well rised. Sometimes she upsets the creatures of the Wonderland. Alice is also smart and she likes to show off her knowledge. She gets easily upset when somebody is not polite with her. The queen of Hearts is a fantasy creature of Wonderland. She is a ruler of Wonerdland. The Queen is a card from pack of playing cards but somehow she is able to talk and rule the Wonderland. She is very impatient and has explosive character. All Wonderland inhabitants are scared of The Queen of Hearts Alice´s adventures in Wonderland begin when she and her sister are sitting under the tree. Her sister is reading a book which has no pictures or conversations in it. Suddenly a speaking White Rabbit runs past Alice and she decides to run after the Rabbit. She falls down the deep hole and finds herself in a room. Very small door leads to the beautiful garden. When Alice finds herself in forest she meets with a Caterpillar who gives Alice some advice
actions he had him put to death. Another legend has it that Valentine was an imprisoned man who fell in love with his jailor's daughter. Before he was put to death he sent the first 'valentine' himself when he wrote her a letter and signed it 'Your Valentine', words still used on cards today. Probably we'll never know which of the versions the right one is. Traditions Weeks before the 14th February, shop windows are decorated with red paper hearts, red streamers and boxes of chocolates. People bake heart-shaped cakes. Many couples go dining to restaurants. On Valentine's Day people give each other presents and flowers. Young people make beautiful cards and give them to friends. Needless to say, it's particularly young people who looked forward to St. Valentine's Day, hoping to receive many cards. Originally hand-made and decorated with pictures of hearts, flowers, birds and lots of lace, they are
(hymn written by Rabanus Maurus in the 9th century) Latin text English version (Nota bene! this is a poem and not a precise literal translation of the Latin) Veni, creator Spiritus Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, mentes tuorum visita, and in our hearts take up Thy rest; imple superna gratia, come with Thy grace and heav'nly aid, quae tu creasti pectora. To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. O Comforter, to Thee we cry, Qui diceris Paraclitus, Thou heav'nly gift of God most high, altissimi donum Dei, Thou Fount of life, and Fire of love,
Dagö First time, when I heard band Dagö playing, was at Viljandi Folk Music Festival in 2007. I liked them very much and I went to all three concersts they gave at Festival. Although they have made music for about a decade, they have never been widely known. Maybe because they write and play music with their own style rather than try to win hearts and ears of masses. But always known in certain circle of people, who go to theatre and enjoy quality music, because lead singer of the band, Lauri Saataplu, is well-known actor and singer. I like their music, because of the addicting off-beat rythm they have. They have announced that their new album ,,Plan Delta" will be released in April of 2011.
mustadelt artistidelt Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Ray Charles ja Larry Williams. Oma tegevuse algusaastail jäljendas The Beatles oma loomingus eelnimetatud muusikuid, mõne aja pärast hakkas välja kujunema ansamblile omane eriline stiil ja kõla. Kõigest viie aasta jooksul arenes The Beatles'i muusika lihtsatest elurõõmsatest paladest nagu ,,She Loves You" ja ,,I Want To Hold Your Hand" keerulise ja mitmetähendusliku sisuga albumiteni ,,Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" ja ,,Abbey Road". The Beatles'i mõju popmuusikale oli tohutu, kuna ansambli muusika oli nii harmoonia, meloodiate kui ka tekstide poolest väga uuenduslik; ansambel uuris ja täiustas salvestusstuudio tehnika võimalusi ning püüdis iga loo salvestamisel saavutada maksimaalse võimaliku kvaliteediga tulemust. Ansambel oli pideva ajakirjanduse tähelepanu all ning sai hiljem vanema ja konservatiivsema generatsiooni
Apple'I peakorteri katusel. Bändis olid - John Lennon, Paul McCartney,George Harrison ja Ringo Starr. Bändi albumid - "Please Please Me" (22. Märts 1963),"With the Beatles" (22. November 1963), "A Hard Day's Night" (10. Juuli 1964),"Beatles for Sale" (4. Detsember 1964),"Help!" (6. August 1965),"Rubber Soul" (3. detsember 1965),"Revolver" (5. august 1966),"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1. juuni 1967),"The Beatles" ("The White Album"; 22. november 1968),"Yellow Submarine" (17. jaanuar 1969),"Abbey Road" (26. september 1969),"Let It Be" (8. mai 1970) Bänd läks laiali aastal 1970a. Nende tuntuim laul on - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONXp- vpE9eU Kasutatud kirjandus - http://et.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles
Halvad töötingimused ( külmad tööruumid) 7. Geograaafiline asend transiitkaubateed. 5.Reklaami puudumine 8. Eurostandartitele vastavad tollilaoruumid 6.Vananenud seadmed (tõstukid) 9. Töökeskkonna koosseis hästi töötav 7. Halb transpordiühendus meeskond,puuduvad pinged. 8. Madal palgatase, puudub motivatsioon o pportunities - võimalused T hearts - ohud 1. Uue ostjagrupi tekkimine 1. Kulude kasv seoses inflatsiooniga. 2. Riigipoolne tugi tegevusalale(mis puudutab 2. Koolitatud spetsialistide puudus tollipoolset osakonda) 3. Palgatõus ei toimu, enne langus. 3. Konkurentide tagasitõmbumine tollilao 4. Teenuste ostjale eelistuste muutumine mitte olemasolevuse tõttu. 5. Kliendi maksejõuetus firmale Alus Grupp OÜ 4
Kaks aastat hiljem lahkus bändist omal soovil Sutcliffe ning tema asemel hakkas basskitarri mängima McCartney. 1962. aastal toimus veel üks muudatus biitlite trummar Pete Best asendati Ringo Starriga. Nemad algatasid sellise rockmuusika stiili nagu mersey beat. Bänd läks laiali aastal 1969. Neil oli 13 kuulsaimat albumit: ,,Please Please Me", ,,With The Beatles", ,,A Hard Day's Night", ,,Beatles for Sale", ,,Help!", ,,Rubber Soul", ,,Revolver", ,,Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", ,,Magical Mystery Tour" (avalikustati ainult USA-s/Kanadas), ,,The Beatles (tuntud ka kui ,,The White Album"), ,,Yellow Submarine", ,,Abbey Road" ja ,,Let It Be". The Rolling Stones Kui biitlid olid korralikud ja ühtemoodi välimusega esitajad, siis The Rolling Stones-i liikmed jätsid endast nimelt lohakama ja mässulisema mulje. Ning samas biitlid olid rohkem nagu stuudiobänd, siis The Rolling Stones oli edukas kontsertbändina koos oma võimsa laulja Mick
· Their next record ,,Please please me" went to number one. · Their first visit to the USA was in 1964. · Their first film was ,,A Hard Dayäs Night", followed by ,,Help". · In 1966 they played last concert alive in San Fransisco. · In 1967 they wrote and performed ,,All you need is Love" for tge BBC's first ever global satellite link. · Epstein died from an overdose of drugs. · Their finest albun was ,,Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" · 1970 the Beatles broke up. John Lennon (1940- 1980) Ringo Starr (1940- ...) e. Richard Starkey Paul McCartney (1942- ...) George Harrison (1943- 2001) throat cancer
these were sent anonymously, but nowadays they often make it clear who is sending each 'Valentine'. Traditions Girls believed that the first man they see on Valentine's Day would marry them within a year. If a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a rich person. In Wales wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favourite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, "You unlock my heart!"
Kato, Miliyah Kawada, Mami May'n Maximum the Hormone Mell Melocure melody. Melon Kinenbi Metis M-Flo MiChi mihimaru GT ..JNE J-ROCK( J-rock(u)) *PUNK ROCK Vga varajaseid niteid punk rockist on niteks The SS, The Star Club, The Stalin, INU, Gaseneta, Bomb Factory, Lizar. Varajane punk stiil oli vetud filmist sogo ishii. 80.ndatel bndid nagu GISM, Gauze, Confuse, Lip Cream . J-rock artistid Access Acid Acid Android Acid Black Cherry Acid Mothers Temple Acidman Blood Stain Child The Blue Hearts Blues Creation Bomb Factory Bon-Bon Blanco Bonnie Pink The Boom Boom Boom Satellites Bowy Boredoms Boris the Gazette DIr en grey Chatmonchy Cherryblossom The Chewinggum Weekend Chieko Kawabe Chihara Minori Chihiro Onitsuka Chirinuruwowaka Chitose Hajime Church of Misery Clammbon Coaltar of the Deepers Cocco Cocklobin cOLOR Doom Double Double Dealer Downy Dragon Ash Dragon Head Dream Du le Quartz L'Arc-en-Ciel La'cryma Christi jne.. J-rocki stiilid *visual kei(vijuaru kei)
Denmark Capital Copenhagen Official language Danish The national flag of Denmark, Dannebrog, is red with a white Scandinavia cross that extends to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side. Symbols - Bird: Mute Swan, Coat of Arms: The National Coat of Arms features three crowned lions facing left, surrounded by nine red hearts, all placed atop a golden shield. The crown on the shield is the crown of King Christian V. Tree: Beech, Flower: Red Clover Size - 43,075 km2 Population - 2011 estimate 5,564,219 Higest... - The Øresund or Öresund Bridge connects Sweden and Denmark, and it is the longest road and rail bridge in Europe. The highest point in the country is Mollehoj, at 170.86 m. Denmark shares a border of 68 kilometres with Germany. Denmark is a land of coastlines.
"But mom! And dad! We can't leave them! Crea, we just can't! Let go of me! Hear me? Let me go!" "I'm sorry, but if we want to pay them back someday we must survive you know that!" And so they entered the bus. The driver didn't even notice them and shut the doors. Fortunately they made it in time! The transport was half-empty so they chose the last two seats, where no one ever sat. "You know, it's painful..."said Suzan and took sister's hand in her. "In our hearts? "Yea...In our hearts. I love you, Crea." "Me too, sis. Yet I have so many unfinished things and questions..." "No WE do, you're not alone, remember?" "Yea, we were even born together..." Suzan closed her eyes and the bus rode away the girls had no idea, where to, but they sat quietly and were just happy to have each other.
Unusually high importance of primary sector Logging and oil industry two of Canada's most important One of world's most important agricultural suppliers World leader in many natural resources Gold, nickel, aluminum, lead, zinc, uranium One of few developed countries that are net exporters of energy LANGUAGES RELIGION SYMBOLS Flag Coat of Arms Anthem "O Canada!" O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. FAMOUS CANADIANS Alanis Morrisette Avril Lavinge Celine Dion Jim Carrey Keanu Reeves Neil Y oung Nelly Furtado Pamela Anderson Shania Twain Thank you for listening!
* Ringo Starr (löökpillid; ka vokaal, klahvpillid jm) Stuudioalbumid * "Please Please Me" (22. märts 1963) * "With the Beatles" (22. november 1963) * "A Hard Day's Night" (10. juuli 1964) * "Beatles for Sale" (4. detsember 1964) * "Help!" (6. august 1965) * "Rubber Soul" (3. detsember 1965) * "Revolver" (5. august 1966) * "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1. juuni 1967) * "The Beatles" (tuntud ka kui "The White Album"; 22. november 1968) * "Yellow Submarine" (17. jaanuar 1969) * "Abbey Road" (26. september 1969) Ajalugu Kõigi aegade tuntuimale rockbändile pani 1957. aastal aluse skiffle-muusikast vaimustunud John Lennon, kes lõi Liverpoolis Quarry Bank'i koolis õppides koos kaasõpilastega ansambli "The Blackjacks"
Reynaud’s disapproval increases more. As it becomes clear that villagers are being influenced by Vianne, he quickly sees her as danger. Under Vianne’s control an old woman starts a new life, a wife finds courage to leave her mean husband, children rebel against authority and Reynaud’s community is danger of falling apart. Soon is Easter and Vianne and Reynaud start preparing: Vianne for a chocolate festival, Reynaud for winning back hearts of the villagers. At first, I thought this film is an uninteresting old film. However, I found out that it is really thrilling and fascinating. I enjoyed that it was slow-moving but had many conflicts. The director also brought a romantic side to the film, which made it more interesting.
Single and enjoy nightlife? Then Tallinn is definitely something you would want to visit! Interested in fashion and art? Well, I wouldn't know any city better for that in Estonia. Tallinn affluent city, the city what's most likely to become an cosmopolitan some day, the most crowded city ,industrial and touristy, thriving towards the future a city like most of the capitals, but still with its beautiful old-town, continues capturing the hearts of the tourists. So therefore, as the cities mentioned are both very special, and I hope to visit them soon and I hope to see you there too! These cities are both really extraordinary and are worth visiting when you are in Estonia.
academic year from autumn till spring. The characters are familiar to all of us...: the thoughtful Arno, the prankster Toots, constantly food munches Tõnisson, the red head sissy Kiir, the curly fair-colored Imelik who plays the zither , the wise bell ringer Lible, affectionate teacher Laur and fulminating cracking cantor called Julk-Jüri. Not to mention already the long light-colored braid lovely but capricious Raja Teele, who cause the boys ' hearts throb. , Spring '' is the absorbing daily scool life story which offers fun and jokes and the reflection of the fundamental values of life. Spring is a beautiful time in every sense of the word, both in nature and in people's lives where youth compared to spring - just all it calls to watch the movie again and again.
academic year from autumn till spring. The characters are familiar to all of us...: the thoughtful Arno, the prankster Toots, constantly food munches Tõnisson, the red head sissy Kiir, the curly fair-colored Imelik who plays the zither , the wise bell ringer Lible, affectionate teacher Laur and fulminating cracking cantor called Julk-Jüri. Not to mention already the long light-colored braid lovely but capricious Raja Teele, who cause the boys ' hearts throb. , Spring '' is the absorbing daily scool life story which offers fun and jokes and the reflection of the fundamental values of life. Spring is a beautiful time in every sense of the word, both in nature and in people's lives where youth compared to spring - just all it calls to watch the movie again and again.
the police did everything that they could search the whole beach promenade, even the canebrake they didn´t find her. I imagine it is devastating to her family and her friends, and even if she would be found dead, the family would be better off than at the moment, unknowing about her well-being. They can only guess where she is or if she´s alive, and hope. Hope is what gives them the strength to continue with their normal day routine, and to let her go, from their hearts and souls. Hope is what makes them expect the best and to not worry. Hope is what makes their life bearable.
A WALK TO REMEMBER. A walk to remember, written by Nicholas Sparks is a truly wonderful love story that will touch many reader's hearts. This story is about fifty-sever years old man looking back at his past which he will never forget. this man is Landon Carter. he takes the reader back to 1958 in town of Beaufort, North California when he was just 17 years old. In high school he chooses drama class than chemesrty class, thinking it will be easier fot him. In the class there was a girl calles Jamie Sullivan, a minister's daughter. He and Jamie grew up toghether but were never really friends. Jamie was a good girl. She
Tell them all I know now Caution when it comes to love Shout it from the roof tops I did Write it on the sky line All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible Impossible, impossible Falling out of love is hard Falling for betrayal is worst Broken trust and broken hearts I know, I know Thinking all you need is there Building faith on love and words Empty promises will wear I know, I know And now when all is gone There is nothing to say And if your done with embarrassing me On your own you can go ahead tell them Tell them all I know now Shout it from the roof tops Write it on the sky line All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy
you Behind the door, should I open it for you Lay beside me, under wicked sky Yeah Through black of day, dark of night, we share this pair of What I've felt, what I've known lives Sick and tired, I stand alone The door cracks open, but there's no sun shining through Black hearts scarring darkness still, but there's no sun Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you shining through Or are you unforgiven too? No, there's no sun shining through No, there's no sun shining Lay beside me, tell me what I've done The door is closed, so are your eyes
Laulurida ,,Lülita end välja, lõdvestu ja triivi allavoolu" muutus omamoodi mantraks kõigi jaoks, ,,kes otsisid valgustatust, kellele eksperimenteerimine ja eneseavastamine olid väravaks uude ajastusse". (Spitz, B. (2010). The Beatles. Ansambli lugu.) Vaatamata algas briti psühhedeelne ajastu 1967. aastal Pink Floydi kauamängiva ,,The Piper At The Gates Of Dawniga". Ilmselt hõljus psühhedeeliat juba õhus, sest vaid mõni kuu hiljem üllitas The Beatles ,,Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Bandi". Siiani levib arusaam, et see (,,Sgt. Pepper") on esimene kontseptuaalne album (plaat, millel on kindel läbiv teema, kas instrumentaalne, kompositsiooniline, jutustav või lüüriline), ent John Lennon vaidleb sellele ühes intervjuus vastu, öeldes, et ,,tema ega keegi teine bändist ei teinud selle jaoks mitte midagi, et inimesed usuvad seda ainult sellepärast, et nemad nii ütlesid". (Collins, A. (2000). High Concepts: The Making Of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Q)
exhibition, which is called "The City Which will Never be Completed". Kadriorg Palace The Kadriorg Art Museum Peter I began building the palace in 1718, and it was called Ekaterinenthal, or Catherinenthal, in honour of Catherine I. It is said that the tsar himself laid the first foundation stones for the palace. Tallinn Song Festival Grounds this sprawling event venue in Kadriorg has a special place in the hearts of Estonians. It was here in 1988 that the Singing Revolution, a massive, musical demonstration against Soviet rule, set Estonia on its road towards independence. Tallin is a beautiful city and I liks to live here. Tallinn has it's own good and bad sides: some pars of the city is clean and beautiful, some (but few) are dirty and filled with terrible people. It is not nice to be there.
The painting was a gift for his brother Theo and sister-in-law Jo, who had just had a baby son, Vincent Willem. He was very close to his brother and he thought to symbolize new life in the flowers of the almond tree for the birth of baby Vincent. In the letter announcing the new arrival, Theo wrote: ‘As we told you, we’ll name him after you, and I’m making the wish that he may be as determined and as courageous as you.’ Unsurprisingly, it was this work that remained closest to the hearts of the Van Gogh family. Currently the painting is located in Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam.
kantrilaulja Buck Owensi omi. Nad kasutasid oma hiti "Yesterday" salvestamisel 1965. aastal keelpillikvartetti ja see oli esimene kord kui nad kasutasid klassikalise muusika elemente oma loomingus. Bändi looming on jõudnud singlimüügi edetabelites ligi viiekümnel korral esi neljakümnesse juba ainult Ameerikas ning kahekümnel korral neist esikohale. Praeguseks on müüdud The Beatlesi plaate üle miljardi. Nende olulisemad plaadialbumid on Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles ja Abbey Road. Ansambli The Beatles tegevuses võib märgata kaht etappi, mille vahe on umbes aastapikkune. Esimest iseloomustab lihtsameelne siirus luules ja muusikas, erinevate mõjutuste läbielamine, soov publikule meeldida. Kuuekümnendate lõpus loobusid nad põhimõtteliselt ringreisidest, sest nende muusikat sai teostada ainult stuudios. Nad ei tundnud enam mõnu publiku ees esinemisest. Kõikide õnnestumiste kõrvale hakkasid ka tasapisi
Kristi Suits Nõo Realgymnasium Who is he? Early life Start of musical career Albums Social acitivity As a photographer Bryan Guy Adams Canadian rock singer-songwriter Guitarist Producer Photographer Best-selling Canadian male artist Rock songs, ballads and mid-tempo tracks November 5, 1959 in Kingston, Ontario Maltese ancestry Father a diplomat Travelling around the world 1973 Canada Quit school Jim Vallance Songs for other artists: · Kiss · Prism · Rod Stewart · Neil Diamond In 1978 demo recordings to A&M Records Other artists "Let Me Take You Dancing" Self-titled debut album February 1980 October 29 to November 29, 1979 at Manta Studios in Toronto Gold in Canada New York City Bob Clearmountain 1981 FM radio hit "Lonely Nights" January 1983 Breakout album Music videos Number eight on the Bill...
Every so often, one of these groups commit another terrorist attack and thus, the wheel just keeps turning. Unless we find a way to break this circle, things will only get worse as time goes on. We must keep in mind that the road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is often much shorter than we think. These are, indeed, volatile times for muslim people living in Europe. Deadly terrorist attacks from Islamic fundamentalists have stricken fear into the hearts of many and have resulted in a rise of tribal mentality within many parts of western society. In these volatile times we should all come together. Instead of isolation, we need integration. Instead of building walls, we need to build bridges. It would be naïve to think that the building of a single mosque in our nation's capital would solve all our problems, but it would be a great start. I would like to end my speech with a quote by captain Jean-Luc Picard from the
* Now you break my heart & tell me you still love me ? * How does it feel, to know that you're everything i need ? * You can always start liking someone over and over again but you can never stop loving someone. * You break my heart into a thousand pieces and you say it's because i deserve better . * Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. * It's funny how someone can break your heart and you still love them with all the little pieces. * Real love stories never have happy endings, because the real love stories never end. *When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life, that you have thousand reasons to smile. * If you were to ask how many times you run trough my mind, I'd only say: once, because you never even left.
Love/craving/sad *True love doesn't consist of holding hands; it consists of holding hearts! *Like millions of dreams came true. Me and you! *We could be friends.. but I'd rather be your lover! *Like shooting stars we shine and then we fade. *It's not hard to see through all that's fake... *And every night he kisses someone new. Never you. *Use me, I'm beautiful take me, I'm yours *Oh darling, you're a million ways to be cruel. * And if I could hold on Through the tears and the laughter Would it be beautiful? Or just a beautiful disaster
Richard, Ray Charles ja Larry Williams. Oma tegevuse algusaastail jäljendas The Beatles oma loomingus eelnimetatud muusikuid, mõne aja pärast hakkas välja kujunema ansamblile omane eriline stiil ja kõla. Kõigest viie aasta jooksul arenes The Beatlesi muusika lihtsatest elurõõmsatest paladest nagu "She Loves You" ja "I Want to Hold Your Hand" keerulise ja mitmetähendusliku sisuga albumiteni "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" ja "Abbey Road". The Beatlesi mõju popmuusikale oli tohutu, kuna ansambli muusika oli nii harmoonia, meloodiate kui ka tekstide poolest väga uuenduslik: ansambel uuris ja täiustas salvestusstuudio tehnika võimalusi ning püüdis iga loo salvestamisel saavutada maksimaalse võimaliku kvaliteediga tulemust. Ansambel oli pideva ajakirjanduse tähelepanu all ning sai hiljem vanema ja konservatiivsema generatsiooni terava kriitika osaliseks, kuna oli muutunud
and growing every day. People love it. They are able to test their skills and improve a lot. If this keeps going on the way it goes now, almost everyone are in Defence League. We have people who love their home country and want to do something for it. This is great, because then we don't have to worry about the future of Estonia, we ourselves take care of it. In conclusion, Estonian Defence League is really popular organisation to go. This grows the nationality in our children's hearts and you can be there until you become an elder. Until Estonia's Defence League is open to all of us, we don't have to worry about our country's future one bit.
Heart and Lung Health: This is one of the most important reasons to exercise. An inactive lifestyle is one of the major causes of heart diseases. While a lot of heart conditions occur when we are older, it is necessary to start exercising at a young age to keep our hearts strong as we age. Cardiovascular exercises like running, swimming, cycling, and aerobics are especially good for the heart, hence the name `cardiovascular'. These types of exercises help to maintain your blood pressure, reduce the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol in your blood, reduce the risk of diabetes, and increase your endurance level so you don't easily run out of breath. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are all conditions that the
17. Take my eyes, but let me see you. Take my mind, but let me think about you. Take my hands, but let me touch you. But don't try to take my heart, because it's already yours! (or “already with you”). 18. If you love something let it go. If it's come back to you it's yours, If it doesn't, it never was. 19. 19. Love never fails. People fails on Love. 20. Lives are for living I live for you. Dreams are for dreaming I dream about you. Hearts are for beating mine beats for you. Angles are keeping can I keep you? 21. I asked god for flower, He gave me a bouquet. I asked god for a minute, He gave me a day. I asked god for true love, He gave me that too. I asked god for an angel, He gave me you. 22. Falling in love is awfully simple, but falling out of love is simple awful. 23. Nothing hurts more than realising he mean everything to you, but you mean nothing to him. 24
thing. You scared me! Where have you been all this time?" Laughing, John said, "Sorry I'm late, but there was a problem with my costume. Let's go trick or treating. There'll be no candy left for us if we wait any longer." "That's okay," Ben said. "Let's get started." Ben suggested they go east first. Several houses looked promising that way, and Ben remembered that the folks in one particular house gave out great candy and were fun to visit. ." Their hearts still pounding a little, Ben and John walked along the street. The first house they came to was creepy- looking. A long sidewalk lead up to a front porch. In the moonlight, the house looked deserted. John whispered, "I think I remember somebody telling me that this house is haunted." "No way," Ben said,pushing open the gate.
Süstitakse, Süstimine, Suitsetatakse, Sageli amfetamiinidega Suu kaudu. kombineeritud, et saavutada üles-alla efekti (tuntud 1960. aastate ansambli Purple Hearts puhul). Aktiivsed koostisosad Amfetamiinsulfaat. Barbituurhappe Amüül-, propüül- või keemilise derivaadid. butüülnitrit. Toime algab Suu kaudu manustatult Veerand tunni pärast. Paari sekundi pärast. veerand tunni pärast. Teiste manustamisviiside korral kiiremini. Toime kestab Kuus tundi
The little prince realizes that, even though there are many roses, his love for his rose makes her unique and that he is therefore responsible for her. Despite this revelation, he still feels very lonely because he is so far away from his rose. The prince ends his story by describing his encounters with two men, a railway switchman and a salesclerk. It is now the narrator's eighth day in the desert, and at the prince's suggestion, they set off to find a well. The water feeds their hearts as much as their bodies, and the two share a moment of bliss as they agree that too many people do not see what is truly important in life. The little prince's mind, however, is fixed on returning to his rose, and he begins making plans with the snake to head back to his planet. The narrator is able to fix his plane on the day before the one-year anniversary of the prince's arrival on Earth, and he walks sadly with his friend out to the place the prince landed
Selle tagajärjel tabas teda kopsuvähk. Saanud sellest peaaegu võitu, suri ta ajuvähi tagajärjel 2001. aastal 29. novembril. Tema tuhk puistati Gangesesse. Stuudioalbumid: "Please Please Me" (22. märts 1963) "With the Beatles" (22. november 1963) "A Hard Day's Night" (10. juuli 1964) "Beatles for Sale" (4. detsember 1964) "Help!" (6. august 1965) "Rubber Soul" (3. detsember 1965) "Revolver" (5. august 1966 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1. juuni 1967) "The Beatles" (tuntud ka kui "The White Album"; 22. november 1968) "Yellow Submarine" (17. jaanuar 1969) "Abbey Road" (26. september 1969) "Let It Be" (8. mai 1970) Plaadifirmad: · EMI · Parlophone Records · Capitol Records · Odeon Records · Apple · Vee-Jay Records · Polydor Records · Swan Record · Tollie Records · United Artists Records Ansamblile pani aluse 1957. aastal John Lennon
furniture, every nook and cranny is "made presentable." The men clean and whitewash outbuildings and yard entrances, passageways, and surroundings. The children are especially good, because in Ireland...like elsewhere in the world...Santa's watching! Advent: The Christmas season really begins with Advent, the four weeks before Christmas. In many homes, Advent wreaths and Advent candles are used. The Advent candle is lit every night and prayers said to prepare hearts for the birth of the Christ Child. At the beginning of December, children start opening the windows of their Advent calenders revealing a Christmas picture or perhaps uncovering a sweet chocolate. Twelve Days of Christmas: During the centuries when it was a crime to be Catholic and to practice one's faith, the "Twelve Days of Christmas" was used as a memory aid. The gifts listed in the song are hidden references to Catholic dogma. Lighting Candles:
Her true genius, however, was not formal innovation or deeper expression, but artistic renderings of the enthusiastic songs of her time. "I'm very shy, and I shy away from people," Ella once said. "But the moment I hit the stage, it's a different feeling. I get nerve from somewhere; maybe it's because it's something I love to do." More than anything, it is this love of performing that won her the hearts of millions throughout the world. By the 1970s, she was performing with a trio headed by pianist Tommy Flanagan, and regularly with dozens of different symphony orchestras. Though her voice was not what it had been, Fitzgerald's enthusiasm and charisma continued to excite crowds well into the 1980s. After a successful appearance in the United Kingdom in 1990, she retired due to ailing health. Two years later President Ronald Reagan awarded her the National Medal of Honor
But everyday people like to bring my body down and pressure it with problems. Once the pain kicks in, the realization kicks also in. I realize that peoples pain come from others and then they want to get rid of the pain. But why I have to get their problems on my shoulders, I take their problems and throw them away. I want to change the emotions what people have. There is a lot of negativity what make people mad and sad. But that can be changed if we all look into our hearts, if we start to look at ourselves in the mirror. We can all change, we can all develop a new feelings in us, we are life, we make life happy or sad. It can all change if we start to deal with our problems and see the things what makes us happy. There are a lot of people who do things what they don’t like. They owe a theirselves a change in direction, according me. Everyday I say the school is a bad place, it is a waste of time and etc
valetan. *The next time you think you're perfect ,try walking on water. *You're just jealous because the voices are talking to me. *He said:"I love you!"I said:"I'm allergic to bullshit." *I'm so sick of being lonely.I want to know how it's to be loved. *Ma ei saa oma sõpradele päikesepaistelist ilma lubada ,aga ma saan neil vihmavarju pea kohal hoida ,kui sajab. *If you love someone tell them ,because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. *Kills for the beauty. *I'm the girl your parents warned you about. *Tired of trying ,sick of crying. Yeah i'm smiling ,but inside i'm dying. *I shine like a star. *You didn't lose me ,you let me go. *831 means: "I love you" 8 letters ,3 words ,1 meaning. *Smile...Tomorrow will be worse. *Good gifts come in small packages. *I'm not a complete idiot some parts are missing. *Everyone smile in the same language.
Bruce Wayne, a millionaire playboy, whose parents were murdered right in front of his eyes, took it upon himself to wage war on crime in Gotham city. He spent his life pursuing mental and physical perfection. However, he realized that pure strength and intelligence is not enough to fight the forces in Gotham. Figuring criminals are superstitious and cowardly, he decided that he would need a disguise that would strike fear into their hearts. At that moment, a bat flew in his window, inspiring him. This is how he became Batman, the Dark Knight, the hero of Gotham and the city's last hope against evil. But Batman did not only have to fight petty crime in Gotham City soon many super villains raised their ugly heads. The first one Batman had to go against was the Joker, who became the archenemy of Wayne. Joker has been presented as both a violent sociopath, who kills people for fun and as a somewhat
Kui ma valetasin, ei täheda see veel seda, et ma pole aus, aga vöibolla sa ei väärinudki töde ? Parimad aarded elus on head mälestused. When I was little, I had my favourite teddybear, who kept all my secrets, shared my adventures and wiped away all my tears. I used to think, that no one could take this place ... and then I found you. Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again. Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. Kui kuidagi ei saa, siis kuidagi ikka saab. Ära vöta endale kunagi sellist koormat kanda, mida sa tegelikult kanda ei suuda. Mitte miski siin maailmas ei sünni lihtsalt vöi pöhjuseta. Pöhjus tuleb vaid endale selgeks teha. Igaühel on midagi varjata. Olge oma laste vastu kenad. Nemad valivad teile vanadekodu. Otsustamatus on paindlikkuse vöti. Ära löö maaslamajat, juhul, kui sa pole kindel, et ta üles ei töuse. Naerata ja kogu maailm naeratab koos sinuga
19391945 World War II two sides the Blitz in England : bombing cities, especially London rationing(piiratult jagama)=restricting the amount of food,petrol,clothes the Battle of Britain = British Aircraft prevented the Germans from bombing , SummerAutumn 1940 Churchill > the Architect of the Victory How did Britain lose its Empire? the Empire strongest in 1920s mid 20th c. > the Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth of Nations Britain&Europe 'Our hearts are not in Europe' everything is overseas for them 1973 joined the European Common Market ( later EU ) a strong opposition to the Euro Britain and the USA common language wartime alliance the Cold War Churchill's popularity in the USA Britain today long history of political order last invasion in 1066 Scotland and Wales > own pariliaments from 1999 since 2003: participation in the Iraq War
Kadri Laur PRG 11B. 26.05.07 Queen Victoria and Victorian England (Queen Victoria is supposed to have said this as a 10-year-old girl on learning that she was likely to become queen in the future: I will be good.) VICTORIA (r. 1837-1901) Victoria was born at Kensington Palace, London, on 24 May 1819. She was the only daughter of Edward, Duke of Kent. The Duke and Duchess of Kent selected the name Victoria but her uncle, George IV, insisted that she be named Alexandrina after her godfather, Tsar Alexander II of Russia. Edward died when Victoria was eight months old, upon which her mother enacted a strict regimen that shunned the courts of Victoria's uncles, George IV and William IV. Father ...
· TYPICAL GUY:: hurts before he's hurt & leaves before he's left. Beats u at every goodbye. Never feeling guilty about it. BEWARE GIRLS! · People ask "why is it so hard to trust?", I ask "why is it so hard to keep a promise?" · The biggest mistake I've made in my life is letting people stay in my life far longer than they deserve. · Sometimes, I think we waste our moments, we don't take the time to say the things that are in our hearts when we have the chance. · I'm going to treat people exactly HOW they treat me. Some should be glad. Others should be scared. · Hate is just another word for someone you love, but no longer believe in. · Sometimes, some things go wrong so you'd appreciate them when they're right. · Kiss the kissers, Love the lovers & Play the players. · The purpose of relationship is not to have someone who might complete u, but to have someone with whom u might share ur incompleteness.
määrata. Lõik töötegemise kohta Surnuteraamatu inglisekeelsest tõlkest: ,,The chapter of not letting work be done in the underworld by Nebseni, the scribe and draughtsman in the temple of Ptah, who saith :- ,,I lift up the hand of the man who is inactive. I have come from the city of Unnu (Hermopolis). I am the divine Soul which liveth, and I lead with the hearts of the apes.""3 (Ahvid viitavad kuuele ahvile, keda on nähtud jumaldamas Päikesejumal Ra'd, kuid tatõuseb. Huneferi papüürusel on ahve seitse.) 3 ,,The Book of the Dead" London 1960, lk 52 3 olulisemat peatükki Peatükk XVII See on üks kõige väärtuslikumaid ja olulisemaid peatükke Surnuteraamatus, sest see sisaldab õpetust, mida eeldati, et kõik õndsaks kuulutatud surnute hinged peaksid teadma. Nagu mitmed teised osad
Carl Perkins kui ka mustanahalistelt artistidelt Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Ray Charles ja Larry Williams. Tegevuse algusaastail jäljendas The Beatles oma loomingus eelpool mainitud muusikuid, mõne aja möödudes hakkas välja kujunema ansamblile eriomane stiil ja kõla. Kõigest viie aasta jooksul arenes The Beatlesi muusika lihtsatest elurõõmsatest paladest nagu "She Loves You" ja "I Want to Hold Your Hand" keerulise ja mitmetähendusliku sisuga albumiteni "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band" ja "Abbey Road". The Beatlesi mõju popmuusika arengule on olnud tohutu, sest ansambli muusika on nii harmoonia, meloodiate kui ka tekstide poolest väga uuenduslik. Lisaks uuris ja täiustas ansambel salvestusstuudio helitehnika võimalusi ning püüdis iga loo salvestamisel saavutada parimat helikõla. Ansambel oli pidevalt ajakirjanduse tähelepanu all ning sai hiljem vanema ja konservatiivsema generatsiooni terava kriitika osaliseks. 1960