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"locking" - 27 õppematerjali


Hip-hop basic

Esimene Hip-Hop dj ? - Clive ,,Kool Herc" Campbell Esimene Hip-Hop laul? - Kellelt on tulnud väljend Hip-Hop? - Africa Bambatta, Mis ühenduse ta lõi? - Zulu Nation Kas ta on käinud Eestis? - Jah! Esimene Hip-Hop radio show, kuna? - Mr. Magic, 1979 Esimene MC? - Coke la Rock Esimesed MC'd TV's? - Funky Four, Saturday Night live Nimeta 3 Bronxi MC crew'd? - Furious 5, Cold Crush, Funky 4, Mercedes Ladies, Fantastic 5 Rap'i ja MC vahe? - MC ­ tähendab Master Of Ceremony, iseloomustab hip-hopparit, kes on õhtujuht ja riimid mikrofoni Rap - Tähendas inimesega suhtlemist, rääkimist; sellest sai hiphop'i salvestava artisti nimetuseks. Mille poolest Rap erineb teistest stiilidest, mida sisaldab? - 70's ­ Black spades 80's - 90's - Tänapäev ­ Miks tekkisid laiad riided? - Kuna muutus bling-blingiks? - hilistel 90'ndatel Bling-blingi algatajad? - 4 põhi...

Tants → Tantsimine
14 allalaadimist

Tänavatants - Hip hop

harusid ning sellest kuidas olen ise hiphopiga seotud. Mis on siis see tants nimega Hip-hop? See on veidi vanem kui 30 aastat ning on hip- hopi nimelise muusikastiili järgi tantsitav tants, mis kujunes välja eeskätt Põhja- Ameerika suurlinnade tänavatel. See tants võib sisaldada küllalt keerulisi akrobaatilisi trikke, kuid lisaks liigutustele peetakse oluliseks ka tantsija hoiakut ja suhtumist. 1970- ndatel aastatel tekkisid uued stiilid nagu nt: popping, locking ja breikimine, mis on kõige kuulsamad hip-hopi liigid ning millega võisteldakse kõige tihemini. Kuidas siis tekib uus tants? Mul on tuua näide Lockingu loojast, kelle nimi on Don Campbell. Ta oli mees, kes armastas tihti õppida ja harjutada tollase aja populaarseimaid tantse, kuid tema jaoks olid mõned kaasaegsed liigutused veidi liiga rasked ning nõudsid mõtlemistööd. Ta esines tänavatel, kus ta siis tuligi ta publiku ette

Sotsioloogia → Kõneõpetus
44 allalaadimist


Hat Straßentanz Zukunft oder nicht? Viktor Beloussov Was ist Straßentanz?  Auf Straßen geboren  In die USA (südlichen Bronx)  1970-1980  Stiele: Hip-Hop, Breakdance, Locking, Popping, House, Waacking, Krump, Vogue, Dancehall. Geschichte USA Deutschla Estland nd 1970-1980 1984 1990 Breakdanc Breakdance Hip-Hop e Deutsche Wettkämpfe 2014 Estnische Wettkämpfe 2014 Estland Deutschland 1. Hip-Hop Hip-Hop 2. Vogue Breakdance 3. Locking House 4. House Popping 5. Krump Krump 6. Breakdance Vogue 7. Popping Locking

Tants → Tantsimine
2 allalaadimist

Verb ing / to

Verb + -ing or to... Verb + -ing 1) Kasutame -ing vormi kirjeldamaks tegevust, mis toimub enne esimest tegevust või samal ajal · They denied stealing the money. · I enjoy going out. stealing <-- denied Verb + to... 1)Kasutame to vormi kirjeldamaks tegevust mis järgneb esimesele tegevusele · They decided to steal the money. · I want to go out. decided -> to steal want -->to go 3)Mäletan millegi tegemist. (peale seda) I'm absolutely sure I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it. (=I locked it, and now I remember this) 4)Mäletan et pidin midagi tegema (enne seda) · I remembered to lock the door when I left but I forgot to shut the windows. · Please remember to post the letter. 5)Kahetsen millegi tegemist(tegin juba) · I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn't have said it. Kahetsusega teatama(olevikus) I regret to say / to tell you / to inform you 6)Jätkama sama tegevust, mida juba teen · The minister went on talking for two hours.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


and Leeds) using "Bambo". Observations. It was found that the majority of the people who had been interviewed thought that the chair is fantastic. In the words of Mrs Roberta for example it is light and manageable, definitely better than her old pushchairs. Its good points are also that it is easy to steer, it has an attractive design and it fits in the boot of the car. A minority of people found mistakes from "Bambo". One complaint for example was that the wheel locking mechanism is too small to operate by foot. Recommendations. It is recommended that the wheel locking mechanism should be larger so it could be operated by foot and the opening hinge should be made easier to open/close. In the words of Mr and Mrs Osmonth it is a bit stiff to open and close. It is also advisable to increase the size of the wheels, because they appear to be too small and getting stuck in little holes.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Tänavatantsu ajalugu

Juhendaja: õp. Aili Asu Mis on tänavatants? l Tänavatantsu kultuur sai alguse USA-s 1960ndatel. l l Kujunes välja tänavatel, klubides, parkides jne. l l Tänavatansul on mitmeid erinevaid alaliike: Hip- Hop, Break, House, Vogue... Tänavatants HIP-HOP FUNK VOGUE HOUSE KRUMP B-boying Popping Locking Chicago Footwork Waacking Hip-Hop B-boing l 1974. Bronx l 1970. New York City l Sujuvus, bounce, l Toprock, Downrock, basic. Powermoves, Freeze. Krump Vogue l 1990. New York City l 1980. Harlem l Vaba, l

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
12 allalaadimist


Mr. Wiggles Mr.Wiggles, pärisnimega Steffan Clemente, on tänavatantsija, kes on hinnatud eelkõige tema ,,poppingu" oskuste pärast. Wiggles on olnud aktiivne tantsijana, näitlejana, koreograafina, tantsuõpetajana, muusikaprodutsendina kui ka grafitikunstnikuna. Ta valdab hip-hopi tantsustiile nagu näiteks popping, breaking, locking ja kindlasti paljusid veel. Steffan Clemente on pärit New Yorgi linnaosa Bronx'i lõunaosast. Ta on puertoriikolane. Algselt sai ta hüüdnime ,,Dom", mille ta muutis pärast showd Virginia rannas ,,Mr.Wiggles'iks" Mr. Wiggles esineb nii sooloartistina kui ka gruppides: Rock Steady Crew, Electric Boogaloos. Ta on pühendunud ka osalema selgitustööprogrammides, mis näitavad noortele hip-hopi kultuuri positiivseid külgi. Mr

Tants → Tantsuõpetus
2 allalaadimist


up really small and fits in the boot of the car with no problem but it is always getting stuck in little holes. There were also profoundly positive comments, like Mrs Roberta Long's from Gloucester which said that this is fantastic ­ so light and manageable. It was found that the pushchair is light, easy to steer, comfortable for a baby, small when folded and has attractive design and colours. Conclusion "Bocia" might consider increasing the size of wheels and making their locking mechanism larger as it is too small to operate by foot. It is also advisable to make the opening hinge easier to open and close. On the whole, parents seem to be pretty pleased with the manufacturer's new pushchair "Bambo" and they were happy to give tips to improve it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

-ing and to

Verb + -ing Verb + -ing and to Verb + to 1) Stop, postpone, admit, avoid, CHANGE IN THE MEANING: 1) Offer, decide, hope, deserve, imagine, finish, consider, deny, risk, 1) Remember Example: 1. I promise, agree, plan, manage, afford, fancy. Example: Suddenly know I locked the door. I clearly threaten, refuse, arrange, fail, forget, everybody stopped talking. remember locking it. 2. Please learn. Example: It was late, so we 2) Give up, put off, go on / carry on, remember to post the letter. decided to take a taxi home. keep or keep on. Example: I've 2) Regret Example: 1. I regret 2) Seem, appear, tend, pretend, given up reading newspapers. saying what I said. I shouldn't claim. Example: They seem to have 3) verb + somebody + -ing have said it. 2. We regret to plenty of money.

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Isoleerõlide läbilöögi mõõtmine

Töö nr 4 Isoleerõlide läbilöögi mõõtmine“ Labor mõõdetud: 15.10.2015 Õppejõud: Tudengid: Tallinn 2015 2 Sisukord 1.Katseseadme põhimõtteskeem.................................................................................................3 Joonis 1.1. Katseseadme põhimõtteskeem: Elektrilise tugevuse määramise katsenõu [1].........3 1. Katseseadme põhimõtteskeemi seletamine.........................................................................3 2.Mõõtetulemused.......................................................................................................................4 ...

Energeetika → Kõrgepingetehnika
18 allalaadimist

Referaat erinevatest tantsustiilidest

tantsustiilidest. Break oli algselt kõige intensiivsema trummirütmiga osa helisalvestisest, millele tantsijad reageerisid kõige energilisemate ja väljendusrikkamate liigutustega. DJ-d (esimeste hulgas Kool Herc) hakkasid kahelt plaadilt muusikat kokku miksima nii, et break-osa sai pikem ja võimaldas pikemat ja keerukamat tantsu. Kool Hercilt pärineb ka termin b-boy/b-girl, kus b tähistab breaki. Los Angelesist pärineb selline liikumine nagu locking, mille leiutas Don Campbell, lisades kohalikule rahvalikule tantsule funky chicken keha ja käte plastilised jõnksud. Campbelli grupp The Lockers tõi kasutusse sellised liikumised nagu lock, points, skeeters, scooby doos, stop n'go, which- away, fancies. Jäsemete kiire liikumine vaheldus järskude pausidega. Sam Soloman tõi kasutusele poppingu, mis on järsk lihaste kokutõmme käsivarrel, kaelal, rinnal ja jalgadel, luues mulje kiirest tõmblusest

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
63 allalaadimist

Erinevad tantsustiilid

Break oli algselt kõige intensiivsema trummirütmiga osa helisalvestisest, millele tantsijad reageerisid kõige energilisemate ja väljendusrikkamate liigutustega. DJ-d (esimeste hulgas Kool Herc) hakkasid kahelt plaadilt muusikat kokku miksima nii, et break-osa sai pikem ja võimaldas pikemat ja keerukamat tantsu. Kool Hercilt pärineb ka termin b-boy/b-girl, kus b tähistab breaki. Los Angelesist pärineb selline liikumine nagu locking, mille leiutas Don Campbell, lisades kohalikule rahvalikule tantsule funky chicken keha ja käte plastilised jõnksud. Campbelli grupp The Lockers tõi kasutusse sellised liikumised nagu lock, points, skeeters, scooby doos, stop n'go, which- away, fancies. Jäsemete kiire liikumine vaheldus järskude pausidega. Sam Soloman tõi kasutusele poppingu, mis on järsk lihaste kokutõmme käsivarrel, kaelal, rinnal ja jalgadel, luues mulje kiirest tõmblusest

Varia → Uurimistöö alused
20 allalaadimist

Tänavatantsude ajalugu ning nende osa tänapäeva ühiskonnast

Tallinna Prantsuse Lütseum Viktoria-Jana Prokofjeva Tänavatantsude ajalugu ning nende osa tänapäeva ühiskonnast Uurimistöö Juhendaja: õp. Volt Tallinn 2012 Sisukord Sisukord......................................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................................2 1 Tänavatantsude ajalugu............................................................................................................3 1.1 Tango ajalugu....................................................................................................................3 1.2 Stepptantsu ajalugu.....................................................................

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
11 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

Isolation ·Each transaction accesses resources as if there were no other concurrent transactions. ·Modifications of the transaction are not visible to other transactions before it finishes. ­In that way other transactions or unprotected activities can never see an inconsistent state that may arise within a transaction ·Modifications of other transactions are not visible during the transaction at all. ·Implemented through: ­two-phase locking Durability ·The durability property requires the effect of a transaction to be persistentso that it cannot be affected by failures. ·A completed transaction is always persistent (though values may be changed by later transactions). ·Modified resources must be held on persistent storage before transaction can complete. ·May not just be disk but can include battery-backed RAM or Flash RAM. Transaction Commands ·Begin: ­Start a new transaction. ·Commit: ­End a transaction.

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist


double-bottom tank. The crosshead block is provided with bores for distributing the oil supplied through the telescopic pipe, partly as cooling oil for the piston, partly as lubricating oil for the crosshead bearing and guide shoes and ­ through a bore in the connecting rod ­ for lubricating the crankpin bearing. The crosshead bearing is tightened together by means of four studs each having a double set of nuts, with a locking plate between the nuts. The crankpin bearing is fitted with bearing shells lined with white metal and assembled in the same manner as the crosshead bearing. VOCABULARY bearing cap ­ laagrikaas ­ crosshead bearing ­ ristpealaager ­ crankpin bearing ­ kepsulaager ­ , bearing journal ­ laagrikael ­ guide shoe ­ liugur ­ shell ­ liud ­ line ­ vooderdama ­ , white metal ­ babiit ­ ,

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Auto aktiivne ja passiivne turvalisus

ohutu ja mugava asendi tagamiseks. Prototüüpide katsetamisel maanteel kasutavad elus inimesed turvavöösid ning koostavad aruande nende sobivuse ja mugavuse kohta. Sõitjate jaoks on ette nähtud reguleeritavad õlakinnitid, et muuta vöö kõrgust mugavuse ja ohutuse parandamiseks. Olenevalt istmete konfiguratsioonist on enamikul Toyota autodest isegi 3-punktilised turvavööd keskmisel tagaistmel istuva sõitja jaoks. ELR-retraktor (Tension-Reducing Emergency Locking Retractor, pinget vähendav inertstõkestiga rull) lukustub automaatselt, kui sõitja tõmbab rihma veendumaks, et see on töökorras, kuid piisavalt lõtv mugavaks istumiseks. Enamikul Toyota autodel on turvavöö eelpingestid ja jõupiirikud esiistmetel sõitjate jaoks, mis tõmbavad otsekokkupõrke korral turvavöö kiiresti tagasi ning kinnitavad sõitja sobiva jõuga. Toyota on aastast 2003 paigaldanud hoiatuslambi ja sumistiga turvavöö meeldetuletussüsteemi juhi- ja kõrvalistme jaoks

Auto → Auto õpetus
263 allalaadimist

Tants, kui kehakultuuri osa

tantsunumbrid. Estraaditantsu iseloomustavad efektsus, kergus, pidulikkus ja atraktiivsus. Olulised on kostüüm, joonised ja sünkroonsus. Showtants ­ efektsed kaasaegsete tantsustiilide (disco, ladina, showjazz jne.) meelelahutuslikud tantsunumbrid kaasaegse muusika järgi. Efektsust lisavad kostüüm, atraktiivsus ja sünkroonsus. Tänavatants ­ sisaldab kaasaegseid ja noorte seas populaarseid tantsustiile (funky, locking, poping, hip-hop, breik jne.), kus tähtsal kohal on hea rütmitaju, stiilitunnetus, sünkroonsus, efektsus. 9 Kokkuvõte Et eksisteerida harmoonias iseenda ja ümbritseva maailmaga, on vaja pidevalt saada mingit emotsionaalset laengut ja leida ka väljendus oma emotsioonidele. Tantsimine on üks parimaid viise väljendada ennast emotsionaalselt ja füüsiliselt üheskoos.

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
39 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

The gauge Check the tightness of the turbocharger-to- OHV engines should be a stiff sliding fit. If it is not, turn the exhaust manifold securing nuts using a torque adjuster bolt with a ring spanner. These bolts wrench. 1 This operation should be carried out with are of stiff thread type and require no locking the engine cold and the air cleaner and rocker nut. Turn the bolt clockwise to reduce the cover removed. clearance and anti-clockwise to increase it 2 Using a ring spanner or socket on the 24 Spark plug renewal (see illustration).

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

EU Internal Market Law Mid-term online evaluation assignment for Distance Learning Students The Assignment: Hypothetical Case In the Member State A several NGOs, uniting parents concerned with safety of children and young adults, ordered a study of dog attacks on people (and especially children) resulting in deaths or maiming. The aim of the study was to identify, if possible, the dog breeds of potentially enhanced danger for people. The study’s results showed that pit bulls and their close mixes as well as Rottweilers and their close mixes were jointly responsible for over 70% of attacks. The authors of the study explained the statistics by popularity, big size and powerfulness of the named breeds and their ability to do a lot of damage. Besides, about the pit bull attacks the absence of warning from a dog played a significant role, because due to the custom of docking (cutting short) pit bulls’ tails warning signals could n...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Oliver twist - kokkuvõte

Chapter1: An unknown woman was found lying in the street and brought into the workhouse. She delivered a sickly child who had trouble breathing. The woman, without a word of who she was, died and left her new born boy, Oliver, to the drunken nurse that stood by. Chapter2: The State gave Oliver to Mrs. Mann who housed a number of orphaned children. Mrs. Mann took a large portion of the money given to her by the authorities for each child's food so Oliver grew up small and malnourished. On his ninth birthday, the town beadle, Mr. Bumble, came to collect Oliver and take him to the board for an interview. They told him he was to live with other wards of the state to become educated and learn a trade. Oliver did not mind this, but soon after he arrived, the state decided to implement a plan that would save money by feeding the people very little. After a time on this diet, the boys at the table chose Oliver to go ask the head cook for more ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
312 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

Xerox 1984 Tennsco Lockers, Gray Wilson Jones® Four-Pocket Poly Binders 7160 3M Organizer Strips Rediform Wirebound "Phone Memo" Message Book, 11 x 5-3/4 #6 3/4 Gummed Flap White Envelopes 1.7 Cubic Foot Compact "Cube" Office Refrigerators Cardinal Slant-D® Ring Binder, Heavy Gauge Vinyl Fellowes Staxonsteel® Drawer Files I888 World Phone Xerox 1997 Staples Standard Envelopes Xerox 1964 VTech VT20-2481 2.4GHz Two-Line Phone System w/Answering Machine 282 DXL™ Angle-View Binders with Locking Rings, Black Advantus Push Pins, Aluminum Head Quartet Alpha® White Chalk, 12/Pack Accessory4 O'Sullivan 2-Shelf Heavy-Duty Bookcases 80 Minute CD-R Spindle, 100/Pack - Staples Bevis 36 x 72 Conference Tables BPI Conference Tables Avery 501 Avery Hi-Liter Pen Style Six-Color Fluorescent Set Harmony HEPA Quiet Air Purifiers 5190 Hewlett-Packard cp1700 [D, PS] Series Color Inkjet Printers Hot File® 7-Pocket, Floor Stand Xerox 190 Xerox 1950 iDENi80s

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

to vary the openings depending on the size of vessels, and the facility to build in congested areas adjacent to other bridges. Completion of Tower Bridge over the Thames in London (1894), a 260ft (79m) roller-bearing trunnion bascule and the best known bascule bridge in the world, and Van Buren Street Bridge in Chicago, the first rolling lift bridge in the USA (patented by William Scherzer), marks the efficient solution to problems of lifting and locking mechanisms. In 1914, the Canadian Pacific Railroad completed the world's largest double-leaf bascule, spanning 336ft (102m) over the ship canal at Sault-Sainte-Marie, Michigan, rebuilt with identical spans in 1941. The Saint Charles Airline Railway Bridge (1919) spanning 16th Street in Chicago was at 260ft (79m) the longest single-leaf bascule when it was completed. In 1927, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad built the world's

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist


VI peatükk 6. Konteinerveod Konteiner ei ole mingi uus leiutis. Jutt on teatud tüüpi kauba veol kasutatavast kastist. Võrreldes hariliku kastiga on konteiner varustatud lisaseadmetega, mis võimaldavad konteinerit kasutada ajutise laona. Konteinerite ajalugu sai alguse II maailmasõja ajal kui ameeriklased hakkasid teatud mõõtmetega kaste kasutama varustuse toimetamisel sõjatandrile. Hiljem hakati konteinerite mõõtmeid standardiseerima. Esialgu tegeles sellega ASA (American Standardisation Association), hiljem ISO (International Standardisation Organization). Konteinerite liigitus ja mtmed ISO liigitab rahvusvahelistes vedudes kasutatavad konteinerid 1. seeriasse, mida vastavalt pikkusele märgitakse: 1A 40 jalga (12,19 m) 1D 10 jalga (3,05 m) 1B 30 jalga (9,14 m) 1E 6 2/3 jalga (2,03 m) 1C 20 jalga (6,10 m) 1F 5 jalga (1,52 m) Praktilises kasutuses on ülalmainitutest ainult 20- ja 40-jalased. 2. seeria kont...

Merendus → Laevandus
54 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

James loses his teeth. One of the messages is that kindness, compassion, tolerance are necessary for humanity to survive, these are eternal. Later, when a priest visits her. How difficult it is to have a deep conversation between locked doors. October light-not the end of the year and Sally and James are nearing the end of their lives. But it is still hopeful, they make up, reconsile. Many of the characters lock their hearts agains one another. Gardner seems to be saying that these locking of hearts, but then getting a sudden ray of light and unlocking the hearts are normal phases of the inevitable life is normal. Normal in nature as well. The historical novel on the 1970's. The end of the 1970's saw a very important anniversary in America. This anniversay was the two hundred anniversary of Americas independence. This great anniversary sparked a interest to the history and as a result it was an interest in

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

force as I was capable of. Then I turned and kicked the door open. "Go away, Edward!" I yelled at him, running inside and slamming the door shut in his still- shocked face. "Bella?" Charlie had been hovering in the living room, and he was already on his feet. "Leave me alone!" I screamed at him through my tears, which were flowing relentlessly now. I ran up the stairs to my room, throwing the door shut and locking it. I ran to my bed, flinging myself on the floor to retrieve my duffel bag. I reached swiftly between the mattress and box spring to grab the knotted old sock that contained my secret cash hoard. Charlie was pounding on my door. "Bella, are you okay? What's going on?" His voice was frightened. "I'm going borne," I shouted, my voice breaking in the perfect spot. "Did he hurt you?" His tone edged toward anger. "No!" I shrieked a few octaves higher

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

Do not connect bare stranded wires directly to terminals. Connection of bare stranded wires may result in burning. • Double-check all the wiring before turning on the power supply. Incorrect wir- ing may result in burning. • Be sure that the terminal blocks, expansion cables, and other items with lock- ing devices are properly locked into place. Improper locking may result in mal- function. • Check the user program for proper execution before actually running it on the Unit. Not checking the program may result in an unexpected operation. • Confirm that no adverse effect will occur in the system before attempting any of the following. Not doing so may result in an unexpected operation.

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

as vital to him as the blood in his veins. "Yes," I hissed, feeling the orgasm building. I was buzzed by champagne and the heated scent of Gideon's skin mixed with my own arousal. My breasts strained within the increasingly too-tight confines of my strapless bra, my body trembling on the edge of a desperately needed orgasm. "I'm so close." A movement on the far side of the room caught my eye and I froze, my gaze locking with Magdalene's. She stood just inside the door, halted midstride, staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the back of Gideon's moving head. But he was either oblivious or too impassioned to care. His lips circled my clit and his cheeks hallowed. Sucking rhythmically, he massaged the hypersensitive knot with the tip of his tongue. Everything tightened viciously, then released in a fiery burst of pleasure. The orgasm poured through me in a scorching wave

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun