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"relativity" - 22 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: Relativity

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Stephen William Hawking

since 1979, has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow and then in 1669 by Isaac Newton. Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. These results indicated that it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century. One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not be completely black, but rather should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear. Another conjecture is that the universe has

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
11 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

• Married to Mileva Marić in January 6, 1903. (Galenet) • Has two sons, Hans Albert Einstein, and Eduard Einstein. (Galenet) • Divorced Mileva on February 14, 1919. (Galenet) • Married Elsa Löwenthal on June 2, 1919 shortly after divorcing his first wife. (Galenet) Miracle Year • Wrote 4 papers in 1905, and all them are regarded as major achievements. – The Photoelectric Effect – The Brownian Motion – The Theory of Relativity – E=MC2 The Photoelectric Effect • Einstein hypothesized that the number of electrons released would not depend on the number of quanta, but the light’s energy. (Galenet) • Confirming his hypothesis through several experiments, Einstein won the Nobel Prize of 1921 for his works in this field. (Galenet) The Brownian Motion • Explained the movements of very small objects. (Galenet) • Examined

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879 and he died in 1955. He is widely considered one of the greatest physicists of all time. In 1898, Einstein met and fell in love with Mileva Maric, a Serbian classmate. Einstein married Mileva on January 6, 1903. Mileva had a daughter Lieserl, born in January, 1902. Lieserl, at the time, was considered illegitimate because the parents were unwed. Einstein married Mileva on January 6, 1903. Alber Einstein is best known for the theory of relativity, he was also awarded with the Nobel Prize in 1921 in physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. He enjoyed classical music and played the violin. Albert Einstein has been the subject and inspiration for a number of novels, films and plays. Einstein has received a number of posthumous honors. In 1999, he was named Person of the Century. Wedding picture of Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric.

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Does the Higgs Field do something?

unknown function (the scale factor a(t)). Therefore the number of unknowns are less, than the number of equations (because the conservation of number of particles requires the density of the perfect fluid ρ = ρ0 (a0 /a(t))3 , see also [1] or you can ask for unpublished Gauss’s theorem in the curved spacetime). Therefore, an unknown X(t, x, y, z) from Dark Matter is needed. This unknown can be the purely the Higgs Field itself [1]. The singularities are the failure of General Relativity, thus the finite Higgs Field (which acts as Dark Energy, Dark Matter) do hold the curvature from divergency [1]. The mathematics of the General Relativity with Higgs Field becomes truly manageable by humans. Gtt /(8π) = −ρ − X(t, x, y, z), Grr = p − X. Let X = −Gtt /(8π) − . Where < ∞. Then Grr − Gtt /(8π) − = p(ρ) = p( ). Then by choosing arbitrary metric non-singular function a(t), one finds the , which is necessarily finite.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Stephen William Hawking ülevaade

Stephen William Hawking Faktid elust · Sündinud 8. jaanuaril 1942 · Ta on kuulus inglise teoreetiline füüsik · Professor Hawkingsil on 12 aukonsuli kraadi · On avaldanud kolm väga populaarset raamatut: "A Brief History of Time", " Black Holes" ja "The Universumi in a Nutshell" Valdkonnad · Üldrelatiivsusteooria · Kvantgravitatsioon · Hawkingi uuringud mustade aukude olemuse, relatiivsusteooria, gravitatsiooni ja kosmoloogia alal on esileküündivad ning on oluliselt mõjutanud paljusid teisi teadlasi. · Hawking ei ole imearvutaja nagu paljud tänapäeva füüsikateoreetikud. Tema mudelid põhinevad lihtsatel ning loogilistel lähte-eeldustel ja viivad üllatavate tulemusteni. Nt: musta augu kvant-aurustumine. Singulaarsuse teoreemid · 1965. aastal Roger Penrose(Inglismaa) näitas, et üldrelatiivsusteooria kohaselt koondub omaenese raskuse all kollapseeruva tähe m...

Füüsika → Füüsika
20 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

July 1910. Mari and Einstein divorced on 14 February 1919. Einstein married Elsa Löwenthal on 2 June 1919. Academic career On 30 April 1905, he completed his thesis, with Alfred Kleiner. Einstein's "miracle year". By 1908, he was recognized as a leading scientist. In 1911, he had calculated that, based on his new theory of general relativity, light from another star would be bent by the Sun's gravity. In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Noble Prize in Physics. Emigration from Germany, World War II and the Manhattan Project In 1933, Einstein decided to emigrate to the United States due to the rise to power of the Nazis under Germany's new chancellor, Adolf Hitler. He took up a position at the Institute for

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjanduse, Realism ja naturalism

- possibility of human development - not a perfect book, but raises many significant questions about American life at a time etc. • Twain was becoming pessimistic, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889) • The Mysterious Stranger (1916) WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS (1837-1920) • Commonplace • Problems of the machine age and city • One of the authors who gravitates towards socialism • The Rise of Silas Lapham (1885) – relativity of rise and fall Naturalism • Dark • Supposedly more specific • No human agency • Environmental forces control events • Challenge to American myths of freedom and individualism • Life is 'unmoral' FRANK NORRIS (1870- 1902) • The Octopus (1901) - the title has nothing to do with the animal octopus, it is a railway STEPHEN CRANE (1871-1900) • dont really know much about him • partied hard

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Lessons for the future

another party stands for, they will discover that they voted for absolutely wrong party, for example a 18-year-old boy gave a vote to right-sided faction although his thoughts are the same with socialdemocratic principles. As it is come out in different studies, the level of Estonia's education is pretty good. Our children learn different languages, maths, history etc. at school which of course is very natural and welcome. But besides scramming just hard cold facts about chemistry or relativity theory we should also learn something which is happening around us at the moment. How to cope in life, what can I do in reality to make my home and my fatherland a better place.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Artikkel või peatükk kogumikus Viidatakse põhimõttel: Autor (aasta). Artikli pealkiri. Kogumiku toimetaja, Kogumiku pealkiri (artikli lk-d). Ilmumise koht: Kirjastaja. · Massaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L. Pick, Jr., P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. · Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica. Kui entsüklopeedia märksõnal ei ole autorit, siis algab viide märksõnaga, millele järgneb aasta. Publitseerimata uuringud · Almeida, D. M. (1990). Fathers' participation in family work: Consequences for fathers' stress and father-child relations. Unpublished Master's thesis, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
8 allalaadimist

Kosmoloogilised paradoksid

Rocca al Mare Kool KOSMOLOOGILISED PARADOKSID Referaat Karl Hendrik Bachmann 10. klass Tallinn 2016 Sisukord Sissejuhatus ................................................................................................................................ 2 Olbers’i ehk fotomeetriline paradoks ......................................................................................... 2 Gravitatsiooniline paradoks........................................................................................................ 3 Kokkuvõte .................................................................................................................................. 3 Kasutatud allikad ........................................................................................................................ 5 ...

Astronoomia → Astronoomia
6 allalaadimist

Referaat loogikust Kurt Gödel

Instituudis kohtus Gödel Albert Einstein'iga, kellega nad väga hästi läbi said ja lõpuks sõpradeks said. Instituudis hakkas Gödel huvi näitama matemaatika filosoofia suunas. Ta avaldas oma esimese filosoofilise teksti aastal 1944, mille pealkirjaks oli ,,On Russell's Mathematical Logic". Oma teise teksti avaldas ta aastal 1947, pealkirjaks ,,What is Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis?". 1949. aastal avaldas ta oma kolmanda teksti, mille pealkirjaks sai ,,A Remark on the Relationship between Relativity Theory and Idealistic Philosophy". Gödeli filosoofilised tekstid ei piirdunud vaid kolmega, lisaks neile kolmele avaldas ta veel palju teisi ning isegi andis loengu 1941. aastal Yale'i Ülikoolis, teemal ,,In What Sense is Intuitionistic Logic Constructive?". Gödeli täielikkuse teoreem ja mittetäielikkuse teoreemid. Gödeli teoreem on formaalse aritmeetika mittetäielikkuses. Gödel väitis, et igas

Biograafia → Kuulsused
2 allalaadimist

Topic USA

Tallinn English College English Anita Kuprijanovits Form 8b THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Report Supervisor: Mare Kallas Tallinn 2009 Introduction Name: The United States of America Area: ~10 mln km2 Population: ~300 mln people Symbols: The American Flag- consists of 13 equal horizontal stripes of red alternating with white and represent the Thirteen Colonies. The 50 small, white stars represent the 50 U.S. states. The U.S. flag is commonly called ,,the Stars and Stripes". The Statue of Liberty, that is locatd in New York,is a gift from the France. The Libety Bell, that is a bronze bell that symbolizes freedom in the United States of America. It is located in Pennsylvania,U.S. Capital: Washington D.C Biggest city: New York National language: English Location U.S is locat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars

Astronomers also have found that some of the neutron stars left behind by supernovas zip along at 500 miles a second (800 kilometers a second), as if the explosion had imparted an enormous kick in one direction. Stronger evidence for the sound wave idea could come from two sprawling facilities, in Hanford, Washington, and Livingston, Louisiana, designed to detect gravitational waves--ripples in the fabric of space and time. Gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity but never directly observed, should be produced whenever immense masses shake and twist, as they do in the core of a supernova. If sound waves really are at work inside a collapsing star, it should vibrate only at certain frequencies, generating matching gravitational waves. Burrows calculates that for a supernova in or near our galaxy, the existing detectors could pick up these signals--clues to a big, big noise. Stars, it seems, really may go kaboom

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Ideid multiuniversumi olemusest

are the basic facts about them and how to explore all these facts. The results of this research supports the idea that: Most multiverse theories are based on other theories and hypothesis. That makes multiversum theories unreliable. However, some versions of multiversums are based on knowledge that is long proven and supported by the facts. Author found out that most certan proofs for multiversum are simple widely known things like gravitation, general relativity and the fact that universe is expanding. These are also main facts that are used to explain different versions of mulitversums. As it turned out, it's difficult to say who was the first person who came up with the idea of multiuniversums. Apparently, Huge Everette III was one of them. The paper falls into nine chapters. At first author describes the following research, then explains theoretical background in three chapters and in next four chapters

Astronoomia → Astronoomia
7 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

forms. Challenge old and established beliefs and more and more people had access to books and education more people went to universities. profound change in morals: · No universal value and perspective on things · Multiple truths, multiple perspectives · Nothing has inherent (kaasasündinud, sisemist) importance · Life lacks purpose Science: Albert Einstein-general theory of relativity had a huge impact on culture as well. Everything is relative. Philosophy: Henri Bergson (French) came to challenge the immediate experience ad intuition are more significant than rationalism and science for understanding reality. Opposition to materialism and positivism. Opposition to abstract, untested theories &ideologies. Friedrich Nietzsche ,,God is dead"-through explaining and putting forward theories had killed Christian god.

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

level at 11.7 million barrels per day. Production in the Lower-48 States has been generally declining since 1970. Some of this decline has been offset by increased Alaskan production after 1978. 1993 forward For the first time the U.S. imported more oil and refined products from other countries than it produced. More and more imports have been needed because of growing petroleum demand and declining U.S. production 1906 Special theory of relativity written. Albert Einstein created a new era of physics when he unified mass, energy, magnetism, electricity, and light. One of the most significant events, if not the very most significant event, of the 20th century was Einstein's writing the formula of E=mc2: energy = mass times the square of the speed of light. This led to nuclear medicine - and a much longer life span, astrophysics, and commercial nuclear electric power 1942 Scientists produced nuclear energy in a sustained nuclear reaction.

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

M o s t of these people are dead, but they eerily live on through their i m m o r t a l images. Vincent and M i a per­ form novelty dances from the 1 9 6 0 s to music that hasn't been heard in movies for thirty years. Pulp Fiction is part of the pop-culture jet stream, flowing easily out of the current collective unconscious, charged with images and sounds from previous eras. RELATIVITY A N D W O R L D CULTURE Pulp Fiction is postmodern also in its sense of cultural relativity. Although the film is set in America, it is shot through with a sense of worldwide culture and a global viewpoint. T h e characters are constantly comparing one culture to another, one set of standards to another. Jules and Vincent discuss the peculiar way American fast food is named and consumed in other countries, and marvel at drug laws in other lands. Butch, the American boxer, compares notes with a South American woman cabdriver

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


AAVO LUUK PSÜHHOLOOGIA ALUSED LOENGUKONSPEKT ESIMENE OSA TARTU 2003 Psühholoogia alused 2 SISUKORD 1. Sissejuhatus psühholoogia probleemidesse 3 2. Psühholoogia valdkonnad ja uurimismeetodid 6 3. Psüühika bioloogilised alused I. Närviraku ehitus ja funktsioneerimine 11 4. Psüühika bioloogilised alused II. Närvisüsteemi makrostruktuur 14 5. Aistingud I. Aistingute teooria ja mõõtmine 18 6. Aistingud II. Aistingud eri modaalsustes 21 7. Taju 26 8. Mälu I. Mälu liigid ja mudelid 30 9. Mälu II. Mälu struktuurid ja protsessid ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia alused
340 allalaadimist


” ■ ABSTRACT INTELLIGENCE Your tenth form of intelligence is abstract, or conceptual intelli- gence. This is the kind of intelligence possessed by an Einstein who ccc_tracy_9_154-178.qxd 6/23/03 3:38 PM Page 169 Unleash Your Mental Powers ➤ 169 could see himself riding on a beam of light and as a result was able to formulate the theory of relativity, which completely revolution- ized the field of physics. The scientist F. A. Kekule saw a great snake curling back on it- self and grasping its own tail. He recognized it as a clue to the ring- like structure of the benzene molecule, a critical discovery for our century. Often in your life, you will get a sudden idea or picture that combines several factors into a new synthesis. This can turn out to

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ---- (1975b) Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ---- (1978) Meaning and the Moral Sciences, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Quine, W. V. (1951) "Two Dogmas of Empiricism." Philosophical Review 60: 20­43. ---- (1953) From a Logical Point of View. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ---- (1960) Word and Object. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 214 Bibliography ---- (1969) Ontological Relativity and Other Essays. New York: Columbia University Press. Radford, A. (1997) Syntactic Theory and the Structure of English: A Minimalist Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Recanati, F. (1989) "The Pragmatics of What is Said." Mind and Language 4: 295­329. ---- (1993) Direct Reference. Oxford: Blackwell. ---- (2001) "What Is Said." Synthese 125: 75­91. ---- (2004) Literal Meaning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reeves, A. (1974) "On Truth and Meaning

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

The fat-loss could well be due to several synergistic compounds in garlic that activate phase I and II detoxification enzymes. Advanced ICE AGE Mastering Temperature to Manipulate Weight Don't tell me it's impossible, tell me you can't do it. Tell me it's never been done ... the only things we really know are Maxwell's equations, the three laws of Newton, the two postulates of relativity, and the periodic table. That's all we know that's true. All the rest are man's laws. --Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway and recipient of the National Medal of Technology and Lemelson-MIT Prize "Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day ..." That was all Ray Cronise heard from across the room. He jerked his eyes up from the spreadsheet and reached for the TiVo to pause the television. Twelve thousand calories.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun