feet, inches-roman measurements;christianity; Roman basilica in curches; reading, writing; buildings, roads Christianity in Roman Britain Until 4th C christians were persecuted 313 AD Emperor Constantine legalised christianity 380 AD Emperor Theodosius I made it the official religion of the empire Paganism had been eclipsed but continued to pose a political, religious challenge Boudicca Queen of Iceni people of Eastern England, led an uprising against Roman forces Prasutagus(ruler) was first allowed to rule when romans conquered England, after his death, romans decided to rule Iceni and flogged Boudicca and raped her daughters 60-62 AD Iceni rebelled, Boudicca´s warriors defeated Roman Ninth Legion, destroied capital-Colchester Finally Boudicca was defetated, she poisoned herself to avoid capture Hadrian´s wall A defensive barrier builtin 122 AD by Roman
Established church The Church of England is the established church, which means that: 1.)the Monarch is the Supreme Governor of the church, 2.)the Church performs a number of official functions, 3.)Church and State are linked. To disestablish Disestablishmentarianism refers to campaigns to sever links between church and state, particularly in relation to the Church of England as an established church. It was initially a movement in the United Kingdom in the 18th century. The established churches in Wales and Ireland could not count on even nominal adherence by a majority of the population of those countries. In Ireland, the predominantly Roman Catholic population campaigned against the position of the established Anglican Church of Ireland - eventually disestablished in Ireland from 1 January 1871. A broad church The Church of England is a broad church, representing a wide spectrum of
History exam *Stonehenge - is a monument located in England. It is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world and is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. The surrounding circular, earth bank and ditch, have been dated to about 3100 BC. Stonehenge was produced by a culture with no written language. Many aspects of Stonehenge remain subject to debate. There is little or no direct evidence for the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders.
· avon river · cumb valley · ford shallow place in the river Ancient Britons had their own religion and priests or druids and temples. In the year 55 BC Britain became a Roman province. Romans were highly developed and had their own language latin, which has also greatly influenced English. The military occupation of the Isles ended in 410 AD. The Romans eventually brought Christianity to Britain. Hadrian's wall on the border of Scotland and England. It began construction in 122 AD. An Anglo-Saxon attack on Rome forced the Romans to leave The British Isles. They were replaced by Germanic tribes Angles, Jutes and Saxons, who drove the Celts to the north (Scotland) and west (Wales). They came from the North and Baltic Seas. Along with them came their dialects, which constitute the basis for Old English. Around 4500 words are still used today. They also had their own religion and Germanic gods
1) General facts The UK: * the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was formed in 1801 * it covers 243,610 sq km * everybody from the UK is called British * the capital city is London * is made up of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which in turn are divided into counties * the flag is called the Union Jack which is a combination of the flags of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland * the population is about 60,000,000 people, the population density is 242 people/sq km * its coasts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, Saint George's Channel, and the Irish Sea. It is linked to France by the Channel Tunnel * the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II, who is also the Queen and Head of State of fifteen other Commonwealth Realms, such as
5. Which 5 places attract visitors in Wales and Scotland? Edinburgh, Loch Ness, The Highlands, Snowdonia, Cardiff. 6. Name 6 islands, 5 rivers, 3 lakes, 3 mountains in UK. Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Isle of Lewis, Island of Mull, Island of Arran, Anglesey Island Severn, Thames, Tweed, Avon, Trent, Dove Ben Nevis, Snowdon, Ben Macdui 7. Stonehenge. Stonehenge was produced by a culture that left no written records. Built on Salisbury Plain, in Wiltshire, England some time between 5,000-4,300 years ago. One of the most famous megaliths in the world, dating from prehistoric times. Stonehenge consists of circles of stone arranged in complex patterns, and their origin is still being explored. Some of the stones come from over 200 miles away in Wales. There is little or no direct evidence revealing the construction techniques used by the Stonehenge builders. It was probably associated with sun-worship and
laws to a new province of the Roman Empire and started to build good roads. Officials were appointed (governors, procurators to collect taxes, look after the estates and mines and se that the gold, silver, iron and lead were exported back to Rome). Introduced schools,a new language Latin, large farms (villas), baths. In AD 410 they had to leave . roman occupation lasted nearly 400 years. They left behind very little. Roman province of Britannia covered most of present-day England and Wales. 4. Latin influence on English *The influence of Latin is noticeable also in the names of European cities: the Latin noun colonia (settlement, colony) may be found in numerous place-names: Lincoln, Colchester, Cologne ; from Latin word castrum (military camp) were derived English affixes -chester and -castle: Manchester, Lancaster, Newcastle; Latin word portus (seaport) in Portsmouth *-tor - person, doer, masculine form
Paul's Cathedral in 604. The Vikings 8th and 9th century By the 9th century, London was a very prosperous trading centre, and its wealth attracted the attention of Danish Vikings. The Danes periodically sailed up the Thames and attacked London. In 851 some 350 longboats full of Danes attacked and burned London to the ground. King Alfred the Great totally defeated the Danes in 878 and they split the country between them. The Danes took eastern England including London while Alfred took the South and West. Alfred's men took London in 886 and repaired the walls of the old Roman city. In 1016 the Vikings attacked London again but the Saxons fought them off. The attacks ceased when the Danish king Cnut came to power in 1017. Cnut managed to unite the Danes with the Anglo-Saxons, and invited Danish merchants to settle in the city. London prospered under Cnut, but on his death the city reverted to Anglo-Saxon control under Edward the Confessor
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