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"inuit" - 31 õppematerjali

inuit - (tõelised inimesed) eskimotel enda kohta (eskimo - algonkinide kõnepruugis

Inuit Culture

Inuit Culture, Traditions, and History Traditional Inuit way of life was influenced by the harsh climate and stark landscapes of the Arctic tundra ­ from beliefs inspired by stories of the aurora to practicalities like homes made of snow. Inuit invented tools, gear, and methods to help them survive in this environment. Read on to learn more about traditional Inuit ways of life, and how Inuit culture has been changed over the past century. Geography Inuit communities are found in the Arctic, in the Northwest Territories, Labrador and Quebec in Canada, above tree line in Alaska (where people are called the Inupiat and Yupik), and in Russia (where people are called the Yupik people). In some areas, Inuit people are called "Eskimos" however many Inuit find this term offensive. The word "Inuit" means "the people" in the Inuktitut language. Inuit Homes

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Canada Aboriginal people, First Nations and Inuit Eneli Maltsar Form 9 8th December 2017 Canada Canada is a country in the nothern part of North America The capital of Canada is Ottawa The population of Canada is 36 million Total area is 9,984,670 square kilometres (3,855,100 square miles) The largest city is Toronto Canada Canada is a bilingual country : they speak both English and French The monarch is the Queen of England It's ten provinces and three territories extend

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INUITID Inuitid ehk lääneeskimod on rühm rahvaid ja hõime, kelle põline asuala on Põhja-Ameerika põhjaosas Kanadas, Alaskal ja Gröönimaal. Inuitt tähendab grööni keeles ,,inimesed". Selle nimetuse otsustas 1977. a kasutusele võtta inuittide rahvusvaheline organisatsioon Inuit Circumpolar Conference kõigi eskimote kohta, kuid eesti keeles soovitatakse inuittideks nimetada ainult lääneeskimoid. 1991. aasta hinnangul oli inuitte Kanadas 31 000 ja Gröönimaal 47 000. 2000. aasta hinnangul oli inuitte Kanadas 45 000 ja Gröönimaal 50 000. Inuitid kõnelevad inuiti keeli. Inuittide esivanemad on tulnud Ameerikasse Beringi väina saarte kaudu Aasiast, nad on elanud Põhja-Ameerika rannikul, püüdes mereimetajaid ning küttides maismaal

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
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Canada. In january there's an average temperatur about 30 degrees. Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase About 83% of the people living there are Inuit. Inuit, French, and English are the official languages. About 70% of the people speaks inuktitut and only 27% English. Inuit man Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase

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Inuiitidel on rohkelt rituaalseid pidustusi, kus arvatakse tegelevad nõidusega ja samaanlusega, mis on Inuiitide seas laialt levinud tegevus. Inuitid usuvad samuti, et igal esemel on hing ja seetõttu suhtuvad kogu maailmasse pühitsemisega. Kunst mängib Inuiitide kultuuris samuti suurt rolli. Levinud on seinamaalingud, loomaluu maalingud ning igal pool on kujutatud väikeseid looma ja inimfiguure. Inuitidel on ka traditsioon abielluda ja iga Inuit peab olema abielus, muidu ei austa ta oma kultuuri ja esivanemaid. Iga Inuiti peres peab olema vähemalt kaks last, ema ja isa , kes kõik tegelevad majapidamisega. Inuitide omapärase religiooni tõttu on nende hõimud ikka veele säilinud , kuigi nad elavad nüüd rohkem euroopaliku elu, sest nende tehnika ja kultuur on arenenud samasuguseks nagu on ülejäänul maailmal ja on kartus et mitmesaja aasta pärast nende hõimud kaovad eurooplaiku ellusuhtumise tõttu lõplikult.

Geograafia → Geograafia
30 allalaadimist

Kanada ühiskond ja kultuur/Society and Culture of Canada

Region. Divisions are based on each area's relatively similar physical geography and landforms. Physiographic regionalization is defined here as the process by which regions with relatively homogeneous physical geography are determined 2. Who are the native people of Canada? Into which three groups can they be divided? Canada's constitution specifies three categories of aboriginal peoples: Indian (First Nations), Métis, Inuit. According to Canadian census 2011, 1.4 mln people of Aboriginal origin (4.3%): 852,000 First Nations persons, 452,000 Métis, 59,000 Inuit. Indian (First Nations) - No written history before the contact with Europeans. Chief historical sources ­ European priests, travellers and traders ­ not interested in the preservation of "pagan"myths. Different estimates about their number in Canada when Europeans reached North America ­ from 300,000 to 1 mln. Saw themselves as part of

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The Inuksuk

The Inuksuk Marit & Mari- Liis 9b symbol in the Arctic built from the stones "likeness of a person"( inimese sarnane) Used in many different ways. the way home warn of dangerous places showed where food was stored help hunt caribou herds (karjad) work of humans many Inuit lived on the sea ice stars in the night sky were important. Some Inuksuit were built to point toward the North Star Today much more than just a stone marker( kivid) symbol of the North and of leadership Traditional to mark their presence both in the Arctic and across this country.

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Canada Topic

The northern Canadian mainland is ringed with a vast archipelago containing some of the world's largest islands. Population Canada is one of the most sparsely populated, with only about 30 million inhabitants. The two biggest ethnic groups are those of British and French extraction. Quebec has a large French speaking majority. There are substantial minorities who speak other European languages, such as German, Scandinavian and Polish. Inuit and Indians in the Northwest and Yukon were the first inhabitants of Canada, the Indians crossing from Asian more than 10 000 years ago, and the Inuit which has distributed all around the Arctic circle. After the First World War, Canada was one of the principal creators of the Commonwealth. Climate Average winter and summer high temperatures across Canada vary depending on the location. Winters can be very freeze in many regions of the country, particularly in the

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thousands of icebergs each year. The climate is extremely cold, although the south experiences a short summer. The mammals of Greenland are more American than European and include muskox, wolves, lemmings, and reindeer. The varieties of seal and whale, and most of the species of fish and seabird, are also American rather than European. Circumpolar animals, such as polar bears, arctic foxes, polar hares, and stoats, are also found. Greenlanders are a people of mixed ancestry, primarily Inuit and European, especially Danish Norwegian. Nearly all live on the narrow southwest coastal fringe. Fishing, sealing, and

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13 allalaadimist

Esitlus - Alaska

Alaska General information Area ­ 1,717,854 km² (1st) Capital ­ Juneau Population - 731,449 (47th) Native people Numerous tribes The Inuit people (eskimos) The Aleut people The Alutiiq people Colonisation Russians - 17th century Name origin Alaska (Russian) ­ Alakshak (Aleutan) Peninsula Nicknames The Last Frontier Land of the Midnight Sun State of Alaska 1959 Symbols Flag - Seal - Symbols 2 Bird - Willow Ptarmigan Dog - Alaskan Malamute Sport ­ Dog Mushing Head of state

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1 allalaadimist

Põhja-ameerika Tundra

Tupp-villpea Kanarbik Loomastik • Tundrad on liigivaesed. • Paljudel loomadel on tihe karvkate või sulestik ning paks nahaalune rasvkude. Suvel pesitsevad tundras paljud linnud (haned, pardid, luiged jt). • Loomadest elavad näiteks põhjapõder, muskusveis, lumekakk, lemming, polaarrebane, valgejänes. Näiteks Põhjapõder Polaarrebane Inimtegevus • Põhja-Ameerika põhjaosas elavad inuitid. • Inuitid ehk lääneeskimod on rühm rahvaid ja hõime. • Inuit (mitmus sõnast inuk) tähendab grööni keeles 'inimesed‘. • Inuitid kõnelevad inuiti keeli. • Inuitid on elanud Põhja-Ameerika rannikul, püüdes mereimetajaid ning küttides maismaal. Inuitid Kasutatud kirjandus • • • • • https://et

Geograafia → Geograafia
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Topic - Canada 2

Cultural diversity makes Canada even more interesting. In spite of this, in recent years there is a strong movement in Frenchspeaking Quebec to become an independent country. 8. Natives Canada is a relatively young country whose recorded history goes back less than 500 years. When the European settlers arrived, Canada was already populated by a diverse range of aboriginal peoples, Indians and Inuit, who are thought to have arrived from Asia 10 ­ 3000 years ago by crossing a land bridge formed between Siberia and Alaska during the last ice age. It is believed that the ancestors of Canadian Inuit were inland hunters who adapted their lifestyle to new conditions. Some of them lived near the coast and began to hunt seals and walruses. Their main diet consisted of marine mammals and fish. Others never went to sea but hunted game in nearby areas.

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Åland, Färöarna, Grönland

glaciärer, fjordar Högsta punkt - Gunnbjørn (3700m) Ekonomi, naturresurser- Ekonomi är liten och sårbar. Naturresurser- järnmalm, zink, diamant, guld, uran, olja (men mest av de ligger under is och vatten). Fisk också Kända företag- Nunaoil, Grönlands banken, Royal Greenland, Royal Arctic Vetenskapmän- Knud Rasmussen (polarforskare) Uppfinningar- kajak, solglassögon Litteratur- Aqqaluk Lynge, Kristian Olsen ‘Aaju’, Kim Leine. Inuit myter Konst- Aaron från Kangeq, Johannes Kreutzmann, Hans Lynge. Viktigast i konst är natur och människa. Film- känst skadespelare: Nukaka Coster-Waldau. Film: “Eksperimentet” (2010) Företag: 3900 Pictures Musik- Idrott- Fotball Löpning Handball Skidåkning Mat- Mattak, Suaasat Traditioner- jakt, festivaler “Return of the Sun”, “Nuuk Snow Festival”

Kultuur-Kunst → Põhjamaade kultuur
18 allalaadimist


A gradual process of independence from the UK culminated in the Canada Act in 1982, severing the last vestiges of independence on the British parliament History Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase John Cabot An Inuit family in Canada Canada today economy Canada is the worlds eleventh largest economy Is one of the world's top ten trading nations, with a highly globalized economy Isn't a net exporter of energy The federal government and many industries have started to expand trades with Asian markets, in an attempt to diversify exports Canada today ­ science and technology In 2011 Canada spent almost 29.9 billion on domestic research and development

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Powerpoint teemal Native Americans

American indigenous peoples domesticated, bred and cultivated a large array of plant species. These species now constitute 50­60% of all crops in cultivation worldwide. The Inuit (Eskimos) and some Indian tribes of the far north relied almost entirely on hunting and fishing to survive. Some Native Americans were primarily big game hunters, migrating frequently to follow herds of bison or caribou.

Ajalugu → Ameerika ühiskond ja kultuur
14 allalaadimist


Eskimod on lähedaste rahvaste ja hõimude rühm, kelle põline asuala on Venemaal Tsuktsi poolsaarel ja PõhjaAmeerika põhjaosas Kanadas, Alaskal ning Gröönimaal. Nende asuala laiub idast läände 11 000 km ulatuses. Eskimod jagunevad kaheks liigiks: inuiti keeli kõnelevad inuitid ehk idaeskimod, ja jupiki keeli kõnelevad jupikid ehk Aasia eskimod. Nendest kahest liigitusest hoolimata kasutab eskimote rahvusvaheline organisatsioon kõigi eskimote kohta nimetust inuit. Eskimote esivanemad on tulnud Ameerikasse Beringi väina saarte kaudu Aasiast. Ameerika põliselanike seas on eskimod füüsiliste tunnuste, keele ja elulaadi poolest kõige aasialikumad. Eskimod on elanud Arktika rannikul, püüdes mereimetajaid ning küttides maismaal. Varem elasid eskimod enamasti väikestes eraldatud külades, mille suurus sõltus paiga loodusressurssidest. Tavaliselt elas külas 10­50 inimest, kes olid omavahel suguluses.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
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South the U.S.A. Geography 90% of Quebec's territory lies within the Canadian Shield The Eastern Canadian forests cover the Appalachian Mountains Climate Most of central Quebec has a subarctic climate. Winters are long, very cold, and snowy. Summers are warm but very short. History At the time of first European contact and later colonization, Algonquian, Iroquoian and Inuit tribes were the peoples who inhabited what is now Quebec. Hélène Desportes, born July 7, 1620, to the French habitants (settlers) Pierre Desportes and his wife Françoise Langlois, was the first child of European descent born in Quebec. The Quiet Revolution from 1944 to 1959 was a period of dramatic social and political change Population In 2006 the population of Quebec was 7,546,131 people Canadian 4,474,115 people60.1%

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
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Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ühiskond ja kultuur

Mountains, and Coast Mountains). Longest coastline. Huge area of forest and tundra. 3. There is a great contrast between the size of the land and the number of people. South- East (Ontario, Quebec) densely populated South and South-West less densely, rest of the country sparsely. 4. The native peoples of Canada are: - Indians (The First Nations) - Metis (North American Indian and European descent) - Inuit (Formerly called Eskimos) 5. Discovery by the Europeans: - St. Brendan ­ known as the Navigator; discovered in the 6th century; was an Irish monk - Scandinavians - 10th century, first by accident, then Leif Eriksson sighted the land. They attempted to colonize it but were driven out by the locals. - John Cabot ­ Italian; wanted to reach China; sighted land in 1497; the exact place

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Canada - history and provinces.

History First people who lived in Canada came by a land bridge from Russia and Greenland. They were the ancestors of nowadays indigenous people of Canada. They just searched better for living places and followed their prey and they didn't even know they were on a different continent. The first explorers were Norse seafarers known as Vikings. As they sailed from Iceland to Greenland in AD 985, they were blown far off their course and they saw the coast what must have been Labrador. The forested areas of Canada's coast encouraged further explorations, because their settlement lacked lumber. They established a colony, what they called Vinland on Newfoundland. It died out during the 14th and 15th centuries. 500 years later Europeans started looking for a waterway to Asia, because travelling with spices over land wasn't very safe anymore. The first explorer was Christopher Kolumbus who reached America's shore in 1492, although he thought it ...

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for them and it applies to a native person who is registered under the Indian Act and it means that they are entitled to free medical care, education and training. Some of them, whose ancestors signed treaties also receive a small amount of money. Metis are the people who are half indigenous and half other race, the came from the marriages between different races. They have good traditions and a dance called the jig. They live in communities in the rural areas. The Inuit, who don't want to be called Eskimos because of its meaning ,,meat- eaters", are the founded people, and over the years their life has changed dramatically and they feel that the modern people don't respect nature and that modern cultures had neglected and abused it. 10. Sports A wide variety of sports are played in Canada. Ice hockey, referred to as simply hockey in the country, is Canada's official winter sport and continues to be the most popular sport and one

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The Commonwealth of nations and the Brittish Empire

and four red stars with white borders to the right. The stars represent the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross, as seen from New Zealand. - animals - ir - wild mammal - Beaver[1], Canadian Horse - Kangaroo -.... - birds -ir - as yet undetermined, suggestions include wren and robin - Canada - Common Loon - aust - Emu - nz - Kiwi f) native people -ir - Celtic - Indian, also known as First Nations, Inuit and Métis -aust - aborigenes - maori g) History - When discovered? - can - 1534 -au - 1606 - nz - 1642 - When did became part of the British Empire? - 1931 - 1931 -1931 -1931 - Ireland ­ when did became a republic? 1949 - Status now? Republic and Parliamentary democracy h) Name 5 interesting facts! -ir ­ currency now is euro, before was the irish pound; What is the longest river in Republic of Ireland

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
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Report: Canada

Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut). Formally considered a constitutional monarchy, Canada is governed by its own House of Commons. While the governor-general is officially the representative of Queen Elizabeth II, in reality the governor-general acts only on the advice of the Canadian prime minister. History: The first inhabitants of Canada were native Indian peoples, primarily the Inuit (Eskimo). The Norse explorer Leif Eriksson probably reached the shores of Canada (Labrador or Nova Scotia) in 1000, but the history of the white man in the country actually began in 1497, when John Cabot, an Italian in the service of Henry VII of England, reached Newfoundland or Nova Scotia. Canada was taken for France in 1534 by Jacques Cartier. The actual settlement of New France, as it was then called, began in 1604 at Port Royal in what is now Nova Scotia; in 1608, Quebec was founded

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Kanada referaat

spoken too (26 % of the canadians). Canada is based on recognizing the cultural diversity of different nations living in Canada. All the communities living on the country are encouraged to remember their origins and hold their own ethnic events and national festivals. Cultural diversity makes Canada even more interesting. There are many native peoples throughout Canadalike the Crees, Mohawks, Iroquis and Sioux. In the north of the Country, the Inuit (Eskimos) now have a selfgoverning homeland called Nunavut (meaning "our land"). It is over two million sq km and is inhabited by 17,500 Inuits. Canada is one of the most tolerant societies in the world. For example only 13 % of canadians say that they would object their children marrying someone from another race (compared with 32 % in the USA). Canada's political structure is independent constitutional monarhcy.

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Canada. Canada is a very big country in the continent of North America. It is about 10 million square kilometres and that makes it the second largest country in the world after Russia. Quebec (the province) is six times as big as the UK. Canada borders the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the USA. The capital of Canada is Ottawa and other main cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. It is a very developed country. Montreal is the largest city and it is called the Paris of North America because most of the people there speak French. The population of Canada is 28 million people. It is a very multicultural country. People from many different countries have come to live there. The natives are Eskimos and Indians. Eskimos have their own self-governing homeland called Nunavut. In Canada there are also 2 official languages ­ English and French. One third of th...

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Topic - Canada

All the communities living in the country are encouraged to remember their origins and hold their own ethnic events and national festivals. Cultural diversity makes Canada even more interesting. In spite of this, in recent years there is a strong movement in French-speaking Quebec to become an independent country. There are many different native people throughout Canada like the Crees, Mohawks, Troquois and Sioux. In the north of the country, the Inuit (Eskimos) now have a self-governing homeland called Nunavut, meaning our land. It is over two million square kilometers and it is inhabited by 17,500 Inuits. The national symbol of Canada is the maple leaf. The national tree is the maple. Canada is also the most tolerant societies in the world because only 13% of Canadians say that they would object their children marrying somebody of a different race, compared with 32% in the USA.

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Canada topic

In order of size, they include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. These waterways along with the St Lawrence River are an important transportation route from the Atlantic Ocean to Canada's interior. Between Lake Eire and Lake Ontario, the Niagara River plunges over a rocky ledge and forms the famous Niagara Falls. In the far north we find the Hudson Bay Lowlands, which are cold, flat, and swampy, with very few cities. This area is home mainly to Inuit and other indigenous peoples who have lived there for centuries. The St Lawrence Lowlands have excellent transportation facilities and lie near markets in the United States. These features help make the region a manufacturing centre, producing three- fourths of Canada's manufactured goods. Fertile soil and a mild climate enable farmers produce such important crops as barley, maize, soybeans, oats, fuits and vegetables. The region also has a large number of dairy farms.

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Report Of Canada

The Arctic is no longer an inaccessible frontier. Inuvik, in the Mackenzie delta, can be reached by road, and every community is served by air. Most have electricity, stores and health services. North of the mainland is a maze of islands separated by convoluted straits and sounds, the most famous of which link together to form the fabled Northwest Passage, the route to the Orient sought by so many early explorers. Reflecting a growing autonomy, the Inuit (formerly known as Eskimos) are gradually changing place names into their language, Inuktitut. For example, the people of Frobisher Bay on Baffin Island, Nunavut, decided to rename their community Iqualuit, which means "place of fish." Used materials: a292ff611cf4 http://www

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

Society and culture of english-speaking countries

Society and culture of english-sspeaking countries Introduction 1. The countries of the world where the English language is spoken. 2. Approximate number of mother tongue speakers of English approximately 350-400 million native speakers. Which place does English occupy in the world by its number of speakers?After which language? English occupies second place by its number of speakers after Mandarin Chinese. 3. What is the difference between English as a Second Language, English as a Foreign Language and English for Specific Purposes? Give examples of situations where they are used. English as a Second Language (ESL or TESL) is a traditional term for the use or study of the English language by non-native speakers in an English-speaking environment. That environment may be a country in which English is the mother tongue (e.g., Australia, the U.S.) or one in which English has an established role (e.g., India, Nigeria) English as a...

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Kultuuriantropoloogia 2011 sügissemester Kohustuslik kirjandus: 1) Vikerkaar 4-5/ 2007, lk 64-77, 132-165 2) Marcus, G. ja Fischer, M. 1996 Anthropology as Cultural Critique. An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. II ptk, lk 17-44 3) Honko, L. & Pentikäinen, J. Kultuuriantropoloogia, lk 90-103 Antropoloogia ­ teadus inimesest, uurib nii eelajaloolist kui modernset inimest ja tema eluviise. Anthropos - inimene. Antropoloogia on inimest kui liiki ja selle arengut ning inimese kultuurikäitumist ja kultuure uurivate loodus,- humanitaar-, ühiskonnateaduste üldnimetus. Eesmärk anda süsteemset, võrdlevat teadmist maailma rahvaste, kultuuride kohta. R. Girtler: Kindlasti ei ole kultuuriantropoloogia primitiivsete rahvaste uurimine. G. P. Murdock: võrdlev teadus, mis üheskoos sotsioloogia ja psüholoogiaga üritab hõlmata inimese erinevaid käitumismustreid. Kultuuriantropoloogi...

Antropoloogia → Kultuurantropoloogia
33 allalaadimist


Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase. 1. There is a somewhat random character to the evolutionary process. (A) potent (B) unique (C) slight (D) peculiar 2. Mankind has made solid progress in the eradication of many harmful illnesses. (A) sluggish (B) negligible (C) mediocre (D) substantial 3. The inner harbor of Baltimore was once a contaminated part of the city. (A) an affordable (B) a polluted (C) a secure (D) a flourishing 4. The Inuit live in scattered settlements throughout the northern reaches of Canada. (A) well-maintained (B) very primitive (C) highly organized (D) widely dispersed 5. The history of human thought on the nature of the cosmos offers a number of remarkable lessons. (A) inspiring (B) identical (C) exceptional (D) enlightening LESSON 25 „ briefly „ circulate „ consistently „ exhibit „ found „ improperly „ impulsively „ infrequently „ isolated „ overtly „ profoundly

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

· Sino -Tibetan (incl uding Chine se, Burmese) Ame rindi an (Includin g Inuit, lroquoian. O uechua) Ural-Asiat ic (incl ud ing Finnish, Hungana n, Turkrsh) Dravidian D O the r Ind o-European (includ ing English, Span ish, Hind i) D Uninhabi t ed

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun