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"marine" - 178 õppematerjali

marine - klassi tubadest, peretubadest, Double de Luxe tubadest ja sviitidest avaneb kaunis ja hindamatu merevaade.

Kasutaja: Marine

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Ristna Sea Store

Ristna Sea Store Ristna Sea Store (in Estonian called Mere Kaubamaja) is an exhibition which was founded in 2009. It's located in Ristna. Ristna Sea Store introduces the topic of marine debris in the Baltic Sea. This exhibition includes all items which are found from the coast of Hiiumaa. All these products have came from the polluted Baltic Sea. This is where it's located. We went there with 3 of us. We took pictures and collected some information about marine debris in the Baltic Sea aswell. This is how the museum looks like from the outside. Here are our students in front of the Ristna Sea Store sign. The most common components of marine debris in the Baltic Sea are food waste and packages. 31-43% of marine debris are plastic bottles and even 50-63% of marine debris is plastic. Marine debris is harmful for everyone. It causes garbage ingestion and entanglement for marine animals

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


AkvaMaster CCS - . AkvaMarina CCS, . , , AkvaMarina . 5 , , . , . AkvaSensor , , . . BLRT Marketex AkvaMaster CCS, AkvaMarina CCS, AkvaSensor. 12-18 . , , , , . - , , - GSM GPS . « » « » 4-6 . 100-140 , 0.8 ­ 1,2 . EUR 6 Marine Construction AS Marine Construction AS 1992 . 90- Marine Construction AS . Marine Harvest, Fjord Seafood, Stolt Sea Farm, Pan Fish ( Omega Salmon Group). Marine Construction AS. , Marine Construction. Marine Construction . - , SystemFarm 24x24 . , Marine Construction : · - · · · · · · Marine Construction . 7 Marine Construction , .

Keeled → Vene keel
46 allalaadimist

Deep sea

What is deep sea? Deep sea is nothing but the stumpy level in the marine that is found in the depth of more than 1800 m. This area is completely dark because no light can make a way inside it. 71 % portion of the earth is occupied by water and people are utilizing ocean for various purposes such as transportation, fishing, exploration and many more. However, the deep part of the sea is still remains untouched. Seeing the situation majority of the scientist thought that life would be scant in the deep sea, but almost each search has discovered that life is

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

"Northern Europe’s seas. Norther Europe’s environment"

Norther Europe’s environment" by Britt Aniansson. Oceans and seas are polluted every day by different substances that reach the waters from different sources on land and at the sea. The author points out four main problems in the marine environment. One of the main problems is the chemical pollution which is caused by natural or man- made halogenated compounds, pesticides, dioxins, chlorinated organic materieals and so on. These compounds are causing deformage in marine animals and are storaged in their fatty tissues. They have also been found in organisms throughout the world oceans because they are dispersed quickly by winds and currents. Another problem that affects the marine life is excess phosphorus and nitrogen flow into the sea from towns, factories and other man-made sources which cause intense algae growth. Algal blooming consumes large amounts of dissolved oxygen and in areas with poorer water

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Fishing down the food web. What can we do to help? WHAT IS OVERFISHING?: Overfishing can be defined in a number of ways. However, everything comes down to one simple point: Catching too much fish for the system to support leads to an overall degradation (degrödašon) to the system. Overfishing is a non-sustainable use of the oceans. WHAT IS CAUSING OVERFISHING?: Worldwide, fishing fleets are two to three times as large as needed to take present day catches of fish and other marine species (spiišis) and as what our oceans can sustainably support. On a global scale we have enough fishing capacity (cäpaseti) to cover at least four Earth like planets. On top of the overcapacity many fishing methods (methouds) are unsustainable in their own way. These methods have a large impact on the basic functioning of our marine ecosystems (ikousistem). These unselective fishing practices and gear cause tremendous destruction on non target (taaged) species.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


 Fishing down the food web (toitumisahela võrgustik)  What can we do to help? WHAT IS OVERFISHING?  Catching too much fish for the system to support leads to an overall degradation to the system.  Overfishing is a non-sustainable use of the oceans. WHAT IS CAUSING OVERFISHING?  Worldwide, fishing fleets are at least two to three times as large as needed to take present day catches of fish and other marine species.  On a global scale we have enough fishing capacity to cover at least four Earth like planets.  Overfishing have a large impact on the basic functioning of our marine ecosystems.  These unselective fishing practices and gear cause tremendous destruction on non target species. WHY IS OVERFISHING A PROBLEM?  The FAO scientists publish a report (SOFIA) on the state of the world's fisheries and aquaculture.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Pollution of the Baltic Sea

Pollution of the Baltic Sea I have chosen to write my science report about pollution of the Baltic Sea. Nowadays it is a big problem to people who live in the marine region. In this report, I want to know the reason of this issue and how could we solve it. High population density, intensive agricultural production and other human activities have caused this high level pollution of the Baltic Sea. The shipment of crude oil has grown from 45 million tons to 175 million tons and this only by 10 years. Its condition is a challenge for the nine coastal states and their populations - there are 90 million people living in this catchment area. [1]

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inimpõhjustatud ohud mereloomadele referaat

tagajärjed mõjutavad juba tervet inimkonda. Seetõttu tuleks tõsta rahva teadlikkust, sest kuigi suurteks mõjuriteks on ettevõtete tegevus, on siiski võimalik ka üksikindiviidil ära teha nii mõndagi, et hoida veesüsteemid puhaste ja looduslikena. Näiteks jätta see plastikpudel metsa all maha viskamata ning viia hoopis kogumispunkti. 10 KASUTATUD MATERJALID Collisions between vessels and marine animals. UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation. [WWW] (15.03.2015) Fishing. Whale and Dolphin Conservation. [WWW] (15.03.2015) Golman, Uri. 2011. Beluga Whales are beautiful, yet toxic? [WWW] (15.03.2015) Good, Kate. 2014. The 10 Biggest Threats Marine Mammals Face Today. [WWW] http://www.onegreenplanet

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Merekaitseala võrgustikud Läänemeres

2010. aasta seisuga oli merekaitsealasid juba 5880, mis on üle 150% rohkem kui 2003. aastal. Pindalaliselt on kaitse all ligi 4,2 miljonit km2 merealasid. See on 1,17% kogu maailma merepinnast, kuid peamiselt asuvad merekaitsealad mandrilava piirkondades, hõlmates umbes 4,32% maailma selfialadest. Mandrilavadest eemal on merekaitsealade esindatus kõigest 0,91% (Toropova et al., 2010). 1.2. Mõiste ja aspektid merekaitsealade loomisel Merekaitseala (ingl k marine protected area) on definitsiooni järgi kaitseala, mis on loodud mõne mereosa ning selle elustiku ja elupaikade kaitseks (Masing, 1992). Merekaitsealad kujutavad endast keerulist bioloogilist ja ühiskondlikult olulist nähtust. Merekaitseala paremaks kavandamiseks peab kaitseala loomisel arvesse võtma asukohale iseloomulikke liike, elupaiku ja ökosüsteeme ning samuti nende kõigi laiemat jaotust (Sobel & Dahlgren, 2004).

Ökoloogia → Rannikumere keskonnakaitse
14 allalaadimist


WATER POLLUTION The causes of water pollution sewage and wastewater; marine dumping; industrial waste; oil pollution; Sewage and wastewater contains urine and laundry waste pollute the environment diseases TREATMENT water treatment plants Stop using toxic household products! Marine dumping garbage-> the oxygen in the water could be depleted bottles, plastics, bags-> can suffocate or choke sea animals TREATMENT cleaning water Do not throw anything into water! Industrial waste toxic chemicals causes also air pollution TREATMENT fit filters to chimneys

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


damage, fire, wind and water waves and chemical attacks including sulfates, sea water, acids, alkali-silica reactions and of course corrosion of embedded steel. That's why the durability of concrete needs to be tested. (slide) Firstly, the concrete contains pores and capillaries which fulfill with water. In laboratories several test have been worked out to measure the permeability but in real life we have a similar situations in marine areas. Next, there are three major types of flow constants for concrete. (slide) Firstly there is permeability which is a rate of flow of fluid into a porous solid of concrete. Then comes diffusivity- a situation where gas or liquid will be transmitted through the substance. And finally there is sorptivity which is a process where liquid is absorbed by capillarity. When the concrete is drying, it is very important to cure it well. (slide) It means watering the concrete to

Ehitus → Betooniõpetus
27 allalaadimist


*Mereelu ei häri mitte ainult nafta mürgisus vaid ka selle füüsilised omadused: veealla sukelduvad imetajad nt kilpkonn peavad veepinnal hingama tulema, mis on nafta tõttu aga raskendatud! *Tähtis ei ole mitte ühe üksiku isendi päästmine, vaid terve populatsiooni elu jäämine! *Loodust kahjustvad ka puhastusmeetme kuna kasutatakse raskeid - ja kõrgerõhu masinaid! *Tunduvalt lihtsam oleks ennetada nafta rannikuvetesse sattumist, hävitades naftalaigu juba avamerel! Effects of Marine Oil Spills Oil spills can have a serious economic impact on coastal activities and on those who exploit the resources of the sea. In most cases such damage is temporary and is caused primarily by the physical properties of oil creating nuisance and hazardous conditions. The impact on marine life is compounded by toxicity and tainting effects resulting from the chemical composition of oil, as well as by the diversity and variability of biological systems and their

Geograafia → Geograafia
116 allalaadimist


VÕÕRLIIKIDE SISSETUNG Võõrliigid kui probleem Liik tuuakse uude elukeskonda Võõrliik kohaneb kiiresti - siseneb toiduahelasse - konkureerib teiste organismidega Põlisliigid kannatavad Võõrliik võtab võimust (Nõrgem liik sureb välja) Tekkepõhjused Tahtlik sissetoomine: Tahtmatu sissetoomine: - jahiloomad - laevadega - lemmikloomad - ballastiveega - lihaloomad - maismaatranspordiga - turism - viljaseemnetega koos - istandused Tagajärjed Põliste asukate välja tõrjumine Majanduslik kahju Liigilise mitmekesisuse vähenemine Evolutsiooni muutmine Loodusliku tasakaalu ohustatus - hübriidide teke - nõrgemate liikide väljasuremine - liigilise mitmekesisuse vähenemine Signaalvähk ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogiline mitmekesisus...
11 allalaadimist


Newfoundland Geography Newfoundland and Labrador is located on the eastern edge of North America. Newfoundland and Labrador is home to Iceberg Alley, one of the best places in the world to view icebergs. Just off the coast, the meeting of the cool Labrador Current and the warm Gulf Stream creates an abundance of marine life that attracts thousands of whales, and provides rich nesting grounds for millions of seabirds. To put things in perspective, Newfoundland and Labrador is a little smaller than California, slightly bigger than Japan, and twice the size of the entire United Kingdom. Geography The island of Newfoundland covers 111,390 square kilometres. With the addition of the vast territory of Labrador, the province covers a total area of 405,212 square kilometres,

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky

IVAN KONSTANTINOVICH AIVAZOVSKY ABOUT AN ARTIST  Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky was a Russian painter of Armenian ethnicity, based in his native Crimea, best known for his seascapes, which constitute more than half of his paintings. The Ninth Wave is his "most celebrated work."Aivazovsky is considered one of the most prominent Russian artists and one of the greatest marine artists of the 19th century BIOGRAPHY  Aivazovsky was born in the town of Feodosiya, Crimea to a poor Armenian family. His father taught him to play the violin and speak Polish and Ukrainian fluently. His talent as an artist earned him sponsorship and entry to the Simferopol gymnasium №1 and later the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts, which he graduated with a gold medal.  At 31, Aivazovsky married Julia Graves, an English governess in St

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Veereostuse esitlus inglise keeles, Water pollution

spills). ⦿ Ground Water Pollution – This becomes more relevant as it affects our drinking water. It become infected by toxic chemicals. ⦿ Microbial Pollution – Found in the countries who don’t have the facilities to cure the water so the bacteria and viruses grow in the water. The people have no other way of getting water so they are forced to drink it. WHAT CAUSES WATER POLLUTION? ⦿ Wastewater ⦿ Marine dumping ⦿ Industrian waste ⦿ Radioactive waste ⦿ Oli pollution ⦿ Underground storage ⦿ Global warming WHY IS IT A PROBLEM? ⦿ It causes worldwide disasters and deaths. ⦿ It may not damage our health immediately but can be harmful after long time. ⦿ Industrial waste often contains many toxic compounds that damage the health of animals who live in a water and those who eat them. ⦿ Microbial water pollution is a major problem in the developing

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Wildlife of Alaska

Mountain goat. Goatantelopes. Thick white fur (double coat). In spring they rub their body against the rocks. Offers various sounds. Lives about 1215 years. Bison. Largest North America's land animals. Predators: human and wolves. Thick fur. They rub, roll and wallow. Don't mallow before breeding season. Dall sheep. White, wooly coat. Age can be counted. Predators: wolves, eagles and bears. Males and females live separately. Lives up to 10 years. Orca. Fastest marine mammal. Apex predators. Intelligent and higly social. Secondheaviest brain after humans. Females go through menopause. Fish. Salmon boat 37 ft. long. State fish: King salmon. State Marine Mammal: Bowhead whale. Birds. State Bird: Willow Ptarmigan. Swans, eagles, owles, ducks, e.g. Amphibians and reptiles. Extreme temperatures. Two species of frogs. Three species of salamanders. Two species of turtles. Endangered species. One of the smallest endangered species lists

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tiimivarustus jalgpallis

BLACK / WHITE DARK BLUE / WHITE BOLD BLUE / WHITE POWER RED / WHITE BOLD GREEN / WHITE re-order re-order re-order re-order re-order S29525 S29524 X20998 X20997 S90133 ADISOCK 12 ADISOCK 12 ADISOCK 12 ADISOCK 12 ADISOCK 12 DARK GREY / BOLD PINK NIGHT MARINE / SOLAR RED POWER RED / BLACK BOLD GOLD / BLACK GREEN / OFF WHITE re-order re-order re-order re-order re-order MATCHWEAR / SOCKS X10313 X20994 X20995 S90135 S90134

Sport → Sport
2 allalaadimist

Western Australia

life and energy into traditional dance, song and design and play a crucial role. Australian Aboriginal culture is widely seen as one of the oldest known living cultures on Earth. Weather and Climate There are also two distinct seasonal variations. In the southern half of the State we observe four seasons - summer, autumn, winter and spring, while in the north there are just two - the 'wet' and the 'dry'. Flora and Fauna In Western Australia, there are more than 70 national parks and marine parks, and countless State forest recreation sites, covering an area of more than 20 million hectares. Kangaroos, Quokkas and Kookaburras There are two main species - western grey kangaroos (the most common) and the famous red kangaroo or "Blue Flyer". Kookaburras are the largest members of the kingfisher family. The Quokka (Setonix brachyurus), the only member of the genus Setonix, is a small macropod about the size of a domestic cat. Dolphins, Whales and Sea Life

Geograafia → Geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Kunstiajaloo algmõisted

Kunstiajalugu originaal-Originaal kunsti iseloomustab tema nimi - mis tahes lehel tahes koomiksiraamat, on ainult üks esialgne leht, et kunstnik töötas, millest kõikide teiste lehekülgede koopiad. Koopia-on jäljend, täpselt järeletehtud originaal.dokumendi täpne jäljend, mis vastab originaalile nii sisult kui ka vormilt. marinist- . meremaal on foto, maal või muu kunstiteos, mis kujutab merest. Marine kunsti" võib kasutada ka üldine termin meremiili oskusi, nagu mere-arheoloogia, nagu College of Marine Arts. Marine kunsti või mere art on igasuguse kujutava kunsti (st, värvimine, joonistamine, graafika ja skulptuur), et portreed või saab tema peamine inspiratsiooni merele. Veeteede maal on zanr, mis kujutab laevade ja mere zanr eriti tugev alates 17. kuni 19. saj. profesionaalne kunst-all mõeldakse edaspidi kunsti, mis loodi pärast kunstniku ameti eraldumist käsitöölise omast.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
42 allalaadimist


Chicago Kerli Heilu 8.Klass Virtsu Kool The Skydeck Ticket - 44$ Height ­ 412m Floors ­ 103 View - 50 miles and 4 states 4 class boxes The Field Museum Many different exhibitions (basically dinosaurs) Ticket~7$ Shedd Aquarium Ticket- 10-30$ Fishes and marine animals Reference material - Google

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

ECDIS Voyage planning

conditions  Monitoring the vessel’s progress against the plan continuously Planning  The detailed voyage or passage plan should include the following factors: 1) the plotting of the intended route or track of the voyage or passage on appropriate scale charts: the true direction of the planned route or track should be indicated, as well as all areas of danger, existing ships' routeing and reporting systems, vessel traffic services, and any areas where marine environmental protection considerations apply; 2) the main elements to ensure safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency of navigation, and protection of the marine environment during the intended voyage or passage; such elements should include, but not be limited to: Planning 2.1) safe speed, having regard to the proximity of navigational hazards along the intended route or track, the manoeuvring characteristics of the

Merendus → Navigeerimine
6 allalaadimist

Мировые Международные организации

, . . 2/3 . 40 % . ( ). «» «» (OPEC Reference Basket of crudes) 1 1987 . 2005 «» 2008 13 . , , . 1. Saharan Blend () 2. Minas () 3. Iran Heavy () 4. Basra Light () 5. Kuwait Export () 6. Es Sider () 7. Bonny Light () 8. Qatar Marine (), 9. Arab Light ( ), 10. Murban () 11. BCF 17 () 12. Girassol () 2007 13. Oriente () 16 2007 «» $140,73 , 3 2008 . (Greenpeace -- « ») -- , 1971 . -- , . , . , . 1971 . , . , ­ Green + Peace = Greenpeace. , .

Keeled → Vene keel
24 allalaadimist

Russalka kohta powerpoint saksa keeles

Das Russalka-Denkmal Nimi Das Russalka- Denkmal wurde 1902 von dem estnischen Bildauer Amandus Adamson geschaffen. Es erinnert an den Untergang des russiscen Marineschiffs Rusalka im Jahr 1893 im Finnischen Meerbusen. Russalka war der Name eines Kanonenbootes der Kaiserlich- Russischen Marine. Das Boot wurde 1868 in Dienst gestellt. Die Russalka sank am 6. September 1893 während eines Sturmes im Finnischen Meerbusen. Alle Besatzungsmitglieder kamen dabei ums Leben. Das Denkmal stellt einen auf einem Granitsockel stehenden Engel dar, der in seiner ausgestreckten rechten Hand ein vergoldetes orthodoxes Kreuz hält. Er zeigt auf den vermuteten Ort des Schiffsuntergangs. Die Skulptur ist das erste Monumentalwerk des estnischen Bildhauers Amandus Adamson Danke!

Keeled → Saksa keel
4 allalaadimist


sokos Hotel viru Sokos Hotel Viru asub Tallinna südames, otse keskaegse vanalinna väravas. Ühel Eesti pikaaegsemate traditsioonidega hotellil on pikk ja värvikas ajalugu, mis ulatub aastasse 1972. Hotellihoone oli Eesti esimene pilvelõhkuja ning sellest on kujunenud üks linna sümboleid ja lahutamatu komponent Tallinna legendaarses siluetis. Sokos Hotel Viru pakub palju erinevaid võimalusi nii tööreisil kui puhkusel viibijale. Hotellis on mugavad numbritoad, kaasaegne konverentsikeskus, suur restoranimaailm ning ilukeskus ja tunnisaunad. Traadita interneti leviala katab kõik hotelli üldruumid ja numbritoad. Hotell paikneb sama katuse all Viru Keskusega , mis on Tallinna trendikaim ostu- ja meelelahutuskeskus. Hotelli naabruses asuvad mitmed teatrid, kontserdipaigad ja meelelahutuskohad. Autosõit hotellist Tallinna Reisisadamasse kestab 5 minutit ning lennujaama 10 minutit. Hotellitoad Sokos Hotel Viru pakub 516 mugavat ja kaasaegset t...

Turism → Turism
89 allalaadimist

Ohustatud loomad

How global warming affects penguins? Range of Penguins Population · Experts estimate that the three colonies of Adelie penguins may have declined by up to 70%. · The population of emperor penguins has been cut in half over the past 50 years. Food chain (Adelie penguins) sea algae krill Adelie penguins Lack of food · Scientists suspect that the rising temperatures affect the small fish and other marine animals on which penguins feed. · The sea ice necessary to the survival of krill larvae is disappearing earlier and taking with it 80 percent of the krill population. Climate changes · The emperor penguins are starving to death because the warming air and water is drastically changing the environment to which they have adapted. · Two giant icebergs have broken off the Antarctic ice sheet and are blocking the way from their breeding colonies to their feeding

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Cyclonic Storms

Typhoon Why is it different? heavy rains, winds(119 km/h) late summer form over warm seas,27 Inside: strong winds around the eye The strongest winds inside the eyewall Why do they happen? warm air collides with cold air spin in a counter clockwise direction result a storm surge,strong winds Steps of a typhoon windy, rainy (several hours) the eye brings calm weather damage to marine, shoreline, inland ecosystems weaknens, needs warm water The biggest `Tip' Oct 4th, 1979 Highest 260 km/h Damage 99 fatalities Guam, Japan Interesting facts Typhoon from Chinese(tai fung, great wind) China's rain(typhoons) 2 weeks References

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Protsentülesanded majandusarvutustes

Protsentülesanded majandusarvutustes Suur osa rahanduslikke ja muid majanduslikke arvutusi tugineb protsendi mõistele. Üldlevinud käsitlus tõlgendab protsenti kui üht reaalarvu kirjutusviisi. Matemaatiliselt on üks protsent üks sajandik osa tervikust ehk Üldiselt kus p on mingi (positiivne) reaalarv. Protsendiga p määratud osa leidmiseks tervikust a tehakse tehe Tulemus saadakse samades mõõtühikutes, milles on mõõdetud tervik. Seda ülesannet võib lahendada ka 7. klassis õpitud võrde abil. Tervik a ­ 100% Osa x ­ p% Näide 1. Mardil on SEB pangas 3000 eurot, millest arvutatakse aasta lõpus 2% tulu (intressi). Mitu eurot saab Mart intressina aasta lõpus? Tulu E Terviku leidmiseks prot...

Matemaatika → Algebra ja analüütiline...
31 allalaadimist


TTÜ Tartu kolledz Durability of concrete Tauri Must Tartu 2009 Main Content Cement Aggregate Sand Water Chemical admixtures Field of application Concrete is used in... · Pavements · architectural structures · Foundations · roads · Bridges · marine- and parking structures · brick/block walls · footings for gates fences Three Georges Dam · The world largest concrete construction · China, river of Yangzte, 2006 · 2,335m long, 101m high Possible threats Physical Chemical · Frost · Sulftates, · Wind · Sea water, · Waves · Acids, · Fire · Alkali-silica reactions Primary transport mechanism through concrete Gas diffusion Water vapour diffusion Water vapour diffusion Ionic diffusion Wat...

Ehitus → Betooniõpetus
53 allalaadimist

Kirja vormistamise põhimõttel inglise keelne kiri.

porpoises. Each year more than 10000 porpoises are killed in the seas around Britain. Fishingboats are using a technique witch consists in leaving the nets on the sea bed for several hours. When porpoises come to feed on the sea bed, they get caught in the nets and drown. There is a need for a research to make nets safer for porpoises. For example, one possibility would be to restrict the length of nets. This should be a duty of marine mammal organisations. Also should be limited the allowed amount of fish to be caught. This should be the duty of The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Naturally it is not possible to forbid fishing but some restrictions can surely be done. It is very important to maintain the balance in our seas. Every creature has its importance and we should protect them. Yours faithfully, Triin Engmann

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Oktüülfenoolid ja oktüülfenooli etoksülaadid

kindlad millisel määral nad tegelikult kellelegi ohtlikud on ning millised tagajärjed neist tekkida võivad. Arvatavasti avaldavad need ained kantserogeenset ja reproduktiivtoksilist mõju. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. Chemicalland21. 4-octyphenol. Kättesaadav: 2. Chemicalland21. Octylphenol ethoxylate Kättesaadav: %20ETHOXYLATE.htm 3. Marine Biodiversity Wiki. Octyphenol. Kättesaadav: 4. Scottish Enviromental Agency. Octyphenols. Kättesaadav: 5. Scottish Enviromental Agency. Octyphenol ethoxylates. Kättesaadav: Cohiba. Control of hazardous subastances in the baltic sea. Ohtlikud ained töödeldud heitvees

Loodus → Keskkond
4 allalaadimist


LONDON KRISTINA KASEMÄGI CONTENTS • GENERAL • HISTORY • CLIMATE • THINGS TO SEE • THINGS TO DO GENERAL o London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. o It’s situated in the South East of England with population of 14 million people. HISTORY oLondon is one of the oldest cities in the world, and it was founded by the Romans in 40 A.D. and called Londinium. CLIMATE • London has a temperate marine climate like much of the British Isles, so the city rarely sees extremely high or low temperatures. THINGS TO SEE o THE TOWER OF LONDON o THE LONDON EYE o TOWER BRIDGE o BIG BEN o THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT 1 o ST JAMES’S PARK THE TOWER OF LONDON THE LONDON EYE TOWER BRIDGE BIG BEN, THE HOUSE PARLIAMENT 1 AND FAMOUS RED DOUBLE DECKER BUS ST JAMES’S PARK THINGS TO DO IN LONDON You can: o Cross the Thames in a cable car o See a world-class classical concert

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Dangerous minds summary

Dangerous Minds Summary LouAnne Johnson is a discharged U. S . Marine. She applies for a job at Parkmont High School. She gets the job as a academy teacher and is very happy about it. However, the class she is going to teach is not a regular class. There are teenagers from lower class and they are not willing to listen or learn. Although she struggles to connect with her students , LouAnne does not give up. She tries to teach them karate. She also gives all of them an 'A' and says, that it is important to keep it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Captain Cook

Captain Cook adventures. His first ship was called ,,Freelove". He learned navigation on this ship. Soon Cook joined Royal Navy and in less than 2 month he was rated as Master's Mate. Now he was on ship what was called ,,Eagle". Soon ,,Eagle" met French merchant ship and there was a battle. French ship was defeated. Now Cook was promoted to the rank of Master. When peaceful period arrived, Cook had chance to work at his favourite task. The study what is called marine survyeing. Cook traveled around the world and made charts. He was recognized as the best man at making charts. And he had many other rewards. On one voyage, Cook saild nearer to the South Pole thane anyone else in the world. Soon he had to return back, because he couldn't brake trough the ice. Soon he reached the group of islands, he found one, called Maui, which no-one had seen before. The natives on the Maui belived Cook to be the god of their tribe

Keeled → Inglise keel
81 allalaadimist

Animals shrinking in the heat

Animals shrinking in the heat This article was published in Daily mail, on 17 October 2011. The author of the article is Tamara Cohen. The article discusses about animals who are shrinking due to global warming. Scientist have warned, that animals such as sheep, deer, birds and reptiles are shrinking due to climate change. Researchers say warmer temperatures over the past few years have made some animals adapt to need less body fat to survive while others are struggling for food. In the next few decades, some types of mammals, fish, birds and plants are getting smaller and evolve into miniature versions of what they are today. This could force some creatures, that people eat, to become extinct, Dr David Bickford from the National University of Singapore reviewed research showing creatures from deer to tortoises, gulls, goshawks and even polar bears have already shrunk over the past 50 years. 'Because recent climate change may be fast...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Londoni konvensioon

jm II LISA AL. 01.01.2007 REEGEL 2 RAKENDUSALA Käesolevat lisa rakendatakse laeva suhtes, millel on tunnistusega lubatud vedada kahjulikke vedelaineid (NLS) Kui NLS tankeri lastiruumis veetakse lisa I lasti (nafta ja naftasaadused), siis tuleb rakendada vastavaid lisa I nõudeid III LISA REOSTUSE VÄLTIMINE PAKITUD OHTLIKE AINETE MEREVEOL Adekvaatse pakendi kasutamine Siltide ja märkide kasutamine Ohtliku aine deklareerimisel MARINE POLLUTANT Paigutamine laevas (võimalusel teki alla) Koguselised piirangud (merevedu keelatud) Erandid ­ õnnetused merel, selle tagajärgede kõrvaldamine IV LISA ­ REOSTUSE VÄLTIMINE LAEVA REOVETEST Laev kogumahutavusega 200 ja rohkem Kõik WCst, haiglast, loomade pidamise ruumidest Kogumistankid, biofiltrid jm Rahvusvaheline reovetega reostamise vältimise tunnistus Kaldal võstuvõtu seadmed V LISA ­ REOSTUSE VÄLTIMINE LAEVA PRÜGIST Merre heitmiseks on keelatud:

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Londoni konvensioon

on ohus või on olemas reaalne oht laeva, õhusõiduki, platvormi või muu mererajatise ohutusele, ja leitakse, et kaadamine või merel tuhastamine on ainus viis sellise ohu vältimiseks ning on igati tõenäoline, et kaadamise või merel tuhastamise tagajärjel tekkinud kahju on väiksem kui vastupidiselt toimides Reostuse vältimine pakitud ohtlike ainete mereveol · adekvaatse pakendi kasutamine · siltide ja märkide kasutamine · ohtliku aine deklareerimisel MARINE POLLUTANT · paigutamine laevas (võimalusel teki alla) · koguselised piirangud (merevedu keelatud) · erandid ­ õnnetus merel, selle tagajärgede kõrvaldamine Merre heitmiseks on keelatud · plastik ja tooted sellest, plastiku tuhk jm · lähemal kui 25 miili kaldast ­ ujuma jääv rimu · lähemal kui 12 miili kaldast ­ toidujäätmed, paber, klaas jm · Läänemerel ­ lähemal kui 12 miili kaldast - toidujäätmed · Merre mitteheidetava prügi vastuvõtt kaldal

Keemia → Keemia
7 allalaadimist


Kiel Name Schule Yahre Info Bundesland: Schleswig-Holstein Himmelsrichtung: Norden 239.526 Einwohner Sehenwürdigkeiten Skulptur Geistkämpfer Der Alte Botanische Garten zur an der Nikolaikirche Winterzeit Hörnbrücke ,,in Aktion" Opernhaus mit dem Rathausturm Kiellinie (Ufer zur Kieler Förde) Kulinarische Spezialitäten Kieler Sprotten (zumeist hergestellt in Eckernförde) Fliederbeersuppe Kieler Art Köm ( Kümmelschnaps ) Unterkunft Jugendherberg Hostel 19.50 e Kiel Hotel am Zwei Sterne 29 - 69 Sophienhof GHOTEL hotel Drei Sterne 39 ­ 67.50 & living Kiel ATLANTIC Vier Sterne 159 - 295 Hotel Kiel Veranstaltungen WeinMesse Rheinland-Pfalz Kiel Fr. 16. März 2012 - So. 18. März 2012 Weinerlebnis Holiday on Ice ­ "Festival" Kiel Fr. ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
3 allalaadimist

Bora Bora

Bora Bora Liivia Narvik Vous voulez visiter une ville sympa en Polynésie française pour un week? Est-ce que vous savez où se trouve Bora Bora? C'est une petite île en Océan Pacifique. Je pense que l'emplacement de Bora Bora est parfait. Cette île est entouré par l'océan bleu clair. Si vous allez à Bora Bora, vous devez absolument vous promener à la plage. Il y a de sable blanche. À Matira, il y a la plage le plus grande. Là, vous pouvez nager, prendre un bain de soleil, jouer au volley-ball ou aller snorkeling. Si vous ne voulez pas vous bronzer tout le temps ou nager, vous pouvez faire du shopping. Par exemple, vous pouvez acheter des perles noires. Il y a aussi des galleries d'art qu' on peut visiter. La gastronomie est très importante. Les restaurants sur l'île de Bora Bora sont affectués de la cuisine française. Les plus importantes sont les fruits de mer, les poissons différents, les oeufs et ainsi de suite. Vous pouvez boir...

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
4 allalaadimist

Tekstianalüüsi ülesanded teksti kohta

deutschen Geschichte so oder so einmal wieder der Samen aufgehen zur strahlenden Wiedergeburt der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung und damit zur Verwirklichung einer wahren Volksgemeinschaft. Viele tapferste Männer und Frauen haben sich entschlossen, ihr Leben bis zuletzt an das meine zu binden. Ich habe sie gebeten und ihnen endlich befohlen, dies nicht zu tun, sondern am weiteren Kampf der Nation teilzunehmen. Die Führer der Armeen, der Marine und der Luftwaffe bitte ich,mit äußersten Mitteln den Widerstandsgeist unserer Soldaten im nationalsozialistischen Sinne zu verstärken unter dem besonderen Hinweis darauf, dass auch ich selbst, als der Gründer und Schöpfer dieser Bewegung, den Tod dem feigen Absetzen oder gar einer Kapitulation vorgezogen habe. Möge es dereinst zum Ehrbegriff des deutschen Offiziers gehören - so wie dies in unserer Marine schon der Fall ist - dass die Übergabe einer

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist

United States Armed Forces

United States Armed Forces Timothy Tamm 2011 Consists of Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force Coast Guard Hierarchy President Secretary of Defense Joint Chiefs of Staff Department of Defense Headquarters Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level The Pentagon Budget $549,1 billion 43% of th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Floods and Tsunamis

Floods and Tsunamis Flood is a natural event or occurrence where a piece of land that is usually dry land, suddenly gets submerged under water. Some floods can occur suddenly and recede quickly. Others take days or even months to build and discharge. When floods happen in an area that people live, the water carries along objects like houses, bridges, cars, furniture and even people. It can wipe away farms, trees and many more heavy items. Floods occur at irregular intervals and vary in size, duration and the affected area. It is important to note that water naturally flows from high areas to low lying areas. This means low-lying areas may flood quickly before it begins to get to higher ground. Flooding is extremely dangerous and has the potential to wipe away an entire city, coastline or area, and cause extensive damage to life and property. It also has great erosive power and can be extremely destructive, even if it is a foot high. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Upstream advanced, upstream upper

Upstream upper Unit 6 Ootesaal lennujaamas ­ departure lounge pp.100-101 1. Meelitama jõukaid turiste-to attract up-market travellers 2. Napi eelarvega reisima- travel on shoestring budget 3. Majanduslangus-a downturn in the national economy 4. Kohalikud võimud- the local authorities 5. Meelitama sukeldujaid- to attract divers 6. Julgustama loodusturismi-to encourage eco- tourism 7. Kaitsma mereelustikku- to protect marine life 8. Kunstlikud korallrifid, mis loodud mahajäetud laevade poolt-artificial reefs created from redundant ships p. 103 9. linna varemed the ruins of the town 10. Reisimine avardab silmaringi travel broadens the mind 11. teele asuma-to set off 12. magevesi fresh water 13. Tormine meri a rough sea 14 .hingemattev vaade breathtaking view Rephrase (seleta oma sõnadega) in English p.103 Globetrotter 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Prügimägi ookeanis

SISUKORD Sissejuhatus Minu valitud teemaks osutus prügimägi ookeanis. Kuna ma ei ole varem kuulnud, et ookeani prügimäest, siis otsustasin selle kohta rohkem uurida, et mida see täpsemalt tähendab. Referaat kirjeldab mis on prügimägi ookeanis ja kuidas see avastati. Samuti toon välja kuidas on prügimägi tekkinud ja kuidas see ohustab elusolendeid maal. Kuna prügi suurenemine on maailmas probleemiks, siis samuti üritatakse ka ookeani prügimäele lahendust leida. Nii räägin ka probleemi lahendamisest, et mida saab teha igaüks vähendamaks prügi ookeanis. Samuti kirjeldan kuidas on lood prügiga Läänemeres. Kasutatud allikad on võetud internetist. Prügimägi Vaikses ookeanis Maailma suurim prügimägi ei asu mitte maismaal, vaid hulbib Vaikses ookeanis. (2) Suurim prügimägi loksub hoovuste toel Vaikse ookeani põhjaosas, kus leidub miljoneid tonne jäätmeid, enamasti kilekotid ja plast.(1) Vaikse ookeani ujuv prügisaar kannab nime Great Pasif...

Loodus → Loodus
1 allalaadimist

Vetelvedu mõisted

ILOHC - in lieu of hold cleaning 3(4) IMDG - international maritime dangerous goods - koodeks on mõeldud meeskonnaliikmete kaitsmiseks ja merereostuse vältimiseks ohtlike materjalide ohutul laevaveol. INCL – including – sisaldama/kaasa arvatud ISPS - international ship and port security – rahvusvaheline laeva- ja sadamaturvalisus LOI - letter of intent - eelleping MDO - marine diesel oil – laeva diislikütus MGO - marine gas oil – kerge laevakütus MOLCHOPT - more or less charterers option – rohkem või vähem prahtija valik, prahtija valiku järgi MSDS - material safety data sheet - materjali ohutuskaart PMO - passing muscat outbound PMT - per metric ton – tonni kohta RGE – range - raadius WOG - without guarantee – ilma garantiita 4(4)

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele essee

known but is likely to be as serious or worse, considering the much larger environmental impact they are subject to. Capture fisheries resources are usually exploited and managed on a stock-by-stock basis. Stocks present a wide range of characteristics that affect the fisheries exploiting them: their mono- or multi-species composition, size, value and distribution (e.g. in the coastal areas or high seas). High seas resources such as tuna or marine mammals require international collaboration for their management. There is no comprehensive global database on fish stocks and FAO has initiated a global inventory of fish stocks with their main characteristics. Their monitoring and the assessment of their state within an ecosystem perspective need significant improvement. During Soviet period (1944-1991) fish farming developed rapidly since the end of 60-

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist


surges from the North Sea. In 2000, Londonwide government was restored, with the creation of the Greater London Authority. Geography: Greater London covers an area of 607 square miles. Its primary geographical feature is the Thames, a navigable river which crosses the city from the southwest to the east. The Thames Valley is a floodplain surrounded by gently rolling hills including Parliament Hill, Addington Hills, and Primrose Hill. London has a temperate marine climate, like much of the British Isles, so the city rarely sees extremely high or low temperatures. London is a relatively dry city with regular but generally light precipitation throughout the year, with an average of 583.6 millimetres every year.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle UK, Scotland an ancient stronghold. History a centre of military activity. Human habitation since 9th century BC. Nowadays Scotland's second-most-visited tourist attraction. The New Barrack Block is home to the official headquarters of the Royal Regiment of Scotland. St. Margaret's Chapel the oldest surviving building in the castle and in Edinburgh. dates from the early 12th century. King David I built it as a private chapel for the royal family. He dedicated it to his mother, Saint Margaret of Scotland, who died in the castle in 1093. St. Margaret's Chapel Crown Square the citadel at the top of the castle. 15th century (during the reign of King James III) as the main courtyard of the castle. Before 1818 it was known as Palace Yard. Royal Palace former Royal Apartments. 15th century residence of the later Stewart mon...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Laevade käitlemine

Ship disposal methods There are 4 methods for ship disposal. 1. Domestic Recycling Through ship sales offers and direct fee-for-service solicitation. The program awards ship recycling contracts to seven domestic ship recyclers. 2. Artificial Reefing The Maritime Administration accepts applications from coastal States, U.S. Territories and possessions and foreign governments for use of obsolete NDRF vessels as offshore reefs for the conservation of marine life. The Maritime Administration may provide financial assistance for specific domestic reefing projects. Artificial Reefing Example A big ship is sinking near of Honduras coast at 5th November 2002. It was a controlled sinking. Artificial Reefing Example 3. Ship Donations The Maritime Administration may convey obsolete NDRF vessels to a non-profit organization, state, commonwealth, or U.S. possession for such vessel reutilization including historic restoration

Merendus → Merendus
21 allalaadimist

Kunsti sõnavara inglise-eesti

7. vitraaz-stained glass 8. pastell- pastel 9. maastikumaal-landscape 10. portree-portrait 11. portretist(portreekunstnik)- portrait 12. portreemaal-portrait painting 13. viirutamine, viirutamistehnika-streaking 14. emailimine, emailivärviga katmine-enameling ? 15. graveerimine-engraving 16. papp-cardboard 17. elevandiluu-ivory 18. papüürus-papyrus 19. miniatuurkunst, miniatuurmaal-miniature painting 20. lõuend-canvas 21. õlivärvid-oil paints, oil colours 22. meremaal-seascape, marine painting ? 23. värvigamma, koloriit-colour, coulouring ? 24. (joonistamis)süsi-charcoal 25. käsitöö-handicraft 26. keraamika ja pottsepatöö-pottery 27. tikkimine, tikkimistöö-embroidery 28. linna(kujutav) maal- ? 29. akvarellid, vesivärvid-watercolours 30. guass-gouache 31. grafiit, grafiitpliiats-graphite, black lead ? 32. zanr, zanrimaal-genre ? 33

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun