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"shadow" - 112 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: shadow

Faile: 1

Boys and girls of every age

[WEREWOLF] Aren't you scared? [WITCHES] Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice Take a chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night [HANGING TREE] Everybody scream, everbody scream [HANGED MEN] In our town of Halloween! [CLOWN] I am the clown with the tear-away face Here in a flash and gone without a trace [SECOND GHOUL] I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?" I am the wind blowing through your hair [OOGIE BOOGIE SHADOW] I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright [CORPSE CHORUS] This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! [CHILD CORPSE TRIO] Tender lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare [PARENT CORPSES] That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of Halloween [CORPSE CHORUS] In this town [MAYOR] Don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise [CORPSE CHORUS]

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Liisi Koiksoni värske album „Coffee For One”

Muusikaarvustus Kolmapäeval, 29. novembril, käisin kuulamas Liisi Koiksoni värske albumi „Coffee For One” kontserdit, mis toimus Teaduspark Tehnopoli auditooriumis. Kontsert oli žanri poolest elektrooniline jazz popmuusika sugemetega. Esinejateks olid Liisi Koikson ja tema bänd, mis koosnes Raun Juurikast (süntesaator), Raul Ojamaast (elektrikitarr), Tiit Kevadest (trummid) ja Marti Tärnist (basskitarr). Esitusel olevad laulud olid inglisekeelsed ning need loodi Liisi õpingute ajal Londonis. Laulud olid inspireeitud tunnetest, mis valdasid naist suures linnas üksi elades ning tegutsedes. Tehnopoli auditoorium Veenus, kus kontsert toimus, oli üsna väike ja seetõttu polnud seal ka rahvast palju, aga minu arvates oli see just hea, sest kontsert tekitas kuidagi sellise intiimsema tunde, kuna puudus see suur rahvamass. Lihtsam oli ka sisse elada kontserdisse, kuna puudus see ümbritsev suur sagimi...

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Kodutöö 3 Solver variant 1

5 $F$29 X väärtused D 750 0 15 1 $G$29 X väärtused E 400 0 18 1.0000E+030 $H$29 X väärtused F 0 -5.1666666667 10 5.1666666667 $I$29 X väärtused G 0 -3.6666666667 19 3.6666666667 Constraints Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase $J$20 R1 arvutuslik 415 0 500 1.0000E+030 $J$21 R2 arvutuslik 750 1.6666666667 750 170 $J$22 R3 arvutuslik 350 73.333333333 350 42.857142857 $J$23 P1 aeg tundides arvutuslik 50 0 60 1.0000E+030

Matemaatika → Kõrgem matemaatika
31 allalaadimist

Halloweeni jutt

noise. "It's just the wind," Ben said a little shakily. Although Ben and John felt a little nervous, they walked slowly through the creaky front gate and up the long sidewalk. The old stairs creaked as they climbed onto the porch. Lying on the floor of the porch they saw a broken flower pot. "That's what made the loud crash we heard," Ben said. "See? There's nothing scary here." "Yeah," John said, "Go ahead, Ben." Just then Ben and John saw a large, strange shadow behind the wavy glass in the front door. Suddenly, the shadow started moving towards them! Before they could knock or even think, the door flew open! A large pumpkin stood before them! Ben and John shouted and jumped back with a start! John turned to run away. "Wait! Happy Halloween vampire and zombie!" the large pumpkin said, laughing. "Great costumes! Don't you two want some candy

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

GEIR TAGAPERE 142763IAPB Labor 4: Failide ja katalogide pääsuõigused Failide ja katalogide pääsuõigused o Looge kataloog /var/www/leiutised. (/var/www on veebiserveri juurkataloog) o /var/www/leiutised peab kuuluma grupile leiutajad ja kõik sinna loodavad failid peavad samuti automaatselt leiutajad grupile kuuluma. Kõigil teiste jaoks peab olema kataloogil ja selles sisalduvatel failidel ainult lugemisõigus. Kasutada tuleb klassikalisi pääsuõigusi. Abiks on korraldused chgrp, chmod, ls -l. Sudo chgrp leiutajad /var/www/leiutised (change the owning group of directory and all its sub-dirs) Sudo chmod g+s /var/www/leiutised (g+s sets the group id on directory, k6ik loodavad failid kuuluvad leiutajad grupile) Sudo chmod ug=rwsx,o=r,+t /var/www/leiutised === sudo chmod 3774 /var/www/leiutised o Faile, mis asuvad katalogis /var/www/leiutised peavad olema kustutatavad vaid vastava faili om...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

After graduation

know what they need to do and work on it right away. Aviation has always been one of my biggest intrests since the eighth grade. I became interested in it after my brother had applied to the Estonian Aviation Academy. Unfortunately he did not make it and, of course, my desire to become an air traffic controller began to increase due to my brother's failure. I have never really had a real experience in aviation. Luckily, I had a chance to be a work shadow to a professional air traffic controller to see how it all works. This experience seemed long, however it was interesting and really opened my eyes. At first I thought that controlling air traffic can not be that hard, that it is just like another computer game! Well, during those two hours, while I sat next to my work shadow, I learned how much logic, brainwork and thinking it really requires. I also had an image in my head

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

GEIR TAGAPERE 142763IAPB Labor 3: Kasutajad, grupid, õigused Kasutajad, grupid ja nende õigused Vastake järgmistele küsimustele nii kasutaja Lotte kui ka kasutaja Oskari kohta. o Milline on kasutaja UID? Nimeta vähemalt 2 viisi, kuidas administraator võib seda teada saada. Id kasutaja id –u kasutaja = id –-user kasutaja echo $UID ;;; o Millistesse gruppidesse kasutaja kuulub? Nimeta vähemalt 2 viisi, kuidas administraator võib seda teada saada. id kasutaja groups kasutaja id –G -n kasutaja o Milline neist on põhigrupp? Nimeta vähemalt 2 viisi, kuidas administraator võib seda teada saada. (Gid = primary group) Id –g –n kasutaja Id lotte Id –gn lotte o Kas kasutajal on õigus saada administraatori õigusi? Kontrolli, ilma sudo käsu kasutamata! ? Kasutajate lisamine o Tee järgmised muudatused skeleton kaustas (/etc/skel, selle kausta sisu kopeeritakse uut...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist


Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient $B$11 Muutujad x 0 -35 90 $C$11 Muutujad x 0 -75 175 $D$11 Muutujad x 43.333333334 0 125 $E$11 Muutujad x 20 0 125 Constraints Final Shadow Constraint Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side $H$14 Plastik 13.833333333 0 30 $H$11 Kitarrikeeled (metallist) 380 0 380 $H$12 Puit 400 0 400 $H$13 Kinnitusvahendid 380 20.833333333 380 Allowable Allowable Increase Decrease 35 1.00000E+030 75 1.00000E+030

Majandus → Kvantitatiivsed meetodid...
18 allalaadimist

Romaantiline muusika

kõrgendik,armastus võib olla sisepiin ja nii edasi. Me peame tundma, mis heliloojad tahtsid meil rääkida ja mis nad tundis, kuidas kirjutasid omad helendid. Mulle meelbib kaasaegne muusika läbisegi koos klassikaline muusika. Ma mõtlen, et see on kõige romaantiline ja tundneline kombinatsioon. Ma saan jäägitult arusaada, mis helilooja ja laulja tahtsid mulle rääkida. Minu kõige armastatud lauljad on: Red – The Darkest Part, Red – Yours Again, Red – Shadow And Soul. Selled hellendid hulgutavad mind tundma emotsioonide hulga. Arvan, et romaantiline muusika on meie harmoonia. See on väike maailm, kuhu me saame tulla, kui kuulame midagi, millest meil külmajudinad jooksevad üle selja.

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Estonian women writers - powerpoint presentation

Women writer's influence on our society Kärolin Puusild 10th grade Overview History doesn't go far back Most aren't very famous Slaves Only rich people could get education Marie Heiberg Lived 1890 -1942 Marie Heiberg Lived 1890 -1942 First Poem collection - ,,Mure-lapse laulud" (Problem child's songs) Marie Heiberg Lived 1890 -1942 First Poem collection - ,,Mure-lapse laulud" (Problem child's songs) Talent was noticed Marie Heiberg Lived 1890 -1942 First Poem collection - ,,Mure-lapse laulud" (Problem child's songs) Talent was noticed Penury Marie Heiberg Lived 1890 -1942 First Poem collection - ,,Mure-lapse laulud" (Problem child's songs) Talent was noticed Penury In 1919 was diagnosed...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Edulugude võistlus

I am really interested in foreign policy and for an ordinary student they are like Oscar nominations and that is the reason why I am proud about my participation. I worked really hard to be chosen and I succeeded, becauseI had made an effort big enough. For me it has always been unpleasant when someone is between the lines trying to say that you will never succeed in something. I have always taken such situations as challenges. This year I participated in a work shadow day. I remember that I had to fill in different forms, concerning the subject of the theme. I got back an answer that they do not have anynobody to offer me at the moment. Although they attracted my attention that I had a chance to apply for the crowns of the work shadow day, for who was a really tough competition. I saw there was even the foreign minister. At that moment I instantly knew that I really wanted to be his work shadow. I dared to write my motivation letter and also sent my CV

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lineaarne planeerimisülesanne

$B$14 muutujad x1 0 -86 1200 86 1,0000E+030 $C$14 muutujad x2 6 0 1700 1,0000E+030 64 $D$14 muutujad x3 0 -29 750 29 1,0000E+030 $E$14 muutujad x4 16 0 1000 1,0000E+030 67 Constraints Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease $H$14 valge v 254 0 370 1,0000E+030 116 $H$15 pruun v 365 0 400 1,0000E+030 35 $H$16 roheline v 140 71 140 35 140

Majandus → Kvantitatiivsed meetodid...
58 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of advertising

Advantages and disadvantages of advertising Nowdays advertising is a huge part of our everyday life. We probably could not even imagine a life without commercials on TV, big posters and neon screens on streets and advertisments in newspapers and magazines. But like everything else in this world, advertising also has it is advantages and disadvantages. Starting with advantages the biggest plus is probably that advertising can inform people about different products and services, their utilities, cost and other requirement. Also, advertisements about non-commercial issues like AIDS can help in educating people and notifying possible problem. Finally, one big advantage is providing employment. Not only advertising itself needs many workers, but companies who are increasing their sales volume of goods mostly expand themselves and that may give job to thousands of people. Unfortunately there are some dark sides of adver...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kontserdi retsensioon “Not In This Lifetime”

Kontserdi retsensioon "Not In This Lifetime" 12. Juunis käisin Veltins Arena, Gelsenkirchen, Saksamaal kuulamas Guns n' Roses kontserdit "Not In This Lifetime". Umber kell 20, ühinesin ma rahvahulgaga habases Veltins Arenas, et kuulata nende esimest laulu `Welcome to the Jungle'. Kaks asja olid kohe selged. Esiteks: visuaalselt tegi bänd rokitähe väärilist muljet, mängides tohutul suurel laval kolme hiiglasliku videokuvaga ja aeg-ajalt ilutulestikuga, mis koondas laule kenasti. Teiseks, heli segu oli üsna karm ja Axl hääl nägi oma päeva parimad. Kindlasti ei saa eitada, et 25 aastat on bändi kurnanud ja kindlasti on Axl Rose kosunud ja eriti - Slashil puudus sigarett kui ta mängis kitarri. Kuid bänd oleks pidanud investeerima väike osa oma reisi sissetulekust, et palgata heli meeskonda, kes oleks suutnud teha kõike paremalt. Slash-i kitarris valitses kõike, ja Axli hääl jäi vaheldumisi vahele, mis mõnikord ajas mõtlema, ...

Muusika → Kontserdipäevik
4 allalaadimist


hair clips, but now I don't. Sometimes when my hair are in a plait, I only wear topknot. If I could get a new make-up kit, it will be consist of mascara, eyeliner, different lip balms and lip glosses, mirror, face powder, rouge, oils, perfume and different eye shadows. I always wear make-up at school and I'll always have my make-up bag with me. My opinion is that, it's okay to wear make-up at school. My mom don't spent ages putting on make-up because she only wear mascara, little bit eye shadow, powder, rouge and lip gloss. I never share any make-up with my mother because we both have owns. I don't know why, but I always like to give a gifts for my friends of jewellery and make-up. Usually I wear a lot of jewellery like earrings, necklace, rings, bracelet. I have five ear pierces. Almost every teenage girl have at least earlobes. A lots of boys have earrings too. I don't like it. I only like if a boy have just little tunnel. Many male celebrities wear jewellery.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Atlantise allkaik

.. They all speak about times, when th Humanity falls asleep and becomes materialistic, forgets where it originates... this is the time of lower conciousness... Perseus using the beheaded head of Medusa to freeze and turn the living ones to stones once they look to it. The Mythology of Perseus and Medusa is connected to the descent of the Divine Female into Lower Conciousness. In the psysical part of the Great Year the Divine Female falls into Lower Consciousness and her shadow side emerges reflected in the unconcious Mortal Females who take control. This is also what the whore of Babylon is symbolizing. Perseus is symbolic for the returning Aether and Christ Consciousness that removes the influence and power of the lower conscious Mortal Females. The water that Perseus rides in on is also symbolic for the Aether as is the long hair of the Divine Female. The Living Ones refers to Mortal Man that has looked upon the corrupted Mortal Female as their Truth

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Kunsti sõnavara inglise-eesti

eelkavand, skitseering- sketch, preliminary shape 41. barokkstiil- Baroque 42. ateljee- studio, workshop 43. akt, aktimaal- nude 44. abstraktne kunst-abstract art 45. viimistelema- to elaborate; peenelt, hästi viimistletud-elaborate 46. kaunid kunstid- ? 47. joonistus-drawing 48. maal, maaling-painting 49. maalikunst-painting 50. puulõige-xylograph, wood engraving 51. disain-design 52. figuur-figure 53. raidkuju-sculpture, statue 54. harmoonia-harmony 55. vari- shadow 56. juugendstiil- modern style, art nouveau 57. joonis- graph, draught 58. värvivarjund, värvitoon, värving- HUE 59. sepis- jorging 60. krohv-plaster 61. kriit-chalk 62. kujutav kunst(graafika, maalikunst, skulptuur)- figurative art 63. kujutis- image 64. lakk- varnish 65. molbert- easel 66. näitus-exhibition 67. kunstigalerii-art gallery 68. palett(värvide hoidmise ja segamise alus)- palette 69. pintsel- (paint)brush 70. pintslitõmme- (brush) stroke 71. portselan-porcelain 72

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Tower of London

Christmas Day, 1066, William hastily ordered the erection of a wooden fortress between the Thames and the ancient Roman wall which then surrounded London. William began the building of what is now termed as the White Tower ten years later. A rectangular stone keep of Caen stone, designed as an impregnable fortress and as an impressive and awesome demonstration of his power to the Londoners. With ramparts which were fifteen feet thick at the base and walls soaring ninety feet high, the dominating shadow of the Tower loomed forebodingly over the huddled wooden buildings of medieval London, a visible expression of Norman power. The White Tower consisted of three storeys and contains the austere Norman Chapel of St. John, which remains one of the best preserved examples of a Norman chapel in England. The present castle, now covering eighteen acres evolved around the Conqueror's keep, being added to by successive generations. The Tower of London in The 20th Century

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

10B – Unit 1 vocabulary

druid ­ druiid (a priest of the old Celtic religion) safety gate ­ kaitsevärav dwelling ­ elamu, eluase scalding ­ põletus electrocution ­ elektrilöögi saamine sculpture ­ skulptuur eloquent ­ väljendusrikas, liigutav set up ­ püsti panama (looma) evict ­ välja tõstma (korterist, valdusest) setting ­ seadmine, tegevuspaik experience ­ kogema, tundma shadow ­ vari extension ­ laiendus sheer cliff ­ püstloodis kalju/pank feature ­ joon, tunnus sliding ­ lükand- spacious ­ ruumikas spare room ­ vaba tuba spiral ­ keerd- spruce ­ kuusk stable ­ tall stand out ­ välja paistma stilt ­ kark, karkjalg storehouse ­ ladu, laohoone storey ­ korrus (BrE) suburb ­ eeslinn, äärelinn suitable for ­ sobiv terraced ­ astanguline (terraced house - ridaelamu) thatched ­ roo- (.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Princess Diana’s Time In The Royal Family - Charles’s Point of View

Princess Diana’s Time In The Royal Family - Charles’s Point of View 1980 July: I came to the decision that I need to get a wife. I’m getting older and I need someone to enhance my place in The Royal Family, so I’ve had my eye on Diana Frances Spencer, I think she’ll be the perfect wife, she will be in my shadow but she’s good with people and she is beautiful and that’s all that matters. 1981 January: Me and Diana have been serious for over 6 months now. The media is crazy about us, she’s getting quite popular as expected, but the spotlight is still on me. She has come with me to many family events. The Queen likes her and so does her mother. I like her very much and I will ask her to marry me and be The Princess of Wales.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Edgar Allan Poe

The fury of a demon instantly possessed him. He took from his waistcoat-pocket a pen-knife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of its eyes from the socket! In the meantime the cat slowly recovered. The cat fled when he saw man at all times. One day the man hung up the cat onto the tree branches. This day night was a fire in man's house. Next day while man went to the ruins of house, he saw hanged cat shadow. He had a conscience torture because that what he did the cat was terrible. One abandoned place man saw one eyed cat like Pluto. The cat came home with him. Man's wife liked this cat. But the man don't like cat. When a man had to go to the basement his wife went too. The cat ran down the stairs so that the man might be fallen down. Man was angry. He grabbed an axe and wanted to kick cat, but woman stopped him. Man took re-energize and loud axe to woman head. Woman sank down dead

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Kristiina Ehin - esitlus

Kristiina Ehin Frank Rajangu Markus Boikov 9.a Isiklikust elust Sündis 18. juulil 1977 aastal Andres Ehini ja Ly Seppeli tütar Abiellus 13. septembril 2010. aastal muusiku Silver Sepaga Õpingud Õppis Tartu Ülikoolis eesti filoloogiat ja spetsialiseerus rahvaluulele Aastal 2004 omandas ta Tartu Ülikoolis magistrikraadi eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule alal. Magistritöö teemaks oli "Eesti vanema ja uuema rahvalaulu tõlgendusvõimalusi naisuurimuslikust aspektist" Veel natuke tema elust Töötas Vodja kooli õpetajana Kuulus kirjandusrühmitusse Erakkond Laulis ansamblis Sinimaniseele Luulekogud "Kevad Astrahanis: luuletusi 1992­1999" (Tallinn 2000) "Simunapäev" (Tallinn 2003) "Luigeluulinn" (Tallinn 2004) "Kaitseala" (Huma 2005) "Emapuhkus" (Pandekt 2009) "Viimane monogaamlane. Luuletused ja jutud" (Pegasus 2011) Kevad Simunapäev Luigeluulinn ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
55 allalaadimist

Filmist „Nosferatu“ – õuduste sümfoonia"

,,Nosferatu" ­ õuduste sümfoonia (,,Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens", Saksamaa, 1922) ,,Nosferatu" on Friedrich Wilhelm "F. W." Murnau 1922. aastal loodud saksa ekspressionistlik õudusfilm. Seda filmi võib lugeda maailma esimeseks vampiirifilmiks. F. W. Murnau linateos on saksa ekspressionistliku tummfilmi üks tähtteoseid, millest on edaspidi snitti võtnud peaaegu kogu vampiiri- ja Frankensteini-filmide paremik. Filmi tootis stuudio Prana Film ja ,,Nosferatu" oligi nende ainus täispikk film. Stuudio andis pärast filmi linaletoomist ise sisse pankrotiavalduse, et hullemat vältida. Põhjus seisnes selles, et lugu ,,Nosferatu" oli otsene plagiaat Bram Stokeri raamatust ,,Krahv Dracula". Murnau muutis krahv Dracula tegelaskuju filmi jaoks krahv Orlokiks. Mõlemad lood algavad küll Trasnilvaaniast (tänapäeva Rumeeniast), kuid edasine tegevuskoht muudeti ­ originaalloos toimub tegevus 1890. aastal Inglismaal, Murnau aga kujutab filmis t...

Filmikunst → Filmikunst
2 allalaadimist

Food and environment

WATER 20-33% OF ALL FRESH WATER CONSUMPTION IS USED IN ANIMAL AGRICULTURE. HUMANITY WE ARE CURRENTLY GROWING ENOUGH FOOD TO FEED 10 BILLION PEOPLE. 82% OF STARVING CHILDREN LIVE IN COUNTRIES WHERE FOOD IS FED TO ANIMALS, AND THE ANIMALS ARE EATEN BY WESTERN COUNTRIES. Livestock or livestock feed occupies 1/3 of the earth’s ice-free land. References 1. Steinfeld H., Gerber P., Wassenaar T., Castel V., Rosales M., Haan C. 2006. Livestock's long shadow environmental issues and options. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. USA. 390 pp 2. Goodland R., Anhang J. Livestock and Climate change: What if the key actors in climate change are... cows, pigs and chickens? http://www. (15.11.2015) 3. Mekonnen M, Hoekstra A. Y. 2012. A Global Assessment of the Water Footprint of Farm Animal Products. Netherlands. pp 20. 4. Schwarzen S. 2009

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage I choose Nicolas Cage, because i think of him as a great moviactor. He is my favorite actor in America. Nicholas Cage was born in 7. jan 1964, in California. His real name is Nicholas Kim Coppola. Stage name, Nicolas Cage, taken from comic book character Luke Cage. Cage changed his name early in his career to make his own reputation, succeeding brilliantlly with a host of classic, quirky roles by the late 1980s. His's half German and half Italian. He is 1, 86 m tall. He is USA moviactor. He studied in American Conservatory Theatre San Fransisco, California acting. His father is August Coppola (literature professor ) and mother is Joy Coppola (dancer). Nick is their third son. After Nicks parents divorced, he went to live with his uncle, Francis Ford Coppola. Francis is well-known moviedirector in Hollywood. He has directed Cage in many movies, such as "Rumble Fish" (1...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

John Kennedy

requiring an appendectomy, after which he withdrew from Canterbury and recuperated at home. In September 1931, Kennedy was sent to The Choate School (now Choate Rosemary Hall), an elite boys boarding school in Wallingford, Connecticut, for his 9th through 12th grade years. His older brother Joe Jr., was already at Choate, two years ahead of him, a football star and leading student in the school. Jack thus spent his first years at Choate in his brother's shadow. He reacted with rebellious behavior that attracted a coterie. Their most notorious stunt was to explode a toilet seat with a powerful firecracker. In the ensuing chapel assembly the autocratic headmaster, George St. John, brandished the toilet seat and spoke of certain "muckers" who would "spit in our sea." The defiant Jack Kennedy took the cue and named his group "The Muckers Club." Kennedy remained close friends to the end of his life

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


KOHTLA-JÄRVE AHTME GÜMNAASIUM Karina Kozintseva 10.A KOOLIVORM-JAH VÕI EI? Uurimistöö Juhendaja: Kaire Roosimäe Kohtla-Järve 2016 1. Ülesanne (Home - Font): See lõik, mis siin on, tuleks "rasvaseks" teha. Käesolev lõik peaks olema kursiivis e. kaldkirjas. Seda lõiku loeme eriti tähtsaks ja joonime ta alla! Kui kõik eelnevad tööd on tehtud, siis muuda käesolev lause rasvaseks, lükka ta kaldu ja jooni alla ka! 2. Ülesanne (Home - Font): Muutke vasakpoolse teksti kujundus parempoolsega samasuguseks rasvane (bold) kursiiv (italic) üla indeks(superscript) alaindeks(subscript) sõrendatud tekst (expanded) pidev ühekordne allakriipsutus (single) katkestatud allakriipsutus (words only) punktiiriga allatõmmatud tekst (dotted) TÄHTEDE KONTUURID (OUTLINE) TEKST VARJUGA (SHADOW) 3. Ülesanne (Home - Font): Muuda lausetes kirja suurus ja font vastavalt...

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
2 allalaadimist

Tom Sawyer raamatu kokkuvõte Mark Twain lühikirjeldus

deaf and mute Spaniard. He and his companion, an unkempt man, plan to bury some stolen treasure of their own. From their hiding spot, Tom and Huck wriggle with delight at the prospect of digging it up. By an amazing coincidence, Injun Joe and his partner find a buried box of gold themselves. When they see Tom and Huck’s tools, they become suspicious that someone is sharing their hiding place and carry the gold off instead of reburying it. Huck begins to shadow Injun Joe every night, watching for an opportunity to nab the gold. Meanwhile, Tom goes on a picnic to McDougal’s Cave with Becky and their classmates. That same night, Huck sees Injun Joe and his partner making off with a box. He follows and overhears their plans to attack the Widow Douglas, a kind resident of St. Petersburg. By running to fetch help, Huck forestalls the violence and becomes an anonymous hero. Tom and Becky get lost in the cave, and their absence is not discovered

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


KOHTLA-JÄRVE AHTME GÜMNAASIUM Karina Kozintseva 10.A KOOLIVORM-JAH VÕI EI? Uurimistöö Juhendaja: Kaire Roosimäe Kohtla-Järve 2016 1. Ülesanne (Home - Font): See lõik, mis siin on, tuleks "rasvaseks" teha. Käesolev lõik peaks olema kursiivis e. kaldkirjas. Seda lõiku loeme eriti tähtsaks ja joonime ta alla! Kui kõik eelnevad tööd on tehtud, siis muuda käesolev lause rasvaseks, lükka ta kaldu ja jooni alla ka! 2. Ülesanne (Home - Font): Muutke vasakpoolse teksti kujundus parempoolsega samasuguseks rasvane (bold) kursiiv (italic) üla indeks(superscript) alaindeks(subscript) sõrendatud tekst (expanded) pidev ühekordne allakriipsutus (single) katkestatud allakriipsutus (words only) punktiiriga allatõmmatud tekst (dotted) TÄHTEDE KONTUURID (OUTLINE) TEKST VARJUGA (SHADOW) 3. Ülesanne (Home - Font): Muuda lausetes kirja suurus ja font vastavalt...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
7 allalaadimist

Protsentülesanded majandusarvutustes

Protsentülesanded majandusarvutustes Suur osa rahanduslikke ja muid majanduslikke arvutusi tugineb protsendi mõistele. Üldlevinud käsitlus tõlgendab protsenti kui üht reaalarvu kirjutusviisi. Matemaatiliselt on üks protsent üks sajandik osa tervikust ehk Üldiselt kus p on mingi (positiivne) reaalarv. Protsendiga p määratud osa leidmiseks tervikust a tehakse tehe Tulemus saadakse samades mõõtühikutes, milles on mõõdetud tervik. Seda ülesannet võib lahendada ka 7. klassis õpitud võrde abil. Tervik a ­ 100% Osa x ­ p% Näide 1. Mardil on SEB pangas 3000 eurot, millest arvutatakse aasta lõpus 2% tulu (intressi). Mitu eurot saab Mart intressina aasta lõpus? Tulu E Terviku leidmiseks prot...

Matemaatika → Algebra ja analüütiline...
31 allalaadimist

KT3-6 Operatsioonianalüüs

Variable Cells Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease $C$36 x1 12 0 25 45 7.5 $D$36 x2 0 -7.5 30 7.5 1.00E+030 $E$36 x3 21 0 35 15 9 Constraints Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease $F$30 I operatsioon Arvutuslik 78 0 84 1.00E+030 6 $F$31 II operatsioon Arvutuslik 54 15 54 18 31.5 $F$32 III operatsioon Arvutuslik 90 2.5 90 9 36 Ülesanne 3 Firmas valmistatakse kolme erinevat toodet A, B ja C.

Tehnoloogia → tehnomaterjalid
127 allalaadimist


paremaks. Andmed +ej ja ­ej näitavad vastavalt positiivset ja negatiivset muutust iga muutuja korral, millega säiliks optimaalne lahend. Reduced cost (. ) väärtused näitavad, kui palju lisakasumit saaksime, kui toodaksime mõne toodangu lisaühikut. Antud juhul need on nullid, sest et ülesanne on ise maksimeeritav ja sellepärast rohkem lihtsalt ei ole võimalik toota, kõik on kasutatud maksimumini. 5. Duaalhinnangute analüüs. Yi väärtused ehk Shadow price väärtused annavad teada, kuidas muutuks kogukasum, kui antud ressurssi piirkogus suureneks ühe ühiku kohta. Antud juhul me näeme, et puuvillariie lisameetri kohta saaksime 0,20 EUR lisakasumit, täitematerjali lisameetri kohta saaksime 2,01 EUR lisakasumit, karusnaha lisameetri kohta saaksime 0,27 EUR lisakasumit ning plüüsi lisameetri kohta saaksime 0,28 EUR lisakasumit. Ressursside kasutamise tabelis on olemas ka lubatavad suurendused ja lubatavad vähenemised (+ ja -)

Muu → Ainetöö
13 allalaadimist

Essay living forever

eternity. To begin with ,if most of us one day have the opportunity to extend our lives indefinitely, how will that change the dynamics of society and culture? A typical person living to 80 years of age goes through several dramatic changes in his lifetime: his opinions and attitudes change, his interests, his friends, his career, sometimes even how he remembers the past. Imagine how much change would take place in a thousand years of life! We wouldn’t be a shadow of the persons we once were. The idea of living forever remains locked to science-fiction. I believe there are many different aspects to take into consideration . Secondly let’s have a look at the advantages. I think that one key benefit to being around forever would be the experience gained during this eternity. Anything and everything on our list of "to-do" could be completed - whether that would be traveling to far-off destinations and around the

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Lineaarse plannerimisülesande koostamise näide seletustega

Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease $B$10 Muutujad x1 0 -16.75 32 16.75 1.00000E+030 $C$10 Muutujad x2 58.75 0 65 1.000E+030 18.333333333 $D$10 Muutujad x3 0 -69.25 12 69.25 1.00000E+030 $E$10 Muutujad x4 0 -13.75 35 13.75 1.00000E+030 Constraints Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease $K$10 Vatt 117.5 0 320 1.000E+030 202.5 $K$11 Riie 176.25 0 450 1.000E+030 273.75 $K$12 Niit 235 16.25 235 365 235 $K$13 Tööjõud 58.75 0 150 1.000E+030 91.25 ei väheneks saadav kasum

Majandus → Majandus
13 allalaadimist

IS turvalisus 2018

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL INFORMAATIKAINSTITUUT Lunavara ja selle eest kaitsmine Kodutöö õppeaines "Infosüsteemide turvalisus (IDU1342)" Autor: Jelena Turbina Õpperühm: IABM Email: [email protected] Autor: Savva Mirosnikov Õpperühm: IABM Email: [email protected] Esitatud: 30.04.2018 (uus versioon 09.05.2018) Juhendaja: Indrek Hiie TALLINN 2018 Sisukord 1. Mis asi on lunavara 3 2. Lunavara töö 4 3. Lunavaraga nakatunud arvutid 5 4. Näiteid lunavara rünnakutest 6 5. ...

Informaatika → infosüsteemide turvalisus
9 allalaadimist

Frank Sinatra Gala - retsensioon

15. Blue Moon ­ Richard Rogers/Lorenz Hart 16. Tüdruk Ipanemast (Garota de Ipanema) ­ Antonio Carlos Jobim/Vinicius de Moraes/Heldur Karmo 17. Chicago ­ Fred Fisher/Fred Fisher 18. Ootamatud sõnad (Somethin' Stupid) ­ Bert Kaempfert/C.Carson Parks/Charles Singleton/Eddie Snyder/Velly Joonas 19. Somewhere Over The Rainbow ­ Harold Arlen/E.Y.Harburg 20. Come Fly With Me ­ Jimmy Van Heusen/Sammy Cahn 21. Su naeratuse sära (The Shadow of Your Smile) ­ Johnny Madel/Paul Francis Webster/Vello Marken 22. You Make Me Feel So Young ­ Josef Myrow/Mack Gordon 23. Big Spender ­ Cy Coleman/Dorothy Fields 24. Kuu jõgi (Moon River) ­ Henry Mancini/John H Mercer/Heldur Karmo 25. Fly Me To The Moon ­ Bart Howard/Bart Howard 26. New York,New York ­ John Kander/Fred Ebb INC 27. Minu tee (Comme d'habitude) ­ Claude Francois/Jacques Revaux/Paul Anka/Gilles Thibaut/Tõnu Oja 28

Muusika → Muusika
39 allalaadimist

James Bondi autod

 BMW- Z3, 750iL, Z8, 520i  Ford – Mustang Convertible, Thunderbird 1964, Mustang Convertible 1965, Mercury Cougar Convertible 1969, Mustang Mach 1 Fastback 1971, Econoline 1971, Taunus, LTD 1983, Thunderbird 2002, Fairlane 500 Skyliner 1957, Mondeo ST 2.5 MkIV 2006  Saab – 900 Turbo, 9000 CD, 9000 CD Turbo  Rolls-Royce – Phantom III 1937, Corniche, Silver Wraith II, Silver Cloud 1962, Silver Shadow  Chevrolet – Bel Air convertible 1957, Impala Convertible 1963, Fleetwood Limousine 1977, Corvette C4  American Motors – Hornet, Matador [1] 2. Enim kõmu tekitanud autod Bond oli seotud kõikide autodega, kuid kõige rohkem jäid silma, said populaarseks tänu meedia kajastatusele ja muutusid kõikide lemmikuteks Aston Martin DB5 , Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, Aston Martin DBS V12, Lotus Esprit S1 1976 ja BMW 750iL. Need olid erilised oma välimuse,

Auto → Auto õpetus
10 allalaadimist

"Ender's game"

Book Report on "Ender's Game" By Taavo Allik March 23, 2009 Book Report on "Ender's Game".................................................................................................. Orson Scott Card....................................................................................................................... The Setting................................................................................................................................ Main Characters........................................................................................................................ Ender..................................................................................................................................... Valentine............................................................................................................................... Peter...........................

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Sign of Four (1890) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892) The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894) The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902) The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1904) The Valley of Fear (1915) His Last Bow (1917) The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (1927) The Lost World (1912) The Poison Belt (1913) The Land of Mist (1926) The Disintegration Machine (1927) When the World Screamed (1928) Micah Clarke (1888) The White Company (1891) The Great Shadow (1892) The Refugees (publ. 1893, written 1892) Rodney Stone (1896) Uncle Bernac (1897) Sir Nigel (1906) The Mystery of Cloomber (1889) The Firm of Girdlestone (1890) The Captain of the Polestar, and other tales (1890) The Great Keinplatz Experiment (1890) The Doings of Raffles Haw (1891) Beyond the City (1892) Lot No. 249 (1892) Jane Annie, or the Good Conduct Prize (1893) My Friend the Murderer and Other Mysteries and Adventures (1893)

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist


Esimene laialt esinenud "metsik" (mitte teaduslikel eesmärkidel loodud) arvutiviirus oli Pakistanist pärit Brian Virus, mis sai avalikuks 1986. aastal. Järgmisel aastal alustasid tegevust Jerusalem -levinumaid ja visamaid raaliviirusi, millest on ohtralt erinevaid variante. Samal ajal tekitati ka viirus Stoned, mis on tänaseni levinuim ning üks raskesti tõrjutavaid. Tema päritolumaaks peetakse Itaaliat või Uus-Meremaad. Viiruse tunneb ära ekraanile ilmuva fraasi "Your PC is Stoned" järgi; stoned tähendab argoos meelemõistuse kaotanult purjus või narkootikumiuimas olemist. Sellest ajast muutusid raaliviiruse nakkusjuhud üha sagedamateks. Tuli ette esimesi suurkahjustusi, kui viiruse ohvriks langes suur hulk arvuteid või siis suured terviksüsteemid. 1988.a. said lühikese aja jooksul nakkuse paljud Iisraeli arvutid Weitzmanni-nimelises Instituudis, Haridusministeeriumi teadus- ja pedagoogikakeskuses, ühes Tel-Avivi tarkvarafirmas ning Juu...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
30 allalaadimist

Essee teemal Tiibet

part of (Xbù), a term usually translated by Chinese media as "the Western section", meaning "Western China". Tibet has some of the world's tallest mountains, with several of them making the top ten list. Mount Everest, at 8,848 metres, is the highest mountain on Earth, located on the border with Nepal. Several major rivers have their source in the Tibetan Plateau . The atmosphere is severely dry nine months of the year, and average annual snowfall is only 18 inches, due to the rain shadow effect whereby mountain ranges prevent moisture from the ocean from reaching the plateaus. Western passes receive small amounts of fresh snow each year but remain traversable all year round. Low temperatures are prevalent throughout these western regions, where bleak desolation is unrelieved by any vegetation beyond the size of low bushes, and where wind sweeps unchecked across vast expanses of arid plain. The Indian monsoon exerts some influence on eastern Tibet

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
21 allalaadimist


1.Mille järgi tuvastatakse, et 2 seadmefaili viitavad samale seadmele? 2:5:wait: /obt/bserver/bin/bstart 1500 Seadme gruppi numbri ja seadme numbri järgi. 2.Milliseid automaatseid kontrolle teevad tarkvarahalduse süsteemid tarkvara 5. Millised andmed annab TCP protokolli järgi töötav klientprotses paigaldamisel? uute pakettide paigaldamisel kontrollida, kas vajalikud ette, et saada ühendus õige serverprotsessiga? Kliendi ip ja teenuse eelduspaketid on paigaldatud ja kas lisatav pakett ei satu konflikti mõne pordi number. olemasolevaga 6. Kirjutage käsud kaitsekoodide seadmiseks kataloogile 3.Nimetage väljad millest koosnevad faili etc/passwd read Unix var/data/new ja seal sisalduvatele failidele, nii et oleks täidetud süsteemides? ...

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemid
28 allalaadimist

Theatres in Tallinn

There has been a noticeable renewal in both the artistic and administrative side of the Puppet Theatre. The theatre is located in the Old Town of Tallinn and has four stages ­ Small Stage (180-240 seats), Oval Stage (77-100 seats), Middle Stage (56-70 seats), Fireplace Hall (25-35 seats) and Main Stage (700 seats). The repertoire of the Puppet Theatre consists of plays mostly for children and youth, combining puppetry and drama elements, the theatre also offers traditional shadow theatre. In last few years the theatre has a growth in musical productions and various experimental projects. Russian Drama Theatre The roots of Russian theatre in Tallinn go back to the small Russian community of the late 19th century. Theatricals received a boost after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, when many Russian actors found refuge in the newly independent Estonia. A professional Russian theatre started in Tallinn under Soviet occupation, in 1948

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Women writer's influence on our society

Women writer's influence on our society Estonian women writer's history doesn't go far back. The reason for that is that people were slaves back then. Even if there were writers, then most weren't famous and they wrote poems and stories more for themselves. Also being a woman and a writer wasn't considered as a decent job for a woman at that time. The stories that we have from that time were given to one another by talking and mostly we don't know who were the authors. Education was also very expensive so only rich people could get it and Estonians, who were just farmers, mostly didn't have money for that. First I am going to talk about Marie Heiberg. She lived 1890-1942. Her first poem collection was ,,Mure-lapse laulud" in translation ,,Problem child's songs". Her talent was noticed, but she didn't have a change to really become famous. She was in a great penury that made her life really though and she had a ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

British Parliament

British Parliament Structure and Functioning of the British Parliament today Britain is a parliamentary monarchy . The British Parliament is a bicameral parliament , that is to say that it is made up of two chambers, or two "Houses"; above the two Houses, but in an essentially formal role , there is the Sovereign - king or queen - also known as "the crown." Role of the Sovereign The British monarch has all authority, but no power. The Sovereign appoints the Prime Minister, and every year opens the sessions of parliament, in a historical and ritual ceremony called the State Opening of Parliament . Historically, this ceremony used to take place in the Autumn; but since 2012, it has been brought forward to May. This is the only regular time when the members of both Houses come together. During the ceremony, the Sovereign reads out the government's intended programme. The "Queen 's Speech" is a summary of the programme "his" or "her" ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lineaarne planeerimine

$B$27 Käpikud 0 -8.3 10 8.3 $C$27 Villased sokid 170 0 15 11.4 $D$27 Sall 140 0 25 1.00000000E+030 $E$27 Kampsun 440 0 35 1.00000000E+030 Constraints Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase $H$27 A lõng 263 0 360 1.00000000E+030 $H$28 B lõng 225 -96.7 225 15 $H$29 C lõng 400 60 400 42.5 $H$30 D lõng 120 160 120 12.1

Majandus → Optimeerimismeetodid...
48 allalaadimist

Jackie Chan

Tegevuse lavastaja Shaolin Wooden Men Tiiger/ Little Mute Hand of Death Tan Feng Killer Meteors Wa Wu-Bin / Tiiger The Private Eyes Kaskadöör The 36 Crazy Fists Tegevuse lavastaja To Kill with Intrigue Cao Lei" Snake & Crane Arts of Shaolin Hsu Yiu Fong/ Tegevuse lavastaja Magnificent Bodyguards Lord Ting Chung/ Tegevuse lavastaja Snake in the Eagle's Shadow Chien Fu/ Tegevuse lavastaja Drunken Master Wong Fei Hung Spiritual Kung Fu Yi-Lang/ Tegevuse lavastaja Half a Loaf of Kung Fu Master Jiang The Fearless Hyena Shing Lung/ Tegevuse lavastaja Dragon Fist Tang How-Yuen/ Tegevuse lavastaja Immortal Warriors

Teatrikunst → Näitlemine
1 allalaadimist

Native Americans

Their colour was green. PAINT CLAN Medicine men/Priests Make special red war paint Keepers of sacred cristals-which are used to determine guilt in murder trials CEREMONIAL PIPES. Used to ask guidance from Great Spirit. Your heart speaks the truth. 7 SACRED DIRECTIONS 1. North-blue,winter, peace+self-reflection(meditation) 2. South-white(sunlight) summer, corn, happy children, plentyful meat 3. East-assoiciated with red, spring, dawn, rebirth, new beginnings 4. West- black, autumn, death, ,,the shadow life of the spirit" 5. Up- yellow, the sun, the creator, the Great Spirit 6. Down-brown, Mother Earth+all of her goodness 7. Centre- green, self, dedication to purity+honesty DANCE Ensures personal health+health of society Scare away evil spirits Dramatic Art Religous rituals Historical documentary Prophecy CONTACT WITH EUROPEANS Group of Spanish concistadores-Hernando de Soto. 1540. By 1650-1/2 cherokees killed by smallpox.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Linux konspekt

Kataloogipuu ülevaade: 10. September Terminalis orienteerumine: 11. September Unix käsud: 17/18/24. September Ubuntu 14.04 fresh install Ubuntu server: 1. Oktoober Ubuntu server: 2. Oktoober Olulisemad conf failid: 8. Oktoober Iseseisev tunnitöö: 15. Oktoober Tunnitöö (SSH ilma paroolita): 29. Oktoober Tunnitöö krüpteerimine: 5. November Tunnitöö 12.11 sshfs/sftp kasutamine, Roberti kausta mountimine virtuaalmasinaga. Tunnitöö 19.11.2014 - kõvaketta mountimine Tunnitöö 03.12.2014 - Kordamine Kataloogipuu ülevaade: 10. September / (16-30GB) SWAP 1-1,5x RAM /home Terminalis orienteerumine: 11. September COMMAND KIRJELDUS ls -a Näitab faile ja peidetud faile terminalis ls -l Failide kuvamine terminalis listina ls -l -a/ls...

Informaatika → Informaatika
12 allalaadimist

Kuidas teha arvutit kiiremaks?

seejärel käsku Disk Cleanup. Kui mitu kõvakettad on saadaval, võite olla palutakse täpsustada, millist autot soovid puhastada. Kui Disk Cleanup on välja arvutanud, kui palju ruumi saab vabastada, et Disk Cleanup jaoks dialoogiboksi kerida sisu failid kustutada loendist. Tühjendage märkeruudud faile, mida ei taha kustutada, ja seejärel nuppu OK. Rohkem võimalusi, näiteks puhastamiseks System Restore ja Shadow kopeerida all kirjeldus, klõpsake Koristage süsteemi failid ja seejärel nuppu Veel suvandeid vahekaardil. Kui teil palutakse kinnitada, et soovite kustutada määratud failid, klõpsake nuppu Jah. Mõne minuti pärast, protsess on lõpule jõudnud ja Disk Cleanup dialoogiboks sulgub, jättes oma arvuti puhtamaks, tõhusamalt ja potentsiaalselt suurendada arvuti kiirust. Windows Vista usersIn Start käsku Kõik programmid, klõpsake Tarvikud klõpsake System Tools ja

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun