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"seem" - 337 õppematerjali

seem - semantiline komponent sekundaarsed grammatilised kategooriad- morfoloogilised muutmiskategooriad semantika e. tähendusõpetus semantiline informatsioon- kõneleja kasuta selle vahendamiseks sõnade kokkulepitud

Kasutaja: seem

Faile: 0

Lühike monoloog "Luck"

Some people seem born lucky. Everything they touch turns to gold. Others are dogged by misfortune. But what is luck- i would define it as the accidental way things happed without being planned. Some people say that they are lucky and others say that they are unlucky. In my opinion is not just people who might be lucky or unlucky- it can be single acts. When someone does not win a card game or misses a shot in basketball then they often think that they are unlucky. People who say that they have bad luck are negative. For example they woun´t even play bingo or take part in raffle. They think that because they are unlucky they can not be lucky. I am sure that if they wait something good will happen their lives. I like to wish people good luck, because i think it is a nice thing to say if someone has an interview or an exam. But people pass exams or interviews because they studied hard or spoke well, not because of luck. People who consider...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Hingmisteede haiguste tabel

Definitsioon Põhjused ja Patogenees Sümptomid Diagnoosimin Ravi riskifaktorid e Krooniline on pöördumatu Tubakasuits Õhu liikumine Düspnoe -Spirokgraafia KOKi korral on obstruktiivne ja süvenev Kutsetöö hingamisteed Krooniline uuring oluline järgida: kopsuhaigus protsess Siseruumide es takistub köha Ja vajadusel · terveid bronhides, mille õhusaastatus ning see on Rögaeritus -füüsiline eluviise korral bronhide välisõhusaast tingitud Viled, koorumuse · loobuda valendik on atus bronhide kiuned, test suitsetamisest ahenenud ja valendiku rindkere - · ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Hingamisteede haigused

Äge bronhiit ­ Krooniline bronhiit Emfüseem ­ Bronhiaalastma ­ KOK Kopsupõletik - Tuberkuloos Kopsuarteri Krooniline Bronchitis acuta ­ Bronchitis Emphysema Asthma bronchicale pneumoonia trombemboolia ­ pulmokardiaalpuud chronica Thromboembolia ulikkus ­ Cor arteriae pulmonalis pulmonale ...

Meditsiin → Sisehaigused
152 allalaadimist

Eesti keele kontroltöö materjal

1.Millal tekkis keel,millal kiri? keel u sada tuhat a,kiriu 5tuhat a 2.Millest koosneb keelemärk, mis seos on nende osade vahel? koosneb tähendusest ja sellega seotud signaalist,tähistatav;tähistaja, seosmeelevaldne e arbitraalne suhe ning ka kokkuleppeline e konventsionaalne suhe 3.Kuidas tekkis keel ühe müüdi või legendi järgi? Kirjelda seda. 4.Nimeta keele 5 funktsiooni.1.keel,kui info edastus vahend 2.kui suhtelmisvahend 3.kui mõtlemisvahend 4.kui kuuluvuse väljendaja 5.kui emotsioonide väljendaja 5.Mis on homonüüm, polüseem, sünonüüm, antonüüm? homon samakujulised,aga erineva tähendusega sõnad polüseemehk mitmetähenduslikkus on märkide üldine omadus, mille kohaselt tähendus on mitmene sünonon häälikuliselt erinev, kuid tähenduselt sarnane või väga lähedane sõna antonvastandsõna 6.Millise meetodi abil uuritakse keeli? Selgita, mida siis tehakse. (võrdlev ajalooline!)kirja,helisalvestamise kaudu, teadus on suutnud kaudseid me...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
13 allalaadimist

Hooldustöötajate eksamiküsimused sisehaigustes

Millised on hingamiselundkonna haiguste korral hoolduse põhimõtted. Nimeta vähemalt 4 tegevust. Hingamist kergendav asend; värske õhk, hapnik; õpeta õiget hingamistehnikat; õhupuuduse ajal ära küsi mittevajalikke küsimusi, rahusta; anda ravimit vastavalt arsti ettekirjutusele;õpeta õigesti röga koguma; üleüldine jälgimine Millised on hingamiselundkonna haigustele iseloomulikud kaebused? Nimeta 3 põhilist kaebust. Õhupuudus; köha; röga eritus; kiire pulss; sinakas värv nahal(tsüanoos); rahutus; segasus; pisted rinnus Millised on astmat iseloomustavad tunnused ja mida tuleb astmahoo puhul jälgida? Köhahood, röga eritumine,vilistav hingamine, lämbumistunne, hingeldus(kergest tugevani) tsüanootiline nahkja limaskestad. Jälgida: kas oli midagi mis astmahoo vallandas ja mis see sellisel juhul oli?; kui kaua kestis haugushoog? Hingamisraskused väljahingamisfaasis; naha värvus; ravimi mõju. Kõik tähelepanekud tuleb esitada med.õele. sellisel ju...

Meditsiin → Sisehaigused
159 allalaadimist

Majanduse konspekt II

Majandus 1.Panganduse alused. Raha ja panganduse ajalugu. Raha roll majanduses. Rahale esitatavad nõuded. Bartertehing. Kliiringtehing. Raha ajalugu: 1265. vermiti Eestis esimesed rahad; 1681. vermiti viimased mündid Eestis; 1918. tuli kasutusele I Eesti raha, mark; 1928. võeti esmakordselt kasutusele Eesti kroon; 1933. krooni väärtust suurendati; 1940. võeti kasutusele vene rubla; 1947. viidi läbi rahareform, rublad vahetati uute rublade vastu; 1961. rahareform, vana rubla vahetati vene rubla vastu 1:10; 1989. IME ehk Ise Majandav Eesti, tekkis sularaha kriis, võeti kasutusele talongid; 1992. kehtib Eestis kroon Panganduse ajalugu: Inimesed hoidsid kulda kullassepa "riipulis" ja kulla asemel kasutati veksleid. See vähendas kulla kaotsimineku riski. Kulda sai ka kullassepa käest vekslite vastu vahetada. Hiljem avastas kullassepp, et ta võib kulda ka teistele laenata, kelle vaja oli, nii tekkis pa...

Majandus → Majandus
113 allalaadimist


KODUNE ÜLESANNE SEMINARIKS 1. Mõju tervisele a) Palun mine Tubakainfo leheküljele: sigaretis/testi-oma-teadmisi/ ja testi seal oma teadmisi tubakatoodete mõjust tervisele. NB! Kasutades internetis sobivaid otsingusõnu leia vastused järgmistele küsimustele: b) Millised on kolm peamist haigust, mida põhjustab sigarettide suitsetamine? Kopsuvähk, Kopsupõletik, Emfüseem, bronhiit c) Kuidas mõjutab nikotiin inimese organismi: Kas tubakas sisalduv nikotiin põhjustab vähki? Otseselt mitte, kuid nikotiin, vähendab keharakkude võimet alla suruda kasvajate arengut. Tagajärjeks on suurem tõenäosus vähi tekkeks. Kas nikotiinil on stimuleeriv või rahustav mõju? Stimuleerib ja rahustab Kuidas mõjutab nikotiin pulsisagedust ja vererõhku? Tõuseb................................... Kuidas mõjutab nikotiin artereid? ........ Nikotiin soodus...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
1 allalaadimist

Why are people ingnoring evironmental issues

Why are people ingnorig evironmental issues? People are always talking about environmental issues without actually doing anything about it.There are not many people who are devoted to saving the Earth. It seems like people just do not care, but that might be just a small part of the reason. The biggest reason for ignoring environmental issues might be that people tend to focus on immediate problems rather than on problems that are far away in the future and seem unrealistic. If there is no immediate danger or a problem to be fixed, than people just do not consider it to be important. And people do have immediate problems to be fixed, because life is getting busier each day. People have already so much to worry about, they do not have the time to make „Earth saving plans“. The perfect reason, or rather an excuse is that ordinary people do not have time to care about environmental issues.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Where is love there is hapiness

Raido Hiiuväin 11b ,,Where there is love there is hapiness" I think that love is the key to happiness. Very often people think that all kind of material things make them happy, but usually this is wrong. People seem to realise that only then, when they lose a friend or close person. After these situations they become to realise that family, friends and good relationships are the most important. Where there is love there is happiness ­ I totally agree. I think that love can make people feel happy. Money, fancy clothes and sportcars do not make anyone happy without warm and close people around. Usually rich people are not happy at all,

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Data Mining Hotel Data Analysis

holidays. The length of the stay is the shortest in December, which may serve as further proof for the above theory of families coming in for the winter holidays. The average length of stay also tends to drop significantly as tourists gain in occupancy percentage, which may indicate that the location of the hotel is not very favourable to tourism business as the area can probably be explored quickly. The conventions seem to affect the average length of stay positively. This may be due to the fact that conventions attract a notable number of occupants that are bound to stay for the span of the whole convention, which, on average, implies at least two day long stay. It would seem that 33-55 year-olds are more prone to use reservation through the agency that any other customer group, whereas 20-35 year-olds seem to be favouring direct reservations.

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

What Pleases Me about Life in Estonia

many people have tried to persuade me to think otherwise. I have loved on both sides of Europe ­ both on the eastern and on the northern part. But there are, of course, some advantages in living in Estonia, too. The first one is definately my family and friends. It is good to live in a country when you know, that you have your loved ones by your side. They can help you in every situation or even when you have nothing to do and you need some entertainment. Also, when your problems seem to grow over your head and you feel that you need to share them with someone. The second good thing about living in Estonia is the nature. We have many beautiful places in our amazing country ­ the best example are the forests. In many European countries, the biggest forest you can find is the size if Hiiumaa, but half of our country is forests with many species of wild-animals. Thirdly, we have our own language. Estonian is one the most unique languages in the whole wide world

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Report ja letter

. The graph/diagram/survey suggests/shows..... The cause for ..... The majority believe/ think..... sharply/rapidly/gradually.... Three out of 20 students...... The general tendency is .... However/ On the one/other hand.... Most people seem to feel that... Several people said/told me/suggested that... They gave the following reasons: I found that... Having talked to... CONCLUSION phrases to use To sum up, it can be said ...... In conclusion we can say..... In general.....

Keeled → Inglise keel
328 allalaadimist

Essee "Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining"

meaning that every bad situation has some good aspect to it. It's usually said as an encouragement to someone who is struggling in difficulties and is unable to see any positive way to get out of it. I have to say that I strongly believe in the meaning of this proverb and I try to recall it in my mind every time I'm in a complicated situation. Although I, like every other person in this world, have my ups and downs, I mostly like to think of myself as a positive person. I always seem to surprise people with my "can-do" attitude and smiley face, especially in severe or akward situations. I tend to believe that there's always something good in bad and that things will always turn out well, no matter how hopeless circumstances might be. Some of my friends, as well as couple of my family members are strong pessimists. While spending time with them I feel how their negative and passive attitude is slowly starting to affect me too. I wish it would be the other way round -

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

ESSEE Getting the most out of myself

if the information is in audible form. These types of tips can be very helpful in a school environment, especially when the workload is burdening and deadlines are nearing day by day. Thirdly, getting the most out of myself is easy, when I have a goal, vision or an objective. I find it helpful to break a big goal into smaller parts that are easier to achieve. In other words, making an impossible task possible. It might seem like a mental strain to write a book, but if you start by creating one character, then carry on by putting that character into action and building an environment to suite the activity, the task does not seem that daunting anymore. I always follow that technique and I have not yet found any assignment or challenge impossible. Therefore it is not the level of difficulty of the task that determines the result, but rather the way of thinking. When equipped with a positive attitude,

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist


anywhere else. The dislike of living in flats is very strong despite of that they are very comfortable. People said they felt cut off from the world all those floors up. The new highrise blocks quickly deteriorated. Private property and public property Home as a castle implies a clear demarcation between private property and public domain. Flats involve uncertainties. Uncetainties perhaps explain why the ,,communal" living expected of flatdwellers has been unsuccessful. Law and custom seem to support a clear separation between public and private. People who lives in public domain also have a lot of restrictions and dutyes. People who lives in the private property have no restriction for own property and it shows exactly where the private property begins. The importance of "home" British people have little deeprooted attachment to their house as an object, or to the land on which it stands. It is the abstract idea of "home" which is important, not the building.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


lust for money. One person who wishes good for everyone is not enough because there is not much that he can do alone, he needs strong assistance. But If that person still does help others no matter of the difficulty then it is clear that he/she has a good inside of herself/himself. God is good and wishes the best for everyone, but it does not happen because of the devil, because his mission is to keep everything equal even if it doesn't seem like there are equal amount of good and bad people in world. It seems like there are a lot of theese kind of people who just doesn't care of others misfortune. They seem like neutral in the fight of good and bad, but it shows that the devil has won the fight against god, because people should naturally care of each other. If God is almighty why doesn't he look after everyone, why does he let so many innocent people to die. If God really exists then he doesn't own control over us because

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Comparison. Jan Guillous’ ” Evil”.

The film was made in 2003 and directed by Mikael Håfström. Andreas Wilson plays the leading role of Erik Ponti. It has been named Best Film, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design (2004 Swedish Film Awards); Audience Award for Best Feature (2004 Miami International Film Festival). And it was nominated in the Best Foreign Language Film category in the 2004 Oscars. The plot of the film is basically the same as the books, but in the film, the director has tried to make Erik seem better. In my opinion it was unnecessary because although Erik was more violent in the book, he still made a positive impression. But in the movie some of the most important scenes were left out and the movie lost a lot with that. It seems that the director tried to make Erik seem like a non-violent hero or something like that. At first, when I found out that "Evil" is going to be on TV, I was really exited in seeing it and finding out on how it had been produced

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


........................................ weeds. b.I didn't use ............................... fertilizer last spring, and that has made a difference. c. Also, I've paid attention to how ............................................. rain we've had. d.I'm afraid it's rained ............................... times this summer, and the grass is turning brown and dying. e. ............................................... experts say you should fertilize your lawn in the fall. f. It didn't seem to do my lawn ......................................... good. g. .................................................... advice you get from experts doesn't seem to help. h. ..................................... of my neighbors ignore their grass, and they have better lawns this year. 3.Fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: a little, little, a few, few. a. They say ............................................................... knowledge is a bad thing. b. I know .................

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

-ing and to

I promise, agree, plan, manage, afford, fancy. Example: Suddenly know I locked the door. I clearly threaten, refuse, arrange, fail, forget, everybody stopped talking. remember locking it. 2. Please learn. Example: It was late, so we 2) Give up, put off, go on / carry on, remember to post the letter. decided to take a taxi home. keep or keep on. Example: I've 2) Regret Example: 1. I regret 2) Seem, appear, tend, pretend, given up reading newspapers. saying what I said. I shouldn't claim. Example: They seem to have 3) verb + somebody + -ing have said it. 2. We regret to plenty of money. Example: I can't imagine George inform you that we cannot offer 3) dare (also without to ) Example: riding a motorbike. you the job. I wouldn't dare (to) tell him.

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

How to Stop Water Pollution

How to Stop Water Pollution Water pollution is one of the biggest threats to the environment today. There are several sources of water pollution ranging from sewage and fertilizers to soil erosion. The impact of water pollution on wildlife and their natural habitat can be immense. While it may seem like preventing water pollution can be an overwhelming subject to tackle, there are also a number of things that the average person can do to help stop water pollution. Tips on Preventing Water Pollution The best solution for water pollution is prevention. While pollution that has already occurred is a current threat to all life on Earth, attempts to clean it up may cause even more harm.There are several steps that can be taken to help prevent water pollution from getting worse.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

English grammar tenses intro

hate # love imagine* include* mind know look* (= seem) need mean* matter please realize owe prefer recognize resemble regret suppose seem surprise think* sound want* understand Aari Juhanson, MA 2009 Examples • What do you think about this idea? – Turn the music down, please, I’m thinking. • Everyone has something to believe in. – We were having a great time at the party yesterday. • They are really tired again. – She’s being really nasty to us. • Do you see that red car over there

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Dylan Thomas

Dylan Thomas He was one of the most popular poets in the 20th century. Thomas grew up in Wales and left school at the age of 16. During his teen years he wrote numerous poems and had his first poem published in 1933. During his career Thomas also wrote short stories, essays, film scripts and one novel. His poems seem to be disorderly, overwhelming outpourings of language. In 1949 he began visiting the US for poetry reading tours, he became a celebrity there. His most famous play "Under Milk Wood". His favourite themes were London in wartime, nature, Wales's culture and identity. Most well known works: "Eighteen poems", "Do not go gentle into that good night", "Twenty-five Poems".

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
12 allalaadimist

Jessi and the Bad Baby sitter

Jessi and the Bad Baby- sitter This book is from The Baby—Sitters Club`s triology Author: Ann M. Martin Summery  The book tells about Jessi who is in Baby-Sitters Club. They sit children and they have both say own business. When one girl left from the club, they had too much work. They chose to take one member as well as, but then they began to doubt, is this right decision because she’s late to jobs, and she just doesn’t seem to care.  Main Characters  Jessi- Main Charakter  Kristy- President  Claudia- Vice- President  Mary Anne- Secretary  Stacey- Treasurer  Mallory- Junior Officer  Wendy- the ,,Bad Baby-sitter” Likes  Simply written  Funny  Easy to follow and read  Intresting Thanks for watching 

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

My favourite trip: trip through bog

Last summer we decided to go through bogs of Lavassaare. As it was going to be a week-long tramp, we considered our equipment carefully. We made list of everything we needed and then crossed out all that wasn't absolutely nesseccery. We couldn't have better timing: it was clear and warm all week long and it was exact time for wild strawberries and blueberries. We enjoyed the nature and especially the bog lakes. We spent six days in bog and travelled 55 kilometers with this time. This may seem as a short distance, but in bog, where your every step sinks and bog lakes lie exacly on your way, it is pretty long.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

English essay

Living in the country has acquired certain reputation, that indicates dirtiness, dullness and uncoiseness with a life in the countryside. True, that a life in the city may seem more entertaining, rapid and fastinating, but it's only an illusion which is brought out due to the commotion in the city. But life in the countryside is more healthy due to the unpolluted air, possibility to evolve agriculture and an elbowroom in which one can dabble sports. One negative side effect accompanies living in the country is absense of infrastructures. Many important institutions locate too far and due to that transportation is an important subject while living in the country

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Where I'm From - poem/luuletus

Where I'm From I'm not from a country of fortune and fame, I'm just from a group that thinks it's a game. I'm not from a place of emotional flow, But more from a place where nothing will show. I am from the seaside, I'm waiting for tide, The amount of their feelings that people will hide. I am from a country with a colorful past, "How long?" they said, "How long will it last?" Dark clouds sent by gods as they form in the sky, Like millions of people on the streets walking by. Now, imagine that people would become extinct, Their knowledge, their data ­ all lost in a blink. But maybe our lives are not what they seem, Maybe, just maybe, it's all just a dream.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Past tenses

taste* mind know look** (= seem) need mean* matter please realize owe prefer recognize resemble regret suppose seem surprise think* sound want* understand Created by Aari Juhanson, MA 2009 weigh* Write about your past week Example: Last week I was very busy and had to do a number of things. I was even so busy that they called me three times each morning while I was having breakfast, and five times when I was trying to park my car. I had barely reached my office when I got another phone call

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Vanasõnad, proverbs 20 tk

1 It is preferable to do sth late than not at all 1 Better late than never 2 the final victory is the most complete one 2 he who laughs last laughs longest 3 you cannot achieve anything without taking risks 3nothing ventured, nothing gained 4what is attractive is very subjective 4 beauty is in the eye of the beholder 5 too much work can make you boring 5 all work and no play makes jack a dull boy 6 there is always basis for rumous no matter how untrue they seem 6There's no smoke without fire 7 everybody has different tastes 7 one man's meat is another man's poison 8 don't only think about people's appearance 8 never judge a book by its cover 9 spread your risks 9 don't pull all your eggs in one basket 10 if you don't see someone for a long time you love them more 10 absence makes the heart grow fonder

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Loch Ness Monster Inglise keeles

films and photos analyzed, to determine what Nessie might be, if she exists. For the last seventy years or so, since she began receiving regular publicity, Nessie has been a major tourist attraction. There are numerous theories as to Nessie's identity, including a snake- like primitive whale known as a zeuglodon, a long-necked aquatic seal, giant eels, walruses, floating plants, giant molluscs, otters mirages and diving birds, but many lake monster, researchers seem to favour the plesiosaur theory. The case has occasionally been supported by indistinct photographic evidence, though a famous 1934 photograph was revealed to be a hoax.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Person discription

The first thing you notice about her, are her blue eyes, small nose and mouth, which make her face very photogenic. At first glance you can also see her long, blond hair and she is thin. The most characteristic thing about Lily is her sense of humour. It is rare to cheer everybody up in different situations, yet she always manages to do it.She is the soul of a party, which makes her extremely sociable. Pointing our her tendency to be incredibly precise. Some people claim she may seem quick-tempered but in reality deep down, she isreally an amiable person. Lily has a very unpredictable lifestyle, for this reason she spends a lot of time exercising. In her spare time she goes either to a swimming pool or climbing in the mountains.In the future she would love to fulfil one of her childhood dreams,to become and actress.

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Report "youth activities"

The aim of this report is to analyse the hobbies of the Estonian and the Russian youth in Tallinn.It is based on Estonian human Development Report 2009. it seems that Estonian and Russian youth most like sport activities ,in addition they are concerned about studying languages too.Dancing is also an occupation what is very popular amongst younger generation. It appears they have a lot of similar hobbies although percentages seem to different by nationality. These are drama groups,health clubs,folk groups,religious groups and car driving. In general it seems taht Russian and Estonian children are very active and keen on to providing for a bright future. Despite of many similarities there are some differences too.Surprisingly Estonian youngsters are not very interested in photography,pets' clubs,computer studies and youth societies.Although for compensation, they sing in choirs and they do handicraft

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

What makes a good movie

Some of us like movies that are futuristic and mystical, but the others love movies that involve love, romance or even violent movies where they can see crime and investigation. I think a good movie has to be true-to-life and stunning. I especially love movies that surprise me. A superb movie has to be educative ­ it has to let me know about something new. The best movies have professional actors. Without great actors and actresses, the movies are not so stunning. They need to make the movies seem real and original. People don't think the same way. We have different opinions, so not everyone like the movies that I enjoy watching. Nevertheless a movie has to be fascinating and gripping to make me enjoy it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Introduction The purpose of this letter is to focuse on the good and bad sides of McDonalds restaurant. Food and Prices McDonalds offers well-packed fast food. The prices may seem a bit high, but the food is well worth the cost and tastes good. Service The waiters are friendly, but it's commonly hard to understand them because they don't speak neither understand much Estonian. The service could also be sometimes a bit slow and the queues long. Atmosphere The interior of the restaurant is nice and cosy, though what can be complained about is how the tables and seats are set, beacuse they are usually too close to each other

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

A letter of enquiry

Your advertisment states that this camp is for young children. What is the age group? I would also like to know when exactly and for how long is the duration of the camp. As I wish the best for my children I would like to know more about the team leaders. Do they have enough experience with children and what are their qualifications? In addition I would like to know how much does it cost and what time does it have to be paid for. I am looking forward to sending my children to this camp as they seem very interested in it too. Thank you for your kind attention. I hope to hear from you soon. Yours faithfully, Anne Richards

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist


sport. Ice hockey is a most popular in areas that are sufficiently cold for natural reliable seasonal ice cover such as Canada, the northern United States, Scandinavia and Russia. History European immigrants brought various versions of hockey: like games to Canada, such as the Irish sport of hurling, the closely related Scottish sport of shinty, and versions of field hockey played in England. Where necessary, these seem to have been adapted for icy conditions; for example, a colonial Williamsburg newspaper records hockey being played in a snow storm in Virginia. Early paintings show "shinney", an early form of hockey with no standard rules, being played in Nova Scotia in Canada. NHL The National Hockey League (NHL) is a professional ice hockey league composed of 30 teams in North America. It is considered to be the premier professional ice hockey

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Poison dart frog

Poison dart frog Dart frog Dart frogs lives in central and south America, in tropical rain forests. This specie belongs to Dendrobatidae family of frogs. Poison dart frogs eat insects, ants, termites, and beetles. Appearance The size of the frog may vary from 1.5 centimeters to 6 centimeters. Some poison dart frogs weigh as less as 2 grams and are about the size of a paper clip. Their colouring can be yellow, gold, copper, red, green, blue or black. Colourful skin is very appealing yet venomous. Dart frog venom These frogs some species are absolutely lethal. Poison dart frogs keep their poison in their skin and this can kill anyone that touches them. The golden poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult humans. Only two micrograms of all dart frogs venom is enough to kill a large mammal. Other facts Only some predators like certain spiders and the Amazon ground snake seem immune to the poison dart frog toxins. Frogs get poi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


building to mark the achievement of the full height of 89,92m Construction 5 6 • In connection with the construction of the building began discussion how the tall buildings fit in Tartu, which compete in the height of St John's church. Some of the opinions expressed in the discussion: "Tartu´s tall buildings should be made extremely delicately and with good projects" "Pläsku is normal but Tigutorn does not seem to fit Tartu" "Some landmarks could suit in Tartu, however, a suitable height should be based scaling of the city." Discussion 7 • Thank you for listening, any questions? 8

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The main object of this game was to find out your reflexes on the road to reaveal how 'old' you are between 18 and 90 years old. While the basic principles generalize to estimating other reaction times, the exact numbers do not. Each type of reaction time has its own pecularities that must be examined. For example, reaction time for a shooter who is tracking a target might be 0.4 second, but even this would be a function of trigger pull weight. The data revealed that range of factors seem to affect player's concentration. For example, the average reaction time of drivers is 10 percent faster than that of non- drivers, and those that slept for eight hours the night before the survey reported the fastest reaction times of 525 ms - up to 20 percent faster than those who got less shut-eye. Keywords: movement time, urgency, results, visibility, reflexes, emergency stop, drivers.

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2 allalaadimist

Computer is man's best friend.

On the one hand, computer can be really useful in many circumstances. For example, thanks to computers people can do their job more easily and faster, search information they need or just find out what is happening in the world in general. On the other hand, by spending too much time in front of the computer people tend to waist a lot of time. Because of the fact that Internet is full of various entertainments, people lose sense of time. It may also seem that virtual life is more interesting than the real one. Although computers simplify our lives and have many benefits, there are still many downsides we should not ignore. So computer can be a man's best friend or an enemy. It is everyone's own choice which way it is.

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3 allalaadimist


technology? Ultimately, it's a question of choice: empowering people to have control over their own bodies. The main opposition comes from religious groups, medical associations whose members see practising euthanasia as an inproper exctension of their role as carers. Throughout centuries the doctors' purpose in life has been to cure suffering, how can they be expected to do otherwise, even if it's done for a good cause. The issue has been misinterpreted by some people. They seem to be of the opinion that practicing euthanasia would turn nursing homes into places of fear and elderly people in residencial home are afraid that they will be a candidate. For whatever motive it may be done, all civilisations, all religions have regarded this as morally wrong.

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English Language ( inglise keel)

around 400AD. The spoken and written language between 400 and 1100AD is referred to as Old English. Many words used today come from Old English. English from 1300 to 1500 is known as Middle English. It was influenced by French and Ltin. Modern Englis was greatly influenced by English used in London and changed a great deal until the end of the 18th century. The standart English today in known as BBC English. Spelling and pronaunciation seem to be the most difficult aspects of the English language for foreign students. English is very rich in synonyms. The huge vocabulary of the language is due to the free admission of words from other language. Old English had several inflections to show singular and plural, tense and person, but over the centuries words have been simpified. The loss of inflections had made English a very flexible lnguage.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
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Wealth does not bring happiness essay

Wealth does not bring happiness People work for money, play lottery for money and some of us even commit crimes to get money. It sometimes seems that wealth is the main values in life but it does not actually bring happiness. No matter how wealthy you are, you still can not buy love or friends. Even worse, people that seem to care about you may only be intrested in your money. Furthermore, some people work for their lives to get wealthy but unfortunately, they forget about the most important- their families. Wealth can change people the way they in point of fact never wanted to change. On the other hand, being wealthy prevents financial problems and this means less worrying. You can buy things you really need plus you can support the underprivileged and the less fortunate

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Money Makes The World Go Round

much. Why has money become so valuable? When I was a small boy, I thought of money as a piece of paper that my parents give away at the store. Growing up, I have realized the power of this paper. It can get you everything. And by everything I mean absolutely everything. It can get you food, a house, a car, a bike, sometimes even love. When you go outside, then you often see homeless persons looking for bottles. You also see very rich people who seem to have everything but yet they want more. They all ask themselves the same question - how to get more money? I think money has become so valuable because prospects are slowly running out and because of that gas value goes up, food value goes up and everything else too. So if you do not work hard you will end up looking for bottles too. To sum up, people have to work harder and be more enterprising to eat, live and have more fun.

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10 allalaadimist

How can we reduce air pollution levels in our cities?

How can we reduce air pollution levels in our cities? Is the air in our cities clean? Unfortunately does not seem like it. Air is getting more polluted every day and we are constantly breathing that air. We need to do something fast before it is too late. Firstly, there is too much traffic in the city centre and cars emit bad fumes. A good idea would be to introduce parking and riding schemes. In this way there will be fewer cars in the city centre and in longer perspective air will get a lot cleaner. Another problem are factories polluting the air. There are so many factories that there is

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Novel of Manners

which developed in the nineteenth century That focuses on the customs, values, and 2. Jane Austen was the mindset of a particular class or group of people who are situated in a specific producer of this form and historical context. also the most sucsessful writer in this form Although the novel of manners has always defied easy definition, literary historians seem to have arrived at a 3. Its subject is the set of consensus on at least three elements: social conventions of a particular class in a particular time and place The novel of manners is dominated by women--as authors, as subjects, and often as intended audience For example, in Jane Austen's novels there is always "husband-hunting" by female characters.

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How to save fresh water?

How to save fresh water? We all know what the problem is. Our lakes are dirty, people are wasting water for no reason not understanding how important it is not to waste it because we may soon run out of fresh water. It can seem like there's no solution, but there is! A few simple changes can help a lot. First of all, it is really important to keep our lakes clean, because nature is the premier source of fresh water. So people should stop dropping garbage into the lakes or near them. And walking pets near the lakes is also not such a good idea. It's not very nice to find some animal's body wastes while going to swim. Secondly, think about how much water you use. A few simple steps could save your money

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18 allalaadimist


Anxiety is often overlooked by adults and does not seem as big of a problem as other mental issues like depression. The truth is, anxiety can affect teenagers lives just as much and should be dealt with immediately. I also have anxiety at times, but I have found many ways to help myself. The first thing to do when having anxiety is to make sure that our body is taken care of. Enough sleep can reduce anxiety and stress very effectively. It is also crucial to have a healthy diet and well-balanced meals. Caffeine and alcohol are

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Modern electronic games

Essay: Modern electronic games Electronic games have become very popular among people of all ages nowadays due to the easy access to computers, consoles and internet. They are mostly frowned upon by adults, because they do not seem to find any positive aspects about them. But are electronic games really that bad for you? Of course, like anything else, video games can be addictive, which may lead to eye damage. The impact of excessive visual medium is evident as a large number of children these days start wearing spectacles from an early age. Long hours of playing can also result in headaches and dizziness. When played moderately, video games have many benefits. The activities and actions on the screen

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Presentation about Casey Brown´s Ted talk

1. slaid Good morning. My name is XXX and today I am going to tell you about Casey Brown´s Ted talk. Her speech is named ,,Know your worth, and then ask for it." My presentation will take about five minutes. You can ask questions at the end of my presentation. 2. slaid (video) 3. slaid - introduction My presentation is about pricing consultant's Casey Brown's speech about knowing the value of yourself as an employee or as a company and making others see what you are worth. This speech seemed interesting to me, because the gender wage gap what she is aiming to is also actual in Estonia. The gender wage gap is a subject that affects somehow all of us. Gender wage gap figure has publicly launched a couple discussions on fair treatment of women and men, and gender balance issues. Casey Brown has some really good tips that we could use to help us. 4. slaid ­ fear and doubts The main point of Casey's speech is that: No one will ever pa...

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Kestev olevik - Present Continuous

die ­ dying tie ­ tying KESTVAS AJAS tavaliselt ei kasutata: 1) meeletaju, psühhilist tegevust ja tundeid väljendavaid tegusõnu see, hear, know, want, love, hate, like, understand jt. N: We see a train. (Me näeme rongi.) I hear a strange noise. (Ma kuulen imelikku häält.) 2) Pidevat seisundit väljendavaid tegusõnu, näit. Seem, belong, possess, appear: N: He seems tired. (Ta tundub väsinuna.) Now this book belong to me. (Nüüd kuulub see raamat mulle.)

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42 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun