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"rainforest" - 35 õppematerjali

rainforest - The animals use most of the fall to prepare for the merciless winter season.

Rainforest destruction

206 RMÜ The Disappearing Rainforests Kaduvad Vihmametsad · Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. · Vihmametsad katsid kunagi 14% maapinnast, praegu katavad nad ainult 6% ja eksperdid arvavad et viimased alles olevad vihmametsad nö. tarvitatakse ära vähema kui 40 aasta pärast. Causes of rainforest destruction Vihmametsa hävitus põhjused. · Logging · Agriculture · Fuelwood- küttepuud · Large Dams- suured tammid · Mining and industry- kaevandus ja tööstus. · Tourism ­ turism. · Poverty and overpopulation ­ vaesus ja ülerahvastatus. · Colonialism ­ kolonialism. Why save it? · The rainforest is home to over · Vihmamets on koduks rohkem fifty percent of all plants and kui 50 % maa loomadele ja

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

The importance of the rainforest

THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RAINFOREST The beauty, majesty, and timelessness of a primary rainforest are indescribable. It is impossible to capture on film, to describe in words, or to explain to those who have never had the awe-inspiring experience of standing in the heart of a primary rainforest. Rainforests have evolved over millions of years to turn into the incredibly complex environments they are today. Rainforests represent a store of living and breathing renewable natural resources that for eons, by virtue of their richness in both animal and plant species, have contributed a wealth of resources for the survival and well-being of humankind. These resources have included basic food supplies, clothing, shelter, fuel, spices, industrial raw

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Kordamine Geograagia kontrolltööks- 8.klass

1. What is a biome? A biome is a large area of distinctive plants and animals, which are adapted to that environment. The climate and geography determines which type of biome can exist there. 2. Using the map describe the distribution of the biome (tropical rainforest/tropical deciduous forest). Tropical rainforest ­ South America, Africa (Madagaskar), Asia. Tropical deciduous forest ­ South America, Asia, Australia 3. Compare the climates (tropical rainforest/tropical deciduous forest). Tropical rainforest is wetter than tropical deciduous forest. Both of these biomes have a warm climate all year long. Tropical deciduous forest has a well defined dry and a wet season. During the dry season, the trees in tropical deciduous forest lose their leaves. 4

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Geograafia KT-8.klass

; Temperate deciduous forest: temp ­20, kesk. vihm 5. Describe the soils of the. Temperate deciduous forest: Brown forest soils develop under the trees. Broadleaf trees tend to be nutrient-demanding and their leaves bind the major nutrient bases. The autumn leaf fall provides for an abundant and rich humus which begins to decay rapidly in spring just as the growing season begins. The humus content gives soil horizons a brown colour. Temperate rainforest: This forest has nutrient-rich soil because there is a lot of dead organic matter on the ground. This dead material is being slowly digested by the fungi, insects, and bacteria that live here. Temperate Grasslands: Calcification is the dominant soil-forming process in semiarid regions. When this process works on a loess that itself is rich in calcium, the world's most fertile soils are created, the chernozems (A Russian term meaning black soil)

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Environmental issues in Brazil

Environmental issues in Brazil Madis Pokk Facts about Brazil Capital: Brasilia Largest city: Sao Paulo Official language is Protugese Total area: 8 515 767 km² Population is 193 milion people Deforestation ­ cutting down rainforest The highest rate in world of cutting down rainforest Major problem in Brazil Over 600 000 km² destroyed The problems that comes with deforestation New plants can't grow Global warming Life for animal Greenhouse gases Why they are cutting rainforest? More place for new homes To build new roads Selling the lumber to Japan To generate electricity Trees are used in flooring, furniture and other items Make more space for grazing lands Solution To enforce their anti-logging laws

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
16 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne geograafia

These are called 'emergents' and can reach almost 90m in height. Up here they don't have to compete with other trees for light, but they are exposed to the high winds that lash the canopy during tropical storms. Emergents are the favourite nest sites of jungle eagles such as the harpy eagle of South America. Canopy Suspended 40m above the ground is the canopy - a belt of tree crowns supported by enormous rainforest tree trunks. This is the most productive and diverse habitat on Earth - perhaps 40% of the world's species spend their lives among its branches. The canopy's function is to photosynthesise. Canopy trees arrange their leaves to soak up as much of the sunlight as possible and supply them with a continuous stream of water and nutrients from the soil far below, so that the process is uninterrupted from dawn to dusk. 1.2. Describe these features Light gap

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Ekvatoriaalsed vihmametsad

Ekvatoriaalne vihmamets Amazonase madalik Kesk-Aafrika Kagu-Aasia Kliima Aastaajad pole selgelt eristunud Sademeid langeb aastas üle 2000mm Ööpäevane keskmine temperatuur püsib 25 26°C vahel Äikest esineb vähemalt 200 päeval aastas Õhuniiskus 50%100% Siseveed Amazonas LõunaAmeerikas Kongo KeskAafrikas Mullastik Väheviljakad ferraliitmullad Kiire aineringlus Taimestik 70% taimestikust on puud Ühel hektaril 200300 erinevat puuliiki Puud kasvavad rinnetena Ühte liiki puud tavaliselt kõrvuti ei kasva Ülemises rindes kasvavad viigipuud, palmid, mahagonid, kapokipuud, alumistes rinnetes palisandrid, eebenipuud, banaanid, puissõnajalad. Viigipuu Plankjuured Seened Must pipar Vanill Raitlill on maailma kõige suurema õiega taim, õie läbimõõt kuni pool meetrit. Levitab putukate ligi meelitamiseks raipelõhna. ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
87 allalaadimist

Module 1 Check your progress

Module 1 Check your progress 1a 1. 've just read 2. has painted 3. show 4. has created 5. have studied 6. loves 1b 1. made 2. loved 3. was singing 4. started 5. saw, wanted 6. impressed 7. had happened, was 1c 1. Various studies are being done by researchers in order to underdtand the healing techniques of tribes. 2. Many rainforest plants have been tsted for a cure for cancer. 3. Huge areas of rainforest are being destroyed every day. 4. Medication is being developed from frog poison. 5. Fascinating insights have been gained into some of the rainforests' secrets. 6. Lots of new mwdications will be developed in the future to help people with cancer. 7. Aspirin was made into a modern medicine in 1897 by German scientists. 1d 1. He told me that it was my mistake, which is a nonsense.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Kontsertiarvustus - 2 Quick Stari-i juubelikontsert

Great Barrier Reef Hanna-Lisett Hellaste Tallinn Nõmme Gymnasium 10.H facts Environmental threats Human use In Coral Sea, Queensland, Australia 2300km long 344,400 km2 visible from outer space home to countless species Hawksbill sea turtle Staghorn coral Olive sea snake Climate change Shipping Overfishing Tourism Diving Fishing Explore the Daintree Rainforest Hot Air Ballooning Green Island Day Trip world's largest coral reef system home to countless species Many threats Popular tourism place

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Formal email

that I went to Spain. I lived there for a few years and I can easily speak with local community without any problems. I also took part in different swimming competitions. I like long distance in an openwater, so it is not a challenge for me to swim a lot and fast in the river or in the sea. I have two queries about the expedition. Firstly, could you please inform me about the animals which will be researched in the rainforest and in the waters close to the coast? Secondly, when and where will the twoweek introductory course take place? I look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, .................

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Environmental problems today

everyday routine, that may affect the nature. Which are the most problematic environmental problems and how can we avoid them ? To start with, the biggest problem is global warming. The temperature is rising due to air pollution, which is caused by smoke from factories and of rising levels of CO2 . As a result, smog and soot causes health problems. Also, a big problem is deforestation. Due to the fact that it is causing destruction of the rainforest, it contaminates the water. To solve these problems, we certainly should use renewable sources of energy and we need to avoid dangerous gases. For example, we should switch off lights every time when we leave a room. Moreover, we should take public transport more often and stop using CFC's. We can solve environmental problems only if we follow certain rules. that it is causing* ; renewable energy resources*; Therefore, we*; when we leave a room*; Moreover, we should take.

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


Liisa Kusnir 11d Audentese Spordigümnaasium ANGOLA Angola pinda katab umbes 18,4% metsa ja lisaks 43% muu metsamaa. Angolas on valdvalt lauskmaa ja salumetsad ning loomulikult ka vihmametsad. Peamisteks puuliikideks on eukalüpt, mänd jne. Angola metsad paiknevad enamasti riigi ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
14 allalaadimist

Different types of forests and their forms of usage.

equator - Asia, Africa, South & Central America and on many of the Pacific Islands. Almost 50% forests of the world are tropical and subtropical in nature. Rainforests are characterized by high rainfall. They are home to two-thirds of all the living animal and plant species on the planet. Tall, broad-leaved evergreen trees are the dominant plants, forming a leafy canopy over the forest floor. The undergrowth or understory in a rainforest generally consists of shade-tolerant shrubs, herbs, ferns, small trees and large woody vines. The temperature ranges from 5°C to 50°C. Human uses of tropical and subtropical forests: o Habitation - Humans have and do exploit rainforests for food and shelter in several parts of the world. o Cultivated foods and spices - Coffee, chocolate, bananas etc. all originally came from tropical rainforests, and are still

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Palm oil

oil globally produced and exported from Indonesia and Malaysia; but most of the time not using sustainable measures. The industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced, as the land and forests must be cleared for the development of the oil palm plantations. According to the World Wildlife Fund, an area the equivalent size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour to make way for palm oil production. This large-scale deforestation is pushing many species to extinction, and findings show that if nothing hanges, species like the orangutan could become extinct in the wild within the next 5-10 years, and Sumatran tigers less than 3 years. In total, 50 million tons of palm oil is produced annually, supplying over 30% of the world’s vegetable oil production. This single vegetable oil is found in approximately 40-50%

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Miks on iga Ecuadoris elav konnaliik maailmale oluline?

Miks on iga Ecuadoris elav konnaliik maailmale oluline? Loomaaias ringi kõndides võib kõikjalt leida skeeme ja pilte ohustatud või juba välja surnud loomaliikidest, kuid need sõnad tunduvad kuidagi kauged ning tundub tähtsusetu, et kusagil kaugel riigis ei eksisteeri enam mingit ühte loomaliiki. Kuid kogu loodus on ühtne ökosüsteem, kus kõik on omavahel seotud. Iga liik selles süsteemis on oluline ning ühe lüli vahelt ära kadumine mõjutab ülejäänusid. Inimene kuulub sellesse süsteemi ning bioloogilise mitmekesisuse vähenemine mõjutab inimeste tervist ja elu. Suurema mitmekesisusega suudab meie ökosüsteem paremini tastuda erinevatest katastroofidest, mitmekesisuse vähenemine mõjutab põllumajandust (vähem erinevaid taimi, mida kasvatada, rohkem kahjureid), levib rohkem haigusi ning toit ja vesi on raskemini kättesaadavad. Kahepaiksed on kliimamuutuste suhtes väga tundlikud ning nende kadumine võib näidata, et ökosüsteem on ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogiline mitmekesisus...
3 allalaadimist

Washington state

flag of the United States of America. · Fort Canby State Park- One of the state's most scenic parks. You can see the mouth of the Columbia River and two lighthouses, Cape Disappointment Lighthouse (built 1856) and the North Head, Lighthouse (built 1898). Available activities include camping, picnicking, ocean views, beachcombing claming, surf, jetty and lake fishing, boating and visitation of the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center · The Hoh Rainforest is located on the Olympic Peninsula in western Washington state, USA. It is one of the largest temperate rainforests in the U.S. · Mount Rainier is a massive stratovolcano located 54 miles (87 km) southeast of Seattle in the state of Washington, United States. North Cascades National Park is a U.S. National Park located in the state of Washington. The park is the largest of the three National Park Service units that comprise the North Cascades

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Central Park'i tutvustus

2) Central park is an urban park in the central part of the borough of Manhattan, New York City. It was initially  opened in 1857, on 778 acres of city­owned land, later  expanding to its current size of 843 acres. Central park  is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in New  York.  3) Central park which has been a National Historical  Landmark since 1962, was designed by landscape  architect Frederic Law Olmsted and the English architect Calvert Vaux in1858. It is bordered on the north by  Central Park North, on the south by Central Park South,  on the west by Central Park West and on the east by  Fifth Avenue. The park contains several natural­looking  lakes and ponds which have been created artificially,  extensive walking tracks, bridle paths, two ice­skating  rinks, the Central Park Zoo, the Central Park  Conservatory Garden, a wildlife sanctuary, a 106 acre  billion­gallon reservoir and an outdoor amphitheater.  Indoor attract...

Keeled → Country Study
1 allalaadimist


Kalimantan Kalimantan on suuruselt kolmas saar maailmas,mis asub Kagu-Aasias. See on koduks ühele vanimale vihmametsale terves maailmas mille vanuseks on 130 miljonit aastat. Seal valitseb ekvatoriaalne kliima.Tänu suurele sademete hulgale on saarel palju jõgesid ­ kõige pikem jõgi on 1143 km pikkune Labuan,mis voolab Lääne-Kalimantanil. Kuching on suurim linn Kalimantani saarel. See asub Sarawaki jõe kallastel Kalimantani loodeosas.Seal on troopiliste vihmametsade kliima. Kuching'is on mõõdukalt soe ja väga niiske, sest sajab palju.Aasta keskmine sademete hulk on umbes 4200mm.Kõige sademeterohkemad kuud on talvekuud ehk november, detsember,jaanuar ja veebruar ning nö.kuiv hooaeg kestab juunist augustini.Keskmine temperatuur on seal umbes 23 kraadi. Temperatuur on aastaringselt peaaegu muutumatu. Mullad Sealses soojas ja niiskes ekvatoriaalses kliimas on välja kujunenud punakaspruunid ehk ferraliit...

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

New Guinea (inglise keeles)

A line of active volcanoes stretches along the north coast of the mainland and continues on the island of New Britain. To the north and south of this central mountain range on the main island lie vast stretches of mangrove swamps and coastal river deltas. /1/ Volcanoes and thermal pools are also found in the southeast of other islands. Papua New Guinea offers the greatest variety of terrestrial ecosystems in the South Pacific, including five types of lowland rainforest, 13 types of montane rainforest, five varieties of palm and swamp forest and three different mangrove forests. Two-thirds of the world's species of orchids come from New Guinea. /1/ Birds include 38 species of the bird of paradise, and the megapode and cassowary. Marsupials and mammals include cuscus, tree kangaroos, wallabies, bandicoots, spiny anteaters and, in the coastal waters, the dugong. There are between 170 and 200 species of frog and 450 species of butterfly. /3/ 4

Loodus → Loodus
5 allalaadimist

Ful Steam Ahead for the Trip of a Lifetime

scenery from the observation car. All meals, unlimited drinks, 24-hour room service and a laundry service are included in the price. Also available to guests are the service of a doctor, a hairdresser and a historian. During the journey there are plenty of opportunities to take part in a wide variety of activities. You can choose to play a round of golf, go on a visit to a crocodile farm, go on a rafting trip, take a trip through the rainforest and even take a flight over Victoria Falls. Alternatively, you can simply relax, take photographs and enjoy the scenery and wildlife. Cultural events along the way include a visit to a craft village and an evening of traditional tribal dancing. The cost of all sightseeing tours, excursions, tour guides, game park entrance fees and safari drives is include in the price. With so much to offer, a steam safari on the Pride of Africa is really not to be missed. What better

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


· Ülekaalus väheväärtuslikud puuliigid · Hõlmavad 6% maismaast, 85 riigis (pooled Brasiilias, Indoneesias, Kongo DV-s) · Metsi raadatakse aletamise ja väärispuidu eesmärgil BRASIILIA · Suurima lehtmetsaga ala · Vihmamets võtab enda alla 1/3 riigi territooriumist · Mets hävineb tohutu kiirusega - 4km² tunnis · Tingis I-se ÜRO keskkonna ja arengukonverentsi kokkukutsumise 1992a. The Amazon Rainforest Metsaraie maht · Ekvatoriaalse vihmametsa raie maht ületab 10X loodusliku juurdekasvu · Põhja riikides suureneb metsamaa pindala tänu metsakasvatusele · Maakera puiduvarud hetkel 359 mld m³ Metsade tähtsus ja kasutamine Mets kui ökosüsteem · Metsad moodustavad 80% kogu maismaa orgaanilise aine varudest · Põhiline eluks vajaliku orgaanilise aine tootja, atmosfääri koostise reguleerija ja õhu puhastaja · Peab kinni sademeid, pidurdab

Geograafia → Geograafia
152 allalaadimist

How can we make our planet a safer place to live

what is more, are many we ourselves problems that Another big problem is are causing we could deforestation. A lot of loggers are right now most of the actually solve. cutting down the forests ­ and what is worst, problems. Of One of them is they also cut down a lot of valuable course, all of air pollution. rainforest, which is home to many us don't cut It is mostly endangered species. If this cutting continues, down trees caused by cars these species will be wiped off the planet. and pollute the and factories. So how can we fight this? One way is to hire air on purpose So what can supervisors that keep an eye out on unlegal but we are all we do? A very loggers. This way we get to know who they slowly

Keeled → Inglise keel
76 allalaadimist

Vihmametsade raie

Vihmametsade raie Uurimustöö Sissejuhatus Mina valisin ülemineku arvestuse uurimustöö teemaks vihmametsade raie. Ma valisin selle teema sellepärast, et mind huvitab, miks vihmametsi maha raiutakse ja mis võivad olla tgaajärjed. Minumeelest on tänapäeval see teema väga aktuaalne, sest just praegu on õige aeg selle vastu tegelema hakata ja kindlasti see võib mõjutada ka minu elu, seega ma tahan teada kuidas täpsemalt võib see mu elu mõjutada või muuta. Ma tahaks veel teada, kas see põhjus miks vihmametsi maha raiutakse on ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
55 allalaadimist

Jamaica Presentation

But more than that, the trip also takes you through various villages where you can learn quite a lot about rural Jamaica- the real Jamaica. 2. Mystic Mountain Jamaica - For Adventure, Thrills, & Breathtaking Views! Set entirely in a lush, tropical rainforest, atop a mountain, the natural surroundings of this unique 100- acre theme park provides the perfect backdrop for the exhilarating bobsled, zip line, and chairlift rides guests can experience. 3. Dunn's River Falls -The beautiful Dunn's River Falls

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

All studied biomes

ranges from 43.5 to 49°. Hot and Dry Deserts usually have very little rainfall and concentrated rainfall in short periods between long rainless periods. Most Hot and Dry Deserts don't have very many plants. The only animals they have that can survive have the ability to burrow under ground. They only come out in the night when it is a little cooler. SavannaA savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome. Savannas are also known as tropical grasslands. Savannas have warm temperature year round. There are two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season(winter) and a very wet season. In the dry season only an average of about 4 inches of rain falls. In the summer there is lots of rain. The savanna has a large range of highly specialized plants and animals. RainforestThe tropical rain forest is a forest of tall trees in a region of year-round warmth

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

There is also a concern for the sustainability of tropical crops, such as palm oil, which cultivation has already caused acute deforestation in the recent decades (Soetaert, Vandamme, 2009). IEA (2009) has concluded that prolonged dependence on fossil fuels will increase the risk of deforestation, especially in Indonesia. UNEP (2009) predicts that 2/3 of palm oil cultivation is based on rainforests territory and that rainforest would be reduced by 29%, compared to 2005 levels, if the current trends and demands for biofuels continue. Figure 8. Worldwide vegetable oil production 1975-2007 (FAS, 2012). In Brazil, besides bioethanol, biodiesel production has also seen an increase since 2005. In Brazil, 90% of biodiesel uses soybean as the main feedstock, which is also an important animal and human feed source. It is high, both, in oil and protein, and on a global level, some

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö - Vihmametsad

Bioloogia Referaat - Troopilised vihmametsad Tallinna Inglise Kolledz 10. klass Juhendaja: Tallinn 2009 Sisukord Sissejuhatus/eessõna Meie valisime oma teemaks troopilised vihmametsad. Valisime selle teema just sellepärast, et troopilised vihmametsad tundusid meile kõige huvitavamad ning tahtsime neist rohkem teada saada. Vihmametsades on suur osa maailma taimestikust ja loomastikust, ning nad on väga tähtsal kohal kui hapniku tootjad, sellepärast ongi vajalik et me selle ökosüsteemi eest korralikult hoolt kannaks. 1. Üldiseloomustus Ekvatoriaalsed vihmametsad paiknevad kahel pool ekvaatorit ligikaudu 10° põhja- ja lõunalaiuseni. Sellesse piirkonda jäävad Kesk- Aafrika, Amazonase jõgikond Lõuna- Ameerikas, Malai saarestik ning Malaka poolsaar Aasias ja osake...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
175 allalaadimist

Topic – Australia

the west. Farther west are the bushlands. The real deserts occupy the centre of the Western Plateau. In the very south ­ west there are thin forests of evergreens trees. Australia is the driest inhabited continent, the flattest, and has the oldest and least fertile soils. Only the south-east and south-west corners of the continent have a temperate climate. The northern part of the country, with a tropical climate, has vegetation consisting of rainforest, woodland, grassland, mangrove swamps and desert. Climate is highly influenced by ocean currents, including the El Niño southern oscillation. 4. Land regions Mountains The Great Dividing Range runs along the Pacific ocean. These mountains are very old and much of worn down but the Australian Alps are the highest of them. The highest top Mount Kosciusko is 2228 metres above sea level. It was named by the Polish explorer Count Paul Strzelecki in 1840 in honour of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Majandussotsialoogia eksami materjal

Majandus ühiskonnas Sotsiaalteadused – moderniseeruva ühiskonna “leiutis” (mõiste “sotsioloogia” – Auguste Comte, ca 1840) 18.-19.saj -> distsipliinide-vaheliste piiride hägusus 20. saj -> süvenev spetsialiseerumine 21. saj -> vajadus suurema integreerituse järele (interdistsiplinaarsus) ÜHISKOND - sotsiaalsete suhete ja interaktsioonide süsteem (struktuur), mis seob indiviide, kellele on omane ühine kultuur ja kes end selle ühiskonnaga samastavad (identiteet)  piirid ja territoorium  institutsioonid  reproduktsioon  poliitiline ja majanduslik organiseeritus  võimusuhted ja -hierarhiad SOTSIAALNE STRUKTUUR - sotsiaalset tervikut moodustavate elementide vahelised püsivad seosed ja interaktsioon; võimaldab määratleda indiviidi/grupi positsiooni ja staatust sotsiaalses süsteemis (nt ühiskond, organisatsioon, perekond jm sotsiaalsed kooslused) ...

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
1 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

Nacional da Peneda-Gerês, the Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela and the Paul de Arzila. These natural environments are shaped by diverse flora, and include widespread species of pine (especially the Pinus pinaster and Pinus pinea species), the chestnut (Castanea sativa), the cork-oak (Quercus suber), the holm oak (Quercus ilex), the Portuguese oak (Quercus faginea), and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus). All are prized for their economic value. Laurisilva is a unique type of subtropical rainforest found in few areas of Europe and the world: in the Azores, and in particular on the island of Madeira, there are large forests of endemic Laurisilva forests (the latter protected as a natural heritage preserve). There are several species of diverse mammalian fauna, including the fox, badger, Iberian lynx, Iberian Wolf, wild goat (Capra pyrenaica), wild cat (Felis silvestris), hare, weasel, polecat, chameleon, mongoose, civet, brown bear (spotted near Rio Minho, close to Peneda-

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist


beginning, of the collegiate experience. David Orr is the founder of the Meadowcreek Project, an environmental education center in Fox, AR, and is currently on the faculty of Oberlin College in Ohio. Reprinted from Ocean Arks International's excellent quarterly tabloid Annals of Earth, Vol. VIII, No. 2, 1990. Subscriptions $10/year from 10 Shanks Pond Road, Falmouth, MA 02540. If today is a typical day on planet Earth, we will lose 116 square miles of rainforest, or about an acre a second. We will lose another 72 square miles to encroaching deserts, as a result of human mismanagement and overpopulation. We will lose 40 to 100 species, and no one knows whether the number is 40 or 100. Today the human population will increase by 250,000. And today we will add 2,700 tons of chlorofluorocarbons to the atmosphere and 15 million tons of carbon. Tonight the Earth will be a little hotter, its waters more acidic, and the fabric of life more threadbare.

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

heavytraffic,busyroads,trafficpollution crowdedcities,smog,overpopulation, airpollution watershortage, poverty,ThirdWorld,developing countries thrsenergyinto electrcity.Thewind turbineshaverargebladeswhrchca1chthe trees,deforestation, w i n d T h e s eb l a d e sa r e c o n n e c t e dt o a g e n e r a t ow r hichp.t:_:.: -:::- ::, rainforest,Ioggers {octories,air pollution, industrial W i n df a c t o r j eosr f a r m sa r eu s e dt o c r e a t ee n o u g he l e c t r , c l t. ,c: i u . - - ^ : ) ; - c waste, smoke, filters, communrt Unfortunately, areaswhrch don,t get enoughwrno naveto use

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

heavytraffic,busyroads,trafficpollution crowdedcities,smog,overpopulation, airpollution watershortage, poverty,ThirdWorld,developing countries thrsenergyinto electrcity.Thewind turbineshaverargebladeswhrchca1chthe trees,deforestation, w i n d T h e s eb l a d e sa r e c o n n e c t e dt o a g e n e r a t ow r hichp.t:_:.: -:::- ::, rainforest,Ioggers {octories,air pollution, industrial W i n df a c t o r j eosr f a r m sa r eu s e dt o c r e a t ee n o u g he l e c t r , c l t. ,c: i u . - - ^ : ) ; - c waste, smoke, filters, communrt Unfortunately, areaswhrch don,t get enoughwrno naveto use

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

heavytraffic,busyroads,trafficpollution crowdedcities,smog,overpopulation, airpollution watershortage, poverty,ThirdWorld,developing countries thrsenergyinto electrcity.Thewind turbineshaverargebladeswhrchca1chthe trees,deforestation, w i n d T h e s eb l a d e sa r e c o n n e c t e dt o a g e n e r a t ow r hichp.t:_:.: -:::- ::, rainforest,Ioggers {octories,air pollution, industrial W i n df a c t o r j eosr f a r m sa r eu s e dt o c r e a t ee n o u g he l e c t r , c l t. ,c: i u . - - ^ : ) ; - c waste, smoke, filters, communrt Unfortunately, areaswhrch don,t get enoughwrno naveto use

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

heavytraffic,busyroads,trafficpollution crowdedcities,smog,overpopulation, airpollution watershortage, poverty,ThirdWorld,developing countries thrsenergyinto electrcity.Thewind turbineshaverargebladeswhrchca1chthe trees,deforestation, w i n d T h e s eb l a d e sa r e c o n n e c t e dt o a g e n e r a t ow r hichp.t:_:.: -:::- ::, rainforest,Ioggers {octories,air pollution, industrial W i n df a c t o r j eosr f a r m sa r eu s e dt o c r e a t ee n o u g he l e c t r , c l t. ,c: i u . - - ^ : ) ; - c waste, smoke, filters, communrt Unfortunately, areaswhrch don,t get enoughwrno naveto use

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

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