MODULE 1 Greeting. Introducing oneself and the others. The alphabet. Spelling. The tenses. How to introduce yourself and others Formal introductions How to respond and reply to an May I introduce myself? I am John introduction Smith. How do you do. Allow me to introduce John Smith to Pleased to meet you. you. Standard introduction Nice to meet you. I'd like you to meet John Smith. Hello. I want you to meet John Smith. I'm so pleased to meet you. This is Jane Smith. I'm Jane Smith. My name's John Smith. Informal introduction Hi. John. Jane. Hello. Titles: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Ms is a modern form of address for women. It replaces the traditional forms of Mrs and Miss. Greetings Good morning/afternoon/evening! 'How are you?' Very often people expect you to s
Letters Letters FORMAL, INFORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL TASK 1 Read the extracts and answer the questions. · Where are the extracts from? · What is the purpose of each letter? · How do they differ? · Which extracts are examples of formal letters? · How is the reader addressed in a formal letter? · What are the closing remarks for formal letters? · What is the salutation in a friendly letter? · How would you end extracts 1,2,3 ? · How would you begin the extracts 4 and 5? 1. Dear Mr Miller, I received your kind invitation to the reception. Unfortunately, owing to other commitments. I will be unable to attend ... 2. Dear Ralph, l just got your invitation to the company's event. l `m afraid I can't make it because I've a/ready made plans which l can "t change ... 3. Dear Sirs, I am writing to complain about the poor quality of the items which I received from your co
ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page iii CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement B R I A N T R AC Y JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page i CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page ii ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page iii CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement B R I A N T R AC Y JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page iv Copyright © 2003 by Brian Tracy. All rights
Kordamine inglise keele eksamiks A 1.1 Read the text and answer the questions below. Dear Mary-Alice, It's been ages since I last wrote to you, isn't it weird? Yes, so it is, but, I do have a certain reason. Do you remember Sir Thom of the Minquettes'? That fine young man with fascinating blue eyes... Oh, my sweet Mary, you will never guess what happened yesterday! It was about seven o'clock in the evening when Lillian called me out for a walk you know I can't say `no' to my little sis. Anyway we went to the forest near the Swan Lake and, believe it or not, got lost! Awful! I was so scared... We walked and walked, not even knowing the direction we were heading to, until we reached a huge mansion. And the garden around it was so extraordinary... That is something you just must see! But neither the trees nor flowers could be as wonderful as the owner himself! Sir Thom treated us tea and sandwiches, not forgetting to show us way back to the village. He was so kind, don't you think?
Tests Superstar 1 Luke Prodromou Test 1 Name____________________ Class_______ Use your English 1 Complete these sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets. _ 1 She is in a band and she _________________________________ (record) a CD at the moment. _ 2 She is an actress and often _________________________________ (appear) on television. _ 3 At the moment she _________________________________ (have) a rest because she is tired. _ 4 Mike is a doctor and he _________________________________ (live) in Manchester. _ 5 I _________________________________ (start) work at 8.30 every morning. _ 6 He is a good cook but she _________________________________ (prefer) to eat out. _ 7 English tests _________________________________ (get) more and more interesting. _ 8 They _________________________________ (have) a party because it's her birthday. _ 9 I sometimes ____________
TARTUFFE A COMEDY CHARACTERS MADAME PERNELLE, mother of Orgon ORGON, husband of Elmire ELMIRE, wife of Orgon DAMIS, son of Orgon MARIANE, daughter of Orgon, in love with Valere CLEANTE, brother-in-law of Orgon TARTUFFE, a hypocrite DORINE, Mariane's maid M. LOYAL, a bailiff A Police Officer FLIPOTTE, Madame Pernelle's servant The Scene is at Paris ACT I SCENE I MADAME PERNELLE and FLIPOTTE, her servant; ELMIRE, MARIANE, CLEANTE, DAMIS, DORINE MADAME PERNELLE Come, come, Flipotte, and let me get away. ELMIRE You hurry so, I hardly can attend you. MADAME PERNELLE Then don't, my daughter-in law. Stay where you are. I can dispense with your polite attentions. ELMIRE We're only paying what is due you, mother. Why must you go away in such a hurry? MADAME PERNELLE Because I can't endure your carryings-on, And no one takes the slightest pains to please me. I leave your house, I tell you, quite disgusted; You do the opposi
Maturita Solutions Upper-Intermediate Workbook Key Unit 1 2 members of the royal family, politicians, reality TV contestants, 4 1 2 had known had been waiting singers and TV presenters 3 had enjoyed/had been enjoying 1A Talking about people
H-Helen, J - Julia 1.Receiving a money order H: - Hello, I would like to cash a money order. J: - Hello! You should present your identity card. H: - But, you know, I'd like to receive money order for my sister. How do I go about it? J: - Your identity card and letter of attorney, please. H: - Here you are. J: - Well...Unfortunately, I can't cash your money order your signature is not witnessed. H: - Ok. Than, please, I'd like to cash my money order. J: - Take this form and fill it in. May I see your passport? H: - Yes. Please. So...Should I write my full name, my passport number and the sum of money that has been sent to me, right? J: - Certainly. How would you like the money? H: - I prefer one hundred rouble notes, if you don't mind. J: - Here is your money. H: - Thank you Getting a post-restante. H: - Hi, Julia! What are you doing here? J: - I'm getting post restante letter from Boris... H: -Ah, yeah, remember him. What is he saying? J: - Oh, well...He is asking to come to
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