloo, although Westminster is also within easy walking distance. London River Services operated by Thames Clipper and City Cruises stop at the nearby Waterloo Millennium Pier. London eye in different colors Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Disadvantages and advantages of using smart-phones in a lesson

information, looking up new words or doing excercises. Therefore, it could raise many difficulties for students using smart-phones in a lesson. One of the advantages of using smart-phones in studies is that they are more effective. For instance, students do not have to waste time anymore for looking up new words from books like in the old times. Now, they can simply enter a word and get it, or when they have to read a excercise or a story, then they can access to it very fast. Also, nowadays society is accustomed to use smart-phones and it is easier to them remember new words or important information. Therefore, smart-phones have advantage to make one a better learner and do things faster. A big disadvantage of using smart-phones is that they can affect ones health and capability. For example, when students begin to use smart-phones at early age and the wolume of work

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keel, unit 9 tõlkesõnad

Blackmail ­ välja pressima Business field ­ äri-, tegevusala Bankrupt; go bankrupt - pankrotis, maksujõuetu Bet money on sth ­ kihla vedama raha peale Billed to ­ arve Break even ­ kulud tasa tegema Broke; be broke ­ rahatu Come by ­ läbi tulema Come into ­ tulnud Credentials ­ isikutunnistus Debt; be in dept ­ võlgades olema Deposit ­ hoius Donate ­ annetama Flip open ­ kiiresti avama Fraud ­ rahaline pettus Genuine ­ ehtne Get by ­ toime tulema Have access to ­ juurdepääs Hijacking ­ kaaperdamine Impulse; on the impulse ­ impulss, tõuge Ingenious ­ geniaalne Law enforcement agency ­ õiguskaitseorgan Loan; get a loan ­ laen, laenu saama Malicious - kuritahtlik Masquerade as sb ­ teesklema, maskeeruma On the run ­ jooksus Outline ­ visandama Savings account ­ hoiukonto Scheme ­ kava, skeem Sentence sb to ­ karistama Sociology ­ sotsioloogia Spend money on sth ­ raha kulutama Warrant ­ order, volitus

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Arvutivõrgud Evert Veinberg Arvutivõrk • Mitmest arvutist koosnev süsteem, milles arvutid on andmevahetuse või ressursside jagamise eesmärgil telekommunikatsiooniseadmete abil omavahel ühendatud. Ulatus • Arvutivõrgud jaotatakse ulatuse järgi kohtvõrkudeks ja laivõrkudeks. • Arvutivõrgud võivad olla privaatsed. • Intranet on sisevõrk, milles kasutatakse Interneti protokolle ja teenuseid. • Selliseid võrke, kus koos on mitmed arvutivõrgud, nimetatakse Internetiks ehk ülemaailmseks hajusvõrguks. Laivõrk • Laivõrk (WAN) on üksteisest füüsiliselt kaugel asuvate arvutite ühendamiseks mõeldud arvutivõrk. • Laivõrgule on tavaliselt iseloomulik aeglasem andmevahetuskiirus kui kohtvõrgus. • Maailma suurim laivõrk on Internet. • Laivõrke kasutatakse kohtvõrkude omavaheliseks ühendamiseks. Kohtvõrk • Kohtvõrk ehk LAN (Local Area Network) on arvutivõrk, mis ühendab piiratud maaalal, hoones jne asuvaid arvuteid ja võrgu...

Infoteadus → arvutiõpe
2 allalaadimist

Law of Diminishing Returns

What is the law of diminishing returns? Why this proposition is called a "law"? It states that, at some point- when we add more variable input to a fixed input- our marginal product will start to decrease as the newly added variable input is being added to an already increasingly scares input. This can be explained by citing an example, if we add more workers to a job, such as assembling a car. At some point, adding more workers would cause problems, as they would be getting in each other's way, or workers wold often find themselves waiting for access to specific part or tool required for the job. This proposition is called a law because it is standardized and applicable on all the production processes. Any manufacturing and production company can use this proposition (or Law) to their betterment. Is Tony right in his analysis of the situation? Explain. According to my point of view, Tony's decision of increasing the price a g...

Kategooriata → Logistika
7 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency F-K

Selling 6. Go along with Ex1. 1. Found 2. Provide 3. Take in 4. Gather 5. Ex2. a. Dead against (D) b. Receptive to (L) c. A Withholding 6. Share lot of resistance to (D) d. Bitterly opposed to (D) Ex2. 1. Confidential 2. Misleading 3. Vital 4. e. Not wild about (D) f. In favour of (L) g. Sold on Reliable 5. Further, latest (L) h. Hostile to (D) Ex3. A. Amount b. Piecce c. scrap d. mine e. Ex3. 1. Original 2. Fixed 3. Brilliant 4. Funny 5. access 1. A very interesting piece of information 2. Fair 6. Faintest 7. Vague 8. Half- baked Access to the information 3. A constant mine of IMAGE information 4. Every scrap of information 5. A tremendous amount of information INSTRUCTIONS Ex1. 1. Read trough 2. Follow 3. Provides 4. Hold on to 5. Repeat 6. Understand Ex2. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. E 5. A Ex3. 1. Assembly 2. Manufacturer's 3. Safety 4. Washing 5. Cooking 6. Payment INTEREST Ex1. 1. Real 2. Unhealty 3. Main 4. Shared 5.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


kiirelt. Kõikjal kus kasutatakse DMA-d töötab ta paralleelselt ja märkamatult protsessoriga ja vastava seadmega millega siis parasjagu suheldakse. DMA on võrreldes teiste meetoditega palju kiirem, kuna on konkreetse riistvara osa. Samuti vähendab DMA kasutus latentsust(latency). 3 1 Otse mällu pöördumine DMA. Milleks seda vaja on? DMA (Direct Memory Access - mälu otsepöördus) on emaplaadi arhidektuuriline suutlikkus saata edastatavad andmed seadmest (näiteks kõvaketas, Cd-ROM) otse emaplaadil olevasse mällu. Protsessor pole nõnda andmeesdastusega seotud ning seega tõuseb ka üleüldine arvuti jõudlus. Tavaliselt on määratud teatud hulk mälust alaks, mida kasutatakse DMA tarvis. EISA ja MCA (Micro Channel Archidecture) standartid toetavad juurdepääsu kogu mälu aadressi ulatuses. PCI (Peripheral Component

Infoteadus → arvutiõpe
4 allalaadimist

Arvutiriistvara testid

7)Mida tähendab lühend ISA? V: Industry Standard Architecture 8)Mitu sisemist seadet võimaldab ühendada PCI-liideseiin? V:10 9)Mida tähendab lühend AGP? V:Accekerated Graphics Port 10)AGP-liidesesiini aadressisiin on.. V: 32bitine 7.test Mälud 1)DDR mälu DIMM peale on kirjutatud PC 3700? V: 466 2)DDR mälu DIMM peale on kirjutatud DDR400? V: 200 MHz 3)DDR2 DIMM mälule on trükitud DDR2-800. Milline on mälu taktsagedus? V: 200 MHZ 4)Mida tähendab lühend RAM? V: Random Access Memory 5)DDR3 mälu DIMM peale on kirjutatud DDR3-1866. Mis number tuleks kirjutada kujul PC3-xxxx(x)? V: 14900 6)DDR mälu DIMM peale on kirjutatud PC 3200, milline on mälu taktsagedus? V:200 MHz 7)Mida tähendab lühend SIMM? Single In-line Memory Module 8)DDR mälu DIMM peale on kirjutatud DDR200? V:1600 8.test Optilised andmekandjad 1)Mida tähendab DVD? V:Digital Versatile Disc 2)Milline on standardse originaalse CD-plaadi maht megabaitides? V: 682MB

Informaatika → Infoharidus
28 allalaadimist


60 52 50 46 48 50 40 35 Kasutajate arv Sagedus 30 20 10 0 Word Excel PowerPoint Access InfoPath Publisher MS Office osad MS Office osade kasutamise sagedus 70 59 60 52 48 50 5046 40 35 Kasutajate arv 30

Informaatika → Informaatika
13 allalaadimist

For and against globalization

between the different countries. We must send our products to all markets and make sure that all the markets are going to be affected. If all markets are connected with each other then they will start to compete and that removes inefficient producers. Furthermore it will rise the quality of products higher and reduces their cost. Secondly different products and technological progresses are going to spread faster all over the globe. It gives unlimited access for the poorer people all over the Word to get the cheapest source of desired goods and services. Thirdly removing trading barriers help unemployed people to get jobs and deincrease the effect of the nowaday monopolies and explotation of the citizenz by the local businessmen. One point in favour of globalization is that it causes faster economic growth in all countries including the poor countries, lower prices of foods, drugs, clothes and shelter.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Wifi referaat

Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus Referaat WIFI - "Wireless Fidelity" Juhendaja: Silver Silluta Koostaja: Kristjan Krimm Pärnu 2010 SISSEJUHATUS Wifi on lühend sõnadest "Wireless Fidelity", mis tähistab traadita andmeside võimalust litsenseerimata vabasagedusalas 2,4 ja 5,2 Ghz, kiirusega kuni 11 (54) Mbit sekundis. WiFi on ainus traadita andmeside standard, mis on integreeritud LINUX, Windows XP ja Apple MacIntosh operatsioonisüsteemi ning on leidnud aktsepteerimist kõigis juhtivates tööstusriikides. (WiFi..., 2007). WIFI TEHNILINE ISELOOMUSTUS WiFi tehnoloogia põhineb raadiolainetel. See tähendab, et arvutite omavahelist informatsiooni vahetamiseks ei ole enam kaableid vaja kasutada. WiFi töötab litsenseerimata vabasagedusalas 2,4 ja 5,2 Ghz ja võimaldab ki...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
92 allalaadimist

Otsing e-kataloogist ESTER. Ainevaldkonna UDK. A to Z. Andmebaas ISE. Raamatu viitekirja koostamine

tulemust. Märksõnad peavad olema inglise keeles. Proovi ka otsivõimalust "Subjects" - ainevaldkondade sirvimist. Mõtle järele, millise ainevaldkonna alla teie teema kuulub ja vali sobivad ajakirjad. Ajakiri Kasutatud andmebaas Aastaarv/köide Environmental Science SpringerLINK 1994 - present and Pollution Research The Open Environmental Directory of Open Access Journals Pollution & Toxicology 2009 - present Journal 1.4. Artikli otsing eesti artiklite andmebaasist ISE. Otsi andmebaasist ISE artikleid kapillaarelektroforeesi kohta. a) mitu eestikeelset artiklit leidsid? Leidsin neli eestikeelset artiklit, mis teemaga haakusid.

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
11 allalaadimist


condition. Kitchen should be big and spacious plus bathroom and toilet needs to be separate. Apartments with balcony or terrace, large windows and separate rooms are more appealing for me. I prefer to rent for a longer period of time with reasonable price. Range should not be over 400 which includes public utility bills. It is important that apartment has full kitchen furniture, cellar and garage for car. Neighbourhood needs to be peaceful, with nice neighbours and good public transport access. Do you have a webpage, where I could see latest apartment ads with pictures and your other offers? I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Maris Springtime vacation in London In May 16th I will travel to London for four days with my friend Liisu. She won the trip in Sky Plus radio station game and figured she could give me a beautiful birthday present and go there with me. Prize was only back and forth plane tickets. We

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Teadusartikli analüüs: Alkoholireklaam

Teadusartikli analüüs Teadustöö metodoloogia Märten Vaikmaa Ülevaade (1/2) ALCOHOL MARKETING IN TELEVISED ENGLISH PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL: A FREQUENCY ANALYSIS • Andrew Graham (Newcastle University) • Jean Adams (Newcastle University) • Advanced Access Publication, 10 Sept 2013 • Artikli lugu: Vastu võetud 07.03.2013 Aktsepteeritud 20.08.2013 Internetis avaldatud 10.09.2013 Ülevaade (2/2) ALCOHOL MARKETING IN TELEVISED ENGLISH PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL: A FREQUENCY ANALYSIS • Peamised probleemid Alkoholi suurenenud tarbimine suurendab inimeste terviseriske Ligi 4% kõigist surmajuhtumitest on tingitud alkoholit (World

Botaanika → Rakendusbotaanika
32 allalaadimist

. „Bioaktiivsete ainete süntees“ – „Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds“

compounds“, mille tulemusena sain 2 vastet, millest üks tundus üsna sobiv. Proovisin ka otsingut „Category“ järgi, kus valisin kategooriaks ’Chemistry’ ning allkategooriatena sirvisin eraldi ’Biochemistry’, ’Synthesis’ ja ’Pharmaceutical chemistry’, kuid sain väga palju vasteid. a) „The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal“ b) Chemical Abstracts, Open J-Gate, Genamics JournalSeek, Scopus, EMBASE, MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), PubsHub, J-Gate. c) Elektrooniline juurdepääs on avatud 2008. aastast, arvatavasti oli tegemist 1. köitega, kuna tegemist ongi online-ajakirjaga.

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist

Marketing Metaphoria

metaphors"­ that shape what people think, hear, say, and do. Why do... ... advertising campaigns and new products often fail? ... consumers feel that companies don't understand their needs? Because... ... marketers themselves don't think deeply about consumers' innermost thoughts and feelings. Marketing Metaphoria should convince you that everything consumers think and do is influenced at unconscious levels and it will give you access to those deeper levels of thinking. What are these deep metaphors then? Seven main ones Balance Transformation Journey Container Connection Resource Control Balance Click to edit Master text styles Second level Harmony Third level Adjustment Fourth level Fifth level Transformation

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika, infootsioskused IT6

on, kuna see raalib informatsiooni mõlemast korraga. Yahoo andis esimese otsivariandiga hitte rohkem artiklite ja hinnangute/uurimuste vallas,mistõttu usaldaksin seda rohkem kui Google Scholarit. e) Nivedita Khandekar. Carcinogens in groundwater in areas near Najafgarh drain. - HT Syndication, Hindustan Times. 183000882.html 6.2 Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ Valdkond: maateadused ja keskkonnateadused - > environmental sciences -> environment and pollution Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB Environment and Pollution andis soovitud tulemuse. Klikates avas lehekülge, kust sain oma grupi teemal artikleid otsida (2 artiklit). 6.3 Otsi patente elektroonilise programmiga zig-zag õmblusmasinate kohta kasutades klassifikatsiooni otsingut “Classification Search”

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
2 allalaadimist

How the right of privacy was viewed in the 1890s and 2010s.

Last time you visited this website, you liked this book, maybe you like to buy this soap now ?. This is like someone is sitting in your room and making notes about your likes and dislikes. The things we search online, personal things, are stored in the ,,big data" possibly forever and are available to researchers in the futuure. Google, ,,hungry" for data, confessed that they know pretty much every WiFi password in the world. Of course they can not access to this data when ever they want, but they do store this sensible information, In the end, maybe humans stop to be humans all together because we do not have to think anymore, just open Google and this will predict our wishes. I really like how Julie Cohen describes that The "smartest guys in the room" no longer work for Enron, Lehman Brothers, or AIG, now they work for Google or Target or Acxiom, pursuing the holy grail of knowing customers better than they know themselves".

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Sidusinfotöötluse eksami kordamisküsimused vastustega

informatsiooni (ajakirjade puhul näiteks), pealkirju, autoreid, autoriõigusi, teemat, sihtgruppi, kirjastaja informatsiooni, kuupäevalist infot jne. Peab igapidi tutvustama toodet, kutsuma seda ostma. Eelkõige on need vajalikud ärimudeli väljatöötamiseks ning laiemaks toote levikuks (kasutajate nõusoleku saavutamiseks). 14. Mida tähendab avatud juurdepääs ehk open access? - digitaalkujul, sidusreziimis, tasuta ja üldjuhul autoriõigustest ning litsentsilepingutest tulenevate piiranguteta. Selle teeb võimalikuks ühelt poolt interneti olemus ja teisalt autori või autoriõiguse omaja nõusolek. 15. Millised on kaks peamist viisi teaduskirjandusele avatud juurdepääsu võimaldamisel? on avatud juurdepääsu ajakirjad (open access journals) ja avatud juurdepääsu arhiivid ehk repositooriumid (open access archives or repositories). 16

Informaatika → Infoharidus
21 allalaadimist

Dorian Gray

As he sees his portrait, Dorian becomes aware of his beauty and says the fateful wish that if only he could remain young and the portrait would become old. The first sign that his wish had become true is seen when Dorian is very heartless and rude to Sibyl Vane, an actress to whom he wanted to marry. When young Dorian discovers that his painting has changed and that his wish had come true, he hides the painting to a room where no one but him has access to. As time goes by, he becomes more infected by the ideas of Henry, but he loses control over his behaviour and his reputation in public decreases. This grows concern in Basil, who has deep feelings for Dorian and Basil tries to put some sense into the boy's mind. After Dorian had killed Basil, the same coldness and indifference, which had been there after Sibyl's suicide, appear again. All the sins that Dorian makes reveal themselves on the portrait. He keeps the door

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
31 allalaadimist

Kodutöö: Research (Internet addiction)

Further study show that Internet addiction also include physical sympoms such as Carpan Tunner Syndrome, dry eyes or strained vision, back aches and neck aches; severe headaches, Gambling has been a well-documented problem for years. In general, therefore, it seems that the availability of Internet gambling has made gambling far more accessible. It has also made it harder for recovering addicts to aviod relapse. online or virtual casinos are open all day, every day for everyone with Internet access. From the above it can be concluded that the Internet addiction is becoming a very severe problem of todays society and that need treatment or counseling immediatley.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The Advantages and Disadvantages of City and Country Living

peaceful and bright-colored landscapes as it brings not only a sense of artistic consciousness to their home, but also makes them feel cosy and allows them to at least temporarily forget about daily routine and pollution, crime (especially in bigger, crowded cities) and noise they have to endure when they go outside. I'd say that it is disadvantages for living in a city. On the other hand advantages of living a city life are easier communication, access to stores and entertainment and possibility to get a good-earning job, which I prefer. Also your it is a good chance that your social circle can expand here, but in country people live far from each other and don't see so often new faces like in city. The best part about living in a rural area is its quiet mood and the idea of not having to constantly breathe in exhaust fumes, not be part of traffic jams and often hear people honking the horns of their cars or speak loudly

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun