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IAY0150 - Digitaalsüsteemid I kodutöö - sarnased materjalid

logic, phase, signal, entity, 1001, architecture, opti, work, 1101, begin, signals, espresso, 0101, 1010, compare, tuumad, iay0150, homework, 142438, nand, teisendus, return, 0111, 1011, 1111, varianti, valideerimine, bench, function, ühiste, teisendused, process, case, component, gates, infotehnoloogia, 2017, minimeerimine, olevas, loetelu, viide

IAY0150 - Digitaalsüsteemid praktikumi ülesanne

tabelit. Sisukord Tallinn 2017 Sissejuhatus................................................................................................................. 3 Lähteülesanne.............................................................................................................. 5 Põhjendatud väljundfunktsioonid................................................................................. 5 Minimaalne espresso tulemus...................................................................................... 7 VHDL-i olulised kommenteeritud lõigud.......................................................................9 Testbench..................................................................................................................... 9 Tõeväärtustabel.......................................................................................................... 10 Käitumuslik esitus.................

28 allalaadimist

Digitaalloogika ja -süsteemid

MDNK ja DNK ei ole võrdsed. MDNK on lihtsam, kuna DNK leidmisel ei arvestatud määramatuspiirkonnaga. 6. Leida ja näidata, milleks (0 või 1) väärtustuvad (punktis 3) leitud MDNK ja MKNK määramatuspiirkonna kõikide argumentvektorite korral. Otsustada (hinnata), kas leitud MDNK ja MKNK on teineteisega võrdsed või mitte. X1 X2 X3 X4 fD fK 1 0001 0 0 5 0101 0 1 6 0110 1 0 9 1001 0 0 12 1100 1 1 14 1110 1 0 15 1111 0 0 Antud tabelist selgub, et leitud MDNK ja MKNK ei ole teineteisega võrdsed. 7. Realiseerida (punktis 3) MDNK-na saadud loogikafunktsioon minimaalseima keerukusega loogikaskeemina, kasutades vabaltvalitud loogikaelemente AND OR ja NOT. Esmalt lihtsustan veidi loogikafunktsiooni tuues 4 sulgude ette: fD = (x2 4) v ( 1 2x3) v (x3 4) 4(x2 v x3) v ( 1 2x3).

89 allalaadimist


süs Digitaaltehnika konspekt 4 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 süs Näide: A7F,B6E16=15 g160+7 g161+10 g162+11 g16-1+6 g16-2+14 g16-3=2687,714 1.5. Kahendkodeeritud kümnendsüsteem 8421 BCD Binary Code Kahendkodeeritud kümnendsüsteemis saadakse number 8421 spikri abil. Kui meil on tarvis saada number üheksa selles süsteemis siis: 8421 9 1001 Võtame need numbrid mis on vajalikud 9 saamiseks liidame, antud juhul 8 ja 1, nende numbrite alla kirjutame ühed. Nende numbrite alla mida me ei liida nende alla kirjutame nullid. Seega saame, et number üheksale vastab kahendkodeeritud kümnendsüsteemis 1001. Mitme kohale arv kodeeritakse kümnend koodis kuid iga selle number esitatakse kahend koodis. Näide: 925,86710=100100100101.1000011001118421 1.6. Kahendkodeeritud kümnendsüsteemid 2421 ja liiaga 3

18 allalaadimist

Digitaaltehnika konspekt

süs Digitaaltehnika konspekt 4 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 süs Näide: A7F,B6E16=15 g160+7 g161+10 g162+11 g16-1+6 g16-2+14 g16-3=2687,714 1.5. Kahendkodeeritud kümnendsüsteem 8421 BCD Binary Code Kahendkodeeritud kümnendsüsteemis saadakse number 8421 spikri abil. Kui meil on tarvis saada number üheksa selles süsteemis siis: 8421 9 1001 Võtame need numbrid mis on vajalikud 9 saamiseks liidame, antud juhul 8 ja 1, nende numbrite alla kirjutame ühed. Nende numbrite alla mida me ei liida nende alla kirjutame nullid. Seega saame, et number üheksale vastab kahendkodeeritud kümnendsüsteemis 1001. Mitme kohale arv kodeeritakse kümnend koodis kuid iga selle number esitatakse kahend koodis. Näide: 925,86710=100100100101.1000011001118421 1.6. Kahendkodeeritud kümnendsüsteemid 2421 ja liiaga 3

145 allalaadimist


1 x 128 = 128 205 Joonis 1.2. Kahendarvu väärtuse leidmine Joonis 1.3. Kuueteistkümnendarvu väärtuse leidmine Kuueteistkümnendarvu esitamiseks kasutatakse kümnendarvu sümboleid 0...9 ning ladina kirja suurtähti A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15, mida antud juhul tõlgendatakse kui numbreid (joonis 1.3). Kui võrrelda kahendarvu 1100 1101 vastava kuueteistkümnendarvuga CD, siis on näha, et üks kuueteistkümnendarvu koht vastab neljakohalisele kahendarvule. See tähendab, et neljakohalise kahendarvu saab esitada vaid ühe kuueteistkümnendarvu sümboliga 0...F ehk 0...15. Kuueteistkümnendarvude väärtus leitakse samuti kui kümnend- ja kahendarvude puhul kohaväärtuste liitmisega. Levinumatest arvkoodidest ja arvusüsteemidest annab ülevaate tabel 1.1. Tehnikas

45 allalaadimist

Elektroonika Alused

Kümnendkood, kui Kümnendkood, kui H Binaarkood binaararv on H Binaarkood binaararv on otsekoodis täiendkoodis otsekoodis täiendkoodis F 1111 15 -1 7 0111 7 +7 E 1110 14 -2 6 0110 6 +6 D 1101 13 -3 5 0101 5 +5 C 1100 12 -4 4 0100 4 +4 B 1011 11 -5 3 0011 3 +3 A 1010 10 -6 2 0010 2 +2 9 1001 9 -7 1 0001 1 +1

Elektroonika alused
149 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

! Caution Failure to abide by the following precautions could lead to faulty operation of the PC or the system, or could damage the PC or PC Units. Always heed these pre- cautions. • Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensure safety in the event of incorrect, missing, or abnormal signals caused by broken signal lines, momentary power interruptions, or other causes. • Construct a control circuit so that power supply for the I/O circuits does not come ON before power supply for the Unit. If power supply for the I/O circuits comes ON before power supply for the Unit, normal operation may be tempo- rarily interrupted.

9 allalaadimist

Programmeerimiskeel microprotsessorite ajalugu 47-99 Tutvu tehnika laborite ja nende ajalooga: 4 Tee läbi laboritest paar ülesannet: mingi masin sama peaaegu Loe riistvarast: PC Architecture riistvara, kaabel jms 5 Loe läbi allolevates laborites kõik Ecki näited ja proovi mõlemas laboris teha ka vähemalt kaks harjutust omal valikul: - - 6 Tutvu veebidega:

148 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

” I felt that adding this material to that book would cause the book to lose focus. However, the more I thought about it, the more I thought that a book aimed at interfacing the real world to micro- processors could prove valuable. This book is the result. I hope it proves useful. ix Introduction Modern electronic systems are increasingly digital: digital microprocessors, digital logic, digital interfaces. Digital logic is easier to design and understand, and it is much more flexible than the equivalent analog circuitry would be. As an example, imagine trying to implement any kind of sophisticated micro- processor with analog parts. Digital electronics lets the PC on your desk execute different programs at different times, perform complex calculations, and communicate via the World Wide Web. While the electronic world is nearly all digital, the real world is not. The

10 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

I. Toldrá, Fidel. TS1960.H36 2010 664′.9—dc22 2009037503 A catalog record for this book is available from the U.S. Library of Congress. Set in 10 on 12 pt Times by Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited Printed in Singapore Disclaimer The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situ- ation. This work is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a com-

Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite options awaits those who would read this book and be inspired by it!" --Michael E. Gerber, founder and chairman of E-Myth Worldwide and the world's #1 small business guru "Timothy has packed more lives into his 29 years than Steve Jobs has in his 51." --Tom Foremski, journalist and publisher of "If you want to live life on your own terms, this is your blueprint." --Mike Maples, cofounder

Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

the featuresof a traditionalcastle,includinga keep. a moat and a drawbridge."My choiceof houseis frve-storey building England Suffolk, somewhateccentricand building it was very hard Zimbabwe work, but we've got the perfectplaceto live," Mew Portugal says.Although somewould say that the building is England Headington, impracticaland maybe cold in harshBritishwinters. he certainlyhasgot a uniqueand spacioushome. d. Describe the houses

inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

the featuresof a traditionalcastle,includinga keep. a moat and a drawbridge."My choiceof houseis frve-storey building England Suffolk, somewhateccentricand building it was very hard Zimbabwe work, but we've got the perfectplaceto live," Mew Portugal says.Although somewould say that the building is England Headington, impracticaland maybe cold in harshBritishwinters. he certainlyhasgot a uniqueand spacioushome. d. Describe the houses

Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

the featuresof a traditionalcastle,includinga keep. a moat and a drawbridge."My choiceof houseis frve-storey building England Suffolk, somewhateccentricand building it was very hard Zimbabwe work, but we've got the perfectplaceto live," Mew Portugal says.Although somewould say that the building is England Headington, impracticaland maybe cold in harshBritishwinters. he certainlyhasgot a uniqueand spacioushome. d. Describe the houses

Inglise keel
235 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

the featuresof a traditionalcastle,includinga keep. a moat and a drawbridge."My choiceof houseis frve-storey building England Suffolk, somewhateccentricand building it was very hard Zimbabwe work, but we've got the perfectplaceto live," Mew Portugal says.Although somewould say that the building is England Headington, impracticaland maybe cold in harshBritishwinters. he certainlyhasgot a uniqueand spacioushome. d. Describe the houses

Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite elektroonsed susteemid

3 ELEKTRIAJAMITE ELEKTROONSED SÜSTEEMID 4 Valery Vodovozov, Dmitri Vinnikov, Raik Jansikene Toimetanud Evi-Õie Pless Kaane kujundanud Ann Gornischeff Käesoleva raamatu koostamist ja kirjastamist on toetanud SA Innove Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Elektriajamite ja jõuelektroonika instituut Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn 19086 Telefon 620 3700 Faks 620 3701 Autoriõigus: Valery Vodovozov, Dmitri Vinnikov, Raik Jansikene TTÜ elektriajamite ja jõuelektroonika instituut, 2008 ISBN ............................ Kirjastaja: TTÜ elektriajamite ja jõuelektroonika instituut 3 Sisukord Tähised............................................................................................................................5 Sümbolid .....................

90 allalaadimist


W. Lambert Gardiner has been leading his life in neat, The Psychology of Communications multiple-of-five-year installments for the convenience of biographers. VOLUME 1 1935-1955 GROWING IN SCOTLAND Flunked out of elementary school, High School, and Glasgow University. The Psychology of VOLUME 2 1955-1960 STUDYING IN CANADA Communication Work by day and study by night. B. A. Sir George Williams University. High School Teaching Diploma McGill University. VOLUME 3 1960-1965 STUDYING IN USA Ph. D. Cornell University. Nothing else happened. VOLUME 6 1980-1985 VOLUME 4 1965-1970

14 allalaadimist

Windows vene keeles

WINDOWS OUTSIDE Версия 1.00 С пожеланиями обращайтесь по адресу [email protected]. © skruks, 2013 Каждый имеет право воспроизводить, распространять и/или вносить изменения в настоящий Документ в соответствии с условиями GNU Free Documentation License, Версией 1.3 или любой более поздней версией, опубликованной Free Software Foundation; данный Документ не содержит Неизменяемых разделов, не содержит Текста, помещаемого на первой странице обложки и не содежит Текста, помещаемого на последней страницы обложки. Копия лицензионного соглашения раз

Vene keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun