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"koala" - 35 õppematerjali

koala – elab Austraalias, sööb vaid eukalüptilehti Emu – suur lennuvõimetu lind

Kasutaja: koala

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Referaat Koalast

Loodan, et käesolev referaat annab üldise ülevaate koalade elust. 1.2 Ajalugu ja levila «Koala» tähendab Uus-Lõuna-Walesi suguharude keeles «ei joo». Koalat on esimest korda mainitud tundmatu autori poolt, tema aruandes reisist Sinimägedesse 1798. aastal. Samal aastal lasi esimese tõendusmaterjali kuberneri sekretär John Price. Tundmatu autor kirjutab et Sinimägedes elab loom nimega kullavain, kes välimuselt sarnaneb Lõuna Ameerika laisikuga. Teadusele avastati koala merelaevastiku ohvitseri F. Ballieri poolt 1802. aastal. Esiteks muretses ta koalanaha, hiljem aga ka elusa looma. Pärast seda leiti viiekümne aasta vältel koalasid ainult Uus-Lõuna-Walesi piires, kuid 1855. aastal nähti teda ka Victoria osariigis ja 1923. aastal Queenslandi kaguosas. Minevikus asustas koala ka Lõuna- ja Lääne-Austraaliat, aga ta kas suri hijem välja või hävitati täielikult, sest leiud tõendavad, et ta seal elas. Queenslandist on leitud ka pool tonni kaalunud

Loodus → Loodusõpetus
10 allalaadimist

Description of an animal

Endangered animal ­ koala bear Though often called the koala "bear," this cuddly animal is not a bear at all, it is a marsupial. Koalas live in eastern Australia, where the eucalyptus trees they love are most plentiful. In fact, they rarely leave these trees. That is why they are usually called "treehuggers". Koalas have thick, grayish fur, with white on their chests, inner arms, and ears. They have large furry ears and leathery noses.The koala has large, sharp claws to assist with climing tree trunks. The koala is one of the few mammals that have fingerprints. Koalas do not live in big groups, they rather prefer to be alone. Koalas consume eucalyptus leaves and bark from 12 different eucalyptus tree species. Koalas rests motionless for about 16 to 18 hours a day, sleeping most of that time. They can be aggressive towards each other, throwing a foreleg around their opponent and biting.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kangaroo, Kiwi & Koala

KANGAROO, KIWI AND KOALA Canada is north of the USA. It is a very big country. There are a lot of forests there. The maple leaf is the symbol of Canada. The people in Canada speak English or French. Ottawa is the capital of that contry. The Niagara Falls are two waterfalls on the border between the USA and Canada. The American Falls are in the States and the Horseshoe Falls are in Canada. A lot of tourists visit the falls every day. Australia is a warm country. Kangaroos and koalas live there. In Australia the summer months are December, January and February and the winter months are June, July and August. The Australian people speak English. The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia... New Zealand is east of Australia. There are more sheep than people in New Zealand. The people of New Zealand speak English. The kiwi, a bird which cannot fly, is the symbol of New Zealand.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Koaala - referaat

Koala Koala pikkus on umbes 70-80 sentimeetrit. Ta kaalub kuni 16 kilogrammi. Tema välimus on väga kummaline: kohev karv, tillukesed silmad, alati kikkis kõrvad, naljakas lapik ja kongus nina. Koala karv on hallikaspruun või tuhkhall, seljal mõnikord punakas või hõbedane, kõhupoolel heledam.Koala kinnitub puu külge tugevate küünistega, mida ta vajutab puukoore sisse. Küünised on eriti tugevasti arenenud kahel teineteisele vastandataval varbal. Need on piisavalt tugevad, et kanda looma raskust. Tsüsiit, konjuktiviit ja sinusiit on koaalade tavalised haigused. Sinusiit tüsistub sageli, eriti talvel, kopsupõletikuga. Koala toitub ainult mõnede eukalüptiliikide lehtedest

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
19 allalaadimist


Koalas The koala is an arboreal herbivore marsupial native to Australia. It is easily decide by its strong, tailless body; round, fluffy ears; and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60­85 cm and weighs 4­15 kg. Fur colour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown. At the beginning of the 20th century people hunted Koala because their fur. Today this animal is under the protection but they still are in danger. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than the other. Most of their food consists of eucalypt leaves but sometimes they eat other leaves too. There is about 600 species of eucalypt, koalas eat only 30. Because they get so little energy from their diet, koalas must limit their energy use and sleep 20 hours a day. They typically eat and sleep in the same tree

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Factfiles Population-22,793,217 Area-7,617,930km2 Capital-Canberra Biggest city-Sydney National language-English Red Kangaroo Red Kangaroo can hop as fast as 70 km/h over short distances, but they usually comfortably travel at 20km/h. Koala The Koala is another recognised symbol of Australia. It's difficult to take koala pictures because they sleep 20 hours a day. (They are permanently sleepy because of the chemicals in the Gum leaves). Emu It is quite common to see emu's in Australia.They are the second largest flightless bird in the world (just smaller than the Ostrich), but the emu is unchallenged as the stupidest of all creatures. In the tropics you can meet emus cousin ­ cassowary.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Mammals of Australia

Mammals of Australia · Australia has more than 378 mammal species . · It is the only continent in the world to still have all three of the major groups of mammals: monotremes, marsupials and placentals. · Some of the best-known animals are the kangaroo, koala, echidna, dingo, platypus, wallaby and wombat. · Monotremes - egg-laying mammals (nowadays found only in Australia and New Guinea) Marsupials - babies born in embryonic condition and kept firmly attached to a teat in a pouch or nestled behind a protective skin-flap while developing further Placentals - unborn young are nourished by a placenta and born at a more advanced stage, some still naked, blind and unable to walk for a week or two, others able to run on their day of

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Unusual animals

Unusual animals  Thea Nigol 9.r Kangaroos  Second most  recognisable icons  Shortly called ‘Roos’  Can be found all around Australia  Joey – a baby kangaroo  Only eat plants Koala   Best known, tourist icon  Found all over Australia  Koala bear?  Feed on eucalyptis leaves  Are active about 2 h of the day The Thorny Devil Lizard   Dragon lizards  Found in the outback  One of the least agressive reptiles  Need sunlight to warm up  Only grow about 20 cm  Live up to 20 years Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo   Only found in Queensland  Stay on trees the majority of their life  Can leap up to 15 m  Feed on leaves, fruits  Cushioned feet

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Koala on tiheda karvkattega omapärane loom, kes elab ainult Austraalias. Tema eripäraks on see, et ta toitub ainult eukalüptilehtedest, seetõttu kiskjad tema liha ei söö ja tema ainus vaenlane on inimene. Tohutu küttimise tõttu käesoleva sajandi alguses ja esimesel veerandil, mille põhjustas koala ilus ja kohev karusnahk, oli loom peaaegu välja surnud. Kuid tänu loomade oidamisele kunstlikes tingimusetes, ja inimestele, kes jälgisid väga tähelepanelikult looduses säilinud isendeid, hakkas olukord sajandi keskpaigas vähehaaval paranema. Nüüdseks on koalade arv tõusnud, kuid neid on siiski väga vähe. Koalad on looduskaitse all. Selle teema valisin, kuna mind huvitavad loomad ja tahtsin koalade kohta rohkem teada saada

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Unusual animals

I slaid I am going to talk about strange animals that live in Australia. II slaid Australian kangaroos are the most famous Australian animals, and they belong to the most recognisable icons in the world. Australians call them 'roos' and they can be found in all parts of Australia, not just in the Outback. Their young are called joeys. All kangaroos are herbivores and only eat plants. The biggest enemies of kangaroos are humans. III slaid The Koala is one of Australia's best known animals. It is an icon represented when promoting Australia to the tourist industry. Koalas are mainly found in the south east Australia. Koalas are often referred to as a Koala bear. However they are not a bear. The name Koala comes from an Aboriginal word. It means "no drink", as Koalas get enough fluids through the eucalyptis leaves they feed on. They do not move around much and are only active for about 2 hours of the day. IV slaid

Keeled → Inglise keel
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income. Enviroment. Although most of Australia is semiarid or desert, it includes a diverse range of habitats from alpine heaths to tropical rainforests. Australian forests are mostly made up of evergreen species, particularly eucalyptus trees in the less arid regions, wattles replace them in drier regions and deserts as the most dominant species. Among wellknown Australian fauna are the monotremes (the platypus and echidna); a host of marsupials, including the kangaroo, koala, and wombat, and birds such as the emu and the kookaburra. The koala and eucalyptus form an iconic australian pair pair. Culture. Since 1788, the basis of Australian culture has been strongly influenced by Anglo-Celtic Western culture. Distinctive cultural features have also arisen from Australia's natural environment and Indigenous cultures. Since the mid-20th century, American popular culture has strongly

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Report of Austraalia

Australian animals are very beautiful animals. The kangaroo is a symbol of Australia. There are more than 50 kind of red kangaroos. Adults are often 2.0 meters long. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves. Kangaroos live in group of ,twelve. But there are more interesting animals .Koalas are sleepy and their colour is grey .Koalas' babies ride on mothers back till six months .They live on eucalyptus trees and sleep 18 hours! Koalas eat eucalyptus trees leaves, they don't drink. The word koala means "No water " .In the sea you can find crocodiles that are 5 or 6 metre long. They eat fish, animals and sometimes people.You must be careful .Echidna and platypus babies are born from eggs but drink milk .The echidna eat ants with it catches with it long fast tongue .The platypus has a wide bill like a duck and a wide flat tail .It swims well ,but stays under water for a few minutes and it shuts its eyes and ears first .The emu is another Australian bird which is two meters long

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
11 allalaadimist

Australia - presentatsioon

Australia Helen Allik KÜG XB 2010 Commonwealth of Australia Capital ­ Canberra Political federation. Head of the state ­ Queen Elizabeth II. Head of the government ­ Julia Gillard. Offical language ­ none. National language - english. Physical geography A continent, an island and a country. Southern Hemisphere. Total area ­ 2,941,299 sq mi. Lowest point ­ Lake Eyre Highest point ­ Mount Kosciuszko Neighbours : Indonesia East Timor Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Solomon Islands Ned Caledonia New Zealand Mount Kosciuszko (2228 m) Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Movie, Sing

Movie "Sing" In this movie is main hero koala Buster Moon.His father was died when he was a child.Buster promised dad to make process in the theater.He decided to earn money and arranged the contest in the theatre.Winner of music battle will receive 1000dollars, but his assistant is lizard Miss Crawly printed promotion for show and she wrongly typed 2 zero and prize has become 100 000 dollars.Right before the office's oscillating fan accidentally disperses the flyers throughout the city.Moon

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Australia slideshow

Australia has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, while cigarette smoking is the largest preventable cause of death and disease Age pension is available to men aged 65 Women currently become eligible for the Age pension at 63 years and 6 months the peculiarities Because of the continent's great age, extremely variable weather patterns, and long-term geographic isolation, much of Australia's biota is unique and diverse. Kangaroo, koala, wombat, emu, kookaburra, eucalyptus, dingo Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
12 allalaadimist

Natural zones and flora of Australia

The smallest are thekangaroos that belong to the group called rat kangaroos. There are million of kangaroos in Australia. Another Australian marsupial is the wombat. It lives in burrows in grassland areas of Australia and Tasmania. It has short strong legs and long claws for digging burrows.Wombats live in groups and come out to look for food at night. They have poor eyesight but they can smell and hear very well. Their nearest living relatives are koalas. The koala is one of the best known Australian animals. They live in eucalyptus trees,sleeping for 18 hours and eating 1 kilo of leaves each day. They drink almost nothing ­ they get water from the leaves of the trees.They eat leaves of only five of 500 different kinds of eucalyptus trees.Baby koalas spend the first three months of their life in their mother's pouch,which opens to the back. They come out when they are about six months old. The possum is a furry animal that lives in the trees of Australia

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Austraalia loodus

AUSTRALIA Valeria Jegorova 10A 2013 a. Australian flag Coat of Arms Coat of Arms Anthem: "Advance Australia Fair" Royal Anthem: "God Save The Queen" ABOUT Australia's population is roughly 22.7 million people . Australia is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. Australia's military expenditure is the world's 13th-largest. Australia is a constitutional monarchy with a federal division of powers. CULTURE Australian culture is as broad and varied as the country's landscape. Australia is multicultural and multiracial and this is reflected in the country's food, lifestyle and cultural practices and experience. ENVIRONMENT Australia has the greatest number of reptiles of any country, with 755 species. Australian forests are mostly made up of evergreen species, particularly eucalyptus trees . Well-known Australian anima...

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long summer holidays. Ø In 1987, it was calculated that there were about 150 million sheep in Australia, about 10 sheep for every person living in the country. No wonder that Australia is the world's largest exporter of lamb and wool. FUN FACTS the national anthem is referred to as "Advance Australia Fair" 1/5 of the land is desert pubs occupy more land than the mines Australians love meat pies the zoo has no cages, which is awesome!!! the koala, emu, kookaburra and kangaroo originated in Australia more venomous snakes than any other continent Bob Hawke's name was listed in the Guinness Book of world Record in the year 1954, for having 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds time. Later Bob Hawke was also the Prime minister of Australia. Historical facts o How cool is this?? Female vote Australia was the second country to give women the vote. o Australia day January 26, Australia day, is the anniversary of ships

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Austraalia / australia

In the outback, there are some sheep and cattle ranches (property.) There are about ten times more sheep than people in Australia. Sheep are raised for wool and for meat. In Australia what Americans call a ranch is known as a station. Stations are very big. Some stations are so big they have to use planes to keep track of the animals. The most famous animals in Australia are marsupials. A marsupial is a mammal that has a pouch to carry its young. Some kangaroos can jump 30 feet. The koala sometimes stays in the same tree for days and is endangered. The Great Barrier Reef is also in Australia. It is made up of coral and algae. Coral are tiny invertebrate animals. The Great Barrier Reef is about 1250 miles long. There is a channel of water that separates the reef from the Queensland coast. It is the largest deposit of coral in the world. It is also the world's largest living structure. Australia's national sport is Cricket. Cricket is a little bit like baseball but it

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Topic – Australia

In Northern Australia there is a tropical climate. The coastal areas have the biggest amount of rainfall. In most parts of Australia rainfall is very low. 6. Animals Australia is the only continent on earth where marsupials live; they are also known as pouched mammals and egglying mammals. Ordinary mammals live also in Australia and these mammals are mostly imported there. Marsupials are kangaroos, wombats, koalas, Tasmanian wolfs and Tasmanian devils. The Koala is found all along the eastern coast of Australia from near Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula, and as far into the hinterland as there is enough rainfall to support suitable forests. They are the cutest and lovelies animals of Australia. Koala accepts humans but if you really disturb them, they become aggressive. The Koala lives almost entirely on eucalyptus leaves. Koala has very long arms and very well developed paws. It eats about 2 pounds leaves a day

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Austraalia - slideshow

Click to edit Master text styles The Spotted Quoll Second level A female Gang- Third level Fourth level gang Cockatoo Fifth level The Koala The weedy sea dragon The spotted wobbegong The Sugar Glider Emu Brushtail possum Echidna Thank You

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Australia topic

Their young are born before they are fully developed. The kangaroo is born after being only seven weeks inside it's mother. It is completely blind and only an inch or an inch and a half long. It crawls into its mother's pouch and attaches itself to a nipple there. There it stays for almost three months, when it begins to stick its head out. It is six months old before it is big and strong enough to leave the pouch. Some of the marsupials in Australia look very much like higher animals. The koala, which looks like a live teddy bear, is not really a bear at all but a marsupial. Today Australian marsupials are dying out. Dogs, cats, and rabbits brought to Australia by men are rapidly destroying the gentler marsupials. Some day there may be nothing left of the ancient animals. Australia has around 800 species of birds, 400 of which are unique to this country. There are 55 species of parrots in Australia, and the birds are as numerous as they are colourful.

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


Sissejuhatus Koaala on tiheda karvkattega omapärane loom, kes elab ainult Austraalias. Tema eripäraks on see, et ta toitub ainult eukalüptilehtedest, seetõttu kiskjad tema liha ei söö ja tema ainus vaenlane on inimene. Tohutu küttimise tõttu käesoleva sajandi alguses ja esimesel veerandil, mille põhjustas koala ilus ja kohev karusnahk, oli loom peaaegu välja surnud. Kuid tänu loomade hoidmisele kunstlikes tingimusetes, ja inimestele, kes jälgisid väga tähelepanelikult looduses säilinud isendeid, hakkas olukord sajandi keskpaigas vähehaaval paranema. Nüüdseks on koaalade arv tõusnud, kuid neid on siiski väga vähe. Koaalad on looduskaitse all. Selle teema valisin kuna mulle meeldivad koaalad, sest nad on armsad ja haruldased ning neid leidub ainult Austraalias kaitsealadel

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
20 allalaadimist


bemmican, totem, papose, squaw, tomahoow, igloo, kayak, opossum, squash, mugwump, alaska, arizona, chesapeake bay, cheyenne, chicago, connecticut, dakota, cansas, massachusetts, michigan, mianiappolis, milwaukee, minnesota, mississippi, niagara, ohio, oklahoma, pontiac, seattle, wiaoming, jazz, blues, rythm and blues, rock and roll, jukes lang, cakewalk, jive, banana, jelly, jam, tote, vodoo, banjo, reggae, ska. AUSTRALIA- kangaroo, kookaburra, boomerang, dingo, coolibah, wallaby, koala, billabong, jumbuck, budgerigar, wombat, currawong, corroboree, barramundi, jackeroo. 4) Etymologycal doublets Wors that have the same etymological roots but have entered the language differently. One of two or more words derived from one source for exsample. Cattle-chattle, road-raid, guarrantee-warranty- guaranty. 5) Folk etymology First of all commonly held misunderstanding of the original word. Rosmarine- rosemary, somblind- sand-blind

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist


Weather in Sidney Sydney's climate is pleasantly temperate all year round with more than 340 sunny days a year. In summer (December to February), average maximum temperatures in Sydney are around 26°C. It can also be humid at this time with an average humidity of 65 per cent. Average maximum temperatures in the winter (June-August) are around 16°C. Sydney's rainfall is highest between March and June. Appealling climate - Australian seasons are the opposite to the Northern Hemisphere, summer starts in December, autumn in March, winter in June and spring in September. Australian seasons Spring: September ­ November Summer: December ­ February Autumn: March ­ May Winter: June ­ August The best seasons to travel to Australia (nicest weather) are in either Spring or Autumn. Driving in Australia The most important thing to remember in Australia when driving is that Australian people drive on the left-hand side of the road. For people coming ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaat inglise keeles

farming and a major industrial activity is steel production and manufacturing. 3) Queensland ­ its capital is Brisbane and it has a total land mass of 1 727 000 sq km. Its population is 3,5 million people. There are two climate sones in Queensland. The major agricultural activity is beef cattle farming and a major industrial activity is mining coal and other minerals. Now tourism is a major industry also. The koala lives only in Queensland. 4) Western Australia ­ its capital is Perth and it is the largest of Australian states. It occupies 2,25 million sq km. The major agricultural industries are beef, wheat and timber and the major industry is mining ironore, bauxite, gold and diamonds. 5) Victoria ­ its capital is Melbourne and it is the smallest mainland state. It only occupies 3 per cent of the total land mass of Australia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
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4 metres high. They can jump more than four metres and travel at seventy kilometres an hour. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves and live in groups about twelve. Everyone loves the sleepy gray koalas. Like kangaroos, they have s pouch on their fronts for their babies. After six months there, baby koalas ride on their mother's back. They live in eucalyptus trees, sleeping for eighteen hours, and eating one kilo of leaves, each day. They drink almost nothing. The word koala means "no water." In the seas and rivers of northern Australia crocodiles can be found. They are five or six metres long. They eat fish, animals, kangaroos - and sometimes people. There are more than 800 kinds of birds in Australia. The emu, which is two metres tall, is the second largest bird in the world. It cannot fly at all, but it can run at fifty kilometres an hour. Then there is the kookaburra, whose cry sounds like someone laughing, and the budgerigar, a

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there for several months. The kangaroo is the most numerous among marsupials. There are more than 50 species of them. It's a furry animal that hops on its hind legs. An adult can measure 2,4 metres high. They can jump more than 4 metres and travel 70 km/h. The biggest are red kangaroos, grey kangaroos and wallaroos. The smallest are the kangaroos that belong to the group called rat kangaroos. They eat grass and leaves and live in groups of about twelve. The koala is one of the best loved Australian animals. The aboriginals named it "the animal that does not drink". They live in eucalyptus trees, sleeping for 18 hours, and eating 1 kilo of leaves and bark each day. Baby koalas are about the size of a bean when they are born. They move into their mother's pouch, which opens to the back. It comes out at the age of 6 months. The wombat lives in burrows in grassland areas of Australia and Tasmania. It has

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Topic of Australia

pouch where they stay for several months. The most numerous among marsupials is the 4 kangaroo. There are more that 50 different species of them. Kangaroo is a furry and quite long animal who is known for its jumping. They can jump more than 4 meters and achieve 70 km/h. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves. The koala is one of the best-loved Australian animals. It is a small marsupial that lives in eucalyptus trees and it can sleep for 18 hours straight. The aborigines named it "the animal that does not drink", but it eats leaves and bark. The wombat is a small animal that has short, but strong legs and claws, which it uses for digging burrows. It lives on Tasmania, but also in burrows in grasslands of Australia. They do not see well, but they can hear and smell very well.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
15 allalaadimist


mama's pouch. They are born as small, bean-sized hairless babies that climb up into the safety of the pouch. After 33 weeks the little kangaroos have to leave the pouch. At top speed kangaroos can make 4m leaps and reach the velocity of 50 km/h. The long, heavy and powerful kangaroo tail makes it all possible by providing balance and stability. Only tree kangaroos can move their hind feet independently of one- another. The wombat is a marsupial rat. The koala or pouched bear lives in the gum- trees. It is the loveliest of all the Australian animals. The Tasmanian wolf and the Tasmanian devil, the only native carnivores of Australia, are almost extinct. The egg-laying mammals are the strangest of all Australian animals. They lay eggs like birds and feed their young with milk like mammals do. They form a link between birds and mammals. The duck-bill or platypus lives in the rivers of East Australia mostly. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Evolutsiooni kursuse konspekt

a) geneetiliselt adapteerunud; (talvine valge kasukas jänesel - kui talvel lund ei tule, on niisugune kasukas eriti ebaõnnestunud, kuid paraku ei ole see reguleeritav organismi eluajal (ega ka paljude põlvkondade jooksul).) b) füsioloogiliselt muutlik/tolerantne; (võime muuta kiiresti värvust (adapteeruda keskkonnale). Ja kasvõi meie higistamine soojas ja värisemine külma käes. Kalade võime reguleerida soola sisaldust organismis, tolerants toidu suhtes: koala sööb vaid eukalüpti lehti ja seega on tema liigina ellujäämisega tõelisi raskusi. Karul ja seal on (selles mõttes) lihtsam. c) Arenguliselt tagatud adapteerumisvõime (neid näiteid on ka palju, k.a. näiteks see, et raske kehalise töö vajadus tagatakse lihaste tugevnemisega, elamine kõrgmäestikus tagatakse hemoglobiin ja erütrotsüütide hulga suurenemisega jne. ) Veelkord: mitte kaugeltki alati ei saa muutust kutsuda adaptatsiooniliseks siis ja seal, kus on tegemist

Bioloogia → Evolutsioon
82 allalaadimist

Keskkonnakaitse üldkursus

Alates 1994 riiklik looduskaitse Eesti Vabariigis. Olulised isikud keskkonna- ja looduskaitses 1. K.E von Baer- ekspeditsioonid Peipsile ja Läänemerele. Pööras tähelepanu kalavarude kaitsele ja valedele püügiviisidele 2. Alexander Theodor von Middendorff- loodushariduse algataja 3. Gregor Helmersen- eluta looduse kaitse alla võtmise algataja Eestis ja tsaari Venemaal (nõudis rändrahnude kaitse alla võtmist) 4. Carl Robert Jakobson- kirjanik, kes koala lugemikes ja oma kirjutistes väärtustas loodusesse suhtumist 5. A. Mathiesen- töötas välja esimese Looduskaitseseaduse projekti (valitsus ei kiitnud heaks) 6. Artur Toom- tema algatusel loodi esimene kaitseala Baltiriikides e. Vaika linnukaitseala (1910) 7. G. Vilbaste- esimene riiklik looduskaitse inspektor 8. Th. Lippmaa- töötas välja Looduskaitseseaduse uusprojekti, hilisem Looduskaitse Nõukogu esimees 9. E. Kumari- Looduskaitse komisjoni pika aegne juht

Loodus → Keskkonnakaitse
13 allalaadimist

Geograafia kordamine 8.klass

GEOGRAAFIA EKSAM 8. klass PILET 1 1. Loodus ja inimetgevus. Peamised keskkonnaprobleemis maailmas: kasvuhooneefekt. osoonikihi hõrenemine, happevihmad, kliima soojenemise probleem. GLOBAALSED KESKKONNAPROBLEEMID · Õhu saastumine, kliima soojenemine, osoonikihi hõrenemine Õhk on eriti saastunud suurlinnades. Inimese majandustegevus ja tihenev liiklus põhjustavad sageli looduse reostumist. Suurte tehaste lähedal reostuvad õhk ja veekogud. Õhusaaste tekitab kasvuhooneefekti, mille tagajärel tõuseb keskmine tmpetatuur ja muutub maailma kliima. KASVUHOONEEFEKT ­ Tööstustest, elumajade korstendest, vulkaanisuitsust, autode heitgaasidest tekib nn kasvuhoonegaaside kiht. See koosneb süsihappegaasist CO 2, vingugaasist CO, veeaurust H2O, SO2, NO4. Päikesekiired pääsevad läbi kasvuhoonegaaside kihi sisse, aga välja enam ei saa. Tõimub ülemaailmne kliima soojenemi...

Geograafia → Geograafia
403 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

elp Many adverbs also end in -ly. Here are some adjectives with the endings -able, -al, -en, -ible, -ish and -ous. a broken chair a famous pop singer childish behavior a national costume a comfortable chair a musical instrument a dangerous place a terrible mess a foolish act a woolen sweater a horrible smell a wooden table a loveable koala a poisonous snake 56 Exercise 1 Add the correct endings to turn these words into adjectives. -y -ful -less -al 1 peace 6 dirt 2 storm 7 music 3 mud 8 nation 4 forget 9 dust 5 spot 10 play Exercise 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Evolutsioon: usk, Darwin

Füsioloogiline muutlikkus - näiteks võime muuta kiiresti värvust (adapteeruda keskkonnale). Ja kasvõi meie higistamine soojas ja värisemine külma käes. Kalade võime reguleerida soola sisaldust organismis - kuid on vaid vähe kalu, kes on võimelised elama ühtviisi hästi nii soolases merevees, kui ka magedas vees. Füsioloogiline tolerants peab olema arenenud välja ju praktiliselt alati - küsimus on selle ulatusest. Tolerants toidu suhtes: koala sööb vaid eukalüpti lehti ja seega on tema liigina ellujäämisega tõelisi raskusi. Karul ja seal on (selles mõttes) lihtsam. Arenguliselt tagatud adapteerumisvõime: neid näiteid on ka palju, k.a. näiteks see, et raske kehalise töö vajadus tagatakse lihaste tugevnemisega, elamine kõrgmäestikus tagatakse Hgb ja erütrotsüütide hulga suurenemisega jne. Veelkord: mitte kaugeltki alati ei saa muutust kutsuda adaptatsiooniliseks siis ja seal, kus on

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun