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"-bottom" - 292 õppematerjali


Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

05144023 Compare and contrast the `direct` perception theory of Gibson with the `constructivist` perception theory of Gregory. Which provides a better account of human perception? Sensation involves physical stimulation of the sense organs, while perception is the organisation and interpretation of incoming sensory information. The Gestalt theorists first identified many of the principles that dominate in human visual perception. As Dowell (1995) has observed: "To perceive seems effortless. To understand perception is nevertheless a great challenge" (cited in Gross, 2005, pp 244). This essay will look at Gregory's theory and Gibson's theory of visual perception whether one or the other offers a better explanation of human visual perception. According to top-down perceptual processing theorists, perception is the end result of an indirect process that involves making inferences about the ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Pildi kirjelduse märksõnad(Inglise keel)

1) Describe the photo!! · Describe what you can see and what is happening in the photos. · Say where it's happening: ie on the left/right, at the bottom/top, in the middle,behind, in front · Use Present Continuous. What are they doing? · What clothes are they wearing? · What's the weather like? · Are they inside or outside? · Use adjectives. Do they look happy, sad, angry bored, tired? · How does the photo make you feel? · Would you like to be there? Why/Why not? 2)Comparing and contrasting photos!! · Similarities; all, most, some, both..also, as well, too · Differences; ..but/however/whereas/while/on the other hand.. Although.. 3)Speculate about the situation!! Use may/might/must/could/can't be... He seems to/appears to be.. 4)Give your reaction!! I'd love/hate do to that! It looks great/dangerous/awful! It makes me want to try/ go there.. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Suveöö unenägu

Suveöö unenägu Teose tegevusaeg toimub ammusel ajal ja kestab umbes nädala. Tegevus toimub Ateenas ja selle lähedal asuvas metsas, autor kirjeldab tegevuskohti väga täpselt ja detailselt, nii et tekib hea ettekujutus justkui oleks ise seal samas. Teos on kirjutatud viies vaatuses näidendina. 1) Esimeses vaatuses arutavad Theseus ja Hippolyta oma pulmaplaane. Egeus viib oma tütre Hermia Theseuse ette, sest neil on probleem. Lysander ja Demetrius on mõlemad Hermiasse armunud, Egeus eelistab Dermetriust aga Hermia on armunud Lysandrisse. Esimese vaatuse teises tseenis arutavad Quince, Bottom, Snug, Flute, Snout ja Starveling näidendi kava mida nad plaanivad Theseuse pulmas esitada. 2) Teises vaatuses tülitsevad haldjate kuningas Oberon ja haldjate kuninganna Titania. Obreon ja Puck plaanivad Titania silma tilgutada ühe lille mahla, mis paneb teda armastama esimest ettejuhtuvat isikut. Helena avaldab Dermetri...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
34 allalaadimist

Laevade ehitus vene keeles

Umbreelingu latt: Gunwale: Umbreelingu tugi: Stay of bulwark: Teki veejooksuplaat: Deck waterway: Raampiim: Web beam: Pool piim: Half beam: Tekiplaadistus: Deck plating: Karlings: Deck girder: Teki pikkijäikusribi: Longitudinal: . Luugi komings: Hatch coaming: Piller: Pillar: Täispiim: Full-beam: Püstjäikusribi: Vertical stiffener: Veekindel vahesein: Watertight bulkhead: Topeltpõhja plaadistus: Double bottom plating: Vertikaalkiil: Vertical keel: Horisontaalkiil: Horizontal keel: Põhjastringer: Intercoastal side girder: Põhjaplaadistus: Bottom plating: Floor: Floor: Topeltpõhja külgvöö: Margin plate: . Kimmikiil: Bilge keel: Kimmivöö: Bilge strake: Lastiruumikaar: Hold transversal frame: Lastiruumipiim: Hold beam: Pardavöö: Side strake: Vahetekikaar: Tweendeck frame: Piimiknii: Beam knee: Siirivöö: Sheer strake: Veejooksuplaat: Bulwark waterway: Tekistringer: Deck stringer: Umbre...

Ehitus → Laevaehitus
27 allalaadimist

Txt - Html Tabeli loomine

Tabeli loomine Tabel paikneb tagide

vahel. Element ... - määrab tabeli rea. Element ... - määrab tabeli lahtri. Näide 1. Loome HTML - dokumendis järgmise tabeli: Lahter 1 Lahter 2 Lahter 3 Lahter 4 Kirjutame HTML ­ koodis:
Lahter 1 Lahter 2
Lahter 3 Lahter 4
See tabel näeb välja niimoodi: Lahter 1 Lahter 2 Lahter 3 Lahter 4 Nagu näeme tabelil puuduvad äärised. Ääriste lisamiseks on vaja kasutada elemendi jaoks kaks atribuuti : border = ... - määrab tabeli äärejoonte jämeduse; cellspacing = ... - määrab...

Informaatika → Informaatika
34 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon mäesuuskadest

Making mountain skis · History · Different types · Most common materials · The Manufacturing Process Different types · Laminated ­ most common · Torsionbox ­ more expensive · Singleshell lightest History · Light wood, usually hickory or ash · Depletion of inexpensive wood · Metal skis became common in the mid1950s · Aluminum bottom tends to freeze · Modern solutions Most common materials · Outer part of the skis fiberglass, carbon fibers, epoxy · Polyethylene in the bottom part · Coat of wax for maintaining polyethylene · Edges ­ steel, usally hard tempered The Manufacturing Process · Milling the core - the material is put through a mill for precise cutting and finishing · Assembling the layers - the core and layers, are placed into a mold and then into a press. Heat and pressure result in a...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

Plakat mäesuuskadest

Making mountain skis · Although Estonia is geographically not best suited for mountain skiing, · The most common materials for the outer part of the skis are it is still quite popular. The largest market is perhaps in the United States, but also in mountainous parts of Europe. fiberglass, carbon fibers, or a type of epoxy. Polyethylene is the most · Throughout history, alpine skis have been made out of light wood, popular material used in the bottom part of modern skis. One of the usually hickory or ash, steel edges were introduced on the bottom for drawbacks of the polyethylene base is its softness, and with time the ski can smoother glide, but the depletion of inexpensive wood meant a need for become scratched by small stones and ice...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
49 allalaadimist

Astmelised laadilehed

Esitlusgraafika ja koduleheküljed ­ CSS 1 Astmelised laadilehed ­ CSS Kodulehekülgede üheks oluliseks kujunduspõhimõtteks on hoida lehtede visuaalne väljanägemine võimalikult ühtne kogu kodulehekülje ulatuses. See tähendab ühesugust taustavärvi, sama kirjatüübi ja suuruse kasutamist ning sama paigutust. Suuremate kodulehekülgede puhul võib näiteks taustavärvi või kirjatüübi muutmine põhjustada suurt peavalu ­ muudatused tuleb ju teha kõikidele HTML-failidele. Et selliseid probleeme vältida peaks olema sisu ja kujundust teineteisest lahus. Algselt oligi HTML mõeldud ainult dokumendi struktuuri (pealkirjad, tekstilõigud, loetelud) määramiseks, kuid seda hakati ka kasutama dokumentide kujundamiseks. Lahenduseks sellele probleemile töötati välja CSS ehk Cascading Style Sheets (sobivaim eestikeelne tõlge oleks astmelised laadilehed) ­ keel HTML-dokumentide kujunduse määramiseks. CSS puhul on h...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
19 allalaadimist

Lego koostamisjuhis

Process Work Instruction Cover Page Sievi - Finland DOCUMENT TYPE : Work Instruction PRODUCT NAME : Lego PART NAME : Digger PART NUMBER : 123456 DOCUMENT NUMBER : xxx-xxxx-xxx REVISION : 01 DATE ORIGINATED : 7.10.2009 DATE OF CURRENT REVISION : 7.10.2009 ORIGINATOR : Sami Tervo APPROVED BY : Heikki Kivistö Product name Part name Part number Lego Digger 123456 Document number Document type Revision xxx-xxxx-xxx Work Instruction 01 Originator Date originated Date of current rev. Sami Tervo 7.10.2009 7.10.2009 ...

Tehnoloogia → Tehniline dokumentatsioon
5 allalaadimist

Tiimivarustus jalgpallis

2 CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT 3 CONTENT GOALKEEPER TECHNOLOGIES ONORE 77 MATCHWEAR PRECIO 81 CAMPEON 15 9 CONDIVO 14 14 REFEREE 87 TIRO 15 17 TOQUE 13 21 STRIPED 15 27 TRAININGWEAR SQUADRA 13 33 TABELA 14 39 TIRO 15 93 ESTRO 15 45 CONDIVO 14 121 VOLZO 15 51 SERENO 14 147 ENTRADA 14 55 CORE FIFTEEN 161 TECHFIT 175 SHORTS 61 SOCKS 73 ACCESSORIES 183 HARDWARE 191 4 TECHNOLOGIES Light, breathable fabrics worn close to the skin, conduct heat climacool® is a combination of performance fabrics. Open mesh and and sweat away from the body to keep you cool and dry in warm ventilat...

Sport → Sport
2 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused 1. Nimetage kurnpüüniseid 2. Kuidas toimub püük kaldanoodaga 3. Milliseid kalu püütakse Eestis põhjanoodaga 4. Iseloomustage tõstevõrguga püüki 5. Milleks on seinnoodal haarad 6. Kuidas orienteerub laev seinnoodapüügil kalaparve ja tuule suhtes 7. Mis asi on jõuplokk 8. Milliseid kalaparve käitumise iseärasusi tuleb seinnoodapüügil arvestada 9. Miks on seinnooda vertikaalne rakenduskoefitsient suurem, kui horisontaalne 1 1. Milline taglastuselement on põhjatraalnooda tunnuseks 2. Milles seisneb põhimõtteline vahe traalnoodaga ja põhjanoodaga püügil 3. Milleks on vaja traallaudu 4. Millise traallaua konstruktsioonielemendi külge ühendatakse vaier 5. Milleks on vaja traalpüügil kaableid 6. Nimeta põhjatraalnooda peamised osad 2 3 §9. Traalpüünised ja Ahtertraalimine t...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
35 allalaadimist

Inglise keel- Lesson 3 Anchoring

Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- to give a ship the sternway with the engine to give a ship the sternway with the engine to give a ship the sternway with the engine ...

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Molaarmassi määramine süsinikdioksiidi kolmel erineval viisil

The aim of the experiment To determine the molar mass of carbon dioxide in three different ways; 1) using the Ideal Gas Law equation, 2) using the molar volume of a gas at NTP, 3) using the relative density to air Equipment CO2 tank, a flask with a rubber stopper (300 cm 3), technical balance, measuring cylinder (250 cm3), thermometer, barometer. Method 1. Determine the mass (m1= mflask+stopper+air) of the dry flask with a rubber stopper by weighing on a technical balance. Draw a line on the flask at the bottom edge of the stopper in order to measure the volume of the flask in step 5. 2. Fill the flask with carbon dioxide gas. Direct the gas from the CO 2 tank into the flask for about 7-8 minutes. The tip of the hose has to be in the bottom but not very closely against the bottom. Otherwise it may happen that all of the CO 2 will exit from other branches of the hose bundle. 3. Seal the flask q...

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
6 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused 1. Eesti seadusandluses toimiv kalapüügiviiside klassifikatsioon 2. Mille poolest erinevad kalapüünised teistest insenerlikest tarinditest? 3. Millised jõud mõjuvad püügil olevale kalapüünisele? 4. Mis on üleslükkejõud? 1 Kalapüügiviiside klassifikatsioone on väga mitmeid, kuid reeglina kattuvad nad suuremal või vähemal määral kalapüüniste klassfitseerimisega I) Eesti seadusandluses kasutatav kalapüügiviiside klassifikatsioon (püüniste ja püügiprintsiibi järgi): Õngpüünised Õngepüük Nakkepüünised Võrgupüük Lõkspüünised Mõrrapüük Kurnpüünised Noodapüük Traalpüünised Traalpüük Vähipüügivahendid Vähipüük Allveepüügivahendid Allveepüük 2 ...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
29 allalaadimist


TOPICS FOR SPEAKING CYLINDER FRAME The cylinder section of the engine consists of a number of cylinder blocks, which are tightened together with the engine frame and the bedplate by means of through- going stay bolts. Two central bores, one at the top and one halfway down inside the cylinder block, enclose the cylinder liner. The upper part of the cylinder block forms part of the cooling water space around the central part of the cylinder liner, whereas the lower part forms the scavenge air space. A central bore in the bottom of the cylinder block encloses the piston rod stuffing box. The bottom is double with a hollow space through which cooling water is circulated. On the exhaust side of the cylinder block there is a circular opening leading into the longitudinal scavenge air receiver of the engine. Furthermore, there is an inlet pipe for cooling and lubricating oil. The cylinder block is provided with cleani...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Floating Wind Turbines

Floating Wind Turbines University of Tartu 2012 Featured topics Basic layout of wind turbines About FWT Technology and advantages Initiatives Conclusion Introduction to how wind turbines work Electricity ­ Kinetic Click to edit Master text styles Second level energy of the wind Third level is converted to Fourth level mehanical energy. Fifth level Main parts ­ 1. Rotor blades 2. Shaft 3. Generator Introduction to how wind turbines work Click to edit Master text styles Click to edit Master text styles Second level Second level Third level Third level ...

Loodus → Keskkonnatehnoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Pildi järgi jutustamine inglise keeles

In the foreground there are three pigs. they laying probably on the bedding straw. The pigs are beige. In the bottom left-hand corner you can see a trough. It`s hard to tell what is in the trough, but I think that there is could be grain for pigs. In the background you can see a gray tower. At the top of the tower is flying red-blue-yellow flag. In the top left-hand corner is one people who is carrying straw to the pigs.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Kaarli kirik

St. Charles Church Basic Information Built in pseudo-Romanesque style Architects: O.P.Hippius and R.von Bernhard Limestone church Built in 1862-1882 Area 1197 m2 Biggest church in Tallinn The Costruction of the Church The Altar Come to me- painted by Johann Köler It was ready in the 23 of juli in 1879 The bottom altarpieces are painted by Sally von Kügelgen in 1889 The Church Bells The North Tower The South Tower The Organ The first one was built in 1884 The second one was built in 1923 The biggest organ in Estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Prepositions · Born in Tallinn,Estonia. · Studied at Sorbonne in Paris. · On the 26th september 1888. · Family is of English origin. · Research/doctoral thesis on sth. · Specialised in philosophy. · Write a tribute(austusavaldus) to smb on his death. · Recieve the order of Merit. · In the front/back row · In the front/back of the car · At the front/back of the building/Hall/group of people/choir · At the top of the page. · On the front/back of the page. · At the bottom of the page. · In the corner. · On page 20. · On/at the corner of the street.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


1.HÜDROSTAATIKA Tihedus on vedeliku massi ja ruumala suhe ehk ruumalaühiku mass m = , V mis laeva jaoks merevees laeva mingi massi ja mahulise veeväljasurve puhul on SW = , kus ­ SW on merevee tihedus; ­ ­ laeva massveeväljasurve; ­ ­ laeva mahuline veeväljasurve. SI süsteemis on tiheduse ühikuks kg/m3, kuid merenduses on levinum t/m3, sest tiheduse arvväärtus tuleb kolm suurusjärku väiksem. Erinevate vedelike tihedus on erinev ja normaaltingimustel näiteks: ­ merevesi SW = 1,025 t/m3; ­ magevesi FW = 1,000 t/m3; ­ diisliõli DO = 0,900 t/m3; ­ kütteõli HO = 0,950 t/m3. Kasutatakse ka suhtelise tiheduse (relative density, rd) mõistet, mis on ...

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
59 allalaadimist

Kirjaplangi tegemine

Kirjaplangi tegemine Wordis Ava - Start – Programs – Microsoft Office Word 2010 Page Layout –Margins – Page Setup – Margins (Left 30, right 15, Top, Bottom 12 mm) Layout – different first page – ok Sisesta -Insert – Header and Footer Headerisse dokumendi autor Näiteks AS SEESAM – suurus kuni 20 p Footerisse kontaktandmed kuni 10 p, pidev joon soovi korral. Kasuta No Spacingut. Lisa ka Teie – ülevalt servast 55 mm kõrgusel ja Meie - 63 mm kõrgusele Näiteks Kaare 5 Telefon 567 6765 Arvelduskonto EE2323333 12323 Tartu E-post:[email protected] Hea Pank Registsrikood 2322222123333 AS SEESAM Teie Meie Kaare 5 Telefon 567 6765 Arvelduskonto EE2323333 12323 Tartu E-po...

Ametid → Sekretäritöö
6 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused 10. Õngpüünised §3. Õngpüünised (Kalapüügieeskiri) (1) Õngpüünis on püünis, millega püügi põhimõte seisneb kala peibutamises õngekonksule kinnitatud söödaga või muu peibutusvahendiga, mille haaramisel kala haakub. (2) Lubatud õngpüünised on: 1) lihtkäsiõng, mis koosneb ridvast, kuni 1,5 ridva pikkusest õngenöörist, üheharulisest konksust ja millega püügil kasutatakse looduslikku sööta ning mis võib olla varustatud raskuse ja ujukiga; 2) spinning, mis koosneb rõngastega ridvast, ridvarullist, õngenöörist ja landist või rakisest, võib olla varustatud vahetrossi, lisaraskuse ja nn peibutustirguga; 3) käsiõng, mis koosneb ridvast, õngenöörist ja sellele lipsudega kinnitatud kuni kolmest üheharulisest konksust või kirptirgust, võib olla varustatud ridvarõngaste, raskuse, ujuki või noogutiga ja rulli või haspliga õngenööri kerimiseks; 4) vedel, mis koosneb õngenöörist, landist või rakisest, võib olla varustatud vahetrossi j...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
26 allalaadimist

Juhtimisalused - Juhtimisteooria

Arvestus: 26. oktoober Kell 11-12 M-218 Arutlus: kolm lahtist küsimust. Juhtimisalused 1. tund- Juhtimisteoorias 4 võtmesõna organisatsioonide juhtimise mudelist: planeerimine, organiseerimine, eestvedamine, kontrollimine. See võimaldab saavutada eesmärgid kiiresti ja võimalikult väheste resurssidega. Keskkonnast tulenevad sisendid: inimresurssid, finantsresusrssid, füüsilised vahendid, info. Juhtimise mõiste Juhtimine- eesmärkide saavutamise protsess, tasakaalu säilitamine, (teiste inimeste) tegevuse ja käitumise sihipärane suunamine. Juhtide põhiline kohustus: strateegia loomine ja organisatsiooni kujundamine selle rakendamiseks Komponendid: Keskkond, koostöö, ressursid, eesmärgid, tasakaal (optimaalsus: ressurss vs eesmärk) OLUKORRAST lähtuv Võtmesõna: paindlikus Esmane on ühendada olemasolev (mitte luua uut) Tööd hästi teha on palju viise Iga olukord on unikaalne Üks õige suund + keskkond Kindlate reeglite asemel välis- ja sis...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
126 allalaadimist

Referaadi vormistus

Kooli nimi PEALKIRI Töö nimetus (referaat, essee vms) Nimi: Aasta Töö osad (kõik algavad eri lehtedelt): Tiitelleht Sisukord Sissejuhatus Peatükid Kokkuvõte Kasutatud kirjandus Lisad (kui on) Kõigepealt kogu tekst kirja, alles siis vormistus, nii on kergem. Teha ära tiitelleht, jätta üks tühi leht, selleks klikkida teise lehe kõige esimesele reale ja Insert -> Break -> Page Break Edasi tekst, kui see on valmis, vormistus. Ja kõige lõpus sisukord. Teksti suurus 12 (v.a pealkiri) Times New Roman Reavahe 1,5 (Ctr + A -> Format -> Paragraph -> Line Spacing 1,5) Kahepoolne joondus (Ctr + A -> Format -> Paragraph -> Alignment -> Justified) Leheküljenumbrid alates teisest lehest (Insert ­> Page numbers ­> Bottom of Page, Centered ja linnuke ,,show number on first page" eest ära!) Pealkirjad -> Heading 1 (Alates sissejuhatusest) Lõikude vahele üks tühi rida Alles s...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
58 allalaadimist

Paul Graham, “Hackers

Paul Graham, “Hackers & Painters” A Summary In “Hackers & Painters, Paul Graham, computer science expert and painter, explains examines what motivates computer programmers to do what they do, as well as attempt to answer many of the questions that have arisen with computers. He explains the word “hacker” has more than the one definition most of us are familiar with. The hackers who Paul Graham refers to throughout the book are the good computer programmers who have made all that we have real. Graham's first chapter, "Why Nerds Are Unpopular," tries to explain why smart kids are at the bottom of the food chain in high school and what their priorities are. While writing about nerds, Graham talks about his own progress to become computer scientist and painter. He explains the similarities between painters and computer hackers, including the desire to make existing things better.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jutustamine pildi järgi

In the foreground there are woman, her daughter and baby. They are sitting along the path. I think that baby is eating . Mother and daughter are wearing a green long skirts and hats, they have shawls on their shoulders. The Woman has a pink blouse, but it`s hard to tell what colour is the girl`s blouse, but it`s could be violet. It`s possible that they have picked the flowers, because the girl has a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and now they are resting in the grass. The flowers may be daisies. In the background you can see light blue sky with the single clouds in the sky and the sea. In the bottom left-hand and right-hand you can see the grass where are growing yellow, pink and white flowers. In the top left-hand is hill. I like the picture, beacause the athmosphere of picture is a calm and nice, and it is a summer picture.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Lake Võrtsjärv

Lake Võrtsjärv Scientific editors Juta Haberman Ervin Pihu Anto Raukas Liis Sommer The outline Rural municipalities River geology Shores Flows Temperature Planktonic algae Fishes Animals Lake Võrtsjärv is a lake in southern Estonia with an area of 270 km² . It is the second largest lake of Estonia. The shallow lake is 33.7 m above sea level. The river Emajõgi flows from Lake Võrtsjärv to Lake Peipsi. Lake Võrtsjärv area comprises seven rural municipalities bordering the water, connected with each other by traditions of joint activities, set throughout history. The development of Lake Võrtsjärv and its vicinity, and planned utilisation of Lake Võrtsjärv as a resource, is the common interest of all rural municipalities. The mentioned rural municipalities are located on the territories of three different counties: R...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Herpes ehk ohatis esitlus

HERPES EHK OHATIS Koostanud: Tunnused Huuleohatis: • Sügelus • Torkimistunne • Valu huulte piirkonnas • Läbipaistvate vesivillide teke • Villiline valulik lööve kordub Pilt 1 Tunnused Suguelundite ohatis: • Sügelus • Valulikkus suguelundite piirkonnas • Haavanduvate vesivillide teke • Villiline valulik lööve kordub • Urineerimine valulik • Kubeme lümfisõlmed suurenenud • Pilt 2 Põhjustaja Herpes simplex DNA-viirus: • Herpes Simplex –1 (vöökohast ülevalpool kuded) • Herpes Simplex –2 (vöökohast ülevalpool kuded) • Pilt 3 Pilt 4 Levimine • Otsese kontakti teel • Sugulisel teel Pilt 6 Vältimine • Kaitstud seksuaalvahekord • Retseptiravimid Pilt 5 Ravi • Viirusevastased ravimid: - Kreem - Tabletid - Ravi manustamine veeni • Pole võimalik välja ravida!...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

9GAG Just for fun

9G AG IN TRO D U CTIO N W H AT IS 9G AG ? • Social media website • Users upload and share images and videos • Alternative to email • Why 9gag? • „Just for Fun“ mentality CO N TEN T • „Memes“ and „internet jokes“ – voted and commented on by users • Separated into general categories • Content in the form of image memes • Some memes are quite popular • Image has top and bottom caption • Memes in a comic strip W EBSITE CU LTU RE • „9gaggers“ • Mostly browsed at locations like school or the workspace • Platform „where people will go whenever they want to kill some time and have a laugh.“ STATISTICS • 80 million unique visitors • 2 billion page views in 30 days • Loads in 1.3 seconds, faster than 62 % of sites Country Percent of Visitors United States 11.2% India 10.4% Germany 6.4% France 4...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

DC at The Melrose Georgetown

DC at The Melrose Georgetown Check in The hotel is a couple of blocks from Foggy Bottom - GWU Metro station, on the blue and orange lines. If you are coming from Union Station you have to change once, at Metro Center, from the red line. But once we arrived, check-in was quick and easy. Within two minutes of walking through the lobby, we were in our room. Internet Connection Free and couldn't be easier to hop on: no password or sign-up required. Location The hotel is very accessible via public transportation, and, probably thanks to its college community, you'll find plenty of restaurants and bars in the immediate area. If eating out's not your thing, there is both a Trader Joe's and Whole Foods within two blocks, too. What We Didn't Like The cracked and stained tiles in the shower suggest that the bathrooms got passed over during the recent renovation, and we'd have preferred to not have seen short black hairs (not ours) ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kaali crater[English]

Kaali crater Kaali crater's history Nobody truly knows how old is Kaali crater. Many people think it's over 7000 years old some even think that it is over 3500 years old. There are some rumours that Scandinavian god Thor once landed there :D. Ivan Reinwald was the first human to start investigating Kaali. In 1935 Ivan found meteor shards there and knew a meteor landed there. What can you do there At Kaali it's obvious you can see the crater but there are other fun stuff to do there. You can have a nice picnic with friends at there. Visit the nearby resturants and enjoy the nature. Remember that don't go swimming to the crater! Location Kaali crater is located at Saaremaa (20km NW from Kuresaare). Gheographic coordinates: 58° 22 22 N, 22° 40 10 E Facts The crater is 22m deep and diameter of 110m. At the bottom of the crater is Kaali lake. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Mangrove forest

MIS ON MANGROVE FOREST ÜLDSE? Mangrove swamps are found in tropical and subtropical tidal areas. Many mangrove forests can be recognized by their dense tangle of prop roots that make the trees appear to be standing on stilts above the water. This tangle of roots allows the trees to handle the daily rise and fall of tides, which means that most mangroves get flooded at least twice per day. The roots also slow the movement of tidal waters, causing sediments to settle out of the water and build up the muddy bottom. KAARDIGA SLAID Mangroves can be found in over 118 countries and territories in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The largest percentage of mangroves is found between 5° (degrees hääldad seda kraadi märki) North and 5° South latitudes.[20] Approximately 75% of world's mangroves are found in just 15 countries. Asia has the largest amount (42%) of the world's mangroves, followed by Africa (21%), North/Central Ameri...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Tigutorn NIMI 1 • Tigutorn is located in Tartu on the shore of Emajõgi. • Highest residential building in Tartu (23 floors) • The building was designed by V. Künnapuu and A. Padrik About 2 • Bottom floors are offices, upper floors are apartments • Tower has net area of 6,904 m² • Also has 3-story parkinghouse with net area of 3 922 m². About 3 • The building has a floorplan structure that resembles a seashell´s spiral About 4 • Built from March 2006 – March 2008 • In mid july 2007 wreath was installed on the top of the building to mark the achievement of the full height of 89,92m Construction 5 6 • In connection with the construction of the building began discussion how the tall buildin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Vesiehitis (ingl. k hydraulic structure) on jõe-, järve-, mere- või põhjavee kasutamist võimaldav või vee purustavat toimet tõkestav rajatis, vesiehitus (hydraulic construction) aga tegevus, mis hõlmab igasuguste ehitiste rajamist voolu- või seisuvette. Vesiehitiste liigitus ·vett paisutavad ehitised (paisud); ·veejuhtmed: kanalid, kraavid, torustikud, tunnelid, rennid vms; ·veehaarded, mille kaudu võetakse jõest, järvest, merest, maa seest vett; ·veelaskmed (ülevoolud, treppveelaskmed, kiirvoolud jt), mille kaudu lastakse läbi või heidetakse ülespaisutatud või kogutud vett (sh nt heitvett reoveepuhastist); ·vett tõkestavad kaitseehitised: tammid, kaldakindlustised, voolu juhtivad ning mere- või jõekallast uhtmise eest kaitsvad kaldast lähtuvad kannustammid e buunid; ·veeliiklusega seotud ehitised: lüüsid, muulid, kaid jms; ·kalamajandusehitised: kalatiigid, kalapääsud jms. Vesiehitiste liigitus ·Asukoha järgi: jõe-, järve- võ...

Ehitus → Vesiehitised
21 allalaadimist

Vormistamise juhend

Kirjalike tööde vormistamine 1. Kirjalikud õpilastööd Referaadid Referaat on kellegi teise seisukohtade esitamine, sisukokkuvõte või ülevaade mingist juba avaldatud tööst/töödest. Uurimistööd Uurimistöö on uurimusliku protsessi konkreetne tulemus ­ kirjalik aruanne sellest, mida uuriti, kuidas uuriti ning millised on järeldused ja tulemused, milleni töö käigus jõuti. Uurimuslik töö on suunatud probleemile, eesmärgiks on leida vastus püstitatud küsimusele. Peavad ilmnema töö autori isiklikud seisukohad ja järeldused. Võib kasutada erinevaid autoreid ja refereeringuid, kuid alati viidetega ning omapoolsete järelduste/hinnangutega. 2. Vormistusnõuded MS Word · Paberi formaat A4 (210 x 297 mm) File Æ Page Setup... Æ Page Size Æ Æ 210 x 297 mm Æ OK · L...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

Being around the water offers allure and beauty, which is why waterfront homes are admired by many. Your own backyard can be alive with the visual appeal and sounds of water in motion. These soothing sounds and the beauty of colorful fish swimming among your plants, brings your landscaping alive. It's fun to create this attractive feature and it will become the centerpiece of your backyard. Before we get started I would like to answer some frequently asked questions about backyard ponds. · Will the winter cold kill my fish? Most fish will naturally stop eating and hibernate at the bottom of the pond when the temperature of the water goes below 45 degrees. If you live in a climate where the pond will completely freeze over (even at the edges) you will need to create a hole in the ice for the fish to remain alive. · Will the winter cold kill my plants? Yes, if it goes below freezing in your area. Br...

Infoteadus → Asjaajamine
3 allalaadimist

Water Purification

Water Purification What is water purification? Water purification generally means freeing water from any kind of impurity it contains, such as contaminants or micro organisms. Water purification is not a very one-sided process; the purification process contains many steps. The steps that need to be progressed depend on the kind of impurities that are found in the water. This can differ very much for different types of water. In which ways is polluted water treated? Settling Before the purification process begins some contaminants, such as oil, can be settled in a settling tank. They can then be removed easily, after they have reached the bottom of the tank. Removal of dangerous microorganisms Often polluted water has to be freed from microorganisms. The water is than disinfected, usually by means of chlorination. Removal of dissolved solids Microrganisms are not only a threat to water; they can also be an advantage when it comes to ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele puitkatuste powerpoint

Wooden roofs Marger Krumm EH1 Roofs · Shingle roof · Shake roof · Chip roof · Board roof Shingle roof · It comes from Estonia 19.century · Made by softwood (one shingle is 62 cm) · The roof comprises two layers of shingle 2 different installation Fish-tail Perpendicular to the eaves · Lasts 60-80 years if you maintanance the roof. Shake roof · Very old history · Made by pine, spruce and aspen. · Size: 80mm broad, 3mm thick from the top and 15 mm thick from the bottom, the lenght is different. · Different styles ( sharp, rounded and slanting ends ) · Lasts 30 years. · The slope of the roof must be at least 25° Chip roof · Its comes from in Estonia 18. century · Mades by spruce and aspen · Sizes: 500mm tall, 5-7 mm thick and width is variable · 3 layers of chips · Average life is 10 years · The slope should be 20...

Ehitus → Ehitus
2 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused 1. Nakkevõrkude töö põhimõte 2. Millised nakkevõrgu konstruktsioonilised iseärasused on eriti olulised püügi efektiivsuse seisukohast 3. Mis kujuga võib olla nakkevõrkude jada 4. Milliseid kalu püütakse õngpüünistega 5. Mis asi on "mail" 6. Milline näeb välja vertikaalne õngejada 1 12. Kurnpüünised 8. Kurnpüünised (Kalapüügieeskiri) (1) Kurnpüünis on püünis, millega püügi põhimõte seisneb veekogu osa ümberpiiramises ja sealt kala kättesaamises püünise kokkuvedamisega. (2) Lubatud kurnpüünised on: 1) põhjanoot, mis koosneb võrdse pikkusega veoköitest, tiibadest ja pärast ning mille veoköied toimivad kalapeletina ehk hirmutina; 2) veonoot, mis koosneb veoköitest, tiibadest, noodakerest ja pärast ning mis kokkuvedamisel kurnab läbi kogu veekihi ümberpiiratud alal; 3) kaldanoot ­ veonoot, millega loomus veetakse kaldale...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
23 allalaadimist


Eessõnad AT at the bottom of at least at 4, Rose st. at first at the weekend BY by accident by cheque by Rembrandt by chance by mistake by Shakespeare by bus/train/car/ship, etc. by post/airmail by the time FOR for breakfast/lunch/dinner for help for a swim for a drink (go to a place) for a holiday for a walk for fun (=for amusement) for a while FROM from time to time from that day on from now on IN in agony in the countryside in love (with) in an armchair in disbelief in one's opinion ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
85 allalaadimist

Greek cousine

Greek cousine Moussaka, souvlaki, houmous Overview A great variety of dishes Symposiums, the Epicurean philosophers Archestratos in 330 B.C. 4,000 years of tradition Overview The ancient element of Greek cuisine Wheat. Important vegetables Flavoringsoregano, mint, garlic, dill and bay laurel leaves. Overview "Sweet" spices in combination with meat, (cinnamon and cloves in stews). Goats and sheep Fish dishes Experience The breakfast Dinner Pies before noon Moussaka Moussaka is an eggplantbased dish. Moussaka The bottom layer eggplant slices sautéed in olive oil. The middle layer ground lamb cooked with onion, garlic, chopped tomatoes, herbs, and spices (cinnamon, allspice and black pepper). The top layer a white sauce or egg custard. Moussaka Cook served lukewarm...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Phrasal verb PULL

PHRASAL VERB PULL PULL - to remove from a fixed position (the dentist pulled the tooth) - to rip or tear (the dog pulled the toy to pieces) - to strain (a muscle, for example) injuriously. PULL DOWN 1) TO DEMOLISH They pulled down the old sports stadium to build a new one. 2) TO DEPRESS SOMEONE John was really pulled down by his recent divorce. 3) TO MOVE SOMETHING FROM A HIGHER POSITION TO A LOWER ONE The sun was shining in my eyes so I pulled down the blinds. PULL IN 1) TRAIN OR BUS ARRIVAL AT A STATION The train pulled in right on time. 2) TO ATTRACT A CROWD The festival really pulled in the crowds. 3) TO EARN I pulled in more this year than last year. How about you? PULL THROUGH - to recover from an illness We didn't know if he was going to pull through but in the end he did. PULL UP - to slow and stop a car The cab pulled up outside my house and I got out. PULL OVER - to stop a vehicle by the side of the r...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kama Sutra

100 Kama sutra positions Bandoleer The woman lies on the back with her knees up towards her chest. The man kneels facing her so she can put her feet on his chest. The Bridge Only try this if your man is super flexible and strong - you don't want to give him a hernia! The Grip The Grip sex position may be more comfortable if a cushion is placed under the woman's bottom to raise her hips slightly. Afternoon Delight This is a good resting position, ideal for getting your breath back during a long sex session. The Rider In the Rider sex position she kneels astride her partner but with her back to him as if in the Reverse Cowgirl, but she leans forward to balance herself on his knees. The Eagle The man kneels at the edge of the bed in front of his partner, who's lying on her back, knees slightly bent up. He holds her legs up and apart by grabbing onto her ankles as he enters her. Penetration is very deep and sa...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Milking machine

Milking  machine Merlin-Hans Hiiekivi Regards about inventing a  milking machine • Development of a usable milking machine took several decades of trial and error. • Some editors of 19th century dairy and ag publications acknowledged a need for a good milking machine, but, were dissatisfied with all that were being offered. Others discouraged all attempts at machine milking, stating that it was unnatural or intrinsically injurious to the cow. . Early Cow Milking Machines • The earliest devices for mechanical milking were tubes inserted in the teats to force open the sphincter muscle, thus allowing the milk to flow. • Skillfully made tubes of pure silver, gutta percha, ivory, and bone were marketed in the mid-19th century, and, in fact, a few were still being sold well into the 20th century. • A novel milking tube illustrated in the Scientific American in 1875, used a slide valve at the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Australia Australia is sometimes called the land " ..............." because it appears at the bottom of world maps. Aborigines had live in ................. for about 40, 000 years when Dutch ......... explorers reached it in the 17th century. The Dutch was ................ by Captain James Cook, exploring the .............. and southern coastlines in the ............ century. Today the population of ................. is more than 21 million. Australian .............. has it own accent and vocabulary, and it is the ............ language of the population. Sydney, with a ................. of 4 million, and ................... , with 3 million people, are the largest ............. in Australia. The beautiful building of the .............. Opera House is often seen in ........... and it has become one of the most .............. symbols of Australia. Canberra, the ............ of Australia, i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

No comebacks and other stories

No comebacks and other stories No Comebacks Mark Sanderson was a very rich and famous man. He was thirty-nine years old. He met the woman, who he had always looked, but the woman was married and she lived in Spain. Mark Sanderson decided to changed his name, and hired a detective to kill her husband, deteective kills this woman too. There are some days... Liam Clark was a lorry driver. One day he was in the ferry to drive to Dublin. His lorry had broken. Next day two mans rob Liam with his lorry. They thought that in the ferry was brandy. Police hit on of the kidnapper with lorry. And they saw that in the lorry was guns. A Careful man Mr. Hanson, went to a doctor, where he heard that he had a cancer and he only has 6 month to live. He was very rich. He sold his estate.After he died came out tha...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Animals shrinking in the heat

Animals shrinking in the heat This article was published in Daily mail, on 17 October 2011. The author of the article is Tamara Cohen. The article discusses about animals who are shrinking due to global warming. Scientist have warned, that animals such as sheep, deer, birds and reptiles are shrinking due to climate change. Researchers say warmer temperatures over the past few years have made some animals adapt to need less body fat to survive while others are struggling for food. In the next few decades, some types of mammals, fish, birds and plants are getting smaller and evolve into miniature versions of what they are today. This could force some creatures, that people eat, to become extinct, Dr David Bickford from the National University of Singapore reviewed research showing creatures from deer to tortoises, gulls, goshawks and even polar bears have already shrunk over the past 50 years. 'Because recent climate change may be fast...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Estonia vs England

Estonia vs. United Kingdom Comparing Estonia to United Kingdom, you can mostly find out the fact that the weathers aren’t so different, from my point of view atleast. Pretty rainy or wet most of the time, moderate winters and pretty average summers. Taking a look at the state systems, we can see that both countries are parliamentary government types, just the difference is that the United Kingdom is a monachry with a queen and Estonia has a president. From an economical standpoint, United Kingdom surpasses Estonia is most sectors, we can take the GDP as an example, when UK stands at 2.629 trillion then Estonia only stands at a low of 38.94 billion. That’s a huge difference, but we should concider another factor. When Estonia stands at the bottom ten of public debt, having one of the lowest ones in Europe then United Kingdom is at the top thirty, with its public debt being 89.30 percent of the GDP. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Turismi sõnad

Types of holiday: Career in Tourism Trends in tourism Alandatud hind-Discount price Alaline,püsiv-permanent Ajavahe-jet lag Ekstreemturism-Hardship holiday Autasu-Reward Edasi-tagasi pilet-Return ticket Eripakkumine(soodushinnag)-Special rate Avatud inimene-Outgoing personality Jõukas-Affluent Eripakkumine-Special offer Hariduskäik-Educational history Jõukus-Prosperity Hobi-või huvialaturism-Special interest holiday Honorar-Fee Kaasmaalane-Compatriot Järsku alandatud-rock-bottom price Juhi töökoht-Management job Kasum,tulu-Revenue Kallis-expensive Kaaskiri-Covering letter Koopia-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Tallinn Town Hall Square and Town Hall

Town Hall and Town Hall Square History The building history of the Town Hall goes back to the 13th century. In its present form it was completed in 1404. The management of the city worked in the Town Hall until 1970. Since 1975 the Town Hall functions as the ceremonial building of the city government, but it also serves as a concert hall and a museum. The tower The tower was constructed together with the Town Hall in 1402 ­ 1404. The original Gothic pyramidal spire was replaced by a Late- Renaissance spire in 1627. The height of the Town Hall from the bottom of the arcade to the top of the spire is 64 meters. The spire was destroyed in an aerial bombing on March 9, 1944. It was rebuilt in 1952. Tallinn Town Council used to have its own guards, who maintained order in town and watched for possible enemy troops or destructive fire from...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun