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"make up" - 1038 õppematerjali



I take care about my look very much. Most often I use beauty products like mascara and lip balm. I can't go out without wearing them. Ibid I always wear nail polish too. My nail polish colour depend on what I wear. So, if I wear red shoes, I will wear red nail polish too. I like 'big hair'. Every day when I wake up, I straighten and teasing my hair. Erst I wore hair clips, but now I don't. Sometimes when my hair are in a plait, I only wear topknot. If I could get a new make-up kit, it will be consist of mascara, eyeliner, different lip balms and lip glosses, mirror, face powder, rouge, oils, perfume and different eye shadows. I always wear make-up at school and I'll always have my make-up bag with me. My opinion is that, it's okay to wear make-up at school. My mom don't spent ages putting on make-up because she only wear mascara, little bit eye shadow, powder, rouge and lip gloss. I never share any make-up with my mother because we both have owns

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Kosmeetika ajalugu

tekkisid kosmeetikagigandid. Max Factor lõi esimese kaasaegse puudri 1936 aastal, see püsis nahal eelkäijatest paremini. 1920'ndatel hakkas Coco Chanel propageerima kuldset päevitunud jumet ning päevitamisest kujunes välja teadlik tegevus. Pruun nahk muutus atraktiivseks ja hakati välja töötama tooteid, et seda kuntslikult saavutada. Viimastel aastakümnetel on kosmeetikatoodete valik tormiliselt suurenenud: saadaval on silmadele mõeldud make-up, ripsmetuss, silmalainer, lauvärvid; näo puhastusvedelikud, Mari Sarv 5 38E Eesti Esimene Erakosmeetikakool Kosmeetika ajalugu Rahvusvaheline CIDESCO Kool Referaat toonikud, näoveed, niisutajad; küünte hooldusvahendid, küünelakid igas värvis; huulepulgad,

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
156 allalaadimist

Phrasal Verbs

Pay back- to punish or reward Pay for- to make payment pay for- to suffer or be punished pay off- to pay a full amount (a debt) pay off- produce a profitable or successful result pay off- to get revenge pay off- to birbe (pistist maksma) pay out-a sum of money to sb (large amount) pay out- to let out (a line or rope) by slackening (lõdvaks laskma) pay up- to give over the full monetary amount demanded carry off- to die of a disease carry on- to continue carry on- have an affair carry on- behave badly carry out- to perform a task carry out- to follow or obey carry out- complete or accomplish st carry over- to continue to another time or situation carry through- to survive carry through- to accomplish, complete successfully pull ahead- overtake, move into the lead or in front pull apart- top from fighting pull apart- weaken an argument or theory pull out- bus or train leaving station pull out- move into traffic pull out- withdraw pull b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keel- Lesson 3 Anchoring

Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- to give a ship the sternway with the engine to give a ship the sternway with the engine to give a ship the sternway with the engine ...

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keel (10.klass)

Active Simple Continuous Present Walks Is walking Past Walked Was walking Future Will walk Will be walking Present Perfect Have walked Have been walking Past Perfect Had walked Had been walking Future Perfect Will have walked Will have heen walking Passive Simple Continuous Present is sold Was being sold Past was sold was being sold Future Will be sold Present Perfect Have been made Past Perfect Had been made Future Perfect Will have been sold A house on fire ­ heas suhtes olema He...

Keeled → Inglise keel
293 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs

Act out ­ to copy actions in a theatrical manner act up ­ to misbehave/not work act upon ­ to affect Break away ­ te detach from break down ­ to stop/to malfunction break in ­ to enter a building by force break into ­ to suddenly start doing sth break off ­ to terminate break up ­ to erupt Call for ­ to require, need call off ­ to cancel come about ­ to happen come across ­ to find by chance come forward ­ to present oneself come in for ­ to be subject to come into ­ to inherit Do away with ­ to dispose with do down ­ to critisise do out ­ to decorate do out of ­ to deprive of do over ­ to ransack do without ­ to manage despite not having Done for ­ doomed Drive at ­ to allude to drive away ­ to discourage drive off ­ to repel Fall apart ­ to break into pieces fall back on ­ to resort to fall in with ­ to agree with fall into ­ to engage (in conversation) fall through ­ to fail (of agreement etc) fall to ­ to become so's duty Get about/...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

Viljandi County Gymnasium Prepositions Name Form 11b Supervisor: Name Viljandi 2009 Viljandi County Gymnasium 1. Prepositions of place The ball is in the box The ball is on the box. The ball is under the box. Jane's house Bill's house John's house John's house is next to Jane's Jane's house is between Bill's Bill's house is next to Jane's house. and John's houses. house. The man stood The climbers The man stood The enemies stood The gardners next to the gopher stood on top of between the two opposite each stood behind the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
102 allalaadimist


teenage years. You have to be honest, it is actually pretty funny time to time. And now a little bit of teenage every day life. And just a little note to you about what I am going to talk about does not 100% include myself. But anyways They wake up what and is the first things in their mind? Twitter news, Instagram news, is it weekend already or maybe somebody has texted me? After that there comes i-don’t-want-to-go-to-school whine and make-up After make-up there comes my-make-up came up so ugly whine. I will make a little stop over here now. Isn’t it already really funny? How much girls actually whine and specifically in the morning while they are really sleepy. You only try to disturb a girl in the morning. I can assure you, it will not end up well. Okey back to the point now. To cut it all short will eventually go to school through a lot of whining and pain in the ass talking. At school there are 2 options

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs - ühendverbid

Phrasal verbs - ühendverbid Apply for – taotlema Break down - katki minema Break out of – põgenema Bring out - esile tooma Bring up – kasvatama Brought out - välja müüdud Bump into - otsa sõitma, kokku juhtuma Calm down - maha rahunema Catch up - järele jõudma Catch up on - järele tegema Check up on – kontrollima Come across - juhuslikult kohtama Come up with - (mingile ideele) tulema Cope/ deal with - käsitlema Cost out - sunniviisiliselt välja viskama Cut down on – vähendama; Drink/ eat up; ära jooma/ sööma End up - lõpetama, lõppu tegema Fall out with - tülli minema Fool around – lollitama Get on with - läbi saama Get out of - välja tulema Get through - kohale jõudma, läbima Go dead - tühjaks saama Hang around – aega veetma Hang on to - kramplikult kinni hoidma Hang out - pesu kuivama panema Hang over - kohal rippuma Head for - asuma millegi suunas Hold on – oota Hunt for – jahtima Keep up with - sammu pidama Line up – rivistama Loo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Motivatsiooni kirjand

Always keep moving fowards no matter what happens in life! There is never such thing as “I can’t move on, I am hurt, I am feeling depressed”, there just isn’t. Motivation isn’t something what just comes by a random chance. It is something what needs to be understood and observed with feelings and emotions. Motivation comes from the past incidents what I have had and have been through with. I know what I have been thorugh with and how hard the times can get in life but then I can’t just give up my life, I can’t surrender my body to drugs or alcohol in order to forget or ignore the problems. I have to have another view to life. A view that is full of positive energy, good vibes, happy feelings and fantastic emotions. But in order to get the feelings what I want, I need to start moving my ass around the world. I need to see that there are more things than just problems. when I finally have seen that there can be a life to enjoy then I star...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Do/make(p.100 1. 2. Business äri ajama do 3. An arrangement kokkulepet tegema, korraldust tegema Make 4. Homework (õpilase) kodutöö, kodused ülesanded; kodus tehtav töö 5. A mistake eksima, viga tegema make 6. Money raha; pl. rahasummad; rikkus; rahalised maksed v. tulu 7. A decision otsusele jõudma 8. Do the washing- nõusid pesema do up 9. The bed voodit tegem make 10. A noise kära tegema, lärmam make 11. A favour kellelegi teenet osutama Do somebody 12. One´s best ???Ühte parimat tegema??? Ei tea kas on do õige??? 13....

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
25 allalaadimist

If I were the misiter on education

If I were the Minister of Education If I got the chance to be the Minister of Education, I would definitely make some changes in school life, changes for the better of course. Firstly, I would improve school catering. I would make school food free for all students because at the moment it is quite expensive. Because of that some students can not afford to eat at school but schooldays are long and it is unhealthy to go all day without eating. School buffet's offer unhealthy chips and pies but very little healthy vegetables and fruits so I would make buffets healthier. Secondly, I believe that it would make classes more effective to watch different educational movies. Doing the same thing from day to day is simply boring and some variety would surely increase students' interest in class. The third thing I would do to spice up life at school is organizing more fieldtrips. There are m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist


ÜHENDVERBID (NB! Ühendverbe on tegelikult väga palju. Siin on toodud vaid mõned valitud näited nende kohta.) BLOW UP (explode): The factory was blown up yesterday. (Tehas lasti eile õhku.) BREAK DOWN (stop functioning): My car broke down yesterday. (Mu auto lakkas eile töötamast.) BREAK IN ON (interrupt): He broke in on my conversation with mom. (Ta segas vahele mu vestlusele emaga.) BRING UP (mention a topic): Jenny brought up that song again. (Jenny võttis jälle selle laulu kõne alla.) BRING UP (raise children): Deborah has to bring up four children. (Deborah'l peab nelja last kasvatama.) CALL OFF (cancel): The meeting was called off. (Koosolek jäeti ära.) CALL ON (visit): The doctor called on Helen. (Arst käis Heleni juures.) CATCH ON (become popular): Meg caught on in her class. (Meg sai oma klassis populaarseks.) CATCH UP WITH (keep abreast): You should catch up with the the class. (Sa peaks klassiga sammu pidama.) CHECK UP ON (ex...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Idiomatic Language

In front of smth so they can't avoid it ­ before to be new or different that encourages u ­ be a breath of their very eyes fresh air to accept smth ­ face it to make someone leave a job cuz they are too old ­ put so to have a lot of things to do ­ be knee deep in out to grass smth to be in a situation when u may make so angry ­ be to not understand smth ­ not make a head or tail walking/skating on thin ice out of smth smth that happens that added to other problems , makes a to be angry or bored ­ fed up to the (back) teeth situastion impssible - the last straw to admit that u were wrong ­ eat humble pie a bad situation that affects other things ­ a vicious circle a place with an exiting mixture of cultures ­ a all over the world ­ to the 4 corners of the globe melti...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Exercises 5-6 page 18-19

5.She's wearing a fancy coat, a yellow shirt, and tights with big stripes.Also, she have a red rubber nose and wear her hair in crazy plaits. 6.Being a clown in a hospital is very tiring both physically and emotionally.They have to learn no to show their feelings, otherwise they'd be useless. 7.Because they meet nurses and doctors and they tell to Dr LooLoo and to Dr Chequers about particular kids who they think will benefit from a clown doctor visit. 8.After work she take off her make-up and change her clothes.Sometimes she have a night out with friends, it helps her to unwind. 9.At weekends they are often asked to participate in events to raise money for Theodora Children's Trust. 10.She arrives in the hospital with Dr.Chequers.Then she goes into the wards and cheers childrens, she makes funny faces, tell jokes etc.At lunchtime she eat in the hospital cafeteria.About six o'clock she take off her make-up and change her clothes, shes totally exhausted

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Problems 1 Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Many people were injured when the building demolished/collapsed. b) The ship radioed to say that it was in difficulties/dangers. c) The government has announced plans to help the poor/poverty. d) There was a large demonstration/manifestation against nuclear power in Manchester yesterday. e) Everyone agrees that the environment/nature must be protected. f) There has been another increase/rising in the level of crime. g) There are few jobs here and many people are away from work/unemployed. h) The train was in a/an accident/collision with a bus on a level crossing. i) The driver of the bus admitted that he had done/made an error. j) No ships are sailing today because of the high/storm winds. 2 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. disaster emergency hooliganism li...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

New matrix pre-intermediate student peatükk 3. Home and family

Home and family Ex. 3 p. 31 a. When she was 15. Emma's behavior got worse. b. It's very hard for them it they have suddely leave and live out in the world on their own. c. Caroline was a real friend. d. She has friends, a boyfriend and a busy social life. e. I have to treat her like an adult and give her space. Ex. 4 1. Emma was unhappy. She was smoking and drinking. She kept missing school and getting terrible fights. She stayed out at night, wen clubs, often got into trouble with the police and even started taking drugs. 2. Caroline was fostered a lot of teenagers before. Caroline is kind and caring for Emma. She helped Emma to see that how important it was to go to school and live her life. 3. Emma decided to stay on at school, and worked hard for her exams. Emma was extremely lucky. Caroline want Emma to stay with them. Emma eas c...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


· And when you begin to miss me, dont forget it was you who let me go. · There is an end to things no matter how much we want to hold into them. · Otsisin keset seda pimedust, sind ja loodetud vabadust,kui mu käed su poole, tegid alguse loole, printsessist ja printsist, ühest kaunist kandist, kus oleme meie kaks, kus lõbutseme, kuni otsas jaks. Sa ei pea muinasmaad looma, sa ei pea tähti taevast tooma. Ole vaid minu kõrval, kui tõuseb päike. Ole vaid mu kõrval kui mind piinab meeleheide. Ole mu kõrval, kui kumab kuu, kui su nime hüüab mu suu, ära tõota mulle, et armastad mind, kui ei ole valmis ohverdama end. Luba, et printsess jääb printsiga, kuni nad veel siin ilmas elavad. Unustame hetkeks kõik muu me, tunnetame üksteise kiireid südamelööke, kas tunned, kuidas süda jätab lööke vahele, see kõik on midagi uut, meile kahele. · Women are stronger than men, because they can walk in a 12 cm stilet...

Keeled → Inglise keel
72 allalaadimist


do a crossword do the ironing do the laundry do the washing do the washing up do your work do homework do housework do your job do badly do business do the dishes do a favour do good do harm do time - (to go to prison) do well do your best do your hair do your nails do your vorst make a dress make food make a cup of tea / coffee make a meal - breakfast / lunch / dinner make amends make arrangements make believe - (to pretend) make a choice make a comment make a decision make a difference make an effort make an enquiry make an excuse make a fool of yourself make a fortune make friends make a fuss make a journey make love make a mess make a mistake make money make a move make a noise make a payment make a phone call make a plan make a point make a profit make a promise make a remark make a sound make a speech make a suggestion make time make a visit make your bed

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


do a crossword do the ironing do the laundry do the washing do the washing up do your work do homework do housework do your job do badly do business do the dishes do a favour do good do harm do time - (to go to prison) do well do your best do your hair do your nails do your vorst make a dress make food make a cup of tea / coffee make a meal - breakfast / lunch / dinner make amends make arrangements make believe - (to pretend) make a choice make a comment make a decision make a difference make an effort make an enquiry make an excuse make a fool of yourself make a fortune make friends make a fuss make a journey make love make a mess make a mistake make money make a move make a noise make a payment make a phone call make a plan make a point make a profit make a promise make a remark make a sound make a speech make a suggestion make time make a visit make your bed

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Walking for meetings - analysis of a Nilofer Merchant presentation

Estonian Business School ANALYSIS OF A PRESENTATION Home assignment Tallinn 2015 For the home assignment we had to choose one presentation from I chose about a 4 minute presentation by Nilofer Merchant on the following topic: “Got a meeting? Take a walk”. The main reason for choosing this presentation was that I had read Steve Jobs's biographical book and there he talked how he liked to go for a walk when having a meeting and therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to get to know a bit more about something that I already know about. Also, I think that in the future, it pays off to know some easy tricks about how to make your meetings more interesting, more memorable and more healthier. Last thing mentioned in the previous paragraph is nowadays in my opinion, one of the hottest topics and we can see it in the headlines on a daily basis. I am quite sure that people under...

Meedia → Suuline ja kirjalik...
1 allalaadimist

Are mistakes necessary for discovery and progress?

Are mistakes necessary for discovery and progress? It is often questioned whether making mistakes help people to progress and make discoveries. I personally think that there is no need to make mistakes in order to develop themselves, but it is often an efficient way of finding out something new which can help people to make progress on whatever that is worked on. It is often the mistake that tell us what is wrong or what needs to be corrected. Through correcting any mistakes that are made and learning from those errors, deffinitely help to make progress. Homework that teachers give to students are a good example, like submitting something to your teacher and getting it back later with corrections. By carefully analyzing the mistakes made in the work, many important discoveries which might be ignored before would be noticed that can later help to progress in something. What can also be brought up as a good example is analyzing...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Lõpetatud ja lõpetamata tegusõnad vene keeles

Aspects are only used in the past and future tense. When you are talking in the present tense, you can ignore aspects all together. The aspects are: Imperfective - Incomplete, ongoing, habitual, reversed or repeated actions Perfective - Actions completed successfully. The perfective aspect is not created by changing the ending. There are normally two words for each verb. One is the imperfective, the other is the perfective. Often these two words are closely related, but this is not always the case. (Often the perfective is simply prefixed with “По”). ) Жить, Прожить – live Любить, Полюбить – love Делать, Сделать - do, make Говорить, Сказать - talk, speak, say. Работать, Поработать - work Aspects in the negative Using the negative with perfective verbs indicates the person failed to do that action. Using the imperfective will normally simply mean that it didn’t happen. Я не позвонила - I failed to phone (perfective) (but I was expecte...

Keeled → Vene keel
5 allalaadimist

Report-Suggetions for the shop

To: John Howell From: Merike Aasmäe Subject: Suggetions for the shop Date: 1st May 2012 Purpose The purpose of this report is to recommend ways to make the shop more profitable. Interior Firstly, one suggestion would be to make in your shop some innovations by changing it modern. A visual revamp of your retail shop interior will make your business feel and look brand new, and attract a whole new customer base. The interior design is a very important consideration so you need to give it a big thought. Background music Secondly, I think it would be useful to use background music in the shop. Background music keeps customers comfortable and relaxed. Keeping your employees happy is just as important as doing the same for your customers. Without good employees, you'll never be able to reach the level of sales you need to in order to keep things rolling. Playing background music can take your employees' minds off of wha...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Premium B2 - Unit 10 vocabulary

Unit 10: vocabulary 1. small talk (n) ­ talk about unimportant things to pass time 2. chat show (n) ­ talk show 3. to get through to sb (v) ­ reach 4. to get your point across (v) ­ to make someone understand 5. to speak up (v) ­ to speak louder 6. to speak out about sth (v) ­ to make a statement 7. to talk down to sb ­ to talk to someone like you're better than they are 8. to pick up sth (v) ­ start a topic 9. to pass on a message (v) - 10. to bring up a point - 11. to commute (v) ­ to travel regularly over some distance 12. commuter (n) ­ person who travels back and forth between something 13. virtuous (adj) ­ naturally good at something, morally excellent 14. exasperated (adj) ­ extremely annoyed 15. dismayed (adj) ­ without courage 16. deed (n) ­ something that is done 17. to boast about sth (v) ­ to brag about sth 18. to exaggerate about sth (v) ­ to magnify beyond the limits of...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards

6 Part Beginners Guitar Course - Part One A FREE Mini Course Brought to You by Jamorama ­ The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit YOU HAVE CONFIRMED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE JAMORAMA NEWSLETTER AND THE FREE 6 PART GUITAR MINI COURSE! Hi there and welcome to Part One of the Beginners Mini- Course on Learning How to Play the Guitar. This mini- course gives you a taste of what's covered in Jamorama - The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit! Ben Edwards - In this course you will learn powerful tips and skills to get you Creator of playing the guitar with the fluency and accuracy of a Jamorama professional, and by the end of it you will be able to play a full song by yourself. In my mini-course, this is what you'll learn: Part One--Introduction to the Guitar and How to Play Chords · Getting into Position...

Muusika → Muusika
35 allalaadimist

Something out of nothing

Something out of nothing. Why do people enjoy making something out of nothing? I believe that it gives us great pleasure to know, that we've made something new and interesting just because we're humans. We like to feel big and important, it's just our nature and we can't help it. For example, many people believe in God. They believe God is always watching over them, so they have to behave, because noone wants to be on the bad side in the eyes of God. And ofcourse everyone wants to go to heaven, so you can't really get on God's nerves, or he'll just send you to hell. The way I see it, God makes all the rules and you can't really argue with him, because he's God. He can do what he wants, that's just the way it is. In my opinion humans want to feel as powerful as God. It makes us feel better about ourselves, if we can make our own rules from time to time. Let's say, that a musician is writing a song. He makes something out of noth...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Rowan Atkinson

Since then, he has gained further recognition with movies like Four Weddings and a Funeral; Johnny English or Mr Bean's Holiday. My personal favourite is Mr Bean's Holiday because it's filled with humour and ridiculous coincidences. During his career, he's won different awards. For instance, he has been announced the Best Actor in the European Movie Awards in 2003 FAMILY Atkinson has been married to Sunetra Sastry since 1990. He first met her in the late 1980s, when she was working as a make-up artist with the BBC. The couple married at the Russian Tea Room In New York City on 5th February. They have two kids: Lily and Benjamin. FACTS · He has the ability to make loads of different facial expressions which turnis him into an extraordinary actor · Lorries have always fascinated him. He also has a lorry driving lisence. He has used his skill as lorry driver when filming comedy material

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs task key

Doze off Fall asleep Magama jääma Turn down Reject Ära ütlema Butt in Interrupt segama Cover for Replace asendama Track down Find leidma Cut down Reduce vähendama Fill in Complete täitma Strip off Undress Lahti riietuma Pile up Accumulate kogunema Gulp down Eat/drink quickly kugistama Hold up Rob röövima Brush up Improve parandama Tart up Decorate kaunistama Give away Reveal Nähtavale tooma Mess about Waste time Aega raiskama Break off End lõpetama Make up Invent Välja mõtlema Draw up Prepare valmistuma Clear off Go away Ära minema

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


PUT ACROSS (separable) to communicate; convey effectively During the meeting, management put across the message that our concerns were insignificant. PUT AWAY (separable) to discard; renounce Let's put away our worries, and live for the moment. (separable) to consume I watched Max put away several hamburgers in just a few minutes. (separable) to confine; incarcerate; imprison The government put Sherman away for a year for having the wrong information on his website. PUT BACK (separable) to place something where it was previously When you finish the milk, please don't put the empty container back in the fridge. PUT DOWN (separable) to insult or make disparaging remarks about someone I feel sorry for Max. Everytime he and Mary get together with their friends Mary puts him down in front of everybody. (separable) to kill a sick or injured animal (usually out of mercy) The vet said it was necessary to put down the race horse because of its b...

Keeled → Inglise keel - 9.klass
5 allalaadimist

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

12.d “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Mahatma Ghandi expresses that everything starts with us, our willingness to help create the world we dream of. It is unlikely that any of us will be the next Mother Teresa but every person has hidden power to do something that benefits to the society. People´s roles are nowadays as important as the next persons, even if they think that little things are insignificant and have no effect, with enough people these small things add up and make an even bigger change that any single organization or person could ever do. To be the change we want to see in the world, people do not have to be smart, rich or well educated. They need to have a dream and commitment. The problems facing the world today are great, and it will surely take the greatness of millions if not b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kuidas kirjutada esseed

The Essay Writing Manual Brain Storming The process of writing the application essay can be broken into five very basic parts: Brainstorming Selecting the essay topic Writing the essay Revising the essay Coming up with the final draft 1. BRAINSTORMING: Brainstorming is the process of coming up with ideas spontaneously from free flowing writing or talking. To brainstorm, you can simply sit down with a pen and jot down every idea that comes into your head. Another approach is to simply start writing and see where you end up. Record as much information as you can recall, such as schools attended, courses taken, jobs held, research projects undertaken. Work on taking yourself deeper into the introspection process by tackling more specific topics. Here are some questions you might want to consider: What am I like? How do my friends characterize me? What are my personality traits? Have I ever experienced a moment of ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
435 allalaadimist

"Career and Employment" Homereading

Changing career: 'These days, I go home feeling relaxed' Starting a new career is a daunting prospect for many. But Kate Hilpern discovers that plenty of help is at hand Some of the jobs that career changers are most keen to break into ­ PR and teaching, among them ­ are the very same jobs that people are queuing to get out of, says John Lees, author of How to Get a Job You'll Love and Take Control of Your Career. Many of us get to the point, whether in our twenties, thirties, forties or fifties where we decide to change careers. Some of us will make radical changes, while others will move to the edge of their comfort zone, perhaps shifting from acupuncturist to homeopath or PR office to journalist. But the key to making the right decision, says Lees, is to bring your dream back down to life with a hard thump. "I always say to people, 'Find out what you will actually be doing in the job of your dreams. What does the nitty-gritty day-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


THE IMPACT OF THE MEDIA ON BAD BODY IMAGE IN CHILDREN Today's children grow up in a world flooded with the mass media. Statistics reveal that, on average, a child watches up to 5 h of television per day and spends an average of 6 to 7 h viewing the various media combined. Body image issues have been on the rise rince the introduction of social media websites that hoste the idea of ,,perfect" or ,,idealized" body sizes. Over the past 20 years, several articles have proposed a link between the thin female beauty ideal and the muscular male body ideal portrayed in the media with a range of psychological symptomatology including body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. Over time the cultural ideal for women's body size and shape has become considerably thinner and leaner and men's body size and shape has become stronger and more muscular. Websites such as Tumblr, Lookbook , Instagram and also Facebook feature photos that ca...

Meedia → Reklaam ja imagoloogia
4 allalaadimist

Retell Global Warming

The Earth's climate has been changing constantly over its history. Once, all climate change occurred naturally, but recently, people have also started altering the climate. We are sending more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The average global temperature has increased by about 0.5 °C over the past century. Scientist expect it to increase up to an additional 3 °C over the next on 100 years. People who are living in cold places may have a chance to grow new crops if the climate gets warmer. At the same time in some parts of the world, people won't be able to grow the food they need. Global warming will make the sea level higher because it'll make the glaciers melt. When water expands in the ocean, it takes up more space and the level of the seas rise. If global warming gets worse, some kinds of plants and animals will become extinct. So as a result we have to slow down the global warming.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

"The Game" - Neil Strauss

The game by Neil Strauss It`s a story about a man who knows nothing about girls, but then not only meets a secret society of pick-up artists who teach him how meet beautiful women and also becomes THE master pick-up artist himself. His students and his teachers go to him in search for tips on how to deal and meet with women.It's based on a true story. This book provides a fascinating account of what made Neil Strauss the Syle, his seduction society. Therefore this book will make you WANT to know who he is. Not only does this book take a fascinating look into the many methods of gaining women's attention--and phone numbers--but describes in detail the characters who make up this "society of pick-up artists", as well. It's not a lesson-by-lesson book detailing "forbidden" methods of "tricking" women into going to bed with you. It's actually more of one man's personal number of frustrations and victorie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

A Computer in my life

A Computer in my life. I can call myself a computer addict, because I spend many hours every day sitting behind the computer, most of my entertainment is connected with my computer. Like games, music, videos, movies, social networks and news. I used to have PC, but in September I bought myself a laptop. It's powerful, beautiful, it doesn't make much noise and it's quite easy to carry around. I use it to play games, study, watch movies, listen to music and the most important ­ to connect with my friends. I rarely have problems with my computer. I'm an advanced user and I don't get viruses while surfing the net. After graduating high school, I'm thinking of buying tablet PC, because it's even more comfortable to use when you're on the move. Sometimes when I wake up early, I open my laptop, visit my webpages and then read news. After school, first thing I do, when I get home, I open...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

How to Stop Water Pollution

How to Stop Water Pollution Water pollution is one of the biggest threats to the environment today. There are several sources of water pollution ranging from sewage and fertilizers to soil erosion. The impact of water pollution on wildlife and their natural habitat can be immense. While it may seem like preventing water pollution can be an overwhelming subject to tackle, there are also a number of things that the average person can do to help stop water pollution. Tips on Preventing Water Pollution The best solution for water pollution is prevention. While pollution that has already occurred is a current threat to all life on Earth, attempts to clean it up may cause even more harm.There are several steps that can be taken to help prevent water pollution from getting worse. Keep Machinery in Good Working Order The oil used to lubricate engines in all types of machines needs to be change...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


BULLYING Bullying is a very big problem in almost every school. When bullying goes out of the limit, it might end with a terrible gunfire(Colombian massacre). I believe everyone have been bullied by someone and have been a bully for a once. Bullying is an issue that is very important in nowadays and needs a special attention. Some of the ways to bully other people are by: calling you names, making things up to get you into trouble, hitting, pinching, biting and pushing, taking things away from you, damaging your belongings, stealing your money, taking your friends away from you. Now, to talk about why people bully someone there are many aspects. Some bullies do it to get attention or to make other people afraid of them. Others might be jealous of the person they are bullying. It makes bully feel, stronger, smarter, or better than the person he or she is bullying. Some people think that it's one of the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Raamatud vs e-lugerid/tahvelarvutid, raamatu ja tahvelarvuti eripärad (inglise keeles=

Books have been around for a couple hunder years for now, but there aren't any remains left of the first ever books because of the rarity when the first book was realased. First books ever were written by hand and that's the reason why there were so few of them. Thanks to the invention of the printing press books became more common and accesable for everyday people. After that came the printer but the next big step up was the invention of the e-books and portable screens that could almost outweigh regular books in every aspect possible. But nothing is perfect in this world so naturaly e-books and tablets have their weaknesses, for example, battery life and portability are the main concerns when deciding to rely on them. Regular books are quite rugged, few bumps and bruses aren't going to make it unreadable, but when u drop your tablet then there's a good chance that it will break and you're going to have to pay quite a lot of mon...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Speech: Ideas are our greatest weapons

Speech: Ideas are our greatest weapons Hello class and classmates, I would like to open up my speech with a quote that I find really amazing: „The pen is mightier than the sword”. Sadly I don't know whose it is, but it means, that not every war has to be fought with swords and weapons, coming up with an idea about something that isn't violent might be a lot easier way to conquer in life. I think that all of you know that every tool, weapon, Everything that surrounds us, has started with an idea. That shouldn't be new for you. Some people might find it hard to believe, but even the most common things- like chairs, walls, even a pack of bread has been an idea once. Someone had probably felt that his or her legs got tired and sitting on floor might not be so comfortable, so one chose to invent a chair. Think of it- even floor, where people used to sit before chairs were invented is certainly someone's idea and invention. Isn't it strange...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

My charity day

My charity day If somebody has always had everything what he needs, then he does not think much about that how other people can make out with their lives and needs. That is why me and my friend Joan decided to devote one day to make other people happier. 42 I was waiting that day for months and when my clock alarm rang that morning I was so excited about what is going to happen. I woke up at 11 a.m, ate my breakfast and then went to shower. We decided to do the charity in Old Town, our destination was sell as much our clothes, what we do not need anymore, as we can. All the money, what we received, went to charity. 76 In the beginning we set up our clothes and then we started to waiting our first clients. It was our fist time to do something like that in the public and at the start we did not know how people would react for that activity. We were nicely surprised, because we did much better job than we first expected.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

For and against capital punishment

For and against capital punishment If one commits a murder or more, robbes a bank in addition or does something more terrible than human kind could possibly put up, then one is sentenced to death. But everyone can put up a legal murder of a convict. Do people agree with killing a killer, which is nothing more than a publik murder itself? Death penalty is justified if one causes pain for many people. Pain is a strong feeling, something you will never forget if experienced. Haunting nightmeres from the depths from the worst memories will probably never leave from victims dreams. In that case a capital punishment is and should be the right thing to do, to make the others feel safe again. Death of a culprit may decrease the pain, but will never make it go away? It is always extremely hard to live with knowing that you or your close one is been misused or suffered form a crime. In this occasion death of a co...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Tehasetöö kasud (inglise keeles)

What are the benefits of factory work? A factory is an industrial building where workers manufacture goods or supervise machines processing one product into another. Most modern factories have large warehouses or warehouse-like facilities that contain heavy equipment used for assembly line production. In factory work there are some things why there is good to work, but also some things that are bad. But about the benefits of factory work, I think that the most important benefit is that when you do something so many times, then you get used to doing it right and you don't mess it up. Factory workers have big responsibility about their work, because when one worker does something wrong, then the whole product is messed up. Workers don't have to think about what they are doing, because they have exact task what they have to do and they can't improvise. Some factories are using machines to make products, so it is easier...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Friends are a pretty important part of most people's lives. Good friend is the person who gives you the better of the two choices, hold your hand when you're scared, helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you, thinks of you at times when you are not there, reminds you of what you have forgotten, helps you put the past behind you but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer, stays with you so that you have confidence, goes out of their way to make time for you, helps you clear up your mistakes, helps you deal with pressure from others, smiles for you when they are sad, helps you become a better person! No one can make you laugh quite the way your friends can. Most importantly of all friends love you for who you are. I know that when I am going through a tough situation, I always ask my closest friends for advice. No matter where we go or who we become, never forget who helped us get there. There'...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Rahvuspühad inglise keeles

Independence day ­ 24 February. Estonian people often have a day-off from school and work, to celebrate this day. People often make big dinners and sit around in the circle of family. They often light a few candles on the window and all houses have an Estonian flag out. This is by law the most important holiday, commemorating the declaration of independence in 1918. New Year's Eve 31December The New Year's Eve is an event that happens when Estonians celebrates the end of one year and the beginning of the next year. Estonians launch a big amount of fireworks up to the sky at midnight. It's a celebration with family and friends. After launcing the fireworks people watch and toast and wich a happy new year to each other. Christmas Eve 24 December Most of the traditions, such as Christmas dinner and gift giving are observed in Estonia on this day. Santa Claus visits homes in person, played by an older family member or a rent-a-Santa. In Est...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


PULMAPLANEERIMISE MEELESPEA PULMADJAPEOD.EE Tehtud Märkused Tehtud Märkused 12-5 kuud enne pulmi 4 nädalat enne pulmi 1. Kiriku ja peokoha valik ja broneerimine 1. Lillede ja kaunistuste tellimine 2. Pulmaeelarve koostamine 2. Bändiga muusika valik 3. Külaliste nimekirja koostamine 3. Peokoha külastamine ja cateringi läbikäimine 4. Fotograafi/video valik ja broneerimine 4. Lõplik külaliste arv välja selgitada ja toitlustajale edastada info 5. Bändi valik ja broneerimine ...

Ühiskond → Perekool
6 allalaadimist

The Future of Work or How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Us in 20 years

The Future of Work Automation anxiety has been spreading lately. What's clear is that there will be significant change. What's less clear is what that change will look like. The threat of technological unemployment is real. A picture that we see on our television screens, in everyday commentary is one where an army of robots descend on the workplace with one goal in mind: to displace humans from their work. Yes, machines displace humans from particular tasks, but they don't just substitute for humans. They also complement them in other tasks. Sometimes they complement humans directly. So a taxi driver can use a satnav system to navigate on unfamiliar roads. It also complements humans indirectly and it does this in two ways. Think the economy as a pie. Technological progress makes the pie bigger. As productivity increases, incomes rise and demand grows. People displaced from the tasks in the old pie could find tasks to do in the ne...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The invention of the car changed the world

The invention of the car changed the world. World is used to move unstoppably. How many of us can possibly imagine our everyday life without cars in it? We´d find it to be rather difficult. Probably the fact would blow up our day schedules and most of the plans that are made. In the olden days, a car was a poduct which was ment to be only for the rich ones. To the contrary, nowadays cars are very easily available for everyone (!).Speaking of which, it´s not much to mention that one extremely wierd and sad occasion would be that some people take advantage of haveing a car and tend to take up too high speeds for showing how tough fellows they are. Often boasting like this can cause big devastations, meaning accidents and all kinds of fines, not mentioning times, when a driver might be under influence of the alcohol, which is definitely the worst possibility of all. But that´s the world we live in ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Marriage vs cohabiting

Marriage vs cohabiting If one day marriage was a traditional part of people’s lives than nowadays many people choose cohabitation instead. In my opinion there are upsides and downsides to both marriage and cohabiting. Firstly let’s look at the up- and downsides of marriage. Marriage is a big commitment, so many people tend to be scared of it. They are scared that their marriage will lead to divorce, in which case the parting can turn out to be much more complicated than parting in case of cohabitation. The second problem is that many people just don’t see the point in marrying. And there is also the financial loss of the celebrations and the ring and things like that. I think that one of the upsides of marriage is definitely the promise that people make to eachother when marrying. If they think about that promise while deciding if to part ways or not then it might help them. What’s more when peopl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun