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"coal" - 184 õppematerjali

coal on river barges, but barges cannot take coal everywhere that it needs to go. If the coal will be used near the coal mine, it can be moved by trucks and conveyors.

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

......................48 14.3 Biofuels - ethanol and biodiesel............................................................................... 48 2 14.4 Biomass and the environment...................................................................................49 COAL.................................................................................................................................. 50 15.1 How we get coal....................................................................................................... 50 15.2 Transporting coal......................................................................................................52 15.3 Types of coal.............................................................................................................52 15.3 Where we get coal.................................................................................................... 53

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist


The term "forge" can also refer to the workplace of a smith, although the term smithy is then more commonly used. Types of forges Coal/charcoal forge Gas forge Gas forge A gas forge typically uses propane or natural gas as the fuel. Gas forges vary in size and construction, from large forges using a big burner with a blower or several atmospheric burners The primary advantage of a gas forge is ease of use, particularly for a novice. A gas forge is simple to operate compared to coal forges, and the fire produced is clean and consistent Coal/charcoal forge A forge typically uses bituminous coal or charcoal as the fuel to heat metal. A forge of this type is essentially a hearth or fireplace designed to allow a fire to be controlled such that metal introduced to the fire may be brought to a malleable state or to bring about other metallurgical effects. Forge fire in this type of forge is controlled in three ways: amount of air, volume of

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Natural resources

Australian Natural resources Marlene Neiland 8B The most iportant natural resources of Australia Australia is one of the world's leading mineral resources nations.  Gold  Iron ore  Coal  Opal Gold mines in Australia Welcome Nugget: weight 68 Kg  history  the world’s aecond largest producer of gold  Biggest gold nuggets  production & value Iron ore in Australia  major producer of iron ore  production & value  Output 519 mt Coal in Australia  production & value

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Moon Is Down

unnamed nation at war with England and Russia. A French language translation of the book was published illegally in Nazi-occupied France by Les Editions de Minuit, a French Resistance publishing house. Furthermore, numerous other editions were also secretly published across all of occupied Europe, including Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch and Italian versions. It has appeared in at least 92 editions across the world Plot summary In the story, an invading force arrives at a coal mining town in Europe and North America and takes it over, only Dougie Smith can save them. Their goal is simple: to control the coal mine and organize increased production and exportation of coal. The occupiers soon find themselves in conflict with the townspeople as a resistance movement begins. They try to combat the resistance and force the inhabitants into submission, but realize the futility of this, as it becomes clear the war is lost.

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne lühiessee tuumaelektrijaamade vajalikkusest

Nuclear Power: A Burden or a Blessing? Today, when the pollution of Earth is an important matter, people are trying to find economic solutions to produce power. This is where the necessity of nuclear power plants comes in question. Nuclear power plants are a cheap way to generate electricity but it also brings a lot of pollution that is much more radioactive and toxic than, for example, coal waste. But if we are looking at the facts, burning coal pollutes the Earth much more than nuclear power plants because more waste is generated. CO2, which is released from burning coal, is the main cause of global warming. Nuclear waste is collected and hidden in rocks or under ground, where it won't face the environment. However we shouldn't depend on nuclear energy as Uranium reserves are ending, especially when the world population is increasing and so is the demand for energy. There is Uranium in seawater, but getting it is too expensive

Loodus → Keskkonnaökoloogia
11 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

Inexpensive nuclear power, in combination with fuel cell technology, could significantly reduce our dependency on foreign oil. Nuclear power plants have experienced an admirable safety record. About 20% of electricity generated in the U.S. comes from nuclear power, and in the last forty years of this production, not one single fatality has occurred as a result of the operation of a civilian nuclear power plant in the United States. In comparison, many people die in coal mining accidents every year and approximately ten thousand Americans die every year from pollution related to coal burning. The nuclear power industry generates approximately 2,000 tons of solid waste annually in the United States. In comparison, coal fuelled power plants produce 100,000,000 tons of ash and sludge annually, and this ash is laced with poisons such as mercury and nitric oxide. Even this 2,000 tons of nuclear waste is not a technical problem. Reprocessing of nuclear fuel, and

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

Eesti ökoloogiline jalajälg

kandvat pinda praegu rohkem, kui siinsed inimesed praeguse eluviisi puhul ökoloogiliste teenuste tarbeks kasutavad Rahvaarv 1 286 540 Bioloogiline kandevõime (Ökoloogiline puudujääk (defitsiit) või varu (reserv). = bioloogiline kandevõime) PERUU ökoloogiline jalajälg 1,8 gha/in Millega tegeleb riik? Oil is the primary energy source in Peru and it accounts for over 50% of Peru's energy needs.  Wind Potential - Tuuleenergia  Solar Potential- Päikseenergia  Coal Reserves- Kivisüsi  Natural Gas Reserves- Maagaas  Oil Reserves- nafta Autotööstus, Kalatööstus, Metallitööstus(toodetakse rauamaaki), naftatootmine Riigi rahvaarv 28 409 897 (2003) inimest. KANADA ökoloogiline jalajälg 7.66 gha/in. Millega tegeleb riik?  Autodetööstus  Lennundus  Õlletööstus  Nafta ja gaas  Ravimitööstus  Masinaehitus  Kivisüsi  Fossiilkütuseenergia.

Geograafia → Geograafia
27 allalaadimist

Solar energy

Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that convert the sunlight into energy. Why do we need it? How does it lead to better health? Solar power is source of clean energy. It does not produce pollution or greenhouse gases or carbon compounds. Solar power would be a lot safer for the environment and a lot better for the health of people. What would happen if we don't use solar power? If we don't start using solar power, we would use oil and coal. They produce pollution and will cause millions of people to suffer from respiratory related problems. The oil and coal will run out and people will have to resort to other ways of power. Solar energy Karol Pakkas

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Solar energy

Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that convert the sunlight into energy. Why do we need it? How does it lead to better health? Solar power is source of clean energy. It does not produce pollution or greenhouse gases or carbon compounds. Solar power would be a lot safer for the environment and a lot better for the health of people. What would happen if we don't use solar power? If we don't start using solar power, we would use oil and coal. They produce pollution and will cause millions of people to suffer from respiratory related problems. The oil and coal will run out and people will have to resort to other ways of power. Solar energy Karol Pakkas

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ja USA geograafia

Scotland is quite mountainous and there is also situated the highest peak in the UK, Ben Nevis. The Scottish Highlands cover the northern part of the country. Here The Northwest Highlands have rocky lunar landscape. South of Scotland is mostly covered with the Grampian Mountains which forms with some other mountains a huge mountain mass. The Central Lowland lie south of the Scottish Highlands. This region is a gently rolling plain. It has best farmland, and richest coal deposits. The Southern Uplands rise gently south of the Central Lowlands. This is a region of rounded, rolling hills. 4.What are the possibilities of land use in Scotland? Tourism in the mountains, there you can ski and climb mountains. In the north there doesn't live much people, so there people raise sheep or go fishing. In the Central Lowlands, people earn living from farming and there is Scotland's richest coal deposit. In the Southern Uplands people graze sheep. 5

Ajalugu → Suurbritannia ja usa maalugu
6 allalaadimist

Energiamajandus: Taastumatud energialiigid

Energiamajandus. Taastumatud energiavarad. Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi ,,Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)" alusel, vt Energiamajanduse mõiste Energiamajanduses tegeletakse: energiavarade hankimisega (primaarenergia) nafta ja gaasi ammutamine, söe, põlevkivi, turba, uraani jm kaevandamine) nende töötlemisega elektriks (elektrijaamad) mootorikütuseks (nafta töötlemistehased) ahjukütuseks (kütteõlide tootmine) energia kättetoimetamisega tarbijale (kõrgepingeliinid, jaotusvõrgud, torujuhtmed, tanklad). Inimeste igapäevane energiatarve kasvab päevane tarbimine tuh kcal Mis valdkondades on energia tarbimine kõige enam kasvanud? Maailma rahvaarv kasvab kiiresti ­ energia vajadus suureneb miljardit BTU ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
27 allalaadimist

Summary Britta Kase

The GDP per head in Estonia is quite low, lower than th EU average. The EU aims to reduce the disparaties and that is why poorer regions of the EU receive money to impove their infrastructure and so enhance their economic opportunities. The idea of united Europe was born in the former enemies France and Germany that they should join together. The first body from which today’s EU emerged was the European Coal and Steel Community. The aim was to manage the coal reserves collectively, coal was the most important energy source then. Each country had a say in the affairs of every other country, none of them could then work or secretly arm against another, but they could rebuild Europe together and peace could be assured in Europe. Mutual emnity thus turned into cooperation and this was extremely successful, more and more countries have joined the EU over the years. Britta Kase

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kivisüsi , pruunsüsi antratsiit

Kivisöe eeliseks on tema lai levik, ohutus transpordil, ladustamisel ja kasutamisel. Kivisöe suured varud lubavad garanteerida tarnekindluse konkurentsivõimeliste ja stabiilsete hindadega. Seepärast loetakse söe kasutamist energia tootmisel majanduslikuks. Tehnoloogia Kuna, nagu enne mainitud, kivisüsi on kõige enam süsinikuühendeid (süsinikdioksiid CO2) tootev fossiilne kütus. Ju sisaldab ka väävlit 0.5 kuni 2%. Kaasaaegsed kivisöe kasutamise puhtad tehnoloogiad (clean coal technologies) lubavad kivisöe keskkonnasõbralikku kasutamist. Suitsugaaside desulfuriseerimise (väävlipuhastuse) seadmed on juba 10-15 aastat kasutusel ja ennast õigustanud. Samuti töötavad efektiivselt suitsugaasidest tahkete osakeste püüdmiseks kasutatavad elektrifiltrid. Kasutamisel tulenevad probleemid Probleemiks on kujunenud kasvuhoonegaaside (CO2) emissiooni vähendamine. Kui kolmkümmend aastat tagasi paisati õhku 15,7 milj. tonni CO2 siis nüüd juba 24,1 milj. tonni

Keemia → Keemia
108 allalaadimist

Vehicles used in different modes of transport

4.Waterways Sea transportation is used by businesses to deliver goods from distant suppliers. The type of sea transport is dependable on which size and what kind of goods are being shipped. Goods can be stored in a cargo container, and stacked on the deck. Sea tankers are used for large shipments of liquid or granular goods such as oil, grain and coal. 5.Rail Businesses use rail transportation for delivery of a wide range of goods including post, coal, steel and other heavy goods. 6.Pipelines Pipeline is a method of transportation in which liquid, gaseous or solid products are moved over long distances throught pipelines. It is used mainly for conveying natural gas, petroleum and solid materials 7.Conclusions ● Trucking very flexible to your needs, but prone to accidents. ● Ocean inexpensive, but slow. ● Rail most economic, but limited in final desti- nations.

Logistika → Inglise keel - torutransport
2 allalaadimist

Water creates energy

world's electricity. Water has been found to be a major source of energy. Water power is utilized at present mainly as hydro-electricity. It is produced from moving water and from falls with the help of turbines and dynamos. Hydro-electricity has acquired great significance as a source of energy in the country in the present times and is being put to different uses. The following are the advantages of hydro- electricity in comparison with coal, oil and gas: It is the cheapest and the most various power of all the known energy sources. It is a renewable source of energy. Coal, Oil and Gas would be depleted sooner or later, but water shall remain ever to serve our and natures need. Water is an inexhaustible source of power. Thus, it is a reliable source of power. Hydro-electric stations have a long life. Most of the hydro-electric projects are constructed as multi-purpose projects. The other

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia riigimajandus

Abiks – allaolev link ja muud andmebaasid – püüa leida graafikuid,diagramme vms – edasise töö jaoks ja hinnangute andmiseks/analüüsiks. . Vali siit analyses ja edasi country analisis briefs. Kliki kaardil, leia oma riik. Kui leiad diagrammi , kopeeri see eraldi lehele. Quick Pick- otsi riik. Electrycity, natural gas , oil , coal linkidelt (paremas servas) kogu andmed (kopeeri diagrammid) tootmise, tarbimise, varude kohta(üldine info nende kohta vastakus servas tumedas trükis) ja lingilt background kogu info energeetika kohta (üldine – vasakus servas tume trükk). Kõik see pane kirja korrektselt, liigendatult ja lühidalt. Country Overview Head of Prime Minister Tony Blair (since May 1997) Government Location Western Europe, islands including the northern one-sixth of the

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier

towns and it's unemployment. In the first chapter of the first part he talks about his life in a lodging-house owned by the Brookers. Most of the people who live there are old and single. In the end of the first chapter Orwell leaves the lodging-house and goes to find out about the miners life. He describes how the miner goes to work every day ­ at first the miner goes down to the shaft, after that he has to ,,travel" along the tunnel to the place where coal is dismantled. The tunnel is a bit over a meter high and you travel many kilometers. The time that miners ,,travel" is not included in the work hours. The coal dismantling work is hard, because miners have to dig on their knees. After 7 and a half hours of work the ,,travel" to the surface. After a days work the miners are all covered in coal dust. Only 1/3 mines have baths for miners. In home the miner has to boil water and wash himself in a small basin. The houses in

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

The European Union

now 17 countries are using EUs common currency Euro. EU was founded after World War II, when Europe was struggeling in social and political devastations. In 1948 a congress in Hague was held to discuss ideas about the development of European political co-operation. There were many important political figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Winston Churchill. On 9th May in 1950 French Minister of Foreign Affairs proposed that France and the Federal Republic of Germany should combine their coal and steel resources and let other European countries join also. From that on, the 9th of May has been considered as the birth of European Union and is now celebrated as Europe Day. In 1951 the founding members (Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands sign a treaty of European Coal and Steel Community for a period of 50 years. In 1955 the six countries decide to extend European economy and in 1957

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Australia/ Austraalia

convicts from Britain. Then other people from Britain began to settle there as well. The Aborigines were cruelly suppressed, and it is only recently that white Australians have begun to acknowledge Aborigines' rights to their sacred lands. Population and people. In 1901, all the separate parts of Australia united into one country. Many of the people, who came to Australia to find gold, stayed there on to other kinds of work. They found that Australia has other riches such as coal, copper, iron, lead. The forests have much good timber. People were needed to buy and sell what was raised. Cities grew. But even today the big country is far from crowded. Its population is around 20 million people and is a rich blend of various ethnic groups, with substantial populations from Italy, Greece, the Far East and Africa. There are about 40000 aborigines. The people of Australia speak English. Service industries provide about two-thirds of Australia's jobs

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Austraalia peamised tööstusharud inglise keeles

Main industries Industry • Mining • Manufacturing • Agriculture • Services • Finance • Tourism • Media • Education Mining • Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria •  world's leading coal exporter •  the second largest diamond mine in the World Agriculture • major agricultural producer and exporter • There are three main zones • Wide variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts • The beef industry Manufacturing •  peaked in the 1960s • In 2004–05, the manufacturing industry exported • Motor vehicles • Chemical industries Conclusion Australia has alot of large industries that bring in money for the people, especially mining and agriculture.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Alaska Aron Leemets 8.c Alaska Size -1,7 mil km2 Population -690,000 Capital -Juneau Biggest city-Anchorage Anchorage Size- 5080 km2 Population- 300,950 Fauna Polar Bear Brown Bear Endangered Animal Species Fin whale Humpback whale Flora Tundra Mineral resources Gold, coal, oil, copper, zinc, platinum, Main sights Hubbard glacier Sledge dogs Interesting Facts spread worldwide, dog breed Used literature q=alaska+fauna&hl=et&biw=1366&bih=667 &source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=8Y4NVdL gJYjOaKTsgqAF&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ Thank you for listening

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Australia esitlus

widely Nature: extremely diverse Political system Capital: Canberra Government type: federal parliamentary democracy Independence: 1 January 1901 National holiday: Australia Day Monarch Queen Elizabeth II Prime Minister Julia Gillard Governor-General Quentin Bryce Economy Currency: Australian Dollar The main industry: agriculture Low rate of poverty Natural resources Coal Tin Gold Silver Nickel Zinc Diamonds People Population: 21,5 million National language: English National symbols National animal: Red Kangaroo National bird National bird: Emu Flag Flag of Australia Coat of arms Coat of arms of Australia National anthem ''Advance Australia Fair'' Thank you for listening

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Salt Lake city Olümpia Mängud 2002

Salt Lake City Olympic Games 2002 Kristin Prangel ja Kertu Roose 10.c General Information XIX Olympic Games February 8th through February 24 George Washington Bush Olympic fire Host city and location Changes New facilities High mountains Salty lake Rocky Mountain Region Olympic Village Symbols Motto: Citius, Altius Fortius Powder Copper Coal Snowflake Light the Fire Within Events 78 events Olympic medals Venues Worldclass venues 14 different places 10 to 60 minute drive Community facilities Highlights Ole Einar Bjørndalen Samppa Lajunen China Janica Kosteli Other information 1st Winter Olympic games. The most recent games 78 athletes Estonian athletes 18 competitors Biathlon Cross country skiing Figrue skater Nordic combined Ski jumper References http://www.eok

Sport → Sport
3 allalaadimist


Iseseisev töö Electric cars Instructor: Tauris Vijar Tartu 2010 Introduction In this essay i´m write electric cars and this how these cars are built, how easy is built electric car, how much costs electric cars. The problems for electric cars, there are many problems why peoples still can´t use quiet and more green cars. But even the electric car is not all green because the electricity produced for nuclear, coal, oil shale and natural gas. These ways to get electricity pollutes nature, the only difference between lies in the fact that pollution is in the one place. Coal Electric power station Oil shale power station in Narva What is a electric car An electric car is a plug-in battery powered automobile which is propelled by electric motor. Electric cars are a variety of electric vehicle (EV); the term "electric vehicle"

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

International Economic organisations, leader firms

There are 21 member countries. Its spheers of activity are: 1. Co-operation in the field of energetics 2. Transport 3. Telecommunication OPEC-Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries.It was established in 1960.Its aim is to regulare the price of crude oil for the world market.There are 12 member countries including Iran,Iraq and Kuwait. USA and Russia are not members of OPEC. EU-European Union. It was firstly founded on the 9th of May , 1950 as a European Coal and Steel Community and in 1951 the real organisation was established.The six founders were Belgium,Netherlands,Luxembourg,France,West-Germany and Italy. Its main aims were: 1. To avoid military conflicts 2. To strenghten Europe 3. To trade coal and steel Its main aims are now: 1. To assure peace,wealth and freedom in an safer world 2. To cooperate between the membership countries In 1957 was established the European Economic Union.The present name was taken in use in

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution. Agarian-põllumajandus. . The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from 1760 to some time between 1820-1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines The transition also included the change from wood and other bio- fuels to coal. The Industrial revolution began in Britain and within a few decades spread to Western Europe and the United States. changed-steam power, which was used to power factories and transport and allowed for deeper mining.2) Improvement of iron making techniques allowing for vastly higher production levels. . The textile industry was transformed by new machines ­ such as the Spinning Jenny - and factories, again allowing for much higher production at a lower cost

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Highest peak Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Mount Kosciuszko (2228 m) platypus Anteater Click icon to add picture Click icon to add picture Australia is the Worlds Largest Exporter of: · Coal · Wool · Alumina · Diamonds · Sheep · Lead · Refined zinc ores · Mineral sands currency Click icon to add picture Click icon to add picture Australian dollar (AUD)=11,0768 eek

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
27 allalaadimist

Atomic energy

Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needs, and produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel, without the pollution that you would get from burning fossil fuels. Nuclear power costs about the same as coal, so it's not expensive to make. Although not much waste is produced, it is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many thousands of years. For all that time it must be kept safe from earthquakes, flooding, terrorists and everything else. This is difficult. Nuclear power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety - if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster. One of the most feared disadvantages of nuclear energy is the potential for weapons

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Solar power

White house (2013) Rapid growth Solar industry is the fastestgrowing in the US Solar industry is expected to double every year until 2020 Employs over 100 000 people in US alone Solar cooker Produces heat by concentrating sun rays into one spot Takes long to cook, difficult to burn Works roughly like an oven Bread and cakes usually brown on their tops Solar power ­ good investment? The cost of solar power is constantly falling Will be cheaper than nuclear power in 201415, than coal in 2016 17 Strong demand Enterprises are building more efficient solar panels Gujarat solar park Location: India 600 MW Thanks for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Australia - presentatsioon

Australia Helen Allik KÜG XB 2010 Commonwealth of Australia Capital ­ Canberra Political federation. Head of the state ­ Queen Elizabeth II. Head of the government ­ Julia Gillard. Offical language ­ none. National language - english. Physical geography A continent, an island and a country. Southern Hemisphere. Total area ­ 2,941,299 sq mi. Lowest point ­ Lake Eyre Highest point ­ Mount Kosciuszko Neighbours : Indonesia East Timor Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Solomon Islands Ned Caledonia New Zealand Mount Kosciuszko (2228 m) Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Canada esitlus

Canada By: Pille Meipalu Canada´s capital city is Ottawa , in Ontario. Government type : Federal Commonwealth Head of State : Queen Elizabeth II Head of Covernment: Prime Minister Stephen Harper Leisure and Sports The population of Canada , 15 years and older rank fishing, golf and reading as their top three leisure activities. The top three sports in Canada are Golf, Ice Hockey and Baseball. Landscape/ Land Forms Canada`s Landscape includes several mountain ranges, including the Torngats, Appalacians and Laurentials in the east : the Rocky, Coastal and Mackenzie ranges in the west and Mount St. Elias and the Pelly Mountains in the north. At 19,550 ft. Mt. Logan in the Yukon is Canada`s tallest peak There are an estimated two million lakes in Canada .The largest the Great Lakes,witch are shared between the Usa and Canada ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Austraalia ülevaade elanikest, kultuurist

­ In addition, children can learn two years · 38 universities Health · The average life expectancy is ­ 83,5 womens ­ 78,7 mens · Many people have skin cancer · Medicare came into existence in 1984. Water · 68920km² surface is covered with water · are located on a flat surface · lakes area depends of the rain · Bondi beach is a most famous beach in Sydney Economic · Exports · Imports ­ Coal ­ machinery ­ Meat ­ transport equipme ­ Gold ­ computers ­ Wool ­ office machines ­ Alumina ­ Telecommunication ­ Wheat Equipment ­ Machinery ­ crude Culture and Tourism · From 1970 tourism figures steadily increased · 2003 visit country 4,35 millions tourists · The main destinations for visitors are ­ Sydney ­ Uluru (Ayers Rock)

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

Inglise keel 9.klass Unit 9 words

fame-kuulsus employ-tööle võtma, tööd andma,( tööd alustama) qualification-kvalifikatsioon, erial. ettevalmistus part-time work/job-osalise tööajaga töö full-time work/job-täispika tööajajga, põhikohaga töö payment-tasu specific-eriline, spetsiifiline self-employed-füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja, FIE CV-elulookirjeldus, curriculum vitae Rescue-päästmine; päästma career lesson-kutsenõustamise tund vocational-kutsehariduse- course-kursus vocational course-kutseõpe college-kolledz factory-vabrik praise-kiitus; kiitma peace of mind-meelerahu disappointment-pettumus rapidly-kiiresti demand-nõudlus; nõudmine; nõudma massive-hiigelsuur version-variant, versioon underage-alaealine founder-asutaja, rajaja personally-isiklikult select-valima establish-kehtestama alcohol-alkohol guideline-juhtnöör, suunis gap-auk, tühimik innovative-uuenduslik innovator-uuendaja entrepreneur-ettevõtja salary-töötasu, palk reference-(tööotsija) soovitaja; soovituski...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM The term acid rain refers to what scientists call acid deposition. It is caused by airborne acidic pollutants and has highly destructive results. Scientists first discovered acid rain in 1852, when the English chemist Robert Agnus invented the term. From then until now, acid rain has been an issue of intense debate among scientists and policy makers. Acid rain, one of the most important environmental problems of all, cannot be seen. The invisible gases that cause acid rain usually come from automobiles or coal-burning power plants. Acid rain moves easily, affecting locations far beyond those that let out the pollution. As a result, this global pollution issue causes great debates between countries that fight over polluting each other's environments. For years, science studied the true causes of acid rain. Some scientists concluded that human production was primarily responsible, while others cited natu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The Steam Engine

The Steam Engine By What are they? Steam engines are the first kind of engines to see a widespread use. They were used in the early locomotives, steam boats and factories. In fact they are still used to help run nuclear powerplants. When and by who were they invented and improved? The very first steam engine was built by Thomas Savery in 1698. However, it didn't turn any wheels, instead it pumped water out of coal mines. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen introduced an improved version of Savery's engine. James Watt improved it even further and later came up with an idea on how to use a steam engine to power something with wheels. Alright, but why are they important? Steam engines are veryveryvery important because it was the dominant source of power well into the 20th century. They actually were the moving force behind the Industrial Revolution. So no steam engines = no Industrial Revolution = Middle Ages that last approxima...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tuumaenergia müüdid

Mari-Liis Eha Birgit Aasmäe Tuumaenergeetika on ohtlik TEGELIKKUS Tuumajaamad on väga vastupidavad Kasutusele on võetud suur hulk täiendavaid meetmeid kõige ohutum tööstusharu Tuumajaam on terroristidele kerge saak sügavuti mineva kaitse põhimõtete rakendamine füüsilise kaitse tagamiseks rakendatavate meetmete tase väga kõrge Kiirgusfoon tuumajaamade ümber on kõrge ja põhjustab vähki haigestumist vähki suremus on tuumajaama töötajate hulgas ligi 1/3 võrra väiksem kui tuumajaamas mittetöötavatel inimestel Söel baseeruvate elektrijaamade läheduses kiirgustase märgatavalt kõrgem Tuumaenergeetika on vananenud tehnoloogia, mida enam ei arendata Praegu ehitatakse u 40 uut tuumaelektrijaama Vähemalt 35 ehitamine on planeerimisel Välja arendamisel on uus reaktoripõlvkond Olemasolevatest märgatavalt ohutum ja säästlikum Tuumaenergia on kallis ja konkurentsivõimetu, mis ilma riiklike toetusteta hakkama ei saa Tuumaenergia on üks kõige ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
7 allalaadimist

The U.K. / Suurbritannia

Cabinet ministers are responsible to Parlament and may all be questionised and held accountable for governmet actions and decisions. Even the Prime Minister must answer questions every Tuesday and Thursday in the House of Commons. The UK is the fourth largest economy in the World and the second largest in Europe. It is one of the strongest in Europe; inflation, interest rates, and unemployment remain low. During the 19th century Britain used to have many coal and iron mines and had the natural resources to make textiles, steel and ships. Today, coal and textiles can be produced more cheaply in other countries and so many British factories and mines have closed. The natural resources in the UK for example are: coal, ptroleum, natural gas, limestone, salt, iron, etc. Most of the land is suitable for agriculture, although the largest area is reserved for pasture and grazing land. Agriculture provides around 60 per cent on the country's food needs.

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


· She was executed for treason in 1587 · In the 16th c. many Scots joined the Presbyterian church · James VI was the King of both countries, the crowns were united · In 1745, Bonnie Prince Charlie tried to seize the throne · The end of dreams of freedom for Scots · Major changes in the late 18th and 19th c. · Highland Clearances ­ farmers were deprived of their land, filled with sheep instead · Fast development of coal mining, steel production and shipbuilding · Bridges, railways, canals · In 1950 the Nationalists stole the Stone of Scone from Westminster Abbey and took it back to Scotland · Important part of British Coronation since 13th c. · In 1979 the British Government decided to allow Scotland to establish a separate assembly · Surprisingly they didn't got the support of 40% of people in a referendum that was needed · In 1999 Scotland voted for its own separate parliament

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


themselves as Protestants, and the remainder claim no religious beliefs, or belong to the small communities of believers such as Muslims, Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses The St. Paul's cathedral was dedicated to St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. natural resources The primary Natural resources of Ireland, include natural gas, petroleum, peat(turvas), copper, lead(plii), dolomite, limestone(lubjakivi), gypsum, silver and some zinc Ireland has virtually no coal deposits, even though it's just 60 miles from Wales, one of the world's richest coal fields. On the left picture you can see a limestone pavement situated in the west coast of Ireland. and on the right picture you can see a gypsum mine. Presidents There have been 8 presidents in Ireland. Mary Therese Winifred Robinson was the first female president of Ireland and she passed the position to Mary Patricia McAleese who is the current president of Ireland

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

James Watt kokkuvõte

James liked to take his toys to pieces and build new things to his own design. At the age of eighteen he decided to become a professional instrument ­ maker. It was very hard to find a teacher. But finally he found an instrument ­ maker in London who took him on as an apprentice. After a year he returned to Scotland and became a mathematical ­ instrument maker. He also made musical instruments. He was asked to repair a small steam engine which was very primitive and used too much coal and a lot of steam was wasted. He found out that it was built on the wrong principle. It took him 2 years to put his theory into practice. He started making the new engine with a man called Baulton. James started improving his engine. His new machine could run machines and pump water out of the mines. It was used to drive wheels. But he didn't work only on his engine. He also made a copying machine. The unit of electric power was named " a watt " after him

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Ristsõna - Great Britain

.. 11. The largest and most beautiful lake in Scotland, near Glasgow 12. The UK is a constitutional monarchy, which means the UK is a... 14. an activity type of high-tech service industry that carries out research and provides information and advice 17. By the mid-19th century Britain was an ...... nation Answers 1. Convectional 2. Tertiary 3. Coal 4. Scottish 5. Severn 6. Gaelic 7. Wales 8. Counties 9. Ulster 10. Charcoal 11. LochLomond 12. Kingdom 13. Christianity 14. Quaternary 15. Derwentwater 16. Snowdon 17. Industralized 18. Liverpool 19. Midlands 20. GDP

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist


is like a mix of a soccer and but played on a field. rugby. Flag and religion o Irish flag is a vertical tricolour of green, white, and orange. o About 90 % of the people are Roman Catholics St. Patrick's Cathedral The Irish flag Natural resources The primary natural resources of Ireland, include natural gas, petroleum, peat, copper, lead, dolomite, barite, limestone, gypsum, silver and some zinc Ireland has no coal. Gypsum mine Limestone pavement Presidents of Ireland Ireland has had 8 presidents , current president is Mary Patricia McAleese. Mary Therese Winifred Mary Patricia McAleese Robinson Food and drinks The most famous irish drink is Guiness beer Less known is that Irish make also very good coffee

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Australia slideshow

the mainland of the Australian continent as well as the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. world's sixth-largest country by total area. The lowest point in the country is lake of Eyre (15m below sea level) and the highest point is Mount Kosciuszko (2229m) Economy Mixed economic system Division of labor Agriculture 3,6%; Industry 21,1%; Tendance 75% Units of labor 11,45 mlj. 2009. Unemployment 5,6% Most important export articles: coal, iron,gold Most important import articles: machinery and transport equipment Australia is one of the most important mining industry countries Politics Capital: Canberra Largest city: Sydney National language: English (de facto) Demonym:Australian, Aussie Government: Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy Monarch: Elizabeth II Governor-General: Quentin Bryce Prime Minister: Julia Gillard Independence from the United Kingdom Constitution 1. January 1901

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
12 allalaadimist


The republic of Ireland Class 10 Road signs New signs are in kilometric scale , but some old signs are still in mile scale There are multilangual signs Forests Ireland has only about 8 % of his whole land covered with forests. Centuries ago people destroyed the forests Now there is mostly peat. Economy 25 % of europe computers come from ireland Ireland had a big economic boom in late 20'th century but now its back on top Ireland has the second highest per capita income of any country in the EU next to Luxembourg Construction plays big part in Irish economy The weather Irish think there is 4 kinds of weather Typical Irish weather is few minutes rain , few minutes sun then again rain and so on Energy About 98% of Ireland's final energy is produced by burning coal, petroleum, peat, or natural gas Ireland has lately ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Saudi Araabia, riigi energia majanduse iseloomustus

SAUDI ARAABIA -RIIGI ENERGIAMAJANDUSE ISELOOMUSTUS 1.Kas Sinu riik on hästi kindlustatud energiavaradega? Saudi Araabiale kuulub enam 1/5 osa maailma naftavaru. Suurim tootja ja eksportöör naftasaasude. Milliseid energiavarasid leidub selles riigis? Nafta, looduslik gaas, Võimalusel lisa energiavarade kaart.Millised muutused on toimunud energiavarade tootmises viimase 20 aasta jooksul?Lisa graafikuid! Viimase 20 aastat nafta tootmise kasvab Viimase 20 aastat loodislik gaasi tootmise püsivalt kasvab ilma langema 2.Milliseid energiavarasid riik ekspordib?Impordib? Ekspordib: naafta (6.88 million bbl/day (2011 est.)), autobensiin, diesel, masuut Impordib: autobensiin, diisel, masuut 3.Milline on riigi energiatootmise struktuur?(millistest energiavaradest toodetakse elektrit).Lisa diagramm. Fossil kütest(naftast, gaasist) Production from oil gas Kui suur on taastuvate en...

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

What is acid rains?

Acid rains This morning you contributed to atmosphere desolation H ow it is formed? Acid rain is formed by burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil. Gases of acid rain Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are the gases that form the acid rain. Our health and acid rain Acid rain effects even our health. Breathing and lung problems in people (especially those with asthma) and have been linked to acid air pollution. Some things that you can do to make acid rain less of a problem are: Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with a full load.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
5 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom and London

of the most famous bands in the world. In 2006 UK was selected to be the most toleranr country in the world. It is one of the few countries where gay marriges are allowed. There are 8 public holidays in Great britain. They are Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May day, Spring bank holiday and late Summer bank holiday. The economy is traditionally based on coal-mining, iron and steel manufacturing etc. England has a large supply if coal and the oil have gas reserves in the North Sea. Buckingham Palace is teh offical London residence of the Queen and the Royal Family. When the Queen is at home the Royal Flag flies on the top. Houses of Parliament stands on the north bank of the river Thames. St James's Park is the most ancient of London's parks. Hyde Park is the people's park. London As well as being the capital of England, London is aslo the capital of UK. London is a

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

After 3 top exporting continents in the world: Asia 56%, Europe 19%, North America 10%. Area is considered to be the biggest emerging market: The Indian Sub-continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). Products are exported from … Europe: motor cars, mashinery, chemicals.;Asia: video/audio equipment, clothes, shoes.; Australia: iron ore(рудаmaak), dairy products, meat.;Middle East: oil, gas, chemicals.;Africa: fruits, cacao, coffee.; North America: peanuts, grain, coal.;South America: meat, poultry(linnuliha), iron ore. WTO- the World Trade Organisation is the driver to ensure trade between countries has no barriers world wide. 340 mln container are circling the globe! 500.000 ships ensure that cargo is shipped around the world. Import duties have dropped to less than 5%. 4)Which industry is still heavily subsidized and needs further liberalization? Agriculture Since 1950 World Trade has grown 20 fold.

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Renewable energy

geothermal heat, which are renewable. Renewable energy uses natural resources that can be replaced or "renewed" without harming the environment and does not contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Non-renewable energy Non-renewable energy comes from sources that can't be replenished in a short period of time. We get most of our energy from nonrenewable energy sources, which include fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, coal and from nuclear energy. Unfortunately, burning fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane which may cause global warming. Wind energy is the world's fastest growing energy technology. Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Hydroelectric energy is the oldest and largest source of renewable energy. Renewable energy is also known as "green" energy because, unlike energy created from fossil fuels, it will not run out.

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

The united kingdom

Monarch plays a largely ceremonial role and must be impartial. The prime minister has a charge to run the country. · Britains's all 4 counties have ther own culture and national emblems: red rose for england, thistel for scotland, a daffodil for wales and a shamrock for northen ireland. · The national currensy is the british pound. Banknotes are issued in diffrent denominations. And also ther's coins · The uk has a lot of plaintful supplies of coal, gas and oil. Industrial revolution in 19th century. People moved to the rapidly expanding towns. Shipbuilding and tectile industries flourished. In the 20th century the light industries that use elecricity not raw materials. The consumer boom of the 1980s led to raipin growth in service industries like banking, tourism, retailing and information processing.

Keeled → British culture (briti...
6 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun