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"-european" - 1042 õppematerjali


London - climate, park and gardens

London is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom, and the largest metropolitan area in the European Union. An important settlement for two millennia, London's history goes back to its founding by the Romans. Since its foundation, London has been part of many movements and phenomena throughout history, including the English Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the Gothic Revival. The city's core, the ancient City of London, still retains its limited medieval boundaries; but since at least the 19th century, the name "London" has also referred to the whole metropolis that has developed around it. Today the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region of England and the Greater London administrative area, with its own elected mayor and assembly. London is one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts cont...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Eesti energeetikatööstus

Energeetika Energeetika · selgitab energiamajanduse tähtsust, toob näiteid energiaallikate ja energiatootmise mõju kohta keskkonnale; · analüüsib soojus-, tuuma- ja hüdroelektrijaama ja tuulepargi kasutamise eeliseid ja puudusi elektrienergia tootmisel; · analüüsib teabeallikate järgi Eesti energiamajandust, iseloomustab põlevkivi kasutamist energia tootmisel; · toob näiteid Euroopa, sh Eesti energiaprobleemide kohta; · teab energia säästmise võimalusi ning väärtustab säästlikku energia tarbimist Energeetika tv. Lk. 74 ül. 1 · Energeetika kui tööstusharu tegeleb kütuste ning elektri- ja soojusenergia tootmisega ja energia edastamisega tarbijale. Eesti energiamajandus Iseloomulikud jooned · Energiatarbimine kaetakse 2/3 ulatuses oma energiavaradest (põlevkivi, puit, turvas ja teised taastuvad energiavarad) · 90% elektrist saadakse põlevkivist · Sõltuvus maagaasi ja vedelkütus...

Energeetika → Energia ja keskkond
22 allalaadimist

Kvaliteedijuhtimine teadmiste hindamise test

TARTU​ ​ÜLIKOOLI​ ​PÄRNU​ ​KOLLEDŽ Turismiosakond Kvaliteedijuhtimine Teenuste​ ​disain​ ​ja​ ​juhtimine Magistriõppekava Kursusel​ ​omandatud​ ​teadmiste​ ​hindamise​ ​test ● Testi​ ​leiate​ ​ÕIS-ist​ ​ning​ ​selle​ ​eesmärgiks​ ​on​ ​kvaliteedijuhtimise​ ​alaste​ ​teadmiste kinnistamine. ● Saatke​ ​vastustega​ ​test​ ​hiljemalt​ ​01.12.2015​.​ ​a.​ ​aadressil:​ ​[email protected] ● Testi​ ​hindamisel​ ​kasutatakse​ ​põhimõtteliselt​ ​samu​ ​põhimõtteid,​ ​mis​ ​on​ ​esitatud​ ​ ​Töö (nelja​ ​eksamhinde​ ​saamiseks​ ​vajaliku​ ​töö)​ ​hindamiseks​ ​iseseisvate​ ​tööde​ ​juhendi lõpul.​ ​Testi​ ​sooritamise​ ​eest​ ​on​ ​võimalik​ ​saada​ ​kuni​ ​30​ ​punkti. Nimi: Esitamise​ ​kuupäev: Test​ ​koosneb​ ​kahest​ ​osast: I​ ​osa​ ​–​ ​Kvaliteedi​ ​teoreetilised​ ​käsitlused II​ ​osa​ ​–​ ​Kvaliteedi​ ​mõõtmise​ ​ja​...

Majandus → Juhtimine
211 allalaadimist

Ireland report

Ireland is the third largest island in Europe. It lies in between the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Politically it is divided into a sovereign state, the Republic of Ireland, that covers about five-sixths of the island (south, east, west and north-west), and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, covering the northeastern sixth of the island.[1] The name 'Ireland' derives from the name Ériu (in modern Irish, Éire) with the addition of the Germanic word 'land'. The population of the island is just under 6 million (2006); just over 4.2 million in the Republic of Ireland[2] (1.6 million in Greater Dublin[3]) and just over 1.7 million in Northern Ireland[4] (0.6 million in Greater Belfast[5])). Politics Politically, Ireland is divided into: · The Republic of Ireland, with its capital Dublin. · Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, Geography A ring of coastal mountains surrounds low central plains. Th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
48 allalaadimist

Gaasijuhe ja läänemere ökoloogilised probleemid

Ülikool Eriala Tundmatu autor NORD STREAM'I GAASIJUHE JA LÄÄNEMERE ÖKOLOOGILISED PROBLEEMID Referaat Juhendaja: Tallinn 2012 1 SISUKORD 2 1 Nord stream Nord Stream on Läänemere põhjas asuv Venemaalt Saksamaale kulgev kahetoruline maagaasi torujuhe. Ehitus algas 2010. aasta aprillis Rootsi majandusvetes, Gotlandi lähistel. Venemaa riiklik gaasimonopol Gazprom teatas kavast ehitada 1200 km pikkune torujuhe maismaa asemel merepõhja novembris 2002 ning torujuhtme maismaaosa ehituse alustamisest Venemaal detsembris 2005. Gaasijuhe avati pidulikult 6. septembril 2011 Venemaa peaministri Vladimir Putini ja Saksamaa ekskantsler Gerhard Schröderi osalusel. Tavaliselt nimetatatakse Nord Streamiks Viiburi ja Greifsw...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
19 allalaadimist


Riigi üldiseloomustus. Pindala: 449 964 km2 Rahvaarv: 9 174 100 (2007) Pealinn: Stockholm Pealinna elanike arv: Keel: Rootsi Rahaühik: Rootsi kroon (SEK) Rootsi Kuningriik (Konungariket Sverige) paikneb Euroopas Skandinaavia poolsaare idaosas (62° põhjalaiust, 15° idapikkust). Ta piirneb idast Soomega (586 km piiri) ja läänest Norraga (1619 km piiri). Maismaapiiri kogupikkus on 2205 km. Idast ja lõunast piirab Rootsit Läänemeri. Rannajoone pikkus on 3218 km. Rootsi on silla abil ühendatud Taaniga. Looduslikud tingimused: Pinnamood Rootsi 449 964 ruutkilomeetrisest pindalast on 410 934 km² maismaad ja 39 030 km² on sisevete (peamiselt järvede) all. Lääne- ja lõunarannik on sirged ja rannikumeri madalavõitu. Idarannikut liigestavad tugevasti skäärid ja väikesed lahed. Rootsi paikneb geoloogiliselt stabiilsel pinnal, suurem osa maast asub kaljusel Fennoskandia kilbil, jagunedes järgmisteks loodusprovintsideks: Lapimaa, Norrland, Bot...

Geograafia → Geograafia
40 allalaadimist

Report on using of the Internet in colleges

Report on using of the Internet in colleges. Introduction The aims of this report are to: 1. Give an overview of using the Internet in college by students 2. Name some pros and cons of using Internet 3. Tell you some perspectives of using Internet in college. To get ready for this report, I questioned most of students in our college and my friends. Necessity of the Internet All questioned students told me, that they used computers all time. At present, almost every youngster uses computer only for using the Internet. Advantages and disadvantages of using Internet The main goal of creating Internet Network was to get opportunity to connect any place of the world instantly. So, European or American can chat with somebody from China or even from Africa. Nowadays we have lots of opportunities to get connected with somebody: · A huge amount of messengers, · IP telephony · A well-known Email. In add...

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Informal letters

Dear Tom, I talked to your sister and found out, that you are going to take an exam next week. I wanted to give you some advice. Last year I took my exams so I believe I could help you. First off I strongly recommend you to have a good night sleep the night before your exam. Study everything you might need but try not to overdo the studying. After all the exam is to test whether you have learned anything during the years you have spent in school. I believe you'll do just fine with the exams. Best wishes, Betti. Dear Kate, I think that travelling is the best way to broaden you mind and to explore the world. I haven't travelled a lot recently. The last place I visited was Finland, which was in August 2008. Most of the trips I've taken were when I was too youn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
181 allalaadimist

Companys export readiness assessment

Company's export readiness assessment Factors 0-10 Export Experience 9 Financial Status 7 Production Facilities - volume, capacity, technology 6 Transportation 7 Logistics - the product, production, information 5 Localization 4 Image 6 The success on the home market 8 Foreign Language 9 Total : 61 - 68% Interpretation of evaluation results · General grade 0-25% of the maximum - very poor to poor export readiness · General grade 26-50% of the maximum - the poor to satisfactory completion of export · General grade 51-75% of max - fair to good export readiness · General grade 76-100% of max - good to excellent export readiness Conclusions The company has good knowledge about export busi...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
3 allalaadimist


Hinnagrupid Rack rate - letihind ( ette vähemalt 6 kuud ja jääb hooaja jooksul kehtima ) kõrgeim võimalik hinda Group rate - rühmahind ( rühma algab 15 inimest ) pakutakse lepingupartneritele ja on sõltuvuses majutusmahtudest Group net rate - rühmahind, millest on komisjonitasu maha arvatud Corporative rate/corporate rate - lepinguline hind firma ja majutusettevõtte vahel; sõltub majutusmahtudest. Seasonal rate - hooaja hind, vahelduv hind. Võib olla : low season - madalhooaja hind, letihinnast madalam hind, peamiselt ärihotellides hooajavälised nädalalõpud; puhkepiirkondades hooajavälise aja hind high season - kõrghooaja hind, letihinnast kõrgem hind ürituste ja teiste väga kõrge nõudlusega perioodi ajaks ( tuleb anda koos letihinnaga periood ette ) weekend rate - erihind nädalalõpuks võib olla nii kõrgem kui madalam letihinnast Day rate- mitteööbivale külalisele kehtestatud hind...

Turism → Majutus
41 allalaadimist

Sweden and Norway

Kingdom of Sweden The capital is Stockholm The official language is Sweden Flag: (Pildid peavad ka olema) The flag of Sweden is a Scandinavian cross that extends to the edges of the flag. The design and colours of the Swedish flag are believed to have been inspired by the present Coat of arms of Sweden of 1442. Symbols ­ blackbird,male European elk Three Crowns is a national emblem of Sweden, present in the Coat of Arms of the Realm of Sweden. Population - 9,415,295 Size - 449,964 square kilometres Sweden is a world leader in a number of fields. Landscape - Traveling north, you'll pass by endless numbers of lakes, streams, pine and birch trees. The landscape becomes more dramatic, and rolling hills rise into mountains. Southern and central parts of the country have warm summers and cold winters, the northern part of the country has shorter, cooler summers and longer, colder and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

USA finantssüsteem esitlus

USA süsteem Millest juttu tuleb? Dollari tekkimine Finantssüsteemi iseloomustus Pangasüsteem Föderaalreservi süsteem Investeerimisinstitutsioonid Kindlustusfirmad Dollari tekkimine Koloniaalmaade mündid (Hispaania) Bartertehingud (riis, tubakas, loomanahad, rumm) 1776. USA iseseisvus, alustas põhiseaduse kirjutamist, lõi valitsuse. 1792. lõi Ameerika Kongress rahandussüsteemi, kuulutades dollari peamiseks rahaühikuks. 1794. Esimene dollar. Väärtus kõikus. Finantssüsteem Iseseisev USA majandus on maailma suurim Dollar on maailma baasvaluuta Wall Street on USA ja maailma väärtpaberikeskuseks Suured pangad ja finantsinstitutsioonid on USA majandusega tihedalt seotud Pangasüsteem 1) Üle 7300 panga 2) Tegutsemisluba on vaja valitsuselt või osariigilt 3) Seadus ei võimaldanud pankadel tegutseda rohkem, kui ühes osariigis 4) Riik määras hoiuseintressidele limiidid, et eristada investeerimis ja kommertspank...

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
20 allalaadimist


Geography South Africa, on the continent's southern tip, is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west and by the Indian Ocean on the south and east. Its neighbors are Namibia in the northwest, Zimbabwe and Botswana in the north, and Mozambique and Swaziland in the northeast. Eleven languages are spoken in South Africa : english, xhosa, zulu, afrikaans, venda, swazi, ndebele, tswana, tsonga,sepedi and soutj. There are black people, white people and different Asians living in South Africa. South Africa was a British colony and Indians were used there as slaves. South Africa has three capitals: an administrative capital Pretoria, a legislative capital Cape Town and a judicial capital Bloemfontein. South Africa's total area is 1,219,912 sq km and its population is 43,997,828. Economy Its agriculture is corn, wheat, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables; beef, poultry, mutton and wool. Most industries are mining, automobile assembly, metalworkin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Estonian culture

estonian culture The culture of Estonia incorporates indigenous heritage, as represented by the country's rare Finno-Ugric national language Estonian, with mainstream Nordic and European cultural aspects. Due to its history and geography, Estonia's culture has been influenced by the traditions of the adjacent area's various Finnic, Baltic, Slavic and Germanic peoples as well as the cultural developments in the former dominant powers Sweden and Russia. Traditionally, Estonia has been seen as an area of rivalry between western and eastern Europe on many levels. An example of this geopolitical legacy is an exceptional combination of nationally recognized Christian traditions: a western Protestant and an eastern Orthodox Church. Like the mainstream culture in the other Nordic countries, Estonian culture can be seen to build upon the ascetic environmental realities and traditional livelihoods, a heritage of ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Narkomaania 2

NARKOMAANIA NARKOMAANIA  Narkomaania on psüühiline või füüsiline sõltuvus, mis on tekkinud narkootikumide tarvitamise tagajärjel.  Narkootiliste ainete all on siin mõistetud lisaks legaalsetele uimastitele (alkohol, nikotiin, olmekeemia hulka kuuluvad saadused) veel õigusaktides sätestatud korras koostatud nimekirjades loetletud ained ja samuti nende ainete stereoisomeere, estreid, eetreid või soolasid. TUNNUSED Soov ainet tarvitada Ärrituvus Unehäired Valud Psühhoos PÕHJUSED Probleemidega toimetulek Meelelahutus Katsetamine Kaaslaste heakskiit Mõned uimastid on ühiskonnas aktsepteeritud NARKOMAANIA RAVI JA REHABILITATSIOON  Uimastisõltuvuse ravi- ja rehabilitatsioonisüsteemi tervikuna võib vaadelda kui eri sihtrühmadele suunatud ning erinevate ravi eesmärkidega teenuste koordineeritud võrgustikku  Sõltuvusprobleemige isiku abistamine algab temaga esmase kontakti loomisest, mille käigus toimub te...

Bioloogia → inimeseõpetus
1 allalaadimist

What Pleases Me about Life in Estonia

What Pleases Me about Life in Estonia Many peole have said, that they do not like living in Estonia. I am one of them, although many people have tried to persuade me to think otherwise. I have loved on both sides of Europe ­ both on the eastern and on the northern part. But there are, of course, some advantages in living in Estonia, too. The first one is definately my family and friends. It is good to live in a country when you know, that you have your loved ones by your side. They can help you in every situation or even when you have nothing to do and you need some entertainment. Also, when your problems seem to grow over your head and you feel that you need to share them with someone. The second good thing about living in Estonia is the nature. We have many beautiful places in our amazing country ­ the best example are the forests. In many European countries, the biggest forest you can find is the size if Hiiumaa, but half of our cou...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Ireland Geography · LocationWestern Europe · Area 84,421 km2 · Coastline 2,797 km · Highest elevation 1,041 m · Largest city Dublin · Population 6,572,728 Languages · English · Irish · Ulster Scots History · During the last glacial period, and up until about 10,000 BC, most of Ireland was periodically covered in ice. Sea levels were lower and Ireland, like Great Britain, formed part of continental Europe. By 16,000 BC, rising sea levels due to ice melting caused Ireland to become separated from Great Britain. Later, around 6000 BC, Great Britain itself became separated from continental Europe. The earliest evidence of human presence in Ireland is dated at 10,500 BC, demonstrated by a butchered bear bone found in a cave in County Clare. It is not until about 8000 BC, however, that more sustained occupation of the island has been shown, with evidence for Me...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Võrdlev raamatukogundus

1. Võrdleva raamatukogunduse sisu võib kokku võtta järgmiste märksõnadega: - üksteiselt õppimine - sarnasuste ja erinevuste leidmine - toimuva kirjeldamine ja sellest tulenev analüüs / võrdlus - põhjuse ja tagajärje seoste analüüsimine Antud mõiste võeti kasutusele esmakordselt 1950-datel, kui Dane arvates oli võrdlev rmtk õpetus raamatukogude arengutest eri riikides, et leida juurutamist vääriv teistes maades. Tema arvates oli see põhjuse ja tagajärje uurimus rmtk arengust kogu maailmas. 1965.aastal ütles Foskett, et võrdlev rmtk haarab rahvusvaheliste, kultuuridevaheliste ja geograafiliselt eri piirkondades ilmnevat läbi sotsiaalse lähtekoha. Shores defineeris antud õpetust korduvalt (1966 ja 1970), esimese monograafilise käsitluse autor võrdlevast rmtk oli Sylvia Simsova, kes analüüsis eelnevaid definitsioone ja esitas omapoolse: võrdlev rmtk on eelkõige akadeemiline distsipliin, mis kasutab võrdlusmeetodit. Termineid "võrdlev" ja ...

Informaatika → Infoteadus
41 allalaadimist

Kliima kohta USAs *I also call on Congress to work with my administration to achieve the significant emission reductions made possible by implementing the clean energy technologies proposed in our energy plan. Our working group study has made it clear that we need to know a lot more. *The United States has spent $18 billion on climate research since 1990 -- three times as much as any other country, and more than Japan and all 15 nations of the EU combined. *Jeremy Symons, a former whistleblower at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), said that suppression of the report for four months was a further example of the White House trying to bury the threat of climate change. *Senior climatologists, however, believe that their verdicts could prove the catalyst in forcing Bush to accept climate change as a real and happenin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Londoni Referaat

London is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom, and the largest metropolitan area in the European Union. An important settlement for two millennia, London's history goes back to its founding by the Romans. Since its foundation, London has been part of many movements and phenomena throughout history, including the English Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the Gothic Revival.The city's core, the ancient City of London, still retains its limited medieval boundaries; but since at least the 19th century, the name "London" has also referred to the whole metropolis that has developed around it. Today the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region of England and the Greater London administrative area, with its own elected mayor and assembly. London is one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts contri...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The United States of America

Topic The United States of America The U.S.A. is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The area of the U.S.A. is over nine million square kilometres. Its western coast is washed by Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. The continental United States is bounded to the North by Canada and to the South by Mexico. There are two mountain ranges in the continental United States: the Appalachians in the east and the Rockies in the west. In the very middle of the continent is the Mississippi river. The five Great lakes, between the U.S.A. and Canada, are joined together by short rivers or canals. They are connected with the Atlantic Ocean by the St. Lawrence River, and with the Hudson River by a canal. In the west of the U.S.A. there is another big lake called the Great Salt Lake. Hawaii, a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

“Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy”

ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institute of Economics and Social Sciences BOOK REVIEW ("Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy", University of Tartu, Urmas Varblane) (Pages : 10 20) Prepared: Kadri Tamm, MF-I-5 Tartu 2007 I read book about direct investments in the Estonian economy. The book is issued by University of Tartu and the writers are also scientists from University of Tartu. "Foreign direct investments are relatively new phenomenon for Estonia because during the nearly five decades as part of the Soviet economic system, our economy received virtually none. Such economic isolation from the West lasted until the early 1990s. In consequence of the mid-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

United Kingdom AT115 Martin Pillai Early history • In 1066, the Normans invaded England from France • In 1603, the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland were united in a personal union when James VI, King of Scots, inherited the crowns of England and Ireland and moved his court from Edinburgh to London • In the mid-17th century, all three kingdoms were involved in a series of connected wars, which led to the temporary overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the short-lived unitary republic of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. Acts of Union • On 1 May 1707, the united Kingdom of Great Britain came into being, the result of Acts of Union being passed by the parliaments of England and Scotland to ratify the 1706 Treaty of Union and so unite the two kingdoms • The term "United Kingdom" became officia...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Küprose Vabariigi makroökonoomika

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu Kolledz Ettevõtluse osakond Moonika Mumm EP-2 KÜPROSE VABARIIGI MAKROÖKONOOMIKA Uurimustöö Juhendaja: Lauri Punga Pärnu 2014 SISUKORD 2 SISSEJUHATUS Küprose Vabariik kuulub Euroopa Liidu hulka ning on saareriik Vahemere idaosas, kuid loodusgeograafiliselt kuulub Küpros Aasiasse. Majanduslikult pole riik kunagi väga silma paistnud. Riigi majanduslik olukord on huvitav ning sobib autori arvates uurimiseks. Küprose Vabariigi makroökonoomika uurimuse eesmärgiks on saada teada huvitavaid fakte antud riigi kohta ning vaadelda erinevaid aastaid selle riigi majanduses. Samuti vaatleb töö autor riigi majanduslikku prognoosi lähitulevikuks. Uurimustööst ootab autor põnevaid teadmisi Küprose Vabariigi majandusliku olukorra kohta. Antud töö uurimisülesanded on järgmised: anda ülevaade...

Majandus → Majandus
10 allalaadimist


Estonia Estonia is a little country in Northen Europe. Estonia is borderd by the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland, it's between Latvia and Russia. Its geographic coordinates are 59 North 26 Eeast. Estonias capital is Tallin, it is situated in the North of Estonia. Estonias mainland terrain is flat, boggy, and partly wooded, offshore lie more than 1,500 islands. From the north flat and from the east is Estonia hilly. It's highest peak is Suur Munamägi(318 m). Sometimes flooding occurs in the spring in Estonia. It's biggest lakes are Lake Peipsi and Lake Võrtsjärv. It's biggest islands are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. In Estonia there is 26.5% arable land, 0.35% permanent crops and 73.15% other land. Natural resources in Estonai are oil shale, peat, phosphorite, clay, limestone, sand, dolomite, arable land, sea mud. The population of Estonia is about 1,341,000 people. Estonia, as a new member of the Wor...

Keeled → Inglise keel
242 allalaadimist

Respect For Other People

Respect for Other People I would definite the word respect as esteem and as excellence of a person, a personal quality and ability. In human cultures there are varied ways of showing respect by bodily actions. In many European cultures, people shake hands. In others, such as in Japan people bow at the waist when meeting. Frequently, gender is a factor in how respect I displayed in bodily behavior. For example, woman in many Western cultures traditionally curtsy, whereas men bow. As a sign of respect in almost any form of the military is a salute. A salute is used by enlistees to show respect to the position held by officers and by officers to those of higher rank. The 21-gun salute is done within the military for funerals of military members and for high-ranking civilians such as the President. Sometimes the word respect can mean also toleration and tolerance. It means that we accept people who- and lik...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Western Australia

Western australia § Western Australia is state of Australia § The states´s capital is Perth § Western Australia is bounded by South Australia and the Northern Territory to the east, and the Indian Ocean to the west and north. § Highest moutain is Mounth Meharry § The population is about 2,2 miljon inhabitants. History Australian Aboriginal were the original inhabitants of Australia (60000 years ago). The first European visiter was Dutch explorer Dirk Hartog in 1616. On 1 January 1901, Western Australia joined the other Australia states. 1890 the population started to grow due to discovering gold. Coat of arms Flag Australian aboriginal culture According to Australian Aboriginal culture belief, spirit ancestors breathe life and energy into traditional dance, song and design and play a crucial role. Australian Aboriginal culture is widely seen as one of th...

Geograafia → Geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Enrique Iglesias

Enrique Iglasias Enrique sündis Julio Iglesiase ja Isabel Preysleri kolmest lapsest noorimana. Tema vanem õde Maria Isabel Iglesias Preysler (praegu rohkem tuntud Chabeli Iglesiase nime all (sündinud 3. september 1971)) on ajakirjanik ja vanem vend Julio José Iglesia s Jr. (sündinud 25. veebruar 1973) on poplaulja. Aastal 1978 Enrique vanemad lahutasid, ning 1983 läks Enrique Miamisse isa juurde elama. Ta isa oli aga harva kodus ja seetõttu teda kasvatas lapsehoidja Elvira Olvarez. Enrique külastas ema igal suvel. Enriquel on 3 poolvenda ja kaks poolõde, sest Enrique isa abiellus 1990 Hollandi modelli Miranda Johanna Maria Rijnsburgeriga. Need on pojad Miguel Alejandro (7. september 1997), Rodrigo (3. aprill 1999) ja Guillermo (5. mai 2007) ja kaksiktütred Victoria ja Cristina (1. mai 2001). Albumid Enrique Iglesias (1995),Vivir (1997), Cosas del Amor (1998), Enrique (1999), Escap...

Muusika → Muusika
12 allalaadimist

The Vikings

The vikings Ursula 11. kl Who were the vikings? The Vikings were the Norse explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe, Asia and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid11th century. The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The Viking age in European history was about AD 700 to 1100. During this period many Vikings left Scandinavia and travelled to other countries, such as Britain and Ireland. Some went to fight and steal treasure. Others settled in new lands as farmers, craftsmen or traders. ships There were two distinct classes of Viking ships: the longship and the knarr. The longship is characterized as a graceful, long, narrow,...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Tõlkelaused rahvameditsiin

1. Kas rahvameditsiiniga on võimalik ravida kõiki haigusi? Can you cure all diseases with folk medicine? 2. Kas see vastab tõele, et jaapanlased kasutavad kõige rohkem taimseid ravimeid maailmas? Is it true that Japanese uses the most herbs in the world? 3. Paljud kaasaegsed arstid näitavad üles huvi rahvameditsiini ravimite vastu ja kasutavad neid igapäevaselt oma patsientide raviks. Many contemporary doctors are ineterested in folk medicine and use them daily to cure their patients. 4. Paljud ravimtaimed on olnud inimeste poolt kasutusel juba sadu isegi tuhandeid aastaid. Many herbs are used by people already hundered or even thousand years. 5. Ravitsejad on tundnud sajandite vältel oma kohalikke ravimtaimi ja osanud neid kasutada erinevate haiguste raviks ning teadnud täpselt kuidas neist valmistatud ravimeid manustada. Healers have known their local herbs for centuries and how to us...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Estonia´s neighbours

Latvia Capital city: Riga Total area: 65 000 km² Population: 2.3 million Language: Latvian Latvia, officially The Republic of Latvia, is a country in the Baltic region of the Nothen Europe. The country has a temperate seasonal climate. Latvia and Estonia share a long common history. As a consequence of the Soviet occupation both countries are home to a large number of ethnic Russians (26.9% in Latvia and 25.5% in Estonia). Latvia was found on 18th November 1918. However, its independence was interrupted at the outset of World War II. In 1940, the country was forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union, invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany in 1941, and re-occupied by the Soviets in 1944 to form the Latvian for the next fifty years. The peaceful Singing Revolution, started in 1987. Lithuania Capital city: Vilnius Total area: 65 200 km² Population: 3.5 milion Language: Lithuanian Lithuania, officially The Republic of Lithuania, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Pollution of the Baltic Sea

Pollution of the Baltic Sea I have chosen to write my science report about pollution of the Baltic Sea. Nowadays it is a big problem to people who live in the marine region. In this report, I want to know the reason of this issue and how could we solve it. High population density, intensive agricultural production and other human activities have caused this high level pollution of the Baltic Sea. The shipment of crude oil has grown from 45 million tons to 175 million tons and this only by 10 years. Its condition is a challenge for the nine coastal states and their populations - there are 90 million people living in this catchment area. [1] The sources of marine pollution are municipal and industrial waste inputs directly into the sea or rivers, and atmospheric inputs mainly from traffic and farming. Originating from cellulose producing and from paper mills, large amounts of poisonous chlorinated compounds are ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Names with and without the

Names with and without the. A/ We do not use 'the' with names of most streets/roads/squares/parks etc.: Union Street (not 'the...') / Fifth Avenue/ Piccadilly Circus/ Hyde Park Blackrock Road/ Broadway/ Times Square/ Waterloo Bridge Many names (especially names of important buildings and institutions) are two words: Kennedy Airport/ Cambridge University The first word is usually the name of a person ('Kennedy') or a place ('Cambridge'). We do not usually use 'the' with names like these. Some more examples: Victoria Station (not 'the...') / Edinburgh Castle/ London Zoo/ Westminster Abbey/ Buckingham Palace/ Canterbury Cathedral But we say 'the White House', 'the Royal Palace', because 'white' and 'royal' are not names like 'Kennedy' and 'Cambridge'. This is only a general rule and there are exceptions. B/ Most other names (of places, buildings etc.) have names with the: These places usually have names w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lady's Slipper

Lady's slipper Common names: American Valerian, Moccasin Flower, Nerveroot, Whippoorwill's-shoe and Yellow Indian Shoe. Bionominal name- Cypripedium pubescens. The plant comes into flowering age only after 10-15 years. Height is 12-30 inches tall. Are found across much of North America, as well as in parts of Europe. This plant grows in the wild in forest lands and meadows, but owing to excessive harvesting, lady's slipper is seldom found growing in the wild. However, to a certain extent, this herb is also cultivated. This plant has only 2 leaves. The color of lady's slipper flowers varies from yellowish to purplish- brown and are borne at the top of an elongated stalk. One petal of the flower changes into a structure akin to a yellow sac, known as the `slipper'. The herb has a plump rootstock that gives rise to numerous curved stems covered with bristles. The stems bear alternate leaves and typical golde...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Felix Baumgartner

FELIX BAUMGARTNER Felix Baumgartner, born April 20, 1969, grew up in Salzburg, Austria where he dreamed of skydiving and flying helicopters and was inspired by astronauts on TV. He made his first skydive at age 16. After sharpening his parachute skills as a member of a Special Forces demonstration team for the Austrian military, he supported himself by repairing motorcycles before becoming a proffesional in skydiving. Eager to test the limits, Felix set a record for history's lowest BASE jump (from Rio de Janeiro's Christ the Redeemer statue), twice set world records for the highest BASE jump from a building (Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur and Taipei 101 tower), and even landed his canopy inside a cave in Croatia. Felix was named to Vienna's Street of Champions and nominated for a World Sports Award and two categories in the NEA Extreme Sports Awards. A licensed gas balloon pilot, he has earned private helicopte...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Eesti Loomakaitse Selts

Eesti Loomakaitse Selts Kati-Karolin Prangli Keskkonnakitse I Kes on Loomakaitse Selts  Eesti Loomakaitse Selts on 2000. aasta kevadest tegutsev loomasõpru ühendav mittetulundusühing.  2004. aasta suvest maailma ühe suurima loomakaitseorganisatsiooni Suurbritannias asuva (Kuninglik Loomade Julma Kohtlemise Ennetamise Selts RSPCA) liige.  2005. a suvest on ELS samuti Suurbritannias tegutseva rahvusvahelise loomakaitseorganisatsiooni World Society for the Protection of Animals  (WSPA) liige.  2005.a loodi Euroopa juhtivate loomakaitse organisatsioonide ja eluslooduse ekspertide võrgustik ENDCAP.  ELS on ENDCAP-i asutajaliige  2011. aasta alguses liitus ELS  The European Network for Farm Animal Protection (ENFAP) võrgustikuga Liikmed  Seltsil on ligi 300 liiget.  Seltsi erinevates projektides aktiivselt osalevaid liikmeid on üle Eesti 40. - Henry Vürst...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Fiskaalpoliitika ehk eelarvepoliitika

EESTI FISKAALPOLIITIKA MÕNINGATEST ASPEKTIDEST Kaie Kerem Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Kuna Eesti on väike avatud majandus, siis sõltub Eesti majandus väga tugevasti majanduskonjunktuuri muutustest välisturgudel. Seoses Eestis rakendatud valuutakomiteel põhineva rahasüsteemiga pole Eestis võimalik teostada aktiivset rahapoliitikat. Seetõttu on fiskaalpoliitikal täita Eesti majanduses oluline roll. Antud artiklis analüüsitakse valitsussektori tulusid ja kulutusi ning nendega seonduvaid probleeme. Samuti vaadeldakse valitsussektori kulutuste ja tulude struktuuri ning fiskaalpoliitika efektiivsuse mõningaid aspekte. Fiskaalpoliitika efektiivsuse tõstmine on eriti oluline tingimustes, kus Eesti on endale seadnud eesmärgiks ühineda Euroopa Liiduga. Valitsussektori tulud Fiskaalpoliitika järjekindlus on siirderiikide stabiilsuse ühe...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
120 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

Islam Assemblers: ********and ******* ************** 8a form 2011.a Table of contents · Introduction · Muhammad · Angels · Five Pillars · Golden Age · Prophets · Family Life · Modern times Intoduction For other meanings, including people named 'Islam', see Islam (disambiguation). Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Allah), and the teachings and normative example of Muhammad, often considered by the adherents of Islam as the last Prophet of God. In addition to referring to the religion itself, the word Islam means 'submission to God, 'peace', and 'way to peace'. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable. Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The Medieval period

The Medieval period The Middle Ages began in 1066, when the Normans defeated Anglo-saxons at the Battle of Hastings. Now England had a Norman king William the Conquer. Norman kings ruled in England less than 100 years, during that time Normans brought England closer to the mainstream of European society. William introduced the feudalism. Under it, land was divided among noble overlords, or barons. Knights pledged their wealth and services to the overlords. In return overlords let them use their land. At the lowest end of the social scale were the serfs, peasants bound to the land. In 1154 the Norman time was at the end. In 1154 Henry II started to reign. Henry II was the king who increased royal power at the expense of nobles. His desire to control the Roman Catholic Church in England led to the murder of T. Becket. Richard I has become a model of a true knight. John(Richards brother) gained a weak, even villainous ruler. 1215 he signe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


WTO ­ Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioon. World Trade Organisation. Eesmärgiga edendada vabakaubandustja kehtestada ühtsed kaubandusreeglid maailmas, 1995,140. NAFTA ­ Põhja-Ameerika vabakaubanduse Assotsiatsioon. North American Free Trade Agreement.Loomaks kaupade ja teenuste vabakaubanduspiirkond.1994. ASEAN ­ Kagu Aasia Maade Assotsiatsioon. Association of South East Asian Nations. loomaks Aasiasse maailma suurim vabakaubandustsoon. 1967. EL/EU ­ Euroopa Liit. European Union. Hõlbustamaks kaubavahetust euroopasiseselt. 1952, 27 G7/G8 ­ eesmärk genereerida meetmeid, mis tagaksid jäitkuva majanduskasvu.1975. OPEC ­ 1960 Naftat eksportivate riikide organisatsioon. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Eesmärk kujundada naftahinda ja hoida seda võimalikult kõrgel. NATO ­ Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisat-sioon. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. ÜRO ­ Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon. United Nations Organization Ülemaailmne rahu-ja ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
38 allalaadimist


WALES . Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom , bordered by England to its east , and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west . It is also an elective region of the European Union . Wales has a population estimated at three million . The capital Cardiff is Wales's largest city with 317,500 people . For a period it was the biggest coal port in the world . Cardiff is the largest media centre in the UK outside of London . Wales is located on a peninsula in central-west Great Britain . Its area , the size of Wales , is about 20,779 km² . Wales is bordered by England to the east and by sea in the other three directions : The Bristol Channel to the south , St. George's Channel to the west , and the Irish Sea to the north . The main population and industrial areas are in South Wales ,consisting of the cities of Cardiff , Swansea and Newport and surrounding areas , with another signifi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Philip Saksing 8a The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Raamatuvastamine Plot: The imaginative and mischievous twelve-year-old boy named Thomas Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly, his half-brother, Sid, also known as Sidney, and cousin Mary, in the Mississippi River town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. After playing hooky from school on Friday and dirtying his clothes in a fight, Tom is made to whitewash the fence as punishment on Saturday. At first, Tom is disappointed by having to forfeit his day off. However, he soon cleverly persuades his friends to trade him a large marble for the privilege of doing his work. He trades these treasures for tickets given out in Sunday school for memorizing Bible verses and uses the tickets to claim a Bible as a prize. He loses much of his glory, however, when, in response to a question to show off his knowledge, he incorrectly answers that the firs...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

My Dream Home

Koostaja: Elanora, an aboriginal word for "home by the sea", is a private villa located in a quiet part of the south west coast of Bali . With its unique location, Villa Elanora offers a great variety of options, from total seclusion of uninterrupted privacy to close proximity to the vibrant neighbouring trendy Seminyak. The inspiration of the architectural aesthetics was based on the richness of the Balinese culture. Due to its extremely close proximity to the Brawa surf beach (200metres). The sunset view is naturally on display. In the morning, the cloudless skies allow you to view the majestic Mount Batur and Mount Agung . Early morning walks on Brawa beach lead to a nearby fishing village where you can bargain with the local fisherman for the catch of the day. Or our staff can organize transport for you to enjoy all the fine dining and shopping in the famous Seminyak area only a short 10 minute drive away. The villa is profess...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Regionaalne integratsioon jpm

Regionaalne integratsioon. Eksport ­ import. Vabakaubanduspiirkond, tolliliit, ühisturg, majandusühendus jne. Neiu Kristina Seletame asjad lahti, mis on ... · Regionaalne integratsioon ­ piirkondlik integreerumine ehk igasugune riikide vaheline kaubavahetus · Eksport ­ kaupade väljavedu riigist · Import ­ kaupade sissevedu riiki Seletame asjad lahti, mis on ... · Vabakaubanduspiirkond ­ koostöövorm, mille raames liikmesriigid kõrvaldavad omavahelise kaubavahetuse tõkked EHK kaupade ja teenuste vaba liikumine liikmesriikide vahel · Tolliliit ­ koostöövorm, kus lisaks omavaheliste kaubandustõkete kõrvaldamisele töötavad liikmesriigid välja ühised tollieeskirjad kolmandatest riikidest importivate kaupade osas EHK kaupade ja teenuste vaba liikumine liikmesriikide vahel + ühine väliskaubanduspoliitika Seletame asjad lahti, mis on ... · Ühisturg - kaupada ja teenuste vaba liikumine liikmesrii...

Majandus → Majandus
10 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

How does the United States influence Estonia? The United States of America is one of the most influential countries in the world. Its’ influence can be seen even in Estonia. Estonian national security is built upon being a member of NATO and it is dependent on Article 5. Therefore, it is important for us to be in good political relations with America because it is the most influential member of the organization. To stay in good terms some of our political decisions might be affected by the United States, however, it will stay out of the public view. Although Estonia is not directly dependant on America economically but as the United States’ economy has an effect on the global economy, we are bound to be influenced indirectly. In the cultural aspect, Americanisation is taking spreading all over the world. In our everyday life, we are exposed to American culture because it is everywhere: music, films, food. With th...

Ühiskond → Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade...
4 allalaadimist

Benefits and drawbacks about Estonia

Estonia is divided into 15 counties which are divided in turn into 207 rural municipalities and 47 towns. The Republic of Estonia, the northernmost and smallest of the three Baltic countries, is located on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea in the north-east of Europe. Lying between East and West, it has served as junction of international trade routes for centuries. Moreover, Estonian neighbours are Russia and Latvia. Estonia is accessible, both from a logistical and social point of view - Tallinn is within 3 hours flight from major European capitals and the power distance is very low. In the west, the coast of Estonia is washed by the Baltic Sea. It is a land of great natural beauty with a long and varied history and rich culture. That's their nature especially concerning national symbols such as their music or their language. Even if Estonia is tiny, it still offers a breathtaking amount of nature. It is safe or safer than most pl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Trindidad and Tobago

Trindidad and Tobago 14Meh Kaur Ülejõe Official name of the country • Official name of the country is Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Motto • "Together we aspire, Together we achieve" National anthem •  "Forged from the Love of Liberty" Independence day • 1 August 1976 Polity/ Government/Head of state • Trinidad and Tobago is a republic with a two-party system and a bicameral parliamentary system based on the Westminster System. The head of state of Trinidad and Tobago is the President, currently Anthony Carmona. The head of government is the Prime Minister, currently Keith Rowley. The President is elected by an Electoral college consisting of the full membership of both houses of Parliament. Capital city • Port of Spain Largest city • Chaguanas Official language • Official language is English Top10 non-English languages spoken • Trinidadian Creole 1m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne Eesti kirjeldus

Estonia is located in the Northern Europe and is a state in the Baltic region It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia, and to the east by Lake Peipus(Peipsi) and the Russian Federation.Estonia also has a number of islands: Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, which are the most known are also the two biggest ones.The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2. There is 3,794 kilometers of coastline marked by numerous bays, straits, and inlets. The Republic of Estonia is divided into fifteen counties: Hiiumaa, Saaremaa, Läänemaa, Harjumaa, Lääne-Virumaa, Ida-Virumaa, Tartumaa, Jõgevamaa, Järvamaa, Raplamaa, Viljandimaa, Pärnumaa, Valgamaa, Põlvamaa and Võrumaa. The capital city of estonia is Tallinn. Estonia is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Estonia has four seasons of near-equal length. July is the warmest month, and February is the coldest month. Snow cover, which is d...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Environmental issues in Estonia

Environmental issues in Estonia The Earth is considered to be the most beatiful planets in the Universe. But our planet is threaten by environmental problems. Even a small country like Estonia can make difference. Our capital city is fighting against air pollution. But people produce much refuse and ways of recycling are getting old. Water pollution is also a problem in Estonia. We have factories that let their waste run into rivers. One of the biggest problems in Estonia is air pollution. Our air is polluted by exhaust fumes, because today we have a lot of cars, buses and other machines. In 2009 we had 407 cars to thousand inhabitants, which is lower than European Union average, but this number is still high. Because cars produce gases that contain carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide in the air causes global warming, which is the result of the greenhouse effect. Tallinn wants to fight against it by offering public transportati...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

5 minute talk about Estonia

Estonia officially the Republic of Estonia, is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by Russia. Across the Baltic Sea lies Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2, and is influenced by a humid continental climate. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties, with its capital and largest city beingTallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union. The Estonians are a Finnic people, and the official language, Estonian, is a Finno-Ugric language closely related to Finnish The history of Estonia is a part of the history of Europe. Estonia was settled near the end of the last glacial era, beginning from around 8500 BC. Before the Germans invaded in the 13th century pro...

Turism → Giidindus
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun