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"chemistry" - 165 õppematerjali



SISSEJUHATUS BBC CHEMISTRY ­ A VOLATILE HISTORY ­ DISCOVERING THE ELEMENTS 1. Mis elementi saab toota uriinist? Kirjeldage eksperimenti. Uriinist saab toota fosforit. Uriin tuleb jätta paariks päevaks seisma ning seejärel kuumutada. Kuumutamisel tekkiv aur tuleb suunata läbi vee. Selle tulemusena tekib valge vahane aine, mis helendab pimedas. 2. Kes ja kuidas avastas vesiniku. Kirjutage reaktsiooni võrrandit. Vesiniku avastajaks (1766) loetakse inglise füüsik ja keemik Henry Cavendishi, kes isoleeris metallidest ja hapetest saadud "põleva õhu" (divesiniku) ning kirjeldas ja uuris seda põhjalikult. Elavhõbeda ja happe segus tekkisid väikesed gaasimullid, mille koostist ei õnnestunud tal samastada ühegi tuntud gaasiga. Kuigi ta ekslikult arvas, et vesinik on elavhõbeda (mitte happe) koostisosa, suutis ta selle omadusi hästi kirjeldada. 2Na + 2H2O --> H2 + 2Na+ + 2OH­ 3. Keda peetaks...

Keemia → Üldkeemia
69 allalaadimist

Letter of application example

Dear Sir/Madam, My name is (your name) I am writing this letter to explain my purpose in applying to The Green School in Bali, Indonesia. My wish is to start studying in your school for a year. I am currently studying at (your school) in Estonia. Our school is steeped in nature subjects, like biology, chemistry and geography and we often take lessons outdoors. Our teachers also plan different trips to nature preservs, national parks and to the woods. So I think it would be very useful to me to study in your greenest school on earth and I can share my experiences and knowledge with your school and students. I am applying to the Green School for several reasons. I am usually dealing with music, but I have taken part of chemistry workshops for a two years. My wish is

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Ksenoon (Xe) Enel Tubin Avastamine  Avastajad: William Ramsay Morris Travers  Riik: Inglismaa  Aeg: 12.juuli 1898 William Ramsay  Inglisekeelne nimetus Xenon kreeka sõnast ξένον, mis tähendab: külaline, võõras, võõramaalane  Sümbol: Xe (algselt X) Morris Travers Andmed  Gaasiline, lõhnatu, värvusetu, maitsetu  Iseloomulikud oksüdatsiooniastmed: II, IV, VI, VII  Reageerib hästi fluoriga (F)  54 elektroni ja prootonit, 77 neutronit  Sulamistemperatuur: -111,0°C  Keemistemperatuur: -108,1°C  Aatommass: 131,29  Leidumine atmosfääris: 0.0000087% 2)8)18)18)8)  Struktuur: Kasutusalad  Valgustus ja optika: - Gaaslahenduslambid - Laserid  Meditsiin: - Anesteesia (narkoos) - Neuroprotektor - Doping (WADA poolt lisatu...

Keemia → Keemia
5 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 1: Raamatu otsing ESTERist

Märksõna Biokatalüüs 33 17 Märksõna Süntees 146 54 Märksõna Stereoselektiivne 6 8 süntees b) Gustafsson, H. (1974).Synthesis and stereochemical studies of some optically active a-azolylpropionic acids of biological interest. Uppsala. 2. a) 6 b) 5 c) 5 d) 6 3. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry. Section B, Organic Chemistry Andmebaas: Royal Society of Chemistry Core (KESLI) Olemas online-s aastast: 1997 Köide: 107 ARKIVOC: online journal of organic chemistry Andmebaasid: Academic Search Complete, DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals Olemas online-s aastast: 2000 12nes köide (Ilmub kord aastas, alates aastast 2000) Beilstein journal of organic chemistry Andmebaas: DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals Olemas online-s aastast: 2005 Köide: 8 4.

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
13 allalaadimist

Minu arvuti esitlus

Pelgulinna Gümnasium We school Canteen There is good food. Computer classes Computer class we learn about computers Chemistry class Chemistry class There are studied the chemical elements We do chemistry experiments in class Chemistry is a class a two chemical elements in the table Library The library can borrow books There you can also read news Art class School stadium We school stadion Our school physical education classes at the stadium Small posters They are in the library

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
5 allalaadimist

Infootsing e- raamatutest ja e- teatmeteostest.

Iseseisev töö nr. 7 1.1. Leia e-raamatute andmebaasi CHEMnetBASE käsiraamatust CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics koobalti (cobalt) sulamis- ja keemispunktid. Ei tööta. 1.2. Otsi andmebaasist CRCnetBASE kirjandust teemal Chemistry of black pepper. c) Agriculture ja chemistry d) 3. Chemistry of black pepper f) Black pepper 1.3. Otsing andmebaasist ebrary. b) Võimaldab salvestada pealkirju(tulemuseks saadud tekste?) ja neid kaustadesse teema järgi jaotades organiseerida. Lisaks teha märkmeid ja märgistusi ning neid teistega jagada. e) 426 f) (global)and(environmental change)and(europe) h) de Larminat, Philippe. Climate Change : Identification and Projections (1). Somerset, US: Wiley-ISTE, 2014. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 4 November 2016. 1

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist

My interest in chemical technology

18.09.2012 Mari-Liis Eha 120876KAKB My interest in chemical engineering I studied for 3 years in an english-science biased class in secondary school. My favourite subjects were chemistry and biology. We had many field trips. For instance, we had field trip to Kohtla-Järve to see the oil shale industry and also tours to see the wind generators. This is where my attraction to environment and chemistry grew together and I wanted to know more about further job and education opportunities in this field. I had a chance to be a job shadower at a company called ,,Orto", which is a chemical industry. One of the employees who I was shadowing had learned food chemistry and the other

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 6: Erialainfo otsing; patendiotsing

1. Teemaotsing internetist 1. Google Scholar Advanced Scholar Search Find articles with all of the words ­ biocatalytic stereochemical synthesis Collections ­ Articles & patents ­ Search only articles in the following subject areas: Biology, Life Sciences and Enviromental Science; Chemistry and Materials Science; Medicine, Pharmacology and Veterinary Science Leidsin 6 310 tulemust Leheküljed tundusid head, leidsin mitmeid online raamatukogusid. Artiklid tundusid sisukad. Biocatalytic synthesis of polymers. Synthesis of an optically active, epoxy- substituted polyester by lipase-catalyzed polymerization. (1989). [WWW] (03.04.2012) 2. Yahoo!

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
20 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Patendiotsing. Open Access eajakirjad

C5&as_sdtp=on 7440 tulemust Kuna tulemusi on nii palju , leidub nendes ka väga palju kasulikke artikleid, kuid nende leidmine nii paljude hulgast on raske. Nende hulgas oli palju artikleid, mille täistekstid on TTÜ raamatukogus saadaval. 2) Kasutasin ANVANCED SCHOLAR SEARCH: biocatalytic and stereochemical and synthesis ajapiiranguks 2005-2012 otsingu ainevaldkondadeks valisin BIOLOGY, LIFE, SCIENCE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ja CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE %3Abiocatalytic+and+stereochemical+and+synthesis&btnG=Search&as_sdt= 0%2C5&as_ylo=&as_vis=0 1950 tulemust Piiratud otsinguga saadud tulemused on kõik asjalikud ja kasulikud. Paljud täistekstid saadaval TTÜ raamatukogus 3) Otsing Yahhoo´st. Kasutasin inglise keelt: biocatalytic stereochemical synthesis;_ylt=Aur0Lgsn1nx5CzTv_t7fiHSbvZx4?

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
15 allalaadimist


biological intrest. (1974). / ed. H. Gustafsson. Uppsala 1.2 Rahvusvaheline kümnendliigitus ­ UDK. Leia e ­ kataloogist ESTER abil, milline UDK kirjeldab järgmisi ainevaldkondi: a) genoomid 602.6 :519.2 b) spektrofotomeetria 543.422.3 c) orgaaniline süntees 547.057 (047.31) d) komposiitmaterjalid 620.22-419.8 1.3 E-ajakirja otsing e- väljaannete otsivahendiga A ­ to ­ Z a) Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry. Section B, Organic Chemistry Andmebaas: Royal Society of Chemistry Core (KESLI) 1997 vol. 107 b) Current Organic Chemistry Andmebaas: Academic Search Complete 2000 vol. 5 1.4 Artikli otsing eesti artiklite andmebaasist ISE. Otsi andmebaasist ISE artikleid kapillaarelektroforeesi kohta. Mitu eestikeelset artiklit leidsid? a) 3 artiklit

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
13 allalaadimist

. „Bioaktiivsete ainete süntees“ – „Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds“

(vitamins) or (hormones) Liitotsing, märksõna Bioactive compounds 65 (biosynthesis) and (dietary Liitotsing, sõna 41 supplements) Viitekirje: Ameta, K. L., Dandia, A. (2014). Green chemistry : synthesis of bioactive heterocycles. New Delhi : Springer India. 2. Kirjuta iga dokumendi nimetuse järgi, kas tegu on alg- või vahendusinfoallikaga.  Artikkel ajakirjas Journal of the American Chemical Society teemal "Total synthesis of a natural product" - algallikas, kuna artiklis tuuakse välja uusi ideid ning mõtestatakse ümber vanu.  Atkins. Physical Chemistry. – vahendusinfoallikas, kuna tegu on õpikuga, kuhu on

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist


1)Which elements does alchemy combine? Alchemy combines elements of chemistry, physics, astrology, art, semiotics, metallurgy, medicine, mysticism and religion. 2) 3 goals of alchemy 1.transmutation of any metal into gold or silver 2.creating universal panacea, remedy what would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinetely. – philospher´s stone was the key in these goals 3. creating human life 3) Idea of making gold and silver. Where does it originate and / how to Western Europe? The idea of transmutation arose among the Alexandrian Greeks in the early

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Motivation Letter

Personally, I faced with such diseases and it was hard enough to deal with this by myself. In order to return a healthy appetite, I read a lot of literature but was not sure that I would find the correct way to restore health. That`s why, I want to study Nutrition and Food Science course. I desire to help people cope with eating diseases and find out more about healthy eating, explore the foundations of human nutrition, food science and safety. My favourite subjects at school are Chemistry and Biology. I study at science biased class, so I have supplementary courses like the Chemistry of Elements and Applied Biology. My Chemistry and Biology teachers motivated me to an in-depth study of their subjects. Also, I took part in town Olympiads in Mathematics, Chemistry and according to results I was in top 10. Theteacher`s helpfulness and my interest to unknown helped me to overcome difficulties and achieve high results. I do my best to have

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Teacher's questions

I don't know exactly, but I think that maybe rye, because the ryes grow quite good in Estonia. Rye is important corn for Estonians. Maybe I should export some vegetables too, because I think that Estonians vegetables are the best in the world. Especially potatoes are quite good. EDUCATION AND JOB 1. What was/is your favourite subject at school? Why? I like studying. In school I like many subjects. I'm quite good at math, at art, at music, at chemistry, at physics. My favourite subject is chemistry. I don't know why I like chemistry. I'm quite good at chemistry and I'm interested in chemistry. I don't like Russian at all. Russian is difficult subject for me. 2. Would you like to become a teacher? Why /why not? I don't want to become a teacher. I think that it's difficult. Teachers don't have much free time. In school they must teach and the workday is quite long. I think that maybe seven to eight hours. But in home they must correct students' tests or make preparations for next days

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Angela Merkel-esitlus

Early life Was borned in 1954 in Hamburg Her father Horst Kasner was a Lutheran pastor and mother was a teacher. Angela is the eldest of the three siblings. Merkel grew up in Templin. Templin Templin's town hall Early life Studied physics in Templin and at the University of Leipzig. In 1978 Merkel gained a physics doctorate. Worked and studied at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences University of Leipzig Personal life In 1977 she married the physics student Ulrich Merkel, but got divorced in 1982. In 1988 she married a chemistry professor, Joachim Sauer. Angela and Joachim Career path Angela Merkel stepped into politics in 1989 She joined the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in 1990 In April 2000 Angela Merkel was chosen to lead the CDU

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Internet has many uses in my life

It's also bigger so it's nice to watch movies with as well. I use my computer a lot less than my phone ­ maybe 2 or three hours a day, whereas I use my phone at all times. - , , , . . , . - , , . , . , - , 2 3 , . At school you learn different subjects every day. Subjects that teach you about different sciences, physical education, art and languages. Science teaching subjects are mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and geography. Math teaches you how to multiply for example. Chemistry teaches about molecules, physics about gravity, geography about planet Earth and biology about living organisms. Physical education helps you learn how to train your body. Art consists of subjects like music and art. Art teaches you a lot about history of painting and famous paintings. Music teaches about different types of music and famous musicians. Languages help us develop our communicating skills

Keeled → Inglise keel
0 allalaadimist

Erilised püügiviisid

Electro-fishing equipment is used for collecting different fish species and recording their relative abundances, and making cursory determinations of their health based on external observations. Collecting and recording fish data reveals what species are surviving and inhabiting a particular stream system and to what extent the aquatic ecosystem is maintaining that population. Depending on the type of stream visited and the field chemistry and habitat measurements taken, biologists have certain expectations of what type of species they should expect to find. When this ends up not being the case, as where warm water pollutant tolerant species are found in what would be considered cold water species habitat, then the biologists look closer into possible causes for the ecological imbalance. When combined with water chemistry, habitat, and stream invertebrate information, a clear picture of the

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
8 allalaadimist

Infootsing viiteandmebaasidest Web of Science ja Scopus.

a) 24 artiklit (kui arvestada ka 2011. aastat, siis 35). b) Author: Lawler, Andrew. Lisasin otsivälja „Publication name“, kuhu kirjutasin Science ning valisin aastad 2012-2016. c) The battle over violence d) Sort by: Times Cited – highest to lowest e) 6 f) Selle artikli täistekst ei ole üheski andmebaasis avatud. 2. Leia andmebaasist Web of Science artikleid oma kursusetöö teemal ja tee viiteanalüüs. a) Current Organic Chemistry b) 3 c) Otsisin „synthesis of bioactive compounds“, siis valisin Result Analysis1, kust sain valida tulemuste järjestuse Source Titles järgi. c) Panda, Siva S.; Khanna, Pankaj; Khanna, Leena. 29 viidet. d) Panin linnukese ajakirja nime ette ning valisin View Records. 3. Otsing referaatandmebaasis Scopus. a) ((bioreactors) and (wastewater) and (treatment)) and doctype (ar) b) Liu, H., Logan, B.E. Electricity generation using an air-cathode single chamber microbial

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
7 allalaadimist

The Integration of subjects

Even though the tutors of this conventional education have faith in the arrangement of subjects it is still entirely about high test scores, grades and graduation.The essence of progressive, alternative education like the integration of subjects is learning and the accumulation of valuable knowledge & skill. First of all, the courses that should be combined need to be challenging to the students. It would be wise to assimilate math, physics and chemistry because these classes are very similar. For instance, in order to complete a physics equation you need to know math, the same applies to chemistry. If these courses would be integrated pupils would make sense of the connection between the theoretical understanding of scientific studies and their practical functionality. Secondly, seeing that almost every student learning in an ordinary class is either bored or tired, it

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


VÄÄVEL 2017 Väävel on aktiivne mittemetall 16 Keemiline sümbol: S (Sulfur) Järjenumber/aatomnumber: 16 Asub 3. perioodis (elektronkattes 3 kihti) S 32,064 6 8 2 VÄÄVEL Asub VIA rühmas (väliselektrone 6) Elektronskeem: S: +16|2)8)6) Pilt 1: Vääveli paiknemine perioodilidudtsbelis KEEMILISED OMADUSED Väävel lihtainena S on nii oksüdeerija, kui redutseerija Väävli kõige madalam oksüdatsiooniaste on ­II. See esineb metalliühendites (sulfiidid) ja vesinikühendis (divesiniksulfiid) Väävli kõige kõrgem oksüdatsiooniaste on + VI (sulfaadid, väävelhape...

Keemia → Mittemetallid
3 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika KYF3630. Arvestustöö IV

artikkel "Vitamin D and multiple sclerosis" Esitage: a) e ajakirja otsivahend: Panin A-to-Z : Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolile avatud e-ajakirjad ja e-raamatud otsingusse ajakirja nime, leidsin Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. b) otsistrateegia: Panin otsingusse artikli nime (võtsin ,,D" ära) ning valisin tulemuste (15) seast ,,Vitamin D and multiple sclerosis" c) artikli autorid: Anita Raghuwanshi, Sneha S. Joshi and Sylvia Christakos 3. (3 P) Leidke TTÜ raamatukogu eraamatust Handbook of Chemistry and Physics polümeeri polycarbonate dielektriline konstant (dielectric constant). Esitage: a) otsivõimalus: Leidsin Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, panin otsinguvälja polycarbonate ja valisin sealt Dielectric Constant of Selected Polymers b) polümeeri polycarbonate dielektriline konstant sagedusel 1 kHz: 2.92 4. (3 P) Leidke andmebaasist SciFinder Scholar aine all transRetinol Esitage: a) otsivõimalus: Kasutasin otsingut EXPLORE SUBSTANCES ning panin otsingusse aine nime

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
20 allalaadimist

Lessons for the future

Lessons for the future Education seems to be in government's, media's and people's spotlight all the time. Times change and education, as one of the most important areas of our society, needs constant reforming. Nowadays, the main focus seems to be on subjects like maths, physics, chemistry etc. because of current IT-era demands more knowledge in those regions than in humanities. I agree that Estonia's government's steps towards making maths and physics our school- system's top priority is quite right, but I think that there can be a lot more done to improve our educational structure. I find that Estonian schools should pay more attention to teaching our children current state in our political landscape. Kids, who go to school, are our future and soon-to-be full-

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis.

[Online] Kokkuvõtlikult on kõige parem neist siiski Google Scholar, kuna relevantseid vasteid pole ei liiga palju ega liiga vähe. Samuti on see suhteliselt mugav kasutada ning info paistab olema üsna usaldusväärne. 8.2 Teemakohase ajakirja otsing Open Access ajakirjade andmebaasist a) OA ajakirjadele pääseb ligi igaüks, litsentsiandmebaasi kasutamiseks on aga vaja litsentsi. b) Food Science and Technology; Molecules; Open Chemistry. 8.3.Infootsing patentide andmebaasidest 8.3.1.Leia Euroopa patentide andmebaasist esp@cenet patent „Use of flexible plastic tanks in gene theraphy“ a) Title: Use of flexible plastic tanks in gene theraphy b) Koch Stefan, Goller Bernhard, Kubbies Manfred c) EP0941307 d) International: A61K48/00; A61M1/02; C12M1/00; C12M1/36; C12M1/36; C12M3/00; C12N15/09; C12N5/10; (IPC1-1): C12M3/00 Cooperative: A61M1/0209; C12M23/14; C12M23/34 e) C12M23/14A C – Chemistry, Metallurgy

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist

Referaat amiinide praktilisest tähtsusest

Kuigi nagu iga teise ainega seoses, võib ka amiinide juures välja tuua tervise- ja keskonnariske seoses nende sünteesitud vormide vale kasutamisega, on tegemist siiski asendamatu orgaanilise keemia funktsionaalgrupiga, mille tähtsus ja kasutamise erinevad võimalused on märksa rikkalikumad, kui käesoleva lühireferaadi maht võimaldab. 5 Kasutatud allikad [1] Solomons, G. T. W., Fryhle, G. B. 2011. Organic Chemistry. 10-th edition International student edition. [2] Amiinid. (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [3] Forbes, T.D.A., Clement, B.A. Chemistry of Acacia's from South Texas. Texas University. (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [4] Foods Containing Amines. 2008. (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [5] What is adrenaline?

Keemia → Orgaaniline keemia
13 allalaadimist

Iseseisev töö nr 4 keemiainformaatika

Ülesanne 4 Aine ja teema otsing raamatukogu e- raamatutest ja teatmeteostest 4.1 Leia e-raamatute andmebaasi CHEMnetBASE käsiraamatust "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" koobalti (cobalt) sulamis- ja keemispunktid a) Kirjutasin otsingusse cobalt -> Melting, Boiling, Triple, and Critical Points of the Elements tabeli ning sealt saind vajaminevad andmed. b) 1495 c) 2927 4.2 Otsi andmebaasist ebrary raamatuid teemal "Global environmental change in Europe". a) Otsinguks panin Global environmental change in Europe d) Climate Change: An Integrated Perspective. (2000). / W. J. Martens, J. Rotmans : Kluwer Academic Publishers. [Online] ebrary (22.03.2014) 4.3. Raamatu otsing andmebaasist b) 5.14 Ground Water c ) GROUNDWATER AND ARSENIC: CHEMICALBEHAVIOR AND TREATMEN autorid : David B. Vance ja James A. Jacobs 4.4. Otsing Science Directi teatmeteostest. c) 5

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
8 allalaadimist

Kaltsium, kus seda leidub

Kaltsium(Ca) Elektronskeem: +20 | 2)8)8)2) Kalitsiumit ei leidu looduses vabal kujul. Seda leidub tavaliselt mineraalides kaltsiit, dolomiit, kips või settekivimites. Kaltsiumit kasutatakse ehituses tsemendis, kaablite isolatsioonis, patareides, väetistes, värvides ja juustu valmistamisel. Seda on ka kriidis, kipsis ja paberis. Kaltsium on väga aktiivne. Seda peab hoidma õlis, kuna kokkupuutel vee või õhuga süttib see põlema või plahvatab. Oksiidi tüübilt on see tugeva aluseline. See on hõbevalge, tihedusega 1,55g / cm3. Kaltsium sulab 839 kraadi juures ja keeb 1484 kraadi juures celsiuse skaalal. Toa temperatuuril on kaltsiumi agregaatolek tahke. Kaltsium avastati Londonis 1808 Sir Humphrey Davy poolt. Koostatud: Risto Lindmäe 9B Kasutatud materjal: A. Dingle ­ Perioodilisus tabel. Keemilised elemendid millel on jumet.

Keemia → Keemia
64 allalaadimist

Sõbrakirjeldus inglise keeles

My friend name is Birgit and she is 16 years old. She lives in Rapla and goes to school in RVG. She is not a new student in this school. She graduated last year ninth grade in this school. She is very good student and she is studying quite well. Her favorite classes are estonian and english and she don't like math, russian and chemistry. She has one little sister called Lisette, who is 8 months old and one little brother called Roomet, who is 7 years old. Roomet just went to school in September in our school. Birgit enjoys cleaning rooms and she likes to hang out with her friends. She likes to watch movies and she goes in to a cinema quite often.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Andmebaaside Compendex Engineering Village, ProQuest Science Journals, Science Direct, EBSCOhostWeb analüüs

Mitu täistekstartiklit leidsid? Leidsin 1187 artiklit. Kasutades otsivõimalust "Sort results by" leia kõige vanema artikli autorid. Leidsin ainult ühe autori ­ Mark J Plotkin 2.3. Otsing andmebaasist Science Direct. Leia artiklid teemal Semiconductors in solar cells. a) Ava andmebaas Science Direct, b) Vali Search/Journals, c) Moodusta otsiprofiil märksõnade ja otsiväljadega Keywords, d) Täpsusta otsingut, vali ainevaldkonnad: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, e) Analüüsi tulemuslehte, d) Täpsusta tulemusi vasakus veerus pakutud võimalustega ja leia mitu artiklit on 2012. aastal avaldatud ajakirjas Thin Solid Films: f) Esita andmebaasi poolt genereeritud lõplik otsistrateegia, mis on kuvatud tulemuslehe ülaosas rohelisel ribal. Tulemuslehel võisin näha, et vaste leidsid 241 artiklit. 2012. aastal oli avaldatud 5 artiklit ajakirjas Thin Solid Films.

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
14 allalaadimist

Artiklite otsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

10.2016] Sangshetti, J. N., Zambare, A. S., Gonjari, I., Shinde, D. B. (2014). Exploring the Aldol Reaction in the Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds – Mini-reviews in Organic Chemistry, 11 (2), 225-250. [Online] Web of Science Core Collection [26.12.2016]

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
4 allalaadimist

Siseenergia puks

exercise books and free In conclusion, it is a very good choice to go to a state school. Firstly, there are no fees. Secondly, you will get a high quality aducation. Furthermore lunch in a state school. Our school food tastes as good as some expensive private school´s food. One important aspect is that private schools can afford all kinds of accessories and models. There are big physics and chemistry laboratories. Regrettably, there are no such things in our school. Private schools can afford to buy such things., if you have not satisfied, you can always go some where else to learn. There are many different ways to acquire education. In general, all children should receive the same education. However, many parents cannot afford to send their children to a private school. I think it is unequal, because some parents do not have enough money

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist


Hõbe(Ag) · Metalli elektronskeem: +47|2)8)18)18)1) · Leidumine: Hõbe on looduses vähelevinud element, siiski on seda umbes 20 korda rohkem kui kulda. Hõbedat leidub nii ehedalt kui ka ühenditena (Ag 2S, AgCl). Lisandelemendina leidub hõbedat plii-, tsingi- ja vasemaagis. · Kasutusalad: peeglid, patareid, mündid juveelitooted, hambaplommid, medalid, lauahõbe, fotopaber, filmid, valgustundlik klaas. · Minu kodus leidub: mündid, lauahõbe, medalid, hõbeehted,mobiiltelefonides, arvutites · Omadused: Hõbe on hõbevalge värvusega pehme metall. Võrreldes teiste vaserühma metallidega on hõbe vasest pehmem, kuid kullast kõvem. Hõbe on parim soojus- ja elektrijuht. Hõbedal on väga hea peegeldusvõime. Peegli saamiseks sadestatakse klaasile hõbedakiht. Hõbepeeglikiht rakendatakse ka termostes, vähendamaks soojuskadusid kiirgusel. Pehmuse ja plastilisuse tõttu on hõbe hästi tö...

Keemia → Keemia
34 allalaadimist

A letter to an old friend

together. I am so sorry because I didn't send letters for you. Actually I lost your address and I am lucky to find it again. And how are you? I hope that you and your family are all right. I really want to know your latest news and know everything about your studying. I'm writing to tell that I have been to France and it was great. Do you believe that I met my new boyfriend Sergei there,who is by the way estonian citizen! It was by accident.He has been there for five years studing chemistry. I tell U a little secret-he is already talking about getting married and having a is amazing! Well this is all about me and we are all doing fine here. I am waiting to here from you soon. Take care! Your best friend, ....

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

The most needed professions in Estonia 21st_centaury

we have to use computers or tehnology what is connected with computers. Companies need more people who can fix them and to service. IT tehnology is in very fast progress because of that employers need more and more emlpoyees who can do work like this. The second most needed profession are connected with medicine. Hospitals need nurses, good doctors and other medicine workers. Helping people is very important job. Also very accurate job too. Everyone can not do job like this. You have to know chemistry. If you see blood then do not falling down. This is very hard job. Persons who doing job like this, they mostly are good people in heard. The most needed professions in Estonia are the same like other countries. I think our modern world needs more people who can use computers. Fast life is not good for our health and so we need more employees of medicine. 208 words

Keeled → Inglise keel
76 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 5: Aine ja teema otsing

Entsüklopeediad: 1. (2 P) KIRK, R., OTHMER, D. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY a) Kohaviit: TE 66/K-48 Riiuli nr: 422 b) Artikkel teemal "Electrically conductive polymers" c) Köide: 9 lk: 61 d) Elektrijuhtivate polümeeride lühike definitsioon (võib olla inglise keeles) Elecrtically conductive polymers are composed of conjugated polymer chains with -electrons delocalized along the backbone. 2. (2 P) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY a) Kohaviit: TE 546/E-54 Riiuli nr: 303 b) Vismuti füüsikalised omadused "Physical properties of Bismuth" c) Köide: 1 lk: 280 d) Vismuti soojusjuhtivus (thermal conductivity): 7,87 W m-1 K-1 Sõnaraamatud: 3. (2 P) DICTIONARY OF CARBOHYDRATES with CD-ROM a) Kohaviit: TE 54/D-53 Riiuli nr: 301 b) Orgaaniline aine "chloralose" c) Referaadi nr: C-65 lk: 242 d) Aine molekulaarvalem: C8H11Cl3O6 Käsiraamatud: 4

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
24 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika 2

stereochemical and synthesis. Lisaks täpsustasin keeleks inglise keele ja otsisin täistekste Scholarly Journal`ist. Leidsin 367 teemakohast tulemust. b) Parthiban, P., Subalakshmi, V., Balasubramanian, K., Islam, M. N., Choi, J. S.; Jeong, Y. T. (2011). Facile synthesis and stereochemical investication of Mannich base derivates: Evaluation of antioxidant property and antitubeculostic potency.­ Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters,, 21(8), 2287-2296 [Online] Academic Search Complete (15.04.2011)

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
12 allalaadimist

Kiri Annettele

new letter and your new adress.Then i can write you a new letters.I hope that you move near us then we don´t have send letters and we can see every day. Idont like in the school, because it so hard to be in 9 class . Thanks for telling me that my english is better than last time , i´m so proud of it and now i can write you everything .In summer we have do to exsams of math , estonian and chemistry exam. What exams did you have do to in 9 class? I want do study harder and do the exsams better mark .Then i want do end in 12 class and after that i will go do lear some specialty . Yes , have done my summer plans .In summer i have to do exams and then i graduation the 9 class then i will go abroad. I'm afraid that I can not come in the London and spent a week your place.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Aminohapete vajadused loomadel

• Täiskasvanud sigadel kõige sarnasemad aminohapete vajaduse mustrid inimestega • Üldiselt suurim aminohapete vajadus rottidel, eriti metioniin, tsüstiin, treoniin • Koertel vananedes võib vajadus aminohapete järele isegi kasvada. • Tekib küsimus… Kas aeglaselt kasvavad loomad vajavad vähem Tänan kuulamast! • Kasutatud kirjandus: • Osborne T.B., Mendel L.B., 1914 . Amino-acids in nutrition and growth, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 17, 325-349. • McLarney M.J., Pellett P.L., and Young V.R., 1996. Pattern of Amino Acid Requirements in Humans: An Interspecies Comparison Using Published Amino Acid Requirement Recommendations, The Journal of Nutrition.

Keemia → Biokeemia
2 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Ülesanne 2 Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest 2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil. 2.1.1 b) ((Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene.) WN All fields) c) 189 artiklit e) (((((thermal treatment) WN CV) ) AND ((physical properties) WN CV) ) AND ((polyethylene) WN CV) ) f) 4 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. 2.1.2 a) 68 articles found in Compendex for 1969-2014: ((({KRUNKS MALLE}) WN AU) OR (({KRUNKS M.}) WN AU)) 2.2.1 a) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. b) Otsistrateegia : Kõige pealt kirjutasin otsingulahtrisse Tools for all jobs seejärel panin Advanced Search ja sealt kirjutasin teise otsingukasti Jim Brown ja panin in Autors- AU , kahe otsingufraasi vahel oli AND 2.2.2 a) o laiemad märksõnad: environment o kitsamad märksõnad: aquatic ec...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
3 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika, infootsioskused, IT5

Electrically conductive polymers are composed of conjugated polymer chains with π-electrons delocalized along the backbone. In the neutral, or undoped, form the polymers are either insulating or semiconducting. The polymers are converted to the electrically conductive, or doped, forms via oxidation or reduction which form delocalized charge carriers. The conductivity is electronic in nature and no current ion motion occurs in the solid state. 5.2 Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry a) Kohaviit: TE 546/E-54 riiuli number: 303 b) Physical properties of Bismuth Aatommass: 208,98 amü. Sulamistemperatuur: 271⁰C Keemistemperatuur: 1560⁰C Tihedus: 9,747 g/cm3 Elektronegatiivsus: 2,02 c) Köide: 1; 1,5 lk: 280 d) Vismuti soojusjuhtivus: 7,87 W m-1 K-1 5.3 (sõnaraamatud) ??? Dictionary of Carbohydrates with CD-ROM a) Kohaviit: TE 54/D-53 riiuli number: 301 b) Org. Aine – chloralose c) Referaadi nr: C 65 lk: 242

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
2 allalaadimist

Letter for aunt Annette

Dear Annette Thank you for your letter. I'm glad that you liked my Christmas card and the letter that I sent. It is nice to hear from you again. How are you going ? I hope that you find the smaller house. If you find a new house, please send me a pictures of house and new letter and your new address. In school everything is in the best order. I'm getting on very well with my teachers and classmates. I have even started to understand chemistry because at the moment we are learning a very easy chapter. Also thank you for noticing my English improvement. I've been learning a lot because I'm planning to take an English exam. I even hired an English tutor for a while, but it was too expensive and because of that I'm learning by myself. I have no plans for the summer. Basically I'm planning to enjoy the summer and visit the beach, go swimming and hang out with friends. Thank you for the invitation. I would love to come to London

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Raud REGINA KAASIK JA EDUARD LEPA 10. A KLASS J.W.G Faktid inimeste veres on rauda supernoovade tagajärje tõttu Raud on massilt kõige sagedamini kohatav element Maal ja neljas Maa tuumas Raud on massilt kõige sagedamini kohatav element Maal, neljas Maa tuumas ning kuues kogu universumis Raua o.-a. võivad olla -2'st - +6'ni, aga +2 ja +3 on kõige sagedasemad Faktid Taimed kasutavad rauda klorofüllis Inimesed kasutavad rauda hemoglobiinimolekulides, et sellega läbi keha suunata hapnikku kudedesse Raud ei käitu alati magnetina Raud on tuntud oma puhtalt vormilt vähemalt 5000 a. Faktid Rauda märgitakse ka Marsi sümbolina Puhta elemendina on raud üsna pehme Vere punane värvus tuleb rauarikastest proteiinidest, mis esinevad kõigis elusorganismidest Saturni ja jupiteri tuumad on väga rauarikkad Faktid Rauarikaste toitude hulgas on punane li...

Keemia → Keemia
3 allalaadimist


STRONTSIUM Sissejuhatus Elemendi nimetus tuleb Sotimaa asula Strontiani järgi. Strontsium on leelismuldmetall, mis on pehme, hõbedase läikega, kergesti oksüdeeriv metallist element. Strontsiumi maailmaturuhind on suhteliselt kõrge. Aatomimass on 87, 62. Strontsiumi elemenditähis on Sr. Keemiliste elementide perioodilisussüsteemis asub see 2.A rühmas. Elemendi elektronskeem on +38|2)8)18)8)2). Avastus 1970 inglise teadlane A. Crawford, vaba metallina eraldas s-i esmakordselt H. Davy 1808. OMADUSED Keemilised Strontsium on tugev aluseline oksiid. Omaduste poolest sarnaneb kaltsiumi ja baariumiga Strontsiumit saadakse elektrolüütiliselt või alumiiniumiga redutseerides. Strontsi...

Keemia → Keemia
36 allalaadimist

Aine ja teema otsing raamatukogu avakogude teatmeteostest.

inglise keeles): Electrically conductive polymers are composed of conjugated polymer chains with -electrons delocalized along the backbone. In the neutral, or undoped, form the polymers are either insulating or semiconducting. The polymers are converted to the electrically conductive, or doped, forms via oxidation or reduction which form delocalized charge carriers. The conductivity is electronic in nature and no current ion motion occurs in the solid state. 5.2. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY a) Kohaviit: TE 546/E54 Riiuli nr: 303 b) Millises köites ja lk käsitletakse vismuti (Bismuth) füüsikalisi omadusi "Physical properties of Bismuth" c) Köide: 1 lk: 280 d) Esita vismuti soojusjuhtivus (thermal conductivity): 7,87 W m-1 k-1 Sõnaraamatud: 5.3. DICTIONARY OF CARBOHYDRATES with CD-ROM a) Kohaviit: TE 54/D53 Riiuli nr: 301 b) Orgaaniline aine "chloralose" c) Referaadi nr: C-65 lk: 242 d) Aine "chloralose" molekulaarvalem: C8H11Cl3O6 Käsiraamatud: 5

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
13 allalaadimist

CV ülesehitus (inglise keeles)

PAULIINE PÕLD 37B Liiva St Pärnu 88301, Estonia Tel: +372 55 83987 e-mail: [email protected] Objective: To obtain a position of a responsible, caring and certified babysitter in the Agent Nanny. Career: Kindergarten teacher in Lepatriinu Lasteaed in Tallinn July 1997- Nov 1997 ·Gave children in different age groups English, Music ·and dance lessons Babysitter- McGregor family with two children in the UK Mar 1998- Jan 2000 Babysitter- Brown family with one child in the UK ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
110 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 4: Web of Science; e-raamatud; teatmikud

1.1 Leia andmebaasist Web of Science artikleid oma rühma teemal a) Kasutasin liitotsingut: biocatalytic AND stereochemical AND synthesis sain 25 tulemust b) Klikides GREAT CITATION REPORT: leidsin artiklite avaldamise arvu aastate lõikes, tsitaatide arvu aastate lõikes ning vastava artikli tsitaatide arvu aastate lõikes c) kõige enam tsiteeritud artikli pealkiri: Efficient enantioselective reduction of ketones with Daucus carota root kokku 77 tsitaati d) 2010. aastal tsiteeriti seda artiklit 11 korda 1.2. Kasutades otsivõimalust "Cited Reference Search" leia TTÜ professori Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Web Of Science. a) Milliseid andmebaasi poolt pakutud nimekujusid kasutasid: kasutasin Krunks M b) Artiklite arv: 84 c) Kõige suurema viitamiste arvuga artikli viitamiste arv ja kaasautorid: viidati 132 korda, kaasautorid puudusid 2.1. Leia e-raamatute andmebaasi CHEMnetBASE käsiraamatust "CRC Ha...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
18 allalaadimist

Martini CV näidis

leading meetings and training. EDUCATION: De Montfort University, United Kingdom - September 2011 ­ June 2014 Business Management and Enterprise, Level 4 certificate Certificate in Adult Literacy Level 2, 2009 Certificate in Adult Numeracy Level 2, 2009 ECDL Advanced Level 3 certificate in Word Processing, 2009 ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) Level 2 certificate, 2008 University of Tartu, Estonia: Chemistry, 2002 - 2004 Material Science, 2001 ­ 2002 Tartu Tamme High School, Estonia, 1996 - 2001 A Level equivalents in: English, Maths, Chemistry and Biology 10 GCSE equivalents including English and Maths TRAINING: Food labelling e-learning course Certificate 2017 Food Allergy Online Training Certificate 2017 Level 2 Certificate in Food Hygiene and Safety for Retail 2017 First Aid Certificate, 2012 Explore Enterprise course at Prince's Trust, 2011

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Asoteemia Jääklämmastik Lämmastikku sisaldavate ainete (uurea, kusihape, indikaan, kreatiniin) liigsus veres, plasmas, seerumis Sisaldus suureneb: Maksahaiguste, palaviku puhul Vedeliku ja elektrolüütide kaotuse tagajärjel (iiveldus, diarröa, higistamine, ulatuslik põletus) tekib kudede dehüdratsioon ning kudedes intensiivistuvad laguprotsessid Neeruhaigused, tõus 2 ­ 10 korda ­ retensiooni hüperasoteemia Kudede mehaaniline kahjustus ­ produktsiooni hüperasoteemia Jääklämmastiku sisalduse suurenemine põhjustab autointoksikatsiooni e. ureemiat e. kusiveresust Põhjused Prerenaalne asoteemia Lämmastikjääkide suurenenud produktsioon (suurenenud katabolism kudedes - infektsioon, trauma, põletus, kortikosteroidide ülejääk) Vähenenud neerude perfusioon (madal vererõhk) Südame haigused, sokk Verejooks seedetraktis Proteiinirikas dieet Postrenaalne asoteemia Kuset...

Meditsiin → Normaalne ja patoloogiline...
4 allalaadimist


Liitium Üldine/aatomi ehitus Lühend: Li Elektronskeem: + 3| 2)1) Aatominumber: 3 Elektronide arv: 3 Aatommass: 6,941 Prootonite arv: 3 Kuuluvus: leelismetallid Neutronide arv: 4 Füüsikalised omadused Liitium ­ see hõbevalge/hallika värvusega suhteliselt pehme leelismetall on kõige väiksema tihedusega metall üldse. Tema tihedus on 0,535 g/cm³, mis teeb liitiumist ka kõige väiksema tihedusega normaaltingimusel tahke aine. Olles erakordselt kerge metall on ta viis korda kergem kui alumiinium ning kaks korda kergem kui vesi. Sellepärast on liitium võimeline ujuma isegi petrooleumis. Tema sulamistemperatuur on 180,54 °C ning keemistemperatuur 1342 °C. Agregaatolek tavatingimustel on tahke. Võrreldes teiste leelismetallidega on liitium väiksema tihedusega ning kõrgema s...

Keemia → Keemia
27 allalaadimist

Element - Rubiidium

Rubiidium Ettekanne Kristina Hertmann 10K Juhendaja : Anna Perova Üldiseloomustus Aatominumber: 37 Aatomimass: 85,4678 Klassifikatsioon: Leelismetallid, s-elemendid Aatomi ehitus: · Elektronvalem: 1s2 2s2p6 3s2p6d10 4s2p6 5s1 · Elektronskeem: +37|2)8)18)8)1) · Elektronite arv: 37 · Neutronite arv: 48 · Prootonite arv: 37 · Oksüdatsiooniast(m)e(d) ühendites: 0, I · Kristalli struktuur: ruumikeskne kuubiline Avastamine: R.W. Bunsen & G.R. Kirchoff, 1861, Heidelberg, Saksamaa Avastati see mineraal lepidokrokiidist, kasutades spektroskoopi. Nimi rubiidium tuleneb ladina keelsest sõnast "ruber", mis tähendab sügavpunast. Sellist nime põhjustasid rubiidiumi erepunased spektroskoopilised jooned. Leidumine looduses Rubiidiumi (Rb) puudust looduses ei ole. Teda leidub rohkem kui kulda, hõbedat või tina jne. Rubiidium kuulub kohekümne kolme kõige ...

Keemia → Keemia
36 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

otsing. Mitu täistekstartiklit leidsid - 1187 Kasutades otsivõimalust "Sort results by" leia kõige vanema artikli autorid ­ Plotkin ja Mark J 2.3. Otsing andmebaasist Science Direct. Leia artiklid teemal Semiconductors in solar cells. a) Ava andmebaas Science Direct b) Vali Search/Journals c) Moodusta otsiprofiil märksõnade ja otsiväljadega Keywords d) Täpsusta otsingut, vali ainevaldkonnad: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science. e) Analüüsi tulemuslehte ­ 241 artiklit d) Täpsusta tulemusi vasakus veerus pakutud võimalustega ja leia mitu artiklit on 2012. aastal avaldatud ajakirjas Thin Solid Films: 5 artiklit f) Esita andmebaasi poolt genereeritud lõplik otsistrateegia, mis on kuvatud tulemuslehe ülaosas rohelisel ribal: KEYWORDS(Semiconductors) and KEYWORDS(solar cells) AND LIMIT-TO(cid, "271603","Thin Solid Films") AND LIMIT-TO(pubyr, "2012") 2.4

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
16 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun