and built by Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, general contractor John McShain, the building was dedicated on January 15, 1943, after ground was broken for construction on September 11, 1941. General Brehon Somervell provided the major motive power behind the project;[1] Colonel Leslie Groves (whose administrative ability, drive, and forcefulness led to his nomination to head the Manhattan Project in 1942) and Major Clarence Renshaw were responsible for overseeing the project for the Army. The Pentagon is the world's largest office building. It houses approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel. It has five sides, five floors above ground (plus two basement levels), and five ring corridors per floor with a total of 17.5 miles (28.2 km)[3] of corridors. The Pentagon includes a five-acre (20,000 m²) central plaza, which is shaped like a pentagon and informally known as "ground zero", a nickname originating during the
Bergstrom • Töö käigus esialgsed plaanid muutusid • Esialgse kolme korruse asemel otsustati teha neli, hiljem aga lausa viis korrust • Ehitusega oli seotud 327 arhitekti ja inseneri, kellel oli abiks 117 ehituse järelvaatajat, tipphetkedel oli objektil ehitajaid 15 000 Hoone valmis 15.jaanuariks 1943.a Arhitekt George Edvin Bergstrom, hoone ehituskulud 83 miljonit dollarit Hoone üldinfo • Neoklassitsistlikus stiilis ehitatud Pentagon sisaldab endast viit pentagooni, mis on omavahel ühendatud 10 galeriiga • Hoone kõrgus 24 m, üldpindala 62 000 m² üldpinda, koridoride kogupikkus üle 28 km, aknaid 7754, telefonikaableid 160 000 km, 131 treppi, eskalaatoreid 19, lifte 13, kõige välimise pentagooni pikkus on 280 m • Hooned kannavad tähenimetusi, alustades kõige seesmisest A, B, C, D, E + kaks keldrikorrust F ja G Hoone üldinfo • Pentagoni siseõu 20 000 m² (suurim siseõu maailmas),
9/11/01- Päev, mil kadus maailma turvatunne Katri-Helena Kaasik 12a 9/11 · Kell 8.45 rammis lennuk Maailma Kaubanduskeskuse põhjatorni. · 9.03-teine lennuk lõunatorni · 9.30 esimene kõne Georg W. Bush'i poolt .Teatas terrorirünnakust. al-Qaida poolt · 9.40-suleti kõik riigi lennuväljad ning maapiir Mehhikoga. · 9.43 rammis järmine lennuk Pentagoni hoonet. · 9.45-alustati Valge Maja ja Kapitooliumi evakueerimist. · 9.50-alustati päästetöid Pentagoni hoonest · 10.07- valises kokku lõunatorn · 10.10-kukkus alla neljas kaapertatud lennuk · 10.13 algas ÜRO peahoone töötajate evakueerimine · 10.27 varises kokku põhjatorn · 12.39- presidendi kõne rahvale · 13.50 Washingtoni linnapea kuulutas välja eriolukorra. Otsus evakueerida Manhattani ühe piirkonna elanikud. · 14.00 USA börsid suleti kaheks päevaks · 17.20 varises kokku keskuste kõrval asunud ...
kahega rünnati New Yorgi World Trade Centeri kaksiktorne. Nende plaani järgi pidid kaks lennukit lendama kaksiktornidesse, üks Pentagoni ning veel üks Valgesse Majja (teise versiooni järgi Kapitooliumi). Lennuk, mis tabas Pentagoni, hukkus 40 inimest. Neljas lennuk, mis pidi lendama Valgesse Majja, võeti reisijate poolt üle ning terroristide plaan hävitada Valge Maja ebaõnnestus, ehkki lennuk kukkus alla ja pardalolnud hukkusid. Pentagon On palju teooriaid seoses Pentagoniga. Üks neist on see et USA tahtlikult ei tulisatanud alla lennukit mis sinna oletavalt sisse sõitis. Teine teooria on see, et lennukit ei olnud üldse, vaid Pentagoni tabas rakett. Vandenõuteoreetikute põhiliseks argumendiks peetakse olevat see, et kuidas saab mahtuda 125 jalga lai ja 155 jalga pikk lennuk auku, mis kõigest 60 jalga suur. Hukkunud 11
former chief environmental adviser to the German government and head of the UK's leading group of climate scientists at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. He said that the Pentagon's internal fears should prove the 'tipping point' in persuading Bush to accept climatic change. *Bob Watson, chief scientist for the World Bank and former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, added that the Pentagon's dire warnings could no longer be ignored. *'Can Bush ignore the Pentagon? It's going be hard to blow off this sort of document. Its hugely embarrassing. After all, Bush's single highest priority is national defence. The Pentagon is no wacko, liberal group, generally speaking it is conservative. If climate change is a threat to national security and the economy, then he has to act. There are two groups the Bush Administration tend to listen to, the oil lobby and the Pentagon,' added Watson.
Pärnu Ühisgümnaasium Taimar Müller Kaksiktornid Referaat Juhendaja: P. Eenraid Sisukord 2010 Sissejuhatus Maailma Kaubanduskeskus ehk World Trade Center (tuntud ka kui WTC või Twin Towers) oli ehitiste kompleks USA-s New Yorgi linnas. Seitse ehitist, mis kompleksi kuulusid, hävitati 11. septembril 2001. aastal. Algsed World Trade Centeri kaks 110-korruselist torni kavandas Minoru Yamasaki 1960. aastate alguses. Ehitus algas 5. augustil aastal 1966. Põhjatorn (North Tower ehk 1. torn) valmis 1970. aasta detsembris ja Lõunatorn (South tower ehk 2. torn) valmis 1971. aasta juulis. Ehitised olid New Yorgi südalinnas Lower Manhattanil ja sisaldasid 4 miljonit ruutmeetrit büroopinda. Restoran Windows on the World asus Põhjatorni 106. ja 107. korrusel, samal ajal kui Lõunatornis oli 107. korrusel vaatlusplatvorm, mi...
Sisukord Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................... WTC kaksiktornid................................................................................................. 11.september 2001............................................................................................... Pentagon................................................................................................................ Televisioon............................................................................................................ Kokkuvõte.............................................................................................................. Kasutatud kirjandus............................................................................................. Lisad.................................................................................................................
.............................10 2.4 USA dollar..............................................................................................................11 3. KUULSAD AMEERIKLASED......................................................................................12 4. AMEERIKA ÜHENDRIIKIDE KUULSAMAD EHITISED.........................................16 4.1 Valge Maja.............................................................................................................16 4.2 Pentagon.................................................................................................................17 4.3 Kapitoolium (Washington).....................................................................................18 KOKKUVÕTE.....................................................................................................................19 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS: ............................................................................................20 LISA...............
Third level Fourth level Fifth level The Pentagon Budget $549,1 billion 43% of the world's military espenditures Largest defense budget in the world Personnel 1,430,895 people on active duty 833,616 in reserve Second largest military in the world Global military 135 countries 820 installations 103,700 troops in Afghanistan 85,600 in Iraq
· 1862--Slavery is abolished in Washington D.C. during the Civil War · 1888--Washington Monument opens to the public · 1943--The Jefferson Memorial is dedicated · 1961--The 23rd Amendment to the Constitution gives citizens of the District of Columbia the right to vote in presidential elections · 1992--The House of Rep. approves statehood for Washington D.C., but the Senate does not · 2001--Terrorist attack destroys part of the Pentagon Building Interesting Places The Capitol Building is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. Was started in 1793. It stands today as a monument to the American people and their government. The laws are created,passed and revised here The White House · It is the official home and principal workplace of the President of the USA. The house is built of white-painted Aquia sandstone in the late
coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings. Both buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying at least two nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There are no survivors from any of the flights.Excluding the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died in the attacks. What is agroterrorism and what can I do to protect myself and my family?
United 93 11. septembril 2001. aastal kaaperdasid terroristid 4 lennukit. Tegemist oli enesetapumissiooniga, mille taga oli 19 Islamiusku Al-Qaeda sõdurit. Missiooni eesmärgiks oli hävitada USA tähtsamad hooned, nagu nt: Maailma Kaubanduskeskuse kaksitornid, Pentagon ja Washington DC. Lennuk, mis pidi tabama Washingtoni, ei jõudnudki kunagi oma eesmärgini – see oli lend United 93. Film algab stseeniga, kus 4 al-Qaeda terroristi Ziad Jarrah, Saeed al-Ghamdi, Ahmed al-Nami ja Ahmed al-Haznawi palvetavad enda New Yorki hotellis. Edasi suunduvad nad Newark Liberty rahvusvahelisse lennujaama, kus nad pääsevad ilma ühegi kahtlustuseta saatuslikku lennuki. Tiheda liikluse tõttu hilineb lend 40 minutit, kuid viimaks stardib lennuk San Francisco poole.
Washington D. C. looks very special in spring. It is cherry blossom time. The trees have beautiful flowers. Millions of people visit Washington D.C. Tourism is an important business. The other business is government. Every year the president meets the leaders of many countries in Washington D. C. The United States Congress works in the Capitol building. They started to build this fabulous building in 1793. The Pentagon is the building of the offices of the U.S. Department of Defence. It includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, and Coast Guard. The Pentagon has five rings inside each other and each ring has five sides that are five stories tall. It is also hundreds of feet under the ground. The Pentagon is the largest office building in the world. Almost 30,000 people work there. The centre guards the country. The White House is the home and official residence of the President of the United
distributing and publicizing the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR)'s investigation The Cry of Blood. · Sam Adams Award (2010) - to an intelligence professional who has taken a stand for integrity and ethics. Public appearances · Media conferences - has appeared at media conferences such as New Media Days, on 11 June he was to appear on a Showcase Panel but cancelled. · Officials trying to determine whereabouts - On 10 June 2010, it was reported that Pentagon officials were trying to determine his whereabouts. "Manhunt" on Assange, arguing that they were only based on comments by "anonymous government officials". Had been advised by his lawyers not to travel to the U.S. during that period. · Appearing for the first time in nearly a month - On 21 June 2010, he took part at a hearing in Brussels, Belgium, appearing in public for the first time in nearly a month. He was a member on a panel that
EESTI SUUSATAMISE AJALUGU 2009 1892 - Oskar Kallas (keeleteadlane ja suursaadik) tõi soomest esimesed suusad Eestisse. 1921 - esimesed ammetlikud suusavõistlused 21. jaanuaril Tartus Emajõel. 28. veebruaril selgitati esimesed Eesti meistrid samuti Tartus Emajõel. Kavas oli 25 km, mille võitis Arnold Veimre-Veiss. 28. novembril asutati Eesti Talvespordi Liit, mis hakkas arendama ka suusasporti. 1925 - 15.märtsil saavutas Theodor Andresson esikoha suusavõistlustel Berliinis. Seda nimetatakse eestlaste seimeseks rahvusvaheliseks eduks suusaspordis. 1926 - 20.-21. veebruaril selgitati Rakveres Tammiku taga väljal Eesti meistrid. Kavas oli kolm distantsi - 1 km, 5 km ja 25 km. Kahekordseks võitjaks tuli Rakvere spordiklubi liige T. Andresson. Naiste 3 km võitis samuti rakverelanna Peterson. Jaanuaris toimusid kaitseorganisatsioonide suusavõistlused soomlaste osavõtul. Tegemist oli tõelisel murdmaal korraldatud võistlusega....
percent (49.7% to 49.5%), while in the Electoral College he won 303 votes to Nixon's 219 (269 were needed to win). Another 14 electors from Mississippi and Alabama refused to support Kennedy because of his support for the civil rights movement; they voted for Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr. of Virginia. Vietnam The extent of Kennedy's involvement in Vietnam remained classified until the release of the Pentagon Papers in 1971.In Southeast Asia, Kennedy followed Eisenhower's lead by using limited military action as early as 1961 to fight the Communist forces led by Ho Chi Minh. Proclaiming a fight against the spread of Communism, Kennedy enacted policies providing political, economic, and military support for the unstable French-installed South Vietnamese government, which included sending 16,000 military advisors and U.S. Special Forces to the area. Kennedy also
PÄRNU VANALINNA PÕHIKOOL Cristi Riimand 2001.AASTA 11.SEPTEMBRI RÜNNAKUD uurimustöö 6.a klass Juhendaja: Ave Soodla Pärnu 2016 Sisukord Tiitelleht......................................................................................................................1 Sisukord......................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus................................................................................................................ 3 Mis juhtus...................................................................................................................4 1.1Lennunduses.............................................................................................4 Hukkunud..............................
Jack St. Clair Kilby Integrated Circuit on a single piece (1958) 1993 - Apple Computer introduces the Newton MessagePad 100 1960 - IBM develops the first automatic mass-production facility for 1993 - First publicly available popular browser NCSA Mosaic v1.0 is transistors, AT&T designed its Dataphone, the first commercial modem released 1960 - A team drawn from several computer manufacturers and the Pentagon Silicon Graphics co-founder James Clark leaves to start Mosaic developed COBOL, Common Business Oriented Language. Project leader: Communications. Mosaic soon renamed to Netscape. Mosaic Grace Hopper. Communications releases Netscape Navigator 1.0, a world-wide web 1960 - LISP made its debut as the first computer language designed for browser. Asutajad: Clark ja Andreessen
Victory. · The role of Bill Clinton 2 terms president 1993-2001 economic expansion-balanced budget improved economy and educational system 1994 first official white house web site Democrat improved race relations family and medical leave act 1993 post presidential carreer- public speaking campaign. The United Nations to Haiti. · The impact of the Lewinsky scandal political sex scandal between Bill Clinton and an intern at the white house. personal relationship. Lewinsky left for pentagon. Linda Trip (friend) recorded how Lewsky told her about their relationship. Clinton was investigated. He denied.She also denied. Wife also said it was a conspiracy. Went on TV to admit his affair. Impeachemnt.(umbusaldus avaldus) (abuse of authority) 5 years suspension. And 25 000 fine. · 2000 Presidential Elections Bush vs Gore Gore tried to stay neutral (concerning Clinton) Bush said he would bring back honour to the white house Results- florida decided. Quite even otherwise. Bush won
introduces the Newlon MessagePad '100 1960 - IBM develops th fir5t automalic mas6'production facility fo, 1993 . First publicly available popular browser NcsA Mo8aic v'1.0 i5 transistors, AT&T de6igned its Dataphone, the first commercial modem aeleasd 1960 - A team dram frm several computer manul&turels and the Pentagon Silicon Graphics ccfounder James Clark leaves to slart Moaaic developed coBoL, Cmmon Busihess oriented Language Proiecl leaderi Commsications. Mcaic soon renamed to Netscape. Mosaic 6ree Hopper. Communicatiohs releases Nelscape Navigator 1.0, a world-wide web
Tartu Karlova Gümnaasium Meediaõpetus Maailma Kaubanduskeskuse Lõuna- ja Põhjatorni kokkuvarisemise põhjuste kajastamisest eestikeelses veebiajakirjanduses ja sotsiaalmeedias Uurimistöö koostaja: Oliver Leppik Juhendaja: õpetaja Külliki Kask Tartu 2013 Sisukord Sissejuhatus.........................................................................................................................................3 1. Maailma Kaubanduskeskuse kaksiktornide ründamine 11.09.2001 ....................4 2. Teooriad aastatel 2001-2006 .................................................................7 2.1. Kokkuvarisemise põhjuseks oli kuumus ..............................................7 2...
Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium Patrick Lainevool Suusatamine Referaat Juhendaja: õp. Indrek Drell Tallinn 2012 Sisukord Sissejuhatus................................................................................................................3 Suusatamine................................................................................................................4 Varustus.......................................................................................................................8 Ajalugu........................................................................................................................11 Eesti ajalugu...............................................................................................................13 Võistlused..............................................................................
aastal vastu võetud põhiseaduse muudatused, mis käsitlesid seda teemat. Samal nädalal leidis ka föderaalkohtunik Kentuckys, et osariik peab tunnustama abielusid, mis on sõlmitud teistes osariikides, olgugi et ei muudeta abielude sõlmimise keeldu osariigis endas. (Eckholm, 14.02.2014) Hetkel tunnustavad samasooliste abielusid 17 osariiki ja Washington D.C. Pentagon plaanib vähendada USA sõjalisi kulutusi Kaitseminister Chuck Hagel teatas, et Pentagon kavatseb vähendada riigi armeed kõige väiksemale tasemele II maailmasõja algusest saadik. Nimelt on riigi sõjavägi pärast kahte välissõda sunnitud vähendama oma kulutusi. See muudatus tooks kaasa tegevteenistuse armee vähendamise 520 000 personaliliikmelt 450 000-le ja kahe Külma sõja-aegse õhuvägede laevastiku koondamise. Samas leidub plaanile ka vastuseisjaid, nende seas Vabariiklaste esindaja Michael Turner, kes väidab, et maailm ei ole muutunud kindlamaks ja
1..1023 - üldtuntud pordid 1024--65535 - vabalt kasutatavad o 1024...49151 - registreeritud pordid o 49152...65535 - "dünaamilised", "privaatsed" pordid Erinevatel transpordikihi protokollidel on sõltumatud pordid (nt TCP vs UDP) Ühenduse määravad ära kasutatav protokoll ning otspunktide IP-aadressid ning pordid Võrkude turve, diagnostika, rakendused Turvaaukude ärakasutamine US DoD & Pentagon o igast 1000 koodireast 15 on (turva)vigased o 1 vea avastamiseks kulub keskmiselt 75 minutit o 1 vea parandamiseks kulub keskmiselt 6 tundi o keskmine ärirakendus koosneb 150k-200k koodireast Mõisted Viirus - Arvutiviirus on programm, mis pole orienteeritud arvuti kasutajale ja mille tegevus ei lähtu arvutikasutaja huvidest. Viirus on mõeldud häirima arvuti tööd, rikkuma kettale salvestatud andmeid, tekitama
Jack Kilby completes building the first integrated circuit, containing five components on a piece of germanium half an inch long and thinner than a toothpick. 1960 IBM develops the first automatic mass-production facility for transistors, in New York. AT&T designed its Dataphone, the first commercial modem, specifically for converting digital computer data to analog signals for transmission across its long distance Network A team drawn from several computer manufacturers and the Pentagon developed COBOL, Common Business Oriented Language. Project leader: Grace Hopper. LISP made its debut as the first computer language designed for writing artificial intelligence programs. Inventor: John McCarthy. 1961 Fairchild Semiconductor releases the first commercial integrated circuit. 1962 Teletype ships its Model 33 keyboard and punched-tape terminal, used for input and output on many early microcomputers. Ivan Sutherland creates a graphics system called Sketchpad 1963
The company is slowly recovering To prescribe the right economic remedy A flourishing company Metonym is a figure of speech in which a word or expression normally or strictly used of one thing is used of something physically or otherwise associated with it: e.g. the 12 Pentagon (strictly a building) when used of the military inhabiting it. This may lead to metonymic change of meaning: e.g. the sense of bureau changed successively from cloth used to cover desks, first to desk itself, then to agency etc. (working from a desk). Metonymy is based on actual/literal association between the two components. o White-collar, blue-collar, redcap, paleface, o Container for contained
(Taim on nime saanud botaanik Dmitri Sosnovski järgi.) Ühend eesti ühiskond märgib eestlaste ühiskonda, Eesti ühiskond on 'Eestis asuv ühiskond'. Põhjala Skandinaavia riikide tähenduses on suure algustähega, väikese algustähega põhjala on laiema sisuga: 'põhja pool asuvad riigid'. Kirjutage tex-mex-toit (väikeste tähtedega, tex-mex on kursiivis). Kirjutage väikese tähega: issanda aastal (vt ÕS, artikkel issand). USA kaitseministeeriumi hoone on Pentagon (suure tähega). Sõna laulukaar on väikese algustähega. Õige on kirjutada väikeste tähtedega ja sidekriipsuta: eesti, saksa ja itaalia keel, vrd eesti-, saksa- ja itaaliakeelne. Sõna e-viktoriin on lause keskel väikese tähega ja lause algul suurega, nt E-viktoriini võitis 7.d klass. Sõnad devon, kambrium, kvaternaar, ordoviitsium ja silur on väikese algustähega. Tantsisime kaerajaani. Sõna kaerajaan on antud ÕSis nimetusena. Kas Savoy kapsas on kirjutatud õigesti
on laiema sisuga: 'põhja pool asuvad riigid'. Kas peab kirjutama Kolmas maailmasõda (esimene sõna suure tähega)? See pole ajaloosündmuse püsikindel nimetus, mistõttu on sobivam väike algustäht: kolmas maailmasõda. Veebruarirevolutsioon ja Oktoobrirevolutsioon kui ajaloosündmused on suure algustähega. Kirjutage tex-mex-toit (väikeste tähtedega, tex-mex on kursiivis). Kirjutage väikese tähega: issanda aastal (vt ÕS 2006, artikkel issand). USA kaitseministeeriumi hoone on Pentagon (suure tähega). Sõna laulukaar on väikese algustähega. Õige on kirjutada väikeste tähtedega ja sidekriipsuta: eesti, saksa ja itaalia keel, vrd eesti-, saksa- ja itaaliakeelne. Sõna e-viktoriin on lause keskel väikese tähega ja lause algul suurega, nt E-viktoriini võitis 7.d klass. Sõnad devon, kambrium, kvaternaar, ordoviitsium ja silur on väikese algustähega. Tantsisime kaerajaani. Sõna kaerajaan on antud ÕS 2006s nimetusena. Kas Savoy kapsas on kirjutatud õigesti
Logistika rakendusala on alates Aleksander Suure vallutusretkedest kuni tänapäevani olnud militaarvaldkond, sest ilma logistika põhimõtete rakendamiseta ei ole sõjategevuses võimalik edu saavutada. Sõjalise edu tagab relvajõudude logistiline valmisolek, sest armee on täpselt ja rangelt organiseeritud struktuur, kus individuaalsed ja grupihuvid on allutatud kogu süsteemile. Tänapäeval annab Pentagon USA ülikoolidele materiaalset ja metoodilist abi. See on seaduspärane, sest logistika kui ärikorralduse instrument ja teadusharu hakkas tsiviilelus tänapäevases tähenduses formeeruma 1950 aastatel eelkõige USA-s. Teise maailmasõja militaarlogistika kogemused leidsid kasutamist ärielus 10 –15 aastat hiljem. Teise maailmasõja järel oli tüüpiline tootjate turg, millega kaasnes reservide otsimine tootmises. Tollal formuleeriti tulevase logistikakontseptsiooni eeldused:
of silicon. Fairchild Semiconductor announces their independent discovery of the integrated circuit. 1960 IBM develops the first automatic mass-production facility for transistors, in New York. AT&T designed its Dataphone, the first commercial modem, specifically for converting digital computer data to analog signals for transmission across its long distance network A team drawn from several computer manufacturers and the Pentagon developed COBOL, Common Business Oriented Language. Project leader: Grace Hopper. LISP made its debut as the first computer language designed for writing artificial intelligence programs. Inventor: John McCarthy. 1960 The PDP-1 sold for $120,000. MIT wrote the first video game, Space War! for it. A total of 50 were built. Each had a cathode ray tube graphic display. No real commercial success 1961
mõjutavad närve ja võivad põhjustada iiveldust, kurnatust, ärritatust ning isegi surma. See on oma olemuselt sama, mis Richard Shaver-i koopa "Telaug" mehhanism. See organismisiseste biodünaamiliste suhete uurimistöö (Bioloogiline Plasma) on juba tootnud kiire, mis on võimeline muutma geneetilist struktuuri, parandama/ravima või isegi tapma. Shaver-i koopa "Ben-Mech" on võimeline parandama/ravima. Hoiatus: Manipulatsioon ja Kontroll Hirm, Pettus ja Soosing >>>> Pentagon, CIA, NSA, DEA, FBI, NSC jne. taotlevad Ameerika avalikkuse tõekspidamiste ärakasutamist. Salavalitsus valmistub lavastama kontakti maanduvate tulnukatega lähitulevikus. Sellisel moel saavad nad kontrollida tulnukatega seotud propaganda väljalaskeid. Meile räägitakse siis tähtedevahelisest konfliktist, kuid see, mis näib tõeline, võib olla võlts. Mis asi on desinformatsioon? See tähendab, et sinu tähelepanu suunatakse kõrvale Shadow Plan (Varju Plaan) strateegia poolt.
connected by aluminum lines on a silicon-oxide surface layer on a plane of silicon. Fairchild Semiconductor announces their independent discovery of the integrated circuit. 1960 IBM develops the first automatic mass-production facility for transistors, in New York. AT&T designed its Dataphone, the first commercial modem, specifically for converting digital computer data to analog signals for transmission across its long distance network. A team drawn from several computer manufacturers and the Pentagon developed COBOL, Common Business Oriented Language. Project leader: Grace Hopper. LISP made its debut as the first computer language designed for writing artificial intelligence programs. Inventor: John McCarthy. 1961 Fairchild Semiconductor releases the first commercial integrated circuit. According to Datamation magazine, IBM had an 81.2-percent share of the computer market in 1961, the year in which it introduced the 1400 Series. 1962
The building is fully air- conditioned. It has a public-address system. It is said to have more electric wiring than any building in the world. Its institutional, characterless offices, filled with metal desks, partitions, and lockable file cabinets, are the black chambers of today. But although this cathedral of cryptology—far and away the greatest ever erected to that science—was the third largest building in the Washington area (after the Pentagon and the new State Department headquarters), and although its 1,400,000 square feet exceeded the C.I.A.'s 1,135,000, it proved too small after only five years. In May of 1963 the J. W. Bateson Co., Inc., was awarded a contract for $10,940,000 to construct a nine-story Operations Building Annex of boxy, modern style between the jutting arms of the square A. It added 500,000 square feet to the N.S.A. headquarters complex, 140,000 of it in a basement area almost certain to be used for computers
piece of the puzzle. Fixing professional athletes in his human durability factory, Gray has become perhaps the world's most sought-after injury-prevention specialist. In 2007, both the Chicago Bears and the Indiana Colts used him as their secret weapon to keep athletes on the eld, and both teams ended up at Super Bowl XLI. Gray wasn't limited to the ranks of the NFL, MLB, NHL, or NBA. The special forces also placed their bet on this soft-spoken southerner. Gray explains: "The Pentagon puts as many millions into someone on the Special Ops as an NFL team puts into a player, but an NFL career might last three years, whereas a Delta Force career should be more than ten." Millions. That's a lot of money. How on earth do you injury-proof yourself if you don't have access to someone like Gray? Revisit beating my favorite dead horse, of course: the 80/20 principle. 80/20 Functional Screening