British Cuisine Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it's chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven't had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious? If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say "Fish and chips" then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to a good English restaurant with a reasonable prices. In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you'll also find Indonesian,
10 days of my life Personal diary Student:Anton Stseglakov Teacher:Evelin Pähn School:Haapsalu Gümnaasium Grade:10b Haapsalu 2008 First snow in 2008-23 november On 23 November the first snow of year 2008 was falling down from the sky all day long. Snowdrift was caused by strong wind, and it was very interesting to look how everything was going white.It had been a long time since I saw snow, so I was looking forward to see it.But I didn't expect it to come down in such huge quantity. I could sit behind the window for hours, observing the power of nature.It made me forget everything negative I felt that time and gave me an unforgetable memorial. Travel to Riga on 26 October I woke up 15minutes later than my father.My eyes were still closed and I couldn't open them before I got a cup
My day . Monday . I wake up at 7 a.m . Usually I have to get up soon but sometimes I lie in bed. My mum wakes me up . She comes into my room and turns on the TV . Then I brush my theet and put clothes on . About 7.15 7.50 I go to school . I choose time myself . Sometimes I go with my friends ( if I want) and sometimes alone . I don't eat breakfast . On Monday I have at school six subjects . They are : Maths , Health Education , History , Geography , PE , Art . I eat at the school after Geography lesson . My favorite subject is Maths . I think . After 12.35 when the lessons end I go home and always with somebody . At home I eat something light like apple or yoghurt . Then I do my homework , watch TV , sing or play the flute . At 4.30 p.m I start to go to Music school . There the Solfedzo startsat 5.15 p.m. After this is flute lesson . I have a Russian teacher so I have quite a lot of fun, because she has such an accent . It is pretty funny. La
MY SCHOOL & SPECIALITY Kuressaare Regional Training Centre is an educational institute that provides initial vocational training and in wide area of specialties. The school was established on the 6th of november 1922, named the Kuressaare Ehitusinstruktorite school. First accepted 19 students to the new school. This marks the beginning of the continuous training on Saaremaa. Nowdays, over 1000 of students enrolled in school. As tourism is an important industry in our region, training specialists in catering, cooking, tourism management and hotel service has a very important role. Construction and related fields like carpentry have also quite a number of students. My school is located on an island which has a strong seamanship traditions and small vessel building companies, Kuressaare Reginal Traingin Centre is the only vocational school in Estonia training boat builders. Other specialties are car repairing, business management, social work, information technology, handicraft and artist
Book 1 BASIC ENGLISH BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR Book 1 Book 1 Younger students at beginning to intermediate levels will greatly benefit from this step-by-step approach to English grammar basics. This is the ideal supplement to your language arts program whether your students are native English speakers or beginning English language learners. Skill-specific lessons make it easy to locate and prescribe instant reinforcement or intervention. · Illustrated lessons a
Tests Superstar 1 Luke Prodromou Test 1 Name____________________ Class_______ Use your English 1 Complete these sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets. _ 1 She is in a band and she _________________________________ (record) a CD at the moment. _ 2 She is an actress and often _________________________________ (appear) on television. _ 3 At the moment she _________________________________ (have) a rest because she is tired. _ 4 Mike is a doctor and he _________________________________ (live) in Manchester. _ 5 I _________________________________ (start) work at 8.30 every morning. _ 6 He is a good cook but she _________________________________ (prefer) to eat out. _ 7 English tests _________________________________ (get) more and more interesting. _ 8 They _________________________________ (have) a party because it's her birthday. _ 9 I sometimes ____________
Mare Jõul Ülle Kurm I Love English 6 Workbook Studium Units 1-4 e-formaat Toimetatud Tartu Emajõe Koolis Toimetaja I. Tars Tartus, 2016 Elektroonilisse vormingusse kohandatud õpikus kasutatud märgised, mis aitavad otsingukäsu kasutamisel navigeerida * Tavakirjas leheküljenumbri ees on kolm järjestikust sidekriipsu, tühik ja vastava lehekülje number, näiteks, --- 5; * peatüki ette on kirjutatud kolm x-i, tühik ja vastava peatüki number, näiteks xxx 5; * visuaalne info on pandud kahekordsete ümarsulgude vahele. I Love English 6 töövihik sobib inglise keele õpetamiseks 8. klassis Töövihik vastab riiklikule õppekavale Retsenseerinud Piret Kärtner, Viive Latt, Ingrit Tera Toimetanud Viiu Menning, Nicola Fyfe, Tiina Helekivi Kujundanud ja küljendanud Eve Kurm Tehniliselt toimetanud Andero Kurm Illustreerinud Ülle Meister Esikaas: Boswell and Dr. Johnson (foto Scanpix). Vaata Unit 20. Autoriõigus: Mare Jõul, Ülle Kurm, 2009 Kirjastus Studium
MODULE 1 Greeting. Introducing oneself and the others. The alphabet. Spelling. The tenses. How to introduce yourself and others Formal introductions How to respond and reply to an May I introduce myself? I am John introduction Smith. How do you do. Allow me to introduce John Smith to Pleased to meet you. you. Standard introduction Nice to meet you. I'd like you to meet John Smith. Hello. I want you to meet John Smith. I'm so pleased to meet you. This is Jane Smith. I'm Jane Smith. My name's John Smith. Informal introduction Hi. John. Jane. Hello. Titles: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Ms is a modern form of address for women. It replaces the traditional forms of Mrs and Miss. Greetings Good morning/afternoon/evening! 'How are you?' Very often people expect you to s
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