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"paint" - 157 õppematerjali

paint - maal Dreary chores of our everyday life- igavad I’m sorry to interupt majapidamistööd I’m sorry but Predecessors- eelkäijad That reminds me Possess-omama/valdama Could i just say something? Via sports- spordi kaudu Rake in- riisuvad

Kasutaja: paint

Faile: 0

Vincent van Gogh

such as teacher, preacher, art salesman, working in a bookstore etc • He struggled with a mental health disorder throughout his lifetime • He died in France in 1890 when he committed a suicide (while being only 37 years old) Art • Van Gogh's first paintings were mostly of poor people. The colors in his early paintings are dark and brown (muddy). The feelings portrayed were of sadness • In his later paintings Van Gogh started to lighten his colors and paint in short brushstrokes. His paintings started to look much happier, brighter and more colorful • His paintings include portraits, self portraits, landscapes, still lifes, olive trees, wheat fields and sunflowers • In 10 years Vincent van Gogh painted almost 900 paintings • During his lifetime Van Gogh was never famous as a painter and struggled to make a living as an artist. Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime Importance

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
2 allalaadimist


12. klassi kunstiajaloo konspekt Impressionism Impressionismi 1. näitus oli 1874. aastal. Viimane, kaheksas näitus oli 1886.aastal. Sel ajal oli võimul Napoleon III. Impressionism sai alguse Pariisist ja ametlik kunstiinstitutsioon oli SALON (salong, kuhu pandi üles kuulsamad tööd). Saloni mitte vastuvõetud tööd pandi kunstnike poolt üles "Hüljatute salongi". *hakatakse maalima tunnetust ja aistinguid *valguse ja hetkeseisundi maalimine (kiired liigutused) *piirjooned hägused *erivärvilised värvilaigud. Eduard Manet ­ pärit jõukast kaupmeeste perekonnast; mässaja tüüpi; hariduse sai Prantsuse Kunstiakadeemiast; hea suhtleja, organiseerija; suur tähelepanuvajadus; tuntuks sai alles elu lõpupoole (1871.aastal) Tema töid: Olympia, Eine roheluses, Keiser Maximiliani hukkamine, Rõdul, Baar Folies Bergere'sis Claude Monet ­ pärit jõukast perekonnast; 18aastaselt läks Pariisi stuudiotesse õppima; elas kokku Cami...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
131 allalaadimist

Pykkari mõningad vajaminevad koodid.

Malelaud from pykkar import * a=0 sein=0 create_world(''' ############# #> # # # # # # # # # ############# ''') while True: step() a+=1 if a%2==1: paint() if is_wall(): sein+=1 if sein%2==1: right() if not is_wall(): step() a+=1 right() else: break if sein%2==0: a+=1 right() right() right() if not is_wall(): step() right() right() right() else: break if a%2==1: paint() KRIIPS from pykkar import * def left(): right() right() right() sein = 0 create_world(''' ############# #> # # # # # # # # # ############# ''') while get_direction() != "S": right() while True: paint() step() if is_wall(): sein = sein + 1 if sein %2 == ...

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
13 allalaadimist

Nädalakava - hea algus

näeb arvuti seestpoolt välja? Kunstikeskus Arvutiprogrammiga Ühispildi jätkamine Ühispildi jätkamine Ühispildi jätkamine Ühispildi Paint ühispildi printimine ja joonistamine värvimine, vahendid: pliiatsid

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
185 allalaadimist

The passive

Pr. Simple He paints the houseHe has the house painted Pr. ContHe is painting the houseHe is having the house painted Past SimpleHe painted the houseHe had the house painted Past ContHe was painting the houseHe was having the house painted Future SimpleHe will paint the houseHe will have the house painted Future ContHe will be painting the houseHe will be having the house painted Present PerfectHe has painted the houseHe has had the house painted Pr. Perfect ContHe has been painting the houseHe has been having the house painted. Past PerfectHe had painted the houseHe had had the house painted Past Perf. ContHe had been painting the houseHe had been having the house painted. InfinitiveHe must paint the houseHe must have the house painted

Keeled → Inglise keel
71 allalaadimist

Street Art

incorporated video art and other performative aspects to creative work ‘on the streets’. To understand the history of street art, one must immerse oneself into the energy of this sublime cultural phenomenon, as an admirer, but perhaps as a creator as well. (Maric B. The History of Street Art, 2014 [] 20.12.17) NYC subway 3. GRAFFITI AND STREET ART ARE NOT THE SAME THING While graffiti artists only work with spray paint and pride themselves on knowing their way around a can of the stuff, street artists use other media to create their pieces. “Graffiti artists really pride themselves on what we call can control,” says Cameron Moberg, 33, a graffiti artist and Street Art Throwdown contestant from San Francisco, California. “We take pride in not needing a stencil and really working on our can skills, that’s where the divide originally came from

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


1. AI-Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Freehand 2. BAK Backup HotDog, Turbo Pascal varundus- ehk varufail 3. BAT Batch DOS, operatsioonisüsteem käske sisaldav pakkfail 4. BMP Bitmap Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, operatsioonisüsteem rastergraafika kasutajaliidese graafika, kujundusprogrammid 5. COM Command file operatsioonisüsteem, programm programm või käsufail endine, kuid siiani kasutatav täitefaili vorming 6. DOC Document Writer, MS Word, WordPad, WordPerfect, FrameMaker dokumendifail 7. DXF AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format Paljud CAD jt. joonestusprogrammid vektorgraafika ainult 2D 8

Informaatika → Informaatika
6 allalaadimist


holding Jesus' lifeless body, known as La Pietà. His first large scale commissioned work was the statue of Bacchus for a sculpture garden. Shortly thereafter, he created one of his most important works, the statue of David, and a commissioned piece symbolizing the freedom of the republic of Florence. Michelangelo truly had achieved fame as an artist, and his talent became sought after by Pope Julius II, who asked him to go on a very artistic ship-journey, a commission to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Vatican. At first, Michelangelo, who had been busy painting frescos in Pope Julius' tomb, refused his descendant's request, feeling that the undertaking of such a monumental task would take him away from sculpturing but the Pope insisted, and his word prevailed. Ironically, Michelangelo's work on the chapel ceiling broadened from the original request, which called for twelve paintings. Instead, he covered the entire ceiling with over 300 figures.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Postimpressionismi konspekt

Postimpressionism 19 ja 20 saj. vahetus 19. sajandi lõpukümnenditel töötas kolm suurt maalijat, kellest said 20. sajandi moodsa kunsti eelkäijad. Kuigi nad alustasid tegevust koos impressionistidega, lõid nad neist peagi lahku. Kolm suurt moodsa kunsti eelkäijat olid omavahel vägagi erinevad, ometi tavatsetakse neid ning mõnesid nende mõttekaaslasi ja kaasaegseid nimetada postimpressionistideks - nendeks, kes tulid pärast impressioniste (post = pärast). Postimpressionism oli puhtprantsuslik nähtus, kuid mõju avaldas ta hiljem kogu Euroopa kunstile. Traagilise saatusega hollandlane Vincent van Gogh (pr. vänsan fan gog) ( hollandi päraselt vinsent fan hoh)(1853-1890) jõudis kunsti juurde alles keskeas. Oma tõelise väljendusvahendi - heledad, lausa taltsutamatult kirkad värvid - leidis ta pärast Prantsusmaale asumist. Seal, väikeses Lõuna-Prantsusmaa linnas Arles'is elas ta ü...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
19 allalaadimist


The Moon-Woman Blue (Moby Dick) 1942 (170 Kb); Oil on canvas, 69 x 43 c. 1943 (150 Kb); Gouache and ink on composition board Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice 18 3/4 x 23 7/8 Ohara Museum of Art, Kurashik Shimmering Substance 1946 (280 Kb); Oil on canvas, 30 1/8 x 24 1/4 The Museum of Modern Art, New York Number 8, 1949 (detail) Oil, enamel, and aluminum paint on canvas Neuberger Museum, State University of New York Jackson Pollocki suureks plussiks oli olla innovatiivne kunstnik, kes on kriitikute poolt heaks kiidetud. Oma kuulsuse tänu võlgneb ta suuresti Clement Greenbergile ja fotograafidele, kes tema loometööd jäädvustasid (nt Hans Namuth). Pollockil oli alkoholisõltuvus ­ tema enda sõnul aitas just see tal luua seda, mida ta lõi, ning olla just nii vaba, kui ta oli.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Teede kõverjoonelisuse määramine

Selleks leidsin teede kõverjoonelisuse koefitsiendi, hindasin selle täpsust ning omandasin teede kõverjoonelisuse ning kõverjoonelisuse koefitsiendi määramise metoodikat. Ühtlasi õppisin kasutama internetis kättesaadavaid töövahendeid ja oma tööd visualiseerima. Kasutatud töövahendid: Töö teostamisel on kasutatud internetiühendusega arvutit ja Maa-ameti Geoportaalis vabalt kasutusel olevaid töövahendeid. Töö vormistamisel on kasutatud arvutis olevaid programme: Paint, Microsoft Word ja Google chrome. Selgitus valitud katastriüksuste kohta: Uuritav piirkond asub Jõgeva maakonnas, Jõgeva vallas. Joonisel on A’ ga tähistatud punkti geograafiline koordinaat B 58° 43’ 21’’ L 26° 38’ 16’’. Uuritavad teed on esitatud joonisel 1. Joonisel on illumineeritud punasega teed mööda mõõdetud kaugused. Sinise joonega on illumineeritud punktide vahelised otsekaugused. Andmed teede pikkuste kohta

Maateadus → Maakataster ja...
1 allalaadimist

Shaquille o`neal.

The Suns had the bulk to overpower Memphis inside with O'Neal and Stoudemire. Memphis was limited because Darko Milicic was out with a broken right hand, and in the first quarter rookie Darrell Arthur took an elbow to the face, sending him to the bench for the night with a concussion. Memphis even used Hamed Haddadi, the 7-foot-2 rookie from Iran who saw his first action of the season. The Suns' inside dominance was evident with a 36-16 advantage in the paint in the first half, including 16 points from O'Neal. Phoenix ended the night with a 58-18 edge in the paint. But the Suns' size advantage was offset somewhat in the second when Stoudemire was ejected with two technicals. Stoudemire disagreed with the call that gave him his third foul. He expressed his displeasure to official Bill Kennedy, drawing his first technical. Stoudemire then added more colorful language, drawing another technical from Kennedy and sending Stoudemire to the locker

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Teede kõverjoonelisuse määramine

kõverjoonelisuse ning kõverjoonelisuse koefitsiendi määramise metoodikat. Ühtlasi õppisin kasutama internetis kättesaadavaid töövahendeid ja oma tööd visualiseerima. Kasutatud töövahendid: Töö teostamisel on kasutatud internetiühendusega arvutit ja Maa- ameti Geoportaalis vabalt kasutusel olevaid töövahendeid. Töö vormistamisel on kasutatud arvutis olevaid programme: Google chrome, Microsoft word, Paint Selgitus valitud piirkonna kohta: Uuritav piirkond asub Pärnu maakonnas Juuru vallas. Skeemil A’ga tähistatud punkti geograafiline asukoht on B 59°5’18’’ L 24°48’4’’. Uuritavad teed on näha joonisel 1. Joonisel on illumineeritud punasega teed mööda mõõdetud kaugused. Sinise noolega on illumineeritud punktide vahelised otsekaugused. Andmed teede pikkuste kohta ning nende aluselt tehtud arvutused on koondatud tabelisse 1. Joonisele 1 on kantud

Muu → Maakorraldus
1 allalaadimist

The Beatles versus The Rolling Stones

The Beatles versus The Rolling Stones The Beatles ● The Beatles (biitlid) oli Liverpoolist Suurbritanniast pärit rokkansambel. ● Ansambli muusikaline tegevusala oli äärmiselt lai, ulatudes ballaadidest reggae’ni ja psühhedeelsest muusikast bluusini. ● The Beatlesi tegutses 1960.-1970. aastatel. The Beatlesi koosseis ● John Lennon (vokaal, rütmikitarr; ka klahvpillid, basskitarr jm) ● Paul McCartney (vokaal, basskitarr; ka kitarr, klahvpillid, löökpillid, flüügelhorn jm) ● George Harrison (vokaal, soolokitarr, tambura, basskitarr, klahvpillid jm) ● Ringo Starr (löökpillid; ka vokaal, klahvpillid jm) Lennon ja McCartney olid The Beatles'i peamised laulukirjutajad. The Beatles´i läbilöögis mängis olulist osa mänedžer Brian Epstein ja muusikalises arengus produtsent George Martin. The Beatlesi muusika Biitlite populaarsusele aitas kaasa labastatud muusika pakkumine 1960–ndate alguses. Publik oli teismepopiks ...

Muusika → Pop-rock
0 allalaadimist

Praktikum 2 – Teede kõverjoonelisuse määramine

Praktikum 2 ­ Teede kõverjoonelisuse määramine Töö koostaja: Töö koostamise kuupäev: 04.11.2012 Töö eesmärk: Antud praktilise töö eesmärgiks on uurida teede kõverjoonelisust ning omandada teede kõverjoonelisuse koefitsendi määramist ja selleks vajalike rakenduste kasutamist. Selleks tuleb leida teede kõverjoonelisuse koefitsent, kasutades selleks vastavat metoodikat ning internetis vabalt kasutusel olevaid töövahendeid. Kasutatud töövahendid: Töö koostamisel on kasutatud internetiühendusega arvutit, Maa-ameti Geoportaalis vabalt kasutusel olevaid töövahendeid. Töö vormistamisel on kasutatud arvutis olevaid programme: Google Chrome, Microsoft Office Word 2007. Töös olevate jooniste koostamiseks on kasutatud MS Paint´i. Selgitus valitud piirkonna kohta: Töös käsitletav piirkond asub Lääne-Viru maakonnas Sõmeru vallas. Skeemil A'ga tähistatud punkti geograafiline asukoht on B 59°26'54,8'' L 26°24'37,54'', B'ga tähistatud punkti geogra...

Maateadus → Maateadus
10 allalaadimist

Teede kõverjoonelisuse määramine

kõverjoonelisuse ning kõverjoonelisuse koefitsiendi määramise metoodikat. Ühtlasi õppisin kasutama internetis kättesaadavaid töövahendeid ja oma tööd visualiseerima. Kasutatud töövahendid: Töö teostamisel on kasutatud internetiühendusega arvutit ja Maa- ameti Geoportaalis vabalt kasutusel olevaid töövahendeid. Töö vormistamisel on kasutatud arvutis olevaid programme: Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Word ja Paint. Selgitus valitud piirkonna kohta: Uuritav piirkond asub Tartumaal. Skeemil X'ga tähistatud punkti geograafiline asukoht on B 58°16'5.25'' L 26°19'31.28'' ja punkti Y geograafiline asukoht B 58° 16' 2.55'' L 26° 21' 59.24''. Uuritavad teed on näha joonisel 1. Joonisel on illumineeritud punasega teed mööda mõõdetud kaugused. Sinise noolega on illumineeritud punktide vahelised otsekaugused. Andmed teede pikkuste kohta ning nende aluselt tehtud arvutused on koondatud tabelisse 1

Kategooriata → Maakorralduse põhikursus
17 allalaadimist

Transpordi infosüsteem labor 3 2D vöötkood

Labor 3 2D vöötkood 1. Töö lühikirjeldus Töö sisuks oli muuta 2D vöötkood üha loetamatumaks, selgitades nii välja maksimaalselt lubatud loetamatuse protsendi. Koodi rikkumiseks tuli see osaliselt katta ristkülikuga ja tulemus salvestada Paint-s. Erinevate protsentide võrra kaetud koodide dekodeerimiskatsetel selgus, milline on maksimaalne protsent, mis antud vöötkoodi juures võiks olla hävinud. Protsendi arvutamisel lähtusin piksliveergude kõrgusest (pikslite arvust vertikaalsuunas). Dekodeerimisel kasutasin on-line vabavara. Eesmärgiks oli leida tekst, mis on kodeeritud. Kasutatud tarkvara: 2. Dekodeeritud tekst: TRANSPORDI INFOSYSTEEMI LABOR DE 3. Koodi on võimalik dekodeerida, kui kaetud on 10/29*100= 34,4% koodist.

Logistika → Transpordi infosüsteem
22 allalaadimist

Spencer Gore esitlus

SPENCER GORE Laura Helinurm III VÕ Viljandi gymnasium 2016 About ❖ 1878-1914 ❖ British painter of landscapes, music-hall scenes and interiors ❖ attended Harrow school ❖ founded the Fitzroy Street Group ❖ president of the Camden Town Group ❖ died at the age of 35 Style ❖ use of vivid and unnatural colours ❖ thick applications of paint ❖ real life subject matters ❖ emphazising geometric forms “Letchworth, The Road” 1912 “Harold Gilmans house at Letchworth” 1912 “The Icknield way” 1912 “The Beanfield, Letchworth” 1912 Links ❖ 5355 ❖ ❖ ❖ https://en.wikipedia

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
1 allalaadimist

Environmental problems: acid rain

Environmental problems: acid rain Elza Lutt 10.a What is acid rain? • Acid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation(sademed) that is unusually acidic, meaning that it has elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH).  What is it caused by? Wet deposition- niisked sademed Consequences of acid rains • forests, freshwaters(mageveekogud) and soils • Kills insect and aquatic life-forms • Paint peels off from buildings etc. • Corrosion(söövitus) of steel structures • human health What can be done to decrease acid rains • curbing the release of the pollutants(saasteained) References • • global-warming/acid-rain/ • /2016/10/Monitoring-acid-rain1-1-1024x675.jpg • http://envis.tropmet.res

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Berthe Morisot

Berthe Morisot Haridus · Morisot sündis Prantsusmaal. · Teda õpetas Camille Corot, kes oli tähtis maastikukunstnik, tema õpetaja. · Ta mõjutas teda jätkama vabaõhumaali põhimõtet oma töödes. Looming · Kunstnik maalis igapäevaelu, tema maalid kujutavad 19.sajandi kultuuri piiranguid vanuse ja klassi suhtes. · Tema maalide teemad on enamasti seotud pere ja koduga, kus ta sai kasutada enda sõpru maalidel modellidena. Lorienti sadam 1869 Liblikajaht 1874 Looming ja stiil · Tema enda stiil arenes märgatavalt 1880 aastatel. Näiteks maalis ta aastal 1873 pildi "Häll". · Morisot katsetas pastellvärve, akvarelle ning jätkas maastikke maalimist. Looming ja stiil · Enda hilisemas karjääris töötas ta rohkem koos Auguste Renoiriga. · Tema ning Camille Pissarro tööd olid ainukesed, mida esitleti impressionistide näitusel. · Teda peetakse üheks kõige tähtsamaks naiskunstnikuks 19.sajandil. Teravi...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Andmeotsing internetis

Värvid kodukujunduses Kodukujundus: millised värvid toob aasta 2018? Ühinenud Ajakirjad OÜ Tahad õnnelik olla? Kasuta kodukujunduses neid värve! Õ, 10. veebruar 2017, 17:20 neid-varve Värvid. 2018. Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat Värvid sinu kodus. Dormeo Värvide kasutamine kodukujunduses.ärvide-kasutamine-kodu-kujunduses Sisustamine ja toonide valimine. Looge mahedate värvidega elegantne kodu. Kodukujundus Värvi Ideed, Mis Sobivad Vaipade Värviga. Et.Interior- D...

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
1 allalaadimist

Pierre Auguste Renoir

Pierre Auguste Renoir Kätriin Kübar 11c Elulugu · 25. 02. 1841- 03.12.1919 · Sündis Prantsusmaal Limoges. · 1890 abiellub ja tal on 3 last. · 13 a. hakkas portselanidele maalima. · 17 a. maalis ruloodele ja päiksevarjudele. · 18.a kopeeris Louvre'is 18.saj. maale. Renoirist kasvab kunstnik · 1860 hakkab käima joonistustundides. · 1867 võeti vastu tema töö `Lise'. · 1870 jõuab Renoir'i tehnika haripunkti. · 1877 sai `L'Impressionnite' üheks asutavaks liikmeks. · 1883 kujundas lõplikult oma maine Temaatika · Värvilisuse mõju tuleb Eugene Delacroix'ist. · Maalis kõike, mis oli ilus. · Renoir : `Miks ei peaks kunst olemas ilus, kui maailmas on niigi koledaid asju.' · Värisev valgus · Küllastatud toonid · Naise alasti keha Looming · 1860 hakkas maalima valgust ja vett vabas õhus. · Värvis õigetes toonides. · Nooruses tüüpilised impressionistlikud pildid. · Mõned aastad maalis klassit...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
9 allalaadimist

CV näidis

Kokku 13a. Saksa keel: A1 Kõnes hea. Kirjas hea. Õppinud koolis 1 aastat. TÄIENDAV INFO Tugevad küljed Olen aus, sihikindel, visa, õiglane, hea kõneleja, visakas, optimistlik, sõbralik, aktiivne, realistlik, töökas, vastuvõtlik, ennastvalitsev, kannatlik, tolerantne, oskan väga hästi teendindada restoranis Nõrgad küljed Natuke ekspansiivne Arvutioskus: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Paint, Open Office, Windows , Internet, Outlook, OneNote Huvialad: reisimine, arvutid, pildistamine, lugemine, muusika kuulamine, toitu valmistamine Autojuhiload: Pole Tööle võimalik asuda: Võimalikult paljum, sõltub õppimisest

Majandus → Majandus
34 allalaadimist

Jackson Pollock

Life · 1912-1956 · The youngest of five brothers · met Peggy Guggenheim in New York · 1945 - married to Lee Krasner · Moved to Springs on Long Island, New York · Struggled with alcoholism all of his life · Died at the age of 44 in an alcohol-related, single-car crash Jackson Polloc and Lee Krasner Art · Abstract expressionist · Explored the subconcesness · Unique technique ­ Pouring and dripping paint ­ Canvas on the floor ­ Unusual tools " When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. It is only after a sort of 'get acquainted' period that I see what I have been about. I have no fear of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Report: Suggested improvements to the shop

The purpose of this report is to suggest ways to make the shop more profitable. 2) Shop condition The shop condition is at this moment very bad. Shop has lost many customers and it has changed a lot lately- has become not so attractive like it used to be and income has decreased because of that. Firstly, it would be a good idea to make some flayers about the shop’s planned changes. 3) Shop’s apperance Secondly, I think it would be useful to refresh shop’s appearance. Paint it all over again and redecorate the interior. Customers would like that and it will invite new people to the shop. 4) Increasing the shop’s income Finally, we could organize market days, when the prices are low and there are a lot of different goods. This is the way, how to get people to the shop and it will increase the income and profit. 5) Conclusion To sum up, I belive that if we include some of the suggestions above, we will be able to make the shop more profitable.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Body and exterior vocabulary autotehnik

functional) embellishments to a vehicle. In some cases the trim package may include a specific model or ending name. Such packages may be characterized by the use of a famous fashion designer's name, including examples as the Pierre Cardin AMC Javelin, the Oleg Cassini AMC Matador, or the Lincoln Continental in Givenchy or Bill Blass versions. Typical elements that may be included in a trim package include: · Special paint, some with the appearance of pearl, others showing colour variations depending upon light angle · Paint patterns using multiple colours--two-tone or three-tone (out of current favour) · Aluminium, plastic, or stainless steel trim to divide paint regions (out of current favour) · Applied graphics on printed plastic sheeting with adhesive backing · Pin striping, usually applied as a dealer add-on using special plastic tape and a removable backing

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


of our planet. It makes me want to go and see every part of it. Samsara is a kind of movie that, at first, makes you want to change the channel. However, it gets much better the longer you watch it. There is just so much to see. It makes us wonder how is it possible that something that breathtaking even exists. On the other hand, it might be a hard movie to watch for some people, because it is slow and just drags on in places. I am more than sure that there are some who would rather watch paint dry. In addition, there is no one talking in the movie. In conclusion, I would like to say that Samsara is undoubtedly an amazing movie when it comes to showing the planet we live on. However, it is not a movie for everyone. A lot of people can get bored with it, whereas there are people like me, who for example love travelling and enjoy world’s beauty. It provides an uplifting experience.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

English is the only foreign language worth learning

I do not see a problem talking in multiple languages. It only helps us develop and communicate with so many other language speaking people. Intercourse is what connects us, but to communicate with others we need to understand one another. What is more, we do not need to be so similar. Speaking some other language makes us more intriguing. Foreign languages are like crayons, all in different colours. Imagine if all the crayons would be in the same colour. If we paint a picture, we need a variety of colours to make the picture interesting. That is why we need to learn not only English, but many others languages too. Of course, there are people who argue that studying English is the only foreign language worth learning. Because it would unite us and make the communicating easier. But things do not have to be easy in life. All in all, I think learning other foreign languages, in addition to English, is important and necessary.

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Lana del Rey

Lana del Rey Kärol Pilberg 9. klass ABOUT LANA Born name: Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. She was born in June 21, 1985 (32) Born in New York City She's a songwriter, singer and model EARLY LIFE Lana was raised Roman Catholic, and attended a Catholic elementry school. At age fifteen, she was sent to Kent School by her parents to resolve a drinking problem. In college, she did volunteer work at homeless youth and drug and alcohol outreach programs, as well as helping paint and rebuild houses on an Indian reservation in Utah. MUSIC Gere: Hip- hop, alternative rock, dream pop, indie pop. Musically, she draws influence from poetry and films. Lana has 4 albums. BEST KNOWN SONGS Born to Die Video Game Summertime Sadness Blue Jeans National Anthem Ride SONGS Summertime Sadness Love MUSICAL INFLUENCE Britney Spears Eminem Elvis Presley MORE MUSICAL INFLUENCE

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Golden Gate Bridge

One of the most interesting Golden Gate Bridge fact is that only eleven workers died during construction, a new safety record for the time. One of the bridge's safety innovations was a net suspended under the floor. This net saved the lives of 19 men during construction . There are also 128 lights installed on the bridge roadway. It makes it beautiful at night-time. The avarage crossings are about 41 million per year, counting both north- and south crossings. The Golden Gate Bridge's paint color is orange vermillion, also called international orange. Architect Irving Morrow selected the color because it blends with the bridge's setting. People say that it is a must see for anyone who visits san francisco and it is the best bridge in America. I would really love to cross that bridge. I think it would be an amazing experience.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Kultuur-Kunst → teaduslikku uurimistöö...
28 allalaadimist

Biography of Navitrolla

Biography of Navitrolla Heiki Trolla, better known by his artist name Navitrolla. He was born on the 10th of August in 1970 in Võru. He is an Estonian painter whose work has been described as naivist or surrealist. Most of his works depict fantastic landscapes and animals. He spent his childhood in the villages of Trolla and Navi near Võru, which is the source of his pseudonym. There, he also learned how to paint from a local artist. He has finished Viive Kuksi’s three year artstudio. In 1990 he participated in the establishment of the „Lüliti“ group. In 1993 Heiki started to work as a professional artist and he quickly became famous because of his naivist paintings. A lot of his works has been published on postcards and calendars, he also has designed Tallink’s ferry Galaxy. Navitrollas art is quiant mix from the past and and modern art. He

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6 allalaadimist


Iga arvuti riistvara koosneb järgmistest osadest: 1.sisendseadmed (klaviatuur, hiir, skänner, mikrofon); 2.töötlusseadmed (keskseade, välismälud); 3.väljundseadmed (monitor ehk kuvar, printer, valjuhääldid). Arvuti füüsiliste komponentide välimus võib olla üsna erinev. Arvuti suuruse, võimsuse ja kasutamise põhjal eristatakse erinevat tüüpi arvuteid: ·pihuarvutid (handheld PC); ·sülearvutid (laptop, notebook); ·lauaarvutid (desktop, minitower, miditower); ·suurarvutid (mainframe). Tarkvara Üldiselt mõeldakse tarkvara all kõiki arvutis olevaid programme. Programmiks nimetatakse käskude jada , mis kirjeldab samm-sammult, mida on vaja teha. Iga programmi kasutamine algab selle käivitamisega ja lõpeb selle sulgemisega. Arvutiprogrammid jagunevad kaheks: süsteemitarkvara (system software) ja rakendustarkvara (application software). Süsteemitarkvara ülesandeks on arvuti riistvara ja rakendusprogram...

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Visaul Image

The Visual Image Person on the picture A is not important to the visual image, as well he should be able to play music. The model on picture B is definitely a visual image so important because it relates to his work. An artist in picture C visual image is not important for him,as the ability to draw or paint. Cook in picture D is not visual image important as well he should be able to make food. The official in picture E is visual image important because he must be creadible that he could give advise. It is hard to say which job is the most difficult to do well. I do not judge people on how they look, because the first impression may be wrong decision. In my opinion I think the fashion and art is influenced people's perception of beauty and ability, because

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5 allalaadimist


Rembrand"Öine vahtkond" Peter Paul Rubens"Kolm graatsiat" Claude Monet Koopia- Kunstnike töid uurides ja nende laadi järele aimates omandati koopiaks vajalikud oskused. Peamiseks kopeerimise kohaks on olnud muuseumid. Miniature "Rembrandt " 1900 väga palju koopiaid Koopia Alexander Kurt Muralism-Mehhikost pärit. Suuremõõtmelised ja algselt maalitud ühiskondlike hoonete seintele ning hetkel aktuaalsed teemad. Paint the Revolution' Offers Mexican Diego Rivera Profesionaalne Kunst-Kunstsnikud on omandanud erialase hariduse. Konrad Mägi ,,Valgjärv Valdemar Väli"Sügisel" Ivan Siskin"Hommik männimetsas" Marinist-Meremaalija Rihard Uutmaa"Meri" Ivan Aivazovski"Must meri" Autoportree-Kunstnik on kujutanud ennast(peeglist) Nikolai Triik"Ants Laikmaa."1913. Ants Laikmaa 1925 Aapo Pukk 2.Kunstiliik.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn Elulugu 15. juuli 1606 Leiden ­ 4. oktoober 1669 Amsterdam. Rembrant oli hollandi barokk-kunstnik, keda peetakse üheks paremaks maalijaks lääne kunsti ajaloos. Tema tööd on mõjutanud paljusid hilisemaid kunstnikke. Õppima Leideni maalija Jacob van Swanenburgi käe alla. Tema juures õppis Rembrandt (Autoportree aastast 1634)järgnevad kolm aastat omandades põhilised maalimisvõtted.P ool aasta Amsterdamis Pieter Lastmani (1583­1633) käe all. 1631. aasta lõpus kolis Rembrandt Amsterdami, kus asus praktiseerima pr...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
11 allalaadimist

Minu tuleviku perekond

In the future i would like to have a perfect family. My perfect family would be composed by children who are healthyminded and a man who is a good father and right for our family. Also, we would have a house that we could live in comfortably. The house would be just out of town, where nature thrives and also have a beautiful view of the coast. In the house there could be living room where the children can play different games when their friends would visit us. I would prefer to have a big garden for hosting bbq and taking sunbaths in the summer. I would llike to have 2 children, and i dont mind whether they are boys or girls because the most important thing for my children is that they are healthy. I would like my children to be courteous and have lots of hobbys. The man I marry should love his family. He would never have another lover and hurt me and my children. I would also like to have a job that I enjoy. As i li...

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45 allalaadimist

Windows Operating System

Rakvere Ametikool Vitautas Galinkevitsus AV12 Windows Operating System Rakvere 2014 Windows early history Windows history dates back to 1981. Windows 1.0 was released 1985, it had such programs as Calculator, Calendar, Cardfile, Clipboard viewer, Clock, Control Panel, Notepad, Paint, Reversi, Terminal and Write. Second version Windows was released in 1987, it included sophisticated keyboard shortcuts. Did not have a chance to use it…. Windows 3.0 and 3.1 Windows 3.0, which included several UI improvements, was released in 1990. Later on Windows 3.1 was released.Windows 3.1 included better support for multimedia, TrueType and workgroup networking. For me Windows 3.1 was really primitive. Windows 9x Windows 95 – ME were the best operating systems around that time

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Upstream advanced C1 sõnade sünonüümid

Dismay- shocked displeasure Enlightening-informative Gratifying- pleasing Enduring- lasting Ravenous- very hungry Repels- causes dislike in Savage- wild Fragments- small pieces Disolate- diserted Innovations- new development Windswept- affected by strong wind Baffing- completely confusing Startling- very surprising Chilly- cold Slippery- smooth and difficult to walk on Concepts- ideas Blistering- very strong Bare- without plants Intentional- done and purpose Constant- continuous Engaging- absorbing Fundamental- basic Irritatining- annoying Have/ Take Time to relax Take It easy Do An on-line crossword Book/ Have Tickets for a match Have An esctravagant dinner Have A party Have A close friends over Book A tabel for two Book/ Take A weekend break Ex 4 Kuuldav- audible Räme- raucous Vaikne- silent Kõrvulukustav- deafening Ahistav- harrowing Meeldiv- agreeable Hämmeldus-disconcerting Murettekitav- distressing Keeruline- challenging Kurn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Auto poleerimine

Auto poleerimine Sõiduki pindade hooldaja -ja rehvitehnik Mayro Glaaser SHR16/2 Mis on poleerimine üleüldiselt? • Poleerimine on värvi- või lakipinna lõikamine. Töö käigus lõigatakse lakikihilt matiks ja kriimuliseks kulunud kiht maha. Pinnavärvi puhul lõigatakse matiks ja kriimuliseks kulunud värvikiht maha. Tulemuseks on värske sügav läige, mis on ligilähedane uue värvi või lakikihiga. Läigestav poleerimine • Eemaldab värvi pinnalt mikrokriimud andes autole ilusa läike.  Ei eemalda sügavamaid kriime ning kahjustusi. • Kvaliteetne läigestav poleerimine toimub kahe eri pasta ja poleerkettaga. •  Läigestamise esimeses etapis toimub peenpasta ja villakettaga värvipinna puhastus ja imepeente kriimustuste ning matipinna eemaldus - kõrgläike andmine. • Teises etapis toimub porolonkettaga hologrammi eemaldus lõppviimistluspastaga. Ann...

Auto → Auto õpetus
17 allalaadimist

Joseph Mallord William Turner and "The Fighting 'Temeraire'

'Temeraire' " locates in National Gallery, London. The spectacularly colourful setting of the sun draws a parallel with the passing of the old warship. The old warship, which is called "Temeraire" is positioned well to the left of the painting. It's painted in dark tones. Behind this old warship you can see another ship. The gunship is painted in light tones. The `Temeraire' is shown travelling east, away from the sunset. The new steam- powered tug is smaller and more prosaic. Paint laid on thickly is used to render the sun's rays striking the clouds. No real distinction from water and sky. Turner has used the triangle of blue to frame a second triangle of masted ships. I like the painting because the colours are relaxing and the whole effect is very gorgeous. In 2005, The Fighting Temeraire was voted the greatest painting in a British art gallery.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
8 allalaadimist

Tapeedi sortiment

Scandinavia tapeedisalong Nipitiri Ettevõtte tutvustus Heade mõtete ja soovidega on koondatud Scandinavia tapeedisalongi parimate tapeeditootjate toodangu, et pakkuda tõeliselt head valikut kõigile, kes hindavad kodusoojust, harmooniat ja rahu, unustamata tervisesõbralikkust ja looduse säästmist. Kuna tänases Eestis on valik ja võimalused tohutult laienenud, on nende sõbralik meeskond valmis soovitama sobivat seinakatet lähtuvalt vajadustest ja arvestades ruumide eripära. Ettevõtte teenused PABERJA FLIISTAPEEDID TOOTED LASTELE PILTTAPEEDID TEKSTIILTAPEEDID ROO JA KORKTAPEEDID SPETSIAALTAPEEDID DEKORATIIVKLEEBISED DEKORATIIVNAGID SHABLOONID DEKORATIIVPADJAD RIIULISÜSTEEMID Paber ­ ja fliistapeedid Boråstapeter Eco Tapeter Pihlgren ja Ritola Casadeco Caselio Natasha Marshall Today Interiors Arlin käsitöötapeedid Deco Home Lisa Bengtsson Näidisedpaber ja fliistapeedid Click to edit...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kujundus
8 allalaadimist

Kunsti sõnavara inglise-eesti

ART 1. visuaalne(nägemise kaudu tajutav) kunst-visual arts 2. arhitektuur- architecture 3. esitus(ettekandev)kunst-performing arts 4. skulptuur-sculpture 5. skulptor-sculptor 6. tarbekunst(rakenduskunst)- applied arts 7. vitraaz-stained glass 8. pastell- pastel 9. maastikumaal-landscape 10. portree-portrait 11. portretist(portreekunstnik)- portrait 12. portreemaal-portrait painting 13. viirutamine, viirutamistehnika-streaking 14. emailimine, emailivärviga katmine-enameling ? 15. graveerimine-engraving 16. papp-cardboard 17. elevandiluu-ivory 18. papüürus-papyrus 19. miniatuurkunst, miniatuurmaal-miniature painting 20. lõuend-canvas 21. õlivärvid-oil paints, oil colours 22. meremaal-seascape, marine painting ? 23. värvigamma, koloriit-colour, coulouring ? 24. (joonistamis)süsi-charcoal 25. käsitöö-handicraft 26. keraamika ja pottsepatöö-pottery 27. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Hemingway and Picasso

Pablo Picasso He was born in Malaga, Spain on 25 october, 1881. He showed his genius when he was very young. His first world was lapiz (Spanish for pencil) , he could draw before he talked. He was the only son in the family, so he was completely spoiled. His one great love was art.His father became an art teacher. Pablo sometimes watched father paint. Sometimes he was permitted to help. On one occasion the father found his son painting over his unfinished sketch of a pigeon. His genius as an artist was recognized by many peaople, but others were shocked by his strange and powerful paintings. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work.. One of his most famous portraits was of the American writer Gertrude Stein. His work changed ideas about art around the world

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Vladimir Kush ja tema teosed

Vladimir Kush and his works: ,,Purse" ,,Departure Of The Winged Ship" Kristiina Ojamets 2011 Vladimir Kush A Russian surrealist painter and sculptor Prefers to define his art as metaphorical realism rather than surrealism He was born in Moscow in 1965 (age 46) Entered the Moscow Higher Art and Craft School at age 17, but a year later he was conscripted. After 6 years military training the unit commander thought he should better paint propagandistic posters. After military service graduated the Institute of Fine Arts In 1987 Kush began to take part in the Union of Artists exhibitions and in 1990 in Germany nearly all his displayed paintings were sold. Went to Los Angeles and worked for a while in a small, rented garage, but managed to find a place to sell his works. Evenutally he was able to purchase a ticket to Hawaii. Most of his paintings are inspired by the pale blue Hawaiian skies where he lives and also the cold, dark

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
5 allalaadimist

Acid Rain

It can cause brain damage, kidney problems and even Alzheimer's disease. The countries that are producing the majority of the pollutions that causes acid rain are not that badly affected (Germany, Britain, USA). Instead the wind direction means the acid rain falls in the other places (in Europe : Scandinavia, USA; Canada) Cultural effects Acid rain and the dry deposition of acidic particles contribute to the corrosion of metals (such as bronze) and the deterioration of paint and stone (such as marble and limestone). These effects significantly reduce the societal value of buildings, bridges, cultural objects (such as statues, monuments, and tombstones), and cars. Famous buildings like the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Taj Mahal in India and St. Paul's Cathedral in London have all been damaged by this sort of air pollution. Acid rain can also damage stained glass windows in churches, railway lines and steel bridges. The acid rain slowly eats away them all

Keemia → Keemia
3 allalaadimist

Leisure activities, sports- vocabulary

Pursuits-püüdlus/jälgimine By the way, the point i am trying to make.. Relaxation-lõõgastumine Yes, but.. as far as i'm concerned Dropped-langenud I see what you mean, but.. Increasing-kasvav Er.. let me put it in another way.. Facilities-hooned Why not look at it this way.. Consumer-tarbija Watch rather than take part Spare-vaba Ground-väljak Recent-hiljutine Relatively little general exercise- Provided-hankima suhteliselt väha liikumist Expanded-laiendatud Lack of exercise- liikumisvaegus Persuades-meelitama Health conditions- terviseprobleemid Charge-tasu Growing intrest- kasvav huvi Treadmills-linttrenasöör Rambling- uitam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Diego Velazquez

Sündinud 6. juunil 1599, Sevillas (Hispaania) barokiajastu Hispaania kunstnik Teda peetakse Hispaania kuulsaimaks kunstnikuks Velazquez sündis Sevillas, mis oli tol ajal tähtsaim kunstikeskus Hispaanias Ta õppis järgemööda kahe tuntuma kohaliku meistri, Francisco de Herrera vanema (1576--1656) ja Francisco Pacheco (1564--1654) juures 1618 aastal abiellus Velazquez Pacheco tütrega Aastal 1623 asub Velazquez Madriidi, kus võidab kõikvõimsa peaministri Olivarese ja kuningas Felipe poolehoiu Järgnevatel aastatel maalib Velazquez rea kuninga, tema perekonnaliikmete ja peaministri portreesid Need on teostatud lihtsas, asjalikus, tõsises ja äärmiselt veenvas laadis. Figuurid n eis on tum...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
17 allalaadimist

Native Americans

Feasts to remember ancestors. Family meal with places set for the dead. ,,Medicine dance" WOLF CLAN Red, largest, war chiefs BLUE/PANTHER CLAN Job was to make medicine LONG - HAIR CLAN (Twister Clan) Peace chiefs, yellow BIRD CLAN Experts of killing birds, messengers, skilled with blow guns DEER CLAN Spiritual keepers, fast runners, their colour was brown. WILD POTATO (bear) CLAN They made bread from potatoes. Their colour was green. PAINT CLAN Medicine men/Priests Make special red war paint Keepers of sacred cristals-which are used to determine guilt in murder trials CEREMONIAL PIPES. Used to ask guidance from Great Spirit. Your heart speaks the truth. 7 SACRED DIRECTIONS 1. North-blue,winter, peace+self-reflection(meditation) 2. South-white(sunlight) summer, corn, happy children, plentyful meat 3. East-assoiciated with red, spring, dawn, rebirth, new beginnings 4. West- black, autumn, death, ,,the shadow life of the spirit" 5. Up- yellow, the sun, the creator, the Great Spirit 6

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10 allalaadimist

Peter Paul Rubens

Peter Paul Rubens(Pieter Pauwel Rubens) Elukäik 28. juuni 1577 Siegen ­ 30. mai 1640 Antwerpen. Kunstniku lapsepõlv möödus Kölnis. Juba poisieas tärganud huvi kunsti vastu ja kalduvus joonistada viisid 14-aastase nooruki looduspilte maaliva Tobias Verhaechiti ateljeesse, seejärel õppis ta Adam van Hoorti ja veel mõne kohaliku tähtsusega kunstniku juures. 1594. aastal sattus nooruke Rubens õuekunstnik Otto Veniuse, tolleaegse suurima Madalmaade romantist...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
23 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun