Tallinn Järveotsa Gymnasium MARGARET THATCHER Maria Ignatenko Form 11.B Tallinn 2008 Margaret Thatcher (1925-...) General Data Margaret Hilda Thatcher was born on the 13th of October, 1925 in London. She is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party. Margaret is the first woman who has ever held these posts. Childhood and Education Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on the 13th of October, 1925 in Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. Her parents were Alfred Roberts and Beatrice Stephenson Roberts. Thatcher spent her childhood in the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire
REVISION QUESTIONS 1. What do you know about Margaret Thatcher? Winston Churchill? Margaret Thatcher was the first female Prime Minister in Europe. She was a member of the conservative party. She died recently. Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister during WW II. He was excellent in making speeches, but he was a heavy drinker and also smoker. 2. What are the main countries of the UK and their capitals? There are 4: England with London as the capital; Wales with Cardiff as the capital; Scotland with Edinburgh as the capital; and Northern Ireland with Belfast as the capital. 3
It is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world and is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. The surrounding circular, earth bank and ditch, have been dated to about 3100 BC. Stonehenge was produced by a culture with no written language. Many aspects of Stonehenge remain subject to debate. There is little or no direct evidence for the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders. *The Celts in Britain and their legacy The Cets lived in Britain in The Iron Age. They were warring tribes who were battleful amongst themselves as well as inter-tribal war. They were not centrally governed. The Celts brought iron working, iron ploughs and metal swords, horses, wheels and chariots - all these things gave them an instant superiority over the native tribes. The Celts built a number of hill forts throughout the region. The society was divided
Stonehenge One of the best known ancient wonders of the world, 5000 years old Megalith monument, built by western mediterraneans during 3000-1600 BC Circular structure, large standing stones, aligned with rising sun at teh solstice Attlers and bones were sued to dig pits that hold the stones The Celts in Britain and their legacy 700-200 BC celts invade Britain Gaels or Goehls(Ireland and Scotland),Cymri(Wales) and Brythons(gave name to Brittany) Fierce fighters,superb horsemen.Most of them farmers, lived in thatched houses Good at art, craftmanship, used iron Divided into tribes, ruled by kings, only in face of danger would they choose a single leader Legacy- hill-forts, farms, churches, field system, woodland, pasture, weapons, iron objects, langugae, culture Caesar in Britain The great Roman Emperor
THE U.K Different Parts The United Kingdom is a short way of saying the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is the political name for those countries which share a parliament in London. All of them were at one time independent kingdoms with their own monarch. Now they are all part of the same kingdom and share the same monarch. The UK consists of Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. The peoples of these countries are British subjects; they hold British passports and therefore their nationality is British.
Britain History Pre-Norman Britain The Iberians brought their metal-working skills and the first real civilization to Britain in the third millennium B.C and were overrun by various Celtic invasions that began in the 8th century. The Celts introduced their tribal organization and an early form of agriculture before they were forced westward by the Roman invasion. Forms of Celtic language are still spoken in Britain. Romans (with Julius Caesar in the head of them) first tried to occupy Britain in 55 B.C., but there was a rebellion in Gaul so they had to leave to fight against it. Next time they came in 43 A.D. and their leader was Emperor Claudius. Romans brought a lot with them. Their brought paved roads, the sites of important cities, the seeds of Christianity, the Roman law, Roman baths, language and advanced civilization. They also built Hadrian's Wall in 122 A.D
In English the suffix is -ory: dormitory. *tas - it denotes an abstract notion, derives from the adjective: celebritas (celeber), libertas (liber), universitas (universus). In English the suffix is -ty: celebrity, liberty, university. *-tudo - characteristic or condition, derives from the adjective: longitudo (longus), fortitudo (fortis). In English -tude: longitude, fortitude. 5. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes. The Angles were one of the main groups that settled in Britain in the post-Roman period, founding several of the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England, and their name is the root of the name "England". The Saxons were a confederation of Old Germanic tribes. Their modern-day descendants are generally considered ethnic Germans, Dutch or English.. Saxons participated in the Germanic settlement of Britain during and after the 5th century The Jutes were a Germanic people who were one of the three most powerful Germanic peoples of their time
The United Kingdom The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland and it is situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the mainland of Europe. The population of the UK is 58.6 million and area is 244,110 sq km. Britain has a temperate humid climate. Its characteristic features are mild winters, warm summer, no temperature extremes, abundant rain all year round and frequent changes of weather. The mild climate is partly due to the warm Gulf Stream and partly to the south westerly winds. Occasional winds from the east in winter may bring cold and dry weather. The distribution of rainfall is influenced by the Atlantic Stream. The mountainous areas of the north and west have more rain than the
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