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"kiev" - 19 õppematerjali


Ukraina rahvastik ja linnastumine

Põhja- Ameerikas on nendeks pesukarud, mõnedes Austraalia piirkondades aga opossumid. Kõikides linnades elutseb igal kanalisatsioonisüsteemi kilomeetril keskmiselt 400 rottti. Mõned võidavad, et suurlinnades seisab iga möödakäija rotist vaevu kolme meetri kaugusel. Kokkuvõtlikult öeldes on linnades mitte ainult probleeme tööpuudustega, vaid ka loomadega ise. Siin on pilt ka kohtadest, kus on rohkem linnastujaid. Pealinn Kiev Vastavalt rahvaloendusele mehi on Kievis 1219000, ehk 46.7%, ja naisi on 1393000, ehk 53,3%. Võrreldes tulemusi eelmise rahvaloendusega (1989) näitab see, et elanikkond vananeb, nagu kogu riigiski. Kievis osaliselt kompenseeritake sissetulevaid tööealisi rändajaid. Vastavalt rahvaloenduse andmetel on Kievis üle 130 erinevaidrahvuseid ja etniliste rühmade elajaid Kievi territooriumi. Ukrainlased moodustavad suurima etnilise rühma Kiievis, mis tähendab 2110800 inimest ehk 82

Geograafia → Geograafia
13 allalaadimist

Estonian food

History and external influences Six step historical development OLD ESTONIAN CUISINE AKA PEASANT CUISINE Simple One sided With few spices Made of bread and starch Fish and meat that's high in salt and fat Coarseflour rye bread Butter and nuts GERMAN AKA MANOR CUISINE Quality and availability International connections St. Petersburg and Stockholm 1781 ­ the first cookbook RUSSIAN CUISINE Dumplings Solyanka Rassolnik Borscht Beef stroganof Chicken Kiev Cottage cheese patty/donut Pasha THE BIRTH OF ESTONIAN CUISINE 1918 ­ Republic of Estonia Estonian-style restaurant culture Estonian entrepreneur High-quality Estonian cuisine SOVIET-ERA CUISINE Stall and retardation Kvass High in salt and fat NEW ESTONIAN CUISINE Old traditions and constant evolution/change Dish's appearance Clean and domestic produce Dimitri Demjanov CHANGES THAT ARE HAPPENING OR HAVE HAPPENED Healthy food New recipes Diferent trends

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Litter in our country

Litter is a problem throughout the country, particularly in urban areas and in the more populated areas of Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk and others. People litter on the banks of the rivers, in parks, in the streets. A lack of bins is not a major factor in littering. Sometimes you can see the bin in the street, and a pile of litter half a meter away from it. The main reason of littering is behaviour. The more litter people see on the street the more inclined to litter. For example, cinema complexes, football ground and theatres are cleaned up but such areas as parks and streets are neglected. But people don't think that litter can be dangerous. It can especially be dangerous when it involves items such as broken glass, needles and syringes. Litter can get into the drainage system and block it. Litter scattered all over the city. Makes it look ugly. And it usually costs a lot of money to clean up the city every year. But the biggest problem is ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Ukraina Majandusgeograafia

Ukraina Pindala 603'700 km2 Rahvaarv on 45'182'799 inimest septembris 2013 Piiri pikkus on 4'566 km. 891 km on ühine Valgevenega, 428 km Poolaga, 90 km Slovakkiaga, 103 m Ungariga, 176 + 362 km Rumeeniaga, 940 km Moldovaga ja 1576 km Venemaaga. Rannajoon on 2'782 km pikk. Ukraina pealinn on Kiiev, kus elas juulis 2013 2'847'200 inimest. Ukrainas räägitakse ukraina keelt. Rahaühik on krivna. Ukraina asub Ida-Euroopas, Musta mere ääres. Riiki ümbritsevad põhjast Venemaa ja Valgevene, idast Venemaa, lõunast Must meri, edelas Moldova ja Rumeenia ning läänest Poola, Slovakkia ja Ungari. Ukraina pinnamood on mitmekesine.70% territooriumist katavad madalikud, 25% kõrgustikud ja 5% mäestikud. Riigi lõunaosas on Krimmi mäestik ja lääneosas Ukraina Karpaadid. Ukraina kõrgeim koht on Goverla mägi (2061 m) Karpaadides. Ukraina territooriumil asub viis kõrgustikku- läänes Volõõnia-Podoolia ja Dnepri, idas Aasovi, Donet...

Geograafia → Geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Russia Throughout the History

In the early history of Russia people were migrating from less fertile land to more fertile land. They were looking for a better place to live and support their families. The country was not called Russia at that time, but it was working its way of becoming an empire. During the 9th century the Scandinavian people who were called the Varangians crossed the Baltic Sea and went to the Eastern Europe. They settled in the city of Novgorod. They also gained control over Kiev, which is in modern day Ukraine. This city became a big trading centre between Scandinavia and the big Russian empire. The empire became very well-known and popular.Over the next couple hundred years the Varangians conquer more areas and the empire grows fast. The ruler of the empire, Vladimir, decided that the main religion is going to be Greek Orthodoxy. The next ruler Yaroslav started making basic laws for the empire ( " H i s t o r y a n d c u l t u r e , " ) .

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Russian philology

Science fiction was always well selling, albeit second to fantasy, that was relatively new to Russian readers. These genres boomed in the late 1990s, with authors like Sergey Lukyanenko, Nick Perumov, Maria Semenova, Vera Kamsha, Alexey Pekhov, Anton Vilgotsky and Vadim Panov. A good share of modern Russian science fiction and fantasy is written in Ukraine, especially in Kharkiv, home to H. L. Oldie, Alexander Zorich, Yuri Nikitin and Andrey Valentinov. Many others hail from Kiev, including Marina and Sergey Dyachenko and Vladimir Arenev. Significant contribution to Russian horror literature has been done by Ukrainians Andrey Dashkov and Alexander Vargo. Russian poetry of that period produced a number of avant-garde greats. The members of the Lianosovo group of poets, notably Genrikh Sapgir, Igor Kholin and Vsevolod Nekrasov, who previously chose to refrain from publication in Soviet periodicals, became very influential,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

Murdering and spying bourgeois nationalism, Joint. Doc assistant gulag, head doc order of Lenin. Interrogations, admissions. Kholin first, then Kazakov endocrine. No bolt from blue. Levin no sign death Stalin's wife's death. Stalin sick, hypertension, arteries hardening, blood flow to brain, 1952. Dr Vinogradov says rest, throw in chains says Stalin. Med men, political aims. Like blood libel. Stalin died. Beilis Trial, 1911-13. Craftsman in Kiev. Country-wide debate, did he really do it? Is it possible? Did this really happen in the past. Intl debate. Russia takes the case. Czar saw that it could be possible. Sanctions from intl community. Innocent, but dark powers participated. Child really died. Found killer, a woman. High Stalinism ­ many others, not Js, in GULag. Show trials teach public. What is danger? Wanted to quell nationalism. Many Js wanted to leave to fight in IL. Land to live, Crimea

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

There have been aspiring political leaders who have thought that the Russian decision may be turned or at least postponed by playing on the Slavic or Eurasian Union cards: Ukrainians will continue to entertain prospects of Eastern integration if Russia continues postponing inevitable price hikes. Trying to avoid the price revolution is surely seen by some inside Ukraine as a potent argument for joining post-Soviet reintegration schemes, like Belarus has done. Others in Kiev found virtue in necessity. In the end the price revolution would benefit Ukraine by making long-postponed reforms inevitable. Perhaps as well, excessive dependence on Russia could be minimized by developing domestic sources of energy, like unconventional gas. Others took solace in the possibility that Ukraine's export prices might in the end increase faster than those of Russia's exports. Possibilities for the future have been explored, but meanwhile populist policies have continued unabated

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kuritegude viktimoloogiline analüüs kui preventsiooniline koosseis

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY AUDENTES Õigusteaduskond KURITEGUDE VIKTIMOLOOGILINE ANALÜÜS, KUI PREVENTSIOONILINE KOOSSEIS Magistritöö Dmitri Juhendaja: 2 Tallinn 2009 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus...................................................................................................................................3 1. Ohvri isiksuse uurimise vajadus tema kuritegeliku käitumise põhjuste põhjendamiseks.......6 1.1. Kriminaalse viktimoloogia mõiste ...................................................................6 1.2. Viktimisatsiooni probleemide uurimise vajalikkus ...........................................

Õigus → Kriminoloogia
21 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

Postmodern play, metafiction, magic realism, intertextuality and plagiarism (or pastiche!) in The White Hotel. D M Thomas's view of history as myth. Documantery material in fictional form-transcendence. Lisa in 'heaven'=our world. We have to go on after myths and people have died Intertextuality.Anatoly Kuznetsov. Baby Yar (censured 1966 USSR, 1970 NY) · A documentary novel in Russian · Smuggled by author to the West in 1969 · Ravine near Kiev, Ukraine Pastiche: (often parodic) imitation of other (non-fictional) genres of media in a work of fiction. To challenge generic boundaries. To attarct attention to the act of writing. To suggest that everything is language, representations and verbal constructs: ad, essay, scientific treaty, case-study, article of law, exam paper, encyclopaedia entry 21. English Literature at the Millennium. 1990-2010: diversity of writers and social responses

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia konspekt

Psühholoogia - teadus, mis uurib käitumist ja vaimseid protsesse ehk psüühikat/ teadus, mis uurib inimese hinge- ja vaimuelu olemust ning avaldumise viise. Eesmärgid: kirjeldada, mõista, prognoosida. Psyche (kreeka k) ­ hing, vaim Logos (kreeka k) ­ õpetus Psüühika - organismi sisemuses toimuvate protsesside kogum, mille kohta tehakse järeldusi välist käitumist jälgides/organismi võime peegeldada keskkonda ning vastavalt sellele muuta oma käitumist Psüühilised nähtused jagunevad: protsessid - tunnetus- ja emotsionaalsed protsessid, toiminguid käivitavad ja suunavad protsessid (nt inimesele meenub midagi - ta mõtleb sellele - tunneb midagi - unustab) seisundid - inimese üldine aktiivsuse tase, olek, psüühiliste protsesside kulgemise eripära, meeleolu. omadused - inimese psüühika tüüpilised erijooned, mis iseloomustavad inimese psüühikat kiiruse, täpsuse, püsivuse, muutlikkuse, aktiivsuse taseme, mahu, suunitluse jm ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
44 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia konspekt

Psühholoogia - teadus, mis uurib käitumist ja vaimseid protsesse ehk psüühikat/ teadus, mis uurib inimese hinge- ja vaimuelu olemust ning avaldumise viise. Eesmärgid: kirjeldada, mõista, prognoosida. Psyche (kreeka k) – hing, vaim Logos (kreeka k) – õpetus Psüühika - organismi sisemuses toimuvate protsesside kogum, mille kohta tehakse järeldusi välist käitumist jälgides/organismi võime peegeldada keskkonda ning vastavalt sellele muuta oma käitumist Psüühilised nähtused jagunevad:  protsessid - tunnetus- ja emotsionaalsed protsessid, toiminguid käivitavad ja suunavad protsessid (nt inimesele meenub midagi - ta mõtleb sellele - tunneb midagi - unustab)  seisundid - inimese üldine aktiivsuse tase, olek, psüühiliste protsesside kulgemise eripära, meeleolu.  omadused - inimese psüühika tüüpilised erijooned, mis iseloomustavad inimese psüühikat kiiruse, täpsuse, püsivuse, muutlikkuse, aktiivsuse taseme, mahu, suunitluse ...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
106 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

Sarajevo 529,000 Volgograd_ Kiev. Kharkiv agr Bulga ria Sofia 1.191.000 UK N me

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist


Germanic tongue (which combined to form the basis of modern English). By the end of the tenth century England was one kingdom with a Germanic culture throughout. Under Norman rule the Anglo-Saxons and Danes gradually and peacefully merged into one people – the English people. 39 Notes 1. The Vikings were excellent seamen, fishers and shipbuilders. In the 9th – 10th centuries they sailed as far as Novgorod and Kiev. Constantinople and Cicily, Iceland, Greenland, and North America (A Viking leader Leif Eriksson reached it about the year 1000, that is 500 years before Columbus). Armed gangs of Vikings raided nearly all the European countries. The inhabitants of coastal and inland cities often collected money to pay them off. Besides the British Isles, the Vikings settled in Iceland, Greenland and a part of north- western France which became known as Normandy. It is believed that a Viking leader

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist


intelligence had to depend less upon aerial reconnaissance and more upon wireless surveillance. In tactical operations during the Battle of the Dnieper in October, 1943, the chief of staff of the 48th Panzer Corps declared, "The best and most reliable source of intelligence was our Wireless Intercept Service." A few months later, that corps participated in one of the attacks that Army Group South, one of the three major German groupings on the Eastern Front, mounted to flatten the Kiev salient and further forestall Soviet offensive propensities. The 48th Panzer Corps had as its objective the disruption of the Russian 60th Army. Air reconnaissance produced no information, and the corps decided not to send out ground scouts for fear of alerting the Russians. The attack at 6 a.m. December 6 completely surprised the Russians, who recoiled in confusion. In those days [wrote the corps' chief of staff, Colonel F. W. von

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun