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"repair" - 120 õppematerjali


Geneetika eksami konspekt

1. Aluspaari väljalõikamisega seotud reparatsioon. DNA ühel ahelal olevate vigastuste parandamiseks on kolm peamist süsteemi: · Base excision repair (BER), mille käigus eemaldatakse DNA ahelast üksik kahjustatud nukleotiid mis asendatakse uuega. BER-i kasutatakse peamiselt oksüdeeritud, alküleeritud, hüdrolüüsitud ja deamineeritud nukleotiidide väljavahetamiseks. · Nucleotide excision repair (NER), mille käigus asendatakse DNA kahjustuse ümbrusest umbes 30 nukleotiidi pikkune üheahelaline DNA lõik. NER tunneb ära vigastusi, mis tekitavad suuremaid muudatusi DNA üldises struktuuris. Sellisteks on näiteks tümiini dimeerid ja DNA üheahelalised katked. NER jaotub kaheks alaliigiks: 1) transcription-coupled repair (TCR), mis aktiveerub, kui RNA polümeraas "avastab" DNA kahjustuse ning jääb seetõttu

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
50 allalaadimist

DNA reparatsioon

nukleotiide või seonduvad DNA-ga ning indutseerivad katkeid või ristsidemeid DNA ahelates. 6)Vead DNA replikatsioonis. Kõik DNA polümeraasid teevad vigu, mille nad küll tavaliselt ise ära parandavad, kuid osad jäävad need siiski alles ning tekitavad olukorra, kus DNA erinevatel ahelatel on omavahel mittepaarduvad nukleotiidid. DNA reparatsioonisüsteemid DNA ahelal olevate vigastuste parandamiseks on kolm peamist süsteemi: Base excision repair (BER), mille käigus eemaldatakse DNA ahelast üksik kahjustatud nukleotiid mis asendatakse uuega. Nucleotide excision repair (NER), mille käigus asendatakse DNA kahjustuse ümbrusest umbes 30 nukleotiidi pikkune üheahelaline DNA lõik. Mismatch repair (MMR) kõrvaldab vigastused, mis on tekkinud DNA replikatsiooni või rekombinatsiooni käigus. Nendel juhtudel pole kumbki DNA ahel otseselt vigane, kuid nad ei paardu omavahel.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

about your customer service. I bought the phone on 15th September. I was told that the phone has guarantee for 6 months. It worked properly for three weeks. Then it suddenly stopped working, the screen went black and the buttons didn’t function. I immedately phoned your helpline and was told that this was completely my fault and i have to pay extra money for the repair. I think that it is unreasonable that I have to pay for the phone repair because guarantee is 6 months. I also think that in the future you should talk to your employees about their attitude. I would like to get my phone repaired for free. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, xy

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


C : Yes please , id like to buy a shampoo, but i dont know whitchone would suit me. A.S : It depends, do you have stressed hair, colored hair, dry hair, damadged hair or if you would like to protec your hair from the tear. C : I have dry, stressed and damadged hair, what do you reccommend? AS : Dry, stressed hair need intensive care. I would reccommend our GLISS KUR '' Total repair 19'' shampoo. It features a unique combination of 19 effective repair ingredients and vitamins. This shampoo corrects and strengthena the hair structure, by accurately filling in damaged, porous parts. On the surface the rough and brittle hair structure is effectively smoothed and closed. C : How do i use it? A.S : You'll have ti appose it on your hair, wait for a minute and then wash it off properly

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Formal expressions

Bring in a system introduce a system Get receive Give provide The same sort of bus a similar bus Another system an alternative system Can you tell me if this system is ok? Your approval would be appreciated For some time/for the time being temporarily Now currently Is being fixed is under repair Because of that... consequently, ... So,... therefore,... The machine is off the road/does not work the machine is under repair It is back on road it is roadworthy again Finish complete I have noticed the following the following has been observed Helps to develop economy promotes economic development They can do it they are able to cope with it

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

Struktuurikujunduse õpimapp

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Juuksuri eriala ILU11/1 Egert Eessaar Struktuurikujunduse Õpimapp Tartu2011 Schwarzkopf 1. Schwarzkopf Natural Styling EELHOOLDUSTOOTED Eelhooldusaine Pre- treatment Balance 200ml Eelhooldusaine Pre- treatment + Repair & Protect 200ml Rikutud, värvitud ja triibutatud juustele. KEEMILISE LOKI VEDELIKUD Hydrowave-tehnoloogia sisaldab Aloe Verat Classic 0,1,2 1000ml Glamour Wave 0,1,2,3 80ml Creative Gel 1,2 50ml Creative Fluid 1,2 500ml KINNITI Neutralizer 1000ml Neutralizer + 1000ml Hooldavam, rikutud ja töödeldud juustele. Kinnitite mõjuaeg on 5+5 minutit. Natural Styling Classic 0,1,2 Hydrowave - tehnoloogia ja hüdrolüüsitud keratiin. Keratiini osakesed, mis on

Ametid → Kutse
28 allalaadimist

Juuksurikosmeetikat maaletoovate firmade struktuurikujundustooted

Mõjuaeg: Klimazoon:10-15 min müts+ lisasoojus (40º C) : 10-15 min müts : 20- 25 min P- poorsetele ja värvitud juustele Mõjuaeg: Klimazoon: 5-10 min müts+ lisasoojus (40º C) : 5-10 min müts : 15- 20 min Stabilizer texturizer 1+4 Mõjuaeg: 0+0 min Kuni 10 rulli- teha pool kogust kinnitit. Schwarzkopf Schwarzkopf Natural Styling EELHOOLDUSTOOTED Eelhooldusaine Pre- treatment Balance 200ml Eelhooldusaine Pre- treatment + Repair & Protect 200ml Rikutud, värvitud ja triibutatud juustele 6 KEEMILISE LOKI VEDELIKUD Hydrowave-tehnoloogia sisaldab Aloe Verat Classic 0,1,2 1000ml Glamour Wave 0,1,2,3 80ml Creative Gel 1,2 50ml Creative Fluid 1,2 500ml KINNITI Neutralizer 1000ml Neutralizer + 1000ml Hooldavam, rikutud ja töödeldud juustele Kinnitite mõjuaeg on 5+5 minutit. Natural Styling Classic 0,1,2 Hydrowave - tehnoloogia ja hüdrolüüsitud keratiin. Keratiini osakesed, mis on sarnased

Ametid → Kutse
16 allalaadimist

Cameron Diaz

shoulder and back, a large dragon. Cameron has a really optimistic personality. She likes to take risks in life. As a teenager she hoped to start a modeling career and so she did. Just like many women she started a career as an actress. At first she refused several offers of big budget movies to work in some small independent films. Cameron is kind of an adrenaline junkie. She loves high speed and snowboarding and she has even had plastic surgery on her nose to repair damage done while snowboarding. While she was shooting Charlie's Angles she had to learn how to surf and she was immediately addicted to the sport.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Õhu soojendamise vajalikkus • Külma mootori käivitamisel neeldub suur osa soojust mootori detailidesse ning õhu kokkusurumisel ei saavutata piisavalt suurt temperatuuri kütuse süttimiseks. • Kõrge temperatuur – Detailide soojendamine. • Röstri efekt. Eelsüüteküünla ülesanne • Soojendada õhku. • Väline õhu temperatuur +5 ͦkuni -30 C. ͦ • Tahma vähendamine käivitamisel. Tööpõhimõte • Kõrge vool läbib klemmi ühendust, reguleerimise pooli jõudes soojenduspooli. • Viimane soojeneb kiirelt – hõõgumine. • Hõõgumine laieneb 2–5 s. • t°↑ ͦ R↑ ͦ I↓ • Ülekuumenemine ei ole võimalik. Töö faasid Paiknemise viisid Õhu Õhu soojendamine soojendamine põlemiskambris eelkambris Ehitus 1 1. Klemmi ühendus 2. Dielektriline seib 3. Korpus 4. Hõõguv ümbris 5. Reguleerimise spiraal Ehitus 2 6. Magneesium oksiidi pulber 7. Soojenduss...

Auto → Aktiivsed ja passiivsed...
21 allalaadimist

Saving enregy

For example: glothes, use newspaper as a wrapping paper. Recycle- recycle thing. It does not take too long and it makes so much differencs Saving energy and your money Save electricity - people use a lot of electricity only because they forget or leave electrical appliances on. How: unplug everything that you do not use and do not forget to turn the light off Save water - Wasting water wastes electricity wich wastes energy. How: repair all leaky water mechanisms and if possible take shorter showers Saving energy and your money Save gasoline- It takes a lot of energy to operate a car. How: use other healthier alternatives like bicyclel or walking, but even using public transport helps reduce gasoline usage Save heat-It takes a lot of energy to heat houses and water. How: wear warmer clothes, if possible do not use hot water unnecessarily

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

My favorite car

ESSEE Kaspar Kallas MY FAVORITE CAR (AUT-12) Many people have a favorite car and most people like new cars, but I dont. I like old classic cars, like Lada (vaz) and some old american musclecars. I have four favorite cars. My favorite cars are Vaz 2106, vaz 2107, 1968 Chevrolet camaro ss and Pontiac Trans am. I have one of these cars whic is a 27 years old Vaz 2106 and it still works and drives well. I like Ladas because they have rear wheel drive and are realy cheap and reliable cars and have cheap parts which are sold in almost every town in Estonia. It's easy to repair a Lada when you know something about cars. I like musclecars because they look cool and have a powerful engines what makes a nice noise. In the future I want to buy a Chevrolet camaro ss or Pontiac Trans am. I also have a favorite rally ca...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Windows XP format arvutile.

plaadilt. Magad selle koha maha, pead arvuti taaskäivitama. PS! CD-plaadilt buutimist vajame ainult üks kord. Kui installeerimise käigus arvuti teeb restardi, siis üritab jällegi CD-plaadilt buutida ­ seekord laseme arvutil rahulikult olla ning ei torgi mingeid klahve. Sealt kohast möödaminek võtab aega kusagil 5-10 sekundit. Samm 2 Peale pikka ootamist, kus loetakse mällu erinevaid draivereid, saab edasi tegutseda. Valikuteks on a) ENTER ­ Continue [jätka] b) R ­ Repair [paranda] c) F3 ­ Quit [välju] Meie valime esimese, kuna soovime kogu Windowsi uuesti paigaldada. Seega vajuta ENTER klahvile Samm 3 Järgnevalt kuvatakse Windows XP litsentstingimused. All on järgnevad klahvid: a) F8 ­ I agree [nõustu tingimustega] b) ESC ­ I do not agree [ei nõustu ­ installeerimine katkestatakse] c) PAGE DOWN ­ Next Page [järgmine lehekülg / ekraan] d) PAGE UP ­ Previous Page [eelmine lehekülg / ekraan] Kui ikka tahad Windows XP oma masinasse (me ju

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
8 allalaadimist


Eessõnad AT at the bottom of at least at 4, Rose st. at first at the weekend BY by accident by cheque by Rembrandt by chance by mistake by Shakespeare by bus/train/car/ship, etc. by post/airmail by the time FOR for breakfast/lunch/dinner for help for a swim for a drink (go to a place) for a holiday for a walk for fun (=for amusement) for a while FROM from time to time from that day on from now on IN in agony in the countryside in love (with) in an armchair in disbelief in one's opinion ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
85 allalaadimist

Cameron Diaz

  Cameron Diaz     Cameron Diaz   Cameron Diaz is a very famous actress. Almost everyone knows her. Her real name is Cameron Michelle Diaz.. She is 40 years old. Cameron was born 30 August, 1972 in San Diego, California. She began to acting in 1994. Cameron has got medium cut straight shiny blonde hair. She is approximately middle sized. Diaz has two tattoos that are know of. The first is on her arm, a band of flowers. The other is on her shoulder and back, a large dragon. She loves dragons. Cameron has a reall y optimistic personality. She likes to take risks in life. As a teenager she hoped to start a modeling career and so she did. Just like many women she started a career as an actress. At first she refused several offers of big budget movies to work in some small independent films. Cameron is kind of an adrenaline junkie. She loves high speed and snowboarding, and she has even has plast...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Speed cameras are not a good way to make our roads safer. Do you agree with this statement?

That makes no sense because they slow down before the camera and after it they speed up. Secondly, people are afraid of tickets. They must check their speedometer before the speed camera to hold the speed around allowed level. That takes drivers attention from the road. It may cause severe accidents. Speed cameras have also good side. For example people who get a ticket must pay a fee for it and goverment earns money by this. This money can be spent for to repair or to rebuild the roads. In conclusion, I think that speed cameras are useless in Estonia. They harm more than they save.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lehekülg 63 harjutus 5-8

Tb p 63 ex 5-8 5.To grow new parts-the ability to reproduce To produce young-offspring To react to something-respond to To become adjusted to new conditions-able to adapt Plants and animals living in one place-natural community Type of plant or animal-specie Area covered with growing trees-woodland Organisms that feed on dead tissues-decomposers to grow- change to different size or shape Replace-something -living things can to for themselvs Repair parts-living things can to for themselvs Respond to stimuly- ability to grow toward the light Able to adapt-to survive in nature Natural selection-ability to make living things better to survive and live longer Interact- to act upon one another. Surrounding- all round a particular place or thing Dominated-different species that are more existing Species- a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals Food chain- a series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

James Watt kokkuvõte

father gave him some tools. James liked to take his toys to pieces and build new things to his own design. At the age of eighteen he decided to become a professional instrument ­ maker. It was very hard to find a teacher. But finally he found an instrument ­ maker in London who took him on as an apprentice. After a year he returned to Scotland and became a mathematical ­ instrument maker. He also made musical instruments. He was asked to repair a small steam engine which was very primitive and used too much coal and a lot of steam was wasted. He found out that it was built on the wrong principle. It took him 2 years to put his theory into practice. He started making the new engine with a man called Baulton. James started improving his engine. His new machine could run machines and pump water out of the mines. It was used to drive wheels. But he didn't work only on his engine. He also made a copying machine

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Henry Ford

the Edison Illuminating Company Ford Motor Company Ford & Malcomson was reincorporated as the Ford Motor Company on June 16, 1903 $ 28,000 capital Ford astonished the world on 1924 by offering a $5 per day wage Ford set a land speed record at 91,3 miles per hour (147.0 km/h), when driving 1 mile (1.6 km) in 39.4 seconds. Model T Was introduced on October 1, 1908. Steering wheel on the left. The car was very simple to drive, and easy and cheap to repair. Racing Ford maintained an interest in auto racing from 1901-1913. Ford attempted to enter a reworked Model T in the Indianapolis 500. In "My Life and Work" Ford speak of racing in a rather dismissive tone. Nevertheless, Ford did make quite an impact on auto racing. Airplane company Entered the aviation business building Liberty engines. Ford`s most successful aircraft was the Ford 4AT Trimotor. The Trimotor first flew on June 11, 1926.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
22 allalaadimist


I am Zhilin Andrey. Andrey is my name and Zhilin is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not large. I have got mother, father and grandmother. There are four of us in the family. First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She works in a school. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is 44 but she looks much younger. My father is programmer. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time I play guitar and we sing together. He is also handy with many things. When he was small he liked to take everything to pieces. My grandmother told me a story that once my father tried to repair their kitchen clock but without success. They had to give it to a repairman. But it happened a long time ago. Now he can fix almost everything. My parents have been married for 18 years. They ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


someone, but pride has made us slow to apologise. As the British pop singer Elton John put it on one of his songs, it is often the case that ,,sorry seems to be the hardest word." Of course when we do manage to make a sincere apology-it can quickly reduce the hurt or resestment felt by the person we have behaved badly towards. In the words of the Canadian cartoonist Lynn Johnston "An apology is the superglue of life-it can repair just about anything". However a recent survey suggests that in Britain the word ,,sorry" is being used in various situations where it doesn't have the traditional purpose of expressing regret for something a person has said or done. Arguably, the word is now being overused and might even be in danger of losing its meaning. Based on a sample of 1,100 people, the survey produced the statistic that the average

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


South Africa has three capitals: an administrative capital Pretoria, a legislative capital Cape Town and a judicial capital Bloemfontein. South Africa's total area is 1,219,912 sq km and its population is 43,997,828. Economy Its agriculture is corn, wheat, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables; beef, poultry, mutton and wool. Most industries are mining, automobile assembly, metalworking, machinery, textiles, iron and steel, chemicals, fertilizer, foodstuffs, commercial ship repair. South Africa's natural resources are gold, coal, iron ore, tin, uranium, gem diamonds, platinum, copper, salt and many others. CULTURE With a dynamic fusion of African, European and Asian influences, South Africa is a hotbed of originality and creativity. This is particularly evident in the music, which ranges from indigenous township rave music, known as kwaito, to world-renowned African jazz by such legendary talents as Hugh Masekela and Miriam Makeba.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Aegade töö inglise keeles

Use the correct tense: 1. .................. did your aunt ........... (live) in Tallinn three years ago? 2. Why is the child crying? .................. the dog..................(bite) her? 3. Next year I..................(be) very good at English. 4. this story before? 5. Tom..................(know) this man. He ...................(meet) him before. 6. to the party with me tomorrow? 7. to Scotland? Our family ..................(go) there last summer. 8. What .................. you .................. (like) to do in the evenings? 9. At noon yesterday we ....................................(not drink) tea, we ....................................(dig in the garden.) 10. Charlie is not in the room. What..................he..................(do) ? 11. ............

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele tähtsamad ajavormid

aastal. She finished cleaning the house at 10 Ta lõpetas maja koristamise kell 10. We finished homework two hours ago. Me lõpetasim kodused tööd kaks tundi e tagasi. They finished the repair work in summer. Nad lõpetasid remonditööd eelmisel suvel. Did I make that mistake? Kas ma tegin selle vea? Did you make this offer? Kas sa tegid selle pakkumise? Did he make a speech at the party? Kas ta pidas peol kõne?

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Electric car (biological cars)

· In most cases, low dynamic performance. · In some hybrids in general there are no electric batteries. · The major auto companies after the 2000s, paid little attention to electric cars in favor of hybrids. and many other Advantages · Overall simplicity of design and management in comparison with hybrid vehicles. · lower number mechanical parts and components. · Improved reliability. · Ease of repair and service, and as a result, and lower operation cost. · Less pollution. No transmission unlike mechanical hybrids. modern Application The world leader in electric transportation - China. widely used in various enterprises are widely used for transportation of goods in railway stations, shops and large stores, as well as an attraction. models electric cars The best-known-manufactured electric cars can be considered: Toyota RAV4 EV, ZENN, ZAP

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Arvutiprogramm juhtimisseadmed

CAPP – Computer-aided process planning – Arvuti abil protsessi planeerimise - on arvuti kasutamise tehnoloogia, mis planeerimise osa või toote tootmises. CAPP vaheliseks ühenduslüliks CAD ja CAM, kuna nähakse ette planeerimise protsessi, mida kasutatakse tootmiseks kavandatud osa. CAQ – Computer-aided quality assurance – Arvuti abil kvaliteedi tagamine on tehnika kohaldamine arvuteid ja arvutiga juhitavad masinad, kontrollib toodete kvaliteeti. MRO – Maintenance, repair and operations – Hooldus- ja remonditööd ning toimingud? Req.Man. – PPM – Project Portfolio Management – Projekti portfelli haldamine? CAID – Computer-aided industrial design – Arvuti abil tööstusdisaini on osa alamhulk (CAD) ja sisaldab tarkvara, mis aitab otseselt tootearenduses. CAD – Computer-aided design – Arvutidisaini tarkvara. CAD-tarkvara kasutatakse, et suurendada tootlikkust, kujundaja, parandada kvaliteeti, parandamiseks läbi dokumentatsiooni

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
15 allalaadimist

James Watt

ship's chandler. He worked in his father's shop and he developed an interest in trying to make things "work like clockwork". In his late teens he went to London to learn to be a "mathematical and philosophical instrument maker", and when he returned to Glasgow he got a job making instruments with Glasgow University, who gave him a place where to live and a workshop. In 1763 John Andreson asked him to repair an early steam engine he had bought. This early model, known as a Newcomen engine, was very unefective. The cylinder (where the piston was) had to be heated when steam was admitted, and then cooled again to condense the steam. This wasted a lot of time and fuel. Two years later, while walking through Glasgow Green, Watt hit upon the idea of condensing the steam in a separate place. This removed the need for heating and cooling, making the engine faster, safer, and it used a lot less fuel

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Riski- ja ohtusõpetus: Riskianalüüs

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Töökeskkonna ja -ohutuse õppetool Kodutöö nr. 1 Töökoha riskihindamine Üliõpilane: Matriklinumber: Õpperühm: Tallinn 2014 Ettevõtte ja töökoha ülevaade Töökoht: Autolukksepp Töökoht asub siseruumis, täpsemalt garaažis. Teisi töötajaid, peale fotograafi, läheduses pole. Tööline teostab auto demontaaži elektrilise käsiketaslõikuriga. Tal puuduvad aga isikukaitsevahendid- kaitseprillid ning kindad. Nii on suur oht, et säde lendab silma või kõrvetatakse ära käed. Lisaks rikub silmi sädemete vaatamine ilma kaitseprillideta. Pildilt on näha, et ta kasutab halvasti süttivast materjalist riideid, kuid käsivarsi need ei kaitse, seega on oht ikkagi sädemetega kõrvetada saada. Puuduvad ka müra summutavad kõrvaklapid. Ei sa ära unustada ka piltnikku, kes antud momendil samas ruumis viibib, sest lõikamisel...

Muu → Riski- ja ohutusõpetus
23 allalaadimist

Present Simple & Continuous

PRESENT SIMPLE I You work here. ... do not (don't) work ... We They Do you work here? ­ Yes, I do. / No, I don't. He She works here. ... does not (doesn't) work ... It Does she / he work here? ­ Yes, she / he does. / No, she / he doesn't. Time expressions always often not often never usually normally rarely sometimes occasionally hardly ever when after before unless in case as soon as until Uses - for permanent facts - for actions and situations which are generally true - for habits and routines PRESENT CONTINUOUS bebe++ ­ing ing I am (I'm) You are (you're) She/He/It is (she's/he's/it's) (not) + working here. We are (we're) They are (they're)...

Keeled → Inglise keel
133 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

Evaluation Exercise 1 Connectives Study the following two versions of the same text and decide which do you find easier to read and why? what is the difference between them? When the ICN equipment was first introduced, it was found to provide a flexible and advanced system. Its speed of operation was greater than comparable hardware then available. In recent months major faults have developed in the equipment. The local agent appears incapable of providing a reliable repair service. The system is regularly out of order for several days at a time. The makers have agreed to replace the system free of charge. The new equipment will not be installed for at least six months. Such a delay is clearly unacceptable to us. We should insist that ICN send their own engineer to service the equipment. The equipment should be transported to the ICN plant for inspection and repair there. When the ICN equipment was first introduced, it was found to provide a flexible and

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

The landlady worksheet 1

Roald Dahl “The Landlady”                  Worksheet 1 1. Find information about the setting: town, time of day, weather. TOWN: Bath TIME OF DAY: nine o’clock in the evening WEATHER: air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice 2. At the beginning, we find out that the story is about: a) a young man who is looking for a pub in London ­ b) a young man who is looking for a place to stay in Bath + c) a young man who is cold and tired because of a long train journey. ­ Bill has come there: a) to make new friends ­ b) to take on a new job + c) to find loggings ­ The houses along the street: a) are in good condition ­ b) are no longer lived in ­ c) are in need of repair + 3. Find information about the first character: full name, age, job, travelling FULL NAME: Billy Weaver AGE: 17 JOB: he came...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Star Wars-Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Main characters: Han Solo Luke Skywalker Princess Leila Dark Vader R2-D2 Chewbacca C-3PO About the author: Donald F. Glut (born February 19, 1944) began his professional career working as a musician, singer and song writer. For most of his career, however, he has made a living as a freelance writer of film and television scripts, novels, comic book scripts, non-fiction and short stories. He is now President of Frontline Entertainments for which he wrote and directed the comedy/fantasy motion picture Dinosaur Valley Girls. He `s best known book is Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Plot: The beginning of the book Luke Skywalker gets lost when he goes to investigate an asteroid that has just fallen down, but he is attacked by a monstrer who takes him into his cave. Luke frees himself from the cave but there is a freezing temperatur...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Unit 4 words

the rest of the wall Ample- enough, and often more than you need Attic- the room in a house under the roof Bedsit- a room that you rent that is used for both living and sleeping in Brick pillars- Bungalow- a house that is all on one level Caravan- BRITISH a vehicle that people can live and travel in on holiday. Caravans are usually towed (=pulled) by a car. The American word is trailer Carpenter- someone whose job is to make things from wood, or to repair things that are made of wood Cellar- a room under a building, below the level of the ground, usually used for storing things Compatible- ideas or systems that are compatible can exist together Concrete- made of concrete Confession- a spoken or written statement in which you admit that you have committed a crime Conservationist- someone who works to protect the environment from damage or destruction Council- the elected officials who govern a local area such as a city or county: can be

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
26 allalaadimist

Wooden pallets

SLAID 1 I am going to talk about wooden pallets. After I am finished I will answer any question you might have about my presentation. SLAID 2 Lets start with history. Wooden pallets date back to 1000 B.C. Egiptians used sheets of wood for transport and storage. These wooden sheets are called skids or sleads. They are still in use but their shape and durability has changed a lot. It was the during the early 1920’s, shortly after the modern forklift was invented, when skids evolved into pallets, revolutionizing the way merchandise was stored and transported. The new design of pallets allowed goods to be moved, stored and stacked with extraordinary speed and versatility. During the WWII the allied countries established a standard size pallet to ease shipment and transportation. This agreement skyrocketed the production and popularity of wooden pallets during the war After the war variety of sizes and designs were produced and used. The tra...

Ehitus → Ehitus materjalid ja...
2 allalaadimist

English test 1: personal staff

and outdoors in all areas regarding health, safety and sanitation 22.SPEECH THERAPIST-logopeed-assists people of all ages who have problems communicating 23.LABORATORY TECHNICIAN- laborant- tests specimens of urine, blood, sputum ect. For abnormalities. 24.PHYSIOTHERAPIST-füsioteriapeut-exercises injured limbs -arms and legs 25.TECHNICAL ASSISTANT- tehnika kontrollija- assists staff to regulate or repair machinery 26.PODIATRIST-jalaravi spetsialist- looks after injured or diseased feet 27.OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST- töötervishoiuarst-teaches patients to live as normally as possible with a disability 28.ANAESTHETIST- nurse, who puts people sleep 29.RADIOGRAPHER-radioloog- takes X/Rays SÕNAD... 30.TISSUE- kude 31.SPINAL- seljaaju 32.ANAESTHETIC- anesteesia 33.LIGHT BULBS-lamp 34.PROSTHETIST-proteesid 35.DENTAL PROSTHESES- hamba proteesid 36

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Parts of the body

and outdoors in all areas regarding health, safety and sanitation 22.SPEECH THERAPIST-logopeed-assists people of all ages who have problems communicating 23.LABORATORY TECHNICIAN- laborant- tests specimens of urine, blood, sputum ect. For abnormalities. 24.PHYSIOTHERAPIST-füsioteriapeut-exercises injured limbs -arms and legs 25.TECHNICAL ASSISTANT- tehnika kontrollija- assists staff to regulate or repair machinery 26.PODIATRIST-jalaravi spetsialist- looks after injured or diseased feet 27.OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST- töötervishoiuarst-teaches patients to live as normally as possible with a disability 28.ANAESTHETIST- nurse, who puts people sleep 29.RADIOGRAPHER-radioloog- takes X/Rays SÕNAD... 30.TISSUE- kude 31.SPINAL- seljaaju 32.ANAESTHETIC- anesteesia 33.LIGHT BULBS-lamp 34.PROSTHETIST-proteesid 35.DENTAL PROSTHESES- hamba proteesid 36

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn

as well as a number of exceptional wooden suburbs which form an integral part of the historic, urban fabric round Tallinn Old Town. Until recently the survival of the wooden quarters was threatened by unclear ownership in the years following independence and in a general indifference to the qualities they offered residents. This latter could be seen in a lack of maintenance, and inappropriate upgrading and repair approaches. Today however the situation is turned around and these wooden areas are much valued, and adequate measures are in place to maintain their authenticity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Dog fence

the fence. They fill in the holes, set the traps, replace post, close the gates, and shoot dingoes. Natural forces conspire against the fence. Floods wash it away, rust eats it up, blowing sand buries it, and falling trees crush it. Then there are the animals. Wombats, foxes, and pigs dig holes under it. Hot-blooded bulls and wild camels knock it down. Emus for some reason run with full speed into it and spilt the mesh. Dingoes usually don’t make holes. They just wait to step through one. The repair work is relentless on a fence pressured by weather and wildlife. The work is hard and hot. Unloading post logs, carrying timber, stringing new mesh across the posts. To build a mile of 2m high netting costs as much as 12,000 dollars The Fence is administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. The Wild Dog Barrier Fence staff has 23 employees, with two person teams which patrol a 300 km section of the fence once every week. They gather the corpses of dingoes who have been

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

TEST- Reported speech, comparison, articles, prepositions

Test Name:............................................................ Mark:...................... 1.Complete the sentences with the prepositions . 1. The test consisted .................. two grammar exercises and a writing task. 2. I read a page .................. the book. 3. It is available .................. the internet. 4. Prices have risen .................. 10 percent. 5. I get a present .................. Jane. 6. Jane is standing ..................the car. 7. She likes a book .................. Mark Twain. 8. I go to school from Monday .................. Friday. 9. He was accused .................. the crime. 10. to carry somebody .................. board 11.He spent his childhood .................. the company of his brothers...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

take in understood; fool; deceive; make smaller (in sewing) take over take; assume command of tear down destroy tear up tear into small pieces tell off scold; reprimand think over consider think through consider from beginning to end think up create; invent throw away discard throw over reject tie up tie securely or tight tire out cause to be exhausted touch up repair try on put on a garment to verify the fit try out test turn down refuse; lower the volume turn out produce; force into exile, extinguish (a light) wash off wash the surface of wash out wash the inside of wear out use until no longer usable; tire greatly wind up finish, tighten the spring of a watch or machine wipe off wipe the surface of wipe out wipe the inside of; decimate work out solve write down record

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Plakat mäesuuskadest

One of the usually hickory or ash, steel edges were introduced on the bottom for drawbacks of the polyethylene base is its softness, and with time the ski can smoother glide, but the depletion of inexpensive wood meant a need for become scratched by small stones and ice. A polyethylene candle is used by product development and usage of modern materials. Metal skis became skiers and ski repair technicians to patch such scratches on the base. Also common in the mid-1950s. The light metal was sandwiched around a wooden core and fused by glue and heat, but this aluminum bottom froze because of its chemical nature, polyethylene is easily broken down by easily and was not the best solution. ultraviolet rays. This is remedied by applying a coat of wax to the skis after

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
49 allalaadimist

How to Change a Tire

How to Change a Tire Sander Kitsing AL16 Find a flat, stable and safe place to change your tire. You should have a solid, level surface that will  restrict the car from rolling. If you are near a road, park as far from traffic as possible and turn on your  emergency flashers (hazard lights). Avoid soft ground and hills. Apply the parking brake and put car into "Park" position. If you have a standard transmission, put your  vehicle in first or reverse. Place a heavy object (e.g., rock, concrete, spare wheel, etc.) in front of the front and back tires. Take out the spare tire and the jack. Place the jack under the frame near the tire that you are going to  change. Ensure that the jack is in contact with the metal portion of your car's frame  Many cars have molded plastic ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

inglise keele konspekt Rakvere ametikool

today is the 6th of November. rakvere vocational school my speciality is a cook monday tuesday wendsday thursday friday saturday sunday my birthday is on the 27th dec my address is i was born in 1996 country city town parish cummune municipal village flat avenue street road kindergarten(nursery) to decide vocational school profession education speciality construction of cars to establish restuarant to continue to mend to repair 1.In the future 2.i have to stay in my new school do practical work 3.i entered vocational school. the age of seven 5.i was born in 23.10.1984 6.during my session 7.for almost four years 8.i want to be weiter 1. i was born in 3 nev 1984 2.i went to school at the age of seven 3.i have to studie almost four years september i went to vocational school interested in cars school we do practical work too the future im going to keep the family resourant

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
4 allalaadimist


E.g. Chimps eat bananas (Present Simple Active) Bananas are eaten by chimps. (Present Simple Passive) They were playing the piano. (Past Continuous Active) Piano was being played. (Past Continuous Passive) 1. They will finish the house next month. 2. The house will be finished next month. 3. Susan has completed the essay. 4. The essay has been completed by Susan. 5. People should have left the bird alone. 6. The bird should have been left alone. 7. We cannot repair their car. 8. Their car cannot be repaired. 9. The owners had sent the money to a Swiss bank. 10. The money had been sent to a Swiss bank by the owners. 11. People speak English and French in Canada. 12. English and French are spoken in Canada. 13. The police may have seen the suspected criminal. 14. The suspected criminal may have been seen by the police. 15. We are going to redecorate our kitchen this July. 16. Our kitchen is going to be redecorated this July. 17

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

ICC müügileping

12 11.3 Where goods are non-conforming (and provided the Buyer, having given notice of the lack of conformity in compliance with article 11.1, does not elect in the notice to retain them), the Seller shall at his option: (a) replace the goods with conforming goods, without any additional expense to the Buyer, or (b) repair the goods, without any additional expense to the Buyer, or (c) reimburse to the Buyer the price paid for the non-conforming goods and thereby terminate the Contract as regards those goods. The Buyer will be entitled to liquidated damages as quantified under article 10.1 for each complete week of delay between the date of notification of the non-conformity according to article 11.1 and the supply of substitute goods under article 11.3(a) or repair under article 11.3(b) above

Majandus → Majandus
116 allalaadimist


KEEVITUS Keevitus on teraste ja värvilismetallide enimlevinud ja tähtsaim liitmismeetod: · tootmiskeevitus (production welding) ­ detailide liitmine toodete valmistamisel; · remontkeevitus (repair welding) ­ purunenud ja kulunud osade taastamine, moodustab kuni 20% kogu keevitustööde mahust; · pealekeevitus. Keevitusprotsesside hulka loetakse ka jootmist, termopindamist ja termolõikamist. Keevituse põhimõisted Keevitus, keevitamine (welding) ­ kahele või enamale osale kuumutamise või surve abil jätkuva kuju andmine. Võidakse kasutada keemiliselt koostiselt sarnast lisamaterjali. Keevitatakse metalle, plaste, komposiite, keraamikat, klaasi jm. Terminit "keevitamine" kasutatakse tegevuse tähenduses ja terminit "keevitus" kui protsessi laiemas tähenduses. Kirjanduses kasutatakse põhiliselt terminit "keevitusprotsess". Keevitustehnoloogia (welding te...

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
47 allalaadimist

Motoorse funktsiooni parandavad harjutused mõõduka halvatusega insuldi järgselt: kodune harjutuste programm

Tervisedensuse teabeleht Tervist. (8.12.2017) 3) Gialanella B, Santoro R, Felucci C. Predicting outcome after stroke: the role of basic activities of daily living. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:629-637. 4) Hyndman D, Pickering R, Ashburn A. Reduced sway during dual task balance performance among people with stroke at 6 and 12 months after discharge from hospital. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2009;23:847-854. 5) Murray K. Stroke Rehab: A Guide for Patients & Caregivers 2017. ers.pdf 6) Rakhmatullina E, Ibragimov M. Principles of restorative treatment post-stroke motor deficit. Practical Medicine 2012: 66-69 (In Russian) 7) Samosyuk I, Flomin Yu, Samosyuk N, Plontkovskaya. Motor recovery after stroke: neurophysiological basis and targets for rehabilitation intervention. International

Geograafia → Geodeesia
7 allalaadimist

Motoorse funktsiooni parandavad harjutused mõõduka insuldi järgselt

Tervisedensuse teabeleht Tervist. (8.12.2017) 3) Gialanella B, Santoro R, Felucci C. Predicting outcome after stroke: the role of basic activities of daily living. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:629-637. 4) Hyndman D, Pickering R, Ashburn A. Reduced sway during dual task balance performance among people with stroke at 6 and 12 months after discharge from hospital. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2009;23:847-854. 5) Murray K. Stroke Rehab: A Guide for Patients & Caregivers 2017. ers.pdf 6) Rakhmatullina E, Ibragimov M. Principles of restorative treatment post-stroke motor deficit. Practical Medicine 2012: 66-69 (In Russian) 7) Samosyuk I, Flomin Yu, Samosyuk N, Plontkovskaya. Motor recovery after stroke: neurophysiological basis and targets for rehabilitation intervention. International

Meditsiin → Füsioterapeut
10 allalaadimist

Liikurmasinate erialane inglise keel

4. Rainfall intensity 4. Saju tugevus 5. Random 5. Juhuslik 6. Rapid curing 6. Kiiresti kivistuv 7. Ravelling 7. Murenemine (katte) 8. Reach of crane 8. Kraana noole ulatus 9. Rear axle 9. Tagatelg 10. Rear dump truck 10. Kallur 11. Rearranging 11. Ümberkorraldus, rekonstruktsioon 12. Refuge island 12. Ohutussaar 13. Remedial maintenance 13. Jooksev korrashoid, remont 14. Repair parts 14. Varuosad 15. Repair truck 15. Tehnilise abi auto 16. Reshaping with grader 16. Tasandusplaneerimine greideriga 17. Resilience 17. Elastsus 18. Restrict 18. Piirama 19. Retreatment 19. Kordustöötlus 20. Revetment 20. Vooderdis, palistus (muldvallil, kraavil) 21. Rigid connection 21. Jäik ühendus 22. Rivulet 22. Oja 23. Road leveller 23. Planeerimismasin 24

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Subaru Legacy 1998 Kere

5-1 [S100] SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE DATA 1. Supplemental Restraint System "Airbag" 1. Supplemental Restraint 2. Body Datum Points System "Airbag" Various master repair locations are established as Airbag system wiring harness is routed on and datum points used during body repairs. In addition, along body panels. guide holes, locators and indents are provided to facilitate panel replacement and achieve alignment CAUTION: accuracy. ¼ All Airbag system wiring harness and con-

Auto → Auto õpetus
5 allalaadimist

Rakubioloogia 2

Praimer eemaldatakse (prokarüootides DNA polümeraas I poolt) ning RNA molekulid asendatakse DNA molekulidega. Toimub uue RNA praimeri liitumine ning järgmise fragmendi süntees. Neid lõike nimetatakse Okazaki fragmentideks ning need liidetakse DNA ligaasi poolt, et saada terviklik DNA ahel. Algsele DNA ahelale liidetakse RNA praimer ning uut ahelat sünteesitakse vastupidiselt replikatsioonikahvli liikumise suunale. RNA primer is erased by a special DNA repair enzyme (an RNAse H) that recognizes an RNA strand in an RNA/DNA helix and fragments it; this leaves gaps that are filed in by DNA polymerase and DNA ligase. Mahajääval ahelal on ahela väikese lõigu ühes otsas RNA praimer ja lõigu teises otsas sünteesib DNA primaas (mis on sisuliselt RNA polümeraas) samuti uue RNA praimeri. DNA plümeraas lisandub uuele RNA praimerile ning sünteesib okazaki fragmendi, kuni vana RNA praimerini, siis eksonukleaasidega eemaldatakse RNA

Bioloogia → Rakubioloogia
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun