Ireland is an island in the eastern part of the North Artic, directly west of the United Kingdom. Ireland is a sovereign, independent, democratic state with a parliamentary system of government. The President of Ireland is Mary Patricia McAleese. The total are of Ireland is about 81 squarekm and population is about 4 million, from children consive is 22%, workforce 67% and elder peole 11%. Religions are Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian, methodist, Muslim, Jewish and the others. Ireland is a small, modern, trade-dependent economy with growth averaging 6%. Agriculture is one the most important sektor, is now dwarfed by undusrty and services. Ireland in the decade up to 2006 than any ohter developed world economy. Ireland jooned in circulating the euro in 1. January 2002 along with 11 other EU nations. The Irish Transport System Provides a nationwide coordianted road and rail system of publik transport for go...
G4S Overview About Values Services Investor Relations Careers & Employment About G4S specialises in outsourced business processes assesses current and future risks wide range of geographic markets and business sectors risk management and protection to governments and businesses Other facts about G4S operations in over 110 countries was formed in 2004 is listed on the London Stock Exchange Values Customer Focus Expertise Performance Best People Collaboration & Teamwork Services Developing security solutions Local and international cash solutions People management Wide range of technology use Partners to many governments Investor Relations Careers & Employment Employees are the public face of G4S Over 500,000 employees around the globe Looking after you Looking after your communit...
Curriculum Vitae Name: Vanessa Maibaum Date of Birth: 25th September 1995 Nationality: Estonian Address: 2 Mereranna Street Viimsi 74001 Email: [email protected] Mobile Tel: +372 538 892 52 Education & Qualifications 2008- Present Pirita Secondary School of Economics, Tallinn Higher Grades Include: Spanish, Business and Marketing, Micro- Economic, Macro- Economics, Business English, Data Procressing, Web Page Creation, Accounting. 2002- 2008 Merivälja School, Tallinn 6 Standard Grades Additional Information Languages: Estonian- Mother tongue English- Fluent written and spoken Russian Spanish Finnish Computer Knowledge: Experienced user of Microsoft office products. Keen user of the internet.
Cover Letter Dear Geoffrey Walker, After working as an office manager in RRT Ltd. For the past four years, I find that I can be a suitable candidate for your available position of office manager, which was advertised in CTEL web site. According to the advertisment, your position requires me to manage up to 30 staff, operate under stress, to be resourceful, sociable, well-organized, love to have my own office. Also I must be competent in French. To encourage that I am competent in all of these fields, I can show you that I have a Lancaster University Diploma in French, a Degree in Management Studies from Manchester University and I have been managing 35 staff for the past four years. Of course I consider myself as calm person who loves working under pressure and who has everything under control all the time. CTEL Communications is a fast growing company and I really would have something to offer ...
Curriculum Vitae Personal Details: Sally Marrell 52 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 5LM Scotland Phone: +0131 449 0237 E-mail: [email protected] Education: 1998-2000 Lancaster University Degree in French 1994-1998 Manchester University Degree in Management Studies 1990-1994 Manchester University ...
25 Narva Street Flexa Eesti AS EST Tel: +318 94 7660 Email: [email protected] 30 October 2010 Mr Jack Johnson The Company Director OCC Computer Personnel 30 Buena Road UK Dear Mr. Johnson CNC Operator I am writing to apply for the position of CNC Operator which was advertised last week in The CV Centre. Please find my CV enclosed. I have finished a Kadrina Secondary School and The Technical Unifersity of Tallinn. I have got postgraduate degree. My first ecperience, when I was working in Aru Grupp for 5 years....
Jamaica report FORM: 10A 2009 Contents 1.Introduction........................................................ ....3 2.History................................................................ .....4 3.Geography......................................................... ......6 4.Economy............................................................ .....7 5.Crime................................................................. ......8 6.Sport.................................................................. ......9 7.Language........................................................... ....10 8.Conclusion......................................................... ....11 9.New words............................................................12 10.References...................................................... .....13 Introduction Jamaica is an island nation of the Great...
· good morning, my name is ....... I would like to apply for a position of a telesales executive · Good morning, I am .... Nice to meet you. How are you? · Im fine . how are u ? · Im fine too. so What can you tell me about yourself? · I like working with people and enjoy group projects, but am also a self-starter who doesn't mind working on my own. I'm a hard working and a fast learner · Tell me about your dream job. · It would be a job where I love the people and can't wait to get to work. · So lets talk about your education. What were you learning in Univercity? · I took advertiser curses. · And did you took any extra classes? · Yes, I took some language lessons. I learned English, Germany and Finnish . I also practiced to work in a team. · What do you think is your greatest strength ? · I think that I am a great group leader. I have also made many little advertisements, and some ...
17-aastane Eesti modell Kätlin Aas vihkab shoppamist. Mis sul praegu käsil on: kus oled ja mida teed? Hetkel on modellindusest puhkus. Olen Eestis, käin koolis ja tegelen tantsimisega. Elu on suht kiire, kuna mul on hetkel palju võistlusi. Hiljuti sai võit koju toodud. Kas olid enne seda kui sind "avastati" ka modellitööle mõelnud/unistanud sellest? Olin mõelnud, et oh suht lahe, aga et see ei ole minu jaoks. Kas sa oled pigem foto- või catwalki modell ? Eelistan rohkem catwalki, kuna seal saab rohkem teiste modellidega suhelda. Ühel pildistamisel ei ole tavaliselt korraga mitu tüdrukut. Oled pidevalt moe keskel. Milliseid riideid vabal ajal kannad ? Moe keskel eriti ei ole, põhiline aeg on koolis ja treeningsaalides. Aga vabal ajal kannan rohkem tumedamaid toone. Oled sa suur soppaja ? Mitte eriti, vihkan shoppamist. Kui vahest harva tuleb tuju midagi osta, siis lähen ja ostan, aga ka see käib ruttu. Kas modellimaailmas hoiavad ...
Inimese, kui bioloogilise liigi kujumine alguse sai, olid hiidsisalikud juba ammu välja surnud. Suurimateks loomadeks olid imetajad, kuhu ka inimene kuulub. Kliima oli hakkanud juba jahenema ning pooluste ümber hakkasid tekkima igijää alad. Aafrikas oli kliima tunduvalt niiskem, seal sai ka inimese areng alguse. Vihmametsad katsid suuremaid piirkondi, Sahaara asemel oli savanniala. Poolteist miljonit aastat tagasi hakkas kliima kiiresti jahenema ning u. 750 000 a. Tagasi oli tõsine jääaeg. Igijää kattis kõik Euroopa ja Aasia põhjapoolsed alad. Loomastik taandus lõunapoolsematele aladele. Jäätumine alandas aga maailmamere taset, kujunema hakkas Sahara kõrbevöönd. Kliima polnud järgnevatel aastatuhandetel ühtlane, see muutis taime- ja loomaliikide levikut. Tänus kliima muutumisele hakkasid toimuma ka inimeste ränded ja kohanemise uute ja raskete oludega. Inimese kronoloogia: 1. 6-5 miljonit aastat tagasi hominiidid-hargnesid Aafrikas ...
GLOSSARY Bankruptcy pankrot Erialasõnastik Benefits in kind keskmine hind Break even point tasuvuslävi A Budget eelarve Account aruanne Accounting equation aruande C võrdsustamine Capital kapital Accounting period aruandeperiood Capital allowances rahalised annetused Accounting policies majanduspoliitika Capital budgeting rahalise eelarve Accounting standards raamatupidamise koostamine standardid ...
Kati-Liis Karu 03.01.2011 The euro in Estonia Joining the European Union in 2004 made people in Estonia think about the changing of currency. We had almost six years to get used to the fact that the Estonian kroon is eventually going to end. In that time there was a lot of discussion about whether we should stick to the kroon or change our money to the euro. Lots of people were afraid that they lose their money during the period of transition - this belief was quite popular among people who still remember the time when the Russian rubles were changed into kroons and did lose much money. Luckily there haven't been any complaints yet. The reason I chose this political concern is its contradictoriness. I myself dislike the fact that the kroon is "leaving us" but I hope that in the long run it will seriously benefit us. According to Conjuncture Institute's research 39% of responden...
Tartu Secondary School of Business New Zealand Report Kati-Liis Karu 10.A - I group TARTU 2009 Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................3 2. Area. Population. Climate.........................................................................................4 3. Economy. Largest Cities........................................................................................5 4. Culture...........................................................................................................6 5. Conclusion .....................................................................................................7 6. References ..................................................................
e n t, a r tm K ap a l e 1 B H fo r s q m ) (4 5 s rvie of th p an ABC K prov innisva Ove com ides ra esta qual te re it y r to in lated eal vest 2015 ors s service . Pro ince s qual ity a fessiona inno nd c lism vatio o ns t , one n ma ant of th inve e lea kes us stor ding esta orien te co ted Esto mpa real n ia . nies in ...
Character sketch – Georgie Anthony Birgess – A Clockwork Orange I am going to talk about a character from the book „A Clockwork Orange“ written by Anthony Birgess. First of all Georgie was a memember of the protagonist’s Alex’s gang. The gang had three memember who were teenage criminals: Dim, Pete and Georgie.They robbed people, beat men and raped women. Georgie was extremely ambitious, agressive, determined, earnest and energetic. But also he was quite quiet and did things as his friends did. He quite often didn’t have his own opinion in anything. But on the otherhand he was the one lead the rebellion against Alex. When Alex got out of the jail the last time all of his friends, rivals and also his victims turned against him. Georgie was interesten in violence for the sake of financial gain, unlike Alex, who was interested in violence just for the pure sake of violence...
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Timo Kask and i’m going to give you an overview of apple inc. I’ve divided my talk into ??? parts. In the first part im going to talk about their history secondly i’ll talk about companys profile. finally i’ll talk about their subsidiaries, revenue and so on. My talk will take about five minutes and if u have any questions leave them to the end of my presentation. INTRODUCTIONApple Inc. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, online services, and personal computers. Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s Its best-known hardware products are the Mac line of computers, the iPod media player, the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Its online services include iCloud, the iTunes Store, and the App Store. HISTORYApple's consumer so...
We live in a constantly changing world There seems to be no stability or certanity about anything. Nations rise and fall, governments come to power and tumble, armies march and retreat, healthy people become sick and on and on the world goes. On the one hand the world we are living in is amazing, because science, medicine, technology, and so on are advancing at an ever-increasing pace. It has made our lives much easier than it was 100 years ago. For example we have phones, television, fast cars, eco towns, highrise buildings and so on. But on the other hand the world can also be frightful. People are starving, and do not have water to drink nor wash themselves. But somewhere someone has unlimited food and water and never thinks about those people who are in need. Due to the over consumption of water, gas, wood et cetera, we might be in a lack of mineral resources in the future. And if they run out, we need to find an alternative vari...
Summary This is a summary of the presentation “Apple Inc.” by xxx. In the presentation, I talked briefly about Apple – it’s history, founders, the Apple’s park, logo and Apple’s devices. Firstly, Apple is a technology company that is the world’s largest information technology company by revenue. It was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. In the article „Apple Park opens to employees in April“ the author described the park and mentioned that to honor Steve Jobs memory and his enduring influence on Apple and the world, the theater at Apple Park will be named the Steve Jobs Theater. He then continued to talk about what does the Apple Park include. For example, it includes a 100 000-square-foot fitness center for Apple employees and an Apple store. In the next article „History of Apple, 1976-2016“ , the author mentioned the foundation of Apple, how it all started, when was the first comput...
APPLE INC. PRODUCTS HISTORY Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne April 1, 1976 January 3, 1977 January 9, 2007 Arthur D. Levinson (Chairman) Tim Cook (CEO) PROFILE Largest publicly traded corporation 700$ Billion 72 800 employees 437 Retail stores SUBSIDIARIES FileMaker Inc. Anobit Braeburn Capital Beats Electronics ANNUAL REVENUE 2011 – 108$ Billion 2012 – 156$ Billion 2013 – 170$ Billion 2014 – 182$ Billion Thank you for listening!
Names of town ● Lindanise - it was first used in 1219, derived from mythical Linda, the wife of Kalev and the mother of Kalevipoeg, national hero. ● Koluvan - found in old Russian chronicles, the name possibly deriving from the Estonian mythical hero Kalev ● Reval - used after 1219; comes from two german words ‘reh’ and ‘fall’, meaning the falling of the deer - as they fall down the Toompea hill, probably when escaping from the Danish occupation or just the hunters. ● Tallinn - used after Estonia gained its independence in 1918, origin is definitely estonian; meaning Taani-linn, tali- linn. Liberty Square ● The central square of Tallinn, it was renovated in 2008. There used to be Harju gate, which can now be seen through glass. ● The statue of Liberty, 2009; represents freedom, Estonia has been under many foreign powers, starting with Danes, Sweden, German and Russia. The clock of liberty, 2...
TENNIS Katriin Mering 11B ABOUT Between two players (singles) Between two teams of two players each (doubles) Racket Send the ball through the opponent's racket side Ball diameter is 6.35cm to 6.67cm and weighs 57-59 grams Court length is 23.77m and a width is 8.23m for singlegame and 10.97m for doublegame. Racket can't be longer than 81.28cm or greater than 31.75cm. Adult racket weighs 300-325 grams. 15, 30, 40 and the fourth point bring victory The player (or couple) who wins six games, wins set HISTORY Originated in France in the 12th century Patented by major Walter Clopton Wingfield Program of the Olympic tennis was the from 1896 to 1924 thank you for listening! Mainor Business School 20.12.10
3 Liivalaia Street Tallinn BN67 Estonia October 17, 2011 Mr T.Hunt IT-Programmer 65 Tormic Street London United Kingdom Dear Mr Hunt I am writing to apply for the position of IT-Programmer with your company. I saw your advertisement in web-portal JobsInt and I would like to be considered for the job. I believe I am suitable for this post as I already have experience working with programming. I studied IT-Programming For Everyone in Estonia last summer and greatly enjoyed studing new things. I was one of the best students and I got a good experience in there. I found the job very rewarding and I would like to work and study IT-Programming more. I feel that my experience would be an asset as an IT-Programmer. In addition, I am hard-working and responsible. I passed my high school diploma with a distinction, and have recently passed the University of Tartu, so you can see that I have the programming skills needed for this job. I spea...
Dear Colleagues, Nimi Rühm Unit 8 I am writing to you with a big problem. In our company some persones dont get a Email from me. I've got a lot of feedbacks, where you some of you said about : Why I didnt get a email, if half of them got. So now a little bit more about email's. I wrote down some tips: If the email didn't come to you CHECK Spam box. Susan has found out that all my emails are exactly in spam box. Another thing can be that your given address is old and you have been changed it to new one, it means come to my office and lets check together your information. Because I figured out that Michel and Sandra used a new email, but I had an old one. Hope that this tips will help you ...