Books today and tomorrow Ervin Sagor Books have always played a great role in life and it is important to read them but nowadays people read less than they used to do. When I think about our relationship with books a question comes to my mind: `'Will there be books in the future?'' I think people read more books in the past because then there were no television and radio to entertain people. In the present people rather watch moving images from television than pick up a dusty old book. My opinion on importance of books is that there are books with empty storyline as well as there are books that are considered as true gems which contain knowledge and a great story and the importance of these books is immeasurable.
Libraries. We know a lot of things thanks to books, but we do not know exactly when and where they originated, and what should be considered the first book in the world. Ancient document, written on parchment, papyri and vellum can hardly be qualified as books the way we understand the word today. Centuries went before paper replaced parchment and papyri. In the 15 th century Johann Gutenberg invented a mechanical process of duplicating texts, which we today call book printing. The first book was printed between 1444 and 1446, so these years can be considered as the beginning years of book printing. His most important preserved printings are the 40 copies of the Bible. By the end of the 15 th century there were about 1000 print-shops in Europe already. The oldest Estonian
searching for information, listening to music, watching films and TV series and online shopping. One of the oldest type of entertainment is the theatre. It is a word taken from the Ancient Greeks. It means Seeing Place. A typical stage-play depends on 3 things: actions seen, words spoken and people watching and listening. The first theatres were built by the ancient Greeks. They were outdoors. There were no plays. Songs sung by a chorus told stories about gods. There were also dances. Today the interior of a modern theatre looks different. The two main parts of a modern theatre are the stage and the hall. The hall is separated from the stage by the orchestra. At the sides of the stage are the wings. A curtain covers the stage. The seats on the floor are known as stalls. The raised back part of the ground floor is the pit, the small compartments are the boxes. Then follow the dress circle, the balconies and finally the gallery.
It is fun to watch them with happy faces doing something they like. I want to work in Ireland to get more experience. In the future I could see myself as an arts teacher in a school. Although I have some questions about it, such as could you tell me more about the place where the summer camp is. I would also like to know about time and salary, also what I would have to do there. I look foward to hearing from you again. Yours sincerely, Mari Mets Task 2 ESSAY Write an essay on the topic Books Today and Tomorrow. In your essay, discuss the following aspects: · Do people read less today than in the past? Why? · Will people read less in the future? · Why is it important to read books? You should write about 200 words. Books Today and Tomorrow People read books for knowledge and to pass free time. In the past people read more, because nowadays tehnology has developed so much. Some of this period children do not
today. That is why I am going to tell you about digital computers. Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation: the ability to determine: on or off, high voltage or low voltage or -- in the case of numbers -- 0 or 1 or do-called binary code. The speed at which the computer performs this simple act is called computer speed. Computer speeds are measured in Hertz or cycles per second. A computer with a «clock speed» of 2000 MHz is a fairly representative microcomputer today. It is capable of executing 2000 million discrete operations per second. Nowadays microcomputers can perform from 800 to over 3000 million operations per second and supercomputers used in research and defense applications attain speeds of many billions of cycles per second. Digital computer speed and calculating power are further enhanced by the amount of data handled during each cycle. Except two main types of computers, analog and digital
BOOKS (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other various material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a page. A book produced in electronic format is known as an electronic book (e-book). Books may also refer to works of literature, or a main division of such a work. In library and information science, a book is called a monograph, to distinguish it from serial periodicals such as magazines, journals or newspaper. The body of all written works including books is literature. In novels and sometimes other types of books (e.g. biographies), a book may be divided into several large sections, also called books (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, etc.)
The Internet is making literature increasingly irrelevant in the modern world Stanislav Stõkov MASB11 When computers were not so spread as they are today, and the Internet had not appeared in the lives of people, we used to spend much more time reading. Literature and books were our best friends, and one of the most important ways on entertainment. Nowadays, if you ask a person, when he or she has read last a book and what the book's title was, the person will not know what to answer. Nobody reads any more, or if they do it is on the internet and only a summary so as not to get tired too much.
E-book the book of the future An e-book is an abbrevation for electronic book, also known as a digital book. It is an equivalent to the conventional printed book. It can be read on a personal computer or hand-held device specially designed for this puropse. Are the e-books and conventional ones competitors to each other? Will they both have independent groups of readers in future or will the future belong only to the e-books? What are the pros and cons of each? Let's have a brief look at the advantages and disadvantages of both. In August 2009 it has been estimated that there are over 2 million free books available for download
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