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"space" - 571 õppematerjali

space - klahv on Kui ekraanile ilmub sisestada sõnavahede dialoogiaken, saab rakendusprogra tegemiseks (sõnade ja Tab-klahviga liikuda mmi või kirjavahemärkide erinevate valikute operatsioonisüst järele). vahel. eemi Mitme tühiku pikkuse Tabelites viib kursori funktsioone või vahe või taandrea järgmisse lahtrisse.

Kasutaja: space

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Planet venus

It has no oceans and is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with virtually no water vapor. There are strong winds at the cloud tops but winds at the surface are very slow, no more than a few kilometers per hour. The surface of Venus retains a constant temperature between day and night and between the equator and the poles. We can't see the surface of Venus from Earth, because it is covered with thick clouds that strongly reflect sunlight. However, space missions to Venus have shown us that its surface is covered with craters, over 1600 major volcanoes, mountains, large highland terrains, and vast lava plains. Venus is usually visible with the unaided eye. On June 8 2004, Venus passed directly between the Earth and the Sun, appearing as a large black dot travelling across the Sun's disk. This event is known as a "transit of Venus" and is very rare: the last one was in 1882, the next one is in 2012 but after than you'll have to wait until 2117

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


many occasions people use the word ,,sorry" to tell others that they don't have time to say or do something that was said (,,Sorry what was that?") or for( ,,exuse me") when they want to get someone's attention(,,Sorry, have you got the time?") Almost 20% of a British person's apologies are made to strangers, only 8% are made to friends and 14% to work collagues. Sociologists have tried to explain these seemingly unnessesary apologies but unfortunately there is no space here to go into their theories in any depth. Most people interviewed for the survey also felt that ,,sorry" is too often used in a flippant way as an attempt to reduce, another person's displeasure, but without any intention of addressing the source of the problem. One possible conclusion,therefore,is that while the quantity of apologies heard in Britain could be reduced, the degree of sincerity behind them needs to be increased.

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Images of China

people, communism, business centre Hong-Kong and the ancient emperor and dynasties. Including these images China is well known by its diverse landscapes and strong ancient traditions. The Great Wall of China is the typical and the most common symbol of China. The Great Wall of China was built from 5th century BC to 16th century to protect Chinese Empire from Mongol invaders. The Great Wall of China boasts with its lenght of 6400km and it is even recognisable for the outer space. It was really hard to build a massive wall on landscape so diverse. The northern part of China is quite mountainous and covered by huge deserts. On the other hand the southern part is famous for its enormous rainforests. The Chinese people are know as really kind and helpful people and they are also known as tiny people. China is one of the biggest countries in the world in terms of area and population. The population of China is about 1.3 billion. Despite the past experience with communism,

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


tehiskaalase ehk sateliidi orbiidile. Tehiskaaslane liigub ümber Maa mootorite abita kanderaketilt saadud kiirusega ega kuku alla, sest Maa külgetõmbejõud on täpselt tasakaalus tiirlemisel tekkiva kesktõrjejõuga (kaaluta olek). Enamikul tehiskaaslastel on väiksed mootorid, mis hoiavad lennuaparaati vajalikus asendis ja muudavad tema orbiiti. Orbiit on ringjoonekujuline või, juhul kui kiirus ületab 7,8 km/s, ellipsikujuline. Maa suurim tehiskaaslane on ISS(International Space Station) ehk rahvusvaheline kosmosejaam tiirleb Maa-lähedasel orbiidil. Seda on võimalik Maalt palja silmaga ka näha. Selle uurimislaborid viivad kosmonaudid läbi muu hulgas bioloogia-, keemia-, meditsiini-, psühholoogia- ja füüsikaalaseid katseid ning teostavad astronoomilisi ja meteoroloogilisi vaatlusi. Kosmosejaam annab ainulaadse võimaluse testida süsteeme mida vajatakse võimalikel lendudel Kuule ja Marsile.

Astronoomia → Astronoomia
10 allalaadimist

Break; bring, väljendid, kõnekäänud

BREAK DOWN- 1) (int)(of machinery) stop working 2) (int) (of a person) lose control of feelins; 3) (int) (of talks/negotiations etc) fail 4) (tr) seperate under headings BREAK IN 1) (int) enter by force or illegally BREAK INTO 1) (tr) enter by force 2) (tr) inerrput BREAK OFF 1) (tr) end a relationship/agreement BREAK OUT 1) (int) (of war, etc) begin suddenly BREAK THROUGH 1) (int) advance (in spite of opposition) BREAK TO 1) (tr) tell (usu bad news) to sb in a kind way BREAK UP 1) (int) (of schools, etc) ; stop for holidays 2) (int) end a relationship BRING ABOUT 1) (tr) cause happen BRING BACK tr cause to recall BRING DOWN tr cause to fall BRING FORWARD tr move sth to an earlier date or time BRIN IN tr create profit, money BRING ON tr cause, usu sth unpleasant BRING OUT tr put on the market BRING ROUND 1) tr caus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Tähe elu

Tähe elu sünnist surmani Kuidas tähed tekivad Tähed moodustuvad kuuma gaasi ja tolmu pilvedest kosmoses. Kokkutõmbuva gaasi pilve keskmesse tekib suure tiheduse tuum, mida tuntakse prototähena. Prototäht Prototäht on suur tihe gaasi kogu. Prototäht on päikese elu kõige varjasem staadium. Ühe solaarmassiga tähele kestab see periood 100,000 aastat. Punane hiid Staadium, kus täht paisub, sest tähe temperatuur ja sisemine rõhk hakkavad kasvama. Kui punasel hiiul ei ole piisavalt suur mass, et teha heeliumist süsinikku, siis temast saab Valge kääbus. Valge kääbus Väike täht, mis koosneb põhiliselt degenereerunud elektron mateeriast. Tähe õrn valgus tuleb säilinud termotuuma energiast, mida kääbus edastab. Supernoova Supernoova on tähe plahvatamine, mis on väga tugeva valgusega ja valgustab hetkeks terve galaktika hääbudes mitme nädala/kuu vältel. Plahvatus lennutab laiali enamus tähe materialist. Neutron täht Sup...

Füüsika → Füüsika
28 allalaadimist

Alumiinium tavaelus

korundikristalle. Need on rubiin ja safiir. Suur osa alumiiniumi peitub ühenditena savides. Savid on keeruka koostisega alumiiniumühendid, mis ei lahustu vees. Happesademete toimel võivad nad aga muutuda lahustuvaks ja niiviisi kanduda ebasoovitavaks peetavad lahustuvad alumiiniumühendid taimedesse ja loomadesse. Alumiiniumi redutseerivaid omadusi kasutatakse kosmosetehnikast koduse majapidamiseni. Alumiiniumpulber on redutseerijaks USA kosmosesüstiku Space Shuttle kütuse koostises. Kogu maailmas kasutatakse alumiiniumit kõige rohkem ehitusel, sest alumiinium pakub teiste materjalidega võrreldes unikaalseid võimalusi, tema kasutusvaldkondi on väga palju. Alumiiniumil on väike tihedus, hea vormitavus ja suurepärased pinnatöötlemisvõimalused, seetõttu hinnatakse alumiiniumi nii konstruktsiooni kui ka kujundusmaterjalina. Temast valmistatakse aknaid, uksi, raame, fooliumeid, torusid, kaableid, autode, vagunite ja lennukite keresid

Keemia → Keemia
12 allalaadimist

Kirjade kirjutamine

Writing letters Formal letters ­ institutions, strangers Semi-formal letters - acquaintances Informal letters ­ friends, family Layout Always in paragraphs A paragraph starts with a space, which is as wide as your finger No empty rows Block style in the content of the letter Greeting and farewell on the left side The greeting and farewell have the same style Dear..................... ........................................................................ ............................................................................. ......................................................... ........................................................................ ....

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist

Floods and Tsunamis

entire city, coastline or area, and cause extensive damage to life and property. It also has great erosive power and can be extremely destructive, even if it is a foot high. A tsunami (pronounced sue-nahm-ee) is a series of huge waves that can cause great devastation and loss of life when they strike a coast. Tsunamis are caused by an underwater earthquake, a volcanic eruption, an sub-marine rockslide, or, more rarely, by an asteroid or meteoroid crashing into in the water from space. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes, but not all underwater earthquakes cause tsunamis - an earthquake has to be over about magnitude 6.75 on the Richter scale for it to cause a tsunami. About 90 percent of all tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean. Many tsunamis could be detected before they hit land, and the loss of life could be minimized, with the use of modern technology, including seismographs (which detect earthquakes), computerized offshore buoys

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

30 Seconds To Mars

Great Northern) and Kevin Drake. To date, 30 Seconds to Mars have released three studio albums ­ 30 Seconds to mars (2002), A Beautiful Lie (2005), This Is War (2009) and threeextended plays ­ AOL Sessions Undercover (2007), To the Edge of the Earth (2008), and MTV Unplugged: 30 Seconds to Mars (2011). 30 Seconds to Mars' music has been associated mostly with progressive rock, [1] progressive metal and post-grunge, but they have also includedscreamo, emo, space rock, synth rock and post-hardcore into their music. They have been compared to Pink Floyd (who were an influence on their work) and Tool because of their use of philosophical and spiritual lyrics, concept albums and their use of experimental music. Their second album, A Beautiful Lie, was released on August 30, 2005. Because the album was leaked five months before its release, the band decided to include two bonus

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Kanep BY:HARDI HINN Mis see on? Kanep on narkootilise toimega mõnuaine, mis sisaldub kanepitaime seemnetes. Seda tarvitatakse peamiselt suitsetades. Enamus riikides on kanep illegaalne,kuid mitmetes riikides on lubadud ka selle meditsiiniline kasutus. Kanep toiduainena Eestimaal kasvatatud kanepist valmistati kodustes majapidamistes kanepijahu. Kanepijahust valmistati kanepipiima ja kanepiputru ehk kanepitempi. Ajalugu ja milleks kasutatakse Juba aastatuhandeid on inimene kanepit kasutanud kiu ja seemnete (neist toodetakse näiteks õli) saamiseks ning selles sisalduvaid kannabinoidide rühma kuuluvaid aineid mitmesuguste tervisehädade leevendamiseks. Kõige varasem teadaolev kanepikasutamine leidis aset Hiinas umbes 8000 aastat tagasi: kanepiseemneid kasutati toiduna. Pisut hilisemast ajast on teada ka kanepi tarvitamine religioossetel riitustel . Kanepi rahvapärased nimetused mari, ganja, savu, joint, roheline, õis, õisik, travka,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Klaviatuuri kasutamine

Klaviatuuri kasutamine Sissejuhatus IT süsteemi spetsialist või tarkvara arendaja peavad oskama arvuti klaviatuuri unepealt kasutada. Lisaks tuleb osata teksti kiiresti ka kirjutada. Kirjutame lühikese teksti, kus võimalikult palju erinevate klahvide kasutamist. Erinevad klahvid Klaviatuuril on palju klahve. Kirjutades vaata kas suudad need klahvid ka üles leida. Escape eemaldab juhuslikult tekkinud akna. Tabulaator tekitab taandrea. Caps Lock lülitab sisse/välja SUURELT/väikselt kirjutamise. Shift klahv on klaviatuurilt teise märgi kätte saamiseks või ühe suure tähe saamiseks. Ctrl klahv on klahvikombinatsioonide üks klahvidest. Alt klahv on menüü aktiveerimiseks või klahvikombinatsioonide üks klahvidest. Alt Gr on klaviatuurilt kolmanda märgi kätte saamiseks, näiteks @ (ät) märk. Enter on reavahetuseks või tegevuse kinnitamiseks. Backspace on teksti kustutamiseks vasakult poolt. Del või Delete klahv on teksti kustutamine paremalt ...

Informaatika → Arvutid
5 allalaadimist

Terry Prachett and The Truckers

Terry Prachett and "The Truckers" Carry Kangur Tartu Ülikool Terry Prachett · Born 28 April, 1948 · Beaconsfield, England · Early interests: astronomy, collected tea cards about space. Which led him to science fiction! · Published his first story "The Hades Business" at the age of 13 · Left school when he was 17 to start a career as a journalist Terry Prachett · Married with Lyn in 1968 · Their daughter Rhianna is also a writer · Was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease · Was knighted in 2009 · Made himself a sword! · Has a observatory in his garden The Truckers · First published in 1988

Kirjandus → Lastekirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse

1957 ­ FORTRAN, FAIRCHAILD semiconductors 1990 ­ HTML, Windows 3.0 1958 ­ esimene integraalskeem 1991 ­ Linux 1960 ­ COBOL, LISP 1992 ­ Windows 3.11, TCP/IP internetiotsad Eestis, wolfenstein 3d 1961 ­ Space War, esimene arvutimäng, PDP1 1993 ­ Mosaic 1.0 ­ esimene avalikult saadaval brauser 1963 ­ Douglas Engelbart leiutab hiire, ASCII 1994 ­ Netscape 1964 ­ Moore'i seadus, BASIC 1995 ­, win95 1965 ­ PDP-8

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
284 allalaadimist

Doctor Who

hooaeg (uutest hooaegadest 7.). Sari on loodud Sydney Newman'i, C. E. Webber'i ja Donald Wilson'i poolt. Seriaalil on olnud läbi aastate kümneid produtsente ja direktoreid, kuid praegused produtsendid on Steven Moffat ja Caroline Skinner. Doctor Who sisuks on ajalordi, inimese välimusega tulnuka, kes on tuntud nime all Doctor, seiklustest. Ta rändab mööda kosmost ja ajaruumi oma ajamasina-kosmoselaeva T.A.R.D.I.S.'ega, mis on lühend nimest Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Väljastpoolt paistab see nagu vanaaegne briti politsei telefoniputka, mis oli tavaline aastal 1963, kuid seestpoolt on masin mitmeid kordi suurem, sisaldades juhtpulti, eluruume ning garderoobi võimaliku basseiniga. Koos oma kaaslasetega, kes pidevalt vahetuvad, seisab Doctor silmitsi erinevate vaenlastega, samal ajal töödates selleks, et päästa tsivlisatsioone, aidata tavainimesi ning muuta heaks halba. Doctor Who on kogunud kuulsust paljudest riikidest parima briti televisiooni-

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
1 allalaadimist

Feelings and Opinions

c) If you are this, you carry out instructions h) If you are this, you might put yourself out for someone d) If you are this, you don't give up easily else e) If you are this, you put up with other people's i) If you are this, you can't put up with people looking at you differences j) If you are this, you get on well working with others 6. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Film review Battle for your heart is the new film starring Hugh Grade. I'm afraid that my first (1) IMPRESS was not very favourable. The scenes of violence are (2) OFFEND and the main character, Tony, is simply (3) IRRITATE The audience is supposed to feel great (4) ADMIRE for Tony, an army officer, who is accused of (5) COWARD because he fails to attack the village where the (6) ADORE Miranda lives with her old father. Tony saves their

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Despite his insistence that he was standing next to her when the accident happened, Bella knows he was standing across the parking lot and he should not have been able to reach her in time. She also insists that Edward used superhuman strength to keep the van from crushing them. Edward refuses to confirm or deny what Bella claims. He stalks off frustrated and angry when she won't just let the incident drop. At home, Charlie is concerned, but gives Bella her space. Bella has to deal with an hysterical phone call from Renee who demands that Bella return to Phoenix. Bella tells Renee she is staying in Forks. When Bella goes to sleep, she dreams about Edward for the first time.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Tolerance and diversity

all the people were just the same. We wouldn't have anything to learn or we couldn't widen our world-view. We would be monolingual and look all the same. We would just be one dreary crowd. Our heritage makes us all special and unique and we all should accept that. I understand that every human being has it's own beliefs and preferences, but it doesn't mean that we have to put off others. In my opinion tolerance is acquirement to leave people some breathing space. We should keep our bad thoughts under our hat and avoid sorely casted aspersions, even if we're angry. I think it shows that the person is intelligent and cares about others. A great way to prevent such kind of situations is that we should learn how to put ourselvs into others shoes and imagine how we would feel. We should stop criticizing, judging and condemning others. If every single person on Earth tries to be a better person and tries to put aside his or hers stubbornness. We should

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Infoühiskond Koostas: Daniel Vasetski 12d Mis on infoühiskond? Infoühiskond ­ ühiskond, mis väärtustab infot ja selle kiiret vahendamist Algus 1990. aastal Peamine tunnus ­ arvutite massiline kasutamine, kommunikatsioonikanalid ning elektroonilised teenused Informatsioon ­ pilt, tekst, video või heli Mis on infoühiskond? Meedia ­ infoühiskonna põhiline kujundaja Traditsioonilised meediakanalid ­ ajalehed, raadio, televiisor Tänapäeval aga põhiline meediakanal ­ Internet Tehnoloogia 20. sajandil 1. Elektriseerimine 2. Autod 3. Lennukid 4. Veevarustus ning selle jaotus 5. Elektroonika 6. Raadio ning televisioon 7. Põllumajanduse mehhaniseerimine 8. Arvutid 9. Telefonid 10. Konditsioneer / jahutus 11. Kiirteed 12. kosmoselend 13. Internet 14. Pilditehnika 15. Kodumasinad 16. Tervise tehnoloogiad 17. Naftasaaduste töötlemis tehnoloogiad 18. Laser ja kiudoptika 19. Tuumatehnoloogia 20. Nanotehnoloogi...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
17 allalaadimist

Kosmose uurimis tehnika

Mariner 9 Luna 9 Spirit ja Opportunity Luna 18 Voyager 1 Lunar Prospector Kosmosejaamad on tehis keskkonnad, mis on mõeldud inimestele elamiseks kosmoses. Hetkel on kasutusel ainult madala maa orbiidi jaamad ehk siis orbitaal jaamad. Kosmosejaamad on mõeldud keskmise pikkusega elamise jaoks. Varieerudes nädalatest kuudeni ja kuudest aastateni(väga harva). Hetkel on kasutusel ainult üks kosmosejaam International Space Station. Ennem on kasutusel olnud neli kosmosejaama Almaz, Salyut series, Skylab and Mir. Ze interwebz

Füüsika → Füüsika
84 allalaadimist

Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development in Estonia

" motivates people to go out, spend time with friends and family and have fun while cleaning up the trash. This event first took place in 2008 and is now one of the biggest worldwide environmental events. Estonian Commission on Sustainable Development is one of the organisations that is working on improving the conditions of our country´s environment. This organisation focuses on the growth of welfare, economical balance and viability of the Estonian cultural space. Its main goal is to raise the welfare of our society without damaging the environment. This organisation works with the government to be successful in global competition with a sustainable development model and preservation of the traditional values of Estonia. Estonia is well-known by its waste quotas. In order to keep the air pollution to a minimum Estonia has developed high quotas. There are limits for large industries and factories to how

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Cuban missile crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis Vanessa Viira, Agris Janisk, Nikita Mikson 10 d Backround of Cuba Fidel Castro established Communist government in 1959 Took over the bussinesses of the US Castro was attempted to be overthrowed, April 1961, inavsion of Bay of Pigs Missile sites were built in Cuba in summer 1962 The USSRs sent a shipment full of military equipment in autumn 1962 Why was the USSR interested in helping Cuba? A Communist state A good launch base for the USSR Nikita Khrushchev wanted to test the strenght of John F. Kennedy and force him to bargain over the US missile in Europe What happened? Photos of missile sites on Cuba were taken by spy planes, October 14, 1962 Photos revealed to the Us the day after President Kennedy formed the EXCOMM (Executive Committee of the National Security Council) Possible courses of action 1)Do nothing 2)Diplomacy 3)Warning 4)Blockade 5)Air strike 6)Invasion The responses were considered and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Borders are established by two stages: 1) delimitation ­ establishing of the borders on paper, treaties with annexes, which have maps where the border is shown and the description of the border etc; 2) demarcation ­ establishing the border on the ground since maps and reality can be a bit different sometimes. In addition : 1) subsoil to the centre of the world is part of the territory; 2) airspace over the territory and outer space, until 100-110 km; 3) islands, 4) territorial and internal waters. There's also quasi territory of the states, e.g. 1) territory of embassies, 2) territory of the ships and aircrafts, 3) artificial islands, 4) cables and pipelines (under the sovereignty of the state if they are installed in the international zones), 5) all artificial objects in space (here they are always quasi territory of the state)

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Lõputööde vormistamine

Farmitehnika ja ergonoomika osakonna juhataja prof. Arvo Leola......................... /allkiri/ ............................... /kuupäev/ 25 mm Times New Roman 14, Single Space Vorm C.4. Bakalaureusetöö tiitellehe sisekülg [4]. Lisa C Times EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL New Roman 14, Single Space Tehnikainstituut

Majandus → Riskianalüüs
275 allalaadimist

Kosmose uurimine

mis võimaldasid avastada ühe rohkem planeete. 1960. aastatest alates taotlesid astronoomid NASAlt umbes 3 meetrise kosmoseteleskoobi ehitamist ja kosmosesüstikuga orbiidile viimist. Projekt kinnitati 1977.aastal ning ehitustöid kavandati mõnele aastale. Ent seoses süstiklaeva "Challenger" avariiga, nihkusid kõik programmid mitme aasta võrra edasi. Valmis saanud 2,4 meetrine teleskoop konserveeriti. Nii jõudis Hubble'i nimeline kosmoseteleskoop HST (Hubble Space Telescope) orbiidile alles 1990. aastal. Umbes 600 kilomeetri kõrgusel teeb 12,3 tonnine vaatlusriist tiiru ümber Maa 96 minutiga, objektile suunamise täpsus on tuhandikud kaaresekundid. Esimestest uuringutest selgus uskumatu ja skandaalne järeldus: teleskoobi optikasüsteem ja sellest tulenevalt kujutise kvaliteet oli täiesti kehv. Sellest sai USA kõrgtehnoloogia häbiplekk - kuulsas Perkin Elmeri firmas oli

Füüsika → Füüsika
95 allalaadimist

Trafalgar Square

changing exhibitions: Antony Gormley: One & Other (6 July ­ 14 October 2009) ­ for a hundred consecutive days, 2,400 selected members of the public spent one hour on the plinth. They were allowed to do anything they wish to and could take anything with them that they could carry unaided. Fountains When the square was first built in 1845, the fountains' primary purpose was not aesthetics, but rather to reduce the open space available and the risk of riotous assembly. They were originally fed by a steam engine behind the National Gallery from an artesian well underground. Further restoration work became necessary and was completed by May 2009. The pump system was replaced as only one of three pumps was functioning. LED lighting system Pigeons The square used to be famous for its feral pigeons, and feeding them was a popular activity

Keeled → British culture (briti...
7 allalaadimist

Shops and Shopping

It's out A) prices B) sunshine C) bargains D) air of ...... A) order B) stock C) shelf D) sale j) I like your new car. What...... is it? A) brand B) make C)name D) label e) The street market was full of...... selling fruit and vegetables. A) counters B) boutiques C) tables D) stalls Task 6. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Supermarkets Nowadays, a great (1) ..variety.... of different food is available from large VARY supermarkets. There are rarely any (2) of fresh food, and there is far less (3) of our SHORT; LIKELY having to rely on (4) products. Does this mean that supermarkets have become the FREEZE most (5) shops of all time? Certainly they seem to have made some kinds of food SUCCESS

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Utoopia arhitektuuris

Paul · Cities made of steel, glass and plastic · Massive skyscrapers, roof-top aerodromes, wide pedestrian boulevards, metal roadways, urban space launch pads, noise regulations. · Cities must change radically to achieve long-term sustainability. · Energy, food and water sources, transportation systems and basic infrastructure, must all adapt to emerging pressures from climate change, dwindling resources and growing urban populations. · 70 million people a year migrate from the country to cities. That is about 130 a minute, that means very massive globalization.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
11 allalaadimist

Loodusprobleemid inglise keeles.

· Over · Contamination less population of underground · More · Massive water recyclable consumption items Overpopulation · Lack of · Not enough · Use condoms condom usage space to live · Think before · Poor people · Lack of jobs you act want money · Do not let your (child benefits) urgens to control you

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
14 allalaadimist

Imperial War Museum

of which are in London. · The museum was founded during the First World War in 1917 and intended as a record of the war effort and sacrifice of Britain and her Empire. · Today the museum gives its mission as "to enable people to have an informed understanding of modern war and its impact on individuals and society" · Originally housed in the Crystal Palace at Sydenham Hill, the museum opened to the public in 1920. · In 1924 the museum moved to space in the Imperial Institute in South Kensington, and finally in 1936 the museum acquired a permanent home which was previously the Bethlem Royal Hospital in Southwark. · The outbreak of the Second World War saw the museum expand both its collections and its terms of reference, but the post-war period saw the museum enter a period of decline. · The 1960s saw the museum redevelop its Southwark building, now referred to as Imperial War

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Minu lemmik näitleja - Matt LeBlanc

Minu lemmik näitleja Matt LeBlanc Autor: KarlErik Reim Juhendaja: Ako Rääbis Varasem elu Matt LeBlanc, sünninimega Matthew Steven LeBlanc sündis Newtonis, Massachusettsi osariigis. Tema ema, Patricia töötas büroojuhatajana ning tema isa, Paul oli mehaanik. LeBlanci juured ulatuvad Itaaliasse ning PrantuseKanadasse.[1] Karjäär 1987. aastal oli Matt Heinz Tomato Ketchup reklaami peaosaline. 1988. aastal oli tal regulaarne roll TV sarjas TV 101. LeBlanc sai oma karjäärile hoo sisse situatsioonkomöödias ,,Sõbrad'', kus ta mängis Joey Tribbiani rolli. Sealt alates sai LeBlanc ning teised näitlejad sarjas ,,Sõbrad'' ülemaailmse kuulsuse. Matt ilmuma mitmetes filmides: ,,Ed''; ,,Lost in Space''; ,,Charlie's Angels'' ning ,,All the Queen's men''. 2011. aastast alates on Matt mänginud treeneri rolli sarjas Episoodid.[1] [2] ...

Meedia → Meedia
6 allalaadimist

Leiutaja Alexander Graham Bell

Quite unable to speak, she became the pupil of Bell, and after two years of painstakingly hard work, he taught her to talk. He had also fallen in love with her and they were married. As a child, young Alexander Graham Bell displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in gathering botanical specimens as well as experimenting even at an early age. In 1877 his telephone was patented, and the Bell Telephone Company was created, which was to make him millions. In the space of 18 years, Bell had to fight off 600 separate legal actions in relation to his telephone. He was granted the freedom of the City of Edinburgh in 1920, two years before he died at home in Nova Scotia, at age 75 . When he was buried, all telephone traffic in the United States was halted for one minute as a tribute to Bell and his work. Alexander Graham Bell University of Edinburgh Education

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


TITANIC Sander Lepla IX klass Vastseliina Gümnaasium TITANIC Titanic Vocabulary Colliding : Hit by accident when moving Epic : A long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures Disaster : A sudden accident that causes great damage or loss of life Voyage : A long journey involving travel by sea or in space Ill-fated : Destined to fail or have bad luck Titanic RMS (Royal Mail Ship) Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in the early morning of 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, UK to New York City, US. The sinking resulted in the loss of more than 1,500 passengers and crew making it one of the deadliest disasters in modern history. A LEGENDARY MOVIE MAKER DIRECTED BY

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

2010a; Mintel, 2013a). The Government of Canada (2014) in independent female travel guide, states that men and women love to travel equally, but when it comes to safety in a foreign country, then women are more affected by religion and culture than men. Moreover, women face greater obstacles, especially when travelling alone. Nevertheless, the numbers of female who choose to travel alone are growing increasingly (Mathew-Sawyer et al., 2002; The Gutsy Traveler, 2013). People see space and place as a social and physical construction, shaped by the complex gendered, cultural, racial and power relations that lead people and their actions (Crouch, 2000). Women’s desire to travel is related directly with the search of some space and place (time away from kids, work and every day responsibilities), they seek the ways to challenge themselves and to express their feelings by putting themselves out of their comfort zone (Jordan & Gibson, 2005;

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist

Translation history

Slang – Lay off the nosh. Taboo – Lay off the bloody nosh. What actually determined the degree of distance and formality may be social status (people from lower statuses will address those at a higher status differently than they would someone on the same level as them) or the authority that comes with knowledge (scientific texts may use extremely formal and rigid language for instance). But social distance may also be decided based on available space (literally the space you have to print the translation – some things will sound more distant and less warm; if you’re angry and you only speak in single word sentences, you increase the distance between you and the person you are speaking to). For instance, in English, the standard text on a medicine container is ‘If symptoms persist consult your doctor’, which is quite rigid and unfriendly sounding, however, if there is more space, a more friendlier

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Eiffel Tower

Avenue de Suffren and Champ de Mars Eiffel Tower at night Restaurants The tower has two restaurants: Altitude 95, on the first floor the Jules Verne, an expensive gastronomical restaurant on the second floor, with a private lift Observation desk The uppermost observation deck, with a height of 275 metres, is the highest area of an architectural structure in the European Union open for the public Event The Eiffel Tower served as an advertising space for Citroën from 1925 to 1934 The 72 names Gustave Eiffel engraved on the tower seventy-two names of French scientists, engineers and other notable people. This engraving was painted over at the beginning of the twentieth century but restored in 1986-1987

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Rolls Royce

It can even be covered in gold. All Rolls Royce automobiles have leather interiors with wood or metal accents. Their model Phantom, for instance, takes 9 Bavarian bull hides to cover the whole interior. Because of its long history, Rolls Royce has produced many different models. Currently it has 2 models, Phantom and Ghost in production with different variations. Most mentionable variations are the extended wheelbase version, which is meant for people, who need even more space to feel more comfortable and isolated from the road. It is preferred car by celebrities. Because it is thoroughly British and luxurious (though owned by German company BMW), It is used by The British royal family too... Queen Elizabeth the second has at least 6 Rolls Royce automobiles in her vast car collection. What is also luxurious about Rolls Royce, is its price. Cheapest new Rolls Royce automobiles today start at 200 thousand euros. Though this might sound like a high price, you

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Young hacker Jonathan Joseph James paber

his intrusion into the computers of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. As hacking into these systems he was allowed to intercept over three thousand messages passing to and from DTRA employees. On June 29 and 30, 1999, this young hacker made a mess of NASA He gained access by breaking the password of a server belonging to the government agency located in Alabama. He was able to freely roam the network, and stole several files, including the source code of the International Space Station. According to NASA, the value of the documents stolen by James was estimated at around $1.7 million. James explained that he downloaded the code to supplement his studies on C programming, but contended, "The code itself was crappy. James was sentenced to six months house arrest and probation until the age of eighteen, and was required to write letters of apology to NASA and the Department of Defense. He was also banned from using computers for recreational purposes.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Practical training- Praktika aruanne

In practical training I acquired experience and knowledge to work in warehouse. I understood how works the company's logistics. I got a knowledge about how to store goods and how to handle goods. I understood that how a challening position is logistics. You should responsible for all supply chain. It is very responsible job. As well as I find out that the goods receive a code in accordance with the relevant system of identification applied by the company and moved into the storage space. When an order is placed, goods are recalled from the storage and get ready for the dispatch. Goods are either packaged or mixed with other products or promoted directly to the dispatch dock, from where they are delivered to the customer. Good experience was that I realized how important is teamwork. Teamwork went well because the co- workers was very helpful and when I was asking something, they always helped me. Negative

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Safety on the road

Safety on the road: it is not difficult to ensure in school areas March 29, 2009 by Ülo Kaart Road safety aims to reduce the harm (deaths, injuries, and property damage) resulting from crashes of road vehicles. Harm from road traffic crashes is greater than that from all other transportation modes (air, sea, space, off-terrain, etc.) combined. Million people are killed on the world's roads each year. Unfortunately it includes school children as well. Is it really that hard to ensure safety in school areas? Why youngsters have to suffer because of lausy drivers? School children have been in great danger since there have been cars but it has grown throught time because of the big number of drivers. The more there are people, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

France business etiquette

K" (forming a circle with the thumb and index finger) means "zero" or "useless" in France. The French symbol for approval is the thumbs up sign. The French business world is formal, organized and professional. People are greeted (whether by telephone, in person, mail or e-mail) with a title, instead of a name. Always stay as formal as you can until asked to do otherwise This goes for virtually everything: language, dress, respect for appointments and deadlines, respect for personal space and personal time. If you have someone's home and work telephone number, call him or her at work until invited to call his or her home Good to know Eye contact is important as long as it isn't too obtrusive. Don't chew gum in public. It's considered vulgar. Slapping an open palm over a closed fist is considered rude. And please do not snap your fingers! The French smile shouldn't be perceived as a greeting or a sign of approval. Summary

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

9 These are shoes for sports or for everyday casual wear. t _______________________ 10 At school, girls wear a blouse with this. s ______________________ Marks: /10 5 Complete these sentences using an appropriate word in each space. 1 The film was very ________________________ and not at all boring. 2 The party was very ________________________. Nobody wore casual clothes. 3 Heavy metal music is so ________________________. Can't you listen to something quiet? 4 We bought a ________________________ pizza because the restaurant was expensive. 5 These trousers are too ________________________. I need some bigger ones!

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60 allalaadimist

Referaat - Pierre Cardine.

Seejärel töötas ta koos Schiaparelliga. 1945 Cardin kohtas Jean Cocteau ja Christian Bérardi kellega ta teigi arvukaid kostüüme ja maske mitmesse filmi, nagu "Kaunitar ja koletis" (1946). Aastal 1947 kutsuti teda tööle Christian Dior`i alluvusse. Aastal 1950 Cardin lõi oma moe maja Rue Richepanse Pariisis ja alustas oma Haute Coture kollektsiooniga 1953. Ta esitas oma esimest kogu 1954 aastal ja aasta hiljem "mulli kleidid" võitsid kogu maailma. 60- ndatel sai ta endale hüüdnime Space Age look. Ta sai tuntuks oma julge, ,,kosmilise", futuristliku disainiga. Pierre Cardin on Prantsuse moetööstuse ikoon. Tänaseks on Pierre Cardin kogenud moemaailmas seni tundmatut edu ­ ja rajanud Pierre Cardini maailma, kus töötab kokku 200 000 inimest. Tema peakorter on endiselt majas nr. 82 Faubourg Saint-Honoré`l. Pierre Cardini kaubamärk ­ olgu siis tegemist allkirjaga Pierre Cardin tuhandeid dollareid maksvatel ühe-eksemplari-ülikondadel või Tais toodetud

Kategooriata → Värvusõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Augusto 1

talupoegadest/vaestest parem. - Talupoja lugu. Tahtsid etendustega öelda, et mässake. Siis küsis üks talupoeg, et tulge ka. Nemad ütlesid, et ei saa, meie oleme kunstnikud. Ja siis talupoeg ütles, et teie “veri” laval, mida te nõuate, on meie VERI. Seega sai aru, et nemad ei saa kutsuda üles inimesi mässama. Aga nad saavad anda neile enestele hääle, et teisi omasuguseid üles kutsuda. - When we are free in space, we are restricted by time and whne we are restrigted by space, we are free of time

Sõjandus → Riigiteadus
2 allalaadimist

Kuu teke, atmosfäär, suhe Maaga ja tähtsamad missioonid

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Toiduainete tehnoloogia osakond Taavi Todi KUU Referaat Juhendaja Dmitri Luppa Tartu 2013 SISUKORD 1.Sissejuhatus....................................................................................................................3 2.Kuu ja Maa suhe.............................................................................................................4 3.Kuu päritolu..................................................................................

Füüsika → Astronoomia ja astroloogia
1 allalaadimist

Questions for the First Philosophy Test

contained in the subject concept, and so is informative. 28. Why Kant believes that his philosophy is a Copernican Revolution? According to Kant the mind of man is not passive but an active organ which molds and coordinates sensations into ideas, an organ which transforms the chaotic multiplicity of experience reported. 29. What are the pure forms of perception? Which are them? From the external world we receive different stimuli. the sense of space, and the sense of time. 30. What are the pure forms of conception? In a second stage, the mind raises the perceptual knowledge of objects into the conceptual knowledge of relationships, sequences and laws. 31. What is the difference between noumena and phenomena? Noumena, which is the world of things-in-themselves. Phenomena are often, but not always, understood as 'appearances' or 'experiences'. These are themselves sometimes understood as involving qualia. 32

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Unit 5-6 sõnavara

The bank of England- keskpank, central bank Commercial bank- clearing bank Merchant banks- äripank- specialise in services for companies Regular payment- direct debit Salary- palk, money your employer pays you every month Net- neto, the amount that remains after everything else has been deducted Wages- palk, money you make when you work, usually paid weekly, in cash Routine- tavapärane, ordinary and boring Cost- maksma Stirling- the currency unit of United Kingdom Fit- sobima, to find the space or time for something Currency- money used in another country Distribution- levitamine, giving things too a large group of people Banking- the business of looking after peoples money Transactions- tehing, movement of money into or out of customers accounts Reporting- giving information Urgent- kiire, very important, needed very quickly Data- andmed, information or facts Control- to make something do what you want it to Transfer- ülekanne, to move something from one place to another

Keeled → Inglise keel
103 allalaadimist


concrete paviours tsemendist tänavaparkett concrete slabs tsemendist plaadid contamination reostus contemporary residential townscape kaasaegne linna elamurajooni maastik contingency fund võimalikust summast contribution annetus courtyard sisehoov D dead space kinnine ala decipher välja lugema density tihedus detached house eramaja developer arendaja development values arendamisele kuuluv raha distance vahemaa distinguishable eristamatu diverse mitmekülgne

Keeled → Inglise keel
116 allalaadimist

Why is Australia young people's dreamland

Tauri Udras 10D Why is Australia young people's dreamland Australia's population has quadrupled since World War II. Its warm climate makes it the perfect place for living and for holidays. And because it's far from other developed countries young people who travel there feel free. Also it's very easy to get a job. That's why Australia is young people's dreamland Australia is very far away from other developed countries. That's why young people who go there feel free and are happy to run their own lives. The climate in Australia is very warm and that's why enjoying life there feels so great. Most young people go there with a group of friends. They work for some time and then start to spend earned money. They drive around, try new things and party a lot. Some young settle down there and start their own family. Some get new acquaintances...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Accurate - free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact Admiral - a naval officer of the highest rank Air force - the military unit of a nation charged with carrying out military operations in the air Air marshal - an air force officer of a rank comparable to an army lieutenant general Ally - a person, group, or nation that is associated with another or others for some common cause or purpose Assassinate - to kill suddenly or secretively, especially a politically prominent person; murder premeditatedly and treacherously Biased - having or showing prejudice Brutal - savage; cruel; inhuman Capture - to take by force or stratagem; take prisoner; seize: Claim - to demand by or as by virtue of a right; demand as a right or as due: Coast guard - a military service which in peacetime enforces maritime laws, saves lives and property at sea, and maintains aids to navigation Commerce - an interchange of go...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun