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"-academy" - 245 õppematerjali


Estonian Academy of Kickboxing

Estonian Academy of Kickboxing Irina Grjadova KNT­3 Mis on kikkpoks?  Kickboxing ehk kikkpoks on täiskontaktne võitlussport, milles on lubatud käe- ja jalalöögid.  Pikema ajalooga on Jaapani kikkpoksi taust, mille loojaks 1950. aastatel peetakse Tatsuo Yamadat.  Kikkpoks jaguneb Jaapani ja Ameerika kikkpoksiks.  Kui Jaapani kikkpoksis on lubatud ka põlvelöögid ning löömine allapoole vööd, siis Ameerika kikkpoksis on keelatud nii põlve- kui ka küünarnukilöögid ja löögid allapoole vööd. Suurimad organisatsioonid:  WAKO e World Association of Kickboxing Organization  WKA e World Kickboxing Association  IKF e International Kickboxing Association  K-1.  Eestis Eesti Kick- boxingu Liit Matšid  Jaapani kikkpoksi matšide pikkuseks on viis kolmeminutilist raundi.  Ameerika k...

Sport → Sport
8 allalaadimist

Programmeerimiskeele JavaScript omandamine kasutades eestikeelset Code Academy (Progetiiger) e-õppekeskkonda

Tallinna Inglise Kolledž Tauri Pupart 8a klass Programmeerimiskeele JavaScript omandamine kasutades eestikeelset Code Academy (Progetiiger) e-õppekeskkonda Uurimistöö Juhendajad: Kersti Jankovski Paavo Viilup 1 SISUKORD SISUKORD 2 SISSEJUHATUS 3 1. Projekt progeTiiger 4 1.1. Code Acadamy 5 1.2. Eestikeelse programmeerimise e-õppekeskkonna kasutatavus 5 2. Mis on JavaScript? 5 3. Teiste kasutajate arvamused programmeerimise e-õppest 6 4.Minu teadmised enne õppima asumist 6 5. Praktiline õpe Progetiigri e-õppe keskkonnas 7 5.1 Sissejuhatus JavaScripti 7 5.2 Fun...

Informaatika → Programeerimise...
24 allalaadimist

Inimeste rollid tööl ja kodus

Referaat Artikli autorid: Jeffrey H. Greenhaus ja Nicholas J. Beutell Artikli pealkiri: Sources of Conflict Between Work and Family Roles Ajakirja nimi: Academy of Management Ilmumise aasta: 1985(jaanuar) Köite (vloume’i) ja lehekülgede numbrid: vol 10, leheküljed 76-88 Artiklis tahetakse leida lahendust probleemile, et mis ja kui palju mõjutab inimese rolle kodus ja tööl. Tuuakse välja, erinevad faktoreid, mis mõjutavad seda halvemuse poole ja ka neid, mis muudavad seda ümberlülitust ühelt rollilt teisele paremaks. Artikkel tugineb ka varasemalt tehtud uurimustele, kus jälgitakse inimeste käitumist olukordades. Kuidas uuritavad suudavad ennast eemaldada tööst ja keskenduda vaid perekonnale või vastupidi. Nendest uurimustest tuuakse seoseid ka reaalsete olukordadega, mis on ka t...

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
8 allalaadimist

Film review Chocolat

Film review „Chocolat“ Chocolat is a 2000 American-British romantic drama film that is based on the novel with the same name by Joanne Harris. Chocolat was directed by Lasse Hallström. Filming took place between May and August 2000. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. It was also nominated for eight BAFTs (British Acedemy of Film and Television Arts) and four Golden Globes. Chocolat begins with arrival of Vianne Rocher in a tiny French village. She is a single mother with a young daughter. In village was the beginning of fasting and people weren’t eating so much. Vianne moves with her daughter into a disused bakery facing the church, where a man - Francis Reynaud - watches her arrival with disapproval and is suspicious. When he realizes that Vianne wants to open a chocolate shop in place of the old bakery, influencing the church-go...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ernst Öpik - Eesti astronoomiakoolkonna üks rajajaid.

Eesti astronoomiakoolkonna üks rajajaid. Koostaja : Marit Kermas Ernst Öpik on maailmakuulus Eesti astronoom, kes saavutas oma tuntuse vanemas eas. Ta oli erakordselt mitmekülgne teadlane, kes esitas oma ajast ettejõudnud algupäraseid ideid ja avaldas uurimusi paljudes astronoomia valdkondades. Täisnimi Ernst Julius Öpik Sündinud 22. Oktoobril 1893 Kundas. Pereliikmed Isa ­ Tallinnas mereväe üleajateenija- allohvitser. Hiljem tolliametnik Kundas. Vend Armin Öpik - geoloogia- ja paleontoloogiaprofessor, filosoof, keeleteadlane, luuletaja ja maletaja Vend Oskar Öpik - diplomaat Vend Paul Öpik - pankur Õde Anna - valdas 14 keelt, sealhulgas sanskriti keelt, ja tõlkis Homerost. Keskharidus - Tallinna Nikolai Gümnaasium(praegune Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasium) Moskva ülikool Tartu ülikool Moskva Rahvaülikoolide Seltsi observatoorium - juhataja,lektor Moskva Ülikool - ass...

Füüsika → Füüsika
19 allalaadimist

USA Cinema

Film History  The first important successful public exhibition in the United States  The early films (The most influential early film artist was Edwin S. Porter)  Thomas Edison - The Vitascope  Henry Heyl - Pharmatrope  Eadweard Muybridge's Zoopraxis  W. K. L. Dickson - celluloid roll film and Kinetograph USA Film Festival  What is it? - The USA Film Festival is a Dallas-based, non-profit organization  What does it provide? - The USA Film Festival provides an opportunity for the public to discover films.  KidFilm festival - The oldest and largest-attended international children's film festival in the United States Oscar History  Oscar Statuette- (Margaret Herrick )  The first ceremony  The second year  The Los Angeles Times in 1940  25th Academy Awards- (the first televised broadcast in 1952 ) ...

Filmikunst → Film
3 allalaadimist

100 th anniversary of Estonian Film

100 th anniversary of Estonian Film Karina Laagus Form 9 First movie The first film was directed in 1912. It is called ,,Vigurlendur Utotskini lend" and filmed by Johannes Pääsuke. My favourite Estonian film star Rasmus Kaljujärv (born March 28, 1981 in Tartu) is an Estonian actor. Kaljujärv started his movie career in 2003 and has played in 10 films and television series. His father Hannes Kaljujärv is also wellknown Estonian actor. My favourite film star Ott Sepp (born 29 June 1982) is an Estonian actor, singer, writer and television presenter. Born in Tallinn, Sepp graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2004 and began performing at the Estonian Drama Theatre in 2005. Roles in Estonian films such as Names in Marble (2002), Malev (2005) and Tulnukas.Ott sep has worked with Märt Avandi as cohost...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Elton John

Elton John UnNamed XA 8.04.2010 Original name: Reginald Kenneth Dwight Sir Elton John, is an English singer-songwriter, composer and pianist. He was born in 1947, in England. When John began to seriously consider a career in music, his father, who served as a Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force, tried to steer him toward a more conventional career, such as banking. He started to play the piano at the early age of four. At the age of 11, he won a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music At the age of 12 he took Saturday classes at the Academy in central London, and has stated that he enjoyed playing Chopin and Bach and singing in the choir during Saturd...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Eesti Geoloogia konspekt piltidena

EESTI GEOLOOGILINE EHITUS Eesti paikneb Ida-Euroopa platvormi loodeosas, Fennoskandia kilbi lõunanõlval. Arold, I., 2005. Eesti maastikud. Arold, I., 2005. Eesti maastikud. Arold, I., 2005. Eesti maastikud. Raukas, A., Teedumäe, A. (eds). 1997. Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia. Estonian Academy Publishers, Tallinn. 436 pp. Photo 13. The historically known Aruküla caves near Tartu where since 1831 large placoderms and other Devonian fishes have been excavated. Photo by Ü. Heinsalu and E. Mark-Kurik. Holotseen - turvas, jõe-, järve- ja meresetted, samuti luiteliivad jne Kvaternaar purdsetted Pleistotseen - moreen, jääjärve ...

Loodus → Eesti maastikud
21 allalaadimist


1. Leidke ekataloogist ESTER raamatu Seeder, Siret, Seeder, Janno. Karjääri ja õigete valikute feng shui. Tallinn , 2010. 199 lk. asukoht TTÜ raamatukogus ja sellele vastav kohaviit e kataloogis ESTER, korrus ja riiuli number (vt. juhendit) Vastus: asukoht/korrus: TTÜR 5.korrusel(humanitaarteadused), kohaviit: 13/S 33, riiuli number:512. 2. Leidke Eesti märksõnastikust (EMS), milliseid seotud märksõnu on soovitav kasutada teavikute otsinguks teemal metallkonstruktsioonid Loetlege kuni 3 seotud märksõna. (vt. juhendit) Vastus: mastid, sillad. 3. Leidke andmebaasist ISE, millises ajakirjas on ilmunud artikkel Maasik, Ingrid. Vanad ehitusmaterjalid taaskasutusse. Vastuses esitage ajakirja nimetus, aasta, number, leheküljed, kus artikkel asub. (vt. juhendit) Vastus: artikkel 'Maasik, Ingrid. Vanad ehitusmaterjalid taaskas...

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
79 allalaadimist

Education in England

Compulsory education in Britain starts at the age of 3-5. Primary (infancy) School and move to a secondary school at 11 or 12. Primary (infant) Years 1-2 Age 5-7 Primary(junior) 3-6 5-7 secondary 7-9 11-14 Secondary 10-11 14-16 Sixth form Lower sixth form ­ 1 year 16-18 Upper sixth form ­ 1 year A-level ­ advanced level. Higher level academic exams that are taken mostly by people around the ae of 18 who wish to go on to higher education. GCSE ­ general certifcate of Secondary Education. The exams taken by 15 to 16 year olds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Marks are iven for each subject separately. Grades are A-G. A, B and C are regarded as good Grandes. Private school ...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
9 allalaadimist

Robert Downey-Jr

Robert Downey, Jr Andres Mällo 6.A Tartu Raatuse Kool Biography • Robert John Downey, Jr is an American actor • Robert`s full name is Robert John Downey, Jr • Robert Downey, Jr was born in Manhattan, New York , U.S • Born in April 4, 1965 • Robert is the son of Robert Downey Sr and Elsie Downey • Robert has a sister named Allison Downey How he became famous ? Robert made his debut when he was five years old Downey began building upon theater roles 1985 Downey had a acting breakthrough when he played James Spader`s sidekick in Tuff Truf In 1992, he starred as Charlie Chaplin in Chaplin, the role garnered Downey an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor at the Academy Awards 65th ceremony 1996 - 2001 Downey had career troubles because he used drugs He`s famous for ... 2008 Iron Man 2008 Tropic Thunder 2010 Iron Man 2 2012 The Avengers 2013 Iron Man 3 The Avengers The Avengers is a 2012 superhero ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren Biography · Ilyena Lydia Vasilievna Mironov · Born in 26 July 1945 in Chiswick · English actress · Attended in St Bernard's High School for Girls · New College of Speech and Drama · Auditioned for the National Youth Theatre · Joined the Royal Shakespeare Company · Married to Taylor Hackford since 1997 Stage career breakthrough · Natalya Petrovna in Ivan Turgenev's "A Month in the Country" · Broadway's Tony Award as Best Actress "A Month in the Country" "Dance of Death" · National Theatre Film · "O Lucky Man!" · "Excalibur" · "Raising Helen" · "Shadowboxer" · "Teaching Mrs. Tingle" · "The Queen" (Academy Award, BAFTA, Golden Globe, Satellite Award) · "National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets" · "Inkheart" · "State of Play" · "The Last Station" · "RED" ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Londonist

London London · London is the capital of the United Kingdom and the constituent country of England. London is one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centers and its fluence in politic, education, entarainment, fashion and the arts contributes to its status as a major global city. London · Little bit about people who live in london. London currently has a wilde range of peoples, cultures and religions and over 300. languages are spoken in the city. · On July 2007, it had an offical population of 7 556 900 within the boundaries of greater london. History of London · The Blitz and other bombing by the German Luftwaffe during world war 2, killed over 30 000 Londoners and destroyed large areas of housing and other buildings across London. · In 1965 London's political confines were expanded to take into account the growth of the urb...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Vene teadlaste avastused.

. (10 (21 ) 1735 ., , -- 30 (11 ) 1818 ., ) -- - . « ».( ) . , . 1764-- 1767 . , , , - ( ). ( 1792 1799) , . 1769 30 . , , . 1772 300- . , . , . -- - , , , . , , . , , -- . XVIII , . , . . . , , . , , , . , . 1 , 70- , . 12 . . In Russia, in the 1780s, Ivan Kulibin developed a human-pedalled, three-wheeled carriage with modern features such as a flywheel, brake, gear box, and bearings; however, it was not developed further Ivan Petrovich Kulibin (April 21, 1735 - August 11, 1818) was a Russian mechanic and inventor. He was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a trader. From childhood...

Keeled → Vene keel
4 allalaadimist

Referaat Elton John'ist

Sir Elton John Teacher : Siiri Parv Stundent : Hendrik Ovir Aruküla Põhikool 9. Klass. Aruküla 2008 Sir Elton Hercules John was born with name Reginald Kenneth Dwight on 25 March 1947. He is an English pop/rock singer, composer and pianist. In his four-decade career, John has been one of the dominant forces in rock and popular music, especially during the 1970s. He has sold over 200 million records, making him one of the most successful artists of all time. He has more than 50 Top 40 hits including seven consecutive No. 1 U.S. albums, 59 Top 40 singles, 16 Top 10, four No. 2 hits, and nine No. 1 hits. He has won five Grammy awards and one Academy Award. His success has had a profound impact on popular music and has contributed to the continued popularity of the piano in rock and roll. In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked him #49 on their list of the 100 greatest artists of all time. Some of the characteristics of John'...

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist


Estonia Tjorn Treu KP-31 Information · Area- 45,227 km2 · Population- 1,282,963(2011 july) · Location- Baltic Region of Northern Europe · Capital- Tallinn · Main cities- Tallinn,Pärnu,Tartu,Narva · Official Language- Estonia · Political structure- democraic republic National symbols Flag- Coat of arms- Anthem-"My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy,, Plant-cornflower Bird-chimney swallow Stone-slate Tree- Oak History DATES Independence Day (Iseseisvuspäev) - February 24 May Day (kevadpüha) - May 1 National Flag Day (Eesti lipu päev) - June 4 Victory Day (võidupüha) - June 23 St. John's Day (Jaanipaev) - June 24 Day of Restoration of Independence (taasiseseisvumispäev) - August 20 history EVENTS Viljandi Folk Music Festival - July Ollesummer (Beer Summer) ­ July The All-Estonian Song Festival (Laulupidu) takes place every five years in Tallin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon Marylandist

MARYLAND Marleen Breemet KÜG 10B GENERAL FACTS Total area 32,133 km2 Population 5,884,563 Capital Annapolis Largest city Baltimore Origin of name: in honor of Henrietta Maria Nicknames:Old Line State, Free State, Little America, America in Miniature SYMBOLS Bird- Baltimore oriole Boat-skipjack Dog-Chesapeake Bay retriever Beverage - Milk Fower - Black-Eyed susan Fish-Rockfish Folk dance-Square dance Insect-Baltimore checkerspot butterfly Reptile-Diamondback terrapin SYMBOLS Song-"Maryland! My Maryland!" Sport-Jousting Team sport-Lacrosse Tree- White oak Cat- Calico Crustacean- Maryland blue crab Motto- Fatti maschil, Parole femine (loosely translated as "Manly deeds, Womanly words" GEOGRAPHY 250 miles long ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


CANBERRA Ivi Saar BASIC INFORMATION Capital city of Australia Population 358,000 Area 814.2 km² "Canberran" CLIMATE Summer Winter EDUCATION The Australian National The University of Canberra University SPORT Canberra Raiders The Brumbies Canberra Stadium CULTURE The Australian War Memorial The National Gallery of Australia The Australian Academy of Science Australian Parliament House The High Court The Royal Australian Mint Thank you for your attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sanaa - Kazuyo Sejima ja Ryue Nishizawa presentatsioon

Kazuyo Sejima ja Ryue Nishizawa. Tatjana-Julianna Matrossova KUKUB-1 2014 The Christian Dior Building Tokios The Serpentine Pavilion Londonis Kazuyo Sejima Ryue Nishizawa Preemiad • Arnold Brunner Memorial Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters • Jaapani Arhitektuuri Instituudi disaini auhind • Berlin art Prize • Ameerika Pritzkeri preemia • Nike arhitektuuriline preemia Ameerika Pritzkeri preemia 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art Kanazawa O-muuseum Zollverein School of Management and Design Toledo Museum New Museum of Contemporary Art The Rolex Learning Center Tänan! 

Arhitektuur → Arhitektuur
3 allalaadimist

Õendusteoreetik Patricia Benner

Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Õe õppekava ÕENDUSTEOREETIK PATRICIA BENNER Tartu 2018 Sisukord 1. PATRICIA BENNERI ELULUGU.........................................................................................2 2. PATRICIA BENNERI ÕENDUSTEOORIA..........................................................................3 2.1. Benneri õendusalase arenemise viis etappi.....................................................................3 2.2. P. Benneri teooria ja õenduse kesksed mõisted................................................................4 3. KOKKUVÕTE........................................................................................................................5 4. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS..................................................................................................6 1 1. PATRICIA BENNE...

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
103 allalaadimist


Navitrolla Heiki trolla Birth and Childhood · 1970 years after Christ, on the 10th of August in Võru (a little province which is the capital of Southern Estonia) a boychild is born, who, according to the documents, is a human unit with the name Heiki Trolla. But according to his deeds, a person with the name Navitrolla. Education · Graduated Virve Kuks's artstudio · Took part of greating organisation called "Lüliti" in 1990 · Studied geologi in Tartu University. · Tried to join EKA (Estonain Art Academy) but failen in exams. · . The end Thank you

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

The Pre-Raphaelites

THE PRE-RAPHAELITES The PRB was formed in 1848 in London and it was an association of painters, poets, critics, sculptors. It was founded by three Royal Academy students who wanted to brake free from the academic art and return to the moral and descriptive truthfulness that they felt was gone from art. (The Royal Academy of Arts is and institution with a purpose to promote the creation, enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts through exhibitions, education and debate.). The founders were William Hunt, John Millais, Dante Rossetti. Because of the fact that they were all students they were also very young- the oldest one, Hunt, was 21. They were soon joined by William Rossetti(critic), James Collison(painter), Frederic Stephens (critic), Thomas Woolner(sculptor). The three youthful Pre-Raphaelites deliberately challenged the established view of art, drawing up a manifesto of their intentions and publishi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Polar Boy

The Polar Boy A year ago, I decided to go to the cinema and watch something extraordinary. The choice fell on an Estonian film “The Polar Boy”. It is a touching romantic drama film produced in Estonia that premiered on May 13. 2016. The film was directed by Anu Aun and the film stars are Roland Laos and Jaanika Arum. This film focuses on the development of the relationship between two young people - Mattias and Hannah. "The Polar Boy" has been supported by Estonian Film Foundation. Mattias is a young talented photographer living in Tallinn, who has a dream to become a student of the Berlin Arts Academy. He is in his final year of school and has to concetrate on studying before exams, but suddendly he fells in love with a girl. Hannah suffers from a mental disorder called bipolarity. She has periods of depression and periods of elevated mood and it is quite hard for her to control her mood swings....

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

''Finding Neverland''

Finding Neverland Finding Neverland 2004 British/American semi-biographical film about playwright J. M. Barrie directed by Marc Forster screenplay by David Magee based on the play The Man Who Was Peter Pan nominated for several Academy Awards; Best Picture and Best Actor for Johnny Depp's portrayal of J.M. Barrie Sir James Matthew Barrie 9 May 1860 ­ 19 June 1937 Scottish author and dramatist small-town weavers educated in Scotland career as a novelist and playwright met the Llewelyn Davies boys who inspired him in writing about a baby boy who has magical adventures in Kensington Gardens (included in The Little White Bird), then to write Peter Pan Trailer

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Kate Elizabeth Winslet

Kate Elizabeth Winslet Made by:........... Subtopics Early Life Personal life Career Awards Early life Date of birth: 5 October 1975 (Age: 35) Berkshire Parents: Sally Anne, Roger John Sisters: Anna, Beth Anglican household Personal life Stephen Tredre Jim Threapelton - daughter Mia Sam Mendes - son Joe Alfie Weight issues Career Started in 1991 Films: ­ Titanic(1997) ­ Enigma(2001) ­ The Holiday ­ Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind(2004) ­ Finding Neverland(2004) ­ Little Children(2006) ­ The Reader(2008) Awards Academy Award for Best Actress (The Reader) Golden Globe Awards: ­ Best Drama Actress (Revolutionary Road) ­ Best Supporting Actress (The Reader) BAFTA...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Eesti mereakadeemia- raport

Eesti Mereakadeemia Estonian Maritime Academy Study programmes and short courses: · Deck Officer Watchkeeping Certificate Programme · Engineer Officer Watchkeeping Certificate Programme · Deck Officer Certificate Upgrade Programmes · Engineer Officer Certificate Upgrade Programmes · Personal Survival · Radar Observation & Plotting · Radar Simulator · ARPA Simulator · GMDSS Simulator · Medicine Emergency First Aid · Basic Stability · Other Courses Main specialities taught there are: · navigators (deck officers); · ship's diesel power plants (ship's engineers); · ship's refrigerating plants (refrigerating engineers); · productional fishing and fish breeding; · fish processing technology; · hydrography; · hydrometereology; · port and shipping management. Attendi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


GEORG FRIEDRICH HÄNDEL (1685-1759) Helilooja sündis Saksamaal Halles. Tema isa, õukonnakirurg, oli siis juba 63-aastane ja suri 12 aasta pärast. Poiss ilmutas varakult huvi muusika vastu, isa soovis talle aga paremat tulevikku ja õhutas noort Händelit õigusteadust õppima. Määravaks tema karjääri puhul sai aga perekondlik visiit Saksi-Weissenfelsi õukonda, kus noormehel oli võimalus mängida õukonna orelil. Noor Weissenfelsi hertsog, kuulnud tema improvisatsioone, soovitas Händelil tungivalt alustada muusikaõpinguid. Seepeale palgati talle muusikaõpetajaks Halle kiriku organist Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow- kohalik kuulsus õpetas Händelile orelit, klavessiini, viiulit ja heliloomingu aluseid. Siiski astus Händel ka Halle ülikooli ja kuulas seal põgusalt õigusalaseid loenguid. Samal ajal töötas ta juba kohalikus kirikus abiorganistina. 1703.aastal jättis Händel ülikooli ja Halle linna ning muusikalise karjää...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy Rapla RVG 10.Class Simo Lillestik Life Birth name:Edward Regan Murphy Born: April 3, 1961 (age 52)Brooklyn, lives: New York City, U.S. • He has received Golden Globe Award  nominations for his performances in 48 Hrs. , Beverly Hills Cop series , Trading Places , and The Nutty Professor . In 2007, he won the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and received a nomination for the Academy Philanthropy • Murphy has donated money to the AIDS Foundation, and cancer, education, creative arts, family/parent support, health and homeless charities. He has donated to the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, various cancer charities and $100,000 to the Screen Actors' Guild's strike relief fund. Used sites • rphy • q=eddie+murphy&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ei=xSVSUvfALc67hAfk 0oDADg&sqi=2&v...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Jüri Arrak

Jüri Arrak  Who is Jüri Arrak?   Borned 24 October 1936  Estonian painter  Graphic designer  Metal design artist  Makes films Facts about his life   Half-brother Henno Arrak (graphic designer)  Had been married with Urve Arrak  Sons- Arno Arrak and Jaan Arrak  The Estonian Academy of Arts (1966 Metal design)  Member of Estonian Artists’ Union, 1969  Taxi driver in Leningrad, 1960 Acknowledgements   Kristjan Raud’s art prize, 1990  Konrad Mäe’s medal, 1997  Second Class Order of the White Star, 2000 Work   Doorknob  Jewelry  Metal graphics  Films  Paintings  Rugs Paintings   Theme- The Bible’s plots, religion  “Last dinner“ („Viimane õhtusöök“) Paintings   ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Niako Eliisa Täht 8. oktoober 2013 Lamarre Michael ehk Niako on Prantsusmaa hip hop tantsija. Ta alustas tantsimisega 1997. aastal, mil õppis Pariisis kunsti. Niako suurimaks instiratsiooniks on pop legend Michael Jackson. Peale selle on ta harjutanud igat stiili tantsu, alates hip hopist kuni B-Boyni. Samuti liitus Niako Daltons Poseega, kellega ta arendas oma oskusi edasi. Varsti alustas ta tööd profesionaalsete tantsijate ning koreograafidega kui ka suurte kaubamärkidega nagu näiteks Adidas ja Puma. Tal on olnud võimalus osaleda mitmetel hip hop üritustel ning teatrietendustel nagu ,,Encounters Urban La Villette" ja ,,Suresnes Cities Danse". Niako osales aastal 2001 International Dance Academy koolis, et õppida klassikalist-, kaasaegset- ja jazztantsu. Ta esines muusikalis ,,10 käsku" kõrval ka pa...

Biograafia → Kuulsused
2 allalaadimist

The Blind Side

The Blind Side Anett Kuuse 9th grade The blind side Stars: Quinton Aaron, Sandra Bullock Writers: John Lee Hancock, Michael Lewis (book) Director: John Lee Hancock About the movie Zanr: Biography, Drama, Sport Budget: $29 million Box Office: $309,208,309 The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family. Awards Year Result Award Category Academy Awards 2010 Won Oscar Best Performance by an Actress in a ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Internet marketing

Internet marketing Sean McPheat Eva Tasso Tartu 2013 About the author Successful online business man Founder of the Internet Marketing Academy Has performed in TV, radio and many publications Consultant Advantages of internet marketing Speed Accuracy Low cost Measurability Global reach Methods of internet marketing Websites and pages Blogs Social media sites Videos and video blogs Important in internet marketing Domain name Contact information Appearance Bad website design Good website design Facts of internet marketing 1/3 of world's population is using internet Internet has become number 1 marketing channel in UK and USA Articles with images get 94% more views than those without Summary Internet marketing is getting more attention than never before Very c...

Keeled → Business english
7 allalaadimist

Famous Scottish People

Famous Scottish People Sean Connery Sean one of the most famous actors in the world, mostly because of his role as James Bond from 1962 to 1983, he also has won academy awards for producing fils as well as 3 golden globes He was born in Edinghburg Scotland in August 30th 1930 Alexander Grahm Bell Born March 3rd 1847 Very famous engineer, scientist and inventor Became a master pianist with no formal trainig as a child and also learned sing language when his mother started going deaf He is most famous for inventing the telephone in 1847 Joseph Black Born on April 16th 1728 Attended Glasgow University Famous physician and chemist and is credited for very significant discoveries such as latent heat, which is when heat is released and absorbed through the body specific heat, which is the amount of heat required to change the temperture of a substance, and also discovered the gas know...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Fine arts- kujutav kunst paiting- maal sculpture- skulptuur skulptor- skulptor memorial- mälestusmärk agricultural- põllumajandus stylist- stilist chop- hakkima, raiuma expertly- oskuslikult, asjatundlikult high-end- kallis, kõrge kvaliteediline soul- inimolend, hing behead- pead maha raiuma major general- kindralmajor engineer- insener governor- valitseja tube- allmaaraudtee chamber- ruum, saal, kamber interrogate- küsitlema, ära kuulama plot- vandenõu imprission- vangistama fireplace- kamin rumour- kuulujutt throne- troon murder- mõrv, mõrvama movie star- filmitäht stately home- härrastemaja autograph- autogramm come round- läbi astuma steep- imbuma, immutama pretty- üsna mural- seinmaal, fresko portrait- portree still life- vaikelu, natüürmort contemporary- kaasaegne chainsaw- mootorsaag academy- akadeemia pottery- keraamika foreground- esiplaan in the foreground- esiplaanil lottery- loterii charge- hind, kulutus, hinnaks nõudma free...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kofuni periood

Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium KOFUNI AJASTU Referaat Maarika Maripuu 10-SO Tallinn 2016 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS…………………………………………………………..……………………… 2 1. KOFUNID……………………………….………………………………….……………...…...3 1.1 KOFUNITE ÜLESEHITUS…………………………………………………………………..3 1.2 HAUDA KAASA PANDUD ESEMED JA KAUNISTUSED……..…………..……………..4 2. YAMATO RIIK………………………………………………………………………………....5 3. KONTINENTAALSE AASIA MÕJU………………………………………………………….6 3.1 HIINA………………………………………………………………………………………....6 4. KULTUUR……………………………………………………………………………………...7 4.1 USK…………………………………………………………………………………………..7 4.2 KUNST………………………………………………………………………………………..7 KOKKUVÕTE…………………………………………………………………………………....9 KASUTATUD MATERJALID…………………………………………………………………..10 1 SISSEJUHATUS Kofuni perioodiks nimetatakse jaapani ajalooperioodi, mis järgneb Yayoi per...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Georg Friedrich Händel- muusika referaat

Rakvere Reaalgümnaasium Pillemai Pihlak, Aivo Joost GEORG FIREDRICH HÄNDEL Õpetaja: Elo Üleoja Rakvere 2012 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS................................................................................................................ 3 2. ELU- JA LOOMINGUPERIOODID.................................................................................. 5 3. HÄNDELI LOOMING...................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Händeli ooperid......................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Händeli oratooriumid................................................................................................. 6 3.3 Veemuusika ja tulevärgimuusika...................................................................

Muusika → Muusika
36 allalaadimist

Angela Merkel-esitlus

Angela Merkel Introduction Angela Merkel is Germany's first woman chancellor. Early life Was borned in 1954 in Hamburg Her father Horst Kasner was a Lutheran pastor and mother was a teacher. Angela is the eldest of the three siblings. Merkel grew up in Templin. Templin Templin's town hall Early life Studied physics in Templin and at the University of Leipzig. In 1978 Merkel gained a physics doctorate. Worked and studied at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences University of Leipzig Personal life In 1977 she married the physics student Ulrich Merkel, but got divorced in 1982. In 1988 she married a chemistry professor, Joachim Sauer. Angela and Joachim Career path Angela Merkel steppe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Alexander Nevski katedraal

The Russian Orthodox St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral The Russian Orthodox St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is designed by Mikhail Preobrazhensky ( a professor at St. Petersburg Academy of Arts) And built on the order of Alexander III between 1894 and 1900,during the period when the country was part of the Russian Empire The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is Tallinn's largest and oldest orthodox cathedral It is dedicated to Saint Alexander Nevsky who in 1242 won the Battel of the Ice on Lake Peipus The church's towers' hold Tallinn's most powerful church bell ensemble,consisting of 11 bells (one of them weighing 15 tonnes) Orthodoxy in Estonia is practiced by 12.8 % of the population,making it the second most identifield religion after Lutheran Christianity with 13.6 % Orthodoxy is mostly practiced within Estonia's Russian ethnic minority The first mention of an Orthodox...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Metropolitani ooperiteater.

Metropolitani ooperiteatris on esinenud palju maailmakuulsaid lauljaid :Lilli Lehmann, Emma Calvé, Lillian Nordica, Nellie Melba, Enrico Caruso, Rosa Ponselle,Elisabeth Rethberg, Maria Jeritza, Frances Alda, Frida Leider, Amelita GalliCurci, Lily Pons, Jacques Urlus Metropolitani Ooperi Ühing asutati aastal 1880, et luua alternatiiv kõrgklassi poolt soositud Muusikaakadeemiale ( Academy of Music ). Ooperiteatri avaetenduseks oli Charles Gounodi teos ,, Faust'' , peaosas oli rootsi sopran Christina Nilsson. Avahooajal esitati kõik ooperid itaalia keeles, kaasaarvatud ka need, mis olid originaalselt kirjutatud prantsuse või saksa keeles. Ooperi Kuldajastul ( 19.sajandi keskpaik lõpp ) juhtis teatrit Maurice Grau. 1898. aastal võtsid Metropolitani ooperiteatri lauljad ja muusikud ette kuuenädalase tuuri, läbides suuremad Ameerika linnad. Aastatel 1908 1935 juhtis ooperiteatrit Giulio GattiCasazza. Tema autoriteetsed organis...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

Prince Henry of Wales

Prince Henry of Wales Kristiina Pärtle 8.A Henry Charles Albert David Prince Harry was born in 15 September 1984. He is the younger son of Charles, Prince of Wales,and Diana, Princss of Wales. Education Harry was educated at independent schools. He started at Jane Mynors nursey school and the preparatory Wetherby School. Following this, he attended Ludgrove School, and after passing the entrance exams, was admitted to Eton College. Military career Harry entered Royal Military Academy Sandhurst on 8 May 2005. Within a year, in April 2006, Harry completed his officer training and was commissioneed as a Cornet in the Blues and Royals. Personal life Harry enjoys playing many sporting activities,playing competitive polo, skiing motocross. Prince Harry is a supporter of Arsenal Football Club. Relationships Chelsy Davy was referred to as Harry’s girlfriend in an interview conducted for his 21 st ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tallinn University of Tehnology

Tallinn University of Tehnology Andro Andronov Talinn university of technology ● founded 1918 ● public university ● only university of technology in estonia ● biggest international community in Estonia ● modern facilities and labs facilities ● Campus area: 53 ha faculties and colleges 8 faculties: 5 Colleges: ● Civil engineering ● Kuressaare ● Chemical and Materials Technology ● Tartu ● Social Sciences ● Tallinn ● Information Technology ● Virumaa ● Mechanical Engineering ● Estonian Maritime Academy ● Power Engineering ● Faculty of Science ● Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration what are the requirements to get in ● bachelor's and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

John D. Rockefeller

John D. Rockefeller (July 8, 1839 ­ May 23, 1937) Life and family background · Rockefeller was the second of six children born · His father, a traveling salesman who the locals referred to as "Big Bill." · His mother, a homemaker and devout Baptist. · He attended Owego Academy. · Young John D. Rockefeller is described as articulate, methodical, and discreet. Field of business · was an American industrialist and philanthropist. · In 1859, Rockefeller and Maurice B. Clark built an oil refinery in 1863 in "The Flats." · In January 1870, Rockefeller formed Standard Oil of Ohio, which rapidly became the most profitable refiner in Cleveland. Key to success · Rockefeller borrowed heavily and reinvested most of the profits. · Standard Oil's advantage came from secret rebates from the railroads bringing oil into Cleveland. · Rockefeller undercut his competition, and bought them out. Interestin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Dan Brown

Dan Browm Marten Margus 12c Born in June 22, 1964 in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA His dad was a teacher of mathematics Both parents good musicians Sang in church choir Brown was raised an Episcopalian Stuidied in Phillips Exeter Academy After graduating went to Amherst College Collage He was an sporty person(squash) Sang in the Amherst Glee Club Brown spent on year abroad in Sevilla, Spain Music career After graduating he made a children's cassette SynthAnimals. In 1991 moved to Hollywood to become a pianist In 1994, Brown released a CD ,, Angles & Deamons" Writing career In 1993 Brown was inspired by the novel The Doomsday Conspiracy to write thrillers In 1996, Brown quit teaching to become a full-time writer First book published in 1998 (,,Digital Fortress") Books Digital Fortress, 1998 Angels & Demons, 2000 Deception Point, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


ADELE Aleksandrina Gudkina 9A  Full name: Adele Laurie Blue Adkins  Born: 5.05.1988 (25 years old)  Birth place: Tottenham, London, England  Instruments: guitar, keyboards, bass guitar Biography  Her first performance on the stage was at school.  Adele graduated from the School for Performing Arts & Technology in Croydon in May 2006.  After 2 months she put 2 compositions into art- magazine(  Her first British tour – in October 2007. Awards  In 2010, Adele received a Grammy nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for “Hometown Glory”.  By December 2011, ”21” sold over 3.4 million copies in the UK, and became the biggest-selling album of the 21st century.  In 2013, she received an Academy Award as well as the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song for her song “Skyfall“.  Adele has got about 103 awards and more ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Juuri Gagarin

· ... märts, , · , () . -- , Õpingud: · , . . · , , · 1955 , -18. 196 42 23 Perekond: · , , , - . Kosmonafikja: · - . , . Suri: · . . Pere: · -- a · -- -- lk2 · Nõukogude kosmonaut, esimene inimene maailmas, kes lendab kosmosesse lk3 · Vastavalt dokumentidele, oli külas Klushino Gzhatsk District Lääne maakond VNFSV · tema isa Aleksei Ivanovits Gagarin puusepp, tema ema, Anna Matveeva Timofeevna töötanud piimafarmide · Juri lapsepõlv toimus külas Klushino · Juri armastas mängib korvpalli · Ta lõpetas kiitusega kolledzi kraadi kõdunema-ratas...

Füüsika → Füüsika
6 allalaadimist

Kate Winslet

Review Kate Winslet Sigrid Pihel From 6.b Tallinn 2010 Kate Elizabeth Winslet is one of the most eminent British female actors who became famous on Hollywood movies. She won Academy Award nominations for five times. She was also nominated for the prestigious Emmy Award. The awards won by Kate Winslet the include BAFTA, Grammy and Screen Actor's guild award. The English actress is famous for diverse range of characters she played in her entire film career. She is thus a beautiful female actor with the capability to play a diverse range of roles. Early life of Kate Winslet Kate Winslet was born on October 5, 1975 in Reading, Berkshire, England to Roger John Winslet and Sally Ann Bridges. Her father was swimming-pool contractor and her mother was a barmaid, though both of them shared a common interest of acting. She had two sisters-Beth Winslet and Anna Winslet, who ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Architect Annika Palmi What does this person do? ● work in the construction industry ● are involved with designing new buildings, extensions or alterations to existing buildings, or advising on the restoration and conservation of old properties. Are there any career prospects? ● working in both large and small Table architectural bureaus and local governments and state agencies ● Experienced architects also set up their own offices ● also good opportunities to work abroad and international projects Is it well-paid or not? ● Architects are highly valued and paid fairly ● A common type of account depends on the remuneration of the parties to the agreement. Cost of the project will depend on the total cost of construction . ● Local governments are the architect firm monthly salary What skills and personal qualities are needed to do the job? ● goo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber, Baron Lloyd-Webber (born 22 March 1948) is a British composer of musical theatre, the elder son of William Lloyd Webber and also the brother of renowned cellist Julian Lloyd Webber. Lloyd Webber started composing at the age of six and published his first piece at the age of nine. Lord Lloyd-Webber has achieved great popular success, with several musicals that have run for more than a decade both in the West End and on Broadway. He has composed 13 musicals, a song cycle, a set of variations, two film scores, and a Latin Requiem Mass. He has also gained a number of honors, including a knighthood in 1992, followed by a peerage, seven Tony Awards, three Grammy Awards, an Academy Award, an Emmy Award, seven Olivier Awards, a Golden Globe, and the Kennedy Center Honors in 2006. Several of his songs, notably "I Don't Know How to Love Him" from Jesus Christ Superstar, "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina" from Evita, "Memory" from ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Arvo Pärt looming

Arvo Pärt Author: Heli Kopter Life Pärt grew up in Rakvere. He went to study music at the the Tallinn Conservatory (now The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre), graduating in 1963. He was influenced by medieval and Renaissance music. He became a popular composer during the 1960's. In 1976 Pärt created his signature tintinnabuli style. His best known works are Für Alina and Spiegel im Spiegel. In 1980, Pärt left Soviet Estonia in search of creative freedom in Vienna, and later Berlin. Some Facts He was known for his self-invented compositional technique tintinnabuli. His tintinnabuli technique resembled the ringing of bells and was best displayed in his composition "Spiegel im Spiegel" from 1978. He translated the style of minimalism into sacred music, composing well-known instrumental works that became a part of the New Simplicity movement. He was the most performed contemporary compo...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun