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"refine" - 22 õppematerjali


Aine ja teema otsing andmebaasist SciFinder Scholar

Iseseisev töö nr. 5 1. Autori otsing a) 218 b) Sisestasin autoriotsingusse MacDiarmid (last name) , Alan (first name), Graham (middle). Valisin kõik pakutavad nimevariandid ning Refine alt Publication Year trükkisin sisse 1975- 1985. c) 25 d) Refine -> Research Topic: (conducting polymers) or (plastics) e) 4 f) Esilehel valisin Patent ning sisestasin Inventor name MacDiarmid Alan Graham. 2. Teema ja aine otsing a) Preparation of glycolide from glycolic acid, panen linnukese valiku ette, kus kõik märksõnad on tekstis lähestikku. b) 212 d) 502-97-6 e) 357 3. Aine otsing a) Pealehe kõrvalmenüüst Substance Indentifier b) 75-19-4 c) 0.790±0.06 g/cm3 d) 1904 4. Aine otsing molekulaarvalemi järgi

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika 3

d) Vajutiasin nuppu GET REACTIONS ning sealt valisin REAGENT (0 tulemust) ja REAKTANT (6 tulemust) 3.5 ,,Aine otsing SciFinder joonistusprogrammi abil" a) Antud struktuuri sisaldab 1014 ainet b) Neist on võimalik osta 68 c) Joonistasin struktuuri, leidsin ained, mis sisaldavad seda struktuuri, vajutasin kõrval REFINE ja COMMERCIAL ABAILIBILITIES d) Antud aine kohta on 1150 reaktsiooni e) Reaktsioone, mille saagis on 60-80%, on 66 f) Vajutasin REFINE, sealt PRODUCT YIELD ja sisestasin protsendi vahemiku

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
14 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika, infoostioskused

Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB 3.1 Sisestasin otsingusse autori nime: MacDiarmid Alan G A )Kokku oli tal artikleid üle 700, kuid aastatel 1975-1985 avaldas ta vaid 203 artiklit: B) Võtsin paremalt kõrvalt Refine, Publication Year, 1975-1985 C) Neil aastatel: Conducting polymers – 21, Plastics – 3 Üleüldse: Conducting polymers – 163, Plastics – 32 D) Refine alt. Proovisin nii 1975- 1985 kui ka ilma

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
2 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 3: Aine ja teema otsing SciFinder Scholar

3.1. Harjutusülesanne "Autori otsing" Leia: a) mitu artiklit avaldas ta aastatel 1975 - 1985? 204 b) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Sisestasin autoriotsingusse autori nime, valisin sealt mitmeid variante tema nimest ning sain tulemuse, seejärel võtsin paremalt REFINE, Publication Year(s) ja panin sinna 1975-1985 ning sain 204 vastet. c) mitu tööd sisaldasid kontseptsiooni "conducting polymers" või "plastics"? 183 d) kuidas leidsid need tööd? Valisin REFINE, Reasearch Topic ja panin märksõnad conducting plymers or plastic. Enne vaatasin ka seda, et ta otsiks kõikide artikklite seast, mitte ainult nende artikklite, mis avaldati 1975-1985 aastatel. e) mitu patenti on Alan G. MacDiarmid nimel? 29 f) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Võtsin taas paremalt REFINE, Document Type ja Patent. 3.2. Harjutusülesanne "Teema ja aine otsing". a) millist otsivõimalust kasutasid? Kasutasin otsingut pealkirja järgi

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
26 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne “Autori otsing”

Üks auhinna saajatest oli Alan G. MacDiarmid. Leia: a) mitu artiklit avaldas ta aastatel 1975 - 1985? 204 b) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Sisestasin autoriotsingusse autori nime, seejärel valisin sealt mitmeid variante sellest nimest ja sain tulemuse. Siis võtsin paremalt REFINE, Publication Year ja panin sinna antud aastad, vastuseks tuli 204 vastet c) mitu tööd sisaldasid kontseptsiooni "conducting polymers" või "plastics" 183 d) kuidas leidsid need tööd? Valisin REFINE, Research Topic ning lisasin märksünad concluding polymers or plastic. Eelnevalt kontrollisin ka seda, et otsing toimuks kõikide artiklite seast, mitte ainult nende, mis avaldati 1975-1985 aastatel e) mitu patenti on Alan G. MacDiarmid nimel? 29 f) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed. Võtsin jälle paremalt REFINE, Document Type ja Patent 3.2. Harjutusülesanne "Teema ja aine otsing" Otsi artikleid teemal: "Glükoliidi saamine glükoolhappest: Preparation of glycolide from glycolic acid"

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
4 allalaadimist

UML skeemide osade nimetused tõlgetega

Use case: Actor Tegutseja Collaboration Koostöö Dependency Sõltuvus Generalization Üldistus Note Märge System Süsteem Association Ühing Constraint Kitsendus Extend Laiendus Include Sisaldus Realization Realiseerimine Use Case Kasutus juhtum Component: Aggregation Koondamine Component Komponent Constraint Kitsendus Generalization Üldistus Interface Liides Note Märge Realization Teostus Association (Without Suh...

Tehnoloogia → Tehniline dokumentatsioon
17 allalaadimist

Aine ja teema otsing andmebaasist SciFinder Scholar

1985. Sain 67 vastet. c) mitu tööd sisaldasid kontseptsiooni "conducting polymers" või "plastics"? 183 tööd d) kuidas leidsid need tööd? Tuli refine'i alt valida research topics, sisestasin otsisõnadeks "conducting polymers" or "plastics" . e) mitu patenti on Alan G. MacDiarmid nimel? 26 f) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed. Tuli refine'i alt valida ,,document type" ning klikata patent'i peal. Juhised ülesande lahendamiseks leiad : How to Explore by Author Name How to Refine Reference Answer Sets How to Analyze Reference Answer Sets 3.2. Harjutusülesanne "Teema ja aine otsing". Otsi artikleid teemal: "Glükoliidi saamine glükoolhappest: Preparation of glycolide from glycolic acid". Sain 1425 otsitulemust a) millist otsivõimalust kasutasid? Sisestasin research topic'ks ,,Preparation of glycolide from glycolic acid." b) mitu referaati kajastavad seda teemat kõige täpsemalt? 147 c) Ava mõni relevantne referaat ja leia blokist Substances link CAS RN glycolide

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
7 allalaadimist

Nuclear Energy research paper

overcome the struggle with its bad economy Cons: · High construction costs because of radiation and complicated procedures and long construction time (Buzz, 2009) · Accident risks for example Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 or Fukushima, Japan in 2011 and radiation can cause serious health problems · Nuclear weapons may cause tension between different countries · Uranium is hard to get and expensive to mine, refine, and transport, and produce considerable environmental waste (including greenhouse gasses) during all of these procedures (Buzz, 2009) · Wastes lasts from 200 to 500 thousand years (Buzz, 2009) · Shipping nuclear waste internationally increases the potential threat to terrorism (Buzz, 2009) · Nuclear weapons may cause tension between different countries ("Cons of nuclear," ) Conclusion

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika

baby, young lady), arvan et pole nii oluline, kuna näiteid on konspektis niigi palju, ei hakka üle pakkuma. Inherent connotation 1 IC may be secured by the very object, quality or notion that the word stands for. People appreciate certain notions, as either positive or negative. Negative notions Adj: dirty, nasty, vulgar, obscene, greedy Nouns: sin, fool, death, tragedy Verbs: destroy, offend, steal, ploth (sepitsema) Positive notions Adj: polite, refine, pure, noble, manly Nouns: virtue, beauty, love, bliss Verbs: worship, save, protect 2 This connotation depends on the thing the word stands by. IC may also depend on the structure of the words. Such words usually contain negative affixes, e.g abnormal, heartless, unpopular, illegal, injustice. 3 Inherent connotation in synonymic sets that occupy ,,The final places". e.g big vs tremendeous (emotional difference), interesting vs amazing, good vs marvellous

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist

"Career and Employment" Homereading

you. Make your local Business Link adviser your new best friend. Only when you have satisfied yourself about the financial viability of your business idea should you consider dipping your toe in the water. Try testing out your idea in the evenings or at weekends. Look to make initial sales to friends and family. In this early phase get as much feedback from customers as possible. And always listen to customers and be prepared to refine your offering. Running through these steps will help take the risk out of your business idea and create a new job for you. And that's the time to quit your current job. Russell Smith is speaking at the One Life Live event (see page 6). His column appears in The Independent's 'Business Monthly' supplement, published on the first Tuesday of the month. Business Boffins delivers support programmes to small businesses nationwide.

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Arvutigraafika Adobe Photoshop CS6 baasil

6. Anti-alias - serva pehmendamine; võimalus eemaldada ainult ringi- kujulise selektsiooni juures. Soovitav on seda sees hoida. 101 7. Style  Normal - vaikimisi valik; luuakse samasugune selektsioon nagu kasutaja hiirega lohistab  Fixed Ratio - kindel külgede suhe; näiteks 1:1 saame ruudu jne  Fixed Size - kindel suurus pikslites 8. Refine Edge - sellele nupule klikkides kuvatakse parameetrid, mis võimaldavad parandada/täpsustada selektsiooni serva. See võimalus nõuab natuke rohkem tähelepanu ja seepärast vaatame seda eraldi. Selektsiooniga manipuleerimine Vaatame erinevaid võimalusi paremaks selekteerimiseks  Selektsiooni loomine keskkoha järgi - vaikimisi hakatakse selektsiooni looma nurgast. Kui hoiad all Alt klahvi, luuakse ristküliku või ovaali selektsioon selle tsentri kaudu

Informaatika → Arvutigraafika
15 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

requirements are provided to the designer from the client. The design requirements are a central element to the design report and must be concrete, measurable criteria which can be tested. They should be based on a customer need. For example, “supports 80 lbs” and “has an emissivity greater than 0.8” are concrete, testable requirements. “Looks nice, ” “comfortable, ” and “low cost” are user needs and not design requirements. Refine them to measurable criteria, like “aesthetically rated above average on a 5 point Likert scale” or “can be held for 5 minutes without fatiguing the average user’s hand,” Or “parts cost less than $20 in lots of 100.” Provide numeric values for all requirements. Numeric values can be binary for requirements that are best expressed in true/false form. The reason for having numeric values is that then it is easy to determine whether the design meets the

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist


(D) continuously 5. The climate of Chicago is subject to abrupt changes of weather. (A) sudden (B) extreme (C) adverse (D) disruptive LESSON 2 advanced advantage advent agile albeit allow appealing celebrated contemporary distribute encourage energetic frail refine worthwhile advanced adj. ahead of current thought or practice forward thinking, new v. advance n. advancement Syn. progressive Advanced technology is changing the world. His advancement to captain came unexpectedly. advantage n. something that may help one to be successful or to gain something adv. advantageously Syn. benefit adj

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


world. Nigeria is the seventh largest oil producing country in the world. Nigerians pride themselves as one of the most educated people in the world. It has all kinds of engineers, including petroleum and geological engineers. Oil was discovered in Nigeria in1948. But you know what? Nigeria still imports refined oil at exorbitant rates. It does not have engineers who prospect for the oil; it does not have engineers who drill for the oil; it does not have engineers who refine the oil. It imports the oil. Nigeria has two oil refineries – all built by foreigners. To maintain these refineries they must import the experts (whites) who built the refineries to repair any minor problems. When one of the refineries was out of 13 production for a long time in 1998, over $475 million was awarded to repair it. Despite the fact that the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

· Together with noun stems ­ish forms adjectives with negative, contemptuous colouring (doggish, womanish) · Negative colouring becomes stronger with compound stems (honeymoonish) (boyish, girlish have no negative evaluation) Suffixes may be added to proper names: · -ish adds a derogatory colouring (Dickensish) · -ien with names gives a high flown style (dickensien) · -esque has positive connotation and it forms an element of refine style (dantesque) · The main noun forming suffixes with negative evaluation are:-ard, -ster, -monger, -eer · On the slang, -o shows contemptuous attitude (kiddo, coppo) · -happy, -dog show irony, contempt (car-happy, handsome-dog) · Negative affixes that show absence of some quality are rather expressive (unmask vs. reveal, motherless vs. orphan) · The romantic writers tend to bring together such adjectives and the text becomes

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

The expert found out some discrepancies which are as follows. A). High Inventory Levels: Total average inventory holding at BSRs was 8.2 weeks of sales and at depots was 6.5 weeks of sales. 33 They were very high across the distribution chain because: Sales and despatch forecasts that were not in line with actual primary / secondary sales. There was no process to periodically review and refine the Annual Forecasts, in line with market feedback. Stocking across all points in the distribution chain was driven by a push-oriented system that did not have provisions to be tuned to market requirements. Actual safety stocks maintained at depots were significantly higher that target safety stocks agreed at the beginning of the year. No system was in place to monitor and correct the same during the year. Stock allocation from depots was manual

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

). Exception: the words "boyish" and "girlish" do not have negative evaluation. Suffixes may be added to proper names. The suffix ­ish- adds a negative colouring (e.g. if the speaker has no respect for Dickens he can use suffix ­ish- to show it, so he can say "dickensish"). The suffixes ­ien ­ and ­ean ­ render the name as lofty (e.g. Dickensien, Shakespearean); suffix ­esque- possesses positive connotation and forms an element of refine style (e.g. Turner ­ turneresque). The main noun forming suffixes that render negative evaluation are: -ard- (e.g. coward, drunkard, etc.), -ster- (e.g. gangster, hipster, oldster, etc.), -eer- (e.g. rocketeer, profiteer, blackmarketeer, etc.), semi affix: -monger (e.g. war-monger, panic-monger, etc.), -o- (e.g. kiddo (kid), oldo (old), coppo (cop), etc.); other suffixes of young people (slang) are: -happy (e.g. car-happy), -dog (e.g

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

4 environmental, economic 2 been for, have got 1 1 convert 4 transform 3 took 2 adapt 5 evolve 5 condemn 4 Should you need 3 adjust 6 refine 2 A civil rights worker was murdered 5 could remember 2 1 conversion in Mississippi and four black 6 hadn't spent 2 transformation children were murdered at a church in Alabama. In the song Simone 3 1 I would be able to come to the

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

replication studies (e.g., Hubbard and Vetter, 1996; Reid et al., · Dominantne hüpotees. ,,... dominant hypothesis might be appropriate under the following 1981)" conditions:" ­ Peale avastuslikku uuringut ,,a) after the exploratory phase to help refine a plausible hypothesis on · I allikas - 15% kordusuuringud kinnitasid varasemaid tulemusi, 25% a topic;" osaliselt, 60% mitte. ,,In marketing, H&A find that only 15% of ­ Kui ei ole võimalik arendada konkureerivat hüpoteesi. ,,b) when it may not be feasible to develop extensions confirmed initial outcomes, 25% provided partial support, competing hypotheses;"

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

otherwise plausible, are you convinced by Russell's solutions to the four puzzles? 30 Reference and referring 2 Is Strawson's critique more persuasive than I have granted? Develop it a bit further against Russell. 3 To what extent does the theory correctly predict and explain the entire use of "the" in English? 4 What do you make of Donnellan's distinction? Can it be rendered more precise? Try to refine the intuitive contrast with which Donnellan begins. 5 Dispute or defend any of Donnellan's interesting intuitive judgements about "actual referents" in particular hypothetical speech situations. Then comment on the significance, for Donnellan's program, of your own position on such a case. 6 Donnellan regards his article as a contribution to the Russell­Strawson dispute. But he does not say much in the article about the four puzzles

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

W e were like a secret society of true believers, commonly putting our faith in "the power of myth." Shortly after going to work as a story analyst for the W a l t Disney Company, I wrote a seven-page memo called "A Practical Guide to The Hero with a Thousand Faces" in which I described the idea of the Hero's Journey, with examples from classic and current movies. I gave the memo to friends, colleagues, and several Disney execu­ tives to test and refine the ideas through their feedback. Gradually I expanded the "Practical Guide" into a longer essay and began teaching the material through a story analysis class at the U C L A Extension W r i t e r s ' Program. At writers' conferences around the country I tested the ideas in seminars with screenwriters, romance novelists, children's writers, and all kinds of storytellers. I found many others were exploring the intertwined pathways o f myth, story, and psychology.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


just a tangential and merely helpful factor; it was a vital one. •Indeed, the higher in the politico-military realm are the events, the more important becomes cryptanalysis. At the front, it probably stands equal with prisoner-of-war intelligence or aerial reconnaisance. But neither of these can match it for providing insight into the strategic plans of top generals or the basic diplomatic policy of a whole country. A spy may occasionally pluck forth a richer nugget, but he cannot refine the quantity of ore that a cryptanalyst can, nor can he command the credibility. The ungrudging tributes of the two German spymasters attest to this superiority: Walter Schellenberg's acknowledgment that the assistance rendered him by the communications-intelligence chiefs "made most of my success in Secret Service operations possible," and Wilhelm Hottl's boast that his Hungarian cryptanalysts provided him with "at least a hundred successes such as seldom fall to the lot of a

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun