The History Of Flag Day The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America's birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as 'Flag Birthday'. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as 'Flag Birthday', or 'Flag Day'. On June 14, 1889, George Balch, a kindergarten teacher in New York City, planned appropriate ceremonies for the children of his school, and his idea of observing Flag Day was later adopted by the State Board of Education of New York. On June 14, 1891, the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia held a Fla...
Some of the books he wrote are: "Story of the American Flag" Profusely illustrated. "The Real Abraham Lincoln" "The Life of Alexander Hamilton" "The Real Robert Morris" (A Pennsylvania banker known as "the financier of the American Revolution.") "Story of the Great Seal of the United States." "History of American Emblems" "The History of American Heraldry" The Father of Flag Day Bernard J. Cigrand was first and foremost an American patriot. From the 1880s through the 1930s, he preached respect and honor for the nation and its flag. In 1885, however, Cigrand still a teenager and only at the beginning of his journey. He entered dental college later that year, mixing his professional studies with the promotion of the flag. In June 1886 he made his first public proposal for the annual observance of the birth of the flag when he wrote an article titled "The Fourteenth of June" in the old Chicago Argus newspaper. In June...
1) INDIAN ROCK ART: A NATIONAL TREASURE IN DANGER Unrecognized, unprotected, this priceless legacy of primitive art has endured the ravages of nature only to fall victim to wanton destruction by ,,civilized" man. Like the huge stone statues of Easter Island and prehistoric cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux, North American Indian rock art is surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery. Although examples of rock art exist at some 15000 sites in canyons, deserts, caves and river gorges. Nowadays, however, primitive rock art in the United States has become a new field of scientific study. Klaus F Wellmann wrote two books about rock art. He is a professor of medicine. Rock art represents the history of aboriginal Americans. In the most cases the art is an expression of ideas and way of life, ritual ceremonies, hunting, fighting. The pictures of people and animals are often strikingly lifelike and artistic. Many of these ancient relics have ...
Flag Day June 14th The History Of Flag Day The idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is belived to have first originated in 1885. The Father of Flag Day was Bernard J. CiGrand, who was a schoolteacher at Stony Hill. In June 1886 he made his first public proposal for the annual observance of the birth of the flag when he wrote an article titled "The Fourteenth of June" in the old Chicago Argus newspaper. Bernard J. CiGrand In the years that followed, Cigrand authored hundreds of other magazine and newspaper articles advocating recognition of the June 14th adoption of the Stars and Stripes. Everybody agreed In the years that followed, 36 Governors, scores of mayors and five Presidents ...
Scotland *Scotland is a country in northwest Europe. Capital Edingburgh Population 5.144.200 Patron Saint St.Andrew Monarch Elizabeth 2 Language - English Clans of Scotland · "Clann" means family or children in Gaelic. Each clan was a large group of geographicallyrelated people, theoretically a wideranging family, supposedly descended from one ancestor, and all owing loyalty to the head clan chief. It also included a large group of looselyrelated divisions related families or outside groups, all of whom looked to the clan chief as their head and for their protection . Famous Scottish People William Wallace Rod Stewart King MacBeth Sean Connery Alexander Graham Bell Sir Alexander Fleming James Watt Tartans in Scotland The word 'tartan' is derived from the French 'tiretaine' whic...
THE USA INTRODUCTION • USA located almost entirely in North America, comprising also a state in Oceania. • The United States of America have 50 states and 14 islands. • The United States of America, the third largest country by size in the world. • The country bordered with Mexico on the South and Canada on the North PRESIDENT AND CURRENCY The president of the US is Barack Obama The currency is the dollar INTRESTING FACTS Population: 296, 483, 000 Capital: Washington D.C Language: English, Spanish Independence day: 4th July 1776 Over 312 million people live in the United States. The most populated state in USA is California, with over 37 million people. TRADITSIONS Thanksgiving Day Christmas Independence Day PLACES TO VISIT The largest mountain: Rocky Mountains The largest river: Mississippi River The ...
*Estonians conquered by the crusaders 1208 *Reformation 16th century establishments of new school, Estonians first book appeared in 1525 *Tartu University 1632 founded by King Gustavus II Adolphus, classical university, member of the Coimbra group *Abolition of serfdom 1816 *Song festival 1869 in Tartu, an organiser was J.V.Jannsen, 822 singers, men only *Declaration of independence 24th February 1918 *War of independence 1918-1920 during the Russian Civil War, resulted in a victory for Estonia *Deportation 1949 *Estonia becomes independent 20th August 1991 *Joining EU 1st May 2004 Language: Estonian language, belongs to the Balti-Finnic group of the Finno-Ugric languages, closely realted to Finnish and rather remotely to Hungarian; Latin alphabet with 32 letters , 5 of which occur only in foreign words, the phenomes include 9 vowels and 18 consonants; words are borrowed from Latin, Greek, English etc.; sinc...
NATIONAL SYMBOLS ` FLAG · The Saltire or St. Andrew's Cross · from the 12 th century · blue background over which is placed a white representation of an X-shaped cross · 'Royal Flag' of Scotland or the 'Rampant Lion' · red lion on a gold field · Scottish monarchs or government officials · by William the Lyon in 1165 FLOWER · thistle · prickly-leaved purple flower · 15th century · symbol of defence · Scottish Bluebell FLOWER OF SCOTLAND · there is no official National anthem of Scotland · Scottish song, used frequently at special occasions and sporting events. · written by Roy Williamson · presented in 1967 · refers to the victory of the Scots Robert the Bruce NATIONAL DAY · St Andrew's Day · St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland · 30 November · In 2006- an official bank holiday REFERENCES · http://www.wor...
Estonian national holidays Christmas Christmas , also referred to as Christmas Day, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 or January 7 that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, Church celebrations, and the display of various decorations--including the Christmas tree, lights, mistletoe, nativity scenes, and holly. In many countries there are many different types of decorations used depending on the traditions and available resources. However , in Estonia people bring Christmas tree in and decorate it with straw ,glass balls and candles. Estonians eat sauerkraut and black pudding. On the 24th December people leave work early, families gather, Santa Clouse comes , everybody gives gifts. People are very calm at Christmas time and they support each other. New Year's Eve New Year's Eve is on December 3...
Estonia Tjorn Treu KP-31 Information · Area- 45,227 km2 · Population- 1,282,963(2011 july) · Location- Baltic Region of Northern Europe · Capital- Tallinn · Main cities- Tallinn,Pärnu,Tartu,Narva · Official Language- Estonia · Political structure- democraic republic National symbols Flag- Coat of arms- Anthem-"My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy,, Plant-cornflower Bird-chimney swallow Stone-slate Tree- Oak History DATES Independence Day (Iseseisvuspäev) - February 24 May Day (kevadpüha) - May 1 National Flag Day (Eesti lipu päev) - June 4 Victory Day (võidupüha) - June 23 St. John's Day (Jaanipaev) - June 24 Day of Restoration of Independence (taasiseseisvumispäev) - August 20 history EVENTS Viljandi Folk Music Festival - July Ollesummer (Beer Summer) July The All-Estonian Song Festival (Laulupidu) takes place every five years in Tallin...
Australia's national emblems, states and territories, largest cities and politics Australia's national flag The Australian National Flag consists of three parts set on a blue field. The first part is the Union Jack, acknowledging the historical link with Britain. The second part is the Southern Cross, representing Australia's geographical location in the world. Finally, the Commonwealth Star represents Australia's federal system of government. Australia's national anthem Advance Australia Fair was one of many Australian nationalistic songs written in the late-nineteenth century as it talks about the creation of the new nation were taking place in the different colonies. This is the national anthem of Australia. Australia's national emblems Floral - Sturt's Desert Rose Colours - Black, white, and ochre Bird - Wedge-tailed Eagle Animal - Red Kangaroo Australia's states and territori...
Canada Geography The geography of Canada is vast and diverse. Occupying most of the northern portion of North America, Canada is the world's second largest country in total area. The highest point in Canada is Mount Logan 6,050 m, which is in the Yukon. The two principal river systems are the Mackenzie and the St. Lawrence. The St. Lawrence, with its tributaries, is navigable for over 3,058 km. The largest lake situated entirely in Canada is Great Bear Lake at 31,328 km2 in the Northwest Territories. The largest lake which is at least partly in Canadian territory is Lake Superior Climate Canada's climate is as diverse as its landscape. Generally, Canadians enjoy four very distinct seasons, particularly in the more populated regions along the US border. Daytime summer temperatures can rise to 35°C and higher, while lows of -25°C are not uncommon in winter. More moderat...
February 24: Independence Day The Republic of Estonia was founded on February 24, 1918 when the Salvation Committee, Päästekomitee, declared the independence of the Republic of Estonia. This date was celebrated as the Day of Independence until the Soviet occupation of Estonia in 1940. During the Soviet occupation, the Independence Day was festively celebrated in Estonian communities around the world. Every year, the US Secretary of State sent greetings on the occasion to the Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to the United States, Ernst Jaakson. On February 24, 1989, the red flag of Soviet Estonia was replaced by the blue-black-white Estonian national flag on Toompea and since that time the Independence Day has been celebrated as a public holiday again. This year Estonia will celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the declaration of the state independence. A Quest for Independence For centur...
Estonia Estonia is a small country in Northern Europe with an area of about 45 000 sq km. As a part of the East-European Plain, the country has a rather flat surface. The highest and most diverse region in Estonia is in the south-eastern part of the country. At 318 metres, Suur Munamägi is not only the highest point in Estonia, but of all the Baltic countries. There are about 1500 islands in Estonia, the biggest of which being Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. Sixty-four species of mammals have been recorded in Estonia, three of them have been introduced: the racoon dog, the American mink and the muskrat. A couple of species have been re-introduced The European beaver, who was hunted to extinction by the end of the 19th century. A vital population of them now exists in Estonia once again. Another re- introduced species is the red deer. An attempt has been made in Estonia in recent years to disperse the p...
Canada Canada Has two languages: English and French It is a member of the G8, NATO, Commonwealth of Nations, and La Francophonie. Population: 33,437,000 Area total: 9,984,670 km² Currency: Dollar Government: Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy - Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II - Governor General: Michaëlle Jean - Prime Minister: Stephen Harper Flag of Canada The National Flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf The flag made its first appearance on February 15, 1965; the date is now celebrated annually as National Flag of Canada Day Torontos CN Tower Height 553.33 m Completed in 1976 Visitors per year 2 million Weight 130,000 tons Communication mast 400,00...
Australia Australia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent, yet also the smallest and the driest of all the continents. It's almost the same size as continental USA, being the sixth largest country in the world. It's also the oldest some of the rocks are more than 3,000 million years old. Australia is often called `Down Under', because it lies in the Southern Hemisphere. As a result, its seasons are the opposite of ours. Australia, Tasmania and a number of smaller islands form the Commonwealth of Australia. Because of the country's great size, the climate in Australia ranges from tropical regions of the Northern Territory to the cool temperate conditions in the southeast and Tasmania, where it often snows in winter. In the north, half the year is `wet' and half is `dry'. From November to April heavy rain fills the rivers and makes enormous lakes where thousands of birds come for the summer. From May to Octobe...
Australia Geography Location: between the Pacific and Indian Ocean Total area: 7,7 million sq km Coastline: 25,760 km Climate: varies widely Nature: extremely diverse Political system Capital: Canberra Government type: federal parliamentary democracy Independence: 1 January 1901 National holiday: Australia Day Monarch Queen Elizabeth II Prime Minister Julia Gillard Governor-General Quentin Bryce Economy Currency: Australian Dollar The main industry: agriculture Low rate of poverty Natural resources Coal Tin Gold Silver Nickel Zinc Diamonds People Population: 21,5 million National language: English National symbols National animal: Red Kangaroo National bird National bird: Emu ...
United States of America Alejandro Perez Toribios Tarvo Mäesepp SiimKristjan Lange USA · USA consist of: · 50 states · 16 territories · and a federal district USA flag USA flag · The USA flag have 50 stars and 13 stripes · 50 stars represent the states of the United States of America and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies. The location President · USA president is Barack Obama, he is also head of state and head of government of the United States. · He was born in 4th august in1961 in Hawaii · He is 44th president of the USA · He is graduated Columbia University and Harvard Law School Barack Obama is president since 2009 Facts · English 82.1%, Spanish 10.7%, other Indo European 3.8%, Asian and Pacific island 2.7%, other 0.7% . · USA Independence Day is at July 4, 1776. · The National flower is the rose. Celebrities · Bill Gates,...
Holidays, Festivals, Cultural events TALLINN - If you're looking for entertainment in Estonia this summer, you are really spoiled for choice. Festivals and events dedicated to the consumption of beer are a lot of fun, but if you want to get the true feel of the country, you need something a little more ethnic. Like a town fair. Just as July becomes August, the seaside town of Haapsalu will host a grand spectacle of rural Estonian entertainment. The White Lady Days is a summer celebration filled with amusement for all the family. Held in and around the remains of the Teutonic-knights-era castles, the fair combines enchanting medieval legends with modern countryside charm to create a comprehensive experience of Estonia beyond the big cities. But the legend of the White Lady of Haapsalu, which is at the heart of the festival, is perhaps the most famous tall tale of the many that are so abundant in Estonia's folklore. It is the story of...
Independence day of Estonia Independence Day, officially known as Eesti Vabariigi aastapäev is a federal holiday in Estonia when it declared independence in 1918 February 24: Independence Day The Republic of Estonia was founded on 24 February 1918, when the Salvation Committee (Päästekomitee) declared the independence of the Republic of Estonia. A Quest for Independence The 1917 revolution and the generally unstable situation in Russia created the opportunity for Estonia to gain its independence. Celebration of the 95th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the State Independence of the Republic of Estonia Saturday, 23 February 11.00 Placing of wreaths on the graves of Estonian state figures 13.00 Handing out of state decorations by President of the Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves Sunday, 24 February 07.33 Formal flag-raising ceremony on Pikk Hermann tower in Tallinn ...
Ireland Authors: Janar Sarikas Kaupo Kaust Location Ireland is west of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales). Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. Ireland is across the Atlantic Ocean from the U.S. Area: 81,638.1 km2 Population: 6,380,661 Symbol The shamrock is another symbol of Ireland. It is always worn on St. Patrick's Day. Flag The flag of Ireland is green, white and orange. The green represents Catholics, the orange is for Protestants, and the white symbolizes the hope for peace between the two groups. Language Most people in Ireland speak English, but a few still speak Gaelic. You might hear someone say "Erin go bragh" on St. Patrick's Day, which is Gaelic for "Ireland forever." music Irish Folk Music is the music and song in the national heritage. It includes older Irish songs a...
Elin Palumäe 10B Elizabeth II Born: 21 April, 1926, at 17 Bruton Street, London Birthname:Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor Religion: Anglican/Episcopalian Married: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (20.november 1947) Lives: Buckingham Palace in London. Throne: February 6, 1952 Tall: 5'4'' Family Father: King George VI (King of England, b. 14-Dec-1895, d. 06-Feb-1952 lung cancer) Mother: Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (Queen Mother, b. 04-Aug-1900, d. 30-Mar-2002 ) Sister: Princess Margaret (Countess of Snowdon, b. 21-Aug-1930, d. 9-Feb-2002 stroke) Husband: Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh, b. 10-Jun-1921, m. 20-Nov-1947) Son: Prince Charles (Prince of Wales, b. 14-Nov-1948) Daughter: Princess Anne (Princess Royal, b. 15-Aug-1950) Son: Prince Andrew (Duke of York, b. 19-Feb-1960) Son: Prince Edward (Earl of Wessex, b. 10-Mar-1964) How is The Queen's real birthday marked ? To mark the real birthday of The Queen, a 41 gun r...
Australian symbols National symbols of Australia are the symbols that are used to represent what is unique about the nation, reflecting different aspects of its cultural life and history. FLAG- It was first flown in Melbourne on 3 September 1901. This date has been proclaimed as Australian National Flag Day. COAT OF ARMS- The Coat of Arms is the formal symbol of Australia and its ownership and authority. ANTHEM- Created by the Scottish-born composer Peter Dodds McCormick, the song was first performed in 1878, and was sung in Australia as a patriotic song. It did not gain its status as the official anthem until 1984, following a plebiscite to choose the national anthem in 1977. COLOURS- They were formally proclaimed by the Governor-General of Australia, Sir Ninian Stephen, on the 19th of April, 1984; on advice from the then Prime Minister Bob Hawke. FLORAL EMBLEM- It have been the informal floral emblem of Australia for many year...
Independence day 24 February. Estonian people often have a day-off from school and work, to celebrate this day. People often make big dinners and sit around in the circle of family. They often light a few candles on the window and all houses have an Estonian flag out. This is by law the most important holiday, commemorating the declaration of independence in 1918. New Year's Eve 31December The New Year's Eve is an event that happens when Estonians celebrates the end of one year and the beginning of the next year. Estonians launch a big amount of fireworks up to the sky at midnight. It's a celebration with family and friends. After launcing the fireworks people watch and toast and wich a happy new year to each other. Christmas Eve 24 December Most of the traditions, such as Christmas dinner and gift giving are observed in Estonia on this day. Santa Claus visits homes in person, played by an older family member or a rent-a-Santa. In Est...
THE FORTH OF JULY The Forth of July is the birthday of the United States of America. The American people are fond of this day. Big celebrations take place all over America. People often dress in the colours of the flag. They decorate their homes and gardens with small flags, posters and balloons. There are parades with a lot of music in the morning. Everybody comes out to watch these. People gather in the centre of the town or village, where some concerts take place. Children often take part in fun run. In the afteroon families have gargen parties. People eat a lot and sing together. In the evening when it gets dark, there are fireworks in many villages and cities. Thousands of their houses to enjoy this. I LOVE THE FORTH OF JULY I love the Forth of July. With the flags and the bands and the music. I love to look at the sky on the forth of day of July ( two, three, four ). ...
ENGLAND England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; it is surrounded by the Irish Sea, the Celtic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel, it's linked to Frane by the Channel Tunnel. The total area of the country is more than 130000 sq km. Most of England is lowland, but there are upland regions in the north, south and south west. The climate is temperate, subject to frequent changes, with plentiful rainfall all year round, although the seasons are quite variable in temperature, it rarely falls below -5 or rises above +30 degrees. The longest river, the Severn, flows for 354km. England's capital London, is the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, drawing from a wide range of people, cultures and religions, speaking over 300 different languages, mixing their culture, tr...
Wales Rigmor Vahtramägi Torm Erik Raudvee WALES Cymru am byth (Wales for ever) CAPITAL OF WALES The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The Welsh National Anthem Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Land Of My Fathers) TRADITIONAL WELSH FOOD Welsh food is usually made from local ingredients. Some traditional dishes include laverbread (made from seaweed), bara brith (fruit cake), cawl (leek stew), Welsh cakes, and Welsh lamb. A type of shellfish, cockles, is often served with breakfast. Snowdonia National Park Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales and is in the second largest National Park, after the Lake District, in England and Wales. Brecon Beacons The Brecon Beacons National Park is a place of rivers and mountains with all sorts of outdoor activities. ...
Punk rock Punk rock on 1970. aastate keskel tekkinud rock muusika stiil, mille iseloomulikud esindajad on ansamblid Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Damned ja The Clash. Väljendit punk rock kasutati esimest korda 1960. aastate keskpaigas USAs arvukate briti rock'i jäljendanud ansamblite kohta. Praegu arvatakse nad garage rock'i alla. Oluliseks suunanäitajaks oli New Yorgis tegutsenud ansambel The Velvet Underground, mis USA avalikkusele vastuvõetamatuks osutus. Teine oluline New Yorgi suunanäitaja oli lühikest aega tegutsenud New York Dolls, mis sokeeris inimesi The Rolling Stonesist inspireeritud äärmiselt lihtsustatud rock'n'roll'i mängimise ning laval naisteriiete kandmisega. Bänd esines põhiliselt kohaliku tähtsusega klubis Max's Kansas City, andis välja kaks albumit ning enne lagunemist oli lühikest aega selle mänedzer hilisem Sex Pistolsi mänedzer Malcolm McLaren. Punk rock'i kui muusikastiili alguseks ...
Tallinn English College Topic Estonia Tallinn 2008 1. Introduction Estonia is a small country about the size of Switzerland, or New Hampshire and Massachussetts combined. Estonia is named after the people called "Ests" who lived in the region in the 1 st century AD. The Republic of Estonia is one of the three countries commonly known as the "Baltic States". The other Baltic States are Latvia and Lithuania. 2. Geographical position Estonia is situated in northeastern Europe. Estonia is bounded on the north by the Gulf of Finland, on the east by Russia, on the south by Latvia and on the west by the Baltic Sea. In the north it borders on Finland. The coastline of the Baltic Sea in Estonia is characterized by numerous gulfs and bays, the biggest of them being the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Pärnu. Bays include the Narva Bay, Matsalu Bay, Kolga Bay, Kunda Bay, Tallinn Bay etc....
Wales Overview Capital: Cardiff, population 341,054 Other major towns: Swansea, Newport, Wrexham Official Languages: Welsh, English Population: 3,006,430 (StatsWales 2010) Patron Saint: St David Climate similar to the rest of the UK changes quite quickly Rain - autumn and early winter months (October January) the summer months are the hottest Language All speak English Welsh language is spoken fluently by over half a million - 20% of the population It's called Cymraeg Myths King Arthur & his soldiers Mabinogion - a collection of their medieval tales Lady of the Lake Beddgelert Castles Over 600 castles Caerphilly castle one of the largest Castell coch red castle Cardiff Castle tourist attraction St David Celebrat...
Greek Wedding Traditions Weddings in Greece are quite important, specially in religious people. It all starts with the engagement, which is held in the presence of family and friends. The bride and the groom will exchange rings. After that there is usually a feast to celebrate the engagement. Wedding day is usually Sunday, because it is supposed to bring good luck to the young couple. All the week before the weddings is also important. During the whole week quests visit bride and groom and leave them gifts on their marriage bed. On Wednesday it is customed that relatives come to bride' s and groom' s new house and watch the flour being sieved by a boy and a girl. Through that process there is silence. When there is enough flour people throw coins into it and yell their wishes of good luck. On Friday there is a ritual called " filling of the sacks" . That means that the bride fills sacks with all her...
1. The Queen’s official title. Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. 2. The Queen’s working day. Starts after breakfast. Reads the newspapers which are prepared by the Press Secretary, and a report on the previous day’s proceedings in the Parliament and the letters she receives. Also phone calls. Once a month she attends the Privy Council in order to give Royal Assent to various items of government legislation. Discusses domestic matters with the Master of the Household. Towards the end of the day, there is always another pile of official papers and reports waiting to be read or acted upon. The business on constitutional monarchy never ends. 3. Who is the present heir to the throne? Speak about his education. Wh...
CANADA Melita Skljar & Katerina Leppik CANADA is a country, consisting of ten provinces CAPITAL CITY - O T T A W A Population is 883 391 FLAG- Maple Leaf Largest city: Toronto Athem: "O Canada" Official languges: English and French Area: 9,984,670 km2 (2nd after Russia) Population: 34,319,000 SPORTS Canada's official national sports are hockey in the winter Hockey is the sport most played by Canadians, with 1.65 million participants Lacrosse Best summer game Other popular spectator sports include curling and football, that is played professionally in the Canadian Football League (CFL) CANADA's HOLIDAYS The most important holiday is Canada Day It is Canada's national birthday The first Canada Day was on July 1st, 1867 It is celebrating with Fireworks, parades, barbecues, concerts, carnivals, fairs and picnics HOLIDAYS Ch...
To the west of England, lies a small, almost secret country called Wales. It is a land of green and grey: green fields, valleys and hills, grey mountains and sky, and grey stone castles. · Wales, or Cymru in Welsh, is a small country that is part of the United Kingdom. · it's area is about 21,000 square kilometers, which is less than half Estonia · The population of Wales is 2,92 million · The biggest towns are the capital city Cardiff, Swansea and Newport. · Wales is also called as "The land Of Castles" The Welsh language is one of the oldest languages in Europe. It belongs to the Celtic group of languages and is totally different from English. Welsh, along with English, is an official language and is spoken by half a million people. The flag of Wales, with its red dragon, is one of the oldest in the world. It was brought to Britain by the Romans in 1959, but the red d...
National Symbols of New Zealand New Zealand flag History The idea of the flag of New Zealand was first introduced in 1830, because of trading troubles. At that time, a trading ship built inNZ, Sir George Murray was seized in Sydney by Customs officials for sailing without a flag or register. Australia, which was the most important trading partner for NZ had British navigation laws which ruled that every ship must carry an official certificate detailing construction, ownership and nationality of the ship. The problem was that during that period of time, NZ was not yet a colony ofGreat Britan, thats why the NZ-built ships could not sail under a British flag or register. Without a flag to represent the new nation, trading ships and their valuable cargoes would continue to be seized (held by the Australian customs (toll) The Australians called for signing a legislation to remove any obstacles to New Zealand's incre...
France Hanna Kristiina Käerdi Location and neighbors General info Capital: Paris Area: 640 679 km2 Population: 66 616 416 National language: French President: François Hollande Prime minister: Manuel Valls Currency: euro (franc) Largest cities Paris famos for Louvre and Eiffel tower Population: 2 125 246 Largest cities Marseille poplation: 850 600 University of marseille est 1409 Largest cities Lyon population 445,452 The city is known for its historical and architectural landmarks Flag Tricolour Blue White Red Symbols National emblem: The National Anthem: La Marseillaise The official motto: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) Nature Forests Nature Mountains Nature Rivers The longest river of France: The Rhine Nature Lakes Largest lake of france is Lac du Bourget (Lake Bourget) Famous people Coco Chanel Famous people Marie Antoinette Famo...
Argumentative essay Should monarchy be abolished in Britain?! The monarch's power over the nation has fallen so drastically that nowadays Britain's political system is described as constitutional monarchy. In fact the power is reduced so much that it is argued weather monarchy is needed at all. Firstly, kings and queens have been a part of Britain for centuries so the idea that royal families should no longer exist just does not seem right. I strongly believe that abolishing monarchy will cause more problems than it solves. The biggest impact will be the major fall in truism. Nearly everyone I know who have been to England have gone there to visit some part of the monarchy related attractions. Secondly, to my mind, monarchy is a symbol of military and political power. To this very day there are countries whose flags are market with Great Britain's flag. The most notorious of those is of course Australia. From the ...
Gibraltar Ats Andreas Prangli, Paul Robert Pütsepp, Kristian Tikerpäe, Martin Tikerpäe Sports Gibraltar national football team had their first match in 2013 Rugby union is one of the fastest growing team sports Darts is very popular sport in Gibraltar Criket enjoys popularity in Gibraltar In 2007, there were 18 Gibraltar sports associations Foods, drinks and celebrations Mix of iItalian, british and spanish food Pasta and bread Confectionery Biggest celebration is National day Nature There are five species of lizard in the nature reserve. 33 species of butterfly have been observed, including the Cleopatra, two- tailed pasha, swallowtail, Spanish festoon and striped grayling. The Caves of Nerja (Spanish: Cueva de Nerja) are a series of caverns close to the town of Nerja in the Province of Málaga, Spain. Stretching for almost 5 kilometres. Gibraltar rock´s height is 426 meters. Gibraltar rock´s na...
Trindidad and Tobago 14Meh Kaur Ülejõe Official name of the country • Official name of the country is Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Motto • "Together we aspire, Together we achieve" National anthem • "Forged from the Love of Liberty" Independence day • 1 August 1976 Polity/ Government/Head of state • Trinidad and Tobago is a republic with a two-party system and a bicameral parliamentary system based on the Westminster System. The head of state of Trinidad and Tobago is the President, currently Anthony Carmona. The head of government is the Prime Minister, currently Keith Rowley. The President is elected by an Electoral college consisting of the full membership of both houses of Parliament. Capital city • Port of Spain Largest city • Chaguanas Official language • Official language is English Top10 non-English languages spoken • Trinidadian Creole 1m...
ENGLAND Capital: London Flag: Area: 50351 sq (130410 km) Location: Symbol: The red rose is widely recognised as the national flower of England. The oak is the national tree of England. Interesting plases: Royal Opera House The Royal Opera House is the third theatre on the Covent Garden site, the previous two being destroyed by fire. The new building opened in May 1858 becoming known as the Royal Opera House in ...
Ireland Famous Irish people Maureen O'Hara Niall Horan · Born on August 17, · Born on September 13, 1920, in Ranelagh, 1993, in Mullingar, Ireland County Westmeath, · On October 24, 2015, Ireland O'Hara died in her sleep · Is best known as the only in her Boise, Idaho home at the age of 95 Irish-born member of the boy band One Direction · She was an Irish-born actress who was billed alongside Hollywood's leading men Famous Irish people Maureen O'Hara Niall Horan Culture of Ireland · The national holiday in · The Leprechaun has the Republic of Ireland been estimated to figure is Saint Patrick's Day to a large degree in Irish · Christianity in the form folklore of both Roman · Other pre-Christian Catholicism and festivals, whose names Protestantism is...
The Old Town (The Dome Hill) Kelly Pärkman 10a Tallinn Lillekyla Gymnasium Table of Contents Tallinn Toompea Castle Tall Hermann's Tower Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin Danish King's Garden The House of the Estonian Knighthood Maiden Tower References Tallinn The centre of Tallinn Dome Hill The lower town Toompea Castle Location Built in the 13th to the 14th centuries Wooden fortress The building of the Riigikogu Several parts Tall Hermann's Tower Location 14th century The name of the tower The Estonian flag Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin Location Lutheran church 1219 1233 ...
Australia Mattias Kuusik Map of Australia Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Factfiles Population-22,793,217 Area-7,617,930km2 Capital-Canberra Biggest city-Sydney National language-English Red Kangaroo Red Kangaroo can hop as fast as 70 km/h over short distances, but they usually comfortably travel at 20km/h. Koala The Koala is another recognised symbol of Australia. It's difficult to take koala pictures because they sleep 20 hours a day. (They are permanently sleepy because of the chemicals in the Gum leaves). Emu It is quite common to see emu's in Australia.They are the second largest flightless bird in the world (just sm...
To: Tallinn Tourism Office From: Edgar Rootalu Date: 05.12.2008 Subject: Tourist capabilities in Tallinn Tallinn is a very good city for tourism. It has populatin of 403 547 people to be exact, so its not very crowded and not a hamlet too. There's plenty to do in this historic city. Tallinn really has a long history of its names and flag. There have been many rulers with different nationalities, so there are marks of their architecture too. There are very many positive things connected with that city: · Tallinn has a very special old town that you cannot find in any other countries. It has middle age architecture combined with little modern one. · Kadriorg palace ensemble is beautiful place, especially in Spirng when teh nature is ,,waking up". · Tallinn also has big shopping centres where you can take a cup of good quality coffee in some nice cafes. · Local people are quite helpful, so you can a...
WALES GREAT BRITAIN Cymru am byth GENERAL OVERVIEW Territory:20,779 sq km Population:2.9 million(2002) Languages:English and Welsh Capital:Cardiff(since 1955) Anthem:Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Land Of My Fathers) Main religions: anglicanism,methodism National holiday:St David`s day,1 March National instrument:The harp Highest point: Snowdon 1085 metres Longest river:Towy (Tywi) 103 km Largest lake: Bala (4.4 sq km) CYMRU Wales is a mountainous country on the western side of Great Britain. Wales is bordered by England to the east, the Bristol Channel to the south, St George's Channel in the west, and the Irish Sea to the north. Wales is one of the four parts of the United Kingdom (along with England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland). FLAG Red dragon may have been the battle standard of the early Britons af...
Country study test # 3 1. Why was it often said that ,,the sun never sets on the British Empire"? ... is used to describe an empire of such a large extent that, at any one time, at least part of its territory is in daylight. This was a saying refering to the fact that Britian had colonies all around the world. 2. What is the Commonwealth? The Commonwealth is an association of sovereign nations that support each other and work together towards international goals. 3. When was it founded? 1931 4. Who were the founder members? Great Britain, the Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland), Canada, Newfoundland (since 1949 part of Canada), Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. 5. Are they still members? Why? Irish Free State left in 1949 with the republic of ireland acts, Newfoundland (since 1949 part of Canada), 6. What was the difference between the British Empire an...
Creole Culture Report Table of contents INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................2 FAMILY LIFE..............................................................................................................................................................3 HISTORICAL CREOLE GENDER ROLE...............................................................................................................4 CREOLE CUSTOMS.......................................................................................................................................................5 CREOLE CULTURE...................................................................................................................................................5 PEOPLE.......................
Estonia Topic Tallinn 2007 2 List of Contents page Facts and figures 3 Geography 3 Climate 3 Nature 4 History 5 Economy 6 Culture 6 Biggest towns 7 Language 8 3 Facts and figures The Republic of Estonia is a small country. Covering only 45, 228 sq km it is slightly bigger than Denmark, Belgium or Switzerland. Estonia's population is under 1.4 million. The official language is Estonian but since very many Russians live here Russian is also wide spread. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn. The currency used in Estonia is Eesti kroon. The Estonian national flag is blue-black-white. It was originally the flag of the Estonian Students' Society. The flag was first consecrated in Otepää Church in 1884. For a while, during the Soviet occupation, the flag was banned but it was again seen in p...
The UK & London The United Kingdom (or the UK) is a short way of saying the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther Ireland. The UK is situated north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The UK consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Its highest point is Ben Nevis in Scotland followed by Snowdon in Wales. The Severn is the longest river in the United Kingdom. Other important rivers are the Trent, the Mersey, the Tyne, etc. Lough Neagh which lies in the centre of Northern Ireland is thr UK's largest freshwater lake. The climate in the UK is variable. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forecast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong. Fortunately there is no extreme weather conditions, it is never very cold or very hot. The first inhabitants were Iberians and Celts who sett...
Australia Fact file: Australia comprises a land area of 7 686 850 square kilometres. Its population is about 21,3 million people. Australia's capital is Canberra. The national language is English. The official name of it is the Commonwealth of Australia. It's divided into six states and two territories: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and Northern Territory. Symbols: Australia had the British flag as their official flag until 1901, when the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Over 30 000 entries attracted the official competition. Five of them, which contained almost identical designs, were placed equally first. The Australian flag symbolises Australia's historical links with Britain, because it has British flag on it, and Australia's location in the southern hemisphere...