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"read" - 1607 õppematerjali


Why read? essay

Why read? Everybody has their own reasons for reading. Reading has been the main entertainment for centuries, although, nowadays people read less and less. It is probably due to the fact that in our modern world we have television and internet. Most of people are mainly reading for entertainment. They think that reading is a good way to spend their time and moreover, they find it also very useful. Secondly, in addition that reading is interesting it is also the best way to get information. We can read about other cultures or even learn languages from books. Reading widens our horizon and makes us wise.

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

You are what you read

You are what you read. Dear audience, Form my topic I chose You are what you read. I chose this topic, because I kind of disargree with the it. Yes, it's true, that you recive knowlage from reading, and that designs your view of the world. For example if you read a book about UFOs, with different facts and examples, then you will probably start to believe in it too. However, if you read a book that says UFOs aren't real and explains what people have thougth to be UFOs, you have no choice but to argree with the statements. So yes, i think that, you are what you read, but you read what you choose to, whitch means that you are what you choose to be. On the other hand I think that the topic should be You read what you are, beacause you choose what you want to read. Let's take the same UFO example. If you are a realist, then you'd choose a book

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

10. klassi ajaloo kontrolltöö Varakeskaeg

Kontrolltöö varakeskajast A rida Nimi ja perekonnanimi: Punktid / hinne: .......... klass 1. Suur rahvasterändamine ja Frangi riik (5 p.) Moodusta järgnevaid sõnu ja mõisteid kasutades (vajadusel uusi lisades) sisult ja vormilt korrektseid lauseid a) Hunnid, germaanlaste sisseränne, germaanlaste kuningriigid, Põhja ­Aafrika, Hispaania, vandaalid, läänegoodid Hunnid põhjustasid rahvaste rände, mille taga järgjel tekkisid germaanalste riigid b) Lääne-Rooma keiser, Odoaker, tüli, kõrvaldama, 476 odoaker kukutas viimase lääne-rooam keisri aastal 476. c) Frangi kuningriik, Gallia, roomlased, Chlodovech, Merovingide dünastia Chlodovechi juhtimisel loodi Frangi kuningriik Galliasse, mis peale Chlodovechi surma jagati 3 poja vahel, toimus võimuvõitlus, ja Merovingide dünastia lõppes. d) Rooma ristiust, paganad, frangid, 496 e) Karl Suur, karolingide renessa...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
64 allalaadimist

The Book I Advice to Read and Why

The Book I Advice to Read and Why. I've recently read a book which has made a very deep impression on me. It is called The Fifth Mountain and it gets really unforgettable reading. The author of the book is Paulo Coelho. He is my favourite writer, so I can recommend almost all his books I read. His plots always mislead the reader and keep him in suspense. 61 The Fifth Mountain is a work inspired by a biblical passage which seeks to reconcile all contradictions of the soul, and which intends to be an excellent advisor in times of confusion and reflection. 95 The story of the prophet Elijah is an invaluable lesson of hope for the contemporary man. To what point can we predict our own destiny? This is the question that hangs in the air over The Fifth Mountain

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Northanger Abbey

As I grew up, I chose reading over sports and all of the wild games I used to like. Undoubtedly, I would now describe myself with the word naivety. I am very naïve and do not notice the most obvious things happening around me. I really hope that it is caused by the lack of experience and will eventually pass. In addition, I find myself a kind and caring person because I always want and agree to help people when needed. Furthermore, I really like reading. Sometimes I think that I read too much because I often mix fiction up with reality and in some cases it does not do me any good. As novels have such a great influence on me, I often misunderstand people in reality. Also, I quite often jump into conclusions. For example there was this awfully embarrassing situation that happened to me when I thought that General Tilney killed his wife. I was very ashamed of myself. To sum up, I lack of experience and am too keen on reading novels. This is what

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

Books Today and Tomorrow

Books Today and Tomorrow Why is it important to read books? Do people read less books than in the past? Will people read less in the future? Books have always played a great role in our lives and reading them is highly important. It increases knowledge and expands vocabulary, which integrates to writing. Reading books makes a person more intelligent and it gives a different perspective. Nowadays people tend to read less books than they used to. The main reason for this catastrophy is the development of technology. People would rather watch moving pictures in the television than pick up an old book covered in dust. In the past, when there were no television or computers to entertain people, books were basically the only amusement. On the other hand the lifestyle of ours has gotten tremendously busy and some do not find the time to just sit back and relax by reading.

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

MathCAD kordamisküsimused

mD y × ( x , y ) dxdy o Kujundi D inertsimomendid Ix ja Iy vastavalt x- ja y-telje suhtes on leitavad 1 1 valemitega: Ix = y 2 × ( x , y ) dxdy ja Iy = x2 × ( x , y ) dxdy mD mD 4. Read Arvrea osasumma mõiste Jada (Sn); kus Sn = u0 + u1 + un nimetatakse rea osasummade jadaks. Kui leidub piirväärtus S = n lim S n siis seda nimetatakse rea summaks ja kirjutatakse u n=S n n=0 Arvrea koonduvus (d'Alemberti ja Cauchy tunnused) o Kui rea summa S on lõplik, siis öeldakse, et rida koondub summaks S: Kui

Matemaatika → MathCAD
6 allalaadimist

Dorian Gray portree

"Dorian Gray portree" on Oscar Wilde'i romaan rikka, ilusa ja esialgu rikkumata noormehe elust. Esmakordselt ilmus lugu 13-peatükilisena 1890. aastal kuukirjas Lippincott. Aasta hiljem ilmunud trükis oli 7 peatükki rohkem ning osa eelnevatest peatükkidest olid väidetavalt algse väljaande liialt homoerootilise sisu tõttu ümber tehtud. Teos langes tollases puritaanlikus Suurbritannias moraalse kriitika alla. Teost kasutati süütõendina Oscar Wilde'i vastu 1895. aasta kohtuprotsessil, kus viimast süüdistati homoseksuaalsuses. Seda hoolimata otseste viidete puudumisele homoseksuaalsusele teoses. Sisu Kunstnik Basil Hallward, kes Doriani maalib, on pimestatud viimase füüsilisest ilust ning usub, et noormees on ta täiesti uudselt maalima pannud. Basili ateljees kohtab Dorian lord Henryt, kelle maailmavaatest ta sügavalt paelub. Lord Henry sõnutsi on ainsad, mille poole elus püüeldab tasub, ilu ja meelelised tundmused. Mõistes, et ilu ei ole...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
256 allalaadimist

Reisimise essee

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." Saint Augustine of Hippo Travelling is very important in my life. By travelling I can learn other cultures and discover many extraordinary places. It does not matter how far I go I will always learn something new on my way. There are so many different countries and thousands of languages on planet Earth. Every nation has its own culture, which differs from others. When I have been to some exotic

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Kodutöö 2008

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Diskreetse Matemaatika KODUTÖÖ 082800 MAHB11 Tallinn 2008 Ülesanne 1. Leida oma matriklinumbrile vastav 4-muutuja loogikafunktsioon. f( x1, x2, x3, x4 ) = (0,1,2,5,6,7,9)1 (11,13,14)- 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 - 0 - 0 1 - 0 Ülesanne 2. MKNK leidmine Karnaugh' kaardiga. MKNK: f(x1,x2, x3, x4)= (x 1 )( )( )( x3 x1 x 2 x2 x3 x 4 x2 x3 x 4 ) MDNK leidmine McCluskey meetodiga Ind Märge Ind. Nr.-d Vahe Märge Ind. Nr.-d Vahe Märge Nr. . 0 0 x ...

Matemaatika → Diskreetne matemaatika
151 allalaadimist

Matemaatiline analüüs 2 teooria vastused


Matemaatika → Matemaatiline analüüs 2
272 allalaadimist

Weather forecast

Weather forecast. Millions of people tune into the weather forecast each evening on television. Most of them imagine that the presenter does little more than arrive at the studio a few minutes before the broadcast, read the weather, and then go home. In fact, this image is far from the truth. The two-minute bulletin which we all rely on when we need to know tomorrow's weather is the result of a hard day's work by the presenter, who is actually a highly-qualified meteorologist. Every morning after arriving at the TV studios, the first task of the day is to collect the latest data from the National Meteorological Office. This office provides up-to-the-minute

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Dear Sir/Madam, I read with great regret that you want to reduce the funding for English college Film Club. I would like propose the ideas to enhance the Film Club to not to lose the funding. I will try to change your mind by bringing out folowing reasons. Firstly, Film Club evenings take plave on Fridays 6-10 pm. Usually films are in English and quiz evenings about films are always very popular. Students like to relax and communicate with each other, it is also popular because watching films is not too physically demanding. Secondly, there are some problems but Film Club team is trying to solve them. The biggest problem is lack of money and because of that we would like to raise the entry fee. In addition to money problems DVD library films are all from ancient times and this collection has not been renewed since 1995. We are discussing about throwing a Film Fair, where people could donate nowadays films to us. Finally, last month ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kodutöö aines diskreetne matemaatika

1. Teisendatud kuju ühtede piirkond: 183BCC10>1,8,3,11,12,0 Teisendatud kuju määramatuse piirkond: 16CEDE2> 6,14,13,2 f(X1X2X3X4)=(0,1,3,8,11,12)1(2,6,13,14)_ 2. x3x4 x1x2 00 01 11 10 00 - 01 0 0 0 - 11 - 0 - 10 0 0 MKNK f ( x1 x 2 x3 x 4 ) = ( x3 x 4 ) & ( x1 x 2 ) & ( x 2 x3 ) & ( x1 x 3 x 4 ) McCluskey f(x1 ,x2 ,x3, x4 ) = (0,1,3,8,11,12)1(2,6,13,14)- Ind. Nr. Märge Ind. Nr.-d Vahe Märge Ind. Nr.-d Vahe Märge 0 0 X 0-1 0-1 1 X 0-1-1-2 0-1-2-3 1,2 A8 1 1 X ...

Matemaatika → Diskreetne matemaatika
344 allalaadimist

Matemaatiline analüüs II

n Funktsionaal rida määrab oma koonduvuspiirkonnas teatud funktsiooni. Astmerida ja tema koonduvuspiirkond Def: funktsionaalrida, mille liikmed on muutuja x positiivsete täisarvuliste astmetega funktsioonid u n ( x) = c n x n või u n ( x) = cn ( x - a) n , nim astmereaks. Märkus: esimene rida on teise rea erijuhtum, kus a=0. vastupidi, kui tähistada y=x-a, teiseneb rida 2 esimeseks. Seega on nad samaväärsed read. Abeli teoreem: 1) kui esimene rida koondub mingi x=x0 0 puhul, siis ta koondub absoluutselt kõigi x väärtuste puhul, mis rahuldavad võrratust x < x0 11 2) kui esimene rida hajub mingi x=x0 0 puhul, siis ta hajub kõigi x väärtuste puhul, mis rahuldavad võrratust x > x1 Def: astmerea 1 koonduvusraadiuseks nim niisugust reaalarvu R>0, mille puhul rida 1 koondub absoluutselt, kui x < R , rida 1 hajub kui x > R

Matemaatika → Matemaatiline analüüs 2
336 allalaadimist

Lääne-Euroopa kunst 1920-1940

meisterlikkust · skulptor ja maalikunstnik · Art déco · ''Pallase'' kunstnike eeskuju · väike kunstistiil, värvikirev · Suurbritannia suur mõju moodsat kunsti · armastuse ja muusika teemad, aktimaalid toetavatel teoreetikutel ja kriitikutel · meenutab rokokood · H. Read · plakatid ja raamatukujundused, mööbel ja · 1930. kriitik ja kunstielu korraldaja tarbekunst · tõus skulptuurikunstis abstraktne laad · võib näha realistlikku vormimängu · H. Moore ''Toetuv figuur'' · M. Laurencin · B. Hepworth · ''Tüdrukud'' art deco + lesbiteemad

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
41 allalaadimist

Kinnise teodoliitkäigu tasandamine programmiga Adjust

ning tasandatud mõõtmistulemused koos hälvete ja standardhälvetega. Teodoliitkäigu tasandamiseks kasutame programmi Adjust võimalust Least Squares Adjustment of Plane Surveys. Selle jaoks peame esmalt looma lähteandmetest sisendfaili. Faili esimesele reale tuleb kirjutada selgitav tekst (nt töö pealkiri), järgnevale reale tuleb kirjutada joonte, nurkade, direktsiooninurkade, lähtepunktide ning kõigi jaamade arv. Kolmandast reast alates lähtepunktide koordinaadid. Read 5-6 on tundmatud punktid koos ligikaudsete koordinaatidega. Järgnevalt mõõdetud kaugused ja mõõdetud nurgad koos standardhälvetega. Fail on toodud järgnevalt. IT6 34024 X 454.206864 628.921272 A 598.712544 337.456272 B 850.989408 681.173136 C 1140.006864 312.962544 A B 426.360336 0.006096 B C 468.08136 0.0064008 C A 541.852104 0.0067056 X A B 62 38 55,4 5,6 B A C 56 18 41,9 5,3 C B A 74 24 19,2 5,4 A C B 49 16 55,9 5,3 Joonis 1. Kinnine teodoliitkäik

Geograafia → Geodeesia
28 allalaadimist

Lugemistest, "pärast tormi" Kristiina Ehin

Kristiina Ehin 1. Luuletuse peamõte seisneb selles, et inimesed risustavad maailma, tekitavad prahti ja inimestest jääb maailma järele nn ökoloogiline jalajälg. Inimesed peaksid mõtlema jätkusuutlikumalt, et ka nende lapsed ja lapselapsed peavad siin maailmas elama ning sellest lähtuvalt muutma enda käitumist ning suhtumist maailma, sellest rohkem hoolima ning seda korras hoidma. Sellele viitavad read luuletusest luuletusest: ,,puhastan, et mu uhked roosid ei peaks kasvama läbi selle teab kust kohale lennanud lipitseva ja lipendava okaste külge klammerdunud kile. (Rooside all on siin mõeldud lapsi ja lapselapsi.) 2. Luuletuse meeleolu on võrdlemisi masendav ja ahastav. ,,ja mitte ainustki sõrmust ja mitte ainustki kuldse kõrvaga karikat", need read viitavad väga selgelt ahastavale meeleolule, peegelavad tänamatut tööd. ,,korjan ja korjan ja korjan sel selgel hommikul",

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
232 allalaadimist

Teemakontroll (klassidiagrammid ja Zachmani tugiraamistik)

1. Küsimused a) Zachmani tugiraamistik Zachmani tugiraamistik – 1990 John A. Zachman. Kirjeldab valdkonna infosüsteemi üldist ülesehitust ja arhitektuuri. Mudel infosüsteemile endale. Saab rakendada igale ärivaldkonnale sõltumata suurusest, „Puhtale valdkonnale“ ja (IT) infrastruktuurile. Veerud vastavad põhiküsimustele: Mis? Kuidas? Kus? Kes? Millal? Miks? Read vastavad süsteemitöö põhilistele osapooltele-huvigruppidele: juhtkond, tippjuhid, planeerijad, ärimõistete omanikud, arhitekt-disainerid, ehitaja-tehnoloogid, tehnikud, ülalhoidjad. „Puhas valdkond“ - 2 ülemist rida. IT infrastruktuur alates kolmandast allapoole. MDA (Model Driven Architecture) mudelitüübid: CIM (Computing Independent Model) – teine rida

Informaatika → Modelleerimine
11 allalaadimist

Pros and cons of social networking

job. Social networking sites help students do better at school. It helps students browse quickly the information they need and not waste time on searching from millions of books. It helps students do homework faster and then they can have free time to do hobbies. It could also provide distance learning due to sickness or travelling. But in the other hand it’s bad because the internet enables the spread of unreliable and false information. Also people don’t read as much books if they get all the information from the internet. If students prefer internet to books, then schools would start using computers instead of books. Therefore students would not have any connections to books which could lead to people not interacting with themselves and again because of this people can’t interact with other people. It all comes down to one thing when we use social networking- ability to express yourself. In

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

My reading habits

My reading habits 14/05/07 I have got many hobbies. I like to read very much. I like reading books which are interesting. I have many books at home, too. I don`t like that kind of books. My grand-dad reads that such books. I`m very choseful. I not read of all sorts continent books. I read to books what alleviate my mine. I have different books. I read quite a lot lovestories. I was read lovestories at one time very a fat lot. I was read those in spring and summer when I have got love in my heart. In the beginning when I read was very exciting. Because there were intrigues and nervous tension. It was very (HUVitav) In the end I have bothered because right- left is something else. I don`t like read books what I have to read for school. The most was boring for me. When I have given read some books a kind of date. I don`t like it. Isually I don`t not come to an end for book. I have ever read actions but I want it read

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist


Paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Claude Sculpture by Canova and Chantrey Visiting Millions of tourists Open August-September Changing of the Guard Buckingham Palace Garden The Queen's Gallery Conclusion The Buckingham Palace is one of the main tourist attractions in London. After writing and finding out some interesting facts about it, I would definealty love to visit it someday. References, read on 16.11.08, read on 16.11.08, read on 16.11.08, read on 16.11.08, read on 16.11.08, read on 16.11.08, read on 16.11.08

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
14 allalaadimist


To: The Aru Secondary School library's librarian From: Mari Mets Subject: Students reading interests Date: 3th November Introduction As requested, I carried out a survey among my schoolmates about their reading interests. My findings are presented below. Girls' reading interests The majority of the girls said that they like to read romantic novels. 28% said that they prefer historical novels and 21% said that they like to read thrillers. A minority said they like to read poetry. Boys' reading interests By far the largest number of boys said that they prefer to read thrillers. A large proportion said that they like to read historical novels. A small number said that they like to read romantic novels and poetry. Conclusion The majority of the girls like to read romantic novels and the majority of the boys like to read thrillers. I therefore suggest that romantic novels and thrillers should be bought. You may also wish

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

„Milleks kaitsta eesti kultuuri?“

Võti 2012 Variant 3 I. LUGEMINE Loe läbi Ilmar Raagi essee „Milleks kaitsta eesti kultuuri?“ (Eesti Ekspress, 07.03.2010) ja lahenda selle põhjal ülesanded. (40 punkti) 1. Selgita mõiste „kultuur“ tähendust akadeemilisest ning autori vaatepunktist. (10 punkti) Akadeemiliselt mõistetakse kultuuri mingi kindla väärtuste koguna, mis määrab meie käitumist. Kultuur on viis, kuidas me lahendame oma probleeme ja suhestume maailmaga (read 4–6). Autori tõlgenduses on kultuuri tähtsaimaks tunnuseks seal toimivad inimsuhete reeglid. Nii selles osas, mis puudutab oma kogukonda, kui ka suhtumises võõrastesse (read 12–13). Teiseks võib tema arvates kultuuri vaadelda ka kui kommunikatsiooninähtust, mis loob inimestevahelisi seoseid (rida 29). Kolmandaks on kultuuris olulisel kohal eetiliste valikute küsimus (read 43–44). 2. Nimeta 3 põhjust, miks on autori arvates vaja kaitsta eesti kultuuri. Põhjenda, millist neist pead kõige olulisemaks. (15 pun...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
65 allalaadimist

Passive voice

Passive voice Umbisikuline tegumood Kui tegija pole oluline või pole teada. The Present Simple Passive am is + III pv are Examples: I am watched. A book is read. Marks are given. The Past Simple Passive was were + III pv Examples: I was watched. A book was read. Marks were given. The Future Simple Passive will be + III pv Examples: I will be watched. A book will be read. Marks will be given. The Future Simple Passive in the Past

Keeled → Inglise keel
183 allalaadimist

Report / survey

Report A survey into the reading habits of students of form 10b Introduction This report was carried out to analyse the reading habits of form 10b. In the survey 6 boys and 9 girls were questioned. This survey shows what kind of reading habits have boys and girls, wther they are different or similar. Types of books The survey showed us that both, boys and girls, mainly read cassical novels. To be exact, 80% of questioned students read classic novels, also popular among both sexes are horror and humor books. 20% of boys and girls like sience fiction. Nearly 50% of the boys read informative literature, but non of the girls. Only one girl out of 9 like to read romatic novels. The most unpopular books are poetry and biography books. Number of books read As i expected, girls read more books in a month than boys. It is shown by the fact that a significant number of girls read 2-3 books a month

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
32 allalaadimist


Tallinn. Thanks to this report I have discovered some new stories that are not so famous, but yet so fascinating. One of these is the legend about the Cat's Well. I hadn't heard nothing about it before and now it's is definitely going to be a tale to tell my foreigner friends. Writing this report I have learned that almost everything in Tallinn has its own story. References, read on 23.03.2009, read on 23.03.2009, read on 23.03.2009's_church,_Tallinn, read on 23.03.2009's_Church, read on 23.03.2009, read on 23.03.2009, read on 23.03.2009, read on 23.03.2009 http://www.tourism.tallinn

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
12 allalaadimist

Inglise keele riigieksami vihik 2010 kirjutamise osa

Inglise keele riigieksami vihik Kirjutamine Task 1 You have read the following advertisement in Yes! Student magazine. SUMMER CAMP IRELAND Wanted: young people to work in a summer camp for 12-155-year-old children in Ireland. The work includes organising free time activities. If you are interested, write to us about: · who are you · why you are suitable for the job · why you want the position

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne report kiri

To: The Aru Secondary Scool library From: Johannes Smith Subject: Schoolmates reading interests Date: 6.10.2015 The purpose of this report is to analyse the results of a recent survey into schoolmates reading habits. In this survey students were asked witch genre of books they like to read. This report is based on a diagram showing the percentage witch genres students like to read. This report will describe the reading habits of The Aru Secondary School. The most popular genre for girls was romantic novels and for boys thrillers. This is shown by fact that girls like more romantic and boys like more suspense. In the survey can read that only 17% girls like to read poetry and only 9% of boys like to read poetry. In conclusion I will say that these results are quite logical outcome. It is been always that girls like more romantic novels and boys thrillers

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

"The Printed Word will Never Die" essee

oldest source of new knowledge. For some youth, reading is a very hard thing to do, some just cannot pick up a book and start reading, most would rather hang out with friends or play computergames. Furthermore, some youth also prefer watching movies to reading, because a film is a lot easier to follow, reading a book is sometimes exhausting and tiring. But all that said, there is something about books, if a book is truly interesting, then something just forces you to read it, you read a page and you just have to know what comes next, what is going to happen, how will the story end. Page after page after page, until eventually without notice, you have finished the book. I think that reading can be a very enjoyable activity, but some people just do not want to read, there can be many different reasons why they do not want to read, although I personally think that the main reasons can be lack of free time or being forced to read, which makes it very

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Mõõtmistulemuste võrrandite lahendamine vähimruutude meetodil.

Praktikum nr 4. Mõõtmistulemuste võrrandite lahendamine vähimruutude meetodil. Ülesanne 1. Antud on kolm lineaarset mõõtmistulemuste parameetrilist võrrandit: 1) Kõigepealt tuleb meil ülesande lahendamiseks leida tundmatute parameetrite x ja y kõige tõenäolisemad väärtused vähimruutude meetodil. Arvestada tuleb ka, et mõõtmistulemused on vastavalt kaaludega 6, 4 ja 3. Ülesande lahendamiseks peame parameetriliste võrrandite abil koostama maatriksid A (Tabel 1) ja L (Tabel 2), mis vastavalt koosnevad tundmatute ees asetsevatest kordajatest ja paremal pool võrdusmärki asetsevatest väärtustest. Lisaks veel mõõtmistulemuste kaaludest moodustatud kaalumaatriks W (Tabel 3). Tabel 1. Maatriks A 3 2 2 -3 6 -7 Tabel 2. Maatriks L 7.8 5.55 8.5 Tabel 3. Kaalumaatriks W 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 Lähtudes nendest andmetest ja ka...

Geograafia → Geodeesia
14 allalaadimist

Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide Tallinn 2011 Contest Introducion..................................................................................................3 1. The Armenian Genocide and its causes..............................................................4 1.1. Armenian Genocide.................................................................................4 1.2. The Armenian Massacre...........................................................................4 1.3. Young Turks and the Young Turk Revolution..................................................5 1.4. Armenian Genocide, 1905-1917 period.........................................................5 1.5. Death marches.......................................................................................5 1.6. Extermination camps...............................................................................6 2. The consequences of Armenian Genocide....

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Attraction of blogs

Attraction of blogs People have always loved to share their thoughts. It is very common that people write those thoughts down, usually into their secret diaries. Nowadays individuals write public blogs, which using has grown quite popular. In my opinion, blogs have become more fashionable than keeping private diaries, because they are public. Everyone has access and a chance to read your own personal views. We live in a modern world, where information is crucial and selling, therefore keeping a blog on the Internet is a big attraction for readers. Furthermore, there are all kinds of journals on the web, for example food sites, where people can find many recipes for different meals. Also, fashion blogs, which can give inspiration if wondering what to wear for some kind of an occasion. Not only are the blogs entertaining, they can also be very helpful and useful.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Passive voice Umbisikuline tegumood Kui tegija pole oluline või pole teada. · The Present Simple Passive am is + III pv are Examples: I am watched. A book is read. Marks are given. · The Past Simple Passive was were + III pv Examples: I was watched. A book was read. Marks were given. · The Future Simple Passive will be + III pv Examples: I will be watched. A book will be read. Marks will be given. · The Future Simple Passive in the Past would be + III pv Examples: I would be watched. A book would be read. Marks would be given. · The Present Progressive Passive am is + being + III pv are Examples: I am being watched. A book is being read. Marks are being given. · The Past Progressive Passive was were + being + III pv Examples: I was being watched. A book was being read. Marks were being given.

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist


KESTEV OLEVIK AM, IS või ARE + tegusõna + ING Näited: She is reading a book now. She is not reading a book now. Is she reading a book now? LIHTOLEVIK Tegusõna 1. põhivorm. Eitavas ja küsivas lauses abitegusõna DO + tegusõna 1. põhivorm. Näited: They read a book every day. They don't read a book every day. Do they read a book every day? Erandid!!! Kui me räägime temast (he, she, it), siis lisatakse tegusõna lõppu S või ES. Eitavas ja küsivas lauses võetakse appi abitegusõna DOES ning tegusõna 1. põhivorm. Näited: She reads a book every day. She doesn't read a book every day. Does she read a book every day? LIHTMINEVIK Jaatavas lauses kasutatakse tegusõna 2. põhivormi. Eitavas ning küsivas lauses kasuta abitegusõna DID ning tegusõna 1. põhivormi. Näited: We played football yesterday

Keeled → Inglise keel
50 allalaadimist


"THE CATCHER IN THE RYE" Review 2018 "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody." J.D. Salinger Book is read. I'm very pleased to report that I joined the group of people who have already read "The catcher in the rye". Many people have mentioned this story in some conversations and lots of quotes in Internet contain "J.D.Salinder" in the end of it, therefore I was really excited when we decided to read this book as a part of our English lesson course. It was very good way for English skills practice and also self- liberalizing. I think many teenagers would be able to relate the book to the actual themes - it's a modern classic of today

Keeled → Itaalia keel
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What I Think of Homereading

What I Think of Homereading? I think that homereading is important and a good way to educate. Finding a good book to read is not only interesting entertainment but a good way to learn. I think that homereading is necessary for those who want to learn English. Everyone should read books if they have free time. Reading is one of the best things to do in your free time. It is very exciting to read a good book. There are many categories of books: fantasy, romantic, fiction, nonfiction, action, adventure, historical, children's ­and teen's books, biography, educating books, cooking books. The genre of the book depends what the reader likes to read about. I think that everyone can find something interesting for themselves, they just need to search. These days it is easy to find books, the library is full of books and there are many webpages where reader can read e-books online.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Pride and Prejudice

The meaning of the film lies in a fact that usually the first impression that people get of one another is delusive. But when one gets to know a person closer, the first impression usually changes. I like this film very much, because it shows different relations between people, and also, while watching it we have a possibility to follow the example of good- tempered people. Pictures References , read on 11.10.08 , read on 13.10.09 , read on 16.10.08 , read on 13.10.08 ,read on 13.10.08 , read on 13.10.08 , read on 13.10.08 , read on 13.10.08 The end

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Why do we learn the English language?

It is necessary to learn foreign languages. That´s why the pupils have such subjects as a foreign language at school. Everybody knows his own language, but it is useful to know foreign languages. I learn English, because I understand that I can use it. For example, if I go to England I shall be able to speak English there. If I go to the USA, I shall speak English too, because English is used not only in England, but also in other parts of the world. I leran English because I want to read foreign literature in the original. I know and like such English as Ch.Dickens, M.Twain, L.Carroll and others. I understand that I must learn English. If I know English well, shall be able to go to the library and take books by English and American writers in the original. I like to travel. But it is difficult to visit countries, when you don´t know the language of these countries. If I know the language of the country, where I am going to, it will be easy to travel there. I lke to read books

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Essee internetiga õppimine

other ways of learning. But what makes Internet so good to be used for learning? Internet is constantly evolving, making it the most reliable and up-to-date source of information. Books are getting older and the information is expiring, but the Internet is evolving with time. In the Internet, expired information is replaced with new. It is easier to find what you need to learn. For example, using books or other data carriers on paper, you are forced just to read, read and read. Using the Internet, you can find whatever you need to learn in just a matter of seconds just by searching through the net. If one wants to learn but doesn't want to read, he can use Internet to listen to audios, watch videos, or interact with flash contents. Internet also contains various e - books, you dont have to go to the library to read. All you need is an access to the Internet and you are opened to all types of information. The best advantage the Internet has is the variety of

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Stepihunt, inglise keelne kirjeldus

ARTICLE AND BOOK REVIEW what books have you read lately? INTRODUCTION Books are treasure that takes out all reality and replaces it with fantacy, psyhology and humor in some cases. Depends what books are you reading. I like to read scince fiction, psychologyle and philosophical books. That makes my mind work other direction and lets me think over my consciousness. BOOK CONTENT So lately I have read a book named „Stepihunt”, author is Hermann Hesse. This book was quite lovely piece on art. Authors one side of her is in that book, as I have heard and read about it. When he wrote this book he had gun on his table every time. Same kind of thing is in this book, he thinked all the time razor he had. Place where all events took place was in German, stormy 1920. Book talkes about one man life who have two sides of himselfs. One side is human (that likes to live and

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Is there a place for libraries in future?

Is there a place for libraries in future? I think in the past almost everyone liked just to sit in a library and to read good books. But what do young people think about libraries today? Millions of people around the world enjoy reading and in my opinion it will continue. I am convinced that we will always need in a library. Since childhood people learn to read, have fun and play, study and do homework at libraries. There are so many very great books, and every year their number increases. May be someday people will even start building libraries on the water. Then we could not only read books

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Books today and tomorrow

Books today and tomorrow Ervin Sagor Books have always played a great role in life and it is important to read them but nowadays people read less than they used to do. When I think about our relationship with books a question comes to my mind: `'Will there be books in the future?'' I think people read more books in the past because then there were no television and radio to entertain people. In the present people rather watch moving images from television than pick up a dusty old book. My opinion on importance of books is that there are books with empty storyline as well as there are books that are considered as true gems which contain knowledge and a great story and the importance of these books is immeasurable.

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Tallinn Port and Airport

· The furthest destination was San Jose in US California, 8822 km. · Travel purpose: 55% business, 35% leisure and 10% other. · Passengers 2005-2008: 2005 1,4 million passengers, 2006 1,5 million passengers, 2007 1,7 million passengers and 2008 1,8 million passengers. 6 Conclusion 7 References read on 28.02.10 read on 28.02.10 read on 28.02.10 read on 28.02.10 read on 28.02.10 read on 28.02.10 read on 28.02.10

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Unit 2 TEST I love english 7

TEST Unit 2 1 1. Ann tried to focus on learning new words. 2. The chances are that our tearm will win. 3. Make use of your free time and read books. 4. What goal did you set for yourself? 5. Amy finally gave me a chance to read her essay. 6. Unfortunately, my general knowledge is quite limited. 7. It`s possible to improve your memory skills. 8. Where you successful in the quiz? 2 1. had been 2. raised 3. puffed 4. said 5. did I punish / have I punished 6. sobbed 7. shout / shouted 8. tear / tore 9. don`t remember 10. did 3 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 4 1. What did the student have to do? 2. Why didn`t he buy the book? 3

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Tallinn in the 20th century

Ühispank, Eesti hansapank and other offices) Eesti ühispank 7 Conclusion I didn't knewed that facts and events at all , but i remind those and found new. 8 References, read on 30.03.2008, read on 30.03.2008, read on 30.03.2008, read on 30.03.2008, read on 06.04.2008, read on 06.04.2008, read on 06.04.2008, read on 06.04.2008 http://tartu.postimees

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14 allalaadimist

The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare

Lilian Jackson Braun Was born in 1916. Literary career began when she was two. Mother's influence . Work was first published when she was just sixteen. Was a big baseball fan. A copywriter. Detroit Free Press First novel, The Cat Who Could Read Backwards. Left Michigan to move to North Carolina (1989). Is married to actor Earl Bettinger, has two cats. In January 2007 the twenty-ninth novel was released. Takes place in Moose County in the small town of Pickax. The story begins on Monday, November Eleventh an ends on Monday, November Twenty-fifth. Jim Qwilleran ­ newspaperman; a prize- winning reporter with a nose for crime. Koko ­ a Siamese cat with extraordinary talents and a flair for mystery; loves, when

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Legends of Tallinn

Town guarders knew Kala-May and his son as well and until May sold fish, she left Thomas with guarders to the watchtower. Thomas and guarders have lot of fun together. Thomas was unable to raise spear of the land, nor shoot with crossbow. But guards said: "Thomas, we make you crossbow and spear what fit only to you." So they did it. Toomas was sixteen years old and every day he went to town to sell some fish. thanks from fish an old monk taught Thomas to read and calculate. Thomas practiced often with guarders to shoot with crossbow. Town guarders taught him to fight and shoot with bow. At the time, every spring in Tallinn there were party of ''shooting the parrot''. Top of the long rod was wooden bird, witch called parrot. Person, who hit the parrot, was chosen to be king of hunters. Citizens were waiting for experience hunters. It were happened before, that some ordinary man try to shoot parrot, but every time they failed. Thomas pan

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
55 allalaadimist

Lugemisest kirjutamieni test 4

Lugemis ülesanne variant 4 1. Nimeta viis nähtust, mis artikli autori arvates soodustavad depressiooni tekkimist. Põhjenda, millist neist peab ta kõige olulisemaks. 2. Mis on depressiooni ealised ja soolise iseärasused? Millist käitumist need võivad esile kutsuda? 3. Tee teksti põhjal kolm järeldust selle kohta, kuidas vältida depressiooni. Põhjenda, millist neist pead kõige olulisemaks 1. Artikli autori arvates on depressiooni tekkimise tegureid väga palju. Peamised põhjused on psühholoogilised traumad, kehalised haigused, pärilikkus, hormonaalsed muutused ja ületöötamine. Kõige olulisemaks põhjuseks peab autor aga inimeste vahelisi suhteid, sest halvad sotsiaalsed suhted mõjutavad meeleolu muutumist ning see soosib depressiooni tekkimist. 2. Depressiooni ealised iseärasused, ehk erinevate vanusegruppide iseärasused. Näiteks Lastel esineb meeleolu languse korral kõige enam just psühhosomaatilisi ja käitumuslikke häireid. Näiteks ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
72 allalaadimist

We need paper books

Now a days, most of teenagers think that studying by a computers or mobile phones is much more useful, but actually ist's not. A lot of people spend their time at home using a computer, when people start doing it in schools too, they are going to be blind soon, because it affects your eyes. People should really think about their future more. I understand if you are doing some schoolworks on the computer, but definitely not all of those. If you read lots of books, it developes you reading speed and it will be useful if you can read fast and if it sounds nice. Also if you are on the computer all the time, you can't write soon, too. And then the next generation in Estonia is going to be like Africa, that people can't read or write. So we should still use paper books, it's cheaper and much more useful.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun