Traveling There are many ways how to travel in the world. For example some people like to travel in their own country, other people like to travel trough the world and visit different exotic places. There are also different reasons for travelling. Some travel to learn more about other cultures, learn about other countrys history.Others might travel just to have some fun and meet new people, visit friends and family or just for business.The most common ways to travel are by plane,by car,by train or by bus. Travelling has many positive sides. When people have traveled to a completely different country, then they can compare the life in their own country and the country they are visiting. It makes people see how they can enjoy their life more. Visiting other places also is very good for practicing
Age 16 is a school leaving age. They can leave home, drive a moped, marry with "parents' consent" buy beer. Age 17 can drive a car. Age 18 can vote, get married, drink in pubs. Education is a very important part in the life of British youth. One can't become an independent person without it. When time comes to enter a college a young Englishman chooses one far away from home. It is a necessary part of becoming adult. During the last 30 years there were a lot of different trends in youth movements. All of them were characterized by their own philosophy, way of life, style of dressing. Each tendency was born by the influence of economic and political changes in the society. Those trends are known as the "hippies" the "punks" the "rockers". But certainly there are different traditional youth organizations in Great Britain. Among them -- the Scout Association, the Girl Guides Association, the National Union of Students, the Youth Club
Traveling Description Traveling is the movement of people or objects (conveyances) between relatively distant geographical locations. Travel may occur by human-powered transport such as walking or bycycling, or with vehicles, such as public transport, automobiles, trains and airplanes. Etymology The term "travel" originates from the Old French word travail. The term also covers all the activites performed during a travel (movement). A person who travels is spelled "traveler" in the United states, and "traveller" in the United Kingdom. Purpose and motivation Reason for traveling include recreation, tourism or vacationing, research travel for gathering information, for holiday to visit people, volunteer travel for charity, migration to begin life somewhere else, religious pilgrimages and mission trips, business travel, trade, commuting,
Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike Anthropology and Tourism Female Adventure Tourism This essay will explain what significance culture has in adventure tourism. There are five paragraphs in this essay, where definitions of adventure travel and human culture are given. First, paragraph will look and define what culture, anthropology and adventure tourism are. Second paragraph will examine how different cultures impact female adventure travel. Third paragraph will point out the problems in adventure tourism. The forth paragraph will give recommendations for the future and some of the possible future problems in female adventure tourism will be looked at. The last paragraph will be a summary of the key findings and recommendations. Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries (Tisdell, 2000, Swarbrooke et al. 2003, Buckley, 2003)
ManOS Overview Everything below is rooted in my core value of creating selfesteem. My actions today focus on work, girls, travel & having fun. My career is the ultimate leverage point as this creates the money, selfesteem and confidence. The money allows me to travel and the selfesteem & confidence allow me to live the lifestyle that is congruent with drawing in girls. Long term (5+ years), I want my life to offer value to the world by having a beneficial impact on those around me. I am obviously not clear how I will do this, so for now, I am focused on taking the greatest strides possible over the next few years, to better put me in a position to achieve my long term goal. 1. Career Vision I want to earn the rank of manager in my firm within the next 3 years. I want to earn the respect and trust of fellow employees. I�
3 He's working at his father's shop inherited. 1 1 staunchly / resolutely for the time being. 3 When it comes to politics, 2 By and large 4 They'll be here any moment now. Edward and his dad have a lot in 3 swiftly 5 Everybody makes mistakes once common. 4 loosely in a while. 4 Luke is the spitting image of Matt 5 categorically 6 My brother was still a baby at the Damon. 6 widely time. 5 Personality-wise, I take after my 7 resolutely / staunchly mum. 8 strictly 5 unaffected inappropriate
Edulugude võistlus Success-story competition „Small Town Inhabitants – Educated or Uneducated People“ To begin with, my childhood was quite ordinary, I spent a lot of time in my country home, spending most of my time playing. I have been raised by my mother. As I grew older, I got more and more interested in different things. At one point it occured to me that when I want to be successful in some field, then I really have to educate myself in that filed.When my friends have characterised me then they have mainly mentioned that I am an active person, who has been successful in different fields. I still do not think I am succesful because it is a really complicated definition, but I know that I have succeeded in doing several things. For me the key is my so called success has been
1E Past perfect simple and lesson their in. 4 started, was talking 4 It could be that they're in a maths 5 found, was living continuous page 8 lesson. 4 1 has/had just arrived 1 1 had been having hits since 1992 5 It looks as if one of them is asleep. 2 was she doing 2 had been writing songs since 1998 6 It's clear that the girl in the front 3 worked/was working 3 had been working as a DJ for six
Education Education is so multifaceted that it is difficult for me to know where to begin discussing it, or how to prioritize the many factors. Relaying my own experience is easy: I had a standard classroom approach, supplemented by inordinate reading. In only the briefest and least memorable instances did I receive any individual tutoring. Education is commonly thought of as the job of schools. Adults cry "educate our children!" Everyone has opinions about the best way to do the job. It is of urgent importance, and all the numerous factors are much studied, debated, and new (or old) ideas continually tested or retested. Some people say "it's as simple as .
Scholarship on backpackers speculates some individuals may extend backpacking to a way of life. This article empirically explores this proposition using lifestyle consumption as its framing concept and conceptualises individuals who style their lives around the enduring practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethnographic interviews with lifestyle travellers in India and Thailand offer an emic account of the practices, ideologies and social identity that characterise lifestyle travel as a distinctive subtype within backpacking. Departing from the drifter construct, which (re)constitutes this identity as socially deviant, the concept of lifestyle allows for a contemporary appraisal of these individuals’ patterns of meaningful consumption and wider insights into how ongoing mobility can lead to different ways of understanding identities and relating to place. Keywords: lifestyle consumption; backpacker; mobility; drifter; identity INTRODUCTION
· How do they differ? · Which extracts are examples of formal letters? · How is the reader addressed in a formal letter? · What are the closing remarks for formal letters? · What is the salutation in a friendly letter? · How would you end extracts 1,2,3 ? · How would you begin the extracts 4 and 5? 1. Dear Mr Miller, I received your kind invitation to the reception. Unfortunately, owing to other commitments. I will be unable to attend ... 2. Dear Ralph, l just got your invitation to the company's event. l `m afraid I can't make it because I've a/ready made plans which l can "t change ... 3. Dear Sirs, I am writing to complain about the poor quality of the items which I received from your company. I have no other alternative but to cancel the order which 1 placed earlier this week ... 4. ... thus, I recommend that you accept this advice on the matter
Javelin Odavise Polevault Teivashüpe Decathlon Kümnevõistlus Adventure stories Seiklusjutud Detective stories Kriminaallood Historical novels Ajaloolised romaanid Poetry Luule Romance Armastusromaan Science fiction Ulmejutt Travel books Reisiraamatud Fairy tales muinasjutud Do you agree? Watching theatre performances on TV is just like eating canned food. Circus shows are exciting only for kids. The life of top sportsmen is only hard work and no fun at all. Nowadays sport is not so popular with young people as it was about ten years ago. WEATHER 1. What´s the weather like today? 2. What does the weather forecast say about tomorrow? 3. What kind of weather do you like best
Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities. They travel to enjoy picturesque places, to try different food People can travel on foot, by train, by plane, by sea, by ship and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why I prefer travelling by train. Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. On board large ships and small river boats
Tauri Udras 10D Why is Australia young people's dreamland Australia's population has quadrupled since World War II. Its warm climate makes it the perfect place for living and for holidays. And because it's far from other developed countries young people who travel there feel free. Also it's very easy to get a job. That's why Australia is young people's dreamland Australia is very far away from other developed countries. That's why young people who go there feel free and are happy to run their own lives. The climate in Australia is very warm and that's why enjoying life there feels so great. Most young people go there with a group of friends. They work for some time and then start to spend earned money. They drive around, try new things and party a lot. Some young settle down there and start their own family. Some get new acquaintances and even work themselves up and get rich
BOOK REPORT Title & author of the book: 'Anita and Me' by Meera Syal The setting of the book? The story resolves around Meena Syal, the daughter of the only Punjabi family in the Midlands' mining village of Tollington. The novel provides a vision of British childhood in the 1960s, a childhood caught between two cultures, each on the brink of enormous change. Meena is desperate to fit in with the other children in her neighbourhood while forever feeling like an outsider because she is "different". Eventhough the Punjabi family is well respected by the locals, there are still sutations when they have to deal with racism. Plot summary (NB! Use the present tenses) Anita and Me by Meera Syal is the story of a young Punjabi girl growing up in the fictional English village of Tollington in the Midlands in the 1960s. The book follows Meena during her pre-teen years
per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the web at Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, e-mail: [email protected]. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained
Essay: People gain a lot from foreign travel There is a saying that many people gain a lot from foreign travel. In myopinion, it is certainly true. Every person tries to travel as much as possible. There is a huge number of advantages of foreign travel and I would like to describe some of them. One of the significant benefits is knowledge that we gain from travelling. It is quite an expensive hobby and poor people can`t afford it. They are not able to get experience in different foreign cultures because such people do not travel at all. Every culture differs from another and it is not possible to learn all of them. But everyone should try to see the difference between our and foreign culture. Furthermore, learning from travelling is more interesting and funny than learning at home. Moreover, one particular thing about culture is the unique food. Foreign cuisine has a big variety of cooking methods from the unusual ingridients
Silicon Valley Could you reproduce Silicon Valley elsewhere, or is there something unique about it? It wouldn't be surprising if it were hard to reproduce in other countries, because you couldn't reproduce it in most of the US either. What does it take to make a silicon valley even here? What it takes is the right people. If you could get the right ten thousand people to move from Silicon Valley to Buffalo, Buffalo would become Silicon Valley. That's a striking departure from the past. Up till a couple decades ago, geography was destiny for cities
Where do I want to go? What would I most like to be doing right now? Where would I like to be? Who would I most like to be with? What are my dreams for the future? What do I intend to do to achieve these dreams? What will I be doing ten years from now? How does this university fit in my plans for the future? You can also brainstorm using the following questions: What might help the evaluating committee in understanding me better? What distinguishes me from other applicants? What are my career aims? What skills do I possess that would improve your chances for success in this field? What has stimulated my interest in this field of study? Why should an admissions committee be interested in me? Why am I interested in this field? 1 Some other topics are suggested below to stimulate your thinking: The most memorable experiences
office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Perspectives: Studies in Translatology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: When `we' are `the other'. Travel books on Romania as exercises in intercultural communication a Rodica Dimitriu a Department of English , Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaþi , Romania Published online: 06 Aug 2012.
however, a critical threshold was reached, and suddenly there would have been an explosion of color and scent all over the planet – if a perceiving consciousness had been there to witness it. Much later, those delicate and fragrant beings we call flowers would come to play an essential part in the evolution of consciousness of another species. Humans would increasingly be drawn to and fascinated by them. As the consciousness of human beings developed, flowers were most likely the first thing they came to value that had no utilitarian purpose for them, that is to say, was not linked in some way to survival. They provided inspiration to countless artists, poets, and mystics. Jesus tells us to contemplate the flowers and learn from then how to live. The Buddha is said to have given a “silent sermon” once during which he held up a flower and gazed at it. After a while, one of those present, a monk called Mahakasyapa, began to smile. He
_ 3 At the moment she _________________________________ (have) a rest because she is tired. _ 4 Mike is a doctor and he _________________________________ (live) in Manchester. _ 5 I _________________________________ (start) work at 8.30 every morning. _ 6 He is a good cook but she _________________________________ (prefer) to eat out. _ 7 English tests _________________________________ (get) more and more interesting. _ 8 They _________________________________ (have) a party because it's her birthday. _ 9 I sometimes _________________________________ (ride) my bicycle to school. 10_ She usually _________________________________ (go) to the gym on Friday evenings. Marks: /10 2 Choose the correct tense (present simple or present continuous) in these sentences. 1 How do you usually start/are you usually starting your day
giant of Africa. In the last 32 years, I have watched with horror and outright helplessness as the downward slide of the African race continues to escalate. But rather than address the problems, we resort to blaming the Caucasians, Asians and others for our misfortune. We are not men enough to accept responsibility for our actions. Africans blame either the British, French or little Portuguese/Spanish for their problems. Africans in America blame the Caucasians for all their problems, or any other ethic group they have allowed to take over their neighbours, a frequently recurring phenomena. Africans blame the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Group of 7, the former colonial masters for the abject poverty in our respective countries. We blame the wars ravaging several African sectors on the interference of our former colonial masters on “our internal affairs.” Ha! – some kind of independence!
But Kate Hilpern discovers that plenty of help is at hand Some of the jobs that career changers are most keen to break into PR and teaching, among them are the very same jobs that people are queuing to get out of, says John Lees, author of How to Get a Job You'll Love and Take Control of Your Career. Many of us get to the point, whether in our twenties, thirties, forties or fifties where we decide to change careers. Some of us will make radical changes, while others will move to the edge of their comfort zone, perhaps shifting from acupuncturist to homeopath or PR office to journalist. But the key to making the right decision, says Lees, is to bring your dream back down to life with a hard thump. "I always say to people, 'Find out what you will actually be doing in the job of your dreams. What does the nitty-gritty day-to- day work involve?'" Conversely, he says, people should not be put off by their dreams. "If you did a straw poll
Elder people do not agree with the fact that their daughter or son might get married to a representative of another race. However young people would say that love is blind and so is friendship. Diversity is related to tolerance. Countries with rich diversity also do not have a tolerance problem. However, small countries with only one or two nationalities can be the centre of such problem. The people in these countries do not have any experiences with other origin folk, because they aren't accustomed to it. When they see, for example, a black-skinned person they start whispering. The situation may be uncomfortable for a dark-skinned people. However, people who are being brought up in countries with wide diversity, are much more tolerant than people who are not. They meet different origins and skin colours while they grow up. They are used to the diversity of the society -- their friends and relatives maybe of another origin.
As I'm writing this letter, I'm X years old. My birthday is on Xth X, beginning of summer here. In Estonia we have four very different seasons: warm summers, wet autumns, cold winters and blooming springs. I live in town X. Currently I'm attending Keila School ninth grade, which is last one of elemantary education. After finishing the exchange year I'll do trials to Tallinn Real School to get my secondary education there. After that I would like to go to univercity, but I don't know to what sepciality jet. I live with my mom X, dad X and two younger sisters: X and X (and dog X). My dad side grandparents live in X too
· All I really need is somebody who will listen to my bullshit, call me out on my bullshit, & love me despite my bullshit. · When I need you, you're not there. When you need me, I'm always there in a blink. & you call yourself a good friend? Think again. · Haters want to hate & bring you down so let them waste their time & try, I'll never give them the satisfaction of seeing me upset. · Before you say "FML" (FuckMyLife) remember that there are other people out there who have it worse than you do. ' · I'm tired of waiting for you. I want to leave, but something about you keeps pulling me back in. · The difference between physical attraction & love is the ability to see the same person at their best and at their worst. · If it's not meant to be... then just turn around, leave, & move on. It may not be what you want, but this shit is not what you deserve.
Gerber, founder and chairman of E-Myth Worldwide and the world's #1 small business guru "Timothy has packed more lives into his 29 years than Steve Jobs has in his 51." --Tom Foremski, journalist and publisher of "If you want to live life on your own terms, this is your blueprint." --Mike Maples, cofounder of Motive Communications (IPO to $260M market cap) and founding executive of Tivoli (sold to IBM for $750M) "Thanks to Tim Ferriss, I have more time in my life to travel, spend time with family, and write book blurbs. This is a dazzling and highly useful work." --A. J. Jacobs, editor-at-large of Esquire magazine and author of The Know-It-All "Tim is Indiana Jones for the digital age. I've already used his advice to go spear shing on remote islands and ski the best hidden slopes of Argentina. Simply put, do what he says and you can live like a millionaire." --Albert Pope, derivatives specialist at UBS World Headquarters
realise he still loves her. In St. Petersburg, Karenin exasperates Anna by refusing to separate from her. He insists that their relationship remain as it was and threatens to take away their son Seryozha if she continues to pursue her affair with Vronsky. Part 4 Anna continues to pursue her affair with Vronsky. Karenin begins to find the situation intolerable. He talks with a lawyer about obtaining a divorce. In Russia at that time, divorce could only be requested by the innocent party in an affair, and required either that the guilty party confessed (which would ruin Anna's position in society) or that the guilty party was discovered in the act. Karenin forces Anna to give him some letters written to her by Vronsky as proof of the affair. However, Anna's brother Stiva argues against it and persuades Karenin to speak with Dolly first. Dolly broaches the subject with Karenin and asks him to reconsider his plans to divorce Anna
11. Exclusive occupancy of a private room is a basic human right. 12. Fair compensation for genius is wealth. 13. God's not perfect, so it's a pretty good bet that you're not, either. 14. Good institutions help to overcome human moral inertia. 15. I am not one of your little friends. 16. If a dimension is anywhere it's everywhere. 17. If God's not crazy, why are you? 18. If one makes a promise one shouldn't have made it cannot stand against the obligation to do the right thing. 19. If you odn't give a certain amount of attention to filtering distractions, every distraction is a catastrophe. 20. If you don't know what your duty is, your duty is to find out. 21. If you're not an animal, then you must be a vegetable. 22. If you want to get along you have to get along with those who don't want to get along. 23. If you whine whenever anybody messes with your crutches you can't claim not to be crippled. 24. I hate an unfair fight, so I need to be ganged up on. 25
need something a little more ethnic. Like a town fair. Just as July becomes August, the seaside town of Haapsalu will host a grand spectacle of rural Estonian entertainment. The White Lady Days is a summer celebration filled with amusement for all the family. Held in and around the remains of the Teutonic-knights-era castles, the fair combines enchanting medieval legends with modern countryside charm to create a comprehensive experience of Estonia beyond the big cities. But the legend of the White Lady of Haapsalu, which is at the heart of the festival, is perhaps the most famous tall tale of the many that are so abundant in Estonia's folklore. It is the story of a poor girl who falls in love with the son of the village elder, and disguises herself as a choirboy in order to sneak into the castle. But, alas, the lord of the manor's son discovers the deception. He is overcome by
do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T. MUNGER, Vice Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. If you're wondering why of Latin America, the Far East, and Central Europe. you should buy this new edition of Influence: o More neuroscience evidence of how the influence process works is inte-
If these things can be done, the mass media will be able to influence the youth for the better and send better messages for the development of the youth than what it is sending today. Mass Media Influence on Adults Like children and youth, mass media influences adults too, although perhaps not on the same scale. Most adults with a platonic view of things will resist the temptation of being buoyed up by what the mass media has to offer. While men usually find it difficult to hold them selves back in the face of the allure of sexuality. Other subjects which also appeal to men are financial security and a luxurious hassle-free lifestyle. Women on the other hand are more tempted towards products which guarantee immunity from aging altogether and not just what the previous generation called 'aging gracefully'. Mass media can yet be used constructively to teach the adults about the importance of