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"amid" - 30 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: amid

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Teenage Tommies

What was life like there? The life in trenches meant cold and mud, wet clothes and rats, the smell of death and the sight of mutilated flesh as well as long monotonous hours interrupted by terror. 14. What was one of the ways to destroy the enemy’s soldiers in the trenches? One of the ways to destroy the enemy’s soldiers was to tunnel a way under the their trenches and plant mines. 15. What did many Tommies suffer from as a result of spending their days and nights amid grenade explosions and heavy bombing? As a result of spending their days and nights amid explosions and heavy bombing, the Tommies suffered from shock which is nowadays known as “combat stress” or “post- traumatic stress”. 16. What happened to anyone suspected of desertion? Anyone suspected of desertion was arrested and charged with desertion. They were taken to the prison and eventually executed. 17. What did a severe shortage of officers mean for the army?

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Madagaskari tutvustus ja rahvustoidud( täiendatud)

Riigi pindala on 587 041ruut kilomeetrit Madagaskar on pindalalt Indoneesia järel suuruselt teine saareriik maailmas. Rannajoone pikkus on 4828 km. Madagaskari Vabariik on poolpresidentaalne vabariik. Riigikeel on malagassi keel. Madagaskari toidud põhinevad peamiselt suurest portsjonist riisist, palju kastmeid, liha, taimetoidud ja suurel määral vürtsikatest lisanditest. Rahvusroad on siis... Ro Ravitoto Ramazava Vary amid' anana Veise ja sealiha, marineeritud äädikas, vesi ja õli, seejärel küpsetatud lehed, sibul, hapukurk ja muud köögiviljad ja maitsestatakse paprikaga. Veise ja sealiha lõigatud väikesteks tükkideks, 1 2 hakitud sibulat, purustatud küüslauk, sool, pipar, kuivatatud manioki lehed ja kookose piim. Veisevõi kanaliha lõigatud väikesteks tükkideks, 12 hakitud sibulat, purustatud küüslauk, 12 hakitud tomatit, sool, must pipar ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist


Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledž E-Tervis Tallinn 2014 1 Sisukord Sisukord.................................................................................................................. 2 Sissejuhatus Tehnoloogia mõjutab inimeste igapäevast elu märkimisväärselt ning sellest on kujunenud meie lahutamatuks osa. Tänapäeva infotehnoloogia loob aina rohkem uusi võimalusi inimeste omavaheliseks suhtluseks, vajaliku informatsiooni hankimiseks ja ühiskonna problemaatiliste probleemide lahendamiseks. Nende võimaluste kasutamine või mittekasutamine võib mõjutada omakorda inimarengut. Tehnoloogia areng on jõudnud ka tervishoiusektorisse. E-tervishoid on maailmas saamas järjest rohkem rakendust. Tänu e-tervishoiu kiirele arengule saavad inimesed mugavalt ja efektiivselt arstiabi. Kirjatöös on e-tervise kohta tehtud lühiülevaade, kuid kuna e-tervisena saab käsitleda peaaegu kõike, mis on seotud tervis...

Meditsiin → Terviseõpetus
21 allalaadimist

Madagaskari tutvustus ja rahvustoidud

Riigi pindala on 587 041ruut kilomeetrit Madagaskar on pindalalt Indoneesia järel suuruselt teine saareriik maailmas. Rannajoone pikkus on 4828 km. Madagaskari Vabariik on poolpresidentaalne vabariik. Riigikeel on malagassi keel. ... Madagaskari parlament koosneb Senatist ja Rahvuskogust. Prantsuse keel on ametlik keel 2000. aastast ning inglise keel referendumi põhjal aprillist 2007. Rahva arv on: 18 620 000, 2008. aasta statistika põhjal. Loodus Kõrgeim tipp madagaskari saarel on põhjaosas asuv mägi Maromokotro, see on 2886 m. kõrge. Elusloodus sai seal areneda vabalt 90 miljonit aastat ülejäänud maailmast isoleerituna. Saarel on palju haruldasi ja seal samas välja arenenud taimestikku Loomadest Saarel on haruldasi loomaliike, 90% loomadest on madagaskaril kodunenud. Üks tuntum madagaskaril kodunenud loomaliikidest on leemurid ... Flying Fo...

Geograafia → Geograafia
10 allalaadimist


his stage names 2Pac and Makaveli, was an American rapper. In addition to his status as a top-selling recording artist, Shakur was a successful film actor and a prominent social activist. He is recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest-selling hip hop artist, with over seventy five million albums sold worldwide, including over fifty million in the United States.Most of Shakur's songs are about growing up amid violence and hardship in ghettos, racism, problems in society and conflicts with other rappers. Shakur's work is known for advocating political, economic, social and racial equality, as well as his raw descriptions of violence, drug and alcohol abuse and conflicts with the law. Shakur was initially a roadie and backup dancer for the alternative hip hop group Digital Underground.Shakur's debut album, 2Pacalypse Now, gained critical recognition and backlash for its controversial lyrics

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


planning a trip to Paide, try to combine it with the Jürilaat, fair of the Masters, the Kreisilinna fair, the Christmas fair or The Winds of Times festival. Visit a fair or festival and if you are lucky, you will meet the “four kings” in person: each year, Paide selects four kings from among its inhabitants to keep the legend of the four Estonian born kings alive. THINGS TO DO IN PAIDE: • Take a bit of time and go for a long walk around the town and amid the beautiful nature surrounding it. Distances are short here, so you won’t need anything but beautiful weather and a good mood to have a fun day out. • Go to Paide lake – equally loved among amateur  fishermen as well as a beloved destination for sports events. • Visit the Järvamaa county museum in Paide and see the oldest pharmacy furniture and equipment in Estonia or participate in the “Aphotek Help” programme.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Riikide võrdlus

However, after almost 15 years of above average GDP growth, the Spanish economy began to slow in late 2007 and entered into a recession in the second quarter of 2008. GDP contracted by 3.7% in 2009, ending a 16-year growth trend, and by another 0.1% in 2010, before turning positive in 2011, making Spain the last major economy to emerge from the global recession. The reversal in Spain's economic growth reflected a significant decline in construction amid an oversupply of housing and falling consumer spending, while exports actually have begun to grow. Government efforts to boost the economy through stimulus spending, extended unemployment benefits, and loan guarantees did not prevent a sharp rise in the unemployment rate, which rose from a low of about 8% in 2007 to 20% in 2010. The government budget deficit worsened from 3.8% of GDP in 2008 to 9.2% of GDP in 2010, more than three times the euro-zone limit

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
18 allalaadimist


GAUDI Most tourists will want to take in stunning sights such as Gaudi's wackily- designed flats, his unfinished Sagrada Famiglia church and the city's more traditional Santa Eulalia cathedral. Young locals, however, are more likely to be found worshipping the latest chart hits in a noisy club. RELAX It doesn't take long to get into the swing of things, as I found out. Café de L'Opera is the classiest venue on Las Ramblas, the city's most famous boulevard. You can enjoy a coffee amid the ornate art-deco interior fittings or sit outside on the terrace and enjoy a jug of sangria. It is said that if you sit on Las Ramblas long enough the whole world will pass you by. At the very least, you will be entertained by the steady stream of mime artists, fire-eaters, singers, living statues, jugglers and musicians who busk there from dusk until daybreak. Irina Daisner 07/09/2009 Barcelona

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalsed suhted ja hoiakud

Eelarvamus erineb stereotüübist hinnangulise komponendi poolest. Auditooriumi hoiakud Avalik esinemine. Kõne pidaja suhtes on hoiakud. Vastavalt auditooriumi liigile: 1. neutraalne - Kõneleja peaks huumorit kasutama, uut infot tooma. 2. vaenulik – Kõneleja peaks paluma audit liikmetel arvamusi ja suhtumisi sväljendama. Paluma neil mõelda selle teema üle. Ära anna neile kinnitavat tegustsemissuunda. Nt suitsetajale selle kahjulikkusest rääkimine – ei anna talle konkreetset asj amid akuida speab teha. Palub erinevate lahendusteed eüle mõelda. Teine viis on üldist tausta kasutades, rühutada küsimusi mille suditoorium ja kõõneleja on ühel nõul või ühised eesmärgid, ühised teemad. 3. pooldav – kasuks tulevad tekkivad emotsioonid. Seda peetaksegi põhjendsuseks. Visualiseeritakse. Antakse neile ülesanne veenda teisi auditooriumis. Olemus Tekkimine Püsimine/muutmine

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
18 allalaadimist

Amarantine plaadiarvustus

· The Fellowship of the Rings - "May it be" and "Aniron" (2002) Minu tõlgendus ja arvamus lugudest 1. Less Than a Pearl ­ 3:44 2. Amarantine ­ 3:13 3. It's in the Rain ­ 4:08 4. If I Could Be Where You Are ­ 4:01 5. The River Sings ­ 2:49 6. Long Long Journey ­ 3:17 7. Sumiregusa (Wild Violet) ­ 4:42 8. Someone Said Goodbye ­ 4:02 9. A Moment Lost ­ 3:08 10. Drifting ­ 4:12 11. Amid the Falling Snow ­ 3:38 12. Water Shows the Hidden Heart ­ 4:39 Amarantine Uskumatult rahustav lugu armastusest, selle võimalikust valust, pisaratest ja ilust. Enya toob oma rahustava ja meeletult võimsa häälega laulu ilu ja võlu. Lugu on tasakaalukas ja rahustava toimega, kuid siiski leidub selles ka piisavalt jõudu, et inimest (vähemalt mind) mõtlema panna. Lugu paneb ennast kuulama, kuulama sõnu ja aru saama laulu sisust. It's In the Rain

Muusika → Muusika
9 allalaadimist

Paul McCartney

2002 in a highly elaborate ceremony at a castle in rural Ireland. Under her influence, he has campaigned against landmines himself, and donated substantial sums to the cause. In early 2003, for example, he held a personal concert for the wife of banker Ralph Whitworth and donated one million dollars to Adopt-a-Landmine. Mills and McCartney had their first child, Beatrice Millie, on 28 October 2003. In April 2006, the couple announced they were separating amid tabloid speculation about the state of their four year marriage. Paul McCartney continues to tour throughout the United States and the rest of the world. McCartney says he hopes to keep playing even after he is 67. Achievements & World Records appears in the Guinness Book of Records several times. Once for "Yesterday" which is listed as the most covered song in history with over 3000 versions existing. Once, for

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
14 allalaadimist


PIRITA MAJANDUSGÜMNAASIUM Tommi Välja 6.a klass Mets Referaat Juhendaja : Pille Unt Tallinn 2013 Sisukord Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................ 3 Nõmmemets............................................................................................................ 4 Salumets................................................................................................................. 6 Palumets.................................................................................................................. 7 Laanemets............................................................................................................... 9 Metsade tähtsus...........................................................................................

Loodus → Loodus
9 allalaadimist


TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Ühiskonnateaduste instituut Õigusteaduse suund VABARIIGI VALITSUSE SEADUSE MUUTMISE SEADUSE VASTUOLUD PÕHISEADUSLIKE PRINTSIIPIDEGA Essee AKJ7124, Õigusteooria ja meetodiõpetuse erikursus Õppejõud - Tallinn 1. Sisukord 1. Sisukord................................................................................................................. 1 2. Sissejuhatus. .......................................................................................................... 3 2. Seaduse muudatuste põhiseadusega kooskõla analüüs. ........................................... 5 2.1. Eelnõu §1 punkt 1 ­ Vabariigi Valituse seaduse §3. Vabariigi Valituse liikmed muutmine. ...................................

Õigus → Õiguse üldteooria
9 allalaadimist

Hamelti tegelased (Ingilse keeles)

After Hamlet's death, Horatio remains alive to tell Hamlet's story. Ophelia - Polonius's daughter, a beautiful young woman with whom Hamlet has been in love. Ophelia is a sweet and innocent young girl, who obeys her father and her brother, Laertes. Dependent on men to tell her how to behave, she gives in to Polonius's schemes to spy on Hamlet. Even in her lapse into madness and death, she remains maidenly, singing songs about flowers and finally drowning in the river amid the flower garlands she had gathered. Laertes - Polonius's son and Ophelia's brother, a young man who spends much of the play in France. Passionate and quick to action, Laertes is clearly a foil for the reflective Hamlet. Fortinbras - The young Prince of Norway, whose father the king (also named Fortinbras) was killed by Hamlet's father (also named Hamlet). Now Fortinbras wishes to attack Denmark to avenge his father's honor, making him another foil for Prince Hamlet.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again. And they tell me you are brutal and my reply is: On the faces of women and children I have seen the marks of wanton hunger. And having answered so I turn once more to those who sneer at this my city, and I give them back the sneer and say to them: Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning. Flinging magnetic curses amid the toil of piling job on job, here is a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities; Fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the wilderness, Bareheaded, Shoveling, Wrecking, Planning, Building, breaking, rebuilding, Under the smoke, dust all over his mouth, laughing with white teeth, Under the terrible burden of destiny laughing as a young man laughs,

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
207 allalaadimist


ÜLIÕPILASTE UURIMISTÖÖDE VORMISTAMISE JUHEND Tallinn 2010 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS....................................................................................................................3 1 TÖÖ ÜLESEHITUS............................................................................................................4 2 TÖÖ VORMISTAMINE JA VORMINDAMINE...............................................................5 2.1 Teksti ja lehekülje kujundus........................................................................................5 2.2 Pealkirjad.....................................................................................................................5 2.3 Teksti illustreeriv või täiendav materjal......................................................................6 2.3.1 Joonised ja tabelid...........................................................................

Kultuur-Kunst → teaduslikku uurimistöö...
8 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

Garibaldi Provincial Park in southern British Columbia and at Mount Edziza in the north. The Rocky Mountains, the Coast Mountains and other ranges, running north to south, posed major engineering problems for the builders of the transcontinental railways and highways. Canada's highest peaks, however, are not in the Rockies, but in the St. Elias Mountains, an extension of the Cordillera stretching north into the Yukon and Alaska. The highest point in Canada, mount Logan, rises amid a huge icefield in the southwest corner of Yukon, the largest icecap south of the Arctic Circle. The British Columbia interior varies from alpine snowfields to deep valleys where desert-like conditions prevail. On the leeward side of the mountains, for example, a rain-shadow effect is created, forcing Okanagan Valley farmers to irrigate their orchards and vineyards. The Interior Plains - The Prairies

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist


(see Copy 1 (p. 228-229) When a book does not indicate the publisher, the place or date of publication, or has no pagination ­ we use following abbreviations for information we cannot supply: n.p. ­ no place of publication is given n.p. ­ no publisher given (e.g. New York: n.p.) n.d. ­ no date of publication given (e.g. New York: Morrow, n.d.) n.pag. ­ no pagination is given P. ­ press When citing a book published before 1900, you may amid the name of publisher and use a comma instead of a colon after the place of publication (e.g. London, 1873). You can always find additional information in the book: MLA Style Manual, at our department. FGI 1811 Proseminar I. Ladusseva 4 How to present a reference list and parenthetic citations according to MLA style

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist


Tallinna Saksa Gümnaasium TALLINNA SAKSA GÜMNAASIUMI UURIMISTÖÖDE KOOSTAMISE JUHEND Õppematerjal Koostajad: Ivi Olev Harry Sepp Anu Tuulmets Tallinn 2012 SISUKORD SISUKORD.................................................................................................................................2 1. MIS ON UURIMISTÖÖ?.......................................................................................................3 1.1. Mis on probleem?...........................................................................................................3 1.2. Kuidas seada eesmärki?................................................................................................. 3 2. UURIMISTÖÖ JUHENDAMINE JA KOOST...

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö
14 allalaadimist


A manipulative status-seeker, Frances was highly domineering early in their relationship and persuaded Cohn to move to Paris. As her looks begin to fade, she becomes increasingly possessive and jealous. Count Mippipopolous - A wealthy Greek count and a veteran of seven wars and four revolutions. Count Mippipopolous becomes infatuated with Brett, but, unlike most of Brett's lovers, he does not subject her to jealous, controlling behavior. Amid the careless, amoral pleasure-seeking crowd that constitutes Jake's social circle, the count stands out as a stable, sane person. Like Pedro Romero, he serves as a foil for Jake and his friends. Wilson-Harris - A British war veteran whom Jake and Bill befriend while fishing in Spain. The three men share a profound common bond, having all experienced the horrors of World War I, as well as the intimacy that soldiers develop

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist

Punk rock kokkuvõte

to let MTV air its videos.[324] Smash went on to sell over twelve million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling independent-label album of all time.[325] Following the lead of Boston's Mighty Mighty Bosstones and two California bands, Berkeley's Operation Ivy and Long Beach's Sublime, ska punk and ska-core became widely popular in the mid-1990s. By 1996, genre acts such as Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake were being signed to major labels. The original 2 Tone bands had emerged amid punk rock's second wave, but their music was much closer to its Jamaican roots--"ska at 78 rpm".[326] Ska punk bands in the third wave of ska created a true musical fusion between the genres. ...And Out Come the Wolves, the 1995 album by Rancid--which had evolved out of Operation Ivy--became the first record in this ska revival to be certified gold;[327] Sublime's self-titled 1996 album was certified platinum early in 1997.[322]

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
16 allalaadimist

Meresõiduohutus ja laeva juhtimine

R AI R A R SL või R PL , või RML (17.12) Laeva madalikult vabastamiseks on vaja arvesse võtta ka lainete poolt avaldatavat horisontaalset tõukejõudu, mis leitakse valemite (17.10) ja (17.11). Samuti ei tohi unustada tuule takistavat või abistavat survet, mida väljendavad valemid: FA C A Amid U 2 10 3 [kN] (17.13) 2 kus C ­ voolujoonelisuse tegur ­ 0,8 pikitasandiga paralleelse tuulega 1,0 tuulega 300 pikitasandiga nurga all A ­ õhu tihedus, 1,25 kg/m3, Amid ­ laeva veepealse osa pindala projektsioon miidli tasandile [m2],

Merendus → Ohutus ja ohuteave
46 allalaadimist

"Anna Karenina" kokkuvõte

Anna's confusion overcomes her, and in a parallel to the railway worker's accidental death in part 1, she commits suicide by throwing herself in the path of a train. Part 8 Stiva gets the job he desired so much, and Karenin takes custody of baby Annie. A group of Russian volunteers, including Vronsky, who does not plan to return alive, depart from Russia to fight in the Orthodox Serbian revolt that has broken out against the Turks. Meanwhile, amid the joys and fears of fatherhood, Levin no longer feels he lacks Christian faith; he decides to give his life its own meaning through acts of goodness. Part 1, Chapters 1-6 The first line of the book is one of the most famous in literature: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." The line leads into a household crisis between a wife and husband, Dolly and Stiva, but also forecasts the issues that will arise throughout the rest of the book, all

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
333 allalaadimist

American Literature

He fulfilled his end of the deal finally though he was often late in submitting articles and his publisher William Dean Howells was not impressed. And his readers were turning elsewhere. After moving to his native New York to write freelance, his novel Gabriel Conroy (1876) and his collaboration with Mark Twain on the play Ah Sin (1878) proved unsuccessful in providing adequate income for the Harte family. He and Twain quarrelled bitterly amid rumours of his belligerence, spendthrift habits, drinking, and womanising which would haunt him for years to come. Harte had mastered the genre of gold rush fiction, capturing the corruption and greed in nostalgic prose, with vivid descriptions of the myriad characters he had known and the wild new frontier lands he had traversed. However he would never quite maintain the impetus of his first published successes. His financial stresses took a turn for the better when in 1878 he was

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Kirjanduse eksam 10 klass

KIRJANDUSE LÕPUEKSAM 2006 Pilet nr 1 1.1 Antiikkirjanduse mõiste, Homerose eeposed Antiikkirjanduseks nimetatakse VanaKreeka ja Rooma kirjandust. On pärit sõnast ,,antiquus" ­ vana, iidne. Nimetus on õigustatud ainult Euroopa seisukohalt. VK kirjandus on ajalooliselt vanem, ta on Euroopat kõige rohkem mõjutanud, perioodid: I arhailine periood (86 saj e Kr), II klassikaline (54saj e Kr, keskuseks Ateena), III Hellenismi ajajärk (31 saj eKr), IV Rooma periood 16 saj p Kr). 129 saj on tume periood. Vana Rooma kirjandus tekkis 3. saj. eKr. Koinee kreeka keel, mille aluseks atika murre, kujunes välja 4 saj e Kr. Selle ajajärgu varaseimat sõnaloominugt pole sälinud, seega peetakse alguseks Homerose eeposeid. Palju kahtlusi H. olemasolus ja tema autorluses: 18 saj väit...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
541 allalaadimist


PS KIRJANDUSE LÕPUEKSAM kevad 2017 Pilet 1 1. KIRJANDUSE PÕHILIIGID- EEPIKA, LÜÜRIKA, DRAMAATIKA LÜÜRIKA: (kreeka lyra- keelpill, mille saatel kanti ette laule-luuletusi) peegeldab elu inimese elamuste, mõtete, tunnete kaudu, tema sisemaailma kaudu. Lüürika iseloomulikuks jooneks on värsivorm. Värss=luulerida, stroof=salm. Lüürika liigid: ood - pidulik luuletus mingi sündmuse või ajaloolise isiku auks eleegia - nukrasisuline luuletus; pastoraal ehk karjaselaul epigramm - satiiriline luuletus sonett - Lüroeepiliste teoste puhul on lüüriline ja eepiline (ehk jutustav element) läbi põimunud, need teosed on ka pikemad, kui tavalised luuletused. Siia kuuluvad poeemid ja valmid EEPIKA: (kreeka sõnast epos - sõna, jutustus, laul) on jutustav kirjanduse põhiliik. Zanrid on järgmised: antiikeeposed, kangelaslaulud romaan - eepilise kirjanduse suurvorm , palju tegelasi, laiaulituslik sündmustik. Romaanil on erinevaid alaliik...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
103 allalaadimist


compelled each group to move about 150 miles west. The mathematicians evacuated to Zschepplin Castle, near Eilenburg, about 80 miles south of Berlin. The linguists, joined by a few mathematicians to strip current superencipherments, moved into a wing of Burgscheidungen Castle near Naumburg, northwest of Wiemar. Here, as wartime guests of the Count von der Schulenburg and his five daughters, the 90 cryptanalysts, some with their wives, lived and worked amid art treasures and ancient furniture, handicapped by the almost total lack of liaison with the mathematicians, about 50 miles away. The ever-present problems of security added to the difficulties of Pers z. Ink was not permitted because it required blotting paper. Each night all papers had to be locked away. Waste paper had to be burned, and the ashes broken up to make sure that no cinder would float away. Later Pers z got a machine to shred the paper before it was incinerated. None

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

important to blunt that response with a small dose of fructose. 9. Again, see "The Glucose Switch" for more tricks along these lines. THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF FAT-LOSS PAGG Without garlic, I simply would not care to live. --Louis Diat, First Chef de Cuisines of the New York Ritz-Carlton SUMMER 2007, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA he smoke wisped into the air amid the sounds of summer eating: laughter, beer bottles T clinking, and the undeniable sizzle of tri-tip steak on three enormous outdoor grills. All was well in Willow Glen, San Jose, where my parents were visiting me. I was at home, but they had ventured out to explore downtown Lincoln Avenue on a beautiful afternoon, which led them to La Villa Italian restaurant. My father was standing on the corner admiring the grill work when a thin homeless man sauntered up to his side

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Eva's story. I'm so glad the inspiration struck twice! 1 "We should head to a bar and celebrate." I wasn't surprised by my roommate's emphatic pronouncement. Cary Taylor found excuses to celebrate, no matter how small and inconsequential. I'd always considered it part of his charm. "I'm sure drinking the night before starting a new job is a bad idea." "Come on, Eva." Cary sat on our new living room floor amid a half-dozen moving boxes and flashed his winning smile. We'd been unpacking for days, yet he still looked amazing. Leanly built, dark-haired, and green-eyed, Cary was a man who rarely looked anything less than absolutely gorgeous on any day of his life. I might have resented that if he hadn't been the dearest person on earth to me. "I'm not talking about a bender," he insisted. "Just a glass of wine or two. We can hit a happy hour and be in by eight."

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

Miss Bennet's lovely face confirmed his views, and established all his strictest notions of what was due to seniority; and for the first evening she was his settled choice. The next morning, however, made an alteration; for in a quarter of an hour's tete-a-tete with Mrs. Bennet before breakfast, a conversation beginning with his parsonage-house, and leading naturally to the avowal of his hopes, that a mistress might be found for it at Longbourn, produced from her, amid very complaisant smiles and general encouragement, a caution against the very Jane he had fixed on. "As to her younger daughters, she could not take upon her to say--she could not positively answer--but she did not know of any prepossession; her eldest daughter, she must just mention--she felt it incumbent on her to hint, was likely to be very soon engaged." Mr. Collins had only to change from Jane to Elizabeth--and it was soon done--done while Mrs. Bennet was stirring the fire

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun