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"pets" - 86 õppematerjali

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Kasutaja: pets

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Presentation Weirdest Pets

Presentation "Weirdest pets" Weirdest pets ● Bobcats ● Lions ● Tigers ● Alligators ● Bears ● Hippos ● Reindeer ● Zebras Weirdest pets (2) Most Endangered Species ● Green-cheeked parrot ● Hawksbill turtle ● Black Rhino ● Giant Panda ● Tiger ● Mako shark Most Endangered Species (2) Strongest animals ● Grizzly bear ● Ox ● Gorilla ● Elephant ● Rhinoceros Beetle Smartest animals ● Chimpanzees ● Dolphins ● Elephants ● African Grey Parrot ● Rats ● Giant Octopus Smartest animals (2) Used links

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Family Pets OÜ

1 MAINORI KÕRGKOOL Ärijuhtimise instituut Majandusarvestuse ja finantsjuhtimise eriala ÄRIPLAAN FAMILY PETS OÜ Koostaja: Ingrid Koitla Pärnu 2009 2 SISUKORD 1. ÜLDOSA.........................................................................................................................................3 2. TEENUSE PAKKUMNE JA TURUNDUS...................................................

Majandus → Äriplaan
557 allalaadimist

The Importance of Pets

The Importance of Pets Pets play an important role in today's society and are capable of influencing people's lives in many ways. However, are they really so useful as we think? From an educational standpoint, when you get a pet you will have to take care of a creature which will depend entirely on you. Your pet's life is in your hands and this alone will make you a more responsible person. However, you will always need to keep an eye on your pet and this will restrict your ability to do other things.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
12 allalaadimist

The most unusual pets

The most unusual pets Elephant They live in Africa. Her/his body color is gray. Elephant ears have thick bases with thin tips. Elephants usually have 26 theeth. An elephant’s skin is generally very tough. In walking, the legs act as pendulums, with the hips shoulders rising and falling while the foot is planted on the ground.Fast- moving elephants appear to ’run’ with their front legs, but ’walk’ with their hind legs and can reach a top speed of 18 km/h (11mph). Elephants eat massive amounts of food — in the case of the African elephant, as much as 660 pounds¹ in a single day. They communicate by touch, sight, and sound; elephants use infrasound, and seismic communication over long distances. I choosed that animal becose I love this animal and it's so big and strong. MORE INTERESTING ABOUT THIS ANIMAL : Because of their large size, elephants have a huge impact on their environments ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Why do people have pets?

Why do people have pets? How often did we go to a friend's house and a lovely dog or cat comes to welcome us? Really often. Nowadays the most part of people keeps a pet at home. According to the common thought, people decide to keep pets for many reasons. Firstly, a lot of old people keeps a pet at home to feel less lonely and to have a companion in their everyday life. Pets keeps occupied a lot of time of their days, doing things such as taking the pet out for a walk or play with them. Moreover, families too choose to have a pet in their lives for many reasons, for instance having their baby feel a lot more confident with animals. Historians don't know for sure when humans started keeping pets. Dogs were one of the first animals domesticated by humans and have been domesticated for some 10,000 years. According to ancient Egyptian law, taking the life of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Looma mõju lapse arengule

Looma mõju lapse arengule Lemmiklooma eest hoolitsemine võib parandada lapse sotsiaalseid oskusi, enesekindlust ja enesehinnangut. (Children And Pets..., s.a.) Kui lapsele antakse võimalus tunda vastutust ja kanda looma eest hoolt, võib seeläbi tõusta tema enesehinnang ja enesekindlus. Laps saab tunda, et ta on võimeline oma kohustustega hakkama saama ja kasulik olema. Seda muidugi juhul, kui lapsele antakse talle jõukohaseid ülesandeid. Mida vanemaks laps saab, seda rohkem oskust või aega nõudvaid ülesandeid ta täita võiks. Tihtipeale proovivad juba väiksed lapsed, kes õpivad alles rääkima, oma koduloomadega suhelda

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
11 allalaadimist

Tuhkur(inglise keeles)

Ferret Compilator: MariaEva Maasik Introduction Domesticated mammal Sexually dimorphic prederators Males substantially larger Typically brown,black,white or mixed fur Avarage length 20 inches Weigh 1.54 pounds Lifespan 710 years Hunting rabbits, pets Behavior Crepuscular (1418, dawn and dusk) Social groups Marking territory Scared> emanate a smell Weasel war dance (not agressive,clucking noise) Upset> hissing noise Diet Obligate carnivores Small prey Uses of ferrets Pets Experimental animal model

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Pärilikkuse seaduspärasused

kasutusjuhend – need leiad sa vastavatel ( ja ) nupukestel klikkides. Seejärel tutvu mõne minuti jooksul mudeli võimalustega: vali erinevaid kehaosi ja tunnuste variante ning uuri tunnuste pärandumist järglastel. Selle töölehe täitmiseks on Sul aega 40 minutit! Peegli ees Perekond Kask elas Lasnamäel, suures hallis klaassilmadega majas. Ühel mõnusalt kodusel laupäeva hommikul kammis Pets oma nooremal linalakast õeraasul peegli ees pead. Õde oli kenake: heledapäine ja rõõmsameelne julge tüdrukutirts, kes peres kõikide südamed sulatas ning oma pesamunastaatust mõnuga nautis. Õekese juukseid kammides ja silmanurgast endid hommikusele jalutuskäigule sättivaid vanemaid jälgides, vajus Pets äkki mõttesse – nende peres olid kõik peale pisikese õeraasu tumedapäised. Vend Ants, kes parasjagu sõjaväes oli, isa, ema… Ka Pets ise oli tume mis tume

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
33 allalaadimist

Pet therapy

with their injuries.  During the 1970's, scientific interest was rekindled by a study that had originally set out to examine the connection between social conditions and heart disease. Quite by chance, researchers discovered that the survival rate of people who owned a pet was significantly greater than those who didn't. At first, they treated these findings with suspicion, but the more research that was done, the more conclusive the proof became. People with pets really were living longer.  It was discovered that stroking a cat or dog lowers a human being’s blood pressure and reduces anxiety. Just having an animal around you can lower your heart rate. Cats and dogs aren't the only pets that can help you to relax either. A dental school in America has discovered that gazing at fish in a tank helps patients relax before undergoing dental treatment.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Loomade mõju lapse arengule

Mõned uuringud on näidanud, et loomaomanikud kipuvad haigestuma harvemini. Toetudes 2012 aasta uuringule, tehti selgeks, et lapsed kes elasid koos koertega olid üldisemalt tervemad esimesel eluaastal, lastel esines vähem hingamisprobleeme ja kõrvapõletikke, kui lastel kes elasid majapidamises kus polnud lemmikloomi. Teine lemmiklooma omamist toetav näide on see, et lemmikloomade patsutamine ja harjamine vähendab stressi nii lastevanematel kui lastel (The benefits of pets for kids). Lemmikloomad mängivad laste arengus väga tähtsat rolli ning nende panus laste arengusse on nii psühholoogiline kui füüsiline. Lemmikud maandavad stressi ja on niisama toredad kaaslased tervele perekonnale. Kasutatud materjalid

Psühholoogia → Arengupsühholoogia
6 allalaadimist


MY PET K IR S IKA KÕI V MÕNISTE SCHOOL TABLE OF CONTENT • Who he is? • Cat • He like to • Family • Looks • Eat • Friends • Odher pets • Why I like it WHO HE IS? • He is cat • He name is Pauli • He is a half- Siamese cat PAULI`S PICTURE CAT • He is a two and a half years • He was a three-day when got it . HE LIKE TO • He likes to play with me • He like to eat • He ike walking LOOKS • It weighs six kilograms. • He is brown, white and black spotted cat. FAMILY • He is a mother of shelter

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

If I Were A Millionaire

would be millions of ways how to spend it. As to the point that my family has been the most precious fortune for me, I would give at least one third of that to my loved ones. I think that this would be a clever action. Second, if I would have the chance then I would purchase all these things I have wanted in my entire life. I would definitely buy an enormous but cozy house where I could finally make my dream come true - have as many pets as I want! I have wanted to own as many pets as possible since I was a little girl, so it would be my opportunity to play and take care of all those kittens and puppies. Third, I would also spend much money on different schools. I have always dreamed about attending in an expensive and great school were is possible to get an auspicious education. I would also give some money to charity. I do not mean just any other charity, I would basically donate to children and babies. Why so? Because they can not help

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Computer games

with your family and friends. People sometimes spend too much time in front of the screen, so they are not in the street with their friends. Furthermore, some video games are very aggressive and can influence our behaviour negatively. I believe that if video games are used properly and in the correct measure, they can be fun, but, in my opinion, it is much more interesting to be out with friends and enjoy the fresh air. HAVING A PET Many people today buy or adopt pets because they are very friendly. However, they are sometimes abandoned because they are a big responsibility. Therefore, we can say that having a pet has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, having a pet is a good way to become more responsible, because you have to care for it: take it for a walk, feed it or wash it. In addition, pets are a very good companion and you can play with them as well as teach them orders or customs, like to dogs or cats.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


life and doing something right or wrong yet. When they grew up, went to school and sometimes got bad marks, I didn't yell at them. I think it's very wrong. My mother never yelled at me when I got bad marks or everything wasn't so good in school because life teach us and the lifeschool is the best school. When Oliver tould me that he wanted a dog, we brought him a dog for his birthday and Merilin tould us that she wanted a bunny, so we brought her a bunny. It's normal to have pets especially if you have a big house. And if my children is happy when they get these pets what they want, then I'm happy too. I think that when my children get more older and will start going to parties, I won't forbid them to go there, because the more than I forbid them, the more they wanted to break these rules and the result is that they will go to a party anyway but just secretly and not telling me anything. I think the trust is the foremost thing in life and also in

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Keemiline side

Nimi: Kool: Klass: 11 Keemiline side Meie ja maailm Ühel neist imelistest talvepäevadest, mil päike siras ning lumi maagiliselt helkles, olid Pets ja Aiku otsustanud Kuutsemäele oma mäesuusaoskusi proovima minna. Kõik oli olnud kena hetkeni, kui Aiku, olles esimesel mäel juba liialt julgeks läinud tagumisele mäele läks, sealt vuhinal alla sõitis, ning... kukkus. Nüüd lebas ta haiglas, kipsis jalg üles tõstetud, meel mõru ning ootas klassivend Petsi saabumist. Too oli lubanud talle koolitükke seletama tulla. Kui Pets kohale jõudis, alustati keemia õppimisega. Seekord oli teemaks keemiline side. Alustati kordamisega

Keemia → Keemia
71 allalaadimist

Südame talitluse tööleht

Kehalise kasvatuse tunnis Kui väljas ilmad juba külmaks olid läinud ning õues enam jalgpalli taguda ei saanud, armastasid poisid kehalise kasvatuse tunnis korvpalli mängida. Täna oli hea mängida ­ klassi oli tulnud uus õpilane ning nüüd oli poisse just parasjagu niipalju, et võrdsete liikmete arvuga võistkonnad moodustada. Mäng läks lahti. Mäng oli põnev ja kiire. Ühtäkki märkasid poisid, et Pets väljakult ära kõndis ning varbseina äärde maha istus. Kuna poisid ei saanud aru, miks kaaslane nii kummaliselt käitus, koondusid nad hämmeldunult Petsi ümber. Klassi kõige julgem poiss Aiku võttis Petsi käe ning hakkas selle randmelt pulssi lugema. Seda, milline on südame tavaline löögisagedus, Aiku teadis. Petsi pulsisagedus oli teistsugune. 1. Kui suur on tavaline pulsisagedus ja milline võis see olla Petsil? Tavaline pulsisagedus on 60-90 lööki min

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
29 allalaadimist

Reply letter

and Iwould like to ask some questsions. I wolud like to know about the furniture, whether the furniture stays in apartment, if it stays in then the price is very good for me. I would like to know about windows, how many windows are there. How is it about parking? How many parkilng lot is for each appartment. How is about neighbours, are they noisy or not? Is there central heating or stove and how much you pay for utilities per month. Can I take pets , whether neighbours accept me if I have Bulldog. I am looking forward to hearing from you Yours faithfully Kaspar Bork

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Letter homework

Morgan Holiday Home Address: My address: 6 February 2014 Beachside Holiday Home Dear Sir or Madam, My family is planning to spend a month in England and we wish to rent a holiday house. I have found the advertisement in the Internet and I am going to ask some questions. First of all I wonder if pets are allowed in the house of family booking? We have a dog and that would be really very difficult to leave him at home alone for two weeks. What about extra fee car parking? How much would it cost? Is there a fridge in the kitchen? I am also interested in price. All the rent costs 252 €? Including bed linen & towels? Or we have to take along our toiletries? And finally: What about internet access? Do you have it? Looking forward to your answer, Yours faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Kodutute loomade varjupaigad eestis

varjupaik ja kliinik varjupaik Eesti Loomakaitse Liit 1999 Seltsid Teise maailmasõja ajal sundlikvideerimisel katkes kõigi 2000 Eesti heategevus Loomakaitse Selts organisatsioonide mittetulundusühingute tegevus registris Suurimad loomakaitse organisatsioonid Eestis Eesti Loomakaitse Selts ­ igasuguse elu kaitsmine ja säilitamine Pets ­ KohtlaJärve varjupaik, ühiskonna parandamine Varjupaikade MTÜ ­ hüljatud loomade abistamine Eesti loomade varjupaigad Eestis tegutseb 12 Haapsalu varjupaika: KohtlaJärve Tallinna Saaremaa Tartu Kiviõli Pärnu Rakvere Viljandi Võru Virumaa Valga Loomade olukord 2009. aastal Suhtumine annetused, hoiukodud Varjupaigad aktiivsemad

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö
44 allalaadimist

Report "youth activities"

The aim of this report is to analyse the hobbies of the Estonian and the Russian youth in Tallinn.It is based on Estonian human Development Report 2009. it seems that Estonian and Russian youth most like sport activities ,in addition they are concerned about studying languages too.Dancing is also an occupation what is very popular amongst younger generation. It appears they have a lot of similar hobbies although percentages seem to different by nationality. These are drama groups,health clubs,folk groups,religious groups and car driving. In general it seems taht Russian and Estonian children are very active and keen on to providing for a bright future. Despite of many similarities there are some differences too.Surprisingly Estonian youngsters are not very interested in photography,pets' clubs,computer studies and youth societies.Although for compensation, they sing in choirs and they do handicraft.As we can see from the chart, Russ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Roald Dahl “The Landlady” Worksheet 3

Roald Dahl “The Landlady” Worksheet 3 21. The landlady says: “They’re all on the third floor, both of them together.” This contradicts  another sentence; which one? ……………………………………………………………………………….. 22. Find out about the landlady’s hobby: Landlady’s hobby is to make stuffed animals. 23. What happened to the other guests and what is going to happen to Billy? The other guests are stuffed. Billy is going to be also stuffed like all the animals and guests (Billy drinks tea, what contains poison, and he will die). 24. Read the story again and look at the disturbing details and explain in what way they  announce and explain what will take place Disturbing elements How to explain them She smells like walnuts, because of chemicals  The landlady’s smell ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The landlady worksheet 3

The landlady's smell she uses for men stuffing. The guests had never left from there The other guests are still on the third floor She poisoned the boys and stuffed them. The landlady has seen their naked bodies The pets are not real. She stuffed the parrot and the dog The tea tastes weird/funny. The tea tastes of bitter almonds The landlady wants to remember Billy's name Billy wrote his name on the guestbook. later on

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


PÄEVAD MIS AJASID SEGADUSSE FILMI KOKKUVÕTE INIMENE Tegelased Allar ­ Hendrik Toompere jr Juulius ­ Juhan Ulfsak Nele ­ Jaanika Arum Maria ­ Klaudia Tiitsmaa Pontu ­ Taavi Eelmaa Pets ­ Kait Kall Andres ­ Kristjan Lüüs Toomas ­ Reigo Sagor Mattias ­ Juss Haasmaa Mis ja miks filmis juhtus? Peategelane Ei tööta ega õpi Vaba aja veetmine Juuliusega kohtumine Valikute tegemine Suhted Tegude eest vastutamine Peategelase muutus filmi jooksul Võib öelda, et filmi jooksul peategelane muutus mehisemaks ja julgemaks, kui võttis osa illegaalsest rahateenimisvõimalusest, mida Juulius talle pakkus. Lõpuks sai Allar

Filmikunst → Filmikunst
6 allalaadimist


* 2001: "Jalgpall on parem kui sex" (Hitivabrik) * 2003: "Ainult unustamiseks" (Hendrik Sal-Saller / Bulldozer) * 2004: "Ainult armastusest" (Bulldozer; kogumikalbum) * 2005: "Live Unplugged" (Hendrik Sal-Saller / Elwood Muusik; kontsertalbum, CD+DVD) * 2005: "Esimene Eesti tuur" (Bulldozer; kontsertalbum) * 2007: "Õhus on Smilers" (Bulldozer) * 2008: "Smilers ETV Live" (DVD/CD) Tuntumad palad · "Lähme sõidame (minu auto)" · "Tantsin sinuga taevas" · "Mina, Pets, Margus & Priit" · "Käime katuseid mööda" · "Jalgpall on parem kui sex" · "Aega parajaks teen" · "Mõistus on kadunud" · "Ära viska mind ära" Auhinnad Raadio 2 aastahitt · 1998: I koht eesti lugude arvestuses "Tantsin sinuga taevas" (1216 häält) · 1999: II koht eesti lugude arvestuses "Läbi elu" (1063 häält) · 2001: II koht eesti lugude arvestuses "Mina, Pets, Margus & Priit" (1480 häält)

Muusika → Muusika
42 allalaadimist

Formal letter about holiday

Firstly, i would like to get some more information about the hotels and the cities we are going to visit. I was also wondering if there's going to be a tour guide to talk about the history of Sweden. Could you tell me more about these things? Secondly, I am a little bit worried about my health. Could you send me information about the diseases and health risks in this country, just in case. And i was also wondering if the health insurance is included? I would also like to know if pets are allowed in the hotels as my friend is having dog allergy. Thirdly, it's said that the price includes everything except the museums. Could you possibly tell me how much money is needed for these museums and are they obligatory? We would also like to buy some souvenirs if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Name

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

How to save fresh water?

We all know what the problem is. Our lakes are dirty, people are wasting water for no reason not understanding how important it is not to waste it because we may soon run out of fresh water. It can seem like there's no solution, but there is! A few simple changes can help a lot. First of all, it is really important to keep our lakes clean, because nature is the premier source of fresh water. So people should stop dropping garbage into the lakes or near them. And walking pets near the lakes is also not such a good idea. It's not very nice to find some animal's body wastes while going to swim. Secondly, think about how much water you use. A few simple steps could save your money and help protect the environment. For example you should prefer shower to bath or you should turn the water off while brushing your teeth. Finally, people who work in agriculture, should start collecting rainwater to water their fields and gardens. It's much cheaper and naturefriendly.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Is it better to live in a city or is the countryside?

They are two entirely different ways of life - each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Most of the younger generation lives in the city because there is much more to do than in the countryside. You can go to the cinema, to a theatre, shopping, clubbing, to a gym etc. You will never run out of activities to do. While that may be true, there are some things that you can only do in the countryside for example going fishing, camping or playing outside with your pets. A calm rural lifestyle is for people who enjoy peace and quiet. In addition to that there is fresh air, which is good for your health. You are also more likely to be more active and walk in the nature. Having said that, in the city there are hospitals and drugstores nearby, so if you get sick or injured, you will have drugs and helpful doctors right around the corner. From my point of view, living in a city is easier and better

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Dream Home (inglise keel)

DREAM HOME Grete Murr DS-12 24.05.13 Location · Estonia · Saaremaa · In the countryside · By the sea · Not far from Kuressaare Dwelling · A small house or a cottage · Light and calm colours · Big windows Kitchen · Spacious · Light furniture · Details to give colour Livingroom · Spacious · Big windows · Long white lace curtains · Some old recycled furniture · A lot of flowers · Photos and paintings on walls · Details (pillows) to give colour Bedroom · Big windows and a small balcony · Bedclothes to give colour · Soft carpets · A lot of pillows · Filled with daylight Bathroom · Spacious and lightful · A corner with an armchair · Light blue, green shades Conservatory · A lot of big windows · Cozy furniture · A lot of flowers, plants · Place to relax Garden · Big and spacious · Small pond · Lots of different flowers,plants · Pergola and a small gardenhouse · Apple- and cherrytree garden · M...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Presentation about three popular sights in Estonia

· Beach and spa city . · 1 kilometer long . · The best and the most popular beach in Estonia · The beach is way of living . · Water is shallow and safe . · Priced guarded parking and bicycle parking . You can find at Pärnu Beach : - First aid - Cabanas - Toilets - Shop - Bar - Nightclub - Rental of beach chairs and towels - Water attractions - Children playground It is not allowed (prohibited) to bring pets to the beach !!! Some pictures ... Lahemaa National Park Lahemaa National Park is 70 km east of Tallinn and covers 725 km . The largest . Has a diverse (mitmekülgne) landscape . Home to numerous birds and animals . Rich variety of fauna . There are permanent communities of bear, wolf and lynx in the park so keep your camera on standby . It's also home to ... migratory waterfowl ...and swans . In this Park you will see the deep dark pine (mänd) forest . Hiiumaa

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

The Witches by Roald Dahl (11küsimust)

The guiz about the book ``The Witches`` by Roald Dahl 1. How did the boys parents die? A.In a ship wreck B.They drowned C. A car accident D.They were killed by burgulars 2. Where lived the boys grandmother? A. In Norwegia B.In England C.In Kanada D. In Finland 3. Do witches have big nostrils? A.No B. Not too big and not too small C. The dont have an nose D. Yes 4. What pets did the grandmother give to his grandson? A. Two turtels B.Two mice C. Two parrots E. Two cats 5. What was the name of the potion that turned people into mice? A. The fast mouse maker B. Formula 87 Delayed Acton Mouse- Maker C. Formula 86 Delayed Acton Mouse- Maker D. The fast way to rodents 6. Whom did the witches hate the most? A. Children B. Grownups C. Mice D. Turtels 7. How did the witches call the head WITCH? A. Boss B. Majesty of all witches C. The Grand High Witch D

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Traveling packages

Traveling packages in French Polynesia Geity Villem Luxorious Four Seasons Resort in Bora Bora 5 · Aerobics ,boating ,ecotours,helicopter/airplane tours ,motor boating, parasailing, personal motorized watercraft, pilates ,playground,running track/path ,sailing ,scuba diving,snorkeling,surfing/boo gie boarding, swimming In ,tennis,volleyball the price: ,water skiing Plane ,windsurfing ,yoga tickets Allclasses/instruction inclusive Click to edit Master text styles 7 nights Second level Water taxi to the resort and to Third level the airport Fourth level Private beach ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Keele funktsioonid

                          Keele funktsioonid. Nimeta, milliseid funktsioone täidab keel. Too iga funktsiooni juurde ka näide. Keel kui kommunikatsioonivahend Keele vahendusel edastavad suhtlejad teineteisele uut informatsiooni. See toimub signaalide abil. Keele abil on võimalik kirjeldada olukordi, jagada korraldusi, esitada küsimusi, valetada, st anda pettesignaale. Näide: Keele aluseks on kõne ehk häälikuline väljendus. Keel kui süsteem eksisteerib kasutaja oskusena, st keelemärkide ning reeglite kogumine, mida kasutades on inimene võimeline väljendama oma mõtteid. Keel kui mõtlemisvahend Mõtted esinevad teadvuses põhiliselt keelelisel kujul, st mõisted sõnadena ja mõtted lausetena. Samas pole kogu mõtlemine keeleline - osa mõtlemisprotsesse on mitteverbaalsed. Näide: kõnevõimeline inimene kasutab mõtlemisel visuaalseid vorme: ruumilised kujundid, liikumine (sarnasus, seosed) Keel kui suhete hoidja Suhete hoidm...

Keeled → Keeleteadus
31 allalaadimist

Retsensioon etendusest "Mündi lõhn".

Retsensioon „Mündi lõhn“ Käisin 15. märtsil vaatamas Kuressaare Linnateatri teost „Mündi lõhn“, mis etendus Kuressaare Linnuse Kapiitlisaalis. Tüki oli kirjutanud teartri direktor Piret Rauk ja lavastajaks oli teatri loomejuht Aarne Mägi. Näidend koosnes kahest vaatusest. Näitlejateks olid Olavi Pets, Urmas Lehtsalu, Mati Talvistu, Piret Rauk, Merilin Kirbits, Hannes Prikk ja Priit Lõhmus. Esimeses vaatuses toodi meieni sündmused, mis juhtuvad lossis tänapäeval. Vaatus algas juhustaja sisse tulekuga (Olavi Pest), kes rääkis lossi seisukorrast. Lossi on müüki pannud Härra Hesse (Urmas Lehtsalu) ja selle ostab ära minister (Mati Talvistu), kes oma perega sinna ka elama kolib. Ministril on naine proua Anna (Piret Rauk) ja tütar Luise (Merilin Kirbits)

Teatrikunst → Teater
3 allalaadimist

Rules are to be followed-disagree or agree?

The people of Britain are more polite than Estonians.The manners,greetings and small talks have to be considerable if you want to leave a British person a good impression. When the question is ­small talk,big deal?Then in my opinion,there are certain rules,which kind of topics are allowed or not allowed.For the small talks you can`t talk about politics or money.Also bragging isn`t polite.Safe topics are for example asking about pets or about the life of some celebrates.For British,this kind of small talks are very important.One wrong word can ruine the whole impression of you. Bad manners are the biggest problems facing Britain.Spitting and swearing are the most popular ones, along with not saying please or thank you .In britain it is absolutely unacceptable to visit someone unannounced or to blow your nose in front of the other people.But in Estonia these things aren`t really big deal

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The British Royal Family

50 Over 60/ Student (with valid ID) £15.00 8. Find out 10 first successors (line of succession) - Sophia of Hanover George I George II Frederick, Prince of Wales George III Prince Edward Victoria Edward VII George V George VI Elizabeth II 9. What are the dates (2) of Queen's birthdays? 1) The Queen's actual birthday is on 21 April 2) Her birthday is officially celebrated in Britain on the 3rd Saturday of June each year. 10. What kind of pets does the Queen have? -The Queen takes a keen and highly knowledgeable interest in horses. -Labradors 11. How many and what cars are used by the Royal Family? -There are eight State limousines

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

management and hunting. First hypothesis before deeper research is that all such organizations are against all sort of hunting. When mentioned animal rights people usually think about people fighting against wearing furs and keeping animals in cages, but when delving deeper into this there are many problems that animal rights organizations/ movements are addressing. There are also those organizations that have not made any statements about hunting, some of those concentrate only on pets (mostly cats and dogs) but some just don’t mention hunting in any way. These types of organizations have been left out from this report. Below are listed some organizations, their goals and views on hunting. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is largest and most known animal rights organization in the world. They mostly concentrate their attention on factory farms, clothing trade, animal testing and entertainment industry. When going to PETA webpage

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Palm oil

Indonesia are considered to be critically endangered as a consequence of this unsustainable development that is rapidly encroaching on their habitat. There are over 300,000 different animals found throughout the jungles of Borneo and Sumatra, many of which are injured, killed and displaced during deforestation. In addition, palm oil development increases accessibility of animals to poachers and wildlife smugglers who capture and sell wildlife as pets, use them for medicinal purposes or kill them for their body parts. The destruction of rainforests in Borneo and Sumatra is therefore not only a conservation emergency, but a major animal welfare crisis as well. Wildlife such as orangutans have been found buried alive, killed from machete attacks, guns and other weaponry. Government data has shown that over 50,000 orangutans have already died as a result of deforestation due to palm oil in the last two decades. This either

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Smilers kokku umbes 150 kontserti. Koosseis Alates Smilersi asutamisest on bändi juhtfiguuriks laulja, laulukirjutaja ning kitarrist Hendrik Sal-Saller. Ansambli ülejäänud koosseis on alates asutamisest oluliselt muutunud, peamine tendents on olnud Soome päritolu muusikute osakaalu vähenemine. Mõned endised liikmed: Petteri Hasa (trummid), Jarmo Haapanen (trummid), Peevo (kitarr), Lauri Murtomaa (kitarr). Tuntumad palad "Lähme sõidame (minu auto)" "Tantsin sinuga taevas" "Mina, Pets, Margus & Priit" "Käime katuseid mööda" "Jalgpall on parem kui sex" "Aega parajaks teen" "Mõistus on kadunud" "Ära viska mind ära" Auhinnad Eesti Muusikaauhinnad: 1998: Aasta Hittlugu "Tantsin sinuga taevas" 2004: Aasta Artist 2005: Aasta Artist Kuldne plaat: 2004: Aasta Raadiohitt 2004 "Ainult unustamiseks" [2] 2005: Aasta Raadiohitt 2005 "Käime katuseid mööda"[3] 2007: Aasta Raadiohitt 2007 "Üle tumeda vee" [4] 2008: Aasta Ansambel 2008 Aitäh kuulamast!

Muusika → poppmuusika
6 allalaadimist

Exceli Kordamine 2-1- 2

Pr. Tihemets Tiina Tihemets Kärt Kärme Pr. Pr. Kärme Kärt Kärme Toomas Tootlik Hr. Hr. Tootlik Toomas Tootlik Ats Pihlakas Hr. Hr. Pihlakas Ats Pihlakas Netti Suvi Pr. Pr. Suvi Netti Suvi Pets Tamm Hr. Hr. Tamm Pets Tamm Juts Paju Hr. Hr. Paju Juts Paju Riin Klütze Pr. Pr. Klütze Riin Klütze Ints Vaher Hr. Hr. Vaher Ints Vaher Kats Pärn Pr. Pr. Pärn Kats Pärn Malts Kuusk Hr. Hr. Kuusk Malts Kuusk Velts Mänd Hr. Hr

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
14 allalaadimist

Referaat Emma Watson

Essay Full Name: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson Nicknames: Em, OneTakeWatson Age: 17 Birthdate: April 15th 1990 Place of Birth: Paris, France Hometown: Oxfordshire, England Hair: Dark Blonde Eyes: Brown Parents: Jacqueline Luesby & Chris Watson Siblings: brother Alex Pets: 1 Cat About Emma Watson: Emma Watson was born in Paris, France to Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson, English lawyers who lived in France at the time; she has a younger brother named Alex. She lived in Paris until age five, then moved with her mother and brother to Oxford, England. Watson attended The Dragon School, a private preparatory school, until June 2003, when she moved to Headington School, a private allgirls school in Oxford. In June 2006, Watson sat GCSE examinations in 10 subjects, achieving eight A+ and two A grades. She is studying for her Advanced Subsidiary (AS) levels in Dance, Art and English literature. Watson is an ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country

The advantages and disadvantages of living in the country Who wouldn't dream about beautiful views and privacy in their own communities, where people can enjoy all the amenities offered by the nature. But whether is it always such modest opportunities enough good for everyone to be happy with their life? If you choose to be settled on land, you should consider some of the disadvantages, but don't have to disappoint for the advantages. There are many advantages of living in the countryside. First of all, you can always enjoy your privacy, there are few city noise and inquisitive passerby, who usually do not go there. In most of cases, country house is built on a large area, which is still a dwelling house in addition to other buildings, such as a sauna or a barn. Great yard for children are convenient and good for playing, also there is suitable to grow some animals and keep pets. There is clean and fresh air, forest...

Keeled → Inglise keel
81 allalaadimist

Südame talitlus

Kehalise kasvatuse tunnis Kui väljas ilmad juba külmaks olid läinud ning õues enam jalgpalli taguda ei saanud, armastasid poisid kehalise kasvatuse tunnis korvpalli mängida. Täna oli hea mängida – klassi oli tulnud uus õpilane ning nüüd oli poisse just parasjagu niipalju, et võrdsete liikmete arvuga võistkonnad moodustada. Mäng läks lahti. Mäng oli põnev ja kiire. Ühtäkki märkasid poisid, et Pets väljakult ära kõndis ning varbseina äärde maha istus. Kuna poisid ei saanud aru, miks kaaslane nii kummaliselt käitus, koondusid nad hämmeldunult Petsi ümber. Klassi kõige julgem poiss Aiku võttis Petsi käe ning hakkas selle randmelt pulssi lugema. Seda, milline on südame tavaline löögisagedus, Aiku teadis. Petsi pulsisagedus oli teistsugune. 1. Kui suur on tavaline pulsisagedus ja milline võis see olla Petsil?_________________________

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
5 allalaadimist

Lemmikloomade mõju loodusele

Männil, P & Saarma, U. 2009. Geneetiline analüüs tõestas hundi ja koera hübriidid Eestis. Eesti Loodus nr. 9, lk 6-13. 5 2) Johnson, M. 2009. How do I reduce my pet's carbon footprint? Kättesaadav: carbon-footprint (viimati külastatud 02.11.2009) . 3) Keith, C. 2007. The environmental impact of pets, Part 2: what you can do. Kättesaadav: (viimati külastatud 02.11.2009) . 6

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
22 allalaadimist

Jan Uuspõld

Jan Uuspõld Jan Uuspõld (sündinud 14. detsembril 1973 Tallinnas) on eesti näitleja. Töötanud 1998­2005 Eesti Draamateatri näitlejana. Alates aastast 2006 Vanemuise teatri draamanäitleja. 1998. aastal lõpetas EMA Kõrgema Lavakunstikooli (XVIII lend). Rollid Eesti Draamateatris · (Betti Alver, Priit Pedajas "Lugu valgest varesest", 1996) EMA Kõrgema Lavakunstikooli diplomilavastus · Luudo (Madis Kõiv "Peiarite õhtunäitus", 1997) EMA Kõrgema Lavakunstikooli diplomilavastus · Doolittle (Alan Jay Lerner, Frederick Loewe "Minu veetlev leedi", 1997) EMA Kõrgema Lavakunstikooli diplomilavastus · Pietro Belcampo, Õuemarssal, dominikaani munk, kohtunik (Madis Kõiv "Kuradieliksiir", 1998) · Arg lõvi (A. Bradley "Võlur Oz", 1998) · Karl Orsa (T. Lindgren "Mao tee kalju peal", 1998) · Taavet (M. Kõiv "Kui me Moondsundi Vasseliga kreeka pähkleid...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Shopping in London

Fourth level Fifth level Harrod's Harrods is a high-end department store located on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge. Harrods founder Charles Henry Harrod first set up shop in 1824. The store's 330 departments offer a wide range of products and services. Products on offer include clothing for every sort of customer, electronics, jewellery, sporting gear, bridal trousseau, pets and pet accessories, toys, food and drink, health and beauty items, packaged gifts, stationery, housewares, home appliances, furniture, and much more. Throughout its history, the store has had a total of five owners. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Arvutid I - Skannerid

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL INFOTEHNOLOOGIA TEADUSKOND IAF0041 Arvutid I Skanner Üliõpilane: Matrikli number: Juhendaja: dotsent Teet Evartson Tallinn 2014 Autorideklaratsioon Kinnitan, et käesolev töö on minu töö tulemus ja seda ei ole minu ega kellegi teise poolt varem esitatud. Kõik töö koostamisel kasutatud teiste autorite tööd, olulised seisukohad, kirjandusallikatest ja mujalt pärinevad andmed on viidatud 28.05.2014 Nimetus ja ajalugu Tänapäevamaailmas kasutatavate skannerite eellaseks võib pidada faksiaparaatide sees olevaid kujundi sisestamise seadmeid. Nimetus ,,Skanner" või ,,Skänner" on võetud eestikeeles kasutusele laensõnana ja tuletatud seadme ingliskeelsest terminist ,,scanner". Seadme nimetus on omakorda tul...

Informaatika → Informaatika
9 allalaadimist

Juhiabi exceli kordamine 1

Tihemets Kärt Kärme Pr. Pr. Kärme Kärt Kärme K. Kärme Toomas Tootlik Hr. Hr. Tootlik Toomas Tootlik T. Tootlik Ats Pihlakas Hr. Hr. Pihlakas Ats Pihlakas A. Pihlakas Netti Suvi Pr. Pr. Suvi Netti Suvi N. Suvi Pets Tamm Hr. Hr. Tamm Pets Tamm P. Tamm Juts Paju Hr. Hr. Paju Juts Paju J. Paju Riin Klütze Pr. Pr. Klütze Riin Klütze R. Klütze Ints Vaher Hr. Hr. Vaher Ints Vaher I. Vaher Kats Pärn Pr. Pr. Pärn Kats Pärn K. Pärn Malts Kuusk Hr. Hr

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
35 allalaadimist


completed the courses ...; I graduated from Oxford university ...; obtained a degree in ... Closing line: I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. (in case you need a reply) I enclose my CV and I would be glad to attend an interview any time convenient to you. I look forward to hearing from you / receiving your response in the near future / in due course. 7) Letter of enquiry Begin: I am writing in connection with/to inquire about your advertisement in the September issue of Pets magazine. Indirect questions!!! Do not only mention prompts, but give support (use them naturally in a letter, do not just list questions!) I would be grateful if you could … I would like to know what breeds are accepted I would also like to know some information on … Another matter I need information on is … Closing line: I look forward to receiving … I would appreciate if you could inform me as soon as possible. 8) Letter giving information

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Boyband – suurejooneline muusikalielamus

,,Boyband". Idee seda muusikali vaatama ja kuulama minna tekkis üsna spontaanselt. Olin varem selle etenduse kohta kuulnud ainult positiivseid kommentaare ning seetõttu tahtsin ära näha, mis teeb ühe muusikali nii populaarseks, et mõned inimesed seda lausa mitmeid kordi vaatamas on käinud ja võiksid iga kell uuesti minna. Muusikali peategelasteks olid fantaseeritud poistebändi Freedom lauljad Sander (Koit Toome), Tom (Tambet Seling), Mark (Sten Karpov), Jan (Priit Loog) ja Pets (Bert Raudsep). Ansambli mänedzeriks oli Vooland (Indrek Taalmaa). Mänezeri abiline oli Sandy (Ireen Kennik) ning meediaspetsialistiks oli Robert (Ahti Puudersell). Kaks suurepärast kõrvalnäitlejat olid Kaili Viidas ja Liis Laigna, kes mõlemad mängisid etenduse jooksul kuni viit erinevat rolli. Muusikali oli kaasatud ka tantsutüdrukud, kes said sinna läbi konkursi. Tantsijannad on kõik aastaid tantsinud Laine Mägi Tantsukoolis ning tegu on tõeliselt professionaalsete neidudega.

Muusika → Muusika
7 allalaadimist

Keele olemus

I osa. KEEL ja KEELED 1. KEELE OLEMUS "Keel ja ühiskond" X klassile 1. ptk Mare Hallop KiNG 2.09.2013 30.10.2012 Polüfunktsionaalne suhtlemisvahend mõtlemisvahend näitab kõneleja vahendab identiteeti emotsioone võimaldab maagilisi reguleerib suhteid rituaale (needmine, loits) ,,Emakeel on inimese tähtsaim side maailmaga, ühiskonnaga, ligimestega." (Hint 1995:3) Keel ja kommunikatsioon · Ürgseim kommunikatsioonisüsteem põhineb valuaistingul: VALU signaal ­ ,,oht elule" · Organism püüab vältida hukkumist, valu hoia...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
19 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun