Julia võtab sisse unerohtu, mille mõjul tundub ta ööpäeva surnud olevat. Lorenzo saadab Romeole kirja, milles teavitab teda plaanist ja palub tal Julia juurde surnukambrisse minna kui ta ärkab, kuid kiri ei jõua temani. Romeo kuuleb, et Julia surnud on ja kiirustab surnukambrisse. Seal on juba Paris, toimub võitlus. Romeo tapab Parise. Nähes, et Julia ongi surnud, joob Romeo kaasavõetud mürki ja sureb. Julia ärkab üles. Näeb, et Romeo on surnud ja suurest kurbusest võtab Rome pussi ja lööb selle endale südamesse ja sureb. Teose tegelasteks on : Romeo- Montecchi suguvõsa noor, osava ja julge pärija, kes armub Juliasse. Ta oli valmis ohverdama oma elu, et olla Juliaga koos. Julia- Capuletti suguvõsa noorim järeltulija(14 aastane), kes enamasti Kes enamasti täitis vanemate käske, kuid eiras kahe suguvõsa vahelist vaenu. Armastuse nimel ohverdas oma elu
Tänapäeva Romeod ja Juliad Juba mitmeid sajandeid on olnud Shakespeare'i loodud tegelaskujud Romeo ja Julia justkui eeskujuks või iidoliteks paljudele noortele armastajatele. Mõeldakse tihti, et kas saab olla veel ilusamat ning romantilisemat lugu kui ,,Romeo ja Julia". Ka tänapäeval on omad Romeod ja Juliad, kuigi need armastajad käituvad veidi teistmoodi. Erinevus Shakespeare'i ja tänapäeva Romeote ja Juliate käitumise vahel väljendub mitmeti. Põhiline erinevus on minu arvates see, et tänapäeva noored ei tee nii rutakaid ja läbimõtlematuid otsuseid, nagu tegid Shakespeare'i loodud saatusliku armastuse sümbolid Romeo ja Julia. ,,Armastus esimesest silmapilgust" on väide, mis sai tõestust ka Shakespeare'i näidendist. Romeo ja Julia armusid üksteisesse palavalt esimesel kohtumisel. Minu arvates aga tänapäeval seda ei juhtu, või kui juhtub, siis ülimalt harva. Nii noortel inimestel, nagu olid Romeo ja J...
When in Rome do as Romans do Australia is located in the South-East of the world and there is very warm, now there is approximately 30°C. Australia has a population of almost 20 million people and they speak in English. Half of the people there are christians. One of the only things I knew about australia are that there is very warm and there are a lot of kangaroos. In Australia the appearance of people is very formal. Men wear dark business suit and a tie, women may wear a dress or a scirt and blouse. For casual clothing there are pants for both men and women. Australians are friendly and open, but directness and punctuality is very important. They maintain good eye contact during conversations. They bring small gift of chocolate, wine or flowers if invited to someone's home, but gift giving is not very common in bussiness. They avoid littering and when approaching a queue, they go to the end and wait their tu...
When in Rome do as Romans do Mexico is a place, where I would definitely like to go one day. It is a really interesting country to visit, located in the middle of the continent of North America. I like the local people and their view of living. In my opinion, they think positively, love and enjoy their life, and try to take everything of it. Mexico is full of sociable, warm and cheerful people and heritage cities. To begin with, Mexico lies about 10 000 kilometres away from Estonia and the climate there varies from tropical to desert. So, you definitely do not have to take any warm clothes there, usual shirts are fine enough. On the other hand, tight or low cut clothing is never appropriate there. When in Mexico, respect the locals' sense of time and traditions. The fact is, if you naturally speak very quickly or you have a forceful or sharp tone of voice, become aware of how you are comin...
Traagika Shakespeare'i teostes Shakespeare saavutas oma loomingu kõrgtaseme 17. sajandil. Sellel perioodil kirjutas ta tragöödiad, mis on läinud suurteostena maailmakirjanduse ajalukku. Nende hulgas on ka ,,Romeo ja Julia" ning ,,Hamlet". Mõlemad toesed on väga traagilise lõpuga, ning nendes teostes on mitmeid ühiseid jooni. ,,Romeo ja Julia" on armastustragöödia aga ,,Hamlet" on elu mõtet uuriv tragöödia. Mõlemas teoses on üks traagikat põhjustav probleem armastus. ,,Romeos ja Julias" ei saa armastatud kokku, kuna nende pered on omavahel tülis. Nad hakkavad kohtuma salaja ning lõpuks tehakse plaan, kuidas nad saaksid koos olla, kuid see ettevõtmine ebaõnnestub ning lõppeb traagiliselt. ,,Hamletis" saavad mõlemad perekonnad läbi, Polonius on isegi kuninga hea sõber ning kantsler. Hamleti ja Ophelia vahel olid küll tunded, kuid Ophelia isa ja vend keelasid tal Hamletiga suhelda, ning temalt kirju vastu võ...
The Romans came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed our country. The Romans lived in Rome, a city in the centre of the country of Italy .One day, some years before Jesus Christ was born, the Romans came to Britain. First invasion - Caesar's first raid In August 55 B.C. (55 years before Jesus was born) the Roman general, emperor Julius Caesar invaded Britain. He took with him two Roman legions. After winning several battles against the Britons in South-East England he returned to France. Second invasion - Caesar's second raid In 54 B.C
Italy Robi kivi LGA18 Italy, officially known as the Italian Republic (Repubblica Italiana in Italian), is a country in Europe. Italy is situated on a boat-shaped apennine peninsula 800 km in the Mediterranean. In the north form the natural boundary of the Alps. Italy includes Sicily, Sardinia and a number of smaller islands. Rome, a settlement around a ford on the river Ancient Rome Tiber conventionally founded in 753 BC, was ruled for a period of 244 years by a monarchical system, initially with sovereigns of Latin and Sabine origin, later by Etruscan kings. The tradition handed down seven kings: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius and Tarquinius Superbus. In 509 BC, the Romans expelled the
prominent people who modified and expanded his ideas on art. During his life, he made different sculptures and paintings. All of them are famous. Sculptures: Pieta, David ( in Estonian it's called Taavet ), Madonna of the steps, Battle of the Centaurs, Hercules, Madonna and child, Faun, Crucifix, Bacchus, Brutus.. Paintings: The Battle of Cascina, Doni Tondo, The Last Judgement, .... Architecture: St. Peter's Basilica in Rome Cordonata Capitolina in Rome Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome Palazzo Farnese in Rome PIETA The Pietà by Michelangelo is a marble sculpture in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, the first of a number of works of the same theme by the artist. The statue was commissioned for the French cardinal Jean de Billheres, who was a representative in Rome. The statue was made for the cardinal's funeral monument, but was moved to its current location, the first chapel on the right as one enters the basilica, in the 18th century.
"Romeo ja Julia" A. Kivirähk Tegelased: Romeo- peategelane Joosep- Romeo sõber Aivar- Romeo tark vend Oskar Moon- Romeo isa Rein- külavanem Volli- Joosepi isa Julia- Romeo kallim, metskits Kivirähk kujutab oma loomingus sündmuste käiku tänapäeva Eestis Pärnu ligidal vanas mahajäetud külas. Kus noort Romeot on kujutatud rumala külapoisin. Ta ainus hea sõber on Joosep, kellega ta veedab kogu oma vaba aja. Kokkuvõte. Pärnu ligidal asuvas väikses mahajäetud külas elavad Rome oma isaga, Joosep oma isaga ja külavanem Rein. Romeo ja Joosep veedavad terve oma vabaaja koos viibides. Romeo eluarmastuseks on üks musta sabaga lammas. Tsitaat raamatust: "Sa vaata teda, seal ta praegu lesib! Kas pole imeilus villaloom? Nii pehme! Kui ma surun oma käed ta villa, siis määgib õrnalt, ela ei hakka vastu, ei aja üles jäära, oma isa , vaid allub mulle" Rome jumaldab oma mustasabaga lammast päevani mil nad Joosepiga lähevad metsa vaatama kitsede pulmi
KEIDI PUKK MTT2 ITALY ITALY Italy officially the Italian Republic is a unitary parliamentary republic inSouthern Europe. The capital of Italy is Rome. I've been living in Italy for half of year. ITALIAN FLAG Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level CLIMATE Italy has a variety of climate systems. The inland northern areas of Italy have a relatively cool. Between the north and south there can be a considerable difference in
Roman Colosseum Rome, Italy Barcelona, Spain Fallingwater Pennsylvania Sydney Opera House Sydney, Australia Pantheon Rome, Italy Villa Savoye Poissy, France Pyramide du Louvre Paris, France Sagrada Familia Guggenheim Museum New York, USA Barcelona Pavilion Barcelona, Spain Centre Pompidou Paris, France Chrysler Building New York,USA Tugendhat House Brno, Czech Republic Casa Mila Statue of Liberty
History of Different cultures Maile Kikerpill 2013 The Roman Empire began as a farming community on the Tiber River in central Italy was occupied in the 700 BC by 500 BC the area was dominated by Etruscans by 300 BC the Latins ruled central and southern Italy in 264 BC the Latins began to dispute the territorial ambitions of the Carthaginians known as the ,,Punic Wars,, finally destroyed in 146 BC By 70 AD Rome ruled every country that touched the Mediterranean was not the largest empire in total territory in world history until 27 BC the Roman Empire was a Republic Julius Caesar declared war on the Roman Senate itself became sole ruler Brutus, Cassius and others assasinated Julius Caesar Octavius declared himself "Caesar Augustus" and first Emperor of Rome 200 years of peace followed by 100 years of warfare in 284 AD Diocletian divided the Roman empire into two halves: East and West
Father was Ludovico di Leonardo di Buonarotti Simoni Childhood in Florence 1488 he got inspiration by painter Domenico Ghirlandaio 1489 he began to study sculpture under the protection of the Lorenzo Magnifico At this time(he was 16) he sculpted the reliefs Madonna of the Steps (14901492) and Battle of the Centaurs (14911492) 14931494 he studied human anatomy In 1496 (21 years old) he went to Rome, and did one of his famous works, the Pietà Pietà and David were two of his bestknown works and he sculpted them before he turned thirty He also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome The Pietà (1499) The Statue of David (1504) Sistine Chapel ceiling The (1508 1512) The Last Judgment
My dream destination : Italy Kerli Koost MJK14 Facts about Italy ● Italy is apart of Europe ● The capital city is Rome ● The population is 60.92 million (2012) ● Official language is Italian What is Italy Known For? ● Many monuments ● Great tourist attractions ● Culture and Art ● Fine Food ( largest producer of wine) ● Fashion (Armani, Gucci, Versace) Famous Landmarks ● Leaning Tower of Pisa ● Canals of Venice ● Roman Colosseum ● Santa Maria del Fiore ● Duomo Church
) At the age of 25, he was called to the court of Pope Julius II to help with the redecoration in four small rooms of the Vatican Palace. You will find there a peace of arts like The School of Athens (3.), Parnassus (4.). There the Greek god Apollo appears surrounded by the Muses and the great poets. The Stanza d'Eliodoro (5.) It contains scenes representing the triumph (võidutsema) of the Roman Catholic church over its enemies. Triumph of Galatea (6.) In Rome he evolved as a portraitist. Portrait of Julius II (7.) and became one of the greatest of all history painters. World famous picture is Sistine Madonna (8.). He remained in Rome for the rest of his life.
Report of Colosseum Koostaja: Maiki Joakit Colosseum or Roman Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium, Italian Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo), is an elliptical amphitheatre in the center of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire. It is one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering.Occupying a site just east of the Roman Forum, its construction started between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and was completed in 80 AD under Titus, with further modifications being made during Domitian's reign (8196). The name "Amphitheatrum Flavium" derives from both Vespasian's and Titus's family name (Flavius, from the gens Flavia).Capable of seating
Liis Einling 10a The Man of Law's Tale Once in Syria dwelt a company, which was known by their wares, what all were so good and exellent. They went to Rome one day and found an inn what suited for them best to sell their weres and rest. They stayed there and heard one day about emperor's daugher Constance who was very beautiful and humble woman who followed the rules of Christianity and was always faithful to God. When merchants went to Syria's sultan, and told him tales of beautiful Constance, Sultan fell in love and wanted to marry with her. But then came legal difficulties in his way. He had to be christened and all his vassals too
Ajaloolised filmid Filmi nimi: Cleopatra as Deity Filmi rezissöör: polnud kirjas Aasta: Filmis käsitletav isik: Kleopatra Materjali allikas: http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/national-geographic-channel/specials-1/history- events/ngc-cleopatra-as-deity/ Filmi nimi : Rome in Flames Filmi rezissöör: polnud kirjas Aasta: Filmis käsitletav isik ja sündmus: Nero, Rooma põleng Materjali allikas: http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/national-geographic-channel/all-videos/av-8757- 9215/ngc-rome-in-flames/ Filmi nimi : Spartacus Filmi rezissöör: Stanley Kubrick Aaasta:1960 Filmis käsitletav isik: Spartacus Materjali allikas: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054331/ Filmi nimi : Julius Caesar Filmi rezissöör: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Aasta: 1953
See räägib keelatud armastusest. Kuid noored on lootusetult armunud ja ei saa ilma üksteiseta, kuid sellest tuleb palju probleeme. Nad on selle armastuse nimel ka valmis surema. Romeo on noormees kel pole eriti hea maine ja tal on vaid mõned sõbrad ja nõbu Benvolio. Kuid tal on vihavaenlasi. Kes on kättemaksu huvilised.Ta vanemad Mercutiod ei tunnista teda oma pojaks ja ei toeta teda mitte kuidagi. Siis ühel õhtul toimub Capuletide juures suur kostüümi ball. Rome saab sissepääsu pileti oma nõbu käest. Nad maskeerivad end ära ja lähevad ballile koos nõbu ja sõpradega. Kuid on ka üks kena noor daam nimega Julia, kes elab suures villas koos vanemate ja teenritega. Ballipäeva hommikul on suured ettevalmistused ja Juliat otsitakse igalt poolt, hakkata balliks sättima. Hiljem näeb Julia välja nagu ingel. Tal on ilusad tumedad juuksed, hella pilguga, väga südamlik tütarlaps. Romeo ilmub peole rüütli kostüümis. Nad kohtuvad
Helen Kahur II kodutöö: Antiigipärand ja tänapäeva popkultuur Otsustasin suure huvi tõttu võtta uuritavaks objektiks Puunia sõjad 218-204 eKr ja Hannibali sõjataktika ja -strateegia. Valisin kaks täpselt samat teemat käsitlevat dokumentaalfilmi. Esimene dokumentaalfilm kandis nime Hannibal vs Rome, kus peale näideldud stseenide jagasid kommentaare ka erinevad ajaloolased, kes on kõnealuse teema kohta raamatuidki kirjutanud. Teine video oli aga BBC dokumentaalfilm nimega BBC Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare, mis oli ilmselt mõeldud nooremale generatsioonile nagu nt põhikooli- ja gümnaasiumiõpilastele, kuna näitlemine oli üsna pealiskaudne ja kohati raskesti usutav. Sellele vaatamata oli video õpetlik, näitas huvitavaid aspekte kõnealusest
Need kaks perkonda on omavahel juba pikemat aega vaenujalul. Loo alguses on Romeo sissevõetud Rosalindest, mis kustub täna Juliaga kohtumisele. Romeo saab tänu Capuletti teenrile teada toimuvast peost Capulettide majas ning otsutab koos oma sõpradega minna sellele peaole. Peol olles on Romeol ja ta sõpradel maskid peas, et keegi ei märkaks neid ( Kutsumata maskide ilmumist ballile ei peetud Shakespeare'i ajal ebaviisakaks, selles nähti pigem komplimenti majaperemehele). Peol kohtab Rome Juliat ja suudleb teda (Shakespeare'i ajal võis daame suudelda nii tervitamisel kui hüvastijätmisel. Kuid Romeo ei suudle Juliat põsele, nagu oli kombeks, vaid suule). Mõne aja pärast Romeo lahkub koos oma sõpradega peolt. Õhtul ilmub Romeo Julia akna alla ja avaldab oma armastust talle. Julia sulab poisi sõnade käes, ning armub. Romeo läheb vend Lorenzo juurde nõu küsima. Peale seda pannakse Romeo ja Julia salaja paari.
Komisjoni president (Donald Tusk) - Määrab üldise poliitilise suuna ja prioriteedid, ei pea läbirääkimis õigusaktide üle ega võta neid vastu - Kohtub 2x poole aasta jooksul - Konsensus - Pesident 2,5 a - Loodi 1973 - ELi eesmärkide ja prioriteetide seadmise eest vastutav organ - 1992 Maastrichti leping – EC ametlik staatus - 2009 Lissaboni leping – saab üheks ELi institutsioonidest European Parliament - 1957 Treaty of Rome - Ainuke kuhu valitakse liikmed st esindab rahvast - Lgislative – seadused; absoluute majority hääletamine - Ei saa algatada eelnõusid vaid hääletab Euroopa Komisjoni esitatud eelnõud üle - 1992 Maastrichti ja 1997 Amsterdami leping muutsid EP seadusandlikuks parlamendiks - Õigus anda seadusandlikke akte - Rahandusalased volitused - Järelvalve täidesaata võimu üle
Barnard Press Ltd Copwood Road North Finchley London, N12 9PR 1th March, 2012 Mr. Claudio Bini International Books Via Santovetti 117/9 00045 Grottaferratta, Rome Italy Your ref: RW/SB Dear Mr. Bini, Thank you for your letter 15th of February 2012 in which you requested information about story books in English and in Italian for intermediate students. Unfortunately these articles are out of stock at the moment, but we will be publishing a new list of them this summer. I am enclosing details of the new list, and a current catalogue of present stock. Thank you for taking interest in our company. Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require
Italy Sicily Capital: Rome Size: 301,230 sq km Population: 57,6 million San Marino The Vatican City Highest point: Mont Blanc (4,807 m) The Alps in the north and the Apennines in the center of Italy The north of Italy: cold, harsh winters but hot and humid summers Central Italy: smaller temp. difference between summer and winter The south of Italy: warm and hot summers, mild winters Click to edit Master text styles Second level Sicily- Tonnara di Scopello Third level Gargano Fourth level Fifth level Sicily The biggest Italian island Breathtaking landscapes Nature Volcanoes Archaeological sites tell the story of Trinacria ...
in the world exceeded 1 billion people Six million children die of hunger every year Most of the malnourished people live in Africa, Asia and South-America. Almost 1 in 7 people are hungry The United Nations has three agencies that work to promote food security and agricultural development Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) World Food Programme (WFP) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) All three of these agencies are based in Rome,Italy. How can we help? Website Freerice Donationsites Begun voluntary Pane juurde, mis heaks arvad, ja võid ka maha võtta mis ei sobi
Rio carneval Compilers: Rein Raudmets, Andres Tamm, Madis Mikk Rio carnival history · First took place in 1723 and it`s from Greece and ancient Rome. · Word ,,Carneval" first become in 1850. · Celebrations for everybody. · By the end of 18 century it was enriched by competitions. · Has become of the biggest events in the world. Information · The carnival takes place in Rio de janiero in Brazil. · 4 weeks before easters · Lasts 4 days · Very popular nowadays. Activites · Special events. · The balls · Samba parades · Street paries · Samba school nights · Street bands.
It encompassed a revival of learning based on classical sources, the development of linear perspective in painting, and gradual but widespread educational reform. (wikipedia)Bridge between Medieval Ages and Modern Era. 2. Where did the Renaissance start and why? In the opening years of the 14th century, there began to develop in Italy and increasing interest in the manuscripts that had survived from ancient Greece and Rome. Italy fell under the spell of the intellectual movement we've come to call the Renaissance the rebirth of scholarship based on classical learning and philosophy. 3. Why did the Renaissance focus on the human spirit? Stimulated by the discovery that the men and women of ancient Greece and Rome were intelligent, cultured, and creative, the Renaissance gradually became also the rebirth of the human spirit, a realization of the human potential for development. 4
youtube.com/watch?v=lgmBhhvTJqQ ● take the popsicle containers ● put whatever you like in it-juice, yoghurt, fruits, or everything together) ● place a stick in it and put it in a freezer ● after a few hours take it out and enjoy About lollipop ● a type of sweet candy consisting mainly of hardened, flavored sucrose with corn syrup on a stick ● intended for licking History ● George Smith is claimed to be the first to invent the modern lollipop in 1908 ● related to the Rome tradition of selling toffee apples on a stick ● the invention is still something of a mysery Types ● available in numerous flavors and colors ● dozens of different shapes ● some contain filling (bubble gum) ● flavored lollipops containing medicine How to make ● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1leste59E4 ● sugar, water, flavoring oil, food coloring Thank you for listening!
Ehitusmälestised Roomas Ken Pähn Kärdla ÜG 10.klass Arhitektuur Eeskujuks etruskide ehitised Hoone asetses kürgel Hoone ees oli lahtine koda Ümmarguse ruumi puhul kasutati poolkerakujulist kuplit Trajanuse Foorum Sissepääs ühest suurest väravast Väljakut ümbritsesid hooned Väljaku keskel Trajanuse ratsamonument Tagaküljel asus Basilica Ulpia Trajanuse foorum Basilica Ulpia Basiilika-ehitustüüp,mida roomlased kasutasid avalike ehitiste juures Basiilikates: · Peeti kohut · tehti äritehinguid · Korraldati poliitilisi koosolekuid Basilica Ulpia Rahu Altar Osaliselt säilinud Kujutatud legendi Rooma asutamisest Altari autorid eeskujuks Ateena Parthenoni naose friisi Lad.nimetus- Ara Pacis Rahu Altar Pantenoni tempel Kõikidele jumalatele pühendatud Ümar siseruum Läbimõõt siseruumil 43,5m Templit kattis hiigelsuur...
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (17801867) Ingres sai esimese õpetuse oma isalt, kes oli ka kunstiinimene. 1791 hakkas ta õppima Toulouse'i akadeemias. 1797 läks ta Pariisi Davidi juurde, kelle ideaalid ja kunstinägemus olid talle jätkuvalt eeskujuks. Kuid ta stiil oli pisut pehmem kui õpetaja oma. 1801. aastal võitis Ingres Rooma preemia (Prix de Rome) ühe maali eest Enne Itaaliasõitu joonistas ta väga palju ja nii kujunes välja talle omane laad: kindel vorm, selged ja teravad kontuurid, mäng joonega, värvide tagasihoidlik osa, varjude peaaegu puudumine. Ingres'i nii joonistused kui ka maalid olid alati hoolikalt teostatud. Ingres pidas end ajaloomaalijaks, kuid tema teoste paremiku moodustavad portreed Ingres j...
Introduction I chose this topic because I am intrested in Roman history and ruled by the people and their life story. My theme is Julius Caesar because this intrested me. Julius Caesar's life Caius Julius Caesar His family isn't rich. born 13. July BC and died 15. March BC. He was Ancient Rome commander, politician and writer His family had noble, patrician roots. Julius Caesar's woman He married with youngest The second marriage Casar daughter Cornela Cinna. When Sulla Concluded his he was 18 years old and Cornela granddaughter Pompeia, years was 13 years old. after the death of first wife Cornelia.
European Union Exam 1949 France, UK and the Benelux countries decide to set in place a Council of Europe. 1951 Treaty of Paris signed by the Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands), establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). 1957 Treaties of Rome establish the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). 1959 July, seven countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co- operation (OEEC) – Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK – decide to establish a European Free Trade Association (EFTA). 1960 Creation of European Free Trade Association 1961 UK applies to join the Community. 1962 The Parliamentary Assembly changes its name to the European Parliament. 1965
Eyewear and fragrances are manufactured and distributed under license. Gucci is also the biggest- selling Italian brand in the world. 12.4.19 Guccio Gucci Was born in 1881 in Italy and died in 1953. He started The House Of Gucci in Florence in 1906 as a small family owned shop Guccio was an exceptional craftsman and began selling leather bags to horsemen. In 1938 expanded his business to Rome. 12.4.19 Guccio Gucci Soon his one-man business turned into a family-business. In 1951 Gucci opened their store in Milan, two years later in Manhattan. 12.4.19 Corporate In 1980s was Gucci one of the world's most influential fashion houses and a highly profitable business operation. In October 1995 Gucci went public. November 1997 also proved to be a successful
Spain Plan 1. Famous people 2. Bullfights 3. Intresting facts Famous people Antonio Banderas Penélope Cruz Enrique Iglesias Bullfights Bullfighting can be traced back to ancient days. They were popular spectacles in ancient Rome, but it was in the Iberian Peninsula that these contests were fully developed by the Moors from North Africa who overran Andalucia in AD 711. Bullfighting developed into a ritualistic occasion observed in connection with feast days, on which the conquering Moors, mounted on highly trained horses, confronted and killed the bulls. Intresting facts 1.Religion-around 74%, with only 36% admit to be practising catholic 2.The Spanish invented the first diving bell in 1538. 3
London Your name! Some facts In 1870 there were more Irish living in London than there were in Dublin. (At the time, there were also more Catholics living in London than there were in Rome.) The Great Fire of London in 1666 created substantial damage across the city and raged for days, causing parts of London to be rebuilt. However, only around eight lives were lost in the catastrophe About 25% of people today living in London were born in another country. Her Majesty the Queen is not allowed to go into the House of Commons because she is not a commoner. London's underground system, commonly called "the tube", was the first to be built
BOADICEA WORKSHEET 1. How did happen that Boadicea became the queen of the Iceni tribe ? Because of her husband death, se got the tribe 2. Compare the Roman and the Iceni women. In Rome women dress in white linen, wash their hair with soap and dress it in elaborate patterns and thread it witd ribbons and shrick at the sight of a spider. Iceni womens are very angry, they mark their bodies with woad, their warriors wouldn't step into steam bath, in their opinion they are not savages. 3. What are Boadicea's motives for going into the battle? She wants vengeance for Romans, because they killed her husband and come straight to her village, flog her and rape her
Celtic Mythology Celtic mythology is the mythology of Celtic polytheism, apparently the religion of the Iron Age Celts. Like other Iron Age Europeans, the early Celts maintained a polytheistic mythology and religious structure. Among Celts in close contact with Ancient Rome, such as the Gauls and Celtiberians, their mythology did not survive the Roman empire, their subsequent conversion to Christianity, and the loss of their Celtic languages. It is mostly through contemporary Roman and Christian sources that their mythology has been preserved. The Celts peoples who maintained either their political or linguistic identities (such as the Gaels and Brythonic tribes of Great Britain and Ireland) left vestigial remnants of their
Draakonid Domenico Veneziano ( u. 1400-1461) Madonna lapse, Püha Franciscuse, Ristija Johannese , Püha Zenobiuse ja Püha Luciaga. Michele Oliveri portree 1440-1455 Sandro Botticelli (u. 1445-1510) Venuse sünd. Kevade Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506) Laemaal Mantova hertsogilossis. Surnud Kristus Giovanni Bellini (u. 1430-1516) Niitude Madonna Leonardo Loredan Kõrgrenessansi arhitektuur Bramante (1444-1514) Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio, Rome Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan. Santa Maria delle Grazie Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) Impact Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) Basiilika Kunst Itaalias 16. sajandil Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Mona Lisa Leda and the swan Raffael (1483-1520) Autoportree Madonna Sistina (Sixtuse madonna) Skulptuurid 16.sajandil Itaalias Michelangelo Taavet Giorgione (u. 1478-1510) Äike Tizian (u. 1490-1576) Flora Manerism Itaalias Parmigianino (1503-1540)
Constantinuse triumfikaar Tutvustus Constantinuse triumfikaar (itaalia k Arco di Costantino) on Rooma linnas asuv Vana- Rooma keiser Constantinus Suurele püstitatud triumfikaar. Tutvustus Kaare tellis Rooma senat, et Colosseumi ja Palatine'i mäe vahel mälestada Constantinuse võitu asuv triumfikaar ulatub Via Milviani silla lahingus aastal 312 Triumphaliseni (tee, mis viib pKr. Rooma), mille läbisid võidukad sõjaväejuhid, kui nad triumfirongkäigus linna sisenesid. Kuigi kaar on pühendatud Constantinusele, on suur osa ...
I've never been there but I'm sure It's great. I would love to see you after these years. I think you have not change at all. I'm glad that I can see uncle Joe for last! You have written so much about him. Did he bought a new car yet? If It's okay to you I'll visit you and uncle Joe in the middle of summer. It will be a very busy summer to me. When the exams are over, me and my family are going to a trip. We are not quite sure where, but we are thinking about going to Rome. My mother loves Italy very much and she has some friends there who she would love to visit. After that I'm going to that summer camp where I go to every year. Then It's free time to me perfect to visit you. The other half of summer I'm planning to work somewhere. Some pocket money would be great! Are you and uncle Joe planning to come to Estonia in the nearest future? We would be very happy. You two you could stay in our place. I would be happy to show you the sights of Estonia.
Himself His birth name was Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, but commonly known as Michelangelo. He was born on March 6th 1475 Caprese near Arezzo, Republic of Florence. Today, Caprese is known as Caprese Michelangelo. A young boy Michelangelo was sent to Florence to school. The young artist showed no interest in his schooling, preferring to copy paintings from churches and seek the company of painters. He was fantastically gifted. He died on February 18th 1564 in Rome, Papal States when he was 88 year-old. Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet and engineer of the High Renaissance. He field sculpture, painting, architecture and poetry. He is the best-documented artist of the 16th century. He told his apprentice, Ascanio Condivi: "However rich I may have been, I have always lived like a poor man." Works Two of his best-known works, the Pietà and David, were sculpted before he turned thirty.
Henry VIII { Born on 28 June 1491 Second son of Henry VII He became the king after his father's death on 21 April 1509, he was 17 years old 3 children and 6 marriages Henry was spoilt, handsome, athletic, musical, interested in religion and fluent in 4 languages Early life Catherine of Aragon A Spanish princess and Henry's brother's widow Married 15091533 Loved eachother 4 sons who all died Their only daughter Mary became the queen later Henry lost interest in his wife The six wives Anne Boleyn Anne gave birth to Elizabeth, who later A servant in the Queens Household became a queen Henry fell for her in 1522 and wanted Henry was soon tired of her for not to divorce Catherine having a son The Pope wouldn't allow it He accused her of adultery and treason Henry broke away from the church in Rome and declare...
Names with and without the. A/ We do not use 'the' with names of most streets/roads/squares/parks etc.: Union Street (not 'the...') / Fifth Avenue/ Piccadilly Circus/ Hyde Park Blackrock Road/ Broadway/ Times Square/ Waterloo Bridge Many names (especially names of important buildings and institutions) are two words: Kennedy Airport/ Cambridge University The first word is usually the name of a person ('Kennedy') or a place ('Cambridge'). We do not usually use 'the' with names like these. Some more examples: Victoria Station (not 'the...') / Edinburgh Castle/ London Zoo/ Westminster Abbey/ Buckingham Palace/ Canterbury Cathedral But we say 'the White House', 'the Royal Palace', because 'white' and 'royal' are not names like 'Kennedy' and 'Cambridge'. This is only a general rule and there are exceptions. B/ Most other names (of places, buildings etc.) have names with the: These places usually have names w...
Marcus is permitted to watch ceremony. They saw the Eagle and Esca stole it at night. On the way back, they had followers, but they got them away. They were riding reach the Marcus uncles place. Marcus get a letter from the senate and now he can start living in Britain, and the Eagle is somewhere other Legions will go always. Marcus- Cohort of the Second Roman Legion is Marcus's first command. He is nineteen years old, a thin and dark. A very arrogant citizen of the Rome. He is a solider son. He lived on the family farm near Clusium. Marcus last name Aquila means Eagle. Esca- Brigante warrior, who has been slave 2 years. Esca carries a spear and stands behind Marcus's chair during meals. He is a good hunter, she carried a wolf to Marcus. He helped Marcus much and they had a nice teamwork. 10th grade
take care of the child. While living with his step-parents, young Michelangelo learned the skills that would serve him throughout his life, but his father was displeased when his son told him he wanted to be an artist, and it took much convincing for Michelangelo to be permitted to further his apprenticeship. Michelangelo went on to study sculpture at Medici gardens, where Leonardo da Vinci had also been taught. Following his sojourn at Medici gardens, Michelangelo went to Bologna, then to Rome, where he saw the impressive marble statues, which he would later echo in his own works. Upon his return, he set out to create his first complete sculpture, as statue of Mary holding Jesus' lifeless body, known as La Pietà. His first large scale commissioned work was the statue of Bacchus for a sculpture garden. Shortly thereafter, he created one of his most important works, the statue of David, and a commissioned piece symbolizing the freedom of the republic of Florence.
Tennopent is also an artist and animator. · By the mid 1960s Sooster wasn't only treasured member of Moscow's alternatiive art crowd, but can be considerd on of the Leades of that group. · From the middle of the 1960s Sooster's Works weren't missing from practically a single exhibition of progressive Moscow art shown at alternatiive venues in Moscow and impressime galleries abroad. In 1966 his works were on view Poland, Czehoslovakia and Italy. In 1967 in Rome. And in Colonge, Barcelona and elsewhere in 1970. · Ülo Sooster is one of the few Estonian artist who should describe as an International artist. · [slaid 3] In his art you can distinguish three diffenert periods: pallaslik ( it's a art style which is affected by Pallas art school), modernistic and surrealistic. · Pallaslik art, time when he was learnin at Pallas Art school, 1943-1949.
deceived by the machinations of his servant Iago, and his love for Desdemona. King Lear is about a king who divides his kingdom between three daughters, two of whom turn on him and the third, who truly loves him, is unrecognized. This is considered to be Shakespeare's darkest tragedy and was not performed for many years. Antony and Cleopatra is about two great lovers and nobility is an important theme in it. So are the relations between two very different cultures: Egypt and Rome. Macbeth, Set in Scotland, is about an ambitious Thane who murders the King in order to ascend to the throne
Ancient history architecture symbolism Subject The Pope death Antimatter (God particle) stealing At the headquarters of the Swiss Guards had sent a letter to the threat CERN turns to Robert Langdon for help in uncovering murder Vatican journey with Victoria Papcy able Sede Vacante The catch is that the four main candidates for throne, was kidnapped. Had to find a way with the keys left in the four corners of the Illuminati in Rome Problems church relations with science Murder Pope and kidnapped condidates who gets the throne an explosive antimatter riddles of the past Milieu Most activities take place in Vatican Characters Robert Langdon A professor of symbology at Harvard University and the main protagonist of the novel. He is flown to CERN to help investigate the murder of Leonardo Vetra. Vittoria Vetra The adopted daughter of Vetra. She, like her
Püha õhtusöömaaeg Taust: Majandus: religioosed sõjad, reformatsioon oli katoliku kiriku vastu. Majanduslik vapustus. Linnade iseseisvuse häving. Üldiselt oli manerism kunstiajaloo langusaeg kuna esinesid plagiaat teosed. Ühiskond: üleliigne kasutamine erinevates stiilides nii kunstis, kirjanduses kui ka muusikas, esines keerukus. Varamanerismi artistid, kes töötasid Roomas (1520a) põgenesid sõjalise sündmuse Sack of Rome tõttu. Toimus konflikt Charles V ja War of the League of Cognac vahel. Artistid läksid laiali üle kontinentide otsides tööd. Nende stiili levitati üle Itaalia. Tulemuseks oli esimene rahvusvaheline kunsti stiil alates gooti stiilist. Euroopa valitsejad ostsid Itaalia kunsti töid. Samal ajal mujalt Euroopast artistid reisisid kõik Itaaliasse, sellega aidates levitada maneristlikku stiili. Individuaalsed Põhja-Itaalias töötavad
I osa 2013/2014. õppeaasta III ülekooliline test Seitse armastuslugu ajaloost Seitse armastuslugu ajaloost I Kleopatra ja Antonius Kleopatra VII Rooma marmorbüst Vana Muuseum, Berliin Ptolemaioste dünastia* Ptolemaios I Soter (tõlkes: päästja) oli Aleksander Suure** väepealik. Kui Aleksander 323. a eKr suri, jagasid tema väejuhid suure riigi omavahel. Väejuht Ptolemaiosest sai esmalt Egiptuse satraap ehk asehaldur. Ta liitis oma valdustega ka Küprose ja Väike-Aasia lõunaranniku. 305. a eKr kuulutas kreeklane Ptolemaios end Egiptuse kuningaks, pannes aluse Ptolemaioste dünastiale. ____________ * dünastia valitsejasugu, rida samast soost põlvnenud ja üksteise järel valitsenud monarhe ** Aleksander Suur (356323 eKr), Makedoonia kuningas ja väejuht, kes kindlustas Makedoonia ülemvõimu Kreekas, vallutas hulga alasid, k.a Egiptuse; tema vallutustega sai alguse nn hellenismi ajajärk, ku...