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"perpetual" - 17 õppematerjali


Natural resources - our treasure

and also woods, groundwater, animals and so on, in other words it's everything that human hasn't created. These resources are also used in industry. We get natural resources from the environment. Many of them are essential for our survival while others are used for satisfying our wants. Renewable resources: Some natural resources can be reproduced within a few years or decades. These are called renewable resources. Solar radiation, wind and hydroelectricity, are perpetual resources that are in no danger of a lack of long-term availability. Some natural renewable resources such as geothermal power, fresh water, timber, and biomass must be carefully managed to avoid exceeding the worlds capability to displace them. Solar energy is the energy derived directly from the Sun. Along with nuclear energy, it is the most important source of energy on Earth. People usually use solar energy to produce electricity and heat.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


There have been countless studies, but none of them are proven, the death penalty would actually be an effective scary effect. In fact, quite the contrary is suggestive evidence: getting evens measures may have a negative impact on violent society, morality and the death penalty may increase aggression and even brutal and change society. Another against says that if the offender is killed, he can not no longer the second time the crime was committed (the so-called perpetual incapacitation). This is true while others penal fettles,isolating the offender of a society is the death penalty in front of at least one advantage. In particular, they will be even partly to avoid the legal system in spite of everything coming down osutumist fatal error. The death penalty, however, delete both of these lifecandles, who has been wrongly convicted, as their own, who could rehabilitate. Unfairly tried in the past, and for a lot of will not be seeing it in the future.

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

Libor ­ Londoni interpanga hinnang Oversubscribed ­ ületellitud Limit Order ­ limiidi määrus Limited Company ­ aktsiaselts P Liquidity ­ maksuvalmidus Par Bond ­ samaväärsustagatis Listing ­ loetelu Par Value ­ nominaalväärtus Listing Date ­ nimistu moodustamise kuupäev Perpetual Bonds ­ lakkamatud tagatised Placing ­ määramine Portfolio ­ portfell, tegevusala M Preference Shares ­ eelisaktsiad Margin Call ­ määrnõue Premium (Warrants) ­ kindlustusmaks, Market Capitalization ­ turu preemia kapitaliseerimine Premium Bond ­ auhind obligatsioon

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist


3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE 3M: Ameerika täht Euroopas TIM HINDLE To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe. TIM HINDLE 3M on parim kehastus ettevõtlikus Ameerikas. Et jääda tippu peab ettevõte eksportima oma tugevusi Euroopasse. Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are compiled 3M is guaranteed to feature. Millal iganes luuakse nimekirju Ameerika säravamatest ja parimatest siis 3M-i esinemine on seal garanteeritud. 3M was born early this century as Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing. The mining soon ceased when the company's founders failed to dig up the corundum they had hoped to discover. So they turned to trading in sandpaper, a product that uses the abrasive corundum. From the beginning the company...

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
19 allalaadimist

Locke essay

of belief. At a minimal level this meant that man did not have a right to take either his own life or impede on that of another in terms of their life, liberty or property as these were all the workmanship of one omnipotent Locke (1821, p. 191) and the only way taking a life might be justified was if someone threatened one's liberty. Locke's state of nature is far removed from how Hobbes (1981, pp. 56-57) describes it as being a state of war in which man is in perpetual fear and his life being ...solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. However, it seems that Locke is quick to revert from his stance of a state of nature being a state of peace, good will, mutual assistance, and preservation Locke (1821, p. 202) and it becomes apparent that there is in fact an overlap with Hobbes account. As there is no temporal or divine authority to protect ones property in a state of nature enjoyment of it is very uncertain and constantly exposed to the

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

3M - Inglise keel

Teksti lõik lehelt tava kirjas ja ilma boldita. Teksti lõik koos sünonüümidega on BOLDIS. TÕLGE- märgitud lilla värviga. Company profile- company description- ettevõtte kirjeldus. 3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE- 3M Ameerika täht Euroopas 3M is the epitome of all that is best in corporate America. To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe.- 3M is the quintessence of all that is best in America enterprise. To stay on top the company must export its advantage to Europe- 3M on tuum kõigest mis on parim Ameerika ettevõttes. Et püsida tipus peab firma eksportima oma väärtusi Euroopasse. Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are compiled 3M is guaranteed to feature. ­ Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are drawn u...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Death of the Author

Let us return to Balzac’s sentence: no one (that is, no “person”) utters it: its source, its voice is not to be located; and yet it is perfectly read; this is because the true locus of writing is reading. Another very specific example can make this understood: recent investigations (J. P. Vernant) have shed light upon the constitutively ambiguous nature of Greek tragedy, the text of which is woven with words that have double meanings, each character understanding them unilaterally (this perpetual misunderstanding is 5 The Death of the Author precisely what is meant by “the tragic”); yet there is someone who understands each word in its duplicity, and understands further, one might say, the very deafness of the characters speaking in front of him: this someone is precisely the reader (or here the spectator). In this way is revealed the whole being of writing: a text consists of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Briti kirjanduse portfoolio

During this period (1833), she wrote her novella The Green Dwarf under the name of Wellesley. In May 1846, Charlotte, Emily and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. In June 1854, Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicholls, her father's curate, and became pregnant very soon thereafter. Her health declined rapidly during this time, and according to Gaskell, her earliest biographer, she was attacked by "sensations of perpetual nausea and ever-recurring faintness." Charlotte and her unborn child died March 31, 1855. Jane Eyre, published 1847 Shirley, published 1849 Villette, published 1853 The Professor, written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, was published posthumously in 1857. Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy was an English novelist, short story writer, and poet of the naturalist

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
60 allalaadimist

Newtoni eelne füüsika areng

(the rings are stable because the planet they orbit is very, very massive). So, the model made two predictions: * a very massive nucleus (in analogy to a very massive planet) * electrons revolving around the nucleus, bound by electrostatic forces (in analogy to the rings revolving around Saturn, bound by gravitational forces). Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 7th duc de Broglie (August 15, 1892 ­ March 19, 1987) was a French physicist and a Nobel laureate. He also served as Perpetual Secretary of the Académie des sciences, France. Louis de Broglie oletas, et ka osakestel (nagu elektronid) on laineomadused, samuti et selliste mateerialainete sagedused ja lainevektorid on seotud osakese energia ja impulsiga samamoodi nagu footoni puhul. Aastal 1924 avaldas Louis de Broglie mateerialainete (Broglie lainete) teooria. Selle järgi võib igasugune mateeria (aine) ilmutada laineiseloomu ning lained ka osakeseiseloomu. See teooria

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

Finantsjuhtimine kordamine

SISUKORD Definitsioon, valem, rakendamisega seotud oluline Nt mpv definitsioon, arvutusvalem ja tõlgendamine+kuidas kasutatakse 1 1) FINANTSJUHTIMISE EESMÄRK JA ÜLESANDED. VÄÄRTUSKONSEPTSIOON. VÄÄRTPABERID Finantsjuhi eesmärk on leida uudseid meetodeid probleemide lahendamiseks ja kasutada seejärel nende meetodite rakendamiseks oma muutuste läbiviimise oskusi. Ettevõtte majanduslik eesmärk: ettevõtte väärtuse maksimeerimine (sellise kapitalistruktuuri kujundamine). Esmalt makstakse kohustused. Laenude kasutamise tulemusena tekib finantsvõimendus ja saab suurendada ettevõtte väärtust. • Juhtimiseesmärk: maksimeerida ettevõtte omanike heaolu (rikkust) => maksimeerida aktsia hind • Aktsia hind = Kõigi tulevaste dividendide nüüdisväärtus diskonteerituna nõutava tulumääraga Finantsjuhtimine on kapitali ehk rahaliste ressursside juhtimine. Hõlmab ettevõtte raha...

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
84 allalaadimist


Silvia Kuusk Kordamisküsimused aines Rahandus (2009): Mis on ettevõtte kõrgeim eesmärk ja kuidas seda saavutatakse? Kaasaegses rahandusteoorias on jõutud ühisele seisukohale, et ettevõtte kõrgeim (peamine) eesmärk on tema aktsionäride ehk siis ettevõtte omanike rikkuse maksimeerimine, mida mõõdetakse pikaajalise aktsia väärtusega (NB! Aktsia tegelik turuhind ei ole ettevõtte kontrolli all). Kõik otsused, mis võetakse vastu ettevõtte juhtkonna poolt, peavad olema suunatud toetama seda üheselt seatud eesmärki. Sealjuures, omanike kogurikkust mõõdetakse ettevõtte omakapitali turuväärtuse järgi (s.o. aktsiate turuväärtus käigusolevate aktsiate arv). Seega, ettevõtte, aga miks mitte ka üksikisiku, kõige olulisemaks tegevuseks kujuneb väärtuse loomine (value creation) ­ ükskõik mida ka ette ei võeta, lõppeesmärgiks peab olema, et see tegevus looks ette...

Majandus → Majandus
435 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

study that has explored the meanings and experiences of individuals who backpack as a way of life, but also in providing a window into how corporeal mobility as a lifestyle can play out over time. As such, it extends observations that tourism is increasingly de-differentiated from daily life (Uriely, 2005), but instead of illustrating ways in which tourism can permeate places in which individuals reside, the present text exemplifies tourism as the everyday through the tracking of individuals in perpetual motion. The paper thus contributes to a wider discourse in the social sciences wherein physical mobility is recognised as becoming more and more a part of the fabric of everyday life (Sheller & Urry, 2006). As Creswell (2010) notes, rather than just smooth movement, mobility is accompanied by friction, turbulence and power asymmetries. In the course of fashioning a lifestyle through consuming tourism mobilities, lifestyle travellers negotiate tensions in which identities can

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Projektipersonali juhtimine konspekt

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz PROJEKTIPERSONALI JUHTIMINE 3EAP Loengukonspekt Gerda Mihhailova Pärnu 2012 SISUKORD 1. PROJEKTIPERSONALI JUHTIMISE ERIPÄRAD ORGANISATSIOONIDES. .......... 3 1.1 Projektid ja projektipersonal organisatsioonikeskkonnas. ........................................... 3 1.2 Projektijuhi töö ning pädevused. ................................................................................ 13 1.3 Personalitöö korraldamise eripärad projektimeeskonnas. .......................................... 28 1.4 Stress ja stressijuhtimine ............................................................................................ 46 2. MEESKONNATÖÖ KASUTAMINE ORGANISATSIOONI PROJEKTIDES. ........... 50 2.1. Grupid ja meeskonnad organisatsioonis ning nende eelised. .................................... 50 2.2. Projektimeeskonna loomine, motiv...

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioon ja juhtimine
111 allalaadimist


companies and who owns them to understand what I’m talking about here. You cannot ask two blind imbeciles to cross a narrow bridge with no support, because you know perfectly well that there would be a disaster. Whatever it is, it must be in our genes – our inability to take care of ourselves, our dependency on others to take care of our every need. One must question the intelligence of a race of people which has seen how centuries of dependence on others have made them perpetual slaves and who then continue to build castles in the sky. DEGENERATION OF BLACK COMMUNITIES 32 You see, I have lived in America for 32 years now. It is sickening listening to Blacks who are always telling, you that they were the first to move into such and such neighbourhood, “when the whites were still here. Now the community or city has gone to the dogs. Dirty streets, corrupt officials, more crimes,

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

"That's fine -- I'm not hungry." I shrugged. "I think you should eat something." Edward's voice was low, but full of authority. He looked up at Jessica and spoke slightly louder. "Do you mind if I drive Bella home tonight? That way you won't have to wait while she eats." "Uh, no problem, I guess..." She bit her lip, trying to figure out from my expression whether that was what I wanted. I winked at her. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with my perpetual savior. There were so many questions that I couldn't bombard him with till we were by ourselves. "Okay." Angela was quicker than Jessica. "See you tomorrow, Bella... Edward." She grabbed Jessica's hand and pulled her toward the car, which I could see a little ways away, parked across First Street. As they got in, Jess turned and waved, her face eager with curiosity. I waved back, waiting for them to drive away before I turned to face him.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

the evening Elizabeth joined their party in the drawing-room. The loo-table, however, did not appear. Mr. Darcy was writing, and Miss Bingley, seated near him, was watching the progress of his letter and repeatedly calling off his attention by messages to his sister. Mr. Hurst and Mr. Bingley were at piquet, and Mrs. Hurst was observing their game. Elizabeth took up some needlework, and was sufficiently amused in attending to what passed between Darcy and his companion. The perpetual commendations of the lady, either on his handwriting, or on the evenness of his lines, or on the length of his letter, with the perfect unconcern with which her praises were received, formed a curious dialogue, and was exactly in union with her opinion of each. "How delighted Miss Darcy will be to receive such a letter!" He made no answer. "You write uncommonly fast." "You are mistaken. I write rather slowly." "How many letters you must have occasion to write in the course of a year

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

2. See "Tools and Tricks" at the end of the chapter. 3. I used a Flip Cam mounted on a nearby machine with a bendable Joby Gorillapod tripod. 4. The swing is not one of the Critical Four but a personal favorite. It is fully described in "Building the Perfect Posterior." 5. Do you need sports-specific skills training? Of course. But if you don't own these basic motor patterns, you shouldn't be doing other exercises until you fix them. These are the foundation. 6. Like a perpetual motion bird. If you haven't seen one, look at: RUNNING FASTER AND FARTHER HACKING THE NFL COMBINE I Preliminaries--Jumping Higher The more technique you have,--Pablo thePicasso less you have to worry about it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun