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Shopping has become a favourite past time among young people (0)

Shopping has become a favourite past time among young people #1
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Aeg2013-04-27 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
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Shopping has become a favourite past time among young people

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ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

In London you'll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek... Cynics will say that this is because English have no "cuisine" themselves, but this is not quite the true. Vocabulary: to criticize - tasteless ­ overcooked - ingredient - to invent - sauces - to disguise - spice ­ herb - delicious - disappointing - to lend ­ cuisine ­ British Youth (2) Most 18 and 19 year-olds in Britain are quite independent people. English people say that children grow up more quickly now. Relationships within the British family are different now. Children have more freedom to make their own decisions. For example, children aged 13 may be employed part time in Great Britain. Age 15 is legally a "young person" not a "child". Age 16 is a school leaving age. They can leave home, drive a moped, marry with "parents' consent" buy beer. Age 17 can drive a car. Age 18 can vote, get married, drink in pubs.

Inglise keel

Suhted laste ja vanematega

2 had known had been waiting singers and TV presenters 3 had enjoyed/had been enjoying 1A Talking about people 4 had thought/had been thinking page 3 3 1 F 3 F 5 T 5 had understood 2 F 4 T 6 F 1 1 unreliable 4 modest 6 had belonged 2 naive 5 thoughtless Challenge


Advantages and disadvantages of television

Advantages and disadvantages of television Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set. TV has changed much since the time of its invention and so has its role. There have been numerous debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of television. When TV first appeared its main purpose was to give official information to people. It was supported by the government. Now television plays a big role in every civilised society. Today television gives people a possibility to be well informed and enjoy "civilised pleasures." The programmes are various and people have a chance to select what they want to see. Television provides great opportunities for education. There are programmes devoted to specialised subjects. With the help of

Inglise keel


thought that the loud explosions would protect them. It was not long before the ancient Chinese realised the military potential of these devices and primitive rockets were used to repel a Mongol invasion in 1232 AD. Word of these new amazing weapons quickly spread around the world and soon rockets were being used in military operations in North Africa and Europe. During the 15 th and 16th centuries they were widely used in naval battles to set fire on enemy ships. Around this time they also started being used for more peaceful purposes again. In the 16th and 17th century Europe fireworks displays using rockets became a very popular form of public entertainment. In the late 18th century the British army suffered two serious defeats at battles in Seringapatam, in India. The main reason for these defeats was that the Indian prince, Haidar Ali's army included a corps of rocket throwers. They used very large bamboo rockets which had a range of hundreds of metres

Inglise keel

Suuline eksam FREE TIME 1. Is music popular in your family? What music do you like? 2. What musical instruments have you got in your home? 3. Can you play any musical instruments? 4. Do you sing? 5. Have you sung at a song festival? 6. Has your school got a choir? 7. When do you last go to a concert? What concert was it? 8. Have you ever been to an openair concert? What was it like? 9. Do you sing at family parties? Where else Estonians like to sing? 10

Inglise keel

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

· Point of view: amoral-outside the category of morality, neither good or bad · Naturalist find it absurd to blame the wicked. These criminals are doing what nature, environment, their unconscious tells them to do. Naturalists do not judge their characters, they simply report. Try to describe facts like they are. Naturalists depict the lower, coarser forms of life. · Drab, squallid set of scene. Revolting, disgusting · Characters are people with strong animal desires · Neurotic characters unable to understand the forces that control them · By the end of the 18th century the naturalism depicts in europe, but stars to become the literature method no 1 in america · Naturalism appealed American authors because they found it very right to describe what was going on in the turn of century in America · They wanted something fresh, new · They were disgusted by romantics

Ameerika kirjandus

The euro in Estonia

Kati-Liis Karu 03.01.2011 The euro in Estonia Joining the European Union in 2004 made people in Estonia think about the changing of currency. We had almost six years to get used to the fact that the Estonian kroon is eventually going to end. In that time there was a lot of discussion about whether we should stick to the kroon or change our money to the euro. Lots of people were afraid that they lose their money during the period of transition - this belief was quite popular among people who still remember the time when the Russian rubles were changed into kroons and did lose much money. Luckily there haven't been any complaints yet. The reason I chose this political concern is its contradictoriness. I myself dislike the fact that the kroon is "leaving us" but I hope that in the long run it will seriously benefit us

Äriinglise keel


HOMES Almost 63% of British people own their own homes. There are about 25 million homes in the UK, of which seven out of 10 are owner-occupied. Most live in terraced houses and tower blocks located mainly in town centres, semidetached houses in districts nearer to town centres, or detached houses which usually lie in expensive suburbs, closer to the countryside than the centre. Many people live in rented accommodation, including council flats and houses built and owned by the local government. Modern council housing estates may be a mixture of different buildings, providing a variety of facilities for their inhabitants, such as play areas for children, a community centre, etc. Since the 1980s, council tenants have been allowed to buy their own homes very cheap if they have lived in them for more than two years

Inglise keel

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