Jakob Westholmi Gümnaasium LOODUSEST INSPIREERITUD KLEIDI LOOMINE NING PÕHILISEMAD STIILIDE MUUTUMISED AASTAIL 1910-1990 Praktiline töö Autor: Regina Kaasik Juhendajad: Helme Trees Anneli Josu Mai-Liis Õnnis Tallinn 2017 Summary The author chose to write her practical research of "The making of a nature inspired dress and main changes in fashion in the years 1910-1990". The choice of this theme resulted from the hobbies and passion thowards fashion. The author herself is a model and is thus connected to fashion on a daily bases. One of her dreams is to design and create clothes for people who care for fashion as a form of art, not just a piece of fabric. He
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