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"-recycle" - 48 õppematerjali



Recycle Roheline ideoloogia Roheline idoloogia on poliitiline ideoloogia, mis väärtustab eelkõige keskkonnakaitset ja säästlikku majandamist. Selle aluseks on püüd tasakaalulisele ehk rohelisele elamisviisile, mis võtab aluseks ökosüsteemi protsesside tasakaalu ning elurikkuse hoidmise ja saaks olla püsikestev. Rohelisest ideoloogiast Teoreetilised ideed on Rohelised väidavad, et suhteliselt noored, majanduse arenguga pärinedes 1960ndatest. kaasnev Esimesi sellele kriisile loodusressursside tähelepanu juhtivaid talitsematu raiskamine raamatuid oli Rachel toob kaasa hävingu, Carsoni "Hääletu kevad" kuivõrd tänaseni on see (1962) toimunud mõtlematult ning hoolimatult ökoloogilise tasakaalu suhtes. Roheline ideoloogia rajaneb Osa rohelise liikumise ö...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
6 allalaadimist

Ways to protect the environment

PROJECT Things You Can Do To Protect the Environment changing.  We need to help it change for the better and we're asking for your help to do that!  There are a lot of things that affect our planet in a bad way but the good news is that everyone can help to reduce them and do their bit for the environment. Here’s a list of LOVE AND CARE THE ENVIRONMENT important topics ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL TARTU KOLLEDZ Säästva tehnoloogia õppetool EHITUSJÄÄTMETE KÄITLEMISTEHNOLOOGIAD Aines Materjalide ringlus NTS1021 Üliõpilane: Karin Erimäe Juhendaja: Jaan Kers Tartu, 2012 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS Aastal 2005 moodustasid ehitus- ja lammutusjäätmed maailma tahketest jäätmetest 35%. Enamus ehitus- ja lammutusjäätmeid jõuavad prügilasse. Samuti satuvad ehitusjäätmed sobimatutesse kohtadesse, näiteks metsa alla. Selline tegevus põhjustab aga keskkonnamõjusid, sealhulgas õhu, pinna- ja põhjavee saastumist ning loodusvarade vähenemist. Sellepärast on oluline suunata ehitamisel ja lammutamisel tekkivad jäätmed korduvkasutamisse või ümbertöötlemisse. Selline tegevusviis vähendaks prügilasse ladestatava jäätmete hulka oluliselt. Enamik ehitamisel ja lammutamisel tekkiv...

Materjaliteadus → Materjalide ringlus
29 allalaadimist

Environmental issues in Brazil

Environmental issues in Brazil Madis Pokk Facts about Brazil Capital: Brasilia Largest city: Sao Paulo Official language is Protugese Total area: 8 515 767 km² Population is 193 milion people Deforestation ­ cutting down rainforest The highest rate in world of cutting down rainforest Major problem in Brazil Over 600 000 km² destroyed The problems that comes with deforestation New plants can't grow Global warming Life for animal Greenhouse gases Why they are cutting rainforest? More place for new homes To build new roads Selling the lumber to Japan To generate electricity Trees are used in flooring, furniture and other items Make more space for grazing lands Solution To enforce their anti-logging laws Provide alternatives to poor farmers Use less firewood and paper products Recycle old furniture and wood Educate yourself Ar...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
16 allalaadimist

How can we reduce air pollution level in cities?

How can we reduce air pollution level in cities? The air pollution levels are extremely high in cities, but how can people change this situation? Cars and big factories emit lots of deleterious gases into the air, for example carbonic acid gas, cities are not healthy places to live anymore. Firstly, we should using the public transport. Everybody can walk and bicycle instead of driving cars. Vehicles emit a lot of harmful gases into the air. Every family member does not need his or her own car. One car for the whole family would minimise the number of cars in cities and air pollution levels will come down. Secondly, people have to recycle. It would help reduce factories work. It will emit less harmful gases into the air. Finally, we should plant more trees in cities and also create more national parks. They produce oxygen. In conclusion, there are many ways to make cities better...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Saving enregy

The RRR rule Reduce- reduce your waste. That means, use alternatives to things that you would just throw away. For example: instead of paper cups and plates use ordinary plates. Reuse- Use thing that you have already got or give them to people who need those things. For example: glothes, use newspaper as a wrapping paper. Recycle- recycle thing. It does not take too long and it makes so much differencs Saving energy and your money Save electricity - people use a lot of electricity only because they forget or leave electrical appliances on. How: unplug everything that you do not use and do not forget to turn the light off Save water - Wasting water wastes electricity wich wastes energy. How: repair all leaky water mechanisms and if possible take shorter showers Saving energy and your money Save gasoline- It takes a lot of energy to operate a car. How: use other healthier al...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Helping the environment

To: Ms Head teacher From: Iti Tomingas-Oras Subject: Helping the environment Date: 6th September Introduction The Pupose of this report is to present my findings about heping the enviroment in our school. I have carried out a survey among the students at Kose Gymnasium. My findings are presented below. Findings The first thing students thought was that our school is using and wasting paper. Theatchers do not use both sides of paper while printing. Secondly the students have noticed that the computers are not always turned off at end of the day. They take a lot of power and waste energy if they are turned on overnight. The tird thing I found out is that our school does not recycle and reuse enouhg which is also bad influence for the environment. Reccomendations Firstly, I would like to suggest to reduce paper. For example send more emails or if the printing is really nessesary use both sided of the paper. Secondly I reccomend tuni...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What I would change if I were omnipotent

What I would change if I were omnipotent The thing that bothers me the most in today's world is the lack of care. It is noticeable everywhere: in the streets, on television or even in relationships. If I had the power to change anything I would change the attitude of humankind considering the following issues. Firstly, I am not the kind of person whose glass is always half empty mine is half full but there are some negative aspects that disturb me . Walking down the street I notice litter such as wraps of different kind of junk food, old cigarettes and pieces of gum. Furthermore, I would make the people understand not to throw their trash on the ground but to recycle everything. Make it so that it is illegal to trash and it is the law to recycle. So that eventually everyone would take trash personally. Secondly, When ever I turn on the television there are commercials after commercials. Everything ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

The most pressing environmental issues in Estonia

The most pressing environmental issues in Estonia The earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe. Unfortunately, our planet is suffering due to many problems which should be solved before it is too late. Of course our country is not an exception. The major problems that are facing our country today are air and water pollution and recycle problem. Also we have, for example, deforestation problem and traffic jams, for instance, in Tallinn in rush-hour. Nevertheless, those problems are not so significant than previous. One of the biggest problems in Estonia is air and water pollution. One example of air pollution is exhaust fumes. Today we have a lot of transport: cars and buses, in the main in our capital. Gases which are produced by cars contain carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide in the air causes global warming, which is the result of the green house effect. Furthermore, it will ...

Keeled → Business english
75 allalaadimist

Efficient initiatives to help protect the environment

Efficient initiatives to help protect the environment Just like our bodies, the environment functions best when it's in balance. Unfortunately, we're not quite there. Many of us believe that we lead lives that respect nature but our consumption habits give us away. Many little habits that seem to be sustainable are in fact polluting. Along with pollution, issues like depletion of resources, the rise of consumerism, and the "throw away" culture have led to serious issues. That being said, the fight's not over yet. Fortunately, more people than ever are both aware of and active in the protection of the environment. To protect the environment, waste management and recycling are crucial. When we recycle, used materials are converted into new products, reducing the need to consume natural resources. If used materials are not recycled, new products are made by extracting fresh, raw material from the Earth, through mining and forestry. R...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kõvaketta analüüs.

KÕVAKETTA ANALÜÜSIMINE Kõvaketta tuvastamisest saame teada POST käigus. Kui aga kõvakettast ei tuvastatud siis tuleks kontrollida üle ketta ühendused ja jumper settingud. Kui kahtlustate, et viga võib olla kaablis, tuleks katsetada seda sulle teadaoleva töötava kaabliga ühendada ning kontrollida seade üle. Kui see ei aita siis tuleks seade katsetada üle teises masinas. Sellisel juhul kui seade töötab teises masinas võib probleemiks olla toiteseadme rikke või siis ebapiisav toide. Kui aga ilmub veateade MBR ehk master boot record'i laadimise tõrke kohta tuleks kontrollida üle jumper settingud HDD kettal. Kuid kui antakse teade "Missing NTLDR" siis tuleks kontrollida kas XP installatsiooniplaadiga on võimalik partitsioone näha ning tuleks kasuks kui skanneerida kõvaketas diagnostikavahendiga. Tuleks ka kontrollida Kas windows "Safe Mode'is" töötab. Kui ei, tuleks teha XP parandus. Diagnostika programmideks on: SeaTools for Win...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
38 allalaadimist

Environment in Estonia

Environment in Estonia The aim of the report is to discuss environmental issues in Estonia, what kind of problems we have, what causes these problems and what have been done to solve them. Firstly, the main issue is pollution, that is caused by our own carelessness and thoughlessness. In Estonia there are too many old cars and other vehicles, which exhaust fumes that pollute air what we breathe. Although, there are some newer vehicles like busses and cars that contaminate less and even few electric cars, people do not pay enough attention to it. When the levels of pollution are too high, it may cause some serious diseases. The second aspect is that people fell quite a lot of trees, but that is not so big problem. In Estonia there are a lot of forests and groves. Also, people are planting new trees all the time and know abot the importance of green. Lastly, one of the issues is that peo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist


I'd like to present the main issues of our planet and today i'll name 5 of them. These are air pollution, water pollution, endangered animals, deforestation and rubbish. Air pollution Firstly, lets talk about air pollution, which endangeres our life in cities and also the forests near by. Cars and factories blow poisoned gas in the air and it mixes with the oxygen, so the air that we breathe, becomes dangerous to our health. The ozone layer around the Earth, there is a special type of oxygen called ,,ozone". Ozone is important because it stops ultraviolett radiation from the sun. Many aerosol sprays and factories destroy ozone and they have made a very big hole in the ozone layer. This means that too much ultraviolet radiation now enters the Earth. This is very dangerous because it can cause cancer. Poisonous chemicals ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist


Greenpeace general facts. Greenpeace is a non-governmental organization which was found in 1971 by Kumi Naidoo who is an executive director and Lalita Ramdas who is a chairman. Greenpeace has about 2.86 million members in 41 different countrys and its main office is located in Amsterdam. Origin. The founders of Greenpeace believed a few individuals could make a difference which motivated them to stop USA's underground nuclear testing and that was the first time they did something good for environment and they wanted to keep doing that. Objectives 1 Greenpeace is perhaps best known for its campaigns to protect whales and other large aquatic animals from hunters and trappers. Greenpeace programs target multiple areas of ocean defense, centering primarily on pollution and unfair or abusive fishing practices. 2 Many electronics and other products contain toxic chemicals and heavy metals that are difficult to dispose of and impossible to r...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

1-9 unit keywords (Autosaved)

1 Aktsionärid - Shareholders Juhtimine - Management Tööjõud - Workforce Organisatsiooniskeem - Organisation chart Nõukogu - Board of directors Esimees - Chairperson Tegevdirektor - Managing director Aktsiaseltsi personal - Company officers 2 Värbama - Recruit Positsioon - Position Soovi avaldama - Apply for CV(curriculum vitae)(resume) Sooviavaldus blankett - Application form Nimekiri - Short list Kandidaadid - Candidates Intervjuu - Interview Palkama -Hire Värbamis agentuur - Recruitment agency(search firm) 3 Jaekaubandus - Retailing Jaemüüjad - Retailers Laod ­ Stores(shops) Firmakauplus - Outlets Kett (kaubanduskett) - Chains Ärikeskus - Shopping centres(malls) Hüpermarket - Hypermarkets Kaubahall/hüpermarket - Superstores Kaubanduskeskuste rajoon? - Retail park Kaubamaja - Department stores 4 Franchising (siuke värk, et ostad litsentsi kasutamisõiguse) Franchisor (litsentsi omanik) Franchisee (litsentsi ostja) Franchise agreement...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

The Crucial Problems of the World

The Crucial Problems of the World There are many problems in the world right at this time. One of the biggest and maybe the one which people talk about the most is the waste and recycling problem. As we all know, humankind is producing more waist than we can handle, reproduce and recycle. Even in here, Estonia, people are thinking of building a nuclear power station, because fossil fuel is soon depleted. The other problem, a little bit connected to the first one, is the greenhouse effect. The light from the Sun reaches us and after that the light reflexes from the Earth's surface back to the space, but thanks to the pollution, it absorbs and reflexes back to us again, causing global warming. The third problem is the fastly growing population. There are now more than 7 milliard people in the world and the number is still getting bigger. That leads us to the overcrowded cities, poverty and hunger. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

What is acid rains?

Acid rains This morning you contributed to atmosphere desolation H ow it is formed? Acid rain is formed by burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil. Gases of acid rain Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are the gases that form the acid rain. Our health and acid rain Acid rain effects even our health. Breathing and lung problems in people (especially those with asthma) and have been linked to acid air pollution. Some things that you can do to make acid rain less of a problem are: Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with a full load. Turn off the lights in empty rooms or when you will be away from home. Turn off the hot water tank when you will be gone for a long period of time. Don't use your air conditioner or heater as much. Install fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs. Try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as often as ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
5 allalaadimist


REPORT To: local authorities From: a member of the Nature Club Subject: environmental situation at Poku Date: 22 February 2012 As a member on the Nature Club I have decided to write a report describing the environmental situation and make some recommendations based of the opinion poll. The situation at Poku is satisfying. Water and noise pollution is low because there are no cities around here. Wildlife is good and getting better because we have beautiful forests near Poku which gives good living and development places for wild animals. Paper and glass recycling is well organized. We have paper and glass containers and workers are cleaning them daily basis. Due to the fact that overall life in Poku is good we still have some problematic things to consider. Nowadays government has started to cut trees near Poku. This affects development of animals living in these areas because it takes away ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Veereostuse esitlus inglise keeles, Water pollution

WATER POLLUTION THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT WAYS THAT WATER CAN BE POLLUTED. ⦿ Surface Water Pollution - Most common type, you can visually see the pollution floating (plastic containers or oil and gasoline spills). ⦿ Ground Water Pollution – This becomes more relevant as it affects our drinking water. It become infected by toxic chemicals. ⦿ Microbial Pollution – Found in the countries who don’t have the facilities to cure the water so the bacteria and viruses grow in the water. The people have no other way of getting water so they are forced to drink it. WHAT CAUSES WATER POLLUTION? ⦿ Wastewater ⦿ Marine dumping ⦿ Industrian waste ⦿ Radioactive waste ⦿ Oli pollution ⦿ Underground storage ⦿ Global warming WHY IS IT A PROBLEM? ⦿ It causes worldwide disasters and deaths. ⦿ It may not damage our health immediately but can be harmful after long time. ⦿ Industrial waste often contains...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference

A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference For most of us, it’s our dream from a young age: We want to change the world. We all want to live in clean and a better world. We want to make everyone laugh and happy because it makes us happy. While you are getting older your thought to change the world will disappear. As a teenager you are thinking about your dream job. Maybe you want to be a doctor, a musician or start your own business. They are all very different thoughts but they’re not easy. Big dreams are always difficult. So is changing the world. When you want to change the world, you have to start with yourself. If you change your thinking you will change your feelings. While you are feeling positive it is more easy to change others. You have to be honest with everything and everybody. Do not be afraid to say what you are thinking or feeling. You may regret that what you did not said. Help ot...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Simple and small ways affect the enviroment for the better

Simple and small ways affect the enviroment for the better Everyone can do something for the enviroment. All of us should do something, because enviroment is very important to people. Our planet is changing and we need to help it change for the better. One way how to help the enviroment is saving energy. You should switch off anything, that uses electricity. If you’re not using it, then turn it off, it’s simple. This goes for lights, televisions and so on. Also try unplugging if possible, because even when an appliance is turned off, it still may use power. You could switch your light bulbs to LED light bulbs, because these are using less energy and even last longer. If you use renewable energy sources, you won’t cause burning fossil fuels, that causes pollution. Another way how to help the enviroment would be saving water. Turn off the water, when you’re not using it. People often leave water running, when they’re br...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Ecology and environment

Ecology and Environment I Word formation Noun Verb Adjective Eruption Protection Pollution - Penetration Contamination Emission - Depletion - Prediction Reduction Consumption Campaign/campaigner Disaster - Radiation Destruction - II Give the opposite ... Renewable resources ­ Use ­ Protect ­ Admissibly ­ Predicted ­ III Fill in the correct word 1. The polar bear's .......................... is the icy waste...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ülemineku eksami 100 sõna.

1. energia allikas- energy source 2. liik - species 3. ohustatud ­ endangered 4. soojustama ­ issulate 5. jalakäija ­ pedestrian 6. ümber töötlema prügi ­ recycle 7. tuumaelektrijaam ­ nuclear power station 8. tootma ­ generate 9. puudus ­ lack 10. välja laskma ­ emit 11. linnade vohumine ­ urban sprawl 12. jalgrattatee ­ cyclepath 13. prügimägi ­ dump 14. säästmine ­ pollution 15. veepuudus ­ water shortage 16. ülerahvastus ­ crowded 17. lage raie ­ clear ­ cutting 18. kaldalähedane ­ inshore 19. vee energia ­ hydropower 20. päikseenergia ­ solarpower 21. mandri euroopa ­ continental Europe 22. vahepeatus ­ call at 23. mäenõlvad ­ mountain slopes 24. tõkestuma ­ hamper 25. sissetung ­ invasion 26. loodus keskkond ­ natural habitat 27. eraldatud ­ separated 28. munakivisillutisega ­ cobblet 29. föön ­ hair- dryer 30. putukatõrje ­ insect repellent 31. esmaabi ­ first- aid 32. tulikuum ­ boiling hot 33. jäiselt külm ­ freezing 34. nõmm ­...

Keeled → Inglise keel
96 allalaadimist

Loodusprobleemid inglise keeles.

Ecological problems Situation Reason Consequenses Suggestions for solutions Ozone layer is damaged · Using different sprays · Increase of UV-rays · Ozone friendly products · Burning rubber and other (causes cancer) · Campaigns to make people plastics · There is no life possible on aware of dangers · Factories produce sulphur the Earth without ozone layer Depletion of natural resources · Misusage of natural · Loss of luxurity · Using renewable resources ...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
14 allalaadimist

Vocabulary of Unit 4

10.kl ­ VOCABULARY OF UNIT 4 acid rain ­ happevihm address ­ aadress afar ­ kaugele (nt maale) alternative ­ alternatiiv, valikuvõimalus ant ­ sipelgas armour ­ soomus, raudrüü array ­ rivi, rida ballad ­ ballaad ban ­ keelustama budget ­ eelarve can´t help ­ ei saa midagi parata can´t stand ­ ei talu car pool ­ auto ühiskasutus centipede ­ sajajalgne circumference ­ ümbermõõt clad ­ kaetud, riietatud clover ­ ristikhein coal ­ kivisüsi community ­ kogukond, ühiskond consequence ­ tagajärg conservation ­ looduskaitse crimson ­ veripunane, tulipunane daisy tree ­ karikakra puu deceive ­ tüssama, petma, eksiteele viima deforestation ­ metsa lageraie demand ­ nõudma diameter ­ diameeter drawback ­ puudus, tagasilöök drift ­ triivima, hulkuma emit ­ eraldama, kiirgama endangered species ­ ohustatud/hävimisohus liigid energy use ­ energia kasutus epic ­ eepiline, kangelaslik face ­ vastu astuma, silmitsi olema fairy land ­ muinasjutumaa fil...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Derivation Omadussõna Nimisõna Tegusõna Määrsõna Adjective Noun Verb Adverb Angry- vihane Anger- viha Anger- vihastama Angrily Embarassed- Embarrassment- piinlikus Embarrass- piinlikust Embarrassingly piinlik tundma Amazed- Amazement- hämmastus Amaze- hämmastama üllatunud Disappointed- Disappointment- pettumus Disappoint- pettuma pettunud Sad- kurb sadness- kurbus Sadden- kurvastama Terrified- Terror- hirm Terrify- hirmutama hirmunud Shocked Shock Shock Anxious- Anxiety-ärevus närviline Beautiful- ilus Beauty- iludus Beautifully- ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kodutöö akadeemiline inglise keel

Taking up cycling instead of using a car is too dangerous in cities. It could be argued that taking up cycling is very healthy for people. It supports people more to move and it is like doing a sport. Besides it is very good for environment. Thanks to using bicycles cities air will be cleaner and air is not such impure. Thanks to cleaner air people's can breathe better air. This is partly true, but taking up cycling instead of using a car is really more dangerous than use only cars. Thanks to taking up cycling traffic will go busier and messier. There is much different kind of movers in traffic and it makes traffic really dangerous. It is clear that it is not too dangerous. There are many cities where cycling is very popular, for example in Copenhagen. If this method will be chosen, city needs to build special cycling roads. Thanks to these roads traffic should be safer. More energy is used up taking items to re...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
56 allalaadimist

Rainforest destruction

Rainforest destruction Gerly Haaristo 206 RMÜ The Disappearing Rainforests Kaduvad Vihmametsad · Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. · Vihmametsad katsid kunagi 14% maapinnast, praegu katavad nad ainult 6% ja eksperdid arvavad et viimased alles olevad vihmametsad nö. tarvitatakse ära vähema kui 40 aasta pärast. Causes of rainforest destruction Vihmametsa hävitus põhjused. · Logging · Agriculture · Fuelwood- küttepuud · Large Dams- suured tammid · Mining and industry- kaevandus ja tööstus. · Tourism ­ turism. · Poverty and overpopulation ­ vaesus ja ülerahvastatus. · Colonialism ­ kolonialism. Why save it? · The rainforest is home to over · Vihmamets on koduks rohkem fifty perc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Unit 7-8 sõnavara

Unit 7- 8 1. Tarbija ühiskond ­ Consumer society - the world of people who buy goods or make use of services 2. Keskkond ­ Environment - the natural world around us 3. Pakend ­ Packaging ­ many companies use it (boxes, bottles, etc.) 4. Ümbertöötlema ­ Recycle ­ that is made using old materials 5. Saaste ­ Pollution ­ like smoke in the air, can be reduced if companies use trains instead of road transport 6. Osooni kiht - Ozone layer - high above the earth's surface, helps to protect the earth from harmful rays of the sun 7. Kemikaal/ tuuma saaste - Chemical/ nuclear waste- dangerous substance which pollutes nature 8. Globaalne soojenemine - Global warming - increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere 9. Prügikast - Rubbish bin(GB)/ trash can(US) - a place where you can throw your trash 10. Õli laigud - Oil spills - pollutions, usually in the sea ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Jäätmekäitlus meid ümbritsevas keskkonnas

TALLINNA TRANSPORDIKOOL JÄÄTMEKÄITLUS MEID ÜMBRITSEVAS KESKKONNAS ESSEE KOOSTAJA: TALLINN 2015 Inimtegevuse on mõjunud juba väga palju aastaid keskkonnale . Keskkond on see, mis on meie ümbrus, milles ettevõte töötab ja eksisteerivad kodumajapidamised ning kus toimub igapäevane inimtegevus. Keskkonna moodustavad väga paljud asjad, mis on inimestele üliolulised, et eksisteerida maal: õhk, vesi, maapind, taastuvad ja taastumatud loodusressursid, taimestik, loomastik ja inimesed koos nendevaheliste vastastikuste suhete ja mõjudega. Inimtegevuse pikaajalise tulemusena avaldavad keskkonnale üldiselt halba mõju. Mida rohkem on inimene õppinud oma elu mugavamaks tegema, seda rohkem kannatab selle all loodus ja keskkond, mis meid ümbritseb. See mõju võib avalduda keskkonnale mitmel erineval viisil: õhu saastamisega, os...

Loodus → Jäätmekäitlus
16 allalaadimist

Positive sides of outdoor learning

Positive sides of outdoor learning Essay "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin In the last few years outdoor education has become more and more popular worldwide and in Estonia too. While there are many definitions for outdoor education, I think the best way to describe it would be ­ outdoor education is a form of education, when learning takes place somewhere else than a classroom and the subjects are not only about the environment and nature but also linked to the national curriculum. Outdoor education often takes place on a walk around the block, a visit to the cemetery or a local post office. It can happen at a city zoo, on a forest trail, or in a national park. These kinds of locations are conducive to first- hand experien...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksami materjal

Inglise Keele Eksami Materjal Exam.............................................................................................................................................................. 2 House and Home....................................................................................................................................... 2 Traveling.................................................................................................................................................... 2 Education .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Global Problems ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Health and fitness .............................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
233 allalaadimist


ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS Our environment is constantly changing. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing. Current environmental problems make us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and in the future. Unless we address the various issues seriously we are surely doomed for disaster. Current environmental problems require urgent attention. 1. Pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. Heavy metals, nitrates and plastic are toxins responsible for pollution. While water pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain, urban runoff; air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins released ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency L-O

LIMIT Ex1. 1. Searching 2. Commit 3. Lose 4. Jog 5. Ex1. 1. Set 2. Lowered 3. Exceed 4. Reached 5. Bring back 6. Blot out 7. Etched 8. Put..behind Impose 6. Test 7. Know Ex2. 1. Terrible 2. Fond 3. Hazy 4.earliest 5. Ex2. 1. Spending limits 2. Speed limit 3. Time Living 6. Distant 7. Painful 8. Short- term limit 4. Age limit 5. Credit limit 6. City limits Ex3. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A Ex3. 1. F 2. H 3. A 5. D 6. G 7. E 8. C METHOD LOOK Ex1. 1. Adopt 2. Work 3. Used 4. Fails 5. Devised Ex1. 1. Seen 2. Gave 3. Tell 4. Spoil 5. Like 6. 6. Recommend Has Ex2. 1. Traditional 2. infallible 3. Popular 4. Ex2. 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. F 5. G 6. A 7. C 8. H Reliable 5. Unorthodox 6. Practical 7. Effective Ex3. 1. Had 2. Took 3. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Failioperatsioonid & Windows Explorer

FAILIOPERATSIOONID Failide ja kaustade märgistamisest Selleks, et failiga midagi teha, tuleb see eelnevalt märgistada. Märgistatud faili nimi on sinine (nime taust). Ühe faili või kausta märgistamiseks tuleb sellel teha lihtsalt üks hiireklõps. Kui aga soovitakse märgistada mitut faili või kausta, saab kasutada hiire ja klaviatuuri koostööd. Kui märgistatavad failid asuvad nimekirjas üksteise järel, siis toimitakse järgmiselt: · Märgistatakse nimekirjas esimene fail; · Hoitakse klaviatuuril all tõsteklahvi Shift; · Tehakse hiireklõps nimekirjas viimase faili nimel; · Vabastatakse tõsteklahv. Kui aga failid ei ole nimekirjas üksteise järel, vaid nende vahel on faile, mida ei soovita märgistada, siis järgmiselt: · Märgistatakse esimene fail; · Hoitakse all klahvi Control; · Tehakse hiireklõpsud ülejäänud failide nimedel; · Vabastatakse Control klahv. Uue kausta, faili, kiirikooni loomine Alam...

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Kasutatud rehvide taaskasutamisvõimalused Eestis

Sisukord 1.Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................... 5 2. Rehvidest üldiselt.......................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Rehvi ehitus ja koostis.............................................................................................7 2.2 Rehvide mõju keskkonnale......................................................................................8 2.2.1 Autorehvide utiliseerimise riskid......................................................................8 2.2.2 Rehvide põlengud.............................................................................................8 3. Kasutatud rehvide kogumist ja käitlemist reguleeriv seadusandlik taust....................10 4. Kasutatud rehvide kogumissüsteem Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikides........................... 11 ...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
78 allalaadimist

Kuidas teha arvutit kiiremaks?

Kuidas teha arvuti kiiremaks: 6, kuidas kiirendada arvuti Pärast mõned lihtsad juhised, saate säilitada oma arvuti, aitab suurendada arvuti kiirust ja aitavad hoida seda sujuvalt. Selles artiklis käsitletakse, kuidas kasutada olevaid vahendeid, Windows 7, Windows Vista ja Windows XP Service Pack 3, mis aitab teha oma arvuti kiiremaks, hoida arvuti tõhusalt ja aidata kaitsta teie privaatsust, kui sa oled online. Märkus: Mõned vahendid käesolevas artiklis nimetatud vaja teil olema sisse logitud administraatorina. Kui sa ei ole sisse logitud administraatorina, saate ainult muuta sätteid, mis rakenduvad teie kasutajakontole. 1. Eemalda nuhkvara ja aitab kaitsta teie arvutit viiruste eest Nuhkvara kogub isikuandmeid ilma rendile sa tead ja küsimata luba. Alates veebisaite te külastate, et kasutajanimed ja paroolid, nuhkvara võib panna teid ja teie konfidentsiaalset teavet ohus. Lisaks eraelu puutumatusega seotud probleemidele, nuhkvara või...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
22 allalaadimist

Green Energy presentation

Green Energy Program paid for and brought to by -Anja Bananja -Franz the Manz - And Just Chadrick Overview- What is Green Energy? Different Types? What is sustainability? German Green Energy Cost and Efficiency Recycling What is Green Energy? -It is energy resources that are renewable -Can be naturally replenished -Clean, Safe and not harmful to the environment (aka mother earth) Types of Green Energy Green Energy going cute Solar Power · Is produced by using photovoltaic cells, which capture sunlight and turns that into energy. Problems ? -The sun has got to shine -The cost of solar panels and the systems range between $20k-40k -The light from the sun produces a very small amount of energy Wind Power -These giant pinwheels spin from strong winds which spins ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Uurmiustöö Windows Xp

Sissejuhatus Iga arvutiga antakse kaasa vähemalt üks komplekt programme ­ operatsioonisüsteem. Operatsioonisüsteemi abil saad arvutile korraldusi anda. Sinu arvutis on üks moodsamaid operatsioonisüsteeme Microsoft Windows XP. See on töökindel, kiire ja võimas. Windows XP-st on kolm versiooni: 64-bitine, Professional ja Home Edition. 64-bitine on mõeldud ainult võimsate 64-bitiste protsessoritega arvutite jaoks. Professional on mõeldud eelkõige tööalaseks kasutamiseks, seal kus töökindlus on kriitiline, nt klientide teenindamisel. Home Edition on mõeldud kodukasutajatele. Kahel viimasel operatsioonisüsteemi versioonil on ühesugune tuum, kuid Professional sisaldab lisavõimalusi, mis on vajalikud kontoriarvutites ja tööjaamades, nt kahe protsessori tugi, failide ja kaustade krüpteerimine, erinevate õigustega kasutajad jms. Käesolevas dokumendis toodu käib mõlema versiooni kohta, kui pole teisiti öeldud. Võrreldes Windows 2000-ga, on laiend...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
24 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia riigimajandus

Tööleht nr 4 . Valitud riigi – Suurbritannia majandus. Õpilase nimi: Andmeallikaid kasutades ära unusta viitamist. Arvandmete kasutamisel tuleb lisada ühikud ja aastad. NB! Kui kasutad lisalehti – kinnita/klammerda need töölehe külge . Märkus! Andmed, mis olen kirjutanud kajastuvad enamikes ülesannetes 2008-st aastast. Mõnel üksikul kohal on värskem ja uuendatud materjal 2009 aastast. 1. Millised on Sinu riigi majanduse arengut soodustavad tegurid? Millised takistavad tegurid? Leia/nimeta 2 olulisemat mõlemal juhul. Soodustavad: a. Põllumajandus on intensiivne, palju masintööd, mis on euroopa standartile vastavalt efektiivne, tootes 60% vajaminevast toidust vaid kahe protsendilise tööhõivega kogu riigist. b. Väga suurtes kogustes loodusliku gaasi, sütt ja õli, millega sai temast üks tähtis energia importijaid aastal 2005. Takistavad: ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Taaskasutusvõimalused ja materjalid. Loodusressursside säästlikkus.

TAASKASUTUS Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................................... 1 Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................................3 1. Taaskasutuse olemus...............................................................................................................4 1.1. Taaskasutuse vajalikkus.......................................................................................................4 2. Materjalide kasutamise võimalused........................................................................................5 2.1. Paber ja papp........................................................................................................................5 2.2. Tekstiil........................................

Loodus → Keskkond ja jäätmemajandus
44 allalaadimist

Ehitusjäätmete käitlemine

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Virumaa Kolledž RAH3170 Keskkonnakaitse Dmitri Timoškin 124445 RDBR 22 Ehitusjäätmete käitlemine Referaat Õppejõud: lektor A. Zguro Kohtla-Järve 2013 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ.............................................................................................................................3 1. СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ОТХОДЫ...........................................................................................4 1.1. Применение строительных отходов 4 1.2. Использование строительных переработанных отходов 5 2. ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВО В ЭСТОНИИ............................................................................5 2.1. Общие положения ...

Keeled → Vene keel
5 allalaadimist

Suuline eksam FREE TIME 1. Is music popular in your family? What music do you like? 2. What musical instruments have you got in your home? 3. Can you play any musical instruments? 4. Do you sing? 5. Have you sung at a song festival? 6. Has your school got a choir? 7. When do you last go to a concert? What concert was it? 8. Have you ever been to an openair concert? What was it like? 9. Do you sing at family parties? Where else Estonians like to sing? 10. Have you got a collection of cassettes, CD´s or LP´s at home? 11. Have you watched a ballet on TV? 12. Which do you prefer ­ ballet, drama or musical? 13. How often do you go to the theatre? 14. Do you prefer going to the theatre or watching TV? Why? 15. Do you prefer buying a cheap ticket and getting a seat at the back or spending more money and sitting in the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
584 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun